The Therapist [Ladydark/SWN1994]

"Nnn. . . really? Last time I tried with him he begged me to hurry up. . . then again he was a bit drunk." Jared muttered. Laughing the man looked up to Tony, licking his lips as he felt the man begin to slip in. "Mmm, tying up little Nathan and making him crazy would be fun." he cooed softly. Moaning he tilted his head back, tightening around the cock "Nnn. . .heh. . . take a video sometime and we could coo over it." he joked. Moaning loudly as tony began to speed up.

Nathan reached up slowly as his head was tilted up, kissing the man tenderly as his fingers tangled up in the other's hair. Pulling away slowly the boy blushed as he took one of the man's hand and kissed his palm, his movements speeding up slightly as he felt more confident in his own skill. Kissing his cheek the boy stared into the other's eyes, smiling as he slowly began to lean back, wanting to lay on his back well they made love.
"Nnn... Video... I think we recorded one of those times..." He grins and starts to thrust harder "Nnn... He was as red as a tomatoe for days when I told him..." He groans "Barely talked to me..." He grins and speeds up "Then I found him watching it..." He groans louder, he was getting close already, he holds his hips and speeds up again "Mmm..."

Tony smiles and watches him, then helps him lay back without breaking their rhythm, he slides his hands to his hips. "Your beautiful baby..." He let Nathan pick their pace, slowing down and speeding up when he did, panting and moaning softly. After a while he tilts his head back and moans a bit louder and gasps, he was getting close, but he wasn't ready yet.
"Ah. . . fuck. . .you better share." Jared groaned. Moaning softly the man rocked his body back and forth, his body sucking the man in as he stared on, a big smile on his lips as felt the man coming close "F-fuck." he moaned loudly, his legs wrapping around the man's hips as he made him go deeper.

Nathan panted heavily, moaning softly as gripped onto the man. He started to become more vocal, in the sense of asking for things he like; like asking Tony to go slower, to be gentle, or at times to speed up and to be hard. Looking up to Tony as he threw his head back, Nathan lifted himself up and began to suck and gently bit the man's neck. "Are you close hun?" Nathan asked, still having a much long way to go. He wasn't going to cum anytime soon. "Baby?"

After their fun, Jared was uncuffed and took a moment to recover from their two rounds. The older man wiped himself down and looked over to Tony. Leaning over he smiled kissing the man's cheek "Mmm. . . three more rounds?"
Tony lays with him and smiles "Mmm... That's up to him... But I'll ask..." He smirks and rolls closer, kissing him again "Hmm... Maybe, it is getting late..." He smiles and holds him closer, then grinding against him softly. He didn't want to stay out too late and leave Nathan alone.

Tony takes a deep breath and looks back at Nathan, panting softly "I'm good for a few... More minutes... Are you not close love?" He cups his cheek and rubs it softly, watching him "Is there more you want me to do..." He slips his hand between them and runs his fingers over him slowly, smiling when he twitches.
"Awe come on, he doesn't need to know about it." Jared whispered. Chuckling he shook his head and kissed the man sweetly "You're going already?" Jared asked as he sat up, his hand laying on the other's chest before he slowly pulled away "I guess little Nathan must be scared. . ." he whispered as he looked back to the man. "Hey, you take time to think about it carefully, okay? I don't need either of my boys to be hurt." he smiled as he walked over and kissed Tony sweetly. Something different about this kiss, of longing and want but the knowledge of not ever gaining it.

Blushing the boy shook his head, his eyes darting away before his cheek was rubbed. Looking back to the man, Nathan moaned softly, closing his eyes as he breathed softly "Uh. . . m-maybe you could kiss me more. . . I'd like that."
Tony watches him come closer and smiles at him, "I will think on it friend... But I believe it will hurt him more... If I deny him this..." He holds him and kisses back, if he had met him first, things might have been different, he slowly pulls away. "I'll see you later my friend... Take care..." He kisses him once more, the leaves the room to get his clothes and dress, then heads to his car.

Tony smiles "Asking for a kiss... While we're like this... Makes you blush?" He chuckles softly and rubs his cheek again, then leans in and kisses him softly, slowly. "Mmm... You are too sweet my love..." He mumbles against his lips and continues to kiss him softy.
". . . he's still young, I think it would hurt you more." he whispered. Kissing back the man held on for a second longer before he watched the man he loved leave. Taking a deep breath the man pulled his legs up to his chest, whimpering softly he looked out of the window and watched Tony leave. The man laid back on the bed, taking in a breath before looking over to his house phone and dialed Nathan.

They spoke for awhile, the boy sounding just as hurt as Jared and the two talking up until Nathan heard someone at the door.

". . .You sure you'll be okay, J?"

"I promise. Hey, I'll see you soon okay? I need to see your apartment!"

"Heh, deal. I'll get us wine." he said softly before the two said their good byes and hung up. Nathan answered the door to find the Chinese food guy, the two chatted for a few minutes, the delivery man flirting with the boy up until they turned to see Tony coming up.

Nathan wished the man a good night and smiled as he welcomed Tony home. The boy was in his pajama bottoms and a loose t-shirt. "Hey you, how'd it go?"

"I-its not that its just. . .I. . ." the boy began to blush more, unable to convia the message that he was needy. It was embarrassing. Since Tony had been with Jared the boy had felt as though he was being left alone more and. .. a girl sucking him off was no where compared to their kisses. With a soft moan the boy closed his eyes and reached up, deepening the kiss as he felt that spark run his motor again. "I love you Tony. . . I love you."
The ride back to Nathan's apartment was a slow one, he knew they'd still be friends, but he could also tell how much Jared actually cared for him. He sighs and continues on his way "That may not be our last time... I know how much Nat cares about him too..." He glances at a picture of the four of them from one of their summer vacations, they all looked so happy, he smiles. He was parked a few minutes later, waving at the officer parked in the lot, they had explained that his parents didn't want him alone so he was crashing in the guest room. He smiles as he steps off the elevator to see a delevery boy trying to flirt with Nathan, he waves as they turn. "Hey... This your dinner?" He pulls him closer once they were inside, kissing him softly, then moving to sit at the table. "It went ok... We went back to his place and said our own good byes..." He sighs then and looks at him, a sad smile on his lips "But I do believe our dear friend has more then a summer crush on me..." He looks down "I hope he wasn't too hurt..."

He grabs one of the drinks from the take out and opens it, having some "He did ask about spending some time with you too, maybe even the three of us..." He smirks slightly "I said I'd ask..." He looks at him again "He did want me to make sure about something though... That you really want this... Being married to someone of my age, knowing it's not for as long as you'd want it to be..." He smiles softly "I don't want to push you into anything love... I'd be happy just to spend the rest of my life with you... You know that right..?"

Tony smiles at him, then kisses back, holding him close as the boy continues to ride him, pushing them closer. "Mmm... I love you too baby... Nathan..." He smiles and cups his cheek, he was panting softly as he leans in to kiss him again.
"Hey. Yeah, I wasn't sure what time you were getting back and I was too lazy to cook." he said as he offered his money to the other man. Smiling as he was brought them in, the young man waved off to the delivery boy who looked more insulted than upset. As the door closed the boy kissed back, laughing softly as they were taken to the table. Taking his seat the boy nod, leaning against Tony as he held the other's hand "Ha. . . it took you this long just to realize that?" Nathan asked as he looked up to the man. Leaning up he pressed his nose into the crook of the man's neck and he shook his head "He'll be fine, we've made plans for him to come over during this week." he chuckled.

"Oh the three of us? that would be nice." Nathan smiled, oblivious to the suggestion until he saw the smirk. His blush returned for a moment before Tony brought up the question. Standing from his seat the boy stood behind Tony, leaning down and hugging him from behind. ". . .Of course I want to get married. . . and you're not pushing me into anything. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and I don't care how old you get. . . or how big a gap our age difference is. I just. . . I want people to recognize our love and to officially take your name. Show everyone I belong to you."

Moaning loudly the young man blushed, reaching down as he began to jerk himself off as he wanted to reach his limit with Tony. Kissing back the boy moaned softly, reaching up as he rubbed the man's cheek.
Tony watches him get up and looks back slightly as he hugs him from behind, he reaches up and holds his arms, rubbing softly. "You belong with me... Not to me..." He turns his head and kisses his cheek, leaning against his head, he smiles and sighs softly. "And I've known Jared has liked me for a long time... I had just hoped it was a passing thing... Oh... I happened to mention that video I have of us..." He glances at him with a smirk "The one you didn't know I took at the time... Well... He wants to see it..."

Tony kisses him again and reaches down to help him, taking over his strokes, rubbing his tip, he looks at him. "Mmm... How's that baby... You like it..." He tilts his head and starts to kiss and lick along his neck.
Nathan smiled as his arms were rubbed. Closing his eyes the boy blushed, nodding as he held to Tony "Ah okay. . ." He whispered. His face became bright red as he pulled away when he jumped back. "W-What?! Don't just tell --. . . Uh. . . Okay. He can watch it. . . Only him though!" Nathan huffed as he crossed his arms. Sighing he sat on the man's lap and leaned against him. "So. . . What are yiu going to eat? This is all for me." Nathan said, looking up to the man. There was a bit too much to f food just for one person.

"Nnn, that feels good." He whispered softly as he began to rock his hips back and forth. His cock throbbing by the other's touch. "Ah. . . Mmm. . . That feels really good."
Tony chuckles, then laughs softly "Ok ok... He can see it when he comes over... I'll bring a copy from home..." He looks at him as he sits in his lap and smiles, "You... You're going to eat all this... You'll make yourself sick..." He wraps his arms around his waist lightly and holds him closer, he then kisses him softly, just enjoying the quiet moment with his lover.

"Good..." He speeds up slightly, he himself was already on edge, he rests against his forehead and smiles. "Cum with me..." He closes his eyes and moans, then kisses him as his peak hits, bucking his hips and stroking him faster. "Nnn..." He nips his lip softly as he pulls back to look at him.
"Wait. . . you didn't delete it after I saw it?" Nathan asked. He remembered the day after he had saw it, after they had done the deed again, he was still mad about the tape and still a bit cold to the man even after a few days. To say the least through, he had that after then that his lover would have destroyed it. But, as it turned out, he hadn't. Sighing hr looked up to the man, grinning softy as he shrugged "Well, I am pretty hungry. . . the dogs and I went out for long walk and it took a bit out of me." he chuckled softly. Nuzzling the man's cheek he smiled softly and felt happy in that moment. It felt like nights they would spend in Tony's study. The boy on his la as he watched his lover work or they would just sit there, in total bliss.

Panting the boy felt his body rock back and forth, his body shaking from the other's movements before he could feel the other close. Swallowing hard he looked up to the man "I'm close," he lied, hoping that Tony wouldn't notice. He wanted to make the man happy, but he would take a few seconds longer.

Once Tony came the boy took another ten to fifteen seconds to follow after. After their fun the boy nuzzled his lover, feeding him a bit. "How was that?"
Tony smirks and kisses him again "No... But it's safely hidden... I'll delete it after this... If you want me to... I kept it... In case I ever lost you... But I don't have to worry about that now..." He looks to the food and smiles "Hmm... Then why do I see some of my favourite foods... Ones you don't like..." He looks back to him and leans closer, licking his neck and kissing it lightly "Or do I have to work for my supper..." He whispers softly to him, rubbing his side and hip softly.

"Nnn... F-Fuck..." He moans loudly again as Nathan finally came, squeezing his sensitive cock, he shudders. "Mmm..." He holds him a moment until they lean back to relax, he smiles "That was wonderful... My love..." He then takes the offered food and eats "And so is this... Thank you..." He doesn't want them to move just let, he was content to stay in his warmth forms bit.
"You thought you'd lose me?" Nathan asked softly, his heart dropping for a moment as he tried to figure out why he would ever think such a thing. Blushing the boy pouted as he shrugged and buried his head in the crook of Tony's head "I don't know. . ."" he muttered softly, looking away shyly. Gasping as he felt the lick on his neck, the boy blushed before nodding "Okay, you caught me." he smiled. "Ah. . he, no. No don't worry," he smiled kissing the man's cheek "I thought you'd come back later." Nathan admitted. Facing the man he smiled sweetly "I really thought you were going to come back late."

Nathan nuzzled his lover, the boy a bit sweaty and his hair even messier than it was that morning. Grabbing his shirt the boy slipped it on and pulled a blanket over their bottom half. As he feed his lover the boy paused for a moment before hugging him. Closing his eyes he nuzzled into the man's chest, holding on tighter. ". . .I'm okay," he suddenly said "I just. . . I really missed you."
Tony holds him and relaxes "You're a young man love... You could have found someone else... And I wouldn't have stopped you... As long as you were happy.." He smiles and kisses his cheek "But that's the past..." He chuckles at hold him "He wanted a few more rounds... But I didn't want to leave you alone... Not with that woman still on the loose... Speaking of which... Jared said he'd have some friends look into her for you... Have them find her..."

Tony ate quietly, then stilled a moment and held the boy "Wha... Oh baby... I'm sorry..." He hugs him back and rubs his back, relaxing and tips his chin up "I'll always be there for you... You just have to say so..." He rubs his cheek "I don't care if I'm with Jared or not... If you want me... Even if it's just to be held... You let me know... Ok..."
Smiling softly the boy reached up and kissed his lover, bringing him close as he just held to the man before feeling the kiss on his cheek. "Really? Mmm, that does kinda tempting. I don't want to be a bother to them through." he stated softly. Looking back to his Tony the boy smiled warmly before reaching over and unpacking their foods, smiling as offered one of them to Tony. "I'm happy you thought of me through. . . but I was fine, I walked around for awhile and the officer has been with me. He and his partner are really nice."

Nathan rubbed his eyes as he stared up to the man, his cheeks warm and a bit wet. "I'm sorry. . . I-I shouldn't be acting like this but. .. I'm sorry." Nathan whimpered. Nodding he smiled a little and hugged the man. ". . . I do like Jared. . . he's really nice and helped me out a lot yesterday. . ." he said softly, not wanting Jared to suffer because of a teen's mood swings. With a soft sigh he looked to their backpacks, hugging the man a bit tighter "Is this normal? I mean, for me to be like this? It is normal?"
"Oh? I've only really talked to them in passing... Well now you'll just have more eyes on you... Like me and your parents, Jared doesn't want you hurt by her anymore..." He takes his food and starts to eat, feeding Nat bits of what he knows he does like, giving him a soft kiss. "You should spend tomorrow with your parents... That way I can finish my reports and get them into the judge... Try and get your case closed sooner..."

He tips his chin up and kisses him softly "Nathan... Look at me baby..." He rubs his cheek and wipes his eyes, he smiles at him softly. "You're still young... Of course this is normal... Your hormones and emotions are all over... And throw in what I did... I'm still surprised you're still here... There is no need to be sorry... So don't worry..."
The boy leaned against his lover, thinking for a moment before nodding "Alright. . . if it gets her away from us and out of our lives, I'm okay with that." he said softly. Smiling the boy ate, chuckling softly whenever Tony feed him small bits of food. "Hm? Ah, okay. Do you need me to do anything before I leave with them? Maybe with your notes or anything else you need?" he asked before opening his mouth for another bit. Licking some sauce off his lips the boy offered some food as well, picking out of of his lover's favorite food.

After their meal the boy made up the bed, put his pets in the other room with the door left open, and went to their bedroom as he waited for Tony to join him.

Nathan rubbed his eyes, his bottom lip quivering before he looked up to Tony and nod "Okay. . . okay." he whispered softly as he grabbed the man's hand. Closing his eyes he sighed softly and leaned against the man, his soft skin now red around his nose, eyes, and cheeks s he held to the man. ". . . I know you don't want to answer,but could I ask when I can call my parents? I just. . . I need to know their okay. My mom is easily panicked and. . . I just want to know their okay. I want to stay with you." Nathan added as he kissing Tony's chin.
Tony smiles and enjoys their meal "No... I'm sure I have everything I need... I just have to touch it up a bit... Then see a few patients that have been waiting on me..." He smiles and continues to eat, after dinner, Tony stays to clean up as Nat goes to make the bed. He walks into the room with his shirt open and his soon pushes his pants off and he moves to the bed. "Mmm... This is how every day should end..." He crawls into the bed and pulls him closer, nuzzling into his neck.

Tony holds him closer and nuzzles into his neck and sighs softly, "I'm not sure yet Sweety... If you truly want to stay with me... It can't be yet... They'd take you... And lock me away..." He pulls back to look at him "It will happen though... I promise you'll see them again..." He looks down slightly "I'm sorry..."
Dinner went well and by the end of the night the boy welcomed his lover into his bed. Chuckling he held his lover tenderly and pulled the covers over them "Mhm. It should," he replied softly as he stroked Tony's hair. "Good night hun."

The next morning went as normal as the other mornings: Wake up, get dress, cook their breakfast, cook pack Tony's lunch, and waking up Tony by either whispering into his ear or kissing him until he stirred. This time it was added bonus to feed his dogs and have to work around the two who kept sniffing at the boy's moving feet. It was also funny to see Boo climb onto the bed and lay on Tony's stomach, growling softly as it tried to play with the sleeping man.

Wishing his lover a good day the boy waved off, kissing his cheek as he said he was going to meet up with his father at a cafe.

Nathan meet up with his father, picked up their breakfast, and left to his parents' home. It was a nice change to come and visit his parents, everyone happy to see one another and just spending time together. No looks. No judging. No questions. Just spending time together.

"Morning Tony," Kate smiled as she greeted the man, offering him a paper "They wanted you to look at this again. Its from the practice who wants to hire you, they want an answer soon." she said as she also offered coffee. Sniffing the air she smiled warmly "Ah, is Jason back? I know that smell anywhere!"

"Nnn. . ." Nathan frowned, his grip on the man tightening again as he thought about being torn away from Tony. How could he survive without his lover? Looking up to his lover the boy nod, reaching up and stroking the man's cheek with his thumb as he tried to comfort him "Shh, don't be sorry. . ." he whispered as he moved back and gave the man a warm hug. "I'm okay. . . Maybe we could try next year. . .or when I'm eighteen. . ." he said softly. Sitting up he smiled warmly, the sun peeking into their tent and giving the boy a slight halo effect from where he was sitting "Lets get dress. I don't think we should spend the whole day in here."
"Night baby..." He kisses him softly and lays on his side to face him, pulling him closer to cuddle. He slept soundly that night and well into the morning, to be woken up my Nathan's soft kisses and Boo jumping on him. He wakes up with a chuckle and pets the animal, smiling "Morning to you too pup..."

Tony kisses him good bye and cups his cheek "Tell them I said hello... And be careful today... And call me if that woman shows up..." He takes his lunch and heads out to work.

He smiles "Morning Kate... Oh... Is this the one from New York?" He looks it over and nods, taking the coffee "Alright... I should have an answer soon..." He looks at her "What smell?" He doesn't notice anything differ net about himself, but smiles softly. "But yes... He's back..."

Tony smiles at him and hugs him closer "You're too perfect... I don't deserve you..." He rubs his back and runs his fingers through his hair slowly. He then smiles and nods "Yeah... Maybe another hike or a drive into town..." He kisses him softly, then slowly lifts him off him "Mmm... Maybe a shower later tonight..." He reaches for his clothes.
"Yes sir; they said if you like they could fly over there to check out their practice as well as show you the pent house they would hold for you." she replied. Chuckling she smiled warmly "The one from your lunch bag. Jason normally cooks something fresh for you," she answered. "I'm glad, you've been kinda sad since he left. So, is he going to move back to California or is he here to stay?"

Nathan and his parents spent the whole day together, they asking if the good doctor was comfortable with this and he was more than comfortable with stay in the apartment. The family visited his sister's grave, they went for lunch, went back to his apartment to rest for awhile, and ended the day at the beach. It was picture perfect and the boy was more than happy to spend the day like this with his folks.

Chuckling the boy shook his head before nodding and grabbed his clothes. Quickly changing he turned back "A drive into the town sounds nice." he said as he kissed back. Changing into a t-shirt, jeans, and a pair of sneakers the boy grinned a bit "Maybe we'll find something fun out there."
Tony nods and smiles "Ah, yes... He does make good food doesn't he..." He glances at Kate and smiles "Oh he's not going anywhere for a while... And he's glad to be back home..." He takes his things and heads to his office, he enters and takes a seat, taking a drink from his coffee before booting up his computer. "Kate... Can I have everything on the Strake case... I want this all settled..." He had removed any pictures from the files and computers, making sure 'Jason' wasn't recognized.

"Alright... Let's get things ready and we'll go for a drive... I'm sure we can find something..." He starts to dress himself and tidy up the tent a bit, they were only here for a few more nights. "We'll have to start packing up soon too... Our time is almost up..." He looks around for his keys and wallet "Damn... I think I left my wallet at Jared's..." He looked at Nathan, he hadn't wanted to see the man today, it was their day.
"Yes sir," the woman nod as she hurried off to grab everything. She returned shortly after with a box and sat it down on the desk "Here you go sir. Oh! Also you have a new case. She made an appointment to meet you in a few days. It seems as through she is having problems with her boyfriend and need some consoling on issues she has on trust."

Nathan grabbed his backpack, emptying it expect for his cash and some snacks. The young man paused when he heard where Tony believed his wallet was. With a soft sigh he offered a small smile "Okay. Lets go," he said taking the man's hand, feeling a bit jeoules about having to see the man. He was a good man, not to mention he seemed to be pretty good looking and from what he had heard a good lover.

Once they were there the boy got off, going into the house with Tony when they were invited in by Jared. The man was nice and Nathan couldn't help but feel as through he was being charmed so easily.

"So, you two staying here or have plans today?"
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