The Therapist [Ladydark/SWN1994]

Tony was about to look through the papers she brought in when she spoke of a new patient, he looks at her. "Oh... Was there a file started on her? Do I have anything to go over before I meet her?" He pulls a few files from the box and skims through them.

Tony holds his hand the whole way there, rubbing it softly now and then, only letting go once they left the car to walk up to the cabin. He smiles as they're let in side, then declines an offers of drinks. "Yeah... Jason and me have plans to go into town... Gonna see the sights and take a few pictures... Just relaxing..." He smiles at him and looks down to Nathan.
"Ah, a few things." she said softly as she as she offered the file "She is twenty-two, lives with her boyfriend, and recently it seems he has been hanging out with a old friend who has returned. She seems to be upset about that." she stated as she looked over the information given. "She says she feels guilty, but still can't help but being mad about it."

"Oo, that sounds fun!" Jared smiled brightly. Nathan chuckled a bit, feeling less threaten before noticing Tony's gaze. Smiling he nod as he turned back to Jared and said hopefully they would get to spend time with him tomorrow. He just wanted to make peace as soon as possible. It wasn't long until they were back in the car and driving into town. The boy slipped on a hoodie and pulled the hood up so he wouldn't be noticed.

The day was going wonderfully, that was up until the family from earlier in their trip showed up. They were at the same shop they were in, the children coming far to close to Nathan now and again and their parents seeming to get closer every time the kids ran pass the boy or would be to close to him well he was looking at something. Nathan seemed to be ignoring them, too focused on the things he was looking at or simply just not caring enough to look over to the noise children.
"Hmm... So she thinks he's cheating... Did she say if the friend was a girl? When is her appointment?" He takes the file and starts to go over it, there wasn't much to it yet. He sets the file down on his desk and returns to Nathan's files "Alright... Contact her and have her doctor send over her medical history... I'll look it over after I've finished with this case..."

Once on the road again, Tony holds his hand for a while, until then reach the town, and walked close at the mall. They had split up for a bit in one store, and when he found him again, he got worried he would be spotted. He makes his way to him slowly and smiles "Hey... You fans anything you want? Given any idea to lunch?"
"No, he's friend is male. And I've already sent out the request for her medical history as well as made her first appointment to be next week: Friday, at 2:30 pm. Yes sir," she said as she began to return to work. The day would go as normal for Tony, now and again someone would have an outburst but that must have been normal for the man. Once it was time to go home, Kate smiled as she looked to the doctor "So, how is the special case going? He is going okay, right?"

Nathan was looking at a few CDs and some DVDs. Everything was okay before he stumbled side-ways when one of the kids knocked into him. The kids muttered a sorry and ran off before Nathan could get a look at them. With a soft sigh he smiled before returning to what he was looking back; his attention turned to Tony upon hearing him. Putting down the Cd he turned to the older man "Hey you. No, nothing caught my eye." he said turning to the man.

"Um, I saw a burger place that looked pretty good. You wanna go there?" he asked as he walked over, taking the man's hand before he heard a familiar voice "Hm?" the boy was about to turn around when the alarm went off, his attention going to the front of the store as he saw two teens running away. Laughing softly he covered his mouth "Hehe. . . thats pretty stupid of them."
Tony nods at her and smiles, "Yes... The young man is doing just fine... And his case should be closing soon, I have all the paper work ready for the judge..." Tony was locking up before he followed her to the elevators, then gets in. "This case is almost over... All that's left is finding that woman..."

"Really... Nothing you liked?" He glances at the CDs himself, not seeing anything, he looks up as the alarm sounds. "What... Oh, no..." He chuckles, then leads him from the store "So, burgers sound great... And fries?" He puts his arm around him as they head down the hall to the lunch area.
"So soon? Wow, you really amazing at your job." Kate smiled. Holding her purse the woman tilted her head to the side, perking a brow "Woman? What happened sir?"

"No, not really. Theres a few things that seem interesting but I doubt I'd use them." Nathan replied. The young man leaned against Tony, smirking the whole way out until he heard the voices again. Looking back he paused for a second, his heart dropping as he saw Elan, Kevin's little sister, singing as she skipped out with her family. They were leaving the mall, not looking back to see Nathan staring. Swallowing hard the boy looked forward again, pressing his head against the man's shoulder as he held his hand.

"Yeah, and fries."

That night the boy wished his parents a goodnight before he locked up for the night. He waited for his sweetheart, now sitting on the couch with a glass of wine. A classic movie was playing on the flat screen and the dogs laying beside him. Breathing softly the boy began to fall asleep, his eyes growing heavy as he waited for his lover to return.

After lunch the boy was quite, through he seem to stick closer to Tony. The boy did end up getting something, a travel art book with a travel water brush set. It had costed him most of his paycheck but he did chipper up a bit as he began to talk about how he wanted to try to paint the lake and a few of the flowers that he really liked.

"Tony, when do we have to leave?"
As the doors closed, Tony looks at her "Well... One of the officers... She knew the boy when they were young... She kept hounding him for answers when he wasn't ready to talk yet... Then when I told her to back off and told the parents what she was doing..." He sighs and tells her what she had done. "Now she's on the loose... It's just nuts... And it looks as if the boy was taken by a female... On account of all the stuff he was taught... I don't know..."

Tony had noticed him stop and look back, then could feel the pain as the boy clung to him. He stayed quiet as they had their lunch, then looked at him and set his food down. "I wouldn't have stopped you... I know you miss them..." He looks down slightly, eyeing his burger, he wasn't sure what to say, he didn't truly want the boy to leave, he loved him.
"Oh my!. . . oh that poor boy." Kate frowned and stared down at her feet. Swallowing hard she looked to the older man ". . . I see. . . I know you can't say anything, but. . . was he. . . hurt well being held?" she asked softly. Once it was time to part, the woman smiled and wished him a good night, telling him to inform Jason that she was glad he was back.

The boy had began eating and when it Tony spoke up. Looking to the man the boy frowned, sighing softly as he pushed his food beside Tony's plate and moved from his side of the booth to sit down beside the older man. Reaching under the table he rubbed the man's knee and nod "I know. . . I could have ran or screamed too when I saw them. . . I could have yelled that you hurt me and that you were the one who kidnapped me," he began before squeezing the man's knee "I love you. I don't want to leave you." he whispered. Leaning up he kissed the man's cheek and smiled.

"I'll be okay. . . I just need. . . I just need to relax okay?" he said. Grabbing a fry he held it to the man's mouth, his cheeks a bit red as he told the man to say "Ah" as he feed him. Nathan did look a bit older now, mostly due to the wait lost, and thus no one thought twice about it.

Blushing the boy looked down ". . .Is there anyway to make you feel better? Maybe. . . when we get back to our tent?"
Tony smiles softly at her "Relax Kate... He wasn't harmed... He's actually quite well off..." They head off the elevator together and he smiles at her "Good night Kate... And I will... Thank you..." He heads to his car, then back to Nathan's apartment, he heads inside quietly and smiles, finding his young love asleep in the couch. He sets his things down and makes his way to the couch, he first puts the wine away, then sits down. "Hey... Baby, I'm home..." He gently shifts him to lean against him and slowly runs his fingers over his arm.

Tony looks at him and smiles softly after his kiss "I love you too..." He says softly, then takes the fry from him and smiles again. "We can do whatever you want to do love..." He leans closer and kisses the top of his head, he holds his hand under the table and then kisses his cheek. "But you know I'd never deny you..." He relaxes and let's the young man rest against him as they finish their lunch.
"Good night Tony. You get some sleep, you look pretty tried." she pointed out before going to her own car and heading home.

Groaning softly the boy nuzzled into the man's shoulder, holding to him as he muttered softly "I. . . welcome. . . mmm. . . dinner on table." he strung together. It was a dinner for one person, Tony,normally this would happen when Tony came home late. On the table was one of Tony's favorite dishes, one that Nathan would only make once in awhile. Leaning up he kissed Tony's cheek before slipping down, laying his head on the man's lap. "Mmm. . .nnn. . ."

". . . I know." Nathan smiled softly, resisting the urge to slap the man. Even through he had forgiven Tony, their fight had triggered up some old feelings. Thus, the boy began to remember more of their earlier days. Days where he remembered banging on the closet door and begging to go home. When he actually tackled Tony and only got back into the closet because Tony had gotten the upper hand. Nights when he would cry and scratch at the closet door. "But you know I'd never deny you..."

After lunch the young man suggested they head back, it was getting late and he wanted to go try out his new watercolors as well as catch some fireflies.

Before they left, Nathan had a small request. He had actually seen something he liked, however he was embarrassed about it. It was a simple dress. Nothing over the top and truthfully it was pretty cute. ". . . I mean, if you don't want to I'm fine with it," he began softly "I. . . it should only be under clothes, right?"
Tony smiles at him and kisses him back befor he lays down "You knew I'd be late... You could have go to bed..." He continues to run his fingers through his hair slowly, he loved moments like this, it was like being home again. "You rest... I'll eat and come get you..." He gently gets up and lays him on the couch, he kisses his forehead and covers him with a small blanket. He makes his way to the table and smiles, Nat made his favourite, he pops it into the mirco to heat it back up, then sits to eat. He looks over to Nathan on the couch and smiles softly, he was finally starting to settle down again, like they really were home. He continues to eat "Well... Home is where the heart is..."

They were headed back to the exit when Nathan brought up the dress, he stops and looks at him, he smiles. "Let's see this dress... If it's something you want, and will make you happy... I don't care what you wear..." He takes his hand and allows the boy to lead him back to his find. "Did you try it on... Or find your size?" He looks at him, smiling softly.
Nathan slept soundly that night, only waking up to follow his lover into the bedroom and stripping off to get under the covers. Nuzzling Tony he smiled, whispering a good night to Tony.

"Tony," Nathan whispered as he kissed the man's jawline "Tony, rise and shine." he whispered. It didn't take long for Nathan to end up on the man's lap, smirking a bed as he stroked the man's cheek "Babe."

Yelping as he was pulled away from the exit, the boy blushed brightly before nodding as he lead the man to a generic brand store. Leading him into the girl's section he showed the man a dress, whispering that he had in fact tried on this dress and really liked how it felt. Taking the dress off the rack he looked at it, smiling slightly. "Are you sure this is okay?"

Nathan did want it and once they bought it Nathan kept thanking the man, whispering it as so no one heard them. Once they were going back the boy kept looking down at his new dress as well as the paints he had gotten. "Heh," he smiled firmly as he turned to Tony, leaning over as he kissed the man "Ah, I wish I still had my natural hair color, I think I would look better with blond hair rather than black." he said touching his own hair. It had been awhile since Nathan had dyed his hair, his golden locks a deep black which did change his appearance very much.
"Mmmm... Morning baby..." He snakes his arms around him slowly and smiles at him, gently pulling him closer to give him a kiss. "Mmm... Dinner was wonderful love... As always... Oh, Kate says Hi and welcome back... She smelt your lunch for me..." He chuckles softly and rubs his back slowly, just enjoying the moment.

Tony waved off his comment and bought the dress for him anyway, handing it to him once out of the store. "You look wonderful either way... But I do agree blond would look better... I can't wait to see it on you love... You'll be adorable..." He smiled at the kiss and reaches over to hold his hand, squeezing it softly and glancing at him. "So... Where do you want to paint... Our site, or closer to some water... Or up that hill?"
Nathan held to his lover, smiling back as he leaned closer and kissed back. "I'm glad you liked it," he said softly as he offered a soft chuckle of his own. "Ah, hows Kate? Is she still having trouble with Robert?" Nathan asked as he rubbed the man's cheek. Sitting up the younger male yawned softly before rubbing his neck "I need a shower. You wanna join babe?"

Turning a bright red the boy froze for a moment. Tony wanted to see him in the dress? He knew the man would do anything to make him happy; however he never figured that he would actually be interested to see him in a dress. "You really want to see me in the dress?" Nathan asked softly. Smiling he held the man's hand "Ah, I was thinking of painting a bit at the site and maybe we could go on a hike again. Maybe where you took me our first night here."
Tony smiles and kisses him again "She didn't say anything about him... Just asked about you and the 'special' case I'm working on... But she seems ok..." He watches him sit up and smiles "I'd love to join you... Oh... I meet with a new client next week... A woman with trust issues..." He sits up as well and hugs him, kissing him softly before they head to the shower.

Tony smiles "It's not so much as simply seeing you in a dress love... It's seeing you happy... And seeing you do what makes you happy..." He glances at him "But there's always how cute you'll look in it..." They drive for a bit more "That's sounds like a plan... So, before or after dinner? Speaking of which... What shall we have?"
"Ah, well I'll make sure to bake you brownies and cupcakes then. She'll hopefully like that. . . or, should I make something else?" he asked. Chuckling he kissed the man back before taking his lover to the bathroom. Stripping down he began their shower before going in, looking over his shoulder with a bright smile "Eh, I forgot to mention. Last night Jared called, we're going to hang out tomorrow. Do you have work? Maybe you'd like to join us."

With a soft laugh the boy smiled warmly as he held the man's hand firmly, closing his eyes on the ride back to their camp site. "Mmm. . . hows about the rest of the chicken? Maybe some of the potatoes and carrots if we have any left." Nathan suggested. Once they were there the boy rushed off to the tent to try out his new outfit. It wasn't long for the teen to return. The dress was very cute. With lace trimming around the hem and the neck, and the details that were under the chest, it did flatter the boy's figure. His smile was big as he spun around for the man, his dress lifting up slightly, but falling back down to his mid thigh before he face Tony.

"So? Does it look okay?"
Tony smiles and follows him into the bathroom, then into the shower, he looks at him as he's soaping up a cloth. "About what time? I may be able to leave after lunch... What did you two have planned?" He reaches up and starts to slowly wash his back, his neck and moving lower, only planning on helping him get clean.

Tony was busy getting the fire started and seasoning the meat and vegetable, he was setting each meal into foil when he came out. He looks up and stares, a small smile on his lips, he did look rather cute in the dress and if his hair was longer, he'd mistake him for a girl at first glance. "Wow... You look amazing love... Spin like that again, then come here a moment..." He smiles and finished setting their food on the fire and watches him, smiling again. "If your hair was longer, I'd mistake you for a girl... And blond would look better..." He hugs him softly to him.
Looking up to the man the young man smiled warmly "Well we were thinking about maybe Eight or Nine, but he said he wanted to hang out all day so I'm sure if you could leave that we could meet up." he said. Looking back the young man grabbed a rag and began to mimic his actions. Giggling the man stiffen up, trying not to slip when he felt Tony tickle him slightly. "Oh, do you also need me to pick you up anything tomorrow?"

Chuckling the boy nod and spun again, grinning like a cat as he felt comfortable in his new dress. Running over the boy looked up to Tony, pressing his hands against the man's chest as he was hugged. Nuzzling into the man's chest he sighed happily ". . . maybe in a year I could dye my hair back to normal. . . by then my hair should be longer too. . . would it be okay if I let my hair grow out?"

"Could I stay in this dress for our hike? Its really comfortable." he said softly. Playing with the man's collar, Nathan looked up to him with doe-like eyes. "Please? I promise I won't get it dirty."
Tony chuckles "Still so ticklish love..." He lightly tickles his side, but holds him to keep him upright, then just holds him close a moment "I love you... So much..." He rubs his cheek softly and stares at him, smiling softly, then slowly leans into kiss him.

He smiles and rubs his back softly "Of course I don't mind... And many boys wear their hair long now..." He watches him, then slowly runs his fingers through his hair as he sweetly asks to hike in his new outfit. He leans down and kisses his cheek, then softly licks his ear. "Of course... But don't be surprised if I ask for a little fun on the mountain..." He nibbles his ear lobe softly, he smiles as he feels his shiver and his hands gripping his shirt tighter. "But only if you're a good little boy..." He pulls back to look at him, then before he can say anything, he kisses him softly.
"Hehe, you already know the answer." he smirked playfully before wrapping his arms around the man's neck. "I love you too," he replied back, kissing the man back before pulling away slowly. "Now, lets get you ready for work. I'll go start breakfast and lunch. Any request for either?"

With a soft laugh as he felt his cheek kissed the boy was about to say something when he moaned. Blushing brightly he covered his ear, looking up to the man he bit his bottom lip "Uh.. . . okay." he said shyly, moaning again as he gripped to the man. Panting softly he nod quickly, his legs already quivering. Moaning his mouth the boy was about to speak when he was kissed. Kissing back he moaned again, arching his back before slowly pulling away. "I'll be a good boy," he smiled sweetly. Excusing himself Nathan returned to the tent to change his underwear into one of the two he had worn. He had washed them along with a few other items and thought they would pair nicely with the dress. coming back out with his hoodie, he smiled walking over and helped with dinner. He painted a bit as well (making sure to protect his dress with a old shirt) and after dinner he packed his backpack and got ready for their hike.

The boy followed Tony closely, his hood up and open to still show off his dress. Looking up to the man Nathan smiled as he grabbed his hand "So where are we going this time?"
Tony smiles and runs his cheek again "Mmm... Whatever you make will be fine love... There's nothing you make I don't like..." They soon finish washing up and exit the shower, then while he gets ready for work, Nathan leaves to do his thing. Tony shaves, brushes his hair and gets his clothes on, then joins Nathan. "Mmm... Smells wonderful... What's on the menu?"

Tony smirks and watches him run off, "You better be..." He says softly, then gets back to making dinner as Nathan paints.

After dinner and they are on their hike, he holds his hand "Well... The same spot I took you to the first time... Then just a little further from there... I have a surprise for you..." They continue on to the cliff and he sits down, soon pulling Nathan into his lap so he's not on the ground with his dress. "Let's take this off..." He helps him slip the sweater off, looking him over slowly and smiling. "Too cute lover..." He tips his chin up and kisses him softly, his hand slipping under his dress to tease him, but stills at the panties. He pulls back slightly and smirks "Going for the whole look baby?" He runs his fingers over his cock through his panties. "Ah... Look at me Sweety..." He tips his chin back to him as he blushes and tries to look down.
Once Nathan changed and dried off the boy cooked up a breakfast as well as Tony's lunch. Setting up the table he stood up straight "I made some eggs, toast, and bacon. Hehe, nothing amazing this morning." he said cheerfully. After breakfast the boy wished his lover a good day and closed the door behind him.

That day Nathan actually went out, buying things they needed and even checking out a few cake shops. He ended that afternoon looking at schools as well, wanting to figure out his future with Tony; Nathan couldn't be a house husband forever, and not to mention he wanted tot do something more than just wait on Tony hand and foot. Through, his own needs did rarely came before the man's, it made the boy stop and think about it more. He really didn't think about what he needed that often, did he? Shaking it off he arrived home, starting dinner and helping Boo climb the couch when he heard the knock at the door.

"Tony?" he called out softly before walking over slowly. Opening the door he found a order of flowers, no one around and it just sitting on his welcome mat. Pulling it in he looked around once more before closing the door and reading the card. Soon -K.

"A surprise?" Nathan questioned. Once they made it to the same cliff the young man smiled looking up to the stars; they seemed brighter than before and Nathan couldn't look away from them. He had been to walk over to Tony, his eyes focus on the sparkling suns when he was pulled down. Yelping he fall onto Tony's lap, muttering a sorry as he sat there. Taking off his sweater the boy noticed Tony looking him over, his cheeks lightening up a bit as he looked his lover in the eye. Kissing back Nathan began to get lost in the moment when he felt the man's hand creeping up his dress.

"Tony," he whispered softly, his face turning darker when he saw the smirk. Looking down he bit his knuckle and nod, there was no point in lying to the man. Panting softly the boy slowly looked up to the man, his blush becoming a brighter red as he had to avoid eye contact. "I-I thought these would go better than my boxers too. . . they're a lighter material." he whispered softly. Moaning Nathan leaned against Tony, lifting up his dress enough to watch the man tease him. He grew hard after a minute and the panties could barely hold his cock back "Nnn. . ."
Tony gets into the office and starts going through his emails "Kate... When is my last appointment... I wanna try and leave early, Jason has something planned..." He clicks open the email from his new patient's Doctor and reads it over.

Tony smiles at him "You like watching lover..." He continues to slowly run his fingers over him, tracing his cock through his panties. "And the surprise is for after our fun..." He pulls his hand away as Nathan starts to leak, pulling a condom from his pocket. "I picked these up today... Now you won't mess your pretty dress..." He opens it and slowly pulls his panties down slightly, enough to free him. He looks at Nathan, then slowly rolls the condom onto him. "Good boy..." He smiles and starts to stroke him slowly.
Kate smiled and greeted Tony before following him into his office "Your last appointment is at 12:30 sir. I could cut your lunch short if that works, I mean it won't take that long then to finish up a bit early if that helps." she replied as he set down a few more papers. "Hehe, ,I'll try to see if we can cut time anywhere else if you like."

"Ah. . . n-no its just. . . I . . . nnn. . ." he kept watching on, his breathing slowly becoming labored as the blood began to pump quickly. "After? W-why?" Nathan asked, looking to his lover before gasping softly as he felt some of the precum leak out. "Why did you get these?" Nathan asked, clearly confused as they had not used a condom yet. Gasping softly as he felt it rolled on. Moaning softly he nuzzled his head against the man's chest, keeping the dress up as so they could watch.

Whimpering Nathan grabbed onto Tony as he started to come close. He muffled his moans and groans, arching his back as he shivered "I-I'm to come!" he informed his lover, squeezing his body as he came. Going limp in the man's arms the boy panted heavily, closing his eyes as he leaned up and kissed the man's neck tenderly. "Is it your turn now?"

Jared and Nathan met up around 11:30, the two greeting each other as they normally did: Nathan having his hair messed up and kissing the man's cheek. The two went out to eat, Nathan having a light breakfast with Tony, and just went around to hang out. Jared had texted Tony, informing him that the man was happy and safe. Also asking for that video.
Tony smiles at her "If I can be out of here at 1:00... That would be good enough... Thank you Kate... Oh... Jason asked about Robert... You were having problems?" He looks at her, then starts to print out what he needed for his new patient. Later on, he smiles at Jared's text, sending back that he'd be off work at 1 hopefully and would join them where ever.

Tony smiles and kisses him softly as he came, holding him softly, then removing the condom slowly. "Well... I had gotten them for when you were with the girls... Just in case... But now it just helps keep your dress clean..." He smirks softly and kisses him again "Mmm... I'd like that... But I can wait for a few minutes... Let's go..." He smiles and helps to fix his clothes, then helps him stand, he rubs his cheek. "I looked this up... As a surprise..." They head back into the woods and a little ways back down the hill and to a clearing, a strange smell in the air. "How about this..." He leads them into a clearing with a small hot spring, just big enough for the two of them.
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