The Therapist [Ladydark/SWN1994]

Tony slowly runs his fingers along the others back and side, he smiles softly "I like it too..." He watches him relax "Do you still wanna go out to eat... And what are you in the mood for.. We do have to celebrate my love..."

Tony was starting to nod off again when Nathan spoke, he shifts to look at him and tilts his head slightly. "It's called cross-dressing... And a lot of people think it's strange and don't understand... But if it makes you happy... Why worry what other people think..." He tips his chin up and rubs his cheek, smiling softly. "You bought more then what you already showed me... Didn't you..." He leans closer and kisses him softly "You'll have nothing to fear from me my boy... You already saw I quite enjoyed it..." He pulls Nathan closer and slips his hand under his top, just to rest against his skin. "I love you... And nothing will change that... Even if you decided to return home and report me... I'd still love you... It would hurt... But I'd understand..." There were times he still wondered why Nathan stayed, he was still young and he knew he missed his parents.
"I can't wait! Lets have a small wedding. Just close friends and family. . . maybe we could go to that sea side restaurant, you know, the one next to the pier for our after ceremony dinner." Nathan said, already trying to figure out how to plan everything. Sitting up the boy looked down to his lover "Hm, I know of a nice chines place around the corner, or we could head back to our neighborhood and go to the french cafe."

Turning bright red the boy nod, crossing his legs as he thought about what he had under his clothes "I did. . . I even tried on some stuff well I was there too. . . thats why I was a bit late." Nathan explained. It was comforting to feel the other's hand rubbing his cheek, almost like how his sister would do to relax him. Moving closer he kissed back and smiled softly. His skin popped with goosebumps as he felt the warm hand against his cool skin. Frowning the boy nuzzled into Tony's chest and pulled the blanket tightly around them. "I never want to leave your side. . .however, I would like to see them again. . . even if it was just to tell them that I'm staying with you." he explained.

Yawning softly the boy felt at ease, the thought no longer bothering him and helping him to rest.

The rain did stop, however it seemed it would return later on. Till then, Nathan found some try wood and began a fire, asking his older lover how they should prepare the other fish.
Tony looks at him "Have you given thought on how to tell your parents..." He knew Nathan would want them there, he loved his parents and Tony didn't want them missing anything more. "I know you'll want them there..." He smiles at him "And we'll go where ever you want... Mr. Mathers..."

Tony smiles "You can wear whatever you want love... It won't matter to me... And I promise you'll see your parents again... We just have to be careful... Or I may never see you again..." He gets up and dressed when Nat went to make a fire, coming out to help him. "Well, which way did you like more?"
"I have . . . just telling them I'm gay though. . .as to explain us, that one will take time." he whispered softly. Nodding he smiled "I do, and I want us to visit them on Christmas and. . . and I want to do a lot of things. To make up time with them." he replied. Laughing softly the boy sat up and smirked, reaching down as he brushed his fingers against Tony's adam's apple. "Hehe, mmm, I vote for Korean Bbq! I almost forgot that it was down the road from here." he smiled warmly.

"Thank you. . . thank you. . ." Nathan said softly, hugging the man firmly before letting the man go. Thinking the boy looked back to Tony "I liked how you cooked it, in the foil." he answered. Nathan got the first and began to scale, gut, and clean it.

After lunch Nathan talked about his sister, it was a touchy subject but he talked about the good times like when she would take him to the park or dress him up in her clothes. To say the least if April was still alive, Tony would have probably not have Nathan. She would always walk him in the mornings to their school, taking that same path before she got sick.

"When we get back, we should get the pictures develop, maybe start an album or hang some."
Tony smiles and sits up with him, pulling him closer "Sounds delicious... Shall we get ready..." He reaches out and cups his cheek "We'll find a way... Now... How are you going to tell them... And not have them think it was your 'captor'.." He kisses him softly. "I never forced you into anything... If you truely didn't want me... I would have let you go..."

Tony cooked the fish and they talked as they ate, knowing how much he missed his sister. "Was she at home or in the hospital when she passed..." He smiles at him softly "She must have just loved you... Her sweet little brother..." He nods "We can do both if you want... I'll leave it up to you little artist..."
Nathan chuckled as he was pulled close, kissing the man's cheek before thinking for a second. "Well. . .we are saying that I was kidnapped by a woman . . .not only that, but I was kinda. . . erm. . .trying things out with Kevin. . . my mom knew and well. . . they've always joked about me being gay, although they did get worried when I was 15 and they found out about my experimenting . I'm not sure yet though, but it shouldn't be a huge surprise." Nathan said. Nodding he slipped from the bed and got dress, pausing for a moment as he thought about the first weeks. He had begged to go home. Not caring about Tony and shouting that he wanted to just go home.

Changing into a pair of black panties, grey stockings, grey jeans, and a black button up shirt the boy looked back to the man and smiled warmly "How do I look?" he asked, turning to his lover before walking over and taking a seat on the bed ". . .Tony. . .could we, together, tell them when the time comes?"

Looking down the boy had a sad smile ". . .home. I ditched school and I would hide under her bed whenever our mom came up to check up on her. Heh. . ." the boy leaned back and held to the log, nodding. "I was with her during her last minutes. . . she kept telling me that when I grew up, that she wanted me to be happy . . . I love my parents, but my sister was really close to me. She told me to never worry about grades or school. . ." he whispered. Looking up to the man he sighed softly and leaned against the man ". . .I miss her. . . you remind me a lot of her. She always took the chance to hug and caught me. . . always to try things and sometimes hide me in her closet so our parents couldn't take me to the doctor or with them. I was like her doll. . . I miss being beside her." he hugged the man firmly and closed his eyes. "Yeah, lets do both. I want to fill our house, I want you know how it feels to see pictures of family around you."
"Experimenting... Have you seen Kevin since you've been back?" He knew a friend had come to see him but he couldn't remember which one, he looks up. "You look wonderful... As always..." He sits up as he sits and reaches for him, cupping his cheek "Telling them about what you mean to me... Of course... But how... And when, will we say it happened... I'm your Therapist..." He rubs his cheek and leans closer, kissing him gently "I shouldn't be involved with you..." He smirks slightly, then kisses him once more, twisting their tongues together slowly, then pulls back to look at him.

Tony smiles softly at him "Tell you what... Anytime you want to talk about your sister... You let me know and we'll talk... You can keep her alive that way... In here... And here..." He points to his head, then his heart, then cups his cheeks and kisses him softly. "And I'd love to have our memories all around us... Just like your artwork..." He hugs him close.
Nathan nod as he looked back to the man "I have, we've actually hung out with one another, he even helped me move in here." Nathan smiled. Looking up to his lover, the boy laughed softly and shook his head, leaning into the man's hands as Tony held his cheeks, the young man smirked "That will be difficult to figure out, we've been seeing each other less than a month. It will be hard to explain the sudden engagement to them." Nathan chuckled softly as he kissed back. Moaning as he felt their tongue twist around one another, his body pressing against the older man's body.

Pulling away the adult smiled softly "Get dress, if we keep this up I swear I'm going to be bent over the bed." he joked.

Tony was very sweet, those words more than easily winning the boy over. Hugging back the boy smiled, leaning up to kiss the man's cheek before standing up "I'll go grab the snack bag, get some chips and anything else for us to eat with out fish."

After their meal the boy found himself holding the phone, snapping photos of the tree lines and a few of Tony when he wasn't paying attention. Running over he playfully jumped onto the man's back, kissing his cheek as he showed the photos to the man. "I like this one he best, "Nathan said as he showed the photo of Tony, a heavy shadows being cased by his best features, the fire still roaring in front of him. "You look really nice in that one," he began "Oh, I also got a few pictures of fireflies, I think I might paint that on the wall back in my old room."
Tony chuckles "And what's wrong with that..." He gets up and starts to get dressed, he soon hugs him from behind. Tony kisses his cheek and smiles "One last one for the road... Back to doctor and patient outside here..." He moves to get his wallet and heads for the bedroom door and then to the kitchen. He fixed them both a small drink, a light shot to kick off their celebration. "To us..."

"Oof... Hey..." He smiles and reaches back to help hold him up, then looks at the phone "Those are really good baby... I didn't even notice you taking it... Maybe I'll get you a camera..." It had been a really nice day, just the two of them, there was some stuffed chicken breast on the fire, he had packed them from home.

After dinner, they were sitting by the fire, he was holding Nathan close, slowly running his hand over his leg. "Mmm... I loved today... Just us..." He looks down at him "So... Tell me about the other things you tried on... I want to know what you like to wear..." He smiles at him.
Laughing softly the man smirked as he looked back to his lover "Well, for one: I would like to walk without a slight limp, and two: by the time we stop, everything will be closed." he joked. Following the man he laughed softly, taking the shot the boy smiled "To us and our long, love filled, life." he said before taking the shot, his face scrunching up before he walked over to his lover and kissed him firmly. "Let get going."

"That sounds good, maybe a cheap one just to take pictures of us." he said softly. Nathan looked forward to this dinner, wondering what it would taste like.

Nathan yawned softly as he leaned against the older man, holding the man's hand as he looked to the older man, blushing slightly when he asked what he had tried on. "Oh. . . well, I tried on a few other stockings. . . I tried heels but I fall. . . erm. . . I tried on a really cute bra, I would have gotten it but it was a bit much. . .I also tried on a blue teddy, the girl helping me said it was really nice on me. . . maybe you could come next time? help me try out a few other things." he smiled back, feeling comfortable as he saw that Tony wasn't judging him.

Biting his lip the boy unbuckled his pants and pulled them forward a bit as to show him the other pair of panties he had gotten "These fit the best."
They head out and get into Tony's car, he takes Nat's directions and heads to te restaurant, park and head inside. "Well, it smells wonderful... Off to a good start..." He smiles and heads to an empty table for two "Alright... What shall we have... You know what's good..."

Tony smiles, he wasn't one for cross dressing, but his little love, looked quite sexy in the right clothes. He leans over and takes a look, the fire giving just enough light, he smirks slightly and snakes his hand up his leg. "They look good on you..." He slips his hand into his pants and slowly runs his fingers over his lace covered cock, teasing him lightly. "Is this your last pair..." He leans closer and kisses at his neck "Do you like that Sweety..." He traces his cock slowly through the panties, feeling him start to stiffen.
Taking a seat across Tony, the boy smiled "Ah, we should start with the order of brisket and beef." he said before hearing his name. Turning he stood up, waving over to Kevin, the boy running over and hugging the boy. "Nathan! Haha, what are you doing over here?"

"I'm out with my . . . therapist, Dr. Mathers."

"Dr. . .? Oh hello," Kevin smiled as he greeted the man "I'm Kevin." the man smiled as he offered his hand to the man, pausing for a moment as he took a long hard look. Was this the same man who helped him when he was a kid? A woman called to Kevin, telling him they needed to leave. Kevin wished the two a good night, telling Nathan he would see him in a few days before he ran off to his girlfriend.

Sitting down he smiled softly "Sorry about that, as you can tell that's Kevin. Anyway, do you see anything you'd like to try?"

"Thank you! Heh. . ." Nathan gasped softly feeling the other's hand going down his pants, his leg twitching as he felt fingers began to run over his cloth cocked. Moaning as he felt warm lips against his neck, the boy nod "Y-yes. . . ah. . . Tony." Nathan moaned as he allowed his head to hang, his feet burying into the ground as he started to become hard "Y-yes. . ." Nathan said softly. Taking the other hand, Nathan lead it under his shirt, looking back up to Tony. "Could we go into the tent. . . please?"
Tony looks up as Nathan is called and smiles softly at the boy "Hello..." He shakes his hand as the boy looks him over, he looked thoughtful, did he know him? He sits back down "He seems happy to have you back... Who was the girl?" He looks over the menu, everything looked good "How about you just get for us both... It all looks good..."

Tony continues his actions a moment longer, loving his reactions, he pulls back to look at him. "And what if I said no.... What if I wanted you to cum by firelight..." Of course he had moved them to the tent, but he had wanted to see the boys reaction. Once behind the closed walls of their tent, Tony helps him out of his outer clothes, then again runs his fingers over his clothed cock. "My little Sweety, is quite excited... And in such pretty clothes...
"Haha, yeah, we actually had a small sleep over the night we saw each other again. It brought back a lot of memories to sleep in that club house again. . . I think that's his girlfriend." Nathan smiled softly as he thought about that night together. He was updated on everyone, was informed on a few things, and found out that Kevin was bisexual. To say the least they felt like kids again, only going to bed in the wee hours of the morning. "Okay, well then we should also have. . ."

The night was good, they some sweet drinks as well and Nathan was so excited about their engagement that he began to ask other questions: When should they get married? Should they stay in the states for their honeymoon or go out of state? Could they invite anyone that knew him as Jason? When they move, would they be still be able to come visit?

Crumbling in the man's grip, the boy pouted and as he pressed up against the man "I'd let you fuck me by the firelight then. . . I just want you." he said softly. Being taken into the tent the boy was taken out of his clothes, his body shivering as he felt the cooling pricks against his skin. Moaning out the boy blushed brightly, looking up to the man as he felt his cock twitch again "Mm. . . it feels really good." he whispered. Spreading his legs the boy began to reach down, his fingers puling the panties to the side as he slipped in a finger, fingering himself as Tony teased him.

"Nnn. . ." Nathan's other hand reached over, rubbing the man's crotch as he sat up to kiss his neck. Unbuckling the man's pants, the boy looked up to him "I wanna see stars."
After dinner they sat and talked, mostly Nathan asking questions and Tony answering them. "Yell... I was hoping you'd like to go to the islands... Relaxing on the beach and sipping drinks... Fun in our hotel room..." He smiles. "Hmm... How would we explain them to your parents and vice versa... You told them you were dead... Not to mention... I'm your uncle... To them..." He starts to think "As for when... Hmm... I'll have to think on that one..." He looks at him "We can visit all you want... I'm not keeping you from them..." He smiles softly.

Tony smiles and looks at him, he kisses him and continues to tease him "As you wish love..." He starts to kiss at his neck again and slips his hand into his panties, stroking him slowly. After a few moments of that, he starts to kiss down and shifts out of the others touch, he glances at him. "Relax baby..." He licks him through his panties.
"The islands? Ooo! I'd love that, we could go to one with white sands, and the . . . oh. . . heh," Nathan smiled back "I'm sure you have lots of ideas for that one." he teased. ". . . they could still think that, they don't know anything . . . and if worse comes to worse, we could lie on the reason I was with you. . . no one needs to know about the van or the closet." Nathan whispered, talking more to himself than to his lover. His attention returned to the man and he thought for a moment "Well, I like the idea of a fall wedding, it won't be too hot or cold and we could have it outside," Nathan smiled warmly. Nodding the boy looked down "I know, I just. . ." sighing softly the boy looked back up "Depending on where you take the job through. . . I don't want to force you on a plane every weekend just to stay in my old bedroom."

Blushing the boy smiled back, biting his bottom lip as he tried to stay quite. With a soft moan the boy wiggled under the man, his hands above his head as he allowed Tony to do all the work. Nathan sat up, reaching to touch the man when he was out of reach. Nodding the boy spread his legs, gasping softly as he felt the tongue out of the panties "T-tony!" Nathan covered his mouth, embarrassed when he felt himself getting more excited.
Tony smiles at him and takes his hand a moment "You come up with a story that works and keeps everyone in the dark... And I'll back it 100%... I want you happy on your special day... And don't think I haven't noticed you day dreaming every few minutes... You have an... Outfit... In mind... Don't you baby..." He smirks, knowing Nathan's love for female clothes, he rubs his hand "Will it be for the ceremony... Our just for us..." He smiles and relaxes back in his seat, watching him, he frowns slightly "I don't care if we move halfway around the world... If you want to see your parents... We'll be on the next flight... Haven't you learned yet... I'll do anything to make you smile..." He chuckles softly "And blush..." Watching the soft blush spread over his cheeks.

Tony looks at him "It's just us here... Enjoy this..." He smiles and goes back to work, licking and sucking him through his panties, one hand gently massaging his sac as the other runs along his leg slowly. "That's it baby... Moan louder..." His tips was pushing out of the waistband, he shifts up and teases his tongue over it, then suckling it softly. He could see how worked up his Sweety was getting, just from over the panties play, he looks up at him as he continues.
Smiling warmly the young man nod as he held to his lover's hand, chuckling softly when Tony inquired about the outfit he had in mind. "Heh, you know me to well I'm afraid. As for what I have in mind. . . you'll just have to see when we go on our honeymoon." he smirked. On cue the boy blushed lightly, his body pressing against the man as he closed his eyes and smiled "I know. I've always known you will do anything to keep me happy, but I want you to be happy too. I don't want to make it hard on you, nor on my parents. Besides, you know I worry about you, I want to keep you happy too."

Nathan crumbled and with permission he began to moan loudly, his back arching as he felt the saliva began to soak through his panties. Digging his toes into the the blankets, Nathan tilted his head back, his hand moving up as he began to pitch and twist his nipples. "Nnn. . ." Nathan whined softly, his back arching again as he could feel himself reaching that point again.

"S-stop. . . slower please," Nathan chocked out as he bit onto his knuckle.

forcing himself to sit up the boy blushed as he reached down "I need a kiss,"
Tony smiles at him "I want to kiss you so much right now... But I'll save it for later..." He signals for the check and takes another sip from his drink, he softly rubs his hand with his thumb. "Do you want to hire someone... Or do you want to plan everything..." He pays when it arrives and they head out, getting into his car and driving, he looks to him. "Where would you like to go... I don't feel like going home to be watched..."

Tony looks up and him and smiles, he changes to moving his fingers over his cock slowly, he moves up slightly to kiss him, soft, but demanding. "Mmm... You want me to push you... Until you can't hold back anymore baby... A slow burn..." He kisses him again, then moves to his neck, nipping it gently and giving it wet kisses. "You tell me when you get too close..." He kisses him once more, then goes back down, licking and sucking him again, but slower now, taking more time to explore. The boys soft and loud cries were music to his hears, making him lose this much control was a rare thing, they boy never wanting to be caught. When he gets close again, Tony moves to kissing over his check and lightly flicking his tongue over his nipples as Nat teases them. The hand sliding over his leg slows as well, now drawing soft patterns on his inner thigh.
With a coy smile the groom-to-be shook his head "Okay, but no pawing at me." he joked, finishing his drink before holding Tony'shand between both of his "It'll be small, so. . . lets just plan it together. That way there aren't any surprises. We know whats happening and no one can make a mistake."

Following his fiancé out from the restaurant and into the car. Nathan looked over to Tony, putting a finger to his lips before snapping them "How about the beach? We haven't been there in some time, and it is really nice out right now." he said. Reaching over he held Tony's knee "I can't wait until we announce it."

The kiss was something different, something he had never actually felt since they began this. Tender, yet powerful. It was amazing. "Mmhm," Nathan bobbed his head, unable to really speak before he felt those lips move down further and further. Nathan would switch from being loud to trying to stay quite, his moans coming out in squeaks or him biting his tongue, knuckle, anything to muffle a moan or groan. Covering his face the teen felt himself grow embarrassed, his penis now struggling to break free from the surprisingly strong panties. Moving his hand away, Nathan was surprised to see Tony but didn't complain as he felt the kiss on his cheek. He wanted to his Tony, but the man had different plans.

Moaning the teen looked down to his lover, without thinking he began to wiggle out of his panties "Too much. . . too much again."
Tony smiles and glances at him "A nice stroll along the beach... That sounds wonderful..." He takes the next turn and heads to the beach, it was about thirty minute away. Once there he parks the car and looks around "And not too crowded... Hmm..." He glances at the sun "Might need an umbrella for the sun... Do you see a sale stand anywhere?" He ducks back into the car to grab his wallet "Well need drinks too..." He moves over to him, feeling a bit safer here, he puts his arm around his waist and pulls him closer, kissing his cheek.

Tony stills his movements "Are you not enjoying it that way anymore..." He pushes the panties down far enough to let him spring free, he smiles and grips him lightly, but doesn't move. "Are you ready then... To see your stars... Or shall I continue..." He stares at him as he leans back down and teases his tip with his tongue slowly, then slowly takes him in fully, only to pull off just as slowly. He knew what his love liked, but actually getting him to admit it at times was hard, but in these rare moments of loss of control. "Tell me baby boy... More... Or stars..." He starts to lick him like a melting ice cream, keeping a close feel on his sac to judge how close he was, not wanting him to pop yet.
Once at the beach the young man slipped out from the car and walked over to Tony, smiling as he looked out to the incoming waves. "Ah, its wonderful here, the air is so fresh and it looks like we'll have a majority of the beach to ourselves." he said happily. "Sales. . .? Oh, yeah, its down on the boardwalk," Nathan said as he looked over the railing and down to the man who seemed to be selling many things. Turning to his lover he smiled walking over, yelping as as he pulled close, the boy laughed softly and kissed the man back, his lips brushing against his cheek before he pulled away and took the man's hand. "Lets go!"

It didn't take long to grab a umbrella and a few drinks. Taking the man's hand he lead him to the sandy shores, "Its so nice here. . . I can't wait to go to islands. . . that'll be our first time out of state together!" Nathan said excitedly.

"N-no its not that," the boy replied, turning red as he saw it jump up. "I-I wanna . . ." Nathan looked away, biting his thumb as he hoped that Tony would just do it. Gasping as he felt the tongue and warm mouth around his cock, the boy shivered, staring down at him "S-stars! Please. . . please . . . I'm going to come any moment, please don't make me wait." he whimpered softly. Shaking the boy's hand began to reach down, inching to take control but stopping short as he knew that Tony would just drag this out longer.

After seeing stars and ended up laying on his back, panting heavily ". . .that felt so good. . . hehe. . ." he closed his eyes, breathing deeply as he turned onto his side. "Do you want me to make you feel good?. . . I could try right now. . ."
Tony pays for the stuff and smiles, taking his hand and walking with him, he squeezes it lightly. "It will also be our first outting together.. As husbands..." He bends over me picks up a small seashell, he cleans it up and hands it to him. "There... For your collection.."

Tony had sped up after Nat's plea to see stars, he could feel the boy coming I done, and was enjoying being he one to make him so so. 'That's it baby cum for.." He was cut off mid thought as Nathan's hold snapped and he came. Tony slows his movements and bobs carefully, making sure to get it all. Once finished, he pulls off and watches him a moment, then moves up to lay with him, he kisses him softly. "Mmm... I'd love that... Your sexy little cries got me all worked up..." He kisses him softly again and smiles "But take your time... I can still see you shaking..." He smiles softly snd cups his cheek, just watching him.
Nathan smiled brightly as he looked to his lover "Heh, and our first Christmas and Thanksgiving. . .and New Years. . . and. . . I can't wait." the boy said softly as he looked over to Tony. He felt so warm, so happy to know that they would be able to be together. Taking the shell the boy held it firmly before carefully putting the shell into his pocket. "Thank you, I love it. Ah, I need to put this with them soon." he said before turning to the man. Pulling him along he smiled brightly as he began to walk backwards, his hand giving a squeeze to his hand. The sun making his skin bright and his eyes standing out more.

Panting softly the boy smiled warmly before feeling Tony move up. Kissing back the boy laid back, closing his eyes before listening to his lover. Blushing brightly he was about to say something when another kiss silent him. His eyes adverted the man's; his cheeks red as they could be, and hot to the touch, as he thought about how much he had moan. "Ah. . . okay," he chuckled as he looked back to his lover, trying to calm himself down.

He began to kiss Tony's neck, making the man lay back as he climbed on top of him. His body was still shaking, but he kept kissing him. His lips moving further down as his hand took hold of the member. "Tony," Nathan began as he looked down, still leading kisses down the man's chest "Did. . . did my moans really turn you on this much? You're rock hard. . ."
He listens to him, watches him and just feels so good, to have made him this happy, he smiles brightly. He walks closer and wraps his arms around him and spins them around, "Neither can I..." He laughs and pulls him close for a kiss, one full of love and happiness. Then holds him closer "I've waited a lifetime for you... And I won't let anything tear us apart... You're all that matters..." He cups his cheek and rubs it softly, staring at him, smiling.

Tony moans softly and looks at him, he smiles "You should see... Mmm... Yourself sometime... Nnn... Your beautiful when you just let go baby... This is what you do to me..." He slowly moves his hips up into his hand, encouraging him to continue, he smiles at him again. "Does my reaction to you... Please you baby?" He stares at him, watching him as he starts to please him, loving every second of it.
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