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Always a thief(lady/moon)

Coatl nodded and smiled at Alex. "let him have his peace. he'll be better for it once he decides to return to his Fey Form." he admitted before chuckling a little as he was commanded to feed a bottle to Sith as well. "oh very well. but only because you are pining." he promised, feeding Sith the bottle easily enough. it probobly wasn't too good for an adult cat but... oh well. "You know how to fetch me. i'll be in the room right next door." he promised Sith. an ear splitting howl would summon Coatl in an instant.

"Thanks. i had it built from scratch." he admitted with a smile before chuckling as he stroked Carrow's chest when he offered Belladonna the raven equivalent of a bow and dropped a few dead worms in her hand before winging off to tease the other Ravens and the newly acquired Guinevere. "Loki is okay with not bing a god. he never fit in when he was one, and they tormented him terribly. it's probobly the reason why he, and he alone can remember. aside from Munin and Hugunn." he admitted. "Those that Be had probobly decided Loki ad suffered more than enough, and he had never fallen into the pit trap the others had. pride and bigotry... the same thing that seams to be happening to all the High Fey actually." he admitted before he grinned. "want to meet Ziza? Erik saved him from a bunch of magic hating humans. they where going to chop him into pieces and sell him on the black market. so i brought him here, where he'd be safe. he comes and goes as he pleases of course, i don't claim to own him, heavens knows he can't be owned." he admitted. "i just feed and shelter him when he has the inclination for it."
“good.”Alex smiled as he headed for the kitchen, hungry and willign to snoop through his brother’s things, laughing as sith purred at being fed. He was adorable.

Belladonna smiled as Carrow bowed and dropped the worms into her hand. “Thank you Carrow.”she smiled at him before wincing. “yes...I’ve read some of those stories. It makes sense that he would be okay with this....and he’s found love again. I’m glad that now he can be happy.”Belladonna smiled a little before wincing. “Yes....those in power seem to be all suffering from the same faults, without ever learning from those who came before.”She said before smiling, looking interested. “Ziza?Yes, I’d like to meet him.”She said looking interested in meeting him.
There was plenty of food in the house. more than enough to feed them, so long as someone there knew how to cook anyway. fortunately, Coatl was more than capable of making a meal and once Sith was fed he set about making the others some food. in grief as he was, it made him feel good to fuss and fidget over others. he had been a 'father' to most of the snakes he had lost. breeding and raising them from eggs he had a very deep connection with them and loosing them all... was simply too much. he felt better for being able to fuss over the boys.

"yeah. h's never told me if they where true or not. i'm not sure he can actually remember." he admitted before he smiled. "i think Adonis is remembering a little bit too. about being Thor. it will be nice for Loki." he admitted before grinning as he led the way back down out of the Aviary and off to the barns. "ZIIIIIIIIZZZZAAAAAAA" He called once they where past the stables and into the Paddock. he waited a moment his head tilted and then called again. "that's odd, i know he's here. Ziza! come out! we have a guest! why are you shying off now all of a sudden!?" he demanded, heading over to the wooded area to their left. "he's usually such a show off!" he complained, unaware that 'Ziza' had come up from behind Belladonna and was nosing at her pockets for treats. he was ink black from the tip of his nose to the tip of his nearly three foot long tail. the only color to him was the gleaming silver hooves, more like a deer than a horses, and a glowing silver horn that jutted from his forehead. a Unihorn. Unicorn, Kestral, there where many names for such creatures, the most common being, of course, the Unicorn. He nosed at her again and nickered in what sounded like laughter when James actually plunged into the forest, yelling for 'Ziza to get his ass out here!'
“Ah, well maybe it’s a good thing he doesn’t remember.”He said smiling a little, before laughing softly as they got to the stables. “He’ll come out when he wants to.”She said sounding of so serious as she reached behind her to pat at the nose nudging her as james went to search for the horse, before turning to look at him, eyes widening as saw the unicorn. “ohhh, aren’t you a pretty boy.”She muttered petting his head, “I wish Crystall was here. He’d love you, pretty pretty boy.”She muttered. “I’m sorry. I don’t have any treats, sweetheart.”
"Probably." James agreed, smiling at her, before cursing as he waded into the thick underbrush to find Ziza. Ziza, on the other hand, strutted under her praise and pranced in place, showing off for her before huffing, a bit disappointed that she didn't have any treats before nickering again, laughing as James started cursing, trying to detangle himself of a rosebush when he realized Ziza was by Belladonna the whole time. "you're such a shit Ziza!" he complained even as he thrust a hand into his pocket and pulled out some sugar cubes for Ziza to munch on and handed Belladonna some, flashing her a grin. "he's a sucker for some sugar." he admitted. "i was hoping there was a way we could take him to the Fey? the Wild Fey would be able to protect him much better, and i know he gets so very lonely here." he admitted.
Belladonna laughed softly at the horse’s strutting, “I’m sorry sweet boy, if I’d known I was coming to see you, I would have brought some. Next time I promise.”He said stroking his head before snickering at james’ words.”Sorry.”He said looking amused as she fed the horse some sugar, looking thoughtful before nodding. “Yes. That would be possible. Though if I can get him here, Crystall would be the one to ask about it. I mean, I know he wouldn’t care, but he might have a better idea on how to help him.”Belladonna said mostly because she knew her brother could use the company, worried about her brother now that his twin was gone. Maybe when gabe went to get oberon, crystall would come?
James snorted. "no your not."he teased, looking amused. "and Ziza isn't sorry either. he likes to play tricks." he admitted before he smiled. "we'll have to invite Crystall back with us." he admitted. "i bet Crystall would love to get get Sith out of his pants." he paused. Coatl too actually." he admitted, scratching Ziza around his horn. "it's nice. you know. to be around so many people who don't think that i'm nuts or a freak." he admitted with a smile. "for most of my life it was just Alex and Loki.... for a long time it was just Loki." he admitted. "now i have a lot of friends... at least. i think they're my friends." he admitted. "i'm never actually sure. i haven't had enough of them to know."most people just wanted to use James for one reason or another. usually it was to get close to the 'hot billionaire Loki'.
“Okay...maybe I’m not.”Belladonna snickered a little as she looked up at him, before nodding. “Yes. We’ll invite him, it’ll be amusing.”She said before raising a eyebrow. “Sith and coatl?Really?”He asked looking amused before smiling. “Well, we’re nuts to, but not because we talk to the wild.”She teased before wincing. “You know alex regrets not talking to you as much as he should.”she said looking worried about the twins before grinning. “We’re friends. Well. Maybe not me and you, I mean, I want to be more, but the others...yes.”She said blushing brightly
"i think it would be good for him. and you to. you both lost someone you loved. you guys should be together for that." he admitted. "sure. Coatl seams to be fussing over Sith." he admitted. "and Crystall seams to really like Sith too. maybe it's a fey thing and i'm way over complicating it, but i think they would all look really good together, don't you?" he asked with a smile. "i know he does. but, well... i don't blame him for it. i didn't know he was guarding the safe i was breaking into, but i broke his trust and that's hard to come by for people like me and Alex." he admitted. "i'm just glad he's forgiven me." he smiled at her. "i'd like to be more too." he admitted, kissing her cheek.
B we should. It'll be fun. And he'll be able to look after oberon to."Belladonna said before snorting a little as she considered thst."that's both amusing and disturbing."though not surprising. Even if belladonna looked at the two as uncles, they were so long lived that over lifetimes certain bonds had to change, to grow. So they might have helped raise her, but she also knew they had sex. So it worked.bye they would look good together." "Yes it does...and he trusts you again. Otherwise I doubt he would have called you about this case."she pointed out blushing as he kissed her cheek.
"Yes. Crystall and Coatl would probobly be the best. they have history in the fields of medicine right? more than the rest of us at least." he admitted before grinning at her. "he called me about the case because he had no other choice. he trusts me again because i gave him a reason to trust me." he admitted before he smiled at her. "come on. lets go make sure those assholes aren't tearing down my house."
"They do. And recently, sith does to, but he attended college around the time da Vinci died, so it's not current medicine."Belladonna snickered a little. "It's good to see you two together. You're good together."she smiled before snorting."I'm sure they're not tearing anything down."she said heading inside, amused at the sigut of Alex sitting on the floor playing with his chinchilla. "See, I told you they weren't tearing down the house."
"Seriously? he went to school with Da Vinci!? that's nuts." he admitted with a chuckle before smiling a little. "it's still some kind of medicine so it kind of counts, doesn't it?" he asked with a smile. "i think me and Alex perfectly compliment each other, and even he has to admit that my thieving skills have come in handy." he admitted before he smiled at her. "yeah. i'm sure they're burning it down." he agreed before chuckling as he watched Alex with his chinchilla. that was super cute. "there's no guarantee. it wasn't Alex i was worried about. it was Loki, Sith, Coatl and Gabe." he admitted with an impish grin. "Alex! virgin pure of heart. have you ever pet a unicorn?"
Bit is nuts, and never ask him about it, because for once, sith totally goes fanboy over him, and he'll never shut up about it again. Says he learned everything there is to know, so he's never going back to school."Belladonna said with a eye roll that said it was a common saying if they got sith talking about it."loki is in the library, sith still with the kittens, coatl and gabe are cooking."alex supplied as he looked up at them."and I'm not a virgin!"he whined before looking interested."and no I've never seen a ilunicorn."
"That is hilarious. i am going to ask him about it." he decided with a smirk. "he really should go back to school though." he admitted. "actually. i should go to school." he admitted, wrinkling his nose before smiling a little at Alex. "well that all seams alright then." he agreed before chuckling at his brother. "you will always be a virgin." he informed the other before handing his brother a handful of sugar cubes. "just go out to the paddock and yell for Ziza and tell him you have sugar. he'll come right over." he suggested to his brother, heading in to check on Coatl and Gabe. Coatl who was watching intently as Gabe showed him some more modern recipes.
"Nooooooo please dont. He'll talk for moooonnntthhhs james."Belladonna whined a little."but he should go to school. We all should after this."Belladonna said having every intent of returning to her classes eventually."I will not. I'll tell you about my sex life just to prove it."alex huffed a little before grinning as he gave belladonna ultra before scampering out the door. Soon enough returning, a happy excited mess."gabe!gabe! James has a unicorn!he's amazing!you have to go meet him before you leave."
He nodded. "yeah. it would be nice to learn how to hack." he admitted with a grin. "i bet i could crash the world market." he mused before making fake gagging sounds at Alex. "you tell me about yours and i'll tell you about mine! there was, after all, this one lovely time when we where stealing this painting from a bank an Loki got horny and we..." he smirked when Gabe turned with a wicked gleam in his eye, threatening to cause harm to James if he kept talking. "Alex, love. i'm a Demon." Gabe reminded his lover, looking very amused. "Unicorns don't like Demons." he admitted with a chuckle. "who told you that?" Coatl asked, looking baffled. "well... i mean... it's just common sense isn't it?" "of course not. Unicorns don't mind Demons so long as your not a raging raping murder beast." Coatl admitted. "Sith! come and eat!" he called up the stairs. "Loki! get your ass over here!" James called, delighted to see Gabe had indeed cooked a huge meal for everyone. "where's Adonis?" "in the Library as well and Grimma is taking a nap. he had a dizzy spell."
"....james!no."alex whined blushing and squirming a little. He might start the story tellinf, but he was to easily embarrassed to be the one to finish know. But he's pretty and you like pretty things and you should meet him."alex said, not understanding why gabe would think that he couldn't because he loved him, and it sorta blinded him to how others could see demons. Laughing softly as sith walked down the stairs, the box of kittens tucked under his arm as the fae lord walked in."what did you make?" "No need to yell. We're not dead."loki said as him and Adonis walked in, both looking a little ruffled. Yep definitely making out in one of loki's favorite rooms.he had a thing about books.
James grinned at Ale. "you started it." he pointed out. "i do like pretty things." Gae teased, pretending to lear at Alex and wiggled his eyebrows because he loved seeing the other blush. "well... so long as it would be okay, i'll go and meet him after dinner. then i'll go and get Oberon." "would you be okay with fetching Crystall as well?" James asked Gabe. "He's probably hurting. i'd ask Cernunnos to come too but i don't know that he'd leave his manor." Cernunnos would probobly end up joining them, if only because he deserved a vacation too. the other lords, those that where not suffering from grief, would talk him into it and start a small 'cleansing' while he was gone to sweep out anyone else involved in the incidents. they would tolerate no disloyalty. it was not just power that made them the Lords, after all, it was their loyalty to Cernunnos and their conviction to do what was right. even if it meant going against Cernunnos himself. it was why Cernunnos had felt safe, making them watch him for any sign of the Sickness. "No not dead, but you tend to loose all reality when your making out." James teased Loki, making Adonis blush brightly.
Alex flushed at that, wrinkling his nose a little."not as pretty as the unicorn but yes, we'll go meet him."alex said looking pleased."probably. And the others can look after things for a few days if they convince him to joinus."sith said sighing quietly, knowing losing a child was never easy, even if they were as twisted as mistral had been."do not. I'm perfectly aware of everything "loki said blushing, for once actually looking adorably embarrassed about being caught making out.b aren't we eating?"loki said as way of distraction as he settled down to eat, the fact that he was embarrassed meant that Adonis meant something to him beyond a fling.
"you are as pretty as a unicorn." Gabe admitted with a smirk before nodding at Sith. "i'll do what i can to bring Cernunnos as well. no one should go through their grief alone." he admitted, handing the Cat Lord three warm bottles of milk for the kittens. "Your perfectly aware of Adonis's tonsils at any rate." James teased Loki with a snicker. "we are eating." James agreed, looking impressed with the pot of stew and bread as well as a squash soup and a platter of baked vegetables for James. "thanks!" James said, happily helping himself to all the vegetables.
"Nu-huh!"alex made a face, blushing brightly as he looked at him lover. Squirming a little, sighing softly.bhm, they're good tonsils."Loki said smirking a little. Alex smiled happy as he finished eating, sighing softly as he leaned back, not looking happy about gabe leaving, but knowing that he had to go. Even if he didn't like it.
Gabe smiled at his lover and kissed him gently, ignoring James slight squall of protest. "That's disgusting Loki." Coatl complained, even if he looked very amused. "hey. i'll be fine." Gabe promised Aex with a smile. "you know i will be. i always am." he admitted. "i'll go out and see the unicorn with you, tuck you into bed and i'll be back before you even wake up." he paused. "you know. so long as Crystall doesn't send sixteen hours packing." "he might. he's a bit of a prissy boy." Coatl admitted with a smirk because, well, he wasn't much better. "would you feel better, Alex, if more of us went with Gabriel?" Adonis asked, upset because when Alex was upset, James was upset. and when James was upset, Loki was upset. and Adonis got upset when Loki was upset.
Alwx smiled kissing him back before snickering. "Hey I'm not the one who started it."loki said looking innocent."I know."alex muttered looking at him, sighing wuietly, "you don't have to tuck me in."he muttered before looking up, biting his lip. "He is a very prissy boy."belladonna greed looking worried about Alex, looking at james for help." coatl and loki are going. He'll be okay with them..."
"i couldn't help myself... he looked very cute all focused on awesome dumb book instead of me..." Adonis sulked, making James laugh even as he handed his phone to Belladonna to text Crystall so they could be ready the second Gabe got there so Alex wouldn't fuss so much. "we'll have a big cuddle, hows that?" James offered Alex. "i know you don't like sleeping alone. you can come sleep with me tonight if you want." he offered his brother.
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