Always a thief(lady/moon)

"Thank you. i'm sure you have Alex's number." he said with a scowl and a shake of his head. "feel free to call but give us a few hours." he ordered before he offered the man a smile. "thank you for anything you can do. let us know if there's anything inside that made it?" he asked hopefully before sweeping his lover away. "well. James house was burnt to a cinder and so was mine and Alex's. Loki is many things, but he very much protects his friends and family. Alex and James are both." he admitted. "Shh. Alex. it's okay. i'm here." Gabe promised. "go back to sleep Love." he urged, watching Adonis running back inside to let Loki know they where back. James was already inside, curled up in Loki's impressive garden and murmuring to the vast plethora of animals that had surrounded him and Belladonna.
“I do. And don’t worry, I’ll let no one bother you probably till tomorrow.”The officer said before nodding. “I’ll let you know.”He promised watching them go. “Yes, I can see how loki would watch to protect them. After all, they, and us, accept him. Humans would usually have a problem with a man claiming to be a ancient god.”Which had actually happened once, when he ended up in a mental hospital. “Kay...”Alex muttered sighing softly at gabe’s words, closing his eyes again. “Good. You are back.”Loki said as he walked back in from the garden, looking relieved to see them. “You want to put him out in the garden with James, or bed?”Loki said tilting his head a littel.
"Thank you." Gabe said before he nodded at Sith. "Alex and James grew up together with Loki in the same orphanage. it was only Loki's intervention that saved what lingered of James failing Sanity." Gabe admitted. "they have always been family, even if they weren't blood and no matter that they didn't speak for years they would die, or kill, for each other." he admitted before hesitating, looking torn. "go and get some blankets. Alex is going to be very cold from the shock and something soft for him to lay on while he's sleeping.... please." he tacked on as an afterthought, following the trail of scent to James who curled up with Alex, taking comfort in his twin. it wasn't long before both of them where sleeping comfortable, Gabe smiling as he watched over them. glad that he still had the people he loved this time.
“Welcome.”Sith said before sighing softly, nodding. “That makes sense....even if Alex did not speak to them because of their job choices....they are family.”Sith agreed thinking about that, because it was true. Him and the other lords, while they didn’t always agree over everything, he generally viewed them as family, who he’d kill for if needed. “I’ll get them.”Loki promised smiling as he went to get the blankets. Later alex whined softly, nuzzling his face against gabe’s chest, sighing quietly. “Gabe?”He muttered.
"i think it's the biggest 'falling out' they've ever had." Gabe admitted. "Alex felt, betrayed i guess. i can't blame him for it, not in the least. we did catch James stealing what we where protecting after all." he admitted, shaking his head. "Thank you Loki." Gabe said, offering the other a small smile. "i'm right here Alex and James is sleeping right next to you." he informed the other softly, stroking his hair. "are you feeling any better Love?" he asked softly, stroking Alex's hair.
Alex muttered sighing quietly, shifting to rest his head in gabe’s lap, even though he kept one hand on james’ shoulder, as if reassuring hismelf the other was there. “I’m....feeling okay.”he muttered sighing quietly. “I...I didn’t dream that all did I?Everything’s gone?”
"Not everything is gone Alex." he promised. "this isn't the first time someone has burned my life down... at least this time there wasn't anyone inside the house..." he swallowed thickly. "i've been paranoid ever since then. every picture and document i could back up on a flash drive, i did." he admitted softly. "i have dozens of them, saved in two seperate locations." "damn... that's dedication." Jmes admitted, sounding impressed, and sleepy. "you... mentioned before?" "my wife Amelia... my two year old child, and an unborn child. trapped in a house and burned to death." Gabe whispered softly. "...because i refused to sleep with a Dark Queen's Handmaiden and she felt slighted." Gabs face twisted in rage. "they made e watch. the Queen's guards, while the Handmaiden laughed and set my house on fire... made me listen while they screamed and when it was done they decided i would never have sexual intercourse with anyone and castrated me. they where even nice enough to cauterize the wound to make very sure i would live and always remember..." Gabe choked off his words now and James swallowed thickly. "i'm sorry Gabe... I didn't know...." "it was close to fifty years ago. i was young then. foolish and naive.... i told the handmaiden she was not as pretty as my Amelia... i might as well have locked her in the house and set fire to her on my own. i didn't know any better... i know better now."
“Oh....really?”Alex looked up, eyes widened as he considered the other, sighing quietly. Looking so happy and pleased that gabe had looked after them, that everything that mattered to them, was safe. Nuzzling gabe a little he nodded at James. “yes.”He muttered squirming closer, pressing close to gabe, holding onto him tightly. “You it’s our fault we pissed her off...”He muttered stroking gabe’s back, sighing softly. Knowing Oberon had tried to stop the punishment as soon as he’d found out, but he hadn’t known before hand, no until it was already in progress. And even then, oberon had made sure gabe had gotten somewhere he could heal. Handed him over to cernunos and sith to make sure he’d be helped.
"Yes. really." he agreed, smiling at his lover before swallowing thickly. "it still... hurts. to be reminded, so vividly..." he shook his head. "the bitch, the woman.... the handmaiden was acting with the full support and approval of the Dark Queen." Gabe admitted, which was true. "Yes. but you have no idea what Oberon did to her when he found out." Coatl admitted suddenly. "there are laws, and interfearing with a Soul bond, like the one between you and Amelia, or You and Alex, has far reaching consequences... the handmaiden is still alive... but she wishes she wasn't." he admitted. "for the last fifty years she has been forced to relive your experience from each point of view over and over. she feels the agony of loosing her made and children, feels the agony of burning.... she suffers everything she made you, your wife, your child, and anyone else she punished." Coatl admitted. "i've seen her. it is a very fitting punishment." he admitted. "it was Oberon who carried me to Cernunnos?" Gab asked, looking startled. "i had thought that was a dream."
“I know it does....I’m sorry Gabe...”Alex muttered nuzzling him a little, hating that he couldn’t help him more. Startling a little when Coatl appeared, smiling quietly as he saw the cat laying on his legs shift and become sith as the man laid out across the grass. “Hm, I saw her recently. Apparently in his madness, Oberon has taken to making her go to court to stand as witness to any other who would think to cause such agony....he might cause problems, but he’s still trying to correct wrongs that he viewed as his problem in the first place.”Sith said making a face, before nodding. “Yes, after he went full on beserker to try and put out the fire and save your wife, he carried you to the wild court, because it was all he could do.”
"You don't have to apologize." he promised softly, kissing the others forehead with a small smile. "you did more to help me past the trauma than anyone else... save maybe Belladonna, she was a tenacious little brat." he admitted with a chuckle before cringing at the idea of Oberon dragging the mad woman out and showing her off. no doubt it was Mabs influence. "he... he went berserk trying to get into the fire?" he appreciated the thought, though his wife and child had been dead before the woman had sadistically heated the blade and removed his testes. trying to get into the house burning with Hellfire... that took a certain kind of guts. "...i'll have to thank him if he ever gets his mind back."
Alex nodded a little, “I know. Still doesn’t make me feel better about it though.”Alex muttered though he knew he was doing all he could. “You played tea party. Sith sulked when I tried to dress him up in a dress.”Belladonna said looking amused. “ took years for the scars to heal completely.”Because hellfire could scar even the fae, and while he was stronger then most, it had still taken time for the fire scars to fade to it’s normal pale smoothness again. “He tore half his court apart when they tried to make him stop, only the fact that the porch gave out under him as he ran up the stairs kept him from being will. He’ll recover.”Hopefully.
"i know." he murmured, nuzzling his lover a little. "i did play tea party. she made me think of my son... he liked to play tea parties too." Gabe admitted with a smile. "he adored dresses and nail polish. used to make Amelia so happy to have a little boy who liked to be both a boy and a girl as he pleased." Gabe admitted with a smile. "damn... i didn't know he... i feel bad for hating him now." he admitted softly, shaking his head a little. "does he still have scars?" a few, but not where they where visible and they where faint enough you wouldn't notice unless you where actually looking. "so... what are we going to do? go back to Ireland or find a new place to hide for a while?"
Alex smiled a little. “I’m sure you looked good in dresses.” “He did. And he was so patient about it. Better then any of my other uncles.” “....I played the mad hatter. You needed a mad hatter for a tea party.”Sith said stubbornly. “Well...hate who he is now....but...he was good once. Better.”Sith said softly, before nodding. “a few on his hands, but you have to know what you’re looking for and know they’re there to really see them anymore.”Sith said. “....I think we should go back. If we stay here...anywhere, even in loki’s houses....we’re just going to endanger the humans here...>”Alex said frowning a little.
"i did look good in dresses." Gabe admitted with a smirk. "i'm sure Cernunnos still has pictures, we'll get him to show you." he offered, looking amused before he nodded. "he was good once." he agreed softly. "I am sure there will be a way to save him..." Gabe hoped so anyway. "i have.... I have a house." James said suddenly. "it's... it's in Colorado. in the middle of a forest. no one around for miles... we could go there." James whispered. "i... i bought it...." he admitted. "me and Loki.... Loki takes all my money and keeps it safe for me, you see? and he invests in things for me too. so, i have huge piles of money and i used a fake identity to buy about sixty acres and it has a farm already on it and it's well kept. we could easily rest there and have no worries about dragging innocent humans into things."
"We should. I'd like to see."ex said smiling a little, before sighing quietly. "...I would like to see him...make him better. At least long enough to meet him."alex said because for so long, he'd been curious about his father, and knowing this about oberon, thst he might never get to know him, it hurt. Looking startled at james, he stared."seriously?" "Yea. It really is in the middle of nowhere."loki said sighing quirtly. Wanting to suggest something, but also not wanting to. Because he knew james at least probably wouldn't like it.
"i'd like to see him too." James admitted. "a man who would risk hellfire to save someone he didn't know...? he'd go much father for his own sons i'd think..." he admitted softly, Gabe nodding. "i hope he can be recovered." Gabe agreed softly. "i picked it out personally." James admitted with a smile. "there's a tiny pool of magic underneath. it's too small to do anything but the animals and the plants are a little more lively." he admitted before glancing at Loki. "what is it? i know that look on your face..."
“I think so to.”Alex smiled a little. “cool. That’s better then your apartment.”Even if he’d never been to it, that proved at least alex had kept track to make sure james was well housed and looked after, rather then without home or house. Even if they hadn’t been talking, he’d been looking after him. “”Loki fidgeted, looking anywhere but james. Yep, definitely nervous there. “Thinking. Well. That small well of magic....might be good for Oberon. Clearer magic then what’s in ireland...might bring him here...”
"Much better. i don't go there often though, i hate leaving my ba...." his throat closed up and he had to swallow because his baby's where dead. Coatl, in a rare show of tact, gently set a hand on James shoulder. if anyone understood how James felt it was Coatl. James got a little tense when he watched Loki hem and haw and froze at the suggestion and narrowed his eyes a little, thinking long and hard about it. he wasn't the most educated of people but he was smart enough to make a list of pros and cons in his head. "yes." he finally decided. "if only to stop Mab from razing the Forest to the ground looking for him. if you think it can help him, then we'll try.... with precautions. Sith and Coatl have to ward his room so he can't get out, we don't know if he's insane yet and i don't want him attacking us or himself." James ordered. Coatl just nodded, it was a fair request. "I could easily go and get him after i drop you guys off in Colorado." Gabe offered. he'd hate to be away from Alex, but he could do it. especially if it would make the boys happy.
“I know....we’ll help you find more. I know it wont be the same...but we’ll go shopping. Me and you, for new plants.”Alex said resting a hand on james’ shoulder, shifting to snuggle his brother before nodding in agreement with his words. “yes...bring him.” “We can ward it. And we’ll stand as guard with him at all times. Just in case.”Sith said sighing a little. “....Are you sure?You’d be gone.”Alex muttered looking up at gabe, looking anxious and worried at the idea of letting him gone on his own, before nodding a little. “Okay....yes. That would be the best....but you have to take Sith and Belladonna with you. You need guards to.”He decided sighing a little.
James nodded. "i'd like that... and we have to buy snakes for Coatl... can we still go and see Erik?" he asked Alex hopefully. "i already told him we where gonna look at his birds and his snakes... it's only a little illegal...." he pleaded. mostly because he knew there was a handsome albino falcon that Belladonna would simply adore. hand reared after being rescued from poachers the falcon was smart enough to understand human speech and would adore her and would likely be delighted to run minor errands for her. and there was a very handsome King Cobra who had it's fangs removed by a cruel owner who would flourish under Coatl's care. Erik was very, very careful, he took only animals that where being abused from bad owners and was even more careful about who he sold them to. he had heard a report a few weeks ago from his friend that he had recovered a couple of felines of some sort that where currently being bottle fed that he bet Sith would go gaga for. "No. i'll take Sith. Coatl and Belladonna go with ou guys. there's two of you so you need more protection." Gabe stated. "Sith and i will be able to handle Oberon." he hoped.
“...Okay. Okay yes, we can go see your friend still I promise.”Alex said sighing a little. “we’ll go there before we go to your house.”He said smiling a little. “We’ll be okay. They’ll be nicely guarded.”Loki promised with a small smile, knowing sith and gabe would be okay to get oberon on their own. “You sure?”Alex said fidgeting nervously before nodding. “Okay....yes. We’ll take them with us. And you take Sith. You’ll be okay. And clal when you get there. And when you leave again.”Alex said sitting up, fussing over gabe with a sigh.
James smiled. "thanks Alex. maybe we can find you a gerbil or something?" he teased, grinning. "Loki could go with Gabe too. he has super voodoo powers." he mused and Adonis chuckled. "and i will stay with you so i can electrocute you when you try to do something stupid." he agreed, making James sulk. "i'm hungry." James finally admitted, Gabe nodding his agreement. he was hungry too. it had been a long flight and a hell of a shock. they all needed food and then beds to sleep in. "I cn cook!" James declared, well aware that every single person who knew of his last attempts, Loki, Ales and Gabe, where going to shout 'no' very loudly. he was not expecting Gabe's answer though. "You go anywhere near food preparation of any sort ever again and i will turn you inside out and force stuff you into a matchbox!" "....that's a little extreme don't you think?" "you created life the last time you tried to cook!" "it wasn't alive!" "it sure as hell moved like it was!" "just because it tried to eat your face! it was an accident! a long time ago! i've gotten better!" no he hadn't.
“...I would like a gerbil.”Alex said perking up at the idea, before looking at loki. Nodding a little. “Okay.” “Yea, I’ll make sure they’re okay. Besides, it’d probably be a good thing to have me or thor with oen of the groups....mab’d be less likely to piss off a god...there’s a reason no one tried burning my place down.”Loki said looking thoughtful before nodding. “Me to.”Alex yawned getting up before yelping. “No!No you can’t.”Alex whined a little before snorting. “No you haven’t.”Loki said looking amused as he headed for the kitchen with them.
James beamed at Alex. that was as good as a 'i promise not to arrest your friend' as he was ever going to get. "yes exactly." James agreed. "Loki goes with Gabe and Sith, because he's a bit more powerful and practiced than Adonis. and Adonis comes with us because he'll have Coatl and Belladonna, as well as me and Alex to help back him up if it comes down to a fight." James agreed, looking proud of himself. he had thought up all of that all by himself. why wouldn't he be proud? "I totally can cook!" he whined before sulking at Loki. "feed me then. or suffer my wrath!" which would involve glitter in the shape of penises and oil on the floor and fake poop. if Loki was lucky. not very frightening but then James could get very grumpy when he was hungry and sometimes he was vindictive enough to go and find real poop to mix in with the fake stuff.
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