The Therapist [Ladydark/SWN1994]

Tony grins and follows him, then pulls him closer once he's on his lap "Mmm... Eager... How longs it been..." He runs his hands over his chest and behind to his back, while he teases at his nipples, licking them lightly. "Nnn... So... Rubber or no..." He nips his nipple softly and smiles at him, holding his hips and grinding him against him slowly.

After he came, he moves to sit down beside him and pulls him close, kissing his cheek. "No worries... I'm up on all my shots..." He smirks, then turns and kisses him, twisting their tongues slowly, he pulls back. "So... Think the kids have had their fun yet..." He grins as he lays back, the water covering his lower half "This is a nice little spot here..."
Gasping softly as he felt himself being pulled close, the man smiled "You mean with you or just in general? In general its been two weeks. . . with you, far too long." he whispered. Moaning softly the man arched his back, his hands running through the man's hair as he allowed his hips began to roll "No rubber. . . lets make this last time messy." he smirked. Licking his lips the man reached down and took the man's hands in his hands "Fuck my senseless."

Chuckling as he was pulled back the older man smiled softly, actually feeling his cheeks burning up from the tender action. "Good, I don't wanna have to go after you if I find something wrong with me." he smirked back as he returned to the kiss, moaning as he allowed his tongue to swirl around in the other's mouth. "And I could find you, ya know, perks of being on the police force." he whispered. Jared allowed his legs to be in the water but the rest of him was on land. "Pretty sure they have. . . ya think they were smart enough to actually look for rubber? Am sure you don't wanna be a great uncle yet."he joked. "Thanks. My family owns a good chunk of this land so this is all mine. You should see the other cabin we have."
Tony grins and kisses him again, then lifts him off him, then stands himself to remove his pants. "Alright... Strip..." He finished undressing and lays back on the couch, waiting for him, he strokes himself softly as he watches him. "That could take a few rounds... How many room did you want to show me..." He grins widely.

Tony smiles and relaxes, then glances at him for his cop comment, he'd have to think on that. "I promise... I'm good... I would have said something before if I wasn't..." He looks around "Really? It's beautiful... Maybe we'll pay you a visit every summer..." He then thinks on the kids "Hmm... I doubt they did... But I also don't think Jason would go that far... Yet... He is quite shy sometimes..." He smiles "But I'll talk with him about it later..."
Jared chuckled as he did as he was told, slipping off his pants and underwear. The man smiled as he crawled over to Tony as he began to pepper the man's neck with kisses. "Nnn. . . I have about 11--10 if we cross this room off." he smirked as he climbed onto Tony's lap. Looking down at him he grinned playfully "So, wanna cross off this room now?"

"Every summer eh? Hm. . . I guess I'll have to steal Anna away every summer if you bring along your cute nephew." Jared smiled. Laughing out loud the man fall back, shaking his head when Tony thought that Jason wouldn't do something like that on the grounds of being too shy. "Haha. . . oh. . . I'm sorry. . . I'm sure you know Jason better than I," Jared began softly "But, we have no idea. I mean even if he is that shy, he might try something else. . . besides, I don't think they'll be thinking too much above their shoulders."

"Ah. . . ah fuck . ." Nathan groaned under his breath as the girl teased him. "Mmm. . . ya know. . . I'm so wet you could slip in," she smirked. Blushing the boy shook his head "Uh. . . look I'd like to but I don't have--"

"Thats fine, I'm sure we'll be able to get away with it. . ." she said. Swallowing hard the boy shook his head and pulled her up, covering his cock with the thick blanket as to ensure he didn't feel her warm hole. "I-I'd feel better with condoms."

"Awe, come on. . . I promise nothing will happen if we do." she cooed, slowly wearing Nathan down.
He reaches up and holds his hips, making him sit on his legs, the shifts him closer and holds their cocks together. "Mmm... I don't know about that many... But we can try... Mmm.." He groans and moans softly as he starts to stroke them together slowly, shuddering when he runs their tips.

Tony smirks and looks at him, then glances towards the cabin "True... Young hormones and all..." He smiles "How much longer should we give them..." He then starts to move out into the water again, intent on actually swimming for a bit.

It wasn't too much longer that they got out to dress and head back, talking about this and that. They enter the cabin quietly and head to the kitchen, seeing how long it would take the kids to notice. They start to work on dinner "Ever make your own pasta?" Tony smiles at him, seeing if he had what was needed.
Jared licked his lips, leaning closer as he brushed his lips against Tony's. He shivered feeling the tips teased and man allowed another moan to escape his lips "Mmm. . .I want more. Rough." the man whispered as he pressed their forehead against one another. Grinding his hips the man moaned softly, kissing Tony deeply as he tried to savor their last time together.

"Ah, I say another hour or so." he said as he slipped back into the water and watched the man swim around. The man didn't swim as long as Tony and ended up back on the shore. He was dressed and just made small talk with Tony, even lying when he said he could see a bit of the man in Jason by his hair or eyes. Anything to try to win over Tony a bit more to see him next summer.

The kids had noticed when the men returned and had informed Nathan and Rosy. Rosy was the first to return to the basement well Nathan was busy trying to clean himself up. Nathan cleaned up quickly and slowly began downstairs, waiting a few minutes after Rosy had left him. The young man cleared his throat as he went down to the basement, looking to the kitchen when he heard the men.

Shaking his head Jared smiled "No, I don't cook that much other than some bbq for camping trips or parties," he explained as he began to bring out the pots and pans. Looking back he chuckled softly seeing the girl running down stairs "Well looks like they noticed us." he smirked as he turned to the man "So, what do we need to make your famous pasta?"
Tony groans back, then returns his kiss as he grinds back up against him, he snakes a hand into his hair. "Yes... Officer..." He had pulled his head back and grins at him, it was something they had done a few times before, after telling him they had planned the 'kidnapping'. He grips his hips and quickly, but carefully, works him down on him, he smirks and moans slightly. "Too bad I don't have your cuffs... Yet..." He starts a quick pace, bucking his hips up as well, then takes one of his hand and moves it to his own cock. "Stroke it copper..."

He had glanced back as the kids made their way down and smiles softly, glad Nathan had at least enjoyed himself. "Seems they did... Now for the food..." He lists off the ingredients for the sauce and talks him through it as he starts the pasta dough. "I've been teaching Jason how to cook... Now the little brat is better at things than I am..." He laughs, not upset at all, he was very proud of Nathan and what he'd taught himself. He works around the kitchen with him, teasing him slightly a few times and giving him a kiss here and there. "Not so hard... Is it..." He asked after he made him try the sauce.
Moaning the man melted at the rough touch, arching his back as he began to sink down onto Tony's cock. "Mmm. . .. that'll be in the bedroom." he smirked. Groaning softly the man tilted his head back further, his chest rising and falling as he felt himself tighten around the man's cock. Licking his lips the man nod as he began to stroke his dick, his body shivering from pleasure as his eyes closed half way.

Jared was lucky enough that his sister had restocked the place last time she was here, he smiled looking back to Tony and confirmed they had everything. Chuckling as he offered the dough he began to heat up the stove and oven, smiling fondly as he listened to the man. Jason was lucky to have Tony around in this kind of world. "Heh, well I'll need to taste his work to see if thats true or not." he grinned, turning as he accepted another kiss. Pouting the man looked around and huffed playfully "Maybe, but it does make a lot of mess." he stated.

Nathan came into the kitchen, looking much better as he made his way to the fridge. "Hey you, feeling better?" Jared asked as he walked over to Nathan, ruffling the boy's hair and pitching his cheek. "Uh, yeah." Nathan said softly, grabbing onto the man's forearm as to keep himself balance. Smiling he brushed the boy's hair back and smiled softly "Huh, I swear I've seen you somewhere before," Jared commented as he let go of the boy. Blushing the young man shrugged and grabbed a pitcher of juice and some chips.

"Don't fill up on that, your uncle and I are starting dinner."

"Uh, okay sir." Nathan said, a bit stiff before Jared laughed and rubbed the boy's shoulder, excusing himself well he took Nathan back to the basement and told the girls when dinner would be ready.

Returning he smirked at the man "You really should see if you could get him to join a club or something, he is way to shy."
"Mmm... You're getting tight... You gonna cum officer... Tell me..." He continues to buck his hips up and moves one hand to link with his free hand. "I can't hear you copper... Maybe I should stop... Nnn" he can't keep the moan from his voice, Jared was squeezing his more the closer he got. He started to pant, holding back and keeping his pace as the man grew closer.

Tony blinks and looks around "You didn't... Clean as you want?" He had been cleaning as he went along, apparent a Jared didn't do that, he chuckles. "It's fine... There isn't that much to clean up..." He sees Nathan and smiles "Hey kiddo... You're looking better..." He watches them, then freezes slightly at his comment and looks back to the food, he'd have to talk with Nathan tonight.

Later when they were sitting to eat, Tony took a spot next to Nathan and smiles at him, even holding his hand under the table a few minutes. "Did the girls take good care of you today? You seem much better..." He hugs him sideways and checks his forehead with his hand.
"Nn. . . no. . . no, not yet." he groaned softly as he moaned. Bouncing on the man's cock he looked down at him "I-I'm no close," he lied. Jared, even though he could have sex at anytime, normally didn't last too long when it came to rough sex. He was much more sensitive and thus that kind of treatment got to him quickly. Panting heavily the man looked down at his lover, riding the man faster "D-don't you dare stop. . . if you do I swear I'll have you arrested." he joked, his cock throbbing and now growing much closer.

". . .I Bbq mainly meats and vegetables. . . I never really had to clean up." he replied. Jared compared his work station (which wasn't THAT bad) to Tony's who was spotless. The man hadn't notice how they reacted. "Mmm, I know we just met last night, but if you guys are ever in the great beach side city of Horizon Bay, you two should stop at my place." he smiled brightly.

Nathan came up for dinner, taking a seat and happy to see Tony beside him. Feeling their hands together made Nathan smile softly, giving him a small squeeze before he was asked about the girls. "Yeah, they made me feel much better." he replied. Chuckling softly the boy looked up, sticking his tongue out playfully "I'm better." he said softly. Rubbing his neck the boy smiled shyly, his heart racing as he thought about what he had done. This was still all new to the boy and thinking about having a relationship like this was still finding it's grounding.

"Heh, hey you two," Jared called as he held a camera up "Say cheese." he said snapping a photo. Nathan offering bright smile and wave. Jared took a few more pictures before taking a seat beside his niece. Digging into his meal the older man licked his lips and smiled brightly "Wow his tastes great! Haha, am surprised we were able to make this."

"You should taste his fish, its amazing too." Nathan spoke up. The boy brushed his hair back before he began to eat as well. Dinner went well and soon a fire was started. The boy decided to stay inside, watching the girls go out and sit around the campfire as they made s'mores. "Why aren't you out there?"

"Huh? oh. . . its too cold and I don't like s'mores." Nathan shrugged. Jared chuckled as he took a seat beside the boy and raked his fingers through the other's hair "Um, is something wrong?"

". . . you like someone and I can't put my finger on it. Did you come from Horizon Bay? . . . on a team or something?"

"No sir. . . I came from California, my uncle didn't even know about me up until a few months ago." Nathan said, sticking to his story. The man nod as he pulled a quilt over them "You do look a lot better." Jared said. The boy nod and began to lean against the man, closing his eyes as he felt himself becoming more comfortable with the man.
Tony chuckles softly and keeps going "Mmm... And what's the charge... Not putting out... Nnn..." He moans louder and holds his hip tighter, thrusting up harder "Nnn... Fuck... I'm cumming!" He holds both hips and speeds up as he starts to cum, thrusting hard.

Tony ate his dinner and watched everyone enjoy it "Thanks kiddo... But I've told Jared you a pretty good cook as well..." He then starts to clean up as the kids head out and Jared moves to sit with Nathan, he didn't want Jared to be a problem, he likes the man. When he was finished, he moves to sit with Nat and smiles "Hey... Do you need any more medicine?" He runs his fingers through his hair and rubs his back slowly, smiling at him. "Did you have fun today..." He whispers softly in his ear.
Moaning loudly the older man arched his back, shaking as he jerked faster as he tighten further more. "Ah. . .ah. . ." he moaned out loudly, bouncing on the man faster. "F-fuck!" Jared moaned out as he matched Tony. Cumming on Tony the man stiffened up for a moment before collapsing on the man, closing his eyes as he turned to jelly into the other's arms. ". . . heh. . . that needs to happen five more times." he smiled.

Jared held Nathan for a moment, the boy comfortable in the other's arms before he excused himself to make sure the girls weren't burning his s'more. Chuckling the boy nod and let the man leave, sighing softly as he leaned against the wall before seeing Tony. Smiling he sat up and purred softly feeling the fingers through his hair "I don't think so. . . but let me take it to be on the safe side." Nathan said softly. Blushing the boy nod, rubbing his arm as he looked down "I-I did." he whispered back, looking up to the man "What about you? Did you have fun today?"

When it was time to leave the boy climbed into their car, laying back on the front seat as he waited for Tony yo drive them to their camp site. The boy was quite on their drive back and once in their tent the young man yawned softly as he stripped off his clothes and changed into one of Tony's shirts and a pair of shorts.
"Nnn... Mmm..." He moans softly and holds him close, he rubs his back and chuckles "Mmm... Then number 5 is in the shower..." He smirks and kisses along his neck "Where to next lover boy..." This was nice, he'd miss his times with Jared sure, but he loved Nathan and more then happy to have just him. "That is... When you can stand again..." He grins.

Tony smiles at him "I'm glad you did... I did too..." He leans closer "He's good... But he's not you..." He whispers and kisses his cheek, innocent enough to do around others, he lets him relax. After a bit he goes to get his medicine and gives him another dose before they leave. "We'll see you tomorrow... Night..."

Once back at their camp, they headed straight for bed, Tony watching him change and smiles. "I've been waiting this... All day..." He pulls the young man close and kisses him softly, licking his lips gently. "Mmm... I love you... Never forget that..." He rubs his cheek "What I do with Jared... Doesn't even come close to what we have..." He smiles "Just like I'm sure your fun with the girls was just that... Fun..." He kisses him again "So... How far did you go... Should I get you protection to use..." He smiles again at his blush.
"Haha," he laughed softly, moaning as his neck was targeted. Licking his lips the man smiled "Well, you did want my cuffs right? my bedroom is right though those door," he said softly as he pointed to double doors, the man slowly standing up as he simply grinned "Oh come now, you didn't do that to hard." he teased as he pulled Tony to the next room.

His bedroom was huge. A walk in closet, queen size bed with red comforters, two sliding doors to the deck, two wardrobes, a dresser, and full length mirror. Not to mention the mirrored ceiling. Grabbing his hand cuffs he grinned lifting his cuffs.

Blushing brightly the young man giggled softly when his cheek was kiss. The boy stayed silent, only allowing a small smile to con via how happy he was to hear that. At the end of the night Jared was busy putting things away when the boys began to leave. "Night you two." Jared smiled s he waved them off.

"Huh?" Nathan looked back and yelped as he was pulled close and kissed softly. Moaning softly the young man could feel his cheeks lighten up again. It was weird to be the one being held like this now, this was how he held Rosy. ". . . I promise I won't," Nathan whispered as he pressed against the man's palm. "Erm. . ."Nathan looked away, the knot in his stomach forming again when Tony compared his fun with the girls to their fun. "N-no. . . I won't need that. . . I. . . don't think I'm ready to do that yet. . . with a girl." he said softly. Blushing lightly,the boy smiled as he leaned up and pecked the man's nose "I'm glad you had fun today."

Laying Tony back, the looked down to the man before laying his head on his chest ". . .ba-bump. . ." he muttered under his breath, his fingers drumming to the rhythm of the man's heartbeat. Looking up the boy smiled "So. . are we going back tomorrow?"

That morning Nathan cooked their breakfast and came back into the tent, he wasn't put together as he usually was when Tony woke up. He was still in his pjs, and hair a mess. Kissing his cheek the boy smiled as he peppered the man's cheek "Rise and shine."
Tony grins as they walk into his room, when he looks back to Jared, he had his cuffs and Tony smirks. "I'll take those..." He plucks them from his hand and pulls him close in the same move, kissing him roughly. "You wanna cum again officer..." He moves to kissing and nipping at his neck, his hands working the cuffs onto one wrist. "Bed... On your back... Hands above your head..." He moves to follow him, if he did as told, Tony would cuff his hands to the headboard frame.

Tony smiles at him and rubs his back "We can... Unless you want a day for us... I'll leave it up to you..." He kisses his head softly "We do have to be careful around him though... He's from your home town... And he's police..." He pulls the covers over them and holds the boy close "We'll talk more in the morning..."

The next morning, Tony didn't stir until Nat came to wake him up with breakfast, he shifts and looks at him, he smiles. He wasn't used to seeing him so unkept in the morning, he reaches for him "I know you're not to eager in the mornings... But I want to hold you... Feel you... Taste you... Please baby, I miss you..." It wasn't good he was hungry for yet, he wanted his young lover and bad.
Laughing the man did as he was told, going to the lush bed and laying back on the bed as his lover cuffed him. Smirking he licked his lips "Mmm, you better not rob me well I'm like this," Jared chuckled as he spread his legs "I have some toys in the dresser if you want to use any."

"Mmm, lets have the day for us then. Either way we'll probably see them one way or another." he chuckled softly. "Jared?" Nathan questioned as he sat up, hearing the news that someone was that close to his parents and could probably take him back home was both wonderful and horrible to hear. Nodding the boy nuzzled into his lover, gripping to the man firmly ". . . okay. Goodnight hun."

It actually it a lot for Nathan not to change right when he woke up and to style his hair (even through it was a quick brush), but he wanted to try to be relax this weekend. Being pulled down the boy listened to his lover, smiling softly as he nod and kissed Tony tenderly. Climbing onto his lap the boy tilted his head to the side, slowly stripping off his shirt "Anything for you," Nathan whispered as he leaned down, kissing Tony softly as his way to agree to the moment. Nathan wasn't hard and it would probably take some work to get him to be hard if Tony needed him to be so when it came to the matter of having sex.
Tony grins and moves over to have a look at his toys "Hmm... Let's see... Oh... This should do..." He returns shortly with a vibrator and some lube, he gets on the bed, kneeling between his legs. "Alright copper... Time for you to see some stars..." He starts slowly, running his fingers over his stomach and inner thighs, then lightly over his cock. He smiles and moves to lay down, lightly holding him, he starts to slowly run his tongue over every bit of his cock, one hand lightly holding his sac.

He kisses him again and moans softly "Say it for me... Let me hear you say it..." Since their fight, he had been craving this moment, being able to hold and touch him like this again. He helps Nathan lay down and moves over him, slowly removing his clothing. "Tell me you love me..." He works his pants off and runs his fingers over his cock slowly, gently, he needed to help work him up. "You're perfect love..." He kisses over his chest and sucks his nipples, his band stroking him slowly.
"Haha, should I be scared?" he asked, looking back the older man gasped softly, groaning as he felt the vibrations start. "Ah. . .Tony. . . Tony. . ." the moaned softly, his toes curling as his cock twitched in the man's mouth. Tilting his head back the man swallowed hard "Fuck. .. fuck. . ."

"Say it?" Nathan questioned, perking a brow before he was laid back. Blushing the young man stared up to Tony, slightly surprised before he felt the cool mountain air hit his skin. Gasping softly as he felt his cock teased, the young man squirmed from the touch, his cheeks burning up before he looked back to Tony. "I love you, Tony." Nathan told his lover, groaning as he felt his nipples and dick teased even more. "I love you. . . I love you." Nathan moaned softly, wanting to make sure the man was happy.
Tony had started to trail the toy over him slowly, set to low so it was a slow tease, he pulls back to look at him and smiles. "You ever been teased like this officer..." Every now and then, he'd lean down to suckle at his tip lightly, fully enjoying his moans and cries.

Tony groans softly against his chest and pulls back, smiling at him "I love you too baby... So much..." He stops stroking him and starts to lick him, suckle him and bob on him slowly, bringing him to the very peak. "Mmm... You taste wonderful love..." He wets a few fingers and starts to slowly work them into him, pumping slowly. "I never meant to hurt you baby... I'm so sorry that I did... I hope this can make up for it..." He looks at him, then starts to bob on him slowly again, pumping and curling his fingers as he start to pick up speed.
"Only when you're around." the man moaned softly as his body jerked slightly. Moaning loudly the man tilted his head back, his toes curling as he felt his cock being teased.

Nathan sat up slowly, blushing slightly as he sat up and looked down at his lover "P-please Tony. . .you're going to make me cum." he said softly. His cock became hard as he felt it teased further, his body being attacked by the waves of pleasure.
Panting softly the boy covered his mouth, his toes curling up as he felt the fingers began to work their way in. "T-t-tony!" Nathan whimpered out, his body very sensitive to the fingers pushing inside him. The boy whimpered again, his hold body tightening around the fingers as he twisted back and forth. "T-tony," he cried out softly, his cock leaking a bit.

"I-its too early for this," Nathan muttered, grabbing onto his pillow as he stared up at the ceiling.
After a few more minutes, Tony lubes up the toy and starts to work it into him slowly, still set to low and still softly sucking his cock. He smirks and pulls back a moment "Really... Is it just wham and bam with them..." He slowly pumps the toy, flicking it to medium and sucking his cock again, watching him. His free hand was gently massaging his sac, and gauging when the man would cum.

Tony looks at him and grins against him, not letting up, in fact he speeds up again, even scissoringhis fingers slightly as he pumps them. He moans against him softly and starts to deep him slowly, twisting his tongue around his head quickly.
Laughing the man nod "Most of the tim--ym!" having the toy pushed in was surprising to the man before he relaxed again and allowed Tony to work on him. Moaning softly the man began to work his hips, his head tilting back as he felt everything being played with. It wasn't long till Jared cam again,blushing brightly as he looked down "S-shit you really know how to get to someone."

Nathan yelped as Tony began to scissor his fingers when he pumped back and forth, the boy biting onto the pillow as he felt his the pressure build up. Moaning loudly the boy tighten his grip around the pillow, his heart racing as spread his legs further "T-tony I need you." he moaned out quickly, arching his back as he tensed up. Shyly the boy pulled away from tony's touch, sitting up as he looked down to the man. The pillow went down to cover his lower half as he reached down and kissed the man firmly, his tongue slipping into the other's mouth as he reached down to stoke the man's member.

The boy never tried to take control before, but he wanted Tony now. From all the sexual tension he had built up from yesterday and then being teased so early in the morning had brought the boy to crumbling point of just wanting the man to do it already. Breaking the kiss the boy looked to his lover, panting softly "No more teasing. . . I really need you now."
Tony was ready for it and stills as the man came, bobbing slowly to get everything, he slowly pulls off and looks at him, smirking. "Thank you... I'm glad you liked it... But I let you pop early..." He grins "I keep Nat on edge for... And hour at our longest..." He moves up and over him, kissing him softly "Little cutie almost blacked out..." He smiles at him and kneels over him, running his fingers over his chest "Should I set you free... Or fuck you like this..."

Tony continues until he feels him pulling away, at first thinking he did something wrong, then kissing him back. "Mmm..." He pants and moans softly as the boy strokes him and looks at him, it wasn't often he made clear what he wanted. "Mmm... Of course baby..." He holds him in his lap, then reaches for the lube in their bag and starts to get him ready. "Mmm... Relax love..." He starts to slowly push into him, wrapping his legs around his waist and then helping him to rock on him slowly.
"A-a hour?! Crap Tony, you're so mean to him," Jared said as he sat up, now kinda impressed by the boy's length. He remembered doing the same thing to Nathan, even well drunk the kid took orders well. "Like this, mmm." Jared smiled looking up to Tony and grinned "Oui. . . we should play with Nathan together. . . bet we could drive him insane." he chimed. Licking his lips the man smirked "Come on, I know you gotta be hard by now."

The young man blushed slightly, biting his knuckle as he looked to his lover "Tony," he whispered softly as wrapped his arms around the man's neck "I love you." he smiled, climbing onto the man's lap as he felt the warm lube against his soft skin. Grunting softly as he was slipped onto the man's cock, Nathan closed his eyes. The boy was tight again, even after relaxing a bit. It had been awhile since he felt it back inside and compared to how often they did it, he must still be a bit nervous for one reason or another.

Riding the man slowly, Nathan began to pant. His breathing labored every time he came back down onto the man's cock. "Ah. . . ah. . ."
Tony chuckles "It's not all the time... And I'm not mean, he loves it... It's one of the few times he totally let's go and just feels..." Tony looks at him and smirks "I'll have to ask him about that... He may say yes..." He moves back down to kneel between his thighs again, he lifts his hips to get a better angle and pushes in slowly. "Nnn... Of course I am... After all your moaning... How could I not be..." He grins "There's one thing I love about Nat... The sounds he makes and the ones he tries to hide... So cute..." He starts slow and picks it up, soon thrusting a bit harder and adding a bit more lube.

Tony moans softly and holds the boy close as he moves slowly, he tips his chin up and kisses him softly, enjoying their slow love making. He rubs his hands over his back and sides, lightly rolling his hips up to meet the boys movements.
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