The Therapist [Ladydark/SWN1994]

"My. . . my artwork? The early ones or later ones?" Nathan asked. He had always signed his earlier works as N.H., that was before he had began to give them as other gifts when he knew they liked his works. Swallowing hard he grabbed Tony's hand and began to shake ". . .I want to leave . . ." he whispered painfully "I want to leave. . ." once outside the boy ran off to the car. It didn't take long before they were back at Nathan's home, unknown to either of them that someone had follow them.

"I understand. . . I'm just scared . . . what if she was in my room? My old room when you took me?. . . she might have found my name somewhere or notice the scratches on the door . . . I'm scared. . . I can't have them tear us apart." he leaned against the man. Looking up to the man the boy swallowed hard ". . .Lets go to bed. . . I . . . I think I might need some of the pills you use to give me." he whispered. Nathan, for a time, had to be dragged before bed. Usually a light dose to make him sleepy and to calm him down from his fits. "Please? I don't think I will be able to sleep at all. . ."

Nathan was amazed by the older man, trying to help him reel in the fish. It wasn't long until the fish was with them then and Nathan yelped as he fall back. Laughing back the boy smiled brightly and grabbed his fish "Lets get them in the cooler and back to the camp ground! I wanna see how you cook fish." Nathan said.

By late noon Nathan had collected enough wood for the new fire and set it before asking Tony whether he wasn't to save the other fish for later or not.
Tony looks down at him, it had been years since he needed help to get to sleep, he had hated doing it before. But the look on his face and slight tremble he felt in his body, he knew Nathan wouldn't be sleeping tonight, not on his own anyway. Tony nods "I think I have a few sleeping pills... Are you sure you want one..." And the scared look on his face, Tony didn't ask again and helped him to bed, he got him the pill and some water, sitting with him until it starts to work. "I just have a few things to do... I'll be back in a few minutes... But I'll stay until you're asleep... And it's just emails... I'm not leavening..." He runs his fingers through his hair slowly again.

He helps pack the fish away and smiles "How about we just season and slow roast it over the fire... I think the small ones and be stuck on a stick... Roasted that way..." Back at came he thinks "Put the rest in the plug in cooler in the car... We'll have them tomorrow... We have plenty here for lunch and dinner..." He starts to gut and clean the catfish, seasons it and wraps it in a few layers of foil before setting it on some warm coals.
The boy hated those pills, in the early days of the kidnapping he could curse at Tony whenever he woke up from being drugged. That was the reason he had stopped eating until he needed the food. To actually ask for them should have been worrisome, he would have never asked for those unless he truly needed them. "I'm sure." Nathan said, looking up to the man with wide eyes.

Nathan changed into his pajamas, no goofing around, or teasing smiles. He didn't even look back to Tony. With the pill in hand the boy stared down at it. He could remember the taste of it now, how the chocolate or jams would shield it before hand. Taking a deep breath he took the pill and swallowed it, he could remember being in that closet now. Leaning against the older man he held to his arm before he began to go limp. The feeling, this feeling, he hadn't felt it for such a long time.

Going under the covers the boy's eyes began to close, his breathing slow as his body began to numb. ". . . okay. . .okay. . ." he whispered before falling asleep. Karen had really done a number on the poor man's mind. He hadn't trembled like that since the day he was moved into the first bedroom.

Karen, who was down stairs, took a deep breath before going up and heading towards Nathan's apartment. She knocked on it, noticing the cameras, however not caring. She needed some answers.

"Nathan? Nathan please open the door."

"Ah! I wanna try that! My dad would usually just fry them with some salt and pepper." he said happily. The boy did as he was told before running over to his lover, hugging him from behind "Where are the showers? I kinda need one." he chuckled softly, nuzzling into his lover's neck.
Tony had kept his word, staying until he was asleep, and a few minutes after, he ran his fingers through his hair slowly, still wanting to comfort him. Once sure he was asleep, Tony leaves the room and returns to the living room to straighten up and go over his notes once more. He had just sat down when there was a knock, then a second and her voice, he stands and goes to the door. He waits a moment, thinking, then opens it. Tony looks at her and glares "Hello Karen..."

He set the food to cook and was about to get up when Nat hugged him and started to nuzzle closer. He hugs the boy closer and tips his chin up slightly, leaning down to kiss him slowly. "Mmm..." He slowly pulls back and smiles "The comfort station is down the hill by the woods..." He cups his cheek "I'll watch lunch... Unless you want company..." He smiles.
"Tony," Karen hissed as she returned the glare. "Why are you here? Wheres Nathan?" she asked, about to push her way in when she paused, hearing a soft whimper from the bedroom. Nathan was having a bad dream, most likely caused by Karen and the break in of their home.

"Nathan! What the hell are you doing to him?!"

"Down the hill?" Nathan looked back before shaking his head and sitting beside the man. "I. . . I'll wait. Besides I don't wanna miss lunch." the boy stated as he watched the fire grow slightly bigger. Nathan felt like this was just another camping trip. Any moment his father would come out from the woods with some more tinder and tell his boy to on a jacket. But, it never came. Nathan didn't say anything as he leaned against Tony.

After their lunch was ready the boy smiled brightly and told Tony that he should be cook. Then it dawned on the young man, ". . . Hey, what do you do for work? I know you have paper work and you have pretty good hours but I've never actually asked what you did."
Tony keeps the doorway blocked "I was having a session with him when you broke into my house... Yes I know it was you... I got you on camera..." He heard Nathan and glares harder at her "You are his problem... It scared him when he found out it was you... I had to give him a sleeping pill... I was about to call his parents... But I think I'll call the police instead..." He lifts his cell and starts to dial.

Tony hands him his fish and smiles at him "Well... I'm a Therapist... I help people get through the tough times in their lives..." He starts to eat his fish "This came out good... Do you like it?" He picks up his drink and opens it, having some.
Karen saw the phone and without thinking he lunged, trying to smack the phone out of his hand before trying to tackle him down "I know you took him! What kind of therapist would stay with his client after a session?!" she shouted. Unknown to them two men were walking back from a party when they heard what was happening. They came in and helped, one taking Karen out the apartment well the other called the police. Karen, knowing defense moves, kneed and hit the guy in the throat, glaring back at the man before running off, the other man shouting out the woman's description as he gave chase (after checking on his brother).

Luckily the pill worked very well, Nathan out cold with only small whimpers.

"Really? Huh . . . I wanted to be a therapist when I was in seventh or eighth grade." Nathan commented. Nodding the boy dug in, licking the flavor off his lips "Its wonderful! You do cook well." he smiled warmly as he looked up to the man "Hey, where did you learn to cook like this?"

After cleaning up the boy said he was going to take a quick shower, looking back down the hill before looking back to Tony "Are you sure there aren't any showers closer?"
"I said I was in the MIDDLE of a session! And I had to stay after to calm him down... Or would rather have me leave him alone to hurt himself!" He held her off until Nathan's neighbours showed up, he checks on the one she hurt as his brother gave chase. "Thank you... She's crazy... If you're ok... I need to make another phone call..." He sighs and steps away, he had to call Nat's parents.

Tony called, "Hello... Abigail... It's Dr. Mathers... No, I'm sorry to say it's not alright.." He explained about Karen breaking into his home and how it had upset Nathan, knowing she was going after his friends now, then he told them he had planned to stay at a friend's place after their session. But that Nathan had been a wreak and it took him a while to calm him down, even giving him a sleeping pill. "I told him I wouldn't leave him... I was about to call you... When Ms. Jones showed up here... Yes here... She wouldn't let me explain my reasons for being here... And attacked me... Trying to get to Nathan... Some of his neighbours heard and helped get her off me... And called the police... But she ran off..." He listens to her "Nathan is still sleeping... He doesn't know what happened... But I promised I'd stay... He's a bit unstable right now... No, don't come over... He'll just think you don't trust him... Yes I'll stay... I'll call you first thing tomorrow... Yes... Goodnight..." He hangs up as the police arrive and he has to repeat the whole thing.

Tony looks at him "No... We were lucky to get a site this close... I can go with you if you want... It's ok to be scared..." He smiles "I can tell you where I learned how to cook on the way..." It was nothing special, he had taken a few cooking classes, then watched some cooking shows.
The police came over, both men were asked some questions and the the one who was hurt was taken to the hospital. The officers did check up on Nathan, just making sure he was okay. The offers said the same thing as they said back at Tony's house, they would leave one here for the next few days to ensure she didn't return, and that they would need to return to talk to Nathan once he was awake. Even if he wasn't involved, directly, he was still needed to make a statement about the woman.

That morning Nathan woke up, somehow not feeling restful at all. "Mmm. . ." Nathan turned, patting other side of the bed to see if Tony was there.

When he was told about what had happened, Nathan didn't feel hungry nor anything of much. He felt numb, unsure of what to say or do. Scared again. The boy frowned and went back to bed, saying he needed some more rest. The officers were still out and a news bullion was set up.

"Um, if you do't mind," he said softly, slightly embarrassed. As childish as it seemed, Nathan couldn't go to the showers without having his parent or someone close by. Nodding the boy would with Tony down the hill and to the shower stations. Walking in he peeked around, making sure no one was there before stripping down to the lace panties and stockings before stripping those off as well "I'll be right back, just a quick shower." he smiled as he put his things into a cubby and ran off into one of the showers, pulling the curtain to shield his body.

A family could be heard from the showers, kids laughing and running around, a dog barking, and the parents talking about something on the news. Nathan wasn't paying attention much, the water drowning out any sounds and his focus on washing off the sticky spots from his tights hand hands.
It had been a tiring night, but Tony couldn't sleep, he spent most of the night on the couch thinking. The next morning when Nathan woke up and he told him, he could see the fire slipping from his eyes, Nathan hadn't been this done since he first took him. "Right... Enough of this..." He said softly after Nathan when back to bed, he made sure the door was bolted and headed to Nathan's room, he shut the blinds and strips. "I won't see you like this any more..." He crawls into bed with him and kisses him roughly, pulling him close, working his pjs off. "It's time you saw stars again my love..." He smiles and starts to kiss down, then starts to work him slowly and gently, licking, sucking and kissing. His one Han was massaging his sac and the other was gently holding his hips down for now.

Tony sat on a bench not too far from the station, wanting to keep an eye on him, but also give him his privacy. He noticed the talks going on and the watchful eye te parents had on teit kids, but he wasn't concerned.
This was the second time that Nathan had to let this sink in. The first time was accepting that he would stay with Tony, that there was no way of escape from the man from that point on. But now, but now he was trying to understand and allow it to sink in that he had someone stalking him. The boy was under the covers when he heard Tony come in, sitting up he perked a brow "Why are you naked?" Nathan asked foolishly. "Wont see me like. . . Tony, I--" Being kissed roughly the boy gasped softly, his body pressing up against the older man before he had a chance to breath when Tony began to move down, now he was only left in a pair of socks. Biting his lip the boy blushed brightly and stared down at the man, his body tightening up as he reached down and caressed the man's cheek. Some of the fire was returning to the boy's eyes, but it was dim and with the broken smile he pulled Tony up.

"Kiss me gently," Nathan said as he kissed the man tenderly, pulling the covers over them. "I'm happy you want to make me relax but. . . I really just need time to process this. . . its like what your book said: To over come shock the patient needs to relax and understand what is happening." Nathan whispered. Kissing the man again, Nathan rubbed Tony's cheek. "I don't want to see stars right now,"

"They what?"

"They think that boy might be making videos now! They said something about finding a boy matching his description matching that of a poor boy who was forced into those kiddy videos."

"Shit. . . we did upgrade the system right? And Josh is driving them to school?"

"Yes baby. Kevin and Allen will be find. Mmm, Kevin misses Nathan. No wonder he wants to stay home. He says hes going to wait and see if he comes back. I think we need to talk to him, maybe call that therapist that helped him a few years back when that teacher killed himself." The woman said softly. The people before them was Nathan's best friend's, Kevin, parents. There were so many chances but somehow this happened.

Nathan came out from the showers and dried off before coming out and waving to Tony, the showers were facing away from the campers and their backs were turned to the two. The boy walked over and smiled brightly "All cleaned up, your turn?"
Tony had not been expecting that, but smiles and kisses him softly, pulling him closer, he cups his cheek. "When did you get so smart..." He kisses him gently "I just hate seeing you upset... And actually watching you take that pill last night..." He sighs softly "Felt like I failed to keep you safe..." He softly runs his fingers over his chest, just wanting to feel him "Your parents wanted to come over... But I kept them away..." He kisses him softly again "You tell me what you want then love... And I'll do it... I want to see you happy again..."

Tony was starting to pay closer attention and his eyes went wide for a moment when he realized they knew Nathan. He stands when Nathan comes out and smiles "Nah... I'll take mine later... We should get back and check on dinner..."
Chuckling the boy kissed back, closing his eyes as he leaned against his lover "That week I broke my leg and you had to be out late for the weekend." he said softly. Sighing softly the boy looked down, holding the man's hand firmly as he thought about it. Normally he could just fall asleep with Tony beside him or even after a few glasses of wine. "Don't. . . I feel safe with you, I do. It just . . .I couldn't stop thinking." he stated. Nodding he leaned up, kissing the man tenderly as he climbed onto his lap, tilting the man's head back, leaning down as he began to kiss the man's neck "I want to make you feel better. So, hows about after making love, we could go out for breakfast?"

Nodding the young man smiled as he began to walk up the hill, hand in hand with Tony as he said he wanted to try the next fish. All the while the couple had began to call their kids to get ready to go swimming.

"Hey Tony, should I make something along with the fish? Maybe some potatoes or corn?"

It didn't take long until Nathan began to share stories of pass camping trip. Some involving his year in the boy scouts with his best friend and how they got kicked out for doing some stupid things. ". . .So do you have any stories of camping trips?"
Tony smiles at him and pulls him closer "That... Sounds wonderful..." He kisses him again and slowly moves over him, he breaks the kiss to look at him. "I love you... My perfect boy..." He pulls the lube from under the pillow and starts to get them ready, then slowly taking his boy. "I always want to keep you safe my love... Mmm..." He kisses him again as he starts to move, taking things nice and slow.

The walk back to camp was nice and he talked with Nathan, even laughing at some of the things he had done. "Vegetables sounds good... We'll see what I packed..." Back at camp he looks down at him and sighs "No... I didn't go camping until I was older... Living on my own... The home I was in didn't have the extra money for stuff like that..." He looks at the fire as he moves to check the fish "I'm surprised you never noticed I have no family photos at home..."
Chuckling the boy looked up to his lover, smiling sweetly as he kissed back. "I love you too." he replied. Chuckling he smirked "Ah, I see you've began to hide your supplies around here, not even a day." Nathan joked. It wasn't rare when they made love like this; however, since Nathan had gone and they had barely began doing it again, this would be the first time they took it this slow. The feeling was amazing, Nathan moaning softly as he took the time to stare into his lover's eyes. His hips began to move, hand reaching down as he held his lover's hip.

Nathan bit his bottom lip, looking down as he rubbed his neck. He had notice the lack of family photos, not even asking why they hadn't began to take pictures. Not even for their own little family album. "Well, I wasn't going to say anything. . . It would be pretty rude to point it out," he replied as he walked over and got onto his knees "I wanted to ask you when we would start taking pictures but, we don't have to if you don't want."
Tony did enjoy these moments, being soft and gentle with his lover, properly loving him and enjoying each other. He holds him lightly underneath him, softly cupping his cheek as he looks into his eyes, he leans down to kiss him. "Mmm... It's where we always keep it... So it's nice and warm... Remember when it was cold from the drawer..." He smirks and moans softly, closing his eyes a few moments to enjoy the feeling, his hips rolling back into him.

He smiles softly and reaches out to ruffle his hair "It's not rude if you don't know... And you can always say 'If you don't mine me asking' that way they can chose to answer or not... Asking questions is how we learn..." He looks at Nat again "I'd love to take pictures with you... We can start now... Where's my phone?" He didn't like seeing Nathan upset, he should always be happy.
Laughing softly the young man blushed as he nod, shivering slightly as he remembered the first few times. "They were freezing." he chuckled softly. Moaning softly he closed his eyes and arched his back, his hips rolling along with Tony's movements. Nathan's fingers tangled into the man's hair, pulling him down as he stared up to him "I love you Tony, I love you so much."

Smiling the boy nod "Ah okay, usually my family is really open so its kinda hard to know when to say anything." he said softly. "R-really?" Nathan brighten up, his eyes like bright candles "Uh, I think its in the car, I'll be right back!" Nathan ran off and grabbed the cell phone, returning as he offered the phone and smiled brightly "Here!" he said happily as he sat on the ground "I've never been so excited for pictures!"
"Mmm... I love you too baby... Very much so..." He was speeding up just slightly and beginning to pant softly, he reaches down to hold his hip and continues his movements. He was getting close but wanted this to last a bit longer "When this... Is all over... Will you... Will you make it official... Will you marry me..." He was on edge but held himself back.

Tony chuckles and watches him go "Why did t you say anything sooner..." Once back, he takes the phone and smiles at him "Hey Nat!" He calls to him as he sits, then takes the picture just as he turns "There... Our first photo..." He shows it to him, smirking.
Nathan panted softly, he felt close and thought he would come soon. Looking up to his lover as Tony moved slowly back and forth, happily surprised to see Tony going slower. He paused, eyes wide as he listened to Tony, Sitting up he held the man close "No joke, right?"Nathan asked, stopping Tony as he stared into the other's eyes ". . .of course! Of course you didn't need to ask!" Nathan smiled brightly, kissing the man deeply.

"I didn't know how. I'm serious when I say my family just blurts things out. . . its always been like that." he explained softly. Looking up, smiling as he was about to open when his mouth when he heard the click. Smiling the young man walked over and took Tony's hand, taking the phone as he turned it to take a picture of them. Showing the photo he smirked "I like this one better."

Nathan grabbed a plate and served them , happily sitting beside the man as he made some small talk, glad that they were able to get away like this.

After dinner and after Tony left for his shower, Nathan changed into some other lace panties he brought (he really liked how they felt) and some cute white socks with lace around the ankles. Getting under the covers Nathan waited for Tony, hopefully the man would just pull Nathan close to sleep and could find him in this new outfit the next morning. The boy sighed softly and quickly pulled on a t-shirt and some shorts, just in case.
Tony smiles at his reaction and laughs slightly before being kissed, he holds his love close to him and returns it wholeheartedly. He pulls back slightly and smiles "Of course I have to ask... I had to hear you say yes... And see your happy face..." He lays them back down "I'd offer you a ring... But you can't wear it yet... But don't think you won't get one... My love..." He starts to move again.

Once back from the shower, Tony crawls into the tent and smiles at him "It was a good day today... What do you want to do tomorrow..." He puts his things away and moves up beside Nathan, opening his arms to the boy once settled. "Maybe some swimming..." He smiles.
Being laid back down the boy smiled warmly and pulled his lover closer, now pumping his own hips "I know you would, don't worry about it. As long as I get you I wouldn't care about any ring." he replied. He asked for Tony to go a bit harder, a bit faster as well.

"Yeah, it was wonderful today." Nathan said softly as he as he watched Tony. Smiling the boy moved over to his lover, pulling his sleeping bag along as he settling down for the night. Yawning softly the boy nuzzled into his lover, closing his eyes ". . .Yeah. . . maybe we could go for a hike too. . ."

That morning Nathan woke up extra early, cooking them breakfast and bringing it inside as set the tent up. It had been raining that night, and thus far too cold to actually do the surprise. "Morning," Nathan kissed the man's cheek "Time to wake up hun, come on." he sang softly.
Tony does as he's asked and grins at him "I care... I want to see that ring on your finger..." He groans and speeds up, close again, he runs his fingers into his hair and kisses him again.

Tony slowly woke and shivers slightly "Nnn... Is it raining? It's cold..." He smells the food and looks at it, smiling, he lays back and watches him. "Come back to bed... We'll wait for it to warm up..." He smirks and pulls the blanket back up "You can bring the food..."
With a soft smile the boy was about to reply when he let out a moan, grabbing onto the man as he reached down to Tony's hips, kissing him back. Groaning softly the boy began to tighten up, he reached down and began to jerk himself off, moaning softly as he felt the thick member taking him.

"Yeah," he replied as he nod and walked over with tray in hand. Sitting down he pulled the tray onto his lap and smiled as he began to feed the other man "Heh, its a bit chilly. Kinda nice through." Nathan leaned against his lover, looking up to his lover before he ate some of the food as well. "So, tell the rain clears up, what should we do? I brought a few books but that might get old quick."
Tony kisses him with passion and holds him closer as they get closer, moans and pants through their kiss. "Nnn... Cum with me... Please..." He pulls back slightly and holds his hip, staring down at him as he sped up, he groans and arches his back, trusting deep. "Gahhhhh... N-Nathan!!" He held his eyes on Nathan's as his body shook with slight after shocks, leaning in to kiss him again.

He smiles at him and takes turns feeding him as well, once he even licking his fingers. "We're camping... It wet and cold outside..." He smiles again "What we do is easy... We stay here and get warm together... Nothing has to happen... Just you and me holding each other and relaxing... How often do we get to do that..." He takes the tray from him and sets it aside, lifts the blankets and pulls him closer.
Panting softly the young man smiled softly and nod, his hand trailing upward across the older man's back. Moaning Nathan hit his knuckle, trying not to be too loud as he felt the man go in deeper. Groaning softly as Tony began to cum, Nathan jerked faster, moaning again as he came as well. Panting the boy looked up to his lover, blushing slightly before kissing back. Sliding the cock out, Nathan smiled as he laid the man down, his head resting on the other's chest.

"I can't wait to take your last name, officially. Heh, Nathan Mathers. I love the sound of that." he whispered softly. His fingers began to circle the other's chest, his eyes closing as he listened to Tony's heart.

Nathan smiled softly, chuckling softly as he felt the man lick his fingers. "Mm, okay. That sounds good." he whispered as he got under the covers. Smiling he looked up to his lover and kissed his chin. "I like this." he said softly, closing his eyes as he felt the warm gathering up under the covers.

The soft drizzle of the rain became harder, faster. Swallowing hard the boy looked away, lately he had felt been having weird thoughts, ones that he hadn't had since he was a kid. "Tony," he began "Um. . . is it weird if someone likes to dress like the opposite sex? And not just for sex. . . I mean. . . like dressing up like them now and again."
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