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The Therapist [Ladydark/SWN1994]

"Um, I think I'd prefer to keep watching. I'm a bit tired actually." Nathan admitted. The kiss was rough, yet sweet as he was drawn into his lover's charm. The movie went on and after many partner changes and many close ups of the newbie being fucked by the other student well the teacher began to take pictures. "Goodnight. . .mmm. . . can we watch more when you get back from work?" he asked, his voice sweet and innocent.

"Nathan! Nathan!" she called out, trying to wrestle away before being thrown into a cop car and driven off. Nathan shook in the other man's arms. Sniffling he closed his eyes and held to the man "I'm okay. . . I'm just a bit shaken up." he said looking up to the older man. "Lets finish lunch. Will you stay another night or should you go? I'd love if you did stay."
Tony smiles and nods "Of course... I look forward to it... Rest love..." He turns things off and holds Nathan close as he relaxes himself, kissing the boys head before going to sleep. He was looking forward to see how Nathan would react when a bit more alert.

Tony reaches up and wipes his eyes, cupping his cheek, "I'll be here for however long I'm allowed... If my patient needs me..." If he were needed, he had his cell, they could call him. "Let's finish cooking... It helps you relax..." He got what Nathan needed and helped where he could in finishing off lunch.
Nathan nod as he turned off the tv, snuggling close with the man the teen smiled as he slept. That morning the boy woke up first and made their breakfast as well as lunch. He set everything up and changed into his work clothes, black slacks, a white button up shirt with a red tie, and his black apron with pink emboring on the front of the cafe's name as well Nathan's other name of "Jason".

"Tony! Breakfast!" Nathan said as he entered the room and laid the tray onto the nightstand. "Heh, I also have your lunch waiting for you, and your clothes are ironed for you. They will be on the hanger." Nathan said as he showed where the clothes would be.

Nathan cracked a smile, with a soft laugh he hugged the man firmly "So you're never leaving then?" he joked. Then again, if Nathan had become depressed by just being away from Tony for a few weeks, then perhaps it was true. For the last seven years Nathan had survived by making Tony his whole world. Yes, Nathan had friends from working and people he would talk to well out on chores, yet if Tony were to suddenly die or not want him anymore. . . why else should he keep breathing?

After making lunch the boy pulled out a family photo book and showed it to Tony as they waited for his parents, whom were in route of home, and began showing off photos of him in football and swimming team. "I heard my team went to state well I was away," Nathan began as he stopped on a photo of ten boys, each smiling and holding up a sign reading: For Nathan!. "I wish I could have gone with them. . . but thats fine." Nathan said quickly. He wasn't trying to guilt Tony, he would never, however there was a lot he missed and a lot he wished he could have done. But in the end Nathan would always reason that he would trade all that for his time with Tony.
Tony wakes up slowly and smiles at him "You... My boy... Are adorable..." He gets up and walks over to him, tips his chin up and kisses him softy "Mmm... I'm gonna stop telling you that you don't have to do this... Cause it's one thing you'll listen to me about..." He kisses him softly again "You really are perfect..." He moves to get dressed, then heads down for breakfast "Remember what we have planned for after work... So a light dinner if your planning something..." He smiles.

Tony smiles softly and kisses him again "I'll be around... And with you... For as long as I can be my lovely boy... And I will keep you safe... And happy..." He held Nathan for a while, just helping him calm down then helps him finish lunch.

When they were looking through the photo album, Tony smiles at most of the picks, then frowns slightly. "I still took you from your friends... And for that I'm sorry... But I'm not sport I took you..." He tips his chin up and kisses him deeply "And I'll never be sorry for loving you..." He made out with him for a little while until he heard the car return, he then leaves him and stands "I'm just running to the rest room..." He smiles and heads that way.
Nathan smiled as he listened to Tony, always happy to know that he was still attractive to his lover. With a morning kiss the teen chuckled softly and shook his head "I'm sorry, thats the only thing I won't listen to you about, besides you need to eat." he said happily. Nathan waited at the breakfast table for Tony, not touching his food until Tony came in. "Oh. . . oh yeah. Well I'll just make grilled turkey then." he noted. Blushing the boy looked down "Tony," he spoke softly "Is it okay if I watch a few after work? For you get home?Just so. . . I'm not surprised?"

"D-don't worry about it. Right now most of them are out of state, but my best friend Kevin is still here. I was actually planning on seeing him soon. . . he visited me in the hospital." he informed Tony. Smiling softly the young man held to the older male as they began to make out. It felt like old times again. Sitting up and fixing himself as Tony got off, the boy nod and smiled warmly "Got it. I'll serve everyone."

Nathan had everyone wait for Tony and once he was back the parents talked more, now informing the two that they were going to buy Jason a house down the street since he was a young man now and did seem like he needed his own space. Frowning the boy voiced his own opinion, saying that he didn't want a house. Even if his parents could afford it, he didn't want them to waste their money. ". . . besides, if you don't mind, I'd like to live in an apartment, that way there are people around me." he explained. Leaving out that the closes apartment was less then a hour away from them and would give him space to invite over his husband.
Tony was only slightly surprised when Nat asked to watch more, he smiles and picks up his coffee, taking a small sip. "Of course... Go right a head..." He ignored his blush and continues to eat, he was thinking about what he'd find when he came home. They finished eating and heading out to their own jobs.

Tony returns to the dining room and smiles at them, they start to eat lunch and Tony smiles at Nathan's change to their plan. "I think that's a wonderful idea... And he's more then ready... And I'll still see you often for our sessions... But I'm proud of how far you've come..." He didn't want to ruin Nat's happiness, but he needed o inform his parents of what Ms. Jones did. "Something did happen while you were out... Ms. Jones came to the house... Demanding to speak with Nathan... Claiming she loves him... And wouldn't let him be taken again... The police had to take her away..." He looks between Abigail and John.
Nodding the boy made plans to leave early, perhaps he would able to do his work quickly ad it would be slow enough for them to send him home. However Nathan ended up staying at work a hour after he was supposed to be off, but he was able to get home quickly and he made their dinner which now was staying warm in the oven which was on a low setting.

Going to the closet the boy began to choose which movie to watch. He ended up with a movie about a younger officer and a older criminal being stuck with each other. The movie was good, very good. Nathan ended up playing with himself well still in his work clothes. This was his first time without Tony and when he used the toy on himself he found himself withstanding it better. He began to touch himself and use the toy. It was amazing.

The mood was light and happy up until the news was given about Ms Jones. His parents were up in a roar before they calm down, they began to call their lawyer again and they even started to look for a apartment that would be safe for their son. Even going as far as asking Tony if he knew any places.

It was month after these events, Ms.Jones did keep coming around but luckily the police officers were still around to protect them. Nathan had his new place, all set up along with a security system and Nathan even having another, older dog to protect him well Boo more less remained his lap dog. It was a week into living on his own when Nathan called Tony, asking if he wanted to come see the new place since this was his official move in.
Tony was home on time and headed into the kitchen after putting his stuff down, expecting to find Nathan, but only found the food warming in oven. "Nat?" He asked softly, then silently headed upstairs, was he still watching the videos, the bedroom door was partially closed. Tony walks closer and looks inside, but Nathan didn't even notice him, too lost in his own activities, Tony smirks. "So he found one he liked..." He spoke softly to himself and continued to watch the boy, he waited until the boy was in the verge of cumming before slowly walking into the room. "Don't stop..." He tells him, he glances at the tv and smirks, cops and robbers. He looks back to Nathan and starts to open his pants, letting them hit the floor as he unbuttons his top. "Are you enjoying yourself Nat..." He asks softly, now slipping his boxers off to show his already hard member "Hae you cum at all yet?" He starts to stroke himself as Nathan continues.

Tony answers his phone and smiles "I'd love to baby... Are you expecting your parents at all?" If not, he'd back a bag and stay a while, he stayed on the phone as he started to do so, even going to the wine fridge to pick something out, for a house warming.
This was Nathan's third time watching this. He enjoyed it very much and had actually came twice. He close again, his eyes so focus on th screen that he didn't even notice or hear Tony come in until the man grabbed his attention. Blushing be stopped until Tony told him otherwise. Moaning as he began to jerk off again, the poor boy began to twist and turn, his vibrator was on full blast. "Neh. . .y-yes... . his will be my third time... ah... I'm close, so close." He moaned out loud. Without thinking the boy turned away and bent over, as he had saw in the vidoe, and looked back to his lover. "Please do me. . .I need you inside of me." Nathan said as he pulled the toy out, it coming out quite easily.

"Tony I need you."

"No, the were here earlier. Oh, also don't worry about dinner, I have pizza." He said as he go his dogs into the room so they coukd rest. Nathan liked the apartment. It was small but very nice and the view was to die for.
Tony smirks at him and moves to get the lube, getting himself ready "Twice already... And still wanting more..." He rubs over his ass softly and gives him a light smack, then rubbing it softly "Are you the cop... Or the robber..." He takes the toy from him and teases it against his sac as he starts to push into him, he was quite loose and relaxed, he sank in easily "Nnn... So eger... Do you want it fast... Or slow..." He starts off slow and continues to rub and lightly smack his ass, loving his little moans.

He smiles "Good... Do you expect them tomorrow? Maybe I'll stay a few days... Hell you break in your new home..." He wondered what his reaction to that would be, Tony still concisered this is home, living with him, but for now, this would have to do. "I'm bringing some wine... I'll be over soon ok... Love you baby..."
Nathan shook, panting heavily as he spread his cheeks for Tony, wanting the man to have a easier time to get in. Feeling the hand on his ass the young man pulled his hands back before yelping from the smack, "Ah. . .t-the cop. . . he gets to be fucked." he moaned softy. With a gasp the young man pressed up against Tony, taking him in as he moaned loudly from the teasing and finally feeling something warm within him. "F-fast please! Please!" he begged, eger to have Tony use him.

"Tomorrow? No, they are coming on Sunday though. Hehe, its just temporary, until we can figure a way for them to be comfortable knowing that we're together." Nathan corrected Tony. "Perfect, I'll see you soon then. I love you too hun. . . get here safely okay? I can't wait to show you around."

Nathan had everything set up and once Tony was there, he welcomed his lover with a deep kiss and dragging him inside. The boy showing Tony around his little apartment. He showed off the two dog's bedroom and his new bedroom. There candles around his bed and he had a huge bay window which faced the sea. "Look! We're even near a park! Heh, I can't wait to show you around this block. Its a lot like out own." he said as he grabbed the man's hand and lead him out to the balcony "I'm happy you were able to come."
Tony grins at him "Ah... So you're a naughty cop..." He rubs and smacks again, he holds his hips a moment "Fast... Well... You know your safe word..." He smirks down at him and pulls almost completely out, only to thrust back in and repeats a few times, each time getting faster. "Nnn... Beg me... Or I'll stop..." He smacks a bit harder and starts fucking him faster, groaning low and watching him.

Tony arrived when he said he would and followed Nat around the apartment, leaving his things in his room and the wine in the fridge. "Of course I would... I've left you alone too long already..." He looks out over the water, then hugs him from behind, kissing at his neck softly, just loving him. "I hope you didn't want to sleep too much tonight... I plan on enjoying you throughly... My love..."
The moans and groans coming from the tv kept Nathan hard as he could remember what was happening by certain lines. Biting onto the pillow as he felt Tony stay in the boy quickly nod, wanting Tony to hurry up. Moaning loudly as he felt the man thrust back into him, the teen moaned loudly, his cock throbbing now. "Harder, please Tony! Please! I'll do whatever you want just don't stop! Please! Please! Please!" Nathan shouted. Reaching down the boy began to jerk himself off, the teen shaking as he spilled his seed onto the sheets. Panting he looked behind him and smiled weakly. "K-keep doing. . . please . . . I want you to go harder . . . do whatever as you like . . . just don't stop."

Looking over the sea as the sun began to set, the young man smiled to himself. Chuckling the blonde grinned as he twisted around to face his lover, pushing himself onto his tippy toes as he kissed his lover. "Tonight, when we're in bed, okay?" he smirked. Kissing Tony on the nose the man smiled softly "Mmm, you don't have work in the morning, right?"
Tony was moaning loudly as Nat started to beg him, he groans again as he feels Nathan squeeze him in the boys third orgasm of the night. "Nnn.... As you wish baby boy..." He holds his hips and starts to thrust into him hard and fast, he pushes him down slightly to thrust at a new angle, this one hittin his prostrate with each thrust. "Nnn... Fuck baby... I'm close..." He groans again and arches his back a few moments later, "Gahh! Nnn!" He thrusts deep and fills his lover, then slowly pulls from him and runs along his back and sides. "Mmm... That was amazing... Give me a moment and we can continue if you want to..."

Tony grins "I'm off for the next week... I took early vacation time... And don't worry... I have a lot saved up..." He cups his cheek and smiles "But I'd use it all... To be with you..." He takes his hands and leads him back inside to the living room and has him sit on the couch. "Let's watch a... Movie..." He smirks and turns on the tv, and flipping to an adult chanel and pullin Nat to lean against him.
Being pushed down by Tony was more of a turn on and he felt the member now hitting his sweet spot. "Fuck!" Nathan cursed as he gripped the sheet. Moaning softly as he felt his lover come into him, the boy shook before falling flat, panting heavily as he felt himself unable to really feel much now. "Heh. . . I. . . I think I'm too tired to do anything else." he whispered. Coming close to the older man, the teen smiled as he reached up and kissed his cheek.

"Really? I'm sure Richard will be surprised." the boy said. With a dreamy expression the young man smiled as he followed his lover. Sitting down he leaned against his lover, looking to the screen as the older man chooses a movie. "Oh, that mood tonight?" he asked, turning to his lover as nuzzled into him. "Anything with cops and robbers?"

Nathan slept for a long time, sore the next morning and having to call out of work. This was shocking for his boss but didn't alarm them. He didn't cook breakfast nor make the man's lunch, which was unusual for the boy. He apologized of course and asked if there anything he could make to make up for not making their breakfast or lunch.
Tony looks at him and smiles "Alright baby... You just relax..." Tony got up and moved him to the large arm chair in the room so he could change the sheets, then comes back to him and cleans him gently with a warm cloth before taking him back to bed, he kisses him "I'll be right back..." He went and turned the oven off and returned to bed, he pulls the boy close and goes to sleep.

Tony glances at him and smirks "I don't know... Let's see..." He looks through the choices and smirks "They have your old favourite... Shall we watch that... Or a new one..." He tips his chin up and kisses him softly, slowly, before pulling away, his other hand moving to rest on his thigh and draw patterns with his fingers.

Tony woke to Nathan moaning softly and sighs, he kisses him gently and gets up "Relax love... Last night... Was your first experience with rough sex... I shouldn't have been so rough..." He comes back to the bed with some pain killers and a glass of water, he helps him take them, then calls in sick himself. "Don't you worry Nat... I can handle things for one day... And I know just what will make you feel better love..." He goes to run a hot bath and adds a few oils to help him relax, he then lifts Nathan from the bed and carries him in, he lowers them both in slowly so he gets used to the heat. "Now you relax... Sleep if you want... I've got you..." He softly rubs his back and runs his fingers through his hair.
Kissing back the boy blushed lightly, moving in closer as he pressed his lips against Tony's cheek before offering a smile "You choose. You always pick the best movies." he said happily. Once a movie was chosen, Nathan made his move and sat on the older man's lap, pulling a blanket over them as he made sure to tease his lover by pressing his ass against the man's crotch.

The pain killers helped a little, but not too much. Nathan was glad to know that Tony was going to stay, glad to know that Tony wasn't mad at him. Being taken to the bath the young man yawned softly as the warm water soothed his soreness. The oils helped him a lot too, they were able to help the pain killers and soon the boy felt like he would fall asleep. Nodding the boy closed his eyes and slipped into a slumber land. He slept for half a hour before waking up in bed, dressed in one of Tony's shirts and the smell of food filling his room. HE struggled to sit up, but once he did he found the door wide open for him. It hurt to walk, but Nathan, still being slightly stubborn, walked all the way down stairs to see his love. "Tony? Are you down here?"
Tony slips his arms around him as the movie start, this one about a school headmaster and a young teacher, he slips his hands under his shirt and start to pull it off him. "A little eger my love..." He kisses softly over his bare back up to his shoulder, where he nips softly, his ne hand moving up to lightly pinch and twist his nipple.

Tony had gently washed Nathan and dried him off, then dressed him and lay him down in bed, he needed to rest. He went down to start their dinner, veal parm with Alfredo pasta from scratch. He had made the noodles and breaded the veal, it was baking in the oven while he made the sauce, he turned his head at his name being called. "Nat? What are you doing up... You won't get better that way..." He smiles at him, turning the sauce down he moves over to him "I told you I can mange a few things on my own..." He kisses him softly "At least go and lay on the couch..." He didn't want him hurting any longer then he had to.
"A little," Nathan whispered as he looked back to his lover "I know how much you want to do it, so I want to try to get excited quickly for you." he admitted. It wasn't as if Nathan had done that before, or even admitted, he was trying to be aroused for Tony. Through young, the man's sex drive would get tired out now and again, normally if he was used too much by his lover. And since their walk, he had been happily used but needed time to rest; however, if Tony wanted him the boy would find ways to get aroused. Which wasn't too hard when he would picture some things they could do. Leaning over he kissed Tony and moaned as he reached down to rub his member.

Nathan began to grind against Tony, licking his lips the man smiled slightly "Tony," Nathan began as he turned to face the older man "I want it hard," he stated as he rubbed the man's cheek "Do you want to try anything you saw?"

The boy pouted as he was kissed, feeling as if Tony didn't need him to do those things. "I know. . . I just. . . um okay, I'll go to the couch." the boy laid back and sighed softly before speaking softly, to soft for Tony to really hear if he even heard in the first place. ". . . When we go camping. . . will we be completely alone or will there be other people around us?"

After dinner the boy asked if they could go for a walk, though he quickly voided his suggestion when he tried to walk without limping. Walking with his lover the young man kissed him, smiling as he sat down "This looks wonderful. Heh, I'm sure your cooking is better than mine."
Tony looks at him "Rough..? Like the first time..." He smirks and let's his hands wonder "We'd have to work to that..." He reaches down and feels him through his pants, kissing him again "Would you like some wine... That may help you relax..." He smiles softly.

The house was quite, safe for him cooking, so he was able to hear Nathan, he looks over to him. "Would you like there to be other people? If so, then there will be... I don't mind either way..."

As he suggested they go for a walk, he just gave him a look as he tried to walk normally. "Not tonight love... But yes, when you're healed..." He sets out their dinner and smiles "You're still learning... But there are a few things you do better then me... But thank you..." They eat slowly "So... Which will it be..." He watches him and sips his drink slowly.
"Yeah. . . I mean we've done it like that a few times, maybe less intense, but I think I can handle it." Nathan said happily as he gasped softly. Nodding the boy pulled Tony close, staring into his eyes "Okay, relaxing would be better I guess." he whispered softly. Slipping off the couch the young man laid back on the couch, grinning slightly as he pushed himself onto his elbows "I'll grab the glasses and wine, you wait here." he said softly as he jumped off the couch and went to grab their drinks. He came back, only having to return to the door when the pizza came. The pizza guy flirted with Nathan a bit, who was absent minded about it as he thought the otehr man was just being chatty, the boy paid and gave a nice tip before setting the pizza on the table and smiled back to Tony.

"Would you like some pizza now or after we're done?"

"Ah, no, its not that." Nathan said, glad that what he said before was not heard. Joining tony at the table the boy began to eat, wetting his lips as he dug in. Looking up he thought for a moment before smiling "No, its fine really. I was just wondering. the camp ground I use to go to with my dad was always just us. . .I just wanted to know. I don't need anyone but you with me."
Tony smiles and waits for him to return to the couch "You're cute you know that... And to not even notice what that boy way saying..." He smirks and pulls the boy back into his lap, "Did you ignore him on purpose... Or did you really not notice..." He runs his hand over his chest slowly, he circles a nipple slowly, it was nice to know his boy only had eyes for him.

Tony eats and looks at him, then smiles "You're too sweet love... You can help me pick out a place tomorrow... After work if your able to go..." He takes a drink and continues to eat, it was going to be a slow next few day.
"huh? What do you mean?" Nathan asked as he pulled down. Perplex, the young man thought back about the other male. He was saying nice things, even suggesting that they should meet up whenever they were free. "Not really, I just thought he wanted to hang out. I've been getting that a lot lately whenever I meet other guys or girls. Like the neighbor across the hall, Holly, wanted us to go for drinks later on. I said I'd have to get back at her." Nathan informed his lover.

With a soft moan the young man bit his lip, rocking back and forth. "I never notice I guess. I only want you."

Agreeing the boy made small talk, even informing his lover that he was learning French by being taught by a older man at the restaurant who came in every morning when Nathan was working. It was nothing to note, the older man was in his late 60's and talked to Nathan for the simple reason that he was lonely and Nathan knew how he felt. They liked to talk.

The next few days were rough for the boy, he was able to walk better, however, sexually they had to tone a lot. As in, how they were in the beginning.

It was the day of their camping trip and Nathan had just came back from work when he left to pick up his check. Along the way he picked up a few treats, some supplies he thought they would need (like a first aid kit), and even buying something from a small clothing shop. "Tony! I'm home!" Nathan called out as he stepped into their home. "Are you all set?"
Tony smiles and and leans closer "I love hearing you say that..." He licks his nipple, then sucks it slightly, teasing it with his tongue, then repeats it on the other one. His hands had moved to his waist and were opening his pants, and his own as well, "Nnn..." He moans softly and starts to stroke them both slowly in his hand, rubbing over their tips with his thumb. "S-Say it again baby..." He starts to kiss up to his neck, licking it as he continues to slowly work them in his hand.

"Just about..." He calls from the kitchen, he was packing them some food for the road and a few drinks, he looks out of the kitchen. "I just have to pack the car..." There were two large backpacks, one for each of them with clothes, another one with cooking supplies and emergency items, another bag with their tent and their fishing gear.
Sucking in a breath of air as his nipple was suckled upon, the blonde looked down to his lover. His hands raked through the older man's hair and he could feel himself falling deeper, and deeper in love with his lover. "Neh." the boy twitched as he felt their cocks rub up against one another, then moaned feeling the heads teased. "I want you. . . only you." he moaned out loud.

Nathan nod as he came into the kitchen and helped his lover "Ah okay, I grabbed a few things well coming back, I can't wait till we're up in the woods." Nathan chirped.

Helping with the bags, Nathan ensured what he bought from the shop was hidden. It didn't take long for them to get a move on and once they were at the camp grounds, Nathan showed his experience by pitching the tent rather quickly as well as starting the fire. Sitting down on a nearby log he smiled sweetly "Hows about in the morning we go fishing?"
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