The Therapist [Ladydark/SWN1994]

"Anything... Not everything..." He glances at him "Go to sleep... I'll wake you..." He smiles and starts home, driving carefully so Nathan can sleep. Once home, he helps him from the car and inside, then gets him ready for bed and joins him. "Goodnight love..." He kisses him softly and holds him close.

As the crowd started to thin, Tony follows Jared around to find Nathan, he smiles as he sees him with the girls, just having fun. He looks to Jared at his question, puzzled for a moment, then chuckles "Oh... Sometimes I guess... But I manage... What about you? I didn't see a mrs tonight..." He smirks slightly.
"But they had so much!" Nathan exclaimed as he turned to the man. Yawning he nod and without a word he curled up, falling asleep on the drive to his apartment.

That morning Nathan slept in, cuddling with his lover as the dogs came in and took the end of the bed as their own. It was a very cute scene, the young man cuddling with his older lover as their pets slept at their feet. Something from a cheesy tv show. Tony's phone would begin to ring, it being from Nathan's parents as they wanted to check if Tony had spoken to the boy yet. Nathan wasn't answering his cell phone and although they felt safe about him being alone, they just wanted to make sure.

The boy had noticed them, too busy laughing and joking around with the girls as they began to talk about some video games, one trying very hard to flirt with the boy. "Unfortunately I prefer Mr.s, not a lot of men who are comfortable rising a kid or with the idea of being open in public. What about you? Anyone special?" Jared asked as he motioned for them to leave the kids alone, Nathan all but too happy to be around his own age group again.

Taking the man to the back porch the man smiled fondly, reaching over and taking Tony's knee "You know, they'll probably fall asleep. We could go off back to your site and have a bit of fun. He'll be fine with the girls."
Tony was sleeping peacefully, holding Nathan close and with his nose tucked into his hair, breathing him in. "Nnn..." He slowly wakes up, hearing his phone, he sighs and slowly gets up, not wanting to wake Nat. He gets his phone and looks at the ID, he blinks a moment before heading into the bathroom. He answers it "Abigail... Good morning... What can I do for you..." He had forgotten to call them again.

As they headed back out to the porch, Tony was a little caught off guard by the touch and almost missed what he said. "Wait... What... Oh... Umm..." He actually blushed slightly and looks back out over the yard, he'd had a few dates now and then, but he always started it. He smiles slightly, it was nice to know he was wanted by someone else, but then he frowns. He loved Nathan, very much so, more then he really should, but it was love all the same. He glances back to where the kids were, then to Jared "Jason gets scared easily... If he was to fall asleep and wake up... Me not there... I don't know..." This was not something he was expecting, and wasn't sure totally how to handle it. He looks the man over, he was attractive, and he'd be lying if he said no part of him wanted to be with an adult again, but he wouldn't hurt Nathan like that.
"I'm sorry to call so early," she began "But we haven't heard from Nathan and we wondered if you were going to see him today. Maybe call us and tell us if hes okay. . . we've made a deal as to not worry so much but. . . ah I'm sorry. Just, call if you talk to him. Thank you."

Nathan called his parents after he was informed. He had woken up when Tony moved and asked what had happen. After the chat he feed the dogs and began their breakfast, asking the man to help out with the eggs and toast. "Oh, Tony, I just had a thought. Jared once said he had a house on a island, we should ask him where. That way we won't have to stay in a hotel on our honeymoon and we could just spend the week or two there without having to pay too much."

Smirking the man leaned over pulling Tony closer but not daring to try anything else "Then lets go up to my room. Jason will be downstairs and I'm sure we could be quite enough, if not, we could also plan it out. The girl flirting with him is my niece-I'm sure she'll be more than glad to ask him to go out and find some fire wood. Gives us more than enough time to play," the man whispered into Tony's ear as his hand rose further up until he was rubbing the man's inner thigh "Come now, I'm sure Jason would be more than glad to help out the girls to grab some fire wood. . . oui, he might even come out of his shell to try more. Hes a sweet kid, but you were his age once; I was his age once--hes gotta be thinking about it even as we speak." Jared said, his lips brushing against the other's man's ear. "Soo? What do you say?"
Tony was moving to start breakfast, he glances back at him "Jared... He might... He's a good man... He'll also have to know, no more summer flings..." He kisses Nathan when he gets closer a few times each summer when we were still 'dating' was one thing..." He pulls Nathan closer and hugs him, cupping his cheek "But you're all I ever wanted... All I'll ever want again..." He smiles at him "At least us getting together won't bother him and his niece... After we told them we weren't blood related..." He smiles and moves back to the eggs, "Fried or scrambled..."

Tony watched him, took deeper breaths as the man tried to seduce him, he smirks as the man gets close. "You don't know my.. Nephew... Very well yet..." He snakes his hand up Jared's side and into his hair, he grips it lightly and tips his head back. "And I'm no push over... Jared..." He pulls him close and into a short but deep kiss, he pulls back slowly and look at him, panting slightly. "Let me tell Jason to stay with the girls... I can meet you upstairs..." He pulls him into another kiss, this one bit so rough, but letting him know he was excited. He pulls away and heads back to the kids, glancing back at Jared on his way.
"Oh, I guess not." Nathan replied, looking back to the man as he reached up "I guess Anna can't help me pick up guys or girls anymore." Nathan smiled. He and Anna were never a thing, they tried one summer but it ended quickly and she began to help him pick up men and women, often she was the one doing the talking well Nathan just hang out somewhere behind and let her pick his date for the night.

"Hey, should we invite them to the wedding too? I mean, Jared already knows so. . . I doubt he'll think of it any differently." he said before turning to his love. "Mmm, scrambled them this time."

"Eh, you're right. For all we could know he might have his eyes on me." Jared joked. Being pulled roughly as a huge turn on for the man and he didn't mind it when he was given a short but deep kiss. Grinning the man grabbed onto the man's shirt, grinning as he nod "Good. If they want I even have a entertainment center in the basement, gives us more time alone." he stated as he kissed back, his hand snaking down and give the man a good grope before he did as he was told and headed up to the bedroom.

Nathan was busy with another girl, laughing as one of them began to quack-the game they were playing was weird. The young man noticed Tony and pouted, asking if they had to leave. He was having fun and didn't want to go yet. "We're not leaving yet, right uncle?" Nathan asked, a few of the girls grabbing onto the boy and pouting as well.

"Please don't take Jason!"

"Yeah, hes so much better than the other boys here!"
He smiles "Sure... If you tell him not to mention our summer trips... You and Anna still talk often?" He starts to scramble the eggs, popping the toast down when they were half done, then pulling them off the heat as the toast pops, perfect. "Wanna grab the plates and juice?" He starts to butter the toast.

Tony watched for a few minutes until 'Jason' noticed him and smiles, then chuckles "No no... We aren't leaving yet..." He smiles "I'm gonna hang out with Jared for a bit... Stay with the girls until I come get you... Jared said you could use the entertainment room if you get board... If it gets too late, we'll just spent the night..." It was good for him to be with kids now and then, he then turns and heads back inside.

Tony walks in and kicks off his shoes, then heads upstairs, heading to the only closed door, he steps inside and closes it again, clicking the lock. "So... I take it you're and under..." He starts to walk to the man's bed, slowly opening his shirt and letting it fall, then unzips his jeans and let's them fall, kicking them off. "How long has it been for you..." He stood in only his boxers beside the bed, looking down at him.
"We do. . . she was planning on getting me with some twins this up coming summer. . . I guess I won't be able too," he chuckled softly as he looked back to the man and smiled sweetly. Nodding he grabbed their plates and cups as he began to set up the breakfast bar. Blushing the boy looked down "Heh. . . I never noticed how we took breaks. . ." Nathan was quite before turning to Tony "Are you sure. . . I won't start to bore you, right?"

Nathan smiled brightly and nod "Ah, thank you!" Nathan chirped happily as he was tackled down by two of the girls who smirked "Lets set up a tent outside! Well Jason is here we'll be able to tell scary stories." one said. Soon the group began to move outside,they set up two tents outside next to the fire pit.

Jared was already stripped to nothing as he laid down on the bed and waited for the man to come in. Smirking as he saw Tony come in. Laughing he turned on his side, beckoning the man to come closer before making the man come onto the bed "Almost a month, what about you?" he asked. Making tony lay on the bed, Jared climbed onto his lap and smirked "So, still worried about little Jason? He seems more than comfortable with the girls."

It didn't take long for Nathan to fall asleep with one of the girls, the other girls kept talking well one pointed out to Jared's bedroom-the curtains were rocking. They laughed and talked about more things, one girl even adding on how they should see if they could get Jason to kiss one of them or see if they could get him to do more. To the girls, the boy just screamed out virgin, they had no idea of what Nathan been through almost a year now.
Tony divided the eggs and placed their toast on the plates, he then slowly pulls Nathan close and runs his fingers through his hair, looking at him. "If anyone should be afraid of that... It should be me... You're younger then me... Good looking... Smart, can cook... You could have anyone you wanted... And you still stay with me... I never want to reach a day that you bore me... Just as much as I don't want to reach a day where you realize you can do better..."

Tony thought a moment as the man moved closer, he couldn't say the truth, "Mmm... Few months for me... Not many men around me worth having... And with Jason around now..." He grins and reaches down, running his fingers along his leg, then grips him lightly, teasing him with soft strokes. "So... Are you loud... Or quiet..." He grins and begins to rub his tip with his thumb, his other hand slides up his back and into his hair, pulling his head back slightly so he can lick and nip at his neck.
"Tony," Nathan smiled softly before playfully hitting his head "I can never do better than you. You're a great man. . . you're mine." he whispered as he pulled him into a kiss before he again tapped the man on the head "Come on, lets eat and see if Jared is nearby. I think he said he lived around here once. . . or at least somewhere near my parents' home." he said as he began to set up their plates "Come on, set down and lets eat up."

Jared chuckled as he pulled Tony close, licking his lips before he reached down, rubbing the man's hips "Awe, aren't you the good uncle," he whispered as he reached up and kissed up Tony's neck "Such a good uncle. . . you should be rewarded." he whispered. Leaning back the man spread his legs slightly, smiling as he stared up at the man "I'm whatever you want me to be." he grinned, purring softly as he felt his cock being played with. Groaning the man arched his back and gripped to the man's back "Fuck. . ." he muttered softly.

Jared pulled Tony close, the complete opposite of Nathan as he began to start their session. He fished out a condom from his drawer, smirking as he playfully waved it in front of the man "So, you wanna ride or do I get to do you?" he asked, going up and nipping at the man's lips.

Nathan woke up after a while, he found the girls giggling and when he asked what was so funny a girl stated that it seemed Nathan's and Anna's uncles were having a lot of fun. The boy looked up to see the curtains, the familiar creaking sound even being heard if Nathan focused hard enough. He didn't allow the pain to show on his face, although he felt like crying. Shaking it off he returned his attention to the girls, acting as if nothing before he was asked if he wanted to go skinny dipping with them. Wanting to get away the boy nod and followed the girls, glad he was wearing normal under clothes as he didn't want them to think he was weird.

Once down by another lake, one that was much smaller and shallower. Although it seemed well traffic with the string lights hung and what looked like to be a old sofa replacing logs. Nathan stripped down to nothing along with the girls as he slipped into the water with them, for some reason not shy as he thought he would be when it came to being naked around them. Soon others joined them, some of the boys from the party had followed and joined in with them.
Tony sits down to start eating and looks at him "It's been a few years since we saw them last... Think they'll accept us together..." He smiles softly and begins to eat, it was going to be an interesting day.

Tony grin and takes the condom from him "You're the one going for a ride... Now... Facing me or doggy style..." He strokes him a few more times before shifting back and opening the condom to slip it on. "Do you like it rough... Or slow..." He reaches up and lightly runs his fingers over his chest and down to his member again, teasing his fingers over it.
"Oh yeah. . .mmm, well I did talk to Anna before I left. We talked about meeting up for a shopping trip. . ." he said softly. He began to eat his meal, stopping as he looked to the man "Do you think Jared would be okay? I mean, Anna was more than happy to find out about us but. .. Jared likes you more than a friend with benefits. . . doesn't he?"

"Ah, hehe. . . facing, its been awhile since I got to watch someone fuck me," Jared said. Groaning softly he tilted his head back, grinning a bit before looking to the man "You ask a lot of questions, hah. . . I want it hard." he answered as he sat up ad pulled Tony close "I'll try not to be too loud."

One of the kids had brought some booze, Nathan taking part in it as he decided to take a break from swimming and just drink for awhile. Anna noticed Nathan looking depressed and came to join him, now pushing away her feelings as she wanted to make sure her new friend was okay.

Nathan and Anna ended up going for a walk through the woods, the two just talking and drinking as they traveled further and further from the lake and cabin.

". . . I'm sorry to hear about your sister."

"Nah, its fine. . . so, you live with Jared?"

"Huh? Oh no! I'm just with him well my parents are in Hawaii. Are you sure you're okay? I mean. . . you look really sad."

"I'm fine." Nathan said. They ended up at his camp site, the boy started a fire and the two sat around the fire, Nathan trying to believe that Tony wasn't doing what he knew what was happening in that bedroom.
Tony looks at him "When did you tell Anna?" He wasn't mad, he knew the two talked a lot, he smiles and takes a drink "Hmm... I'm not sure... I mean I never gave hints it could go farther... I loved you... But I know how much he loved meeting up every summer..." He looks at him and smiles softly "I think I'll tell him alone... Maybe over drinks... I hope he's not too upset... He's a nice guy..."

Tony smirks and holds him closer, "I just like to know what my partner likes..." He then pushes the man back onto the bed and crawls over him, "You said you want it hard... You better be ready for this..." He grabs the bottle of lube and starts to get him ready, working a few fingers into him "Mmm... You're tight... What's the matter... You don't practice..." He grins and starts to press into him, his other hand slowly working his cock, gripping firmly with each stroke.
Nathan blushed slightly "Well. . . I just told her that we were together. . . and. . . well whenever summer comes around we kinda take a break, just because. . ." he said softly. "Awe. . . okay," Nathan smiled as leaned over and kissed the man's cheek "I'm sure he'll be okay. And really is. . . Heh, we can see him this summer, well if we can. Moving alone might take awhile."

Jared grinned as he laid back, licking his lips as he waited for the man to come take him. Groaning softly as he felt those fingers enter him. Biting his lip the man smirked, looking to the man "No. . .normally I'm the one on top." he said as he moaned feeling his cock being worked and the member going into him. Jared was a vocal lover, often having trouble to keep quite and if the kids had been there, they might have heard it. Happily they were off and no one was listening to them as they had their play date.
Tony nods and smiles at the kiss "I hope we can go visit him this summer... At least for a few days... I miss those woods..." He smiles and continues to eat "So... When shall we say it started... Us... To your parents..."

"Normally... But not always..." He smirks and pushes in further, once in fully, he stills for a few moments and let's him adjust. "Nnn... Get ready... Jared..." Tony starts to pull out, only to thrust back in, adding lube as needed to keep things moving smoothly. "Nnn... Fuck you're tight..." He was almost as tight as Nathan was, it felt great to be squeezed again. He shifts to hold his hip and one hand rests by his head, he starts to pick up the pace and moans.
"Well. . . I was thinking maybe the walk started it. . . we were able to talk and . . . feelings just bubbled up." he replied. Smiling softly he chuckled to himself before looking up ". . .I can still remember when I started to have feelings for you. . . wow. . . that was a long time ago."

Jared arched his back and smirked slightly "Y-you know. . . I'm sure you might just be too big." he joked. He liked it rough and when Tony was going at it, the man moaned loudly, telling him to go faster and harder every time the man would pull out. Pushing himself up he smirked pulling the man down, kissing him roughly as he bucked his hips against the other man's thrust. Jared moaned out loud as he tangled his fingers into the man's hair.

After breakfast the boy called up Jared, normally did call the man up just to talk, the two becoming good friends as Nathan had begun to help the other set up some basic things for his up coming restaurant.

"Hey Jared. . . haha no I'm fine. Nah I was just calling for Tony. . . oh, well you can ask him right now, I'm going to switch to him right now." he smiled as he offered the phone to his lover. He called his dogs over and looked back to tony, telling him that he would be right back as he was going to take the dogs to the indoor dog park for awhile. Kissing his cheek he smiled, saying he would see him in awhile before taking his dogs out.

"Oui Tony, how are you?"
"Nnn..." Tony moans into the kiss and speeds up again, thrusting harder and groaning, he lips his hand up into his hair as well. "Mmm... You this vocal on top..." He smirks and starts to kiss along his neck, nipping lightly and thrusting deeper into him.

Tony takes the phone from Nathan and smiles, giving his hand a squeeze and telling him to be careful. "Hey Jared... I'd like to get together and talk... Maybe over a drink? Are you busy?" He spoke casually, this wasn't a talk you had over the phone, Jared was a good friend and he didn't want to hurt him.
Jared laughed when Tony asked him about being so vocal. Grinning he made them flip over, now straddling the man as he began to bounce "Even more vocal." Jared purred as he gripped the sheets "Always in control?" Jared teased as he leaned down to kiss the man firmly.

Nathan laid his head on Anna's lap, a few girls finding them and joined the two as they just ate s'mores and had a grand time. Nathan declined to have any sweets, saying he wasn't feeling that good and he didn't want to eat anything. By the time the girls left, Nathan had killed the fire the left to his tent. The boy was alone with his thoughts. From depression to anger he began to think about more stuff, at one point wondering why he didn't just grab his things and leave now.

Clearly Tony wouldn't care.

Jared moaned loudly as he came, his cum landing on the man's stomach before pulling himself off and laying on the bed beside the man.

"Drinks? Sure, I'll be free tonight you wanna meet up then? Is Nat coming along or not? If he is, I might steal him away for awhile." the other chuckled softly over the phone. Jared really was a good man, he cared about them and even through he saw Nathan as someone who was a block to actually going out with Tony, he had helped the boy out whenever he needed it and even acted as a father figure to him whenever he really needed it and couldn't talk to Tony nor his own father.
"More so... Hmm..." He groans louder as they switch, his hands going to lightly hold his hips, rolling his hips up as the man rides him. "Nnn! Fuck!" He moans and arches his back slightly as he cums shortly after him, the man was squeezing him. Ha lays back against the bed, panting softly, he rolls to face him and smiles, leaning closer he kisses him softly. He then moves to remove the condom, tossing it in the trash, he lays on his back, looking up. "I should go check on Jason... He gets worried so quickly..." He rolls to face Jared again and smiles "Even though I talked with him..." He pulls the man closer and relaxes, running his fingers over him slowly, "I enjoyed this... Did you?" He smiles, he knew how Nathan thought, and if the boy had figured out what they were doing, he'd have to explain.

Several minutes later, after he had calmed down, he got up and pulled on his boxers and his jeans. "I should be back in a minute..." He heads downstairs and into the room the kids were in "Hey... Jason?" The lights were out so he pulled out his phone and went to look on the couches, they were empty, he went back outside and saw the tents. "Jason?" He goes over to check them, again, empty, he was starting to get worried, he quickly heads back inside "Jared! Jared Jason's not here... I need to go find him!" He enters the room and grabs his shirt, quickly putting it on and fumbling with the buttons.

Tony smiles "Nah, just you and me tonight... Where do you want to meet up? Give me a time and place and I'll be there..." Jared was a good friend, and the times they'd been together were great, but he only had one man in his heart.
Jared had been expecting the kiss, but when Tony did the other man kissed back. Yawning the other grinned softly "You know, he'll be okay. . . it looked like hes been having a lot of fun. . . not to mention he hasn't been by your side all night, hell he hasn't even been in your sight for most of the time," Jared pointed out. Now in his arms, the man smiled softly and relaxed in Tony's arms. "Heh, enjoy would be a understatement. It was amazing." he stated softly as he moved up, kissing the man softly before letting him slip away after a few minutes.

"Ah, don't be too long." Jared sang as he laid back in bed, going under the covers as he watched Tony leave the bedroom. When Tony rushed in, almost in a panic, Jared sat up quickly before hearing the reason. chuckling he shook his head "They're probably in the tents, if not there then there is a lake about a ten minute walk from here." Jared frowned seeing the man panic. Jason really must be that important to him. Slipping from the bed he stopped Tony and began to help him redress "Calm down. Jason is a big boy. If he isn't there then we'll check your camp site; if not there, I'll call the ranger so they could go out and start looking for him.." Jared said, tenderly cupping the man's cheek "Relax,"

Jared dressed quickly as well, leading the way to the small lake where a few of the girls were as well as boys. All still skinny dipping. One of the girls mentioned that Jason and Anna went out for a walk and a few girls went after them after a while. ". . . He wasn't looking so well, he said his stomach hurt. . . I think it might have been something from the party; few people have been getting sick." a girl said.

Jared walked with Tony, trying to comfort the man and when they passed the girls who were coming back from Jason's camp site, they comforted he was there. One pointing out that he went to bed after taking some medicine that one of the girls brought.

"Mmm. . . I know this good bar on 5th and Grand. Lets say around tenish? I need to finish up some things at the cafe before I'm free." Jared said. Smiling softly the man cleared his throat before speaking "Nice to hear from you when it isn't summer, I saw the news. How are you two holding up?" Jared asked. The man knew a different story of the two. One night, well camping with them and when Tony had gone for firewood or the restroom or something, Jared had poked and poked Nathan for more information. The boy said they made up the kidnapping, that it was all planned out just so they could be together. It was stupid, Nathan said he regretted it sometimes but he loved the man so much that he would do it again. Jared believed most of it, although he couldn't pin what was wrong with the story. Of course Nathan informed Tony about the cover story, making it sound as if this had been all Nathan's plan.

"Oui, I almost forgot--I still have your jacket from the last time we were together, I'll bring it when we meet up."
Tony looks at him as he cups his cheek and takes a deep breath, trying to do as told, he was worried. "Thank you... It's just... This is our first trip... Sorry..." He follows Jared to the lake and talks with the other kids "Sick... What were you having?" He was a bit disappointed, but he held back, knowing how kids could be. He was greatful for Jared's comfort and effort to keep him calm, on their way back to his camp. "Thank you again for helping me..."

When they came across the girls, that took some of the weight off his chest, but now he was worried for a different reason, he was sick. He turns to Jared and smiles slightly "I'm gonna go and take care of him... Thank you for tonight... Sorry it ended like this..." He looks down the road towards his camp, then back at Jared, he kisses him softly and smiles. "We'll come by tomorrow to get my car... And see you... Thank you again..." He hugs him, the starts quickly down the road, heading back to camp and his young love.

"Nathan... Nathan, baby..." He enters the tent and moves to him, kneeling by him to check him over "Nat... Are you ok..." He cups his cheek. He could tell the boy had been crying a bit.

"That sounds perfect... And I know, we need to get together more often... And we're ok... It's a bit trying... But we're ok..." He really hoped Jared would be happy for them, he was a great guy. "Oh thanks... I was wondering where that went... Completely forgot I lent it to you..." He smiles, they had gone for a walk and Jared had forgotten his sweater, so Tony was the gentleman and lent him his. "So I'll see you tonight... Bye..." He ends the call and sits to relax.
With a soft smile the man nod "I see, well. . . you should give him some credit. He looks really healthy and does seem to know what to do on his own." Jared said. A few kids looked away but a young man sighed as he looked to the two "We had some beers. But he didn't even have that many. . . I think he had one or two. . . but it might have been the meatballs we brought, someone said they weren't fully cook or something. He started looking a bit pale after that but he was still able to walk and everything." he pointed out.

"Nah, don't worry." he replied. Kissing back he smiled warmly as he took Tony's hand and pulled him back to kiss him firmly. "Don't worry, I'll make sure no one steals your car." he said happily as he let the man walk away. He felt something for the man, Jared worried that he might feel something more than just a friend with benefits. He watched the man run off to his nephew, smiling as he thought about how it might be to have them in his home. Jason was a good kid and it looked like he needed someone to talk too other than his uncle.

Nathan sniffled as he pulled the covers over his head, controlling his crying as he felt numb now. He allowed it to sink in that Tony had cheated on him. So boldly and, as Nathan felt, without shame. The boy breathed softly, closing his eyes as he tried to rest. When the older man entered the tent and sat beside him, the boy jerked away from his touch, simply nodding as he turned his back to Tony "I'm fine." Nathan stated. His voice was emotionless, cold, something the complete opposite of the boy. Even when he was held in the closet he was always emotional, expressive. But now he sounded like a robot. "I'm not feeling. . . I'm going to sleep." he whispered. If Tony attempted to hold Nathan or comfort the boy, he would simply pull away, act as if he was falling asleep, or ignore Tony. Nathan was a bit sick, so he wasn't lying there, however being sick wasn't the reason he was being so cold.

Tony was in for a long weekend.

Nathan returned half a hour later, Boo in his arms and the other dog right beside the boy as they entered the small apartment. "Hey you, everything set up?" Nathan asked as he came over to his lover and kissed his forehead. Sitting down beside him the young man smiled brightly "You two have fun. I'll probably just be here or I might go to grab some stuff from the night market." he said, not wanting Tony to be surprised if he came and no one answered the door.
Tony was a little surprised at his coldness, he had been expecting the brush off, he tried a few times that night to hold him or apologize. "Alright... I'll let you sleep..." He sighs and rolls over, letting the boy sleep, he felt terrible, he had hurt the one he never wanted to see in pain.

The next morning, Tony was up early, letting Nathan sleep, he went out and started a fire, he just sat and stared at it. He didn't dare cook anything, his stomach was too knotted to even think of food. "How could I... Now I feel sick..."

Tony looks up as Nathan comes back and smiles, he kisses him and ruffles the dogs fur. "Yeah... Around ten tonight... I just hope it goes well..." He looks to him "I hope he wouldn't be like you were... The first time I was with him..." He reaches out and cups his cheek "I was so scared that weekend... I had hurt you so bad..."
That was the first night in weeks that Nathan wasn't cuddling Tony or just all over the man. He hadn't even responses with a good night or sweet dreams. He slept, although he would wake up a few times and stare at Tony before looking to the flaps as he thought about just walking out. He decided against it and without word would return to bed.

Nathan woke up once he heard the crackling of the fire, his body curled up in the corner of the tent as his effort to be far away from Tony as possible in the night. Changing into some jeans and a t-shirt the boy sat in front of the flaps, he could hear Tony mutter something and he wanted to wait till the man was gone. It felt like the closet all over again. Sighing he came out from the tent, adverting to look at the man or speak to him. Grabbing his backpack he cleared his throat ". . . I'm going to go take a shower," he said dryly, head down as he walked pass the man. He was heading up to Jared's place, Anna saying he could go and use their shower.

If Tony tried to stop Nathan, he would be meet first by a cold responses before Nathan blew up on him with a backpack being thrown at him if he tried reaching out to hold the boy. Without any friends to express his feelings or anyone to explain the situation to, Tony would have to experience all the pent up angry the boy had towards him.

Nathan's smile slipped away from his face as he held the man's hand "That was completely different," Nathan said softly ". . . besides, Jared knew it might end. . . we actually use to talk about it a lot whenever you were voted to pick up food or get something from the store a hour away. . . but, I don't think he'd be mad as I was. . ."

"For months you keep me trapped! I. . . you're my first love and this happens!? This?! You take me away from my home! my loved ones to do this?! I thought you loved me!" Nathan shouted at the man, backing away from him as he ensured they were not in arms reach of one another.
Tony had looked up as he clears his throat and stood to go to him as he walked by, then flinched at his outburst. "I do love you... Nathan please... I'm sorry... I'd had a few beers... You were having fun..." He catches his bag and sets it down "That's no excuse... I know... But I couldn't find you after... I was scared... So scared... And angry... But at myself..." He falls back to the log, almost slipping into the fire but he caught himself. "I hurt you... When I told you you should always be happy... That I'd never hurt you..." He runs his hands through his hair and looks at the ground. "Go... Take your shower..." He looks at him "I've hurt you... And I'm sorry... You have every right to be mad at me... And if you..." He looks down, not wanting to hear his answer "If you want to leave... I won't stop you... I'll drop you anywhere you want..." He stands and tosses his drink on the fire, then heads to the tent, he felt like shit.

Tony sighs "I was ready to give you up that day... If I could hurt you that easily... I didn't deserve you..." He kisses him softly "It took a bit... But we worked it out..."
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