Always a thief(lady/moon)

“Good. I like that. Your starting to plan like a cop there, Jamie.”Alex teased looking amused as he looked at his sibling. “He is. It’s sorta scary.”Sith snickered as they stretched heading for the kitchen. “You can not. And I have food going, come on.”Loki said rolling his eye sa little as he finished the garlic bread and pasta he’d been making, serving it with a smile. “...So, do we need to get stuff for your house, or do you have supplies there?”Alex asked as he ate, looking at his brother.
"I've always been good at planning. what you think i just waltz into rooms and take things?" he scoffed before sulking at Sith, Gabe rolling his eyes. "Well fine then." James sniffed at Loki. "see if i ever make you anything ever again ever." he huffed before shaking his head. "it's fully furbished and fully updated. i have a small staff working there to keep everything running." h admitted. "i'll send them all on a paid vacation. like i always do when i go to visit." he admitted. "they will probobly leave their things behind, since once we leave they'll go back home." he admitted. "we will need to buy clothes and stuff though... mine are all gone..." e admitted, grimacing because he hated shopping with a passion. the only kind of shopping he tolerated was for plants or the occasional bit of pet food if he rescued a stray cat or helped an injured bird.
“Yes, actually. I figured between you and trickster, there was no planning involved.”Alex said looking thoughtful as he considered that. “...You know, if you never make me anything again, I’d be very happy. That food was alive, james.”Loki said rolling his eyes a little. “Oh. Good. That’s fine. We can get clothes easily enough...”Alex said though he looked upset and worried at the idea of all his things being gone. “I’ll go shopping for you.”Belladonna promised. “You just have to go into the store with me, since none of us are going anywhere alone. But I’ll pick out everything.”She promised as she ate.
"Of course there's planning involved!" James protested, shaking his head. "there are such things as alarms, triggers, guards, scheduled shifts, pressure plating and lock combinations. safe types and styles and of course such things as leaving evidence behind. all things that have to be taken into account, planned for extensively, researched and either taken down or worked around. it's a challenge that takes every ounce of intelligence and cunning Loki and i have... it's more me than Loki, he just kind of comes along because it's fun to piss on hoity toity 'i'm better than you because i piss gold' assholes." he admitted before grimacing. "it's not the picking things out that i hate. it's the trying things on." he grumbled. "...well, okay i don't like picking things out either. Loki does most of my shopping. he can mae magic tell me what will fit and what won't and he's not fashion challenged like i am."
“ah....okay. Yes. I guess that would be something you’d have to plan for.”Alex said looking thoughtful and amused at his brothers words, before snorting. “He’s always hated it.” “Well, I’ll chose everything since Loki’s leaving, and we’ll go shopping first, then to visit your friend .so you have something to look forward to.”Belladonna promised.
"i still have to try them on." James grumbled, sulking a little before he smiled. "i guess it wouldn't be so bad though, so long as we can see Alex after." he admitted with a smile. "well. we could always make you stand for six hours and have you fitted." Coatl teased, looking amused, making James cringe. "no thank you. i'll be fine in a store... will Gabe be okay with animals on his plane though?" "as long as you can tell them not to crap in it. if i have to." Gabe grumbled.
“IT wont be that bad. We wont make you stand and be fitted.”Belladonna said rolling her eyes a little at coatl’s words, huffing a littlle. “....we’ll make sure the animals don’t mess up the plane. I promise Gabe.”Alex said smiling brightly at his husband as he finished eating, getting up. “Let’s get going.”He said eager to be somewhere safe and secure, and knowing they had to get going if that was going to happen.
James huffed and stuffed his face with food to avoid a snappy comeback. after a night of rest and a far too long day at the mall for clothes, which James tolerated much longer for Belladonna than he ever had for anyone else even with Loki there to tell him if things fit or not. then he was very happy to dra them all to a large farm house with a barn where all of the rescued animals had been taken. Erik, the owner, had atually become Legal since the last time he had James over and even showed Alex the papers and licenses to prove it. "Most of these sweeties are headed for sanctuaries or zoos." Erik, a surprisingly young man barely eighteen if looks where to go by. "but most of these haven't been accounted for yet. being of the Fey sort, i imagine you could take better care of them than any human zookeeper., Here Ma'am." Eri said, grinning at Bella. "James asked for this one special for you. this is Guinevere." the Albino Falcon was un-hooded and un-tethered and stood on her perch calm as calm could be. "hand reared th little beauty myself. had her for two years, but she needs a better home than this." he admitted, smiling at Belladonna. "James says your special with the birds. i believe him." he admitted.
Alex looked more relaxed when he saw the papers, tilting his head a little. “You know, I wasn’t going to get huffy about it, but it is better to know your legal...”Alex said, because he just couldn’t help being a cop, before smiling a little. “Really?”Alex said looking thoughtful as he looked around. “Usually fey animals do better with us, yes.”Belladonna said before her eyes went wide as she saw the bird, holding out a hand, smiling as the bird flew the short flight to her palm, and ignoring the slight bite of claws in her arm, but it was okay. “Hmmm, you are a pretty bird.”She muttered.
Erik shrugged. "i was too young before to do anything like this. apparently. so i had to do it all illegal nd stuff. i tried calling the police and stuff but nothing ever happened. i even have cops that do what i tell them now!... sort of. like, get permits to take the animals away and stuff." he admitted. "that's how we got these poor things." he admitted, hefting up something from a large padded crate. a large blanket revealing three baby kittens so young they should still have been nursing. ther species alone spoke volumes. "The Snow Leopard is male. and the two Cloud Leopards are female.... the man who had them, was going to try and breeding them together." here Erik sneered. "said it was 'his duty to preserve the two species'.... he was disgusting..." he admitted. "Look, the males eyes just opened!" he informed Sith with a beaming smile. "the two little girls shouldn't be too far behind."
“ah, I see. Well, I’ll leave one of my cards with you, so if you ever need help, you can call me.”Alex promised with a small smile, before his eyes widened amused at the look of utter love on sith’s face when he saw the kittens, not even pausing before he shifted, as small as the kittens, but definitely a adult cat as he nosed at them. “I think we’re taking them with us.”Alex snickered a little. “He was wondering how cats in the states were treated, I think we’ve found true love.”He snickered a little as sith jumped on top of the crate so he could nose at the kittens to his hearts content.
"That would be great! thanks! there's lots of animals here that we can't turn over or release." he admitted. "we don't have any right now, oh! be careful with that Black Mamba!" Coatl looked startled. "he has broken ribs, don't pick him up." Coatl just looked more incredulous. "your not worried about me being bitten?" "....he hasn't any fangs. last owners tore them out. the bastards..." Erik growled. "the others i'd be more wary of, none of them have been altered in any way and even if you can talk to hem snakes can be temperamental." he warned before smiling when he realized the large albino hawk was perfectly content with Belladonna. "Got anything smaller for Alex?" James asked. "oh! yes! i just picked up this little fellow this morning. poor thing. normally i don't deal with common pets, you know? but this poor thing was thrown out of the car at me so i had to take him in." he admitted, lifting something out of another cage and showed it to Alex and Gabe. "it's a Chinchilla. super friendly." Eric promised with a smile, carefully settling the kittens inside the crate when they began to whimper from being cold. the crate a perfect ninety eight degrees using a warming pad. they where very happy to curl up with Sith and Guinevere was grooming Belladonna while Gabe examined what looked like a long rat. "Black Footed Ferret. careful, he bites." he warned with a chuckle. "i'll take them all." Coatl decided, draped in six of the words most venomous snakes. Erik just snorted.
“If I can’t take them, then I know I can probably find people among the fae to look after them. The wild hunt at least, would be very interested.”Belladonna said looking thoughtful before snickering at coatl’s words. “When was the last time a snake even bit you?”She said looking interested before wincing a little as she realized the snake was missing fangs. “Yes. I would like a pet to. Seems I’m not the nature person James is, but a pet would be good.”Alex said looking interested before wincing a little at the story, his eyes widening as he saw the chinchilla, nodding eagerly as he gently took the rodent, cuddling it close. “James deserves being bit once in awhile.”Alex snickered a little amused as he looked around at them all with animals. “It seems we’re all going home with animals.”He said giggling a little.
He nodded. "that's what i'm hoping. we had an African Wild Dog in here the other month that we had to euthanize... the poor thing. it's front legs had been broken so many times he couldn't walk properly, and he was too vicious to people to go to a zoo or a wildlife sanctuary." Erik admitted, looking so very sad. "the poor boy never had a chance and he never got one either... if we could ever avoid that again i'd be more than happy." he admitted, blinking when Coatl handed him a card with several numbers on it. "this one is my number. you ever have an animal with no chance again you call me, and i will have an arrangement made." Erik couldn't help but thank him profusely and had to apologetically refuse Gabe the Black Footed Ferret. "It's an extremely endangered species and this one is wild. it will be released near a small harm of recently abandoned females." he admitted. "this little fellow is going to give his species a fighting chance."
“...That’s sad. Horrible....and we might not have been able to fix things, but the fae might have been able to try different things...and we’re no overly concerned with being hurt. We heal to quickly to worry about it if a animal bites.”Belladonna said because she’d worked in some animal sanctuaries for that simple reason, she healed faster, she could give some animals a better chance at life as she helped keep them calm. “....Poor gabe. I’ll share the chinchilla though.”Alex said looking up at his husband, looking at them all. “Would it be okay if we burrowed the box and warming pad till we get to james’ place?We’ll return it, but sith and the kits look to comfy to move.”
Erik nodded. "i tried talking to a few Fey myself but being part Nymph, most of the Fey that live in the America's don't think much of me." he admitted with a shrug. "and thats why the animals are calm around you. your part of nature." Coatl said, looking surprised. "yup... it's also why i look like a freaking kid." Erik said, sulking a little. "you are a kid. you just turned eighteen three weeks ago." "....that's besides the point. i only hit puberty like two weeks ago. it sucks!" he grumbled before he shook his head at Alex. "the box and warming pad goes with the kittens. no extra charge." he explained. "same with the snakes. everything to take care of them goes with them. they've all been fed so they won't need to eat for a few days, but i'll send a supply of mice to go with them." he promised Coatl who was urging the snakes back into their pens. "i'll give you a book on how to take care of the Chinchilla as well and Guinevere comes with jesses, a hood and the other things you'll need for falconeering." he promised Belladonna. "i'll send the kittens with the enhanced milk formula they'll need as well. there should be enough to last them until they begin weening. you might have to order some more, if you do let me know and i'll get some to you." he promised, already gathering everything they'd need. "i'll send the proper amount of pay within the week." James promised, smiling as he scratched the chin of a large chameleon. "much appreciated." Erik agreed. "you're leaving then?" "yes. we're heading to the Farm."You'll have to give Ziza lot's of scratches for me!" "of course i will." James agreed with a chuckle. "and you know your always welcome." "i know."
“Ah. That does explain know. American fey are a little weird. More then european ones I’ve discovered.”alex said looking thoughtful. Before laughing, “Don’t worry, you’ll look like a kid at 30, apparently being fey sorta makes us look perpetually young. I looked about 20 till I hit my 30s.”Alex snickered a little. “Oh. Good. Thanks.”alex said looking happy and pleased as he leaned down, gently stroking sith’s head as the fae lord meowed. “Awesome...books are good.”Alex muttered looking pleased and happy, utterly fascinated with the chinchilla. He might not have james’ talent for wildlife, but he was fascinated with his new pet. “let’s go then. Thank you.”Belladonna said smiling at erik as they loaded everything up in the car, snickering a little. “It’s a good thing we brought the big car, make sure everyone’s comfortable and good in here.”She said snickering a little.
"the Fey here are snobby and stuck up." Erik admitted. "unless your one hundred percent light or dark fey they don't even look at you. and you have to be the same kind of Fey as them or they'll just sneer and be barely polite. being s i'm not even a 'proper' fey, let alone a full blooded one, they won't even sniff at me." he admitted with a shrug. "Yeah i know." Erik grumbled. "Nymphs are even worse about aging than the Fey are. we're mostly tree you know." explained why James liked him so much no doubt. "we're supposed to be as young and beautiful as possible to attract humans, or fey, to..." here he flushed hard. "sow our seeds.... you know..." that was, fuck them, impregnate them and then get the hell out of the Nymphs way. "thank god i'm only half Nymph. i might get the huge sexual desire but i won't be able to get pregnant nor will it rule my life or anything." he admitted. "i'm one of the very rare cases where i was born from a human, instead of from a nymph." which was why he was half, instead of just a normal nymph. very rare, really. "of course. no need to thank me. i'm just glad these guys are going to great homes." he admitted, smiling at the albino falcon. "now you behave. no tricks. she might trick you back." he warned the bird, who by all appearances, seamed to be ignoring him.
“Ahhh, yes. Even we’re 100 percent high court sidhe, and they don’t like us.”Though that was more cause mab disliked the missing princes then anything else. “Ahhhh.....I’d forgotten that part of the nymphs life, yes definitely better this way.”Alex agreed. Belladonna laughed a little as she looked at the bird as her hair was groomed, smirking a little. “oh, I’ll trick her back, but for now, she’s gonna be a pretty happy bird right?And you’re gonna be the perfect girl and rest while we travel.”She cooed a little as she finished packing everything before getting in the car. “Goobye Erik.”She said smiling at the man./
"They don't like you, because they think you are a threat to their smug superior lives. they know, instinctively that once your in charge, and i'm sure you will be someday, they they will no longer be allowed to do as they please and will be held accountable for their actions." Coatl admitted. "they do not want to have to change. they enjoy being on top, using people, abusing them and mistreating them." he admitted. "both the dark, and the light elves have always thought themselves fully superior to any other creature, fey or otherwise and they are more than happy to prove it by controlling, condemning and tormenting the other races and sometimes even each other." "Goodbye! i'll keep an eye out for any special animals." he promised, grinning at them. "fly safe!" "We will! of course we will. Gabe is flying!" Erik just chuckled and watched them leave and made sure the very powerful nature based wards of intent where still up around his home. yes, good. he had the most powerful wards capable of being constructed, mixing blood, sex and nature magic meant he was almost as safe as Loki was. almost.
“Ah...yes. And we would be. Wouldn’t put up with a lot that’s goign on.”Alex said making a face at the idea before nodding at Erik. “Good. And thanks.”he said looking amused as they left. “Good to see he’s got good wards. Better then most really.”Loki said as he eyed the wards before smiling a little nervous as they headed for the plane. Because it worried him to consider that oberon was coming, that they were going to be here soon enough. And worried about meeting his father again.
"Hes always been very well protected." James admitted. "being part Nymph, he would fetch huge prices on the black market. prices high enough that a greedy fey would love to take him." James admitted. "he's been kidnapped a fair number of times. he's gotten very, very good at protecting himself." he admitted, chuckling a little as he examined the Chinchilla. "it's adorable Alex. what are you going to name it?" "Ultra lord Death Machine, of course." Gabe scoffed. "it has to have a super cool name." "'s a rat." "exactly." Gabe admitted with a chuckle. "now. where are we going?" James smiled and happily rattled off the coordinates and settled in to a seat for the flight. he was still tired rather easily. he was rather happy that Coatl was holding the crate holding the kittens and Sith ever so carefully. making sure they didn't get bumped or jarred in the flight.
:Ah, yes, I’ve had to rescue some nymph halfings before. They never do well once they’re kidnapped.”Alex shuddered at the idea before grinning at the small creature in his hands, he’d never had a pet before. This was new. Before pausing, staring at Gabe. “I know you’re kidding, but I sorta like ultra.”He said before smiling as they flew.

When they arrived Alex got out of the plane, eyeing the box with a weary eye. “Is he going to stay in that form forever now?And can he understand?” “Yea, he might not want to talk or let others know he can, but Sith can still understand what’s going on around him....well. Maybe not now, but yes he can.”she snickered a little as she glanced into the box at the sleeping fae lord, looking utterly relaxed and content to let everyone else carry him around as they got out to the hosue.
"You have to understand." Coatl said to Alex. "He is still very much in grief. being in animal form helps immensely and his paternal instincts will be soothed by the kittens. he's trying to cope as best as he can. this is probobly the first peace he has felt since his kits moved on to the summerlands." he admitted. "loosing your own children is a pain that no one can ever explain. it will take him years, even decades to truly move on." "i still haven't." Gabe admitted softly. "i still have nightmares sometimes and i cry every year on the anniversary of their murders. Alex helps, so much. Sith doesn't have a soul mate to help him. leave him be. he's doing what he can." Gabe gently urged her, Coatl gently setting the crate down in a quiet room and very gently lifted the first kitten from the crate, supplying the greedy glutton with a bottle. feeding the other two swiftly after so Sith wouldn't ave to change back yet. "rest well my friend." Coatl urged gently, stroking Sith's head before leaving them be. James was smiling as he showed Belladonna the Aviary. they had hundreds of wild birds that came in for the free food and shelter and the Aviary was so massive you could fit a barn in it. there where hundreds of crows taking shelter for the night, and several owls and bats where starting to fidget and wake up for the night. this was where Guinevere would stay, or in Belladonna's rooms. there was a perch there already for her. h was showing her this because this was where Carrow had flown off to. all the way from Ireland. "this is Carrow." he introduced her, the massive Raven landing on his fist. "i raised him from a bare baby. he's been with me for almost fifteen years now." he admitted with a grin. "he's a special Raven, only don't tell Loki... or Adonis... or anyone." after all. Loki wouldn't be happy to learn that Munnin. the 'memory' Raven, could remember just as Loki could, and retained his special powers. oh, Carrow still died, but his lifespan was fifty years, rather than a common ravens six or ten. sometimes, he had told James, he could make it to a whole one hundred years. if he was careful.
“Ah.....I hadn’t considered that.”Alex winced a little, for forgetting what had brought them to the fae. Feeling guilty for not doing so, he nodded a little. “Probably. He looks at peace. For now.”Alex muttered reaching in, gently stroking sith’s head as the kitten purred. “We’ll leave him be. And help when we can.”Belladonna promised smiling a little as they settled in to the rooms, laughing softly as not only the kittens demanded a bottle but sith did to. Amused as he settled in to rest.

Belladonna smiled looking around as they walked outside, “This house is amazing, james.”She muttered before looking utterly amazed as they walked into the avairy, laughing quietly as guinevere for a perch to land on, declaring she liked this place. “Hello Carrow.”She smiled at the bird before looking at james before nodding. “I wont. I do not think Loki would apperciate knowing you had the raven here. He seems very.....”She shrugged. “Despite looking for thor, he seems okay with not being a god anymore.”
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