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Stay strong (Furry princess and Ladydark)

The young girl didn't want this none of them did but it was better then being the broken animals that they could become, Nick's tongue over her lips that pushed into her mouth felt wrong but she answered him as best she could to avoid her fate, his fingers that ran over her skin managed to raise goosebumps before reaching her chest, a weak moan escaped her even as she tried to hold it back, finally he broke his kiss and her eyes focused on his hand. "W-what are you doing?" She asked embarrassed and scared.

Jewel looked up at the two, she had wanted to see David fuck her face hard and fast, instead he was giving her a chance to adjust, she could only hope at one point that would change, the girl's strength was waning she clearly didn't have the fight in her anymore, unable to fuel her willpower with their joint assault. Hearing David made her smile the two were going to break her regardless of if she gave in and let it happen or fought it anyway, her tongue moved to the girl's clit while two of her fingers began to thrust in and out of the girl. "Do a little better slut and I might let you cum." The girl was struggling to manage both, but David was helping her.
Nick smiles at her and continues to move his hand, soon slipping it into her skirt and resting over her pussy. "Shh... Just relax..." He slowly moves one of her hands to his shoulder, knowing she'll want to hold onto something, he smirks slightly. "Just look at me... That's it..." She was already a little wet, so he used that and starts to slowly circle her clit, slowly speeding up and keeping a close eye on her face. "Ah... Look to me Sweety... Good girl..." He continues to walk her through it, correcting her if she looked away.

David looks to Jewel then back down at their toy, he grins "I'm sure she'll do better love... Keep her on that edge long enough..." As she started to moan a bit more, David would speed up and thrust slightly deeper, slowly getting her used to it.
The girl wanted to take a step back to run from him but he was being so soft with her if there was any chance of getting out of this intact this had to be the only way, her nails dug into his shoulder and her other hand moved to clasp over her own mouth as his fingers began to slowly work her clit. "Mmmf!" The muffled moan escaped between her fingers as she was forced to look at him, her thighs slamming closed on his teasing fingers.

The girl's eyes opened terrified realizing what Jewel was going to do, the sadistic monster would keep her on edge as long as she wanted, possibly unless David told her to stop, Jewel had the same idea as David spoke, her evil grin hidden by the girl's dripping pussy, Jewel slowed down just slightly enough to push the girl to try harder, trying to push deeper onto David to receive some sort of relief.
Nick chuckles softly "Easy... Just relax... Does it hurt..." Even with her legs clamped shut, he was still able to move his fingers slowly, rubbing the little nub just a bit faster. "How about you tell me your name... I'm Nick..." He could see how scared she was in her eyes, but he could also see the curiosity, like she didn't want to admit her wonder.

"That's better... Now relax your jaw... Nnn... Good... Now your throat... That's it... Relax, no... Relax... Good... Nnn.." He worked her through it, speaking in breathy tone as she got it right, he quickly thrusts down her throat a few times, still making her gag, but only slightly. "Nnn..." He looks to Jewel "As I go... Let her..." He moans and speeds up for a few more thrusts before filling her throat, then slowly pulling out.
Her hand finally unclamped from her mouth, the whole area now glowing red from the tightness she had held her mouth closed with. "N-no it doesn't" It wasn't on purpose though, his touch in that area made her react and close her legs, her arm on his shoulder was the only real support she had as her legs shook. "M-my name is T-tamara." She couldn't figure out why she was willing to answer him, she wanted to stay quiet and do her best to endure but his touch loosened her tongue. "W-why...?" The question slipping from her lips but not obvious if she was talking to him or to herself.

Despite her struggle David was doing his best to guide her through it, if she was going to appeal to either of them it would have to be him, she viewed Jewel as psychotic, despite her situation she could feel herself get close as Jewel teased, keeping her just on the edge as she did her best to keep David satisfied, her gags blocked out the message to Jewel but she suddenly felt him speed up, Jewel too and before she had a moment to truly take in what was happening she felt David thrust in deep and his jizz spill into her mouth and some down her throat, she couldn't help but cough and splutter as Jewel pushed her over at the same time, her body seemed to turn to jelly as Jewel lapped at her juices and as David pulled outhis own spilled from the girls lips, dotting the bed beneath her with white drops of cum.
"Tamara... Well, you're doing very well..." He smiles at her and speeds up slightly again, he could feel she was holding herself up with that one arm. "Why what Sweety..." He kept eye contact with her, watching them slowly shift and change, glossing slightly with each soft moan. "Relax... It will feel better I promise..." He whispered to her softly, trying to make her forget she was being watched and slowly give in.

David pulled from her slowly as he watched her cough and shake as her own orgasm raced through her, Jewel keeping it going a few minutes longer. "Alright pet... I think she's ready for me again..." He sits back on the bed and gently pulls her away from Jewel, making her straddle his lap again, soon slipping into her. He smirks, she was still twitching slightly "You enjoyed her tongue... Didn't you pet..." He starts a slow pace, she was still sensitive from just cumming.
Tamara hated herself for so many reasons right now, the fact that she wasn't strong enough physically, emotionally or mentally to fight these men and she knew that and now she was simply allowing this to happen because of it. But the worst thing was that his predictions were starting to become true, his touch was becoming distractingly good and only more so as time went on. The worst part was knowing that she was being watched and people could see the change happening in her. "I...I don't want to be like her...please don't make me be like her." Tears began to flow out of her eyes as she realized if no one would save her she would eventually give in to lust.

The girl was understandably distracted as she recovered, her face covered in a sheen of sweat saliva and cum, Jewel loved the look as she moved away, she knew that she had worn that very look multiple times as she collapsed from pleasure. Sometimes in the center of crowds as she tried to push her throat deeper onto David's dick for the enjoyment of all. "Now that's the face of a slut..." Jewel reached over for a mirror and held it so she could see herself. "Look at what you've become." Jewel licked her lips as she taunted the girl who was obviously starting to tire again, her lids becoming heavy despite the thrusts into her sensitive pussy.
Nick smirks and leans closer to softly lick her tears away "Shhh... Relax little flower..." He gently adds another finger and rubs a bit harder before kissing her softly again. "Mmm... How you turn out is your choice... I'm only showing what we have to offer... Now just relax... Close your eyes little flower..." He spoke softly and slowly, trying to calm her, he was slowly pushing her closer.

David grins at Jewel and holds the girls hips tighter, he looked at her face and noticed how tired she was and smirks. "It seems her body is tired... This round will be about her mind then..." He looks to Jewel again before starting a fast and rough pace.
Tamara couldn't lie that she could feel a deep lust aching to be explored by her, her morals trying to keep it chained down as best as it could but Nick wasn't giving her a chance to adjust, each time she was getting used to it he distracted her, licking her tears, adding a finger. If only he gave her a chance she might be able to hold on she just had to regroup. "I-I can't...I'm scared." Her body was beginning to shake showing signs of something Tamara couldn't truly understand.

The girl's eyes shot open as David began to thrust so hard and fast, Jewel crawled closer and was only inches from her face. "Did it feel good? Having that cock in your throat? Feeling that shiver run through him as he fills your mouth? Tasting that cum?" Jewel softly licked up the cum that still colored the girl's face white until it was clean and with a smile planted a deep kiss on their captive, forcing their tongues to mix and twist, she could taste David's cock on her lips and reveled in the taste of his cum.
Nick smiles and looks her in the eyes, he could feel her shaking, she was close and didn't know it, perfect. "Just relax little flower... I won't hurt you..." He was calm and gentle, his hand slowly speeding up more as he kisses her again softly. He felt her slowly relaxing as she got closer, he only broke from the kiss as she was on the edge.

David grins and thrusts faster still, looking at her, he could see her mind slipping, he smirks. "Her breasts love... Lets make it a big one again... I think she's almost ours..." He reaches down to start rubbing her clit again.
Tamara began to fracture as he pushed her closer, a part of her deep down didn't want the kiss to end, didn't want him to pull away but every other part of her screamed for her to push him away, slap or kick him as he played with her like she was some sort of poseable doll as he pulled away she could only stare in confusion before suddenly convulsing, thrusting her hips towards him as her eyes began to roll back before her legs began to crumble beneath her, she was left gasping and thighs coated in her juices with her eyes still buried in her head, riding out her first orgasm.

Jewel pulled away, a string of saliva connecting the two for a moment before Jewel turned to him and licked it up. "And I thought you liked it when I kissed other women." She teased but eagerly moved into position over their captive's ample chest and moved to suckle one of her nipples while squeezing the other, she had plans after this if David had the energy but she knew he had worked off so much energy.
Nick looks at her, then grins slightly when it finally hits her, he continues his actions until he is left holding her up. He then lowers her to the ground slowly, him kneeling and her across his lap, legs spread slightly. "That's it little flower..." He would lightly rub his fingers over her clit each time she started to calm down, bring her back up to the edge a few times. Then moving his hand to slowly rub her nipples as she calmed down, looking at her the whole time. "See... Did that hurt..."

The other guard did it a bit differently, he kept her distracted with kisses and questions, kept his movements slow until it her out of nowhere. "Shhh... Don't fight it... Good girl..." As her's ended, she passed out, clinging to him, body still shivering. He looks up to the other women who were watching and smiles "So... Who's next..."

David smirks "You know I do baby... But this is also work..." He groans and rolls his hips deeper "She's already twitching... Have her eyes lost focus yet..." He grins and starts to lightly pinch and pull her clit now, wanting to completely overload her system.
Tia had finished cooking along with the help of the few men in their group that knew how to cook, a wood fired roast chicken and some vegetables adorning the plates that she began to wheel towards the medical wing with a large smile on her lips as she pushed it through the doors. "Master! Isabelle! Dinner is served!" Tia wasn't wearing anything fancy by any means, a plain black dress with a large cut out for her chest showing her cleavage and it fell to mid thigh.
Isabelle wore something a little more colourful, but more boyish, a pair of jeans in blue and a striped crop top with light red and pink hues, she also wore Tia's favorite collar for her, thick banded black leather and a single ring on it big enough for a few fingers to grip or a leash to attach, she had only arrived minutes before Tia. "Oh that smells so good!" She answered before looking at Tia, hearts almost forming in her eyes remembering the soft and romantic moment they spent together.

Jewel smirked against the girl's breasts as he replied before looking up and seeing her eyes begin to cross and pull back towards her forehead. "She's starting to go I think, it won't be much longer and she won't be able to stop." Jewel pulled back and used her hands instead pinching the young girl's nipples as she felt the cliff that she was about to be pushed over.
Aden was slightly sitting up when Tia brought the food in, he smiles at her softly and watches as Izzy moves over to her, she had broken so nicely. "Mmm... It does smell good... I'll need my dressing changed before I eat though..." He couldn't wait until he was able to move freely, his little pet was doing wonderfully and deserved a nice hard reward.

He grins and rubs her clit harder "Good... She'll be a nice example to show off... Don't you think?" He rolls his hips a bit harder to try and thrust deeper, he also angles his hips to try and find her sweet spot. "That's it girl... Nnn... She's going... Fuck she's tight..." He moans and speeds up, thrusting as fast as he can while she falls off the edge, adding to it as much as he can. "F-Fuck... Ahh..." He thrusts deep and fills her twitching body, watching as she started to arch, his fingers still rubbing her.
Tia could only smile sweetly before moving to help her master, flicking through a few drawers before pulling out a bandage. "This I can do for you master, Izzy was always getting scrapes and cuts after all." After a few minutes the dressing was changed and the old one tossed into the bin. "Do you want to eat by yourself master or do you want me to help? Izzy can you bring the cart over sweetie?"
Izzy quickly moved to bring the cart, making sure to be slow enough not to spill anything. "It smells delicious m-"
"You can call me Tia for now Izzy, I want a nice relaxed dinner tonight for you. You've worked so hard." Tia interrupted with that soft and caring smile that simply made Izzy melt and bring a full blush to her cheeks.

"Mmmm she'll be perfect." Jewel bit her lip as that final thrust pushed her over, every part of the girl tightening and curling as she arched up she struggled for a breath between the long screaming moans before dropping back to the bed utterly exhausted with an empty stare. "She's a messy one when you make her cum like that." She teased pointing to David now covered in the girl's cum over his stomach and now forming a pool beneath her.
Aden smiles at her and relaxes as she changes his bandage "I can manage on my own my pet... So... Tell me how things are going... How is the new group doing..." He watches Izzy and Tia interact and smirks "So cute when she blushes... Don't you agree Pet..."

Panting slightly, David slowly pulls from her and eases her into the bed, looking at himself, he smirks "That's good... There are several clients who like messy girls..." He moves closer to Jewel " Where as I just like them naughty... And begging for more..." He pulls Jewel to him and kisses her roughly, one hand moving to her breast and squeezing it.
"It's going great although I may have gone a little...overboard and crazy with power..." Thankfully she had a moment to catch her breath and get interrupted in telling the story when she talked to Izzy and then heard her master's comment. "She is, cutest girl in the world." Tia shot Izzy another smile and her blush deepened to a deep red as she sat down, looking away out of embarrassment from the comments. "So umm master I umm...I wasn't as subtle as you normally are." Tia looked to the floor worried that he may be angry with how rough she was with the new group while she explained in great detail everything that happened, part way through Izzy came to hug her from behind realizing how worried she was to be punished.

Jewel grinned down at the girl who barely held onto consciousness, but let out a yelp as she was suddenly pulled to David, moaning loudly into his mouth as she felt him play with her without even giving her a chance to say no, he knew that she would bend immediately, she pulled away from the kiss for just a moment to speak. "M-maybe we should go out show everyone just how much I love begging for more from you..." The idea made her shiver and moan out loud again. "How can you have the energy? I got so lucky."
Aden looks at her as he starts to eat, then slows as she begins to tell him of her new method, he thinks it over slowly, not noticing how nervous Tia was getting. He looks up to her again and blinks "What's the matter..." He looks to Izzy then back to Tia. "Baby... Did you think I'd be mad..." He sets his food aside and motions her closer, he pulls her close once able and hugs her, softly rubbing her back. "As long as it worked... I don't care how it's done..." He tips her chin up and kisses her softly, licking her lips lightly until she relaxes. "You did well Pet... Now relax and finish your diner..." He kisses her once more.

David looks at her and smirks, trailing his hand down to softly tease her pussy, slowly rubbing her clit "Oh really... Does my Jewel want an audience... Beg me properly then..." He leans down and starts to tease her nipples with his tongue, knowing how fast she'd crumble into his submissive little pet.
"Y-yeah..." Tia whispered while still looking to the floor when she felt him pull her in for a hug and suddenly her fears were gone and as he kissed her she could feel her worries simply melt away. "T-thank you master I'll make sure to keep it up then!" Tia nodded before returning his kiss and moving back towards her food only to find Izzy's hand pull her closer now.
If this was going to be a time where the two were on reasonably equal footing Izzy would take advantage. "Come sit with me Tia." She said sweetly enough and pulled her beautiful friend onto the same bench seat and soon the two were feeding each other off their forks and quietly laughing and smiling utterly care free.

"Ohhh~" Jewel cooed as David began to tease her. "M-mast-" Her begging was interrupted as he teased her nipples now too, her entire body aching for him with burning need. "Master p-please fuck me where everyone c-can see h-how much of a slut I am...YOUR slut...Anyway you want I'll do anything you ask just please fuck me until I can't walk!" Jewel began to squirm as he continued, it was torture as the seconds between her begging and his answer felt like minutes, hours.
Aden smirks and watches her, then picks up his food as she moves away again, he starts to eat and relaxes as Tia and Izzy share their meal.

David grins and continues as she begs, then slowly pulls away before answering her, he smirks at her, teasing her once more. "I will grant your wish Pet... But you will show these people what a good little pet you are..." He gets up, not minding the woman on their bed, he retrieves a collar and leash from a drawer by the bed. "You want your reward Pet... Kneel before me..." He intended to walk her to the group and fuck her hard before them, as the pet she is.
Tia ate pretty fast compared to the other two, her day had been so exhausting for her and without realizing it she hadn't had a solid meal until now, she began to rest her head on Izzy while she continued to eat and after a few minutes she drifted off to sleep.
"Tia this is re-" Izzy hadn't noticed until she turned to talk to her. "Your so beautiful when your sleeping." With one hand she began to run her hand through Tia's hair while the other one continued to eat. "She did an amazing job, on dinner and earlier...with the girls."

As David pulled away her entire body wanted to follow him but she stayed still knowing that something better would come from her patience. "Y-yes anything!" As he moved away she wasn't sure what he was going to grab but soon shivered, they had only used these a couple of times but each time they did left her broken with blissful pleasure, without wasting a moment she quickly moved to kneel at his feet, looking up at him like an excited puppy.
Aden smiles when he noticed Tia was sleeping, he looks to Izzy and nods "I gathered as much from her tale... So... Tell me more of what she did... Where did she get the idea..."

Davin grin at her and leans down to lock the collar around her neck, giving it a light tug to make sure it was secure. "You get to choose... Walk or Crawl..." She was such a good little slut when she was needy and worked up, he glances to the bed, she wasn't going anything. "Good... Come along Pet..." He leads her from the room as she chooses.
"I'm not really sure...If I had to pick something probably back" Unconciously thinking back to the time made her spit the word out with some venom." Had me tied down and drugged...she didn't discuss it with me and told me it would be a 'kinky surprise' and apart from everything she told you...theres only one thing...she umm bound my hands...eyes...ears and even my mouth and used t-toys on me for everyone to see~ S-she's v-very creative..." Remembering the intensity made her shiver, the way Tia gave no second thought at the time but even at her cruelest Izzy could still see that spark of love in her eye. "Mmmm~" Izzy had begun to rub her leg's together. "B-but that's everything...she was very thorough."

Jewel let out a sexual gasp as it clicked into place and she felt David lightly pull at the reins and he gave her a choice that she didn't have to think about, the more demeaning, the more it made her look like the slut the more exciting it was and as he called for her she began to crawl after him, softly moaning when she felt a tug at the leash, the cold air on her skin prickled it with goosebumps, her nipples were solid and her pussy drenched with the sexual afternoon they had.
Aden smirks "Just thinking of it got you wet... Didn't it Izzy..." He continues to eat, watching her get more worked up the longer she thought on it. "With your senses muted... You could only focus on the feelings... Every touch... Every vibration... It was all you knew fore those few minutes..." He was pushing her, but it was fun, because he knew she still held a hate for him, but her body was no longer her own. "Close your eyes... You feel it again don't you... Remember it Izzy..." Giving her a command, wondering how far it would push her.

David leads her down the hall, not looking at her, treating her just as a pet, he had taken his robe as they left his room. They passed a few guards and he spoke with them for a few moments, then continued to the training hall.

Before he got her answer, Nick looked to the door as it opens, Commander David and his woman walking in, well, sort of. He looks back to the little over worked flower in his arms and smirks at her, "Time for a show little flower..."

David leads her before the group of women and looks over them "I'd like you all to me my little pet Jewel... She has a Request of you all..." He looks down to her and gives a soft tug "Ask them..."
Izzy's breathing began to pick up as he teased her about it. she knew what he was doing but she couldn't fight him as much as she wanted to, every point of his sentence made her visibly shake as if she was experiencing it once again, one of her hands moved to her mouth to silence a moan that would threaten to wake Tia while she shot a hateful glare at Aden. "P...please s-stop..." Her eyes did close for a few moments before fluttering open again realizing just how much more difficult that made everything.

Each time she saw another person pass them Jewel couldn't help but let out a soft cooing moan knowing just how this looked to them, she was a slut...a toy all for David and out of their reach but equally tantalizing regardless in a way she was more of a tease for them then they were for her. By the time they reached the girl's the look on her face was twisted into the most depraved look of desire and as she felt that tug again she let out a long moan of need. "E-everyone! Please w-watch as my master uses me as his toy, as he fucks me senseless f-for his own pleasure, as rough as he wants! However he wants!" Jewel began to crumble under her own excitement and turned to him, one hand reaching to his leg. "P-please can I have it now...I want it so much...I need it!"
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