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Always a thief(lady/moon)

"Don't make it sound like I'm not always cute. I'm always cutr."loki protested pouting a little. Bthanks."Belladonna muttered as she took the phone to text her brother, glad he'd thought of it. Alex looked at his brother a little wide eyed."really?you don't want to cuddle anyone else?you don't have to cuddle me...."alex said though he looked eager and a little needy, he definitely didn't do well when gabe wasn't in sight where he could make sure the other man was okay.
"You are always cute. but sometimes there are more cuteness than others." Adonis admitted with a grin. "yeah, i don't like sleeping alone either." he admitted. "and my snuggle buddy has abandoned me for a gorgeous bronze god who makes storms wen he orgasms." Adonis went bright red and he hissed at Loki. "you told him about that?!" "so i need someone else to snuggle." James admitted, smiling at his brother. "it'd probobly help me sleep, knowing your with me anyway. it's been a long time since we where able to cuddle. i kind of miss you." he admitted, well aware it would make Alex feel much better about it if he thought he was doing James a Favor, rather than just being needy and clingy.
Bawesome."ha lwx said before laughing out loud, startled.bthunderstorms?" "Indeed. In one incarnation they flooded the Reine because loki refused to leave his amorous attentions because it was a beautiful city, paris, and was enjoying sex there."sith said looking way to innocent as alex giggled himself breathless. "It was only once!and james promised not to tell wnyone!"loki whined sulking as he looed around thetwble. "I miss you to. Okay. We'll snuggle. Just cause you need someone."alwx said looking pleased
"I never did!" Adonis protested. "Stop telling lies! i didn't!" Adonis complained, sulking a little though he couldn't manage to hide the laugh twitching at the corner of his lips. "wait... have we met before?" Adonis asked, blinking at Sith. "i don't remember much of my last lives." he admitted before blinking at Loki. "wait. that actually happened?!" "i didn't tell anyone! i didn't know that you flooded the place." James stated with wild laughter, munching on his meal before shooing Alex and Gabe off. "go have sex in the barn or something, you're creeping me out."
"Yes we have. A few lifetimes ago. Loki was a milk maid then, and you were a disgraced noble son who'd run away with her. Very romantic. Very rainy. Thunderstorms all the time.b sith teased looking amused."...uh...yes. maybe. Once." "It did. The fae were very amused by it."sith snickered a little. Bwere not creepy!"alex sulked before getting up."come on, let's go see ziza. Then you can go."
"i was a disgraced noble for marrying a milk maid?" Thor asked,looking surprised before looking very pleased with himself. "We had many fine children too i bet!" he admitted, nodding. "who needs nobility anyway." he scoffed, not bothered in the least by such things as power or money. never had been in any of his reincarnations. "your creepy." James informed Alex with a chuckle. "it's creepy seeing my baby brother, Asexual baby brother getting all doe eyed over a guy like Gabe. your like a teen crushing on the middle school bad boy." he teased, smiling as Gabe snorted and followed his lover to see Ziza, amazed when the unicorn actually seamed to like him.
“Yes, you were. It was quite the love story.”Loki said before making a face. “Many. We were very....eager about the procreation part of marriage.” “What he means is loki likes sex. Alot. The fact that children happened, was a happy accident.”Alex snickered amused. Pouting at james words, “It’s not that bad!I am not a teenage boy!”He whined, sulking the whole time out to see ziza. Grinning pleased that the unicorn did indeed like gabe, looking over at him as he smiled slightly. “you’ll be careful right?”He said worried about the other leaving.
"awesome." Thor said with a grin. "i like sex too." Thor agreed, nodding. "if Loki where not so hesitant about my innocence i would be having sex with him already." Adonis admitted with a grin. "we where amazing parents i'll bet." he mused. "you are a teenage boy." James scoffed. "being as i'm so much older than you, you'll always be my baby brother." James said with a nod before smiling as he watched Alex and Gabe from the kitchen windows. "i'm always careful." Gabe promised, kissing his lover. "don't let James annoy you too much okay?" he asked with a smile before gently setting a hand on his lovers belly. "we're going to be parents. i'm going to be even more careful with myself than i normally am. okay?" he asked with a smile. "i won't leave you alone. never."
Loki grinned before huffing. "I like taking my time. stop teasing."Loki muttered blushing. " "You are not that much older then me!"Alex whined pouting a little. "....Good. And I never let him bully me."He muttered leaning into the other, sighing quietly, shivering at his touch. "Good. Okay. You better not. if you do, I'm gonna find you in the afterlife and hurt you."he said
"I am totally older than you. by a lot. you're just too immature to be a an older brother." he sniffed playfully. a very old argument that was more in fun than anything else. "no. i know you don't." he agreed with a smile, kissing the top of his lovers head. "I'll be fine. you just do your best to keep James from annoying you too much and i'll be back before you know it." he promised. "now, head inside, finish your dessert and get some sleep." he suggested with a smile, kissing his lover again before heading to his plane so he could go and collect Crystall, Oberon and Cernunnos. he would be there and back before nine the next morning, as Crystall was eager to be back with his sister and Cernunnos didn't want to be alone so they where all well and ready and where loaded into the plane before Gabe could even yell at them to hurry up.
When they got back, Loki smiled a little as they came in, holding up a hand to keep them from yelling for anyone as he stroked Adonis’ hair. “Alex and James are upstairs napping, belladonna’s in the library, and sith and the kittens are by the fire.”Loki said nodding towards the three cats cuddling in front of the fireplace, smiling slightly. “Coatl’s in the kitchen I think.”he said looking at them, well aware that they would want to know where everyone was first, before looking at oberon, looking at him worriedly.
Adonis had, unfortunately, fallen rather ill during the night, which was why he and Loki where on the couch. he was feeling much better but he was exhausted from throwing up half the night. "Coatl is not in the kitchen. Coatl was in the kitchen. Coatl was making soup for the sick." Coatl informed Loki, looking amused as he walked in with a bowl. "there's spell woven in to keep it warm until he wakes up and a few herbs in there to help with the nausea." he explained, arranging the soup onto the coffee table in front of them before examining Oberon who was sitting in a wheelchair. he wasn't saying anything but he was looking around with interest, aware, though he didn't seam to recognize any of them at all. Crystall was already heading for Belladonna and Cernunnos was gently pushing Oberon's chair into the house properly. "He's none responsive for the moment." Cernunnos explained to Loki, voice soft. "where should i put him? he can't stand on his own, i'm not sure he has any understanding that he's been moved yet either."
Loki sighed sotftly looking down at adonis sadly, because it was painful to see him this sick before smiling at coatl. “Thanks. Better you then me, I’d accidently poison him or something.”He said looking amused before nodding, glad the soup would keep till adonis was awake. “Sith and Coatl set up one of the rooms at the end of the hall for him. Warded and much like his own.”Loki sighed softly. “Though you might wnat to wake up the boys before you put him in...I know they wanted to see him.”
Coatl smiled at Loki. "yes. i'm aware." he admitted dryly before smiling at Sith, checking to make sure th three kittens weren't cold and where not hungry before giving Sith a few good strokes, ambling off to do whatever it was he did for fun. "That would be perfect. and i'm afraid that he has to go in the room first. while he's not dangerous now, his last... orders, where to kill the boys, i have no idea if the potions have left his system enough to ignore the orders. better to have him ithin the wards he cannot escape if he tries to hurt them." he admitted. "i'll wake them as soon as i have him settled." Cernunnos decided. "don't worry about your Thunder God. it's just Deprivation. i imagine he's lived close to the Isles all his life. the sudden cut from the natural power there can sometimes leave people who are close to tht power, ill." he admitted. "it won't effect Oberon." he promised. "or the rest of us. we're used to having to be cut off from time to time. Adonis merely has to adjust, it shouldn't take long so long as he's finished throwing up." he promised Loki before heading up to get Oberon settled. once he was he gently knocked on the boys door. "Alex? James? are you awake?"
Sith purred at the stroking, looking like a well contented cat as he went back to sleep, which just made loki chuckle. “Ah...yes....I did not think about that. The room is prepared for him then.”Loki said looking worried about that before wincing, looking down at adonis, but lookign relieved to know it was okay. “Truly?Good....not good that it’s happening, but that is all it is...”he calmed feelng better at that as he stroked adonis’ hair. “Yes?”Alex called looking sleepy even if he was trying to read, having woken up to read but not quite awake enough to do so. “Gabe here?”He said starting to scramble up to look at them worriedly as he pulled open the door.
"yes. Gabe is outside tending to the plane." Cernunnos explained with a smile, watching James rubbing his eyes and trying to wake up. "Crystall is with Belladonna and Oberon is in his room." he explained. "Gabe will be in once he's finished cooling down the plane." he promised Alex with a smile. "he said if you wanted to join him he'd be glad for the company." he admitted. "but that if you where sleeping i wasn't to bother you." James yawned as he sat up, smiling because he knew Alex was going to race off to Gabe. he would wait to approach Oberon until his brother could join him.
“Oh. Good.”Alex relaxed at that, sighing sofly as he relaxed, glad that everyone was there before snorting. “Thanks.”He grinned racing off to see gabe, needing to make sure he was okay. Pausing as he walked to the plane, “Gabe?”He said calling out before moving to check on him, looking relieved as he looked the man over. “You look okay.”he muttered relaxing.
Gabe smiled at his lover. "inside!" he called, he was working on the engine, tuning. he needed to every once and a while just to make sure it was working perfectly. "of course i'm okay. i alays am." he promised the other. "you look okay too. i'm glad you and James didn't try to beat the shit out of each other this time." he teased, smiling a little. "i'm almost done." he admitted. "wantto sit with me while i finish?"
Alex smiled looking relieved as he looked him over, making a face. “Hm, well he never beat me. And he would never beat up a pregnant man.”He snickered a little before nodding, climbing up next to the other. “I do. Then I wanna go see oberon...I think that I need to see how my father is doing....”he said fidgeting and worried.
He chuckled a little. "Honestly? i'm pretty sure that James doesn't even remember your pregnant half the time. you're not showing at all. well, you glow a little more than usual." he admitted with a smile. "Yeah, we can go see Oberon." he agreed. "he's... not well. the doctor back in the isles told us that he might never fully recover. the potions where so potent that they caused brain damage. as long as he's been under them... since before you where ever even conceived, much of the brain damage is permanent." he warned. "she has high hopes that he will recover some. enough to be able to function again, mostly. but he'll always need help i'm sure. someone to keep an eye on him at the very least. he'll likely never be fit to rule his people ever again... not that he's been himself for over fifty or so years. maybe longer."
“Well, good. That means I won any fights fair and square.”Alex said looking pleased with himself, before huffing. “I don’t glow!I’m not!”He whined a little. Looking at Gabe he winced a little, looking pale at the idea, staring down at the ground. “ doesn’t sound like he’s been in control of anything for a long, long time.”He said looking sad at the idea. “But we’ll do what we can for him...and for the kingdom. She might not be willing to admit it, but me and james....well, we can rule. We just have to figure out how to help everyone.”He said looking tired at the idea.
"have you been getting into fights with James?" Gabe asked, a little bit worried as he disconnected a few wires to check their connections. "you are glowing. it's beautiful." he admitted, smiling at his lover. "it might be the glow of love though, it's hard to be sure." he teased with a smile before he grimaced and nodded. "yeah. he's really been fed the shit end of the stick." he agreed. "but i think he can recover enough to have a life of his own again." he admitted with a smile. "and truthfully i think it might be why Magic is punishing everyone. because you and James are the rightful holders of the Throne, not Mab. an with Oberon the way he is, not him either. i think that Mab has been ruling both seats illegitimately+ ever since you where born. probobly even before that. after all, if they where truly soul mates, and she was the legitimate ruler of the unseelie sidhe, she wouldn't have needed to drug him in the first place i don't think." here he grimaced. "we're never going to convince James to be a king though. and you'd be miserable within a month i'd bet." he admitted. "i wonder if there are any other options?"
“Only over the blanket he keeps stealing.”Alex huffed a little before rolling his eyes at the others teasing. “Whatever. You’re a love sick idiot, no one will listen to you when you tell them I’m glowing.”he grumbled. Smiling slightly at the idea of oberon having some sort of life before thinking that over, nodding. “....that’s a disturbing thought. Thanks Gabe. I hadn’t even considered why she had to drug him. I’d been just considering why she would want to...”He shuddered a little, sighing quietly, before snorting. “I’d be miserable before that. Not working would be horrible.”he sighed again before shrugging. “We’ll figure it out I’m sure. And even if we’re miserable, we’ll do it, till we figure thigns out.”
"right. right. because you're totally not a blanket hog." he teased with a smirk. not that Gabe cared because he didn't get cold. "they will believe me when i tell them your glowing. considering you do glow from your Fey blood." he teased with a chuckle. "it is a bit of a disturbing thought." he admitted. "i was talking to Cernunnos and he thinks that the woman Titania... Tatiana? something like that, was his chosen soul mate and that was why she was able to 'seduce' him away from Mab." he admitted. "for wht it's worth, i think you would make a fantastic king." he admitted with a smile. "Alex, High Light Lord of the Seelie Court. has a nice ring to it." he admitted with a smile. "i'm done." he admitted, kissing his lover. "shall we go rouse James from bed and see Oberon now?" he offered.
“I’m not!I’m totally not the blanket hog. You are.”Alex huffed. “....I do not.”He grumbled a little. Frowning as he considered what he was hearing. “Titianna, yes....I think that has to be what happened.”Alex sighed softly before frowning at gabe, wondering if he was just teasing him, before huffing slightly. “If I have to be king, you can be queen.”He decided before nodding, kissing the other back as he squirmed away. “Yes. Let’s.”he said heading inside.
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