The Therapist [Ladydark/SWN1994]

With a huff the boy stomped away, not caring for Tony at that moment and going off. Maybe he should just leave, go back home and try to forget everything. Nathan reached up half way through the drive way when Jared spotted him. He could tell the boy was upset and took him aside, worried something had happened.

"Is everything okay?"

". . ." Nathan looked away, his face red and body tensed as Jared rubbed the boy's shoulder. Sighing he lead the boy to the lake, sitting him down as he tried to speak with him. It was half a hour before Nathan explained the fight he had with Tony, leaving out the reason as well as why he was so upset about it. ". . . So you're mad at him?"

"Yes! I . . . its been a few days. . . I just found out about it." he whispered. Jared frowned and reached over, rubbing the boy's shoulder as he calmed the teen. Jared seemed to be very good at this. Then again, a police officer did have to know how to relax a person. "Hey. . . I know you're mad at your uncle for betraying your trust. . . to find out he put your dog down like that, I would be piss too." Jared said. Nathan did tell him about the fight, the "reason" he was mad, and well, how he just found out last night. Give everything a proper place.

Nathan was sent up to the cabin to shower and watch tv (Anna and the girls had left to the larger lake that morning) till they came up. the man drove to their site, calling out Tony as he headed for the tent. Coming in he frowned seeing the man and crawled over, pulling Tony into a hug ". . . teenagers aren't that easy, I know." he whispered as he kissed the man's head as he explained that Nathan was at his cabin. Rubbing his back he closed his eyes and laid down with Tony "Let him process it, I'm sure he'll calm down soon." Jared said, clueless to actual story to everything.

Nathan did calm down, and when he came out from the shower he found himself thinking about Tony, still upset but now worried about the man. He had never been that. . . broken. Sighing he changed and headed back for their site, if anything to just ensure that Tony was okay. He should leave though, there was a train station they passed and Nathan could easily get a ticket for himself.

"Yeah. . . you should thank Jared for that," Nathan whispered. He had never explained why he returned to Tony, or why he stayed with him that day. Jared had done a huge favor for Tony. "Mmm, should I get your clothes ready or is it casual?"

When the time came, Jared was already at the bar. The man had grown just like Tony. Still in good shape, his hair still full but changing color, and signs of age taking his youth clear around his eyes. "Tony! hey, good to see you." he smirked, offering the jacket "No worries, I brought my own."
At first Tony thought it was Nathan and just chose to stay still, then when Jared spoke, he froze slightly. He listens to him speak, and relaxes some, but knew he couldn't have Nathan come back to find them like this. He slowly moves away from him and sits up, he sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. "Thank you... For talking to him... I just didn't... I never wanted to hurt him... And I did..." He stands and heads for the door "You want some tea? I'm starting the fire back up..." He heads out to the pit and looks for dry wood.

Tony smiles "It's just casual..." He kisses him softly and then continue there day.

At the bar wasn't too crowed and the music was at a good level for them to talk, he walks over to him and smiles. "Good to see you too... And thanks!" He chuckles and pulls the man into a quick hug. "So how have you been? I know it's been a bit..."
Jared smiled softly and shook his head, pulling the man close as he kissed him tenderly "Hey, he'll come to understand. It had to be done right?" he said softly. Nodding he followed the man out, helping his one night stand start the fire and get the tea kettle ready. "Hey, if you don't mind maybe you could get Jason a new dog. . .I know he'll still be piss but at least you're showing you do care." he said. It was awhile after they had talked and drank some tea when Nathan returned, the boy in one of Jared's over-sized hoodies and his hair still a bit messy.

"Hey, you okay?"

"I guess," Nathan said as he walked over to the logs and took one away from Tony. The boy didn't look at Tony and picking up on this, Jared cleared his throat "Hey! Hows about we go to the lake? I'm sure you could pick up a few girls well we're there," Jared teased. Nathan turned red as he looked down, his brows furrowing before he looked up to find Jared grinning. Perhaps the man's charm was too much for anyone to not want.

Brushing his hair back Nathan shrugged "Well. . . thanks but I'll pass. . . erm. . ." Nathan trailed off. The man walked over and rubbed the boy's shoulders, Nathan gasping softly before he felt himself relax "Then lets go for a hike. Some exercise would do you two good."

Hugging back Jared smirked as he took his seat. "It has been. . . we missed you last summer, you two got a bit busy? And I've been well. Almost done with the opening of my restaurant and soon we'll be ready soon so. . . we're going to begin sending out invites. I'm guessing you and Nat will be coming right? Heh, he's always able to find a way to get somewhere." he smiled.

The man bought them a few drinks, joked with him, and began to flirt with the man again. He always liked flirting before seducing his target.
Tony looked up as he heard someone coming down the road, he smiles softly at seeing Nathan, then looks back at the fire, he was still getting the cold shoulder. He didn't really think he'd just forgive him suddenly. He pokes at the fire and lists s to the them speak, he wasn't too sure about the hike. "Sure... As long as Nathan comes too..."

Tony smiles as they get caught, exchanging stories and fun times, after a few shots, provided by Jarerd, Tony stats to pay for the next ones. He looks at him halfway through his 3rd drink, when Jared starts to flirt, he smiles softly. "Jared... The reason I called you tonight... Wasn't only to catch up... You know about Nat and me... Well... I asked him to marry me... And he said yes..." He smiles softly, looking at his drink.
"But of course, we ca't leave this kid alone with booze." he joked as he playfully ruffled the boy's hair. Nathan nod as he looked to Tony, he was still hurt but clearly he was worried about the man as well, that was the reason he came back. "Alright then! I'm going to grab my hiking boots and we'll be off." he said running off to his car. Nathan stood and walked over to Tony, kissing his cheek out of the blue before going to his bag and pulling out a lighter fabric shirt and replaced his cotton with that one he had on. Looking back as Jared came over, the boy offered a smile, although weak one, as he grabbed his canteen and waited for the other two.

The hike was actually nice, though Nathan said nothing, and Jared seemed to be the one trying to get them talking again. Nathan was ahead of them, the boy running up the hill and sliding down sides as he always kept a few steps ahead of them. "Mmm, I'm not having a party tonight but would you two like to come over? The girls are only here for one more night, then they're going back to the city." he said softly. Nathan looked back and nod "Sure, I'd like to go."

"Perfect, Jason is in, what about you Tony?"

Reaching a small clearing the man excused himself as he wanted to go up forward to see if some traps were still set up, and if they were, he did inform them it would take a few minutes to dis-arm them.

". . . its nice out today." Nathan said softly, Jared had gotten to him a bit and he did kinda want to talk a little about the event that played out.

"Ah, congrats!" Jared said happily, patting the man's back. Although. . . it did seem he was a bit off about it as well, his smile wasn't full and not to mention he wasn't being over dramatic about it. But he didn't seem upset, just worried. "Ah. . . you guys doing it soon or waiting it out for awhile?"
Tony kept his voice low and either nods or softly says yes to anything they decide, he still felt horrible. The kiss to his cheek had startled him, he wasn't expecting and contact from the boy, he watched him as they got ready. He moves to the tent to get his own things and change his shoes, then joins them, he would smile softly but didn't speak much.

Once out on the trail, Tony would watch Nathan any chance he got, when Jared was looking the other way or explaining something. He wanted nothing more then to walk up to him and pull him into a hug, telling him how sorry he was, but he knew he'd still need time. As Jared left to do something, he hadn't really been paying attention, Nathan came closer and spoke to him. He shrugs slightly "It's not bad out..." He bit his lip slightly and looks away "I'm sorry Nat... I truly am... It's just 'he' was... And I..." He shakes his head and leans against a nearby tree, "It doesn't matter... But you do... You matter a lot... So you tell me what to do... Tell me to cluck like a chicken if it'd make you feel better..." He'd leave his 'punishment' up to him, Nathan was the one wronged, he should decide his fate.

Tony smiles "Thank you... It certainly made him happy when I asked..." He watches him and looks to his drink "I wanted to tell you alone... Because of what we had together..." He looks back at him and smiles softly "Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed every minute of it... You're a wonderful guy..." He smiles again "I also know you had hoped it would go further..." He sighs softly "I'm sorry if this hurt you in any way Jared..." He takes another drink "And it's being held off a bit... We still have things to clear up... And Nathan's stalker is still out there..." He shakes his head, then looks at him again "I do have one question for you... And you can answer any way you'd like... But you're my closest friend... Would you agree to being my best man..?"
Frowning the boy moved closer, carefully laying his head on the man's chest as he held to the other's hand. "Don't. . . just. . ." Nathan trailed off as he didn't want to say anything else. Nathan chuckled softly, shaking his head as he pressed his face into the other's chest. Gripping his hand hard the boy frowned ". . .I don't know what will make me feel better yet. . . I. . . tony just hold me for a second." Nathan said. If Tony did the boy would gasp softly, still feeling the warmth begin to bubble up inside of him, his grip on the man tightening.

Jared returned a while later, cleaning his hands when he called out for the others that the traps were done. Pulling away Nathan began to walk towards the man, asking where they were going since it seemed they were going deeper and deeper into the woods. Jared only cooed that it would be surprise.

They reached a different cliff, this one having a great view of the park on the other side. The woods there were thicker, the air fresher, and only allowed more experienced campers to be there after dark. Jared looked back to Tony and frowned "Hey, do you two need more time to talk? The only reason I suggested this was so he couldn't run off. Go on and talk, I'll be back again in a while."

Jared laughed softly when Tony tried to comfort him, the man grinning playfully as he hit his arm "Sounds like you're trying to break up with me. . . its okay man. I understand." he said as he took a sip from his drink. Nodding he frowned "Nat has a stalker?. . .I'm guessing the police are involved right? If not I know a few buddies who would jump on this case." Jared offered. Jared was surprisingly very protective of the boy, even acting like a father whenever Nathan needed one. "Best man? Heh, well that sounds like it was a position made for me." Jared laughed.

A few minutes of silenced passed before Jared spoke up ". . . maybe you guys should put off wedding plans for another year. . . let Nat think about this more," he began as he looked to Tony "Listen, I'm not trying to be put you down but. . . are you guys sure? Nathan is still pretty young and . . . Tony you're only getting older. Do you think that he'll want to stay with you once you do began to show your age? He'll still of a lot of years left, I just don't want either of you to get hurt."
Tony watches him, then stiffens slightly as Nat holds him and leans against him, afraid to move and scare him. Then when Nat tell him to hold him, his arms quickly come up and hold him close, his one hand reaching to the back of his head. "I do love you baby..." He says softly and holds him as long as he's allowed, letting go as soon as Nathan asks.

Tony walks with them, "What we're the traps you were dealing with..." He continues to walk, then slows as they reach to new cliff, he stops and looks out over the park. He looks to Jared, then to Nathan and smiles softly as Jared started to walk away, he moves to take a seat against a large tree. He looks to Nathan and pats the ground next to him "He's right... We need to talk..." He looks back out over the park, waiting for him to sit, or walk away, it was up to Nathan.

Tony chuckles "Well, in a way I guess I am... But thank you for understanding..." He then sighs and nods "Yes... A female cop... She took his case when he went home... Then she got obsessive..." He explained about the woman and all she's done "The police are looking... But Nathan is terrified... And I don't want him to be alone..." He smiles "If you'd be able to help, that would be wonderful... Nat might calm down some..." He takes another drink and smiles "There's no one else I'd rather ask... You've helped us so much..."

Tony was starting into the food they had ordered when Jared spoke again, Tony sighs and leans back in his chair. "You don't have to remind me of our gap... I think about it all the time... And I've tried to talk to him... About when I'm older..." He sighs softly again "I'll talk to him again... Because I don't want him hurt..." He smiles softly and looks at him "Thank you.."
Holding to the man the boy frowned as he tighten his hold ". . .Tony, was he better?" he asked, his voice worried as he didn't want to loose the man.

"The traps? Oh, just a few bear traps and some nets. We have problems with the wild life coming up here sometimes and sometimes they come up here." Jared explained. Truthfully there was nothing, but the two of them didn't need to know that. Nathan looked back as Jared left, about to follow him when Tony spoke. Sighing he nod as he walked over and took a seat across from the man, looking down as he began to play with his canteen. "Okay. . . well. . ." Nathan swallowed hard as he grabbed grabbed his own wrist. ". . .Did I do something wrong? Is that why you. . . did I do something? Was I not doing anything?" Nathan asked as he looked up to Tony, his big, grey eyes waiting for the man's reply.

Jared gritted his teeth, holding to his glass tight as he tried to relax "Both your house and his apartment? By fucking. . . hey, if he needs my house is always open. I got a few dogs and a really good system." he offered. Nodding he smiled "Bring him by my place, he won't be scared in my kingdom." he smirked.

"I think I do, you two can really get in the clouds sometimes," Jared pointed out "Hey, sometimes you need to get hurt to learn a less. Nat's a big boy, and too good looking to pass up." the man added on. It wasn't a secret that they slept one each other once, Nathan had been embarrassed and Jared more pleased than anything. "No problem. Hows about after these we go to the strip and look around? Maybe see if you guys want something for you're wedding."
Tiny held him close and looks down at him, smiling softly, he was about to tell him no, when Jared came back. He runs his fingers through his hair before they continue on, following Jared up the hillside.

Once alone on the hill, the two of them sitting down, Tony waiting for Nathan to say something. But what he said, was not expected, he expected him to yell again, get angry and demand to return home. He had not expected Nathan to think it was because of something he had done. "What... No... This was not you at all... You're perfect..." He moves forward and gently pulls him into a hug, rubbing his back and kissing his head. "This was me... Drinking... And being hit on by someone my age..." He holds him a bit closer "You asked if he was better before..." He pulls back to look at him, he cups his cheek "I won't lie to you... He was good... But I kept comparing him to you... And you kept beating him out..." He wanted to kiss him so bad "I may have slept with him... But I make love to you... Because I love you... And only you... And I'm so sorry I hurt you..."

Tony nods "Yes... She's quite obsessed... And claims to love Nathan..." He smiles "I'll let him know that... It should make him feel better, knowing you have his back too... And should calm his parents if he can't stay with them or me for any reason..."

Tony smiles "You do crazy things when in love right... And you can't help who you love..." He goes back to eating and nods "Sounds good... Oh, speaking of what we need... I want to take him to the islands... For the honeymoon..." He blushes slightly "Nat seems to think you have a place on one... Thinks he heard you say so... I said I'd ask..."
Nathan bit his lip hard, gripping his jeans "T-then if I'm so perfect w-why--" being pulled into a hug, the boy whimpered softly, hiding his face into the man's chest as he listened to Tony speak. Nathan looked up to Tony, frowning as he was made to look at him. Looking down the boy frowned "Then. . . whats stopping you from doing it again? . . . I. . . my whole life was turned upside down to make you happy and . . . whats stopping you from doing that again?" Nathan asked, more talking to himself than to Tony. Leaning against the man the boy closed his eyes ". . . lets go back to Jared's cabin. . . I actually am not feeling too well." he said softly. Maybe it was because they went hiking without eating first, or maybe this was taking a toll on the boy, but he was feeling ill and did want to just lay down on some cushions for a while.

Jared helped them back to their camp site, putting Nathan in the back of his car and driving them to his cabin where he put Nathan in his own bedroom and began to brew some tea for him as well as a light breakfast.

"Oui, hows about I look after Jason and you could grab some medicine from the shop? It's only a half hour drive from here."

"Hmp. I'll get a few of my buddies to look into it. . .they'll be able to find her. Don't worry about." he smiled as he patted Tony on the back "Ah, you finally met the folks? How are they doing? Last time I heard they were getting ready for his funeral. . . glad they didn't have to do it."

Jared nod as he took another swig of his beer, smirking as he was asked about his place on the islands. "Oh yeah, I was suggesting to that we could go out there once with one another, maybe for Christmas or something since he always says that he isn't that happy around Christmas time." Jared said. Looking to the man smiled "Tell he heard wrong through, that boy needs to stop cooking and let someone cook for the two of you. He'll probably try to clean up my whole place during the honeymoon." he joked. Through it was true, Nathan really did rest very much when it came to everyday things.
Tony holds him and rubs his back "You're what's stopping me baby... I don't what to hurt you again... Or have you mad at me... I was so scared... Afraid I'd lose you..." He wipes his eyes and kisses his forehead, he cups his cheek "I'll tell Jared it was nice... But we can just be friends... Ok... Please love..." He holds him until Jared returns and helps him down the mountain, then into Jared's car.

After Nathan was laying down, Tony looks at Jared, he nods "Yeah... Maybe I should..." He stands "Listen... Thanks for everything... I'm just gonna check on him before I go..." He makes his way back to the room Nathan's in and sits on the bed, running his fingers through his hair. "How you feeling..." He smiles softly "Jared is making some food... And I'm gonna run to the store to get you some meds... I'll be a little over an hour..." He watches him "Will you be ok? And I'll talk with Jared when I get back... I promise..." He cups his cheek and leans down to kiss his cheek.

Tony smiles "Thank you... And his parents are doing good... Yeah, they were, but not anymore, obviously..." He takes another drink and looks at him "You try telling that boy he can't do something... But I'll try..." He lifts his drink, then stops "Hey... Has Nat ever told you about his little secret... About his like of certain clothes..." He looks at him and puts the drink down. "We are going shopping next week... And I am going to be settings up a little thing for him... At the bridal shop..." He smiles.
Nathan shook his head as he held to the man "T-thats not true. . . don't lie to me." Nathan whispered. Sniffling the boy blushed slightly, frowning as he hugged himself ". . . A-are you sure? Will you be happy just being friends? I don't want to. . . I want want to block you from being happy." he said softly. When they began down the trail, Nathan shivered in the other's arms, closing his eyes as he felt a fever begin. He really had gotten sick.

"Yeah, no problem," the man smiled as he walked over and kissed Tony's cheek, flirting with the man again. Nathan was on his side, hugging the pillow and shaking as he felt the wet towel slipping off his head. Laying on his back the boy re-position the towel on his forehead before looking up to find the man beside him. "I've had better days," Nathan replied. Nodding the boy sighed softly before hearing what Tony planned on doing. Shaking his head he sighed "Don't. . . you should be with someone your own age now and again. . . I'm still a kid so. . . I don't know to do much, right?" Nathan asked, he didn't want Tony to hate him. He'd even let the man sleep with other people as long as he returned with him at the end of the night. With a small smile he nod and leaned up, hugging the man before laying back down and closing his eyes.

Once Tony left the other man came into the bedroom and checked on Nathan. The two ended up talking for awhile, Nathan expressing that he was scared that he was making the man's life difficult and that he would grow to hate him.

"Oh come now, he loves you! You should have seen him panic when he couldn't find you."

"Yeah but. . . he was having fun with you."

"So what? He really does love you kid. . . are you scared?"

". . ." Nathan blushed looking away, the man chuckling as he rubbed his shoulder. "Awe, no worries honey. He really does love you a lot. . ."

"Wouldn't it be best if I just left. . . I mean. . . he could actually be with you and--" Nathan stopped talking when Jared put a finger to the boy's lips "Hes the only one you got, right? And you're the only one he's got. . . if anything I'm just a little burst of sexual happiness. . . you. . . you're his whole world."

By the time Jared returned, Nathan would still be in his room but now with girls around him, catering to him and babying him. "Heh, he's is a lady's man." he smirked as he saw Tony.

"Oh, you mean his cross dressing? Yeah, I found out about that on our second trip. . . found him in the showers and well. . . kinda hard to say those belonged to someone else when hes the only on in there." he smirked. "Ah, the bridal shop? You sure he'll be okay? I mean, he likes it but he's kinda shy about it." he pointed out. Smiling the man ordered another shot before leaning back slightly "Oh, that reminds me, are you two sharing a bachelor party or having separate parties?"
Tony smiles at him and leans down, kissing him firmly "I love you... You're more then enough for me... But... How about we compromise... These summer trips... Can be a... Free time... For both of us..." He smiles and runs his fingers through his hair again, fixing the cloth again. "We'll talk more later... I need to get you some medicine... I'll be back soon, Jared is just down stairs..." He gets up and leaves the room, then heads to his car "I'll be back in a bit..."

Little over and hour later, Tony returns with the meds and some food, he looks at Jared and tilts his head. "Oh?.." He takes the meds up stairs and peeks in the room "Well... Looks like you don't need me to look after you..." He holds out the meds "Still need these little nephew..." He chuckles as one of the girls comes and takes it from him, he watches "Let me know if you need anything... We can talk later... Promise.."

Tony laughs softly "Yeah... Let's just say I found out another way..." He blushes slightly and takes another drink, then looks back at him. "Oh I know... That's why I'm renting the whole place out... It will just be us... You and Anna are welcome to join us... I'm sure he wouldn't mind... If he stops crying long enough to notice you..." He smiles. "A bachelor party... Umm... I hadn't thought of that... I don't really know..."
"Free time? . . . uh. . . um okay. . ." Nathan blushed slightly, chewing on his bottom lip as he wasn't sure how he felt about this. Nodding the young man watched his "uncle" walk out. After his talk with Jared the boy took a short nap that was quickly ended when he felt the girls cuddling with him, whispering "poor baby", as they petted him.

Nathan was up now, still in bed but he didn't feel well enough to actually get out of bed. The girls were fluffing his pillow and massaging his shoulders when the man came in. Blushing Nathan rubbed his neck "Eh, I guess not. . heh." he smiled. Nodding the boy looked to one of the girls as they offered him a pill and his water. Anna sitting down beside the boy as she cheeked his fever by kissing his forehead.

"So, how is little Jason doing? Better I would think."

"Ah, you perv." Jared teased. Coughing the man smirked and looked over to the man, smirking a little "Ya know, he might try to kick your ass too." he said playfully before laughing softly. Nodding he raised his beer "No worries! I'll plan everything out!"

Later that day Nathan was moved from the bedroom down to the basement. He and a few others girls were on the couch, Nathan's hair being stroked by another girl well the others watched the tv. Jared called the girls up to grab their lunch, the girls going up together to grab their lunches and some other things.

Nathan sat up on the couch, yawning softly as he looked around. This was a really nice room.
Tony sits back down at the table and grabs some food "He looks better... The girls are taking care of him..." He smiles "Thanks again... It's too bad he got sick... Hopefully we caught it in time it won't be too bad..."

As the girls move upstairs to eat their lunch, Tony brings a bowl of soup down to Nathan, sitting beside him. "Hey kiddo... This should help you feel better..." He checks his temp with a soft kiss to the forehead and smiles he wasn't as hot as before. "Your fever seems down... How are you doing otherwise..." He could see he was tired and helped him to start eating, Tony had made the soup himself.

"What can I say... He was sexy..." He smiles and blushes again, then laughs "Yeah... He might be mad too... But I know he'll enjoy himself..." He relaxes, then looks
At him "Ooh... I think I should be scared..." He laughs and clinks their beers, smiling softly.
"Well the meds should help. Hey, don't worry about him, if I was in his spot I would probably be milking it for all I could get out of it." he smirked. Eating as well the man looked to Tony "So, hows about we go swimming in awhile, give them some privacy from the grown-ups so they could get in trouble for awhile."

Nathan smiled as he saw the man, taking the soup before he blush feeling the kiss on his forehead. "Hey," Nathan whined softly before being informed about his fever. Nodding he smiled again, happy that the man was feeding him. Licking his lips the boy hummed in improvement as he opened his mouth for another spoon full. "Tony. . . the free time. . . for summer, its for both of us, right? so I'll get to er. . . do what you did?" Nathan asked, wanting to understand it fully. He still thought of it cheating, but if Tony was okay with it. . . he wanted to try it with a girl.

Jared laughed as he playfully hit the man's ribs and grinned "You are a prev! I only found out because we needed showers! Haha." he laughed again, smirking. "Ah, maybe you should. I mean with Nat I could make the strippers both men and women, with you it'll only be men, right?" he smiled as he toasted with Tony.

Leaning over he smirked "How about one last time? I mean, yeah I understand if you don't wanna . . . but tonight is your last night as a single fella, right?"
Tony continued to help him eat and smiles at him after his question "Of course... If you're really ok with it... Jared is something of a flirt..." He looks at Nathan and grins slightly "So... Which one is it..." He laughs softly at the boys blush "Just because I like men... Doesn't mean I'm blind..." He smiles and continued to feed him until he hears the girls "If you're really ok with it... Jared asked me to go for a swim... I can still tell him no..."

Tony smiles "I don't mind watching both... When it comes to touching... I want men..." He grins "I'm not sure about Nathan's view on women, we don't talk about it much..." He smiles softly as Jared leans closer "I wouldn't mind... I'd be a nice 'goodbye'... And I'm sure Nat wouldn't mind, and most likely expected it..." He leans in as well and kisses his cheek "So... Where to?" It would be one last time, a good bye to their time together and a thank you or all the help he gave them.
Nathan leaned against the man slightly, closing his eyes before they snapped back open when he heard the man's question. Turning a bright red he looked up to the man, opening his mouth to be feed before admitting it was Rosy. The redhead girl with a cup size of a older woman. Nathan was still a teen, he wouldn't notice much above looks at this point. Biting his lip the boy looked around before kissing the man tenderly, nodding as he smiled "Go on. . . I . . . I trust you, don't worry okay?"

The boy ended up alone with Rosy when the other girls said they would start setting up the camp outside. They made out a bit, and with Nathan still being unsure of how to go about it only went to second base.

Jared lead Tony to the lake they had been to yesterday. The waters cool and welcoming. "So, you and Jason okay?"

Smiling the other man nod as he pulled out his keys "How about my place? It's only a half hour drive from here. That way we get to have fun and you get to check out my place." he offered as he pulled Tony close "Mmm? well lover boy? My place or one of our cars?"
Tony smiles at him as he leaves, nodding to him, then heads out to see Jared. Once at the lake he started to remove his shirt, looking at Jared, he smiles and nods "Yeah... We talked things out... It still hurt... But he better understands now..." He smiles, then slips off his shoes and heads into the water.

Tony smiles "I'll follow you to your place... I can't stay the night... Or Nat won't sleep at all..." He takes his last drink and stands, following him to his car before heading to his own to follow him. Once there, he parks and gets out, looking the place over "Not bad... And you live alone?"
Jared licked his lips, smirking as he began to strip off his own clothes before walking over to Tony and hugging him from behind, his hands snaking down "See? All will work out." he whispered as he kissed the man's neck. Running into the water he smiled sweetly "So, are you getting him a new dog or no doggy for awhile?" he asked, his arms out as he called for Tony to come closer to him.

Nathan groaned softly as the girls began to go down on him, the young man tilting his head back as he moaned. "F-fuck. . ." he groaned softly, his legs quivering as the girl went down further. One of the girls keeping watch just in case the men arrived early. It took a healthy amount of time for Nathan to finish up, the girl giggling at the end as they ended up cuddling together, Nathan feeling a bit guilty for doing something this sexual with someone who wasn't his Tony.

Jared smirked as he grabbed Tony, pulling him close as he began to reach down "Wanna play around for awhile?"

"Nah, no worries. Like old times right?" he asked, standing up as he looked back to the man "Too bad we can't invite Nathan this time, last time was pretty fun." he winked as he walked off. HE drove slowly, making sure the man was following before driving into his drive way. Looking back he smiled "Yeah, I mean with my dogs too but mostly alone. You wanna see how it looks inside? Wanna make sure that Nathan might like it or not?"
Tony smiles and relaxes at his kiss "Mm... No, no dog for a while..." He follows him out into the water and smirks as the man pulls him closer, letting his own hands wander over his chest. "I guess we could..." He moves even closer and kisses him, softly licking his lips until they part, then he plays with his tongue slightly. His hand also slipping lower to lightly tease him, moaning softly into their kiss.

Tony follows his towards the house "Oh I'm sure Nat will be fine here... Would his dogs be allowed as well?" He looks at Jared "Are your dogs good with others?" He smiles and steps closer "Alright... I'm ready for the tour... Will it start... Or end in your room..." He smiles widely.
"Haha, of course my dogs get along with other dogs. Most likely will play-fight with them but thats fine, they always do that." he smirked. Smirking he grabbed the man's hand and pulled him close "Mmm. . . could start in my living room, bedroom, kitchen. . . basement. . . pool. . .hell wanna take the tour in my garage? I'm not picky where we start." he smirked.

Kissing the man he dragged him into the house, smiling as he stripped off his shirt "So, tell me, have you been a good boy?"

Jared chuckled softly as Tony moved closer. Moaning softly he parted his lips for the man, wrapping his arms around the other as he felt his cock being teased. Panting softly he smiled devilishly as he leaned back "Come on. . . don't keep my waiting," he purred as he reached up and cupped the man's cheek.

Jared had bent over for the man, grinning as he stated he wanted to try doggy-style in the water.

Nathan was with the girls outside, helping to cook some food as they just played around. It had almost four hours since the men were gone. The kids did nothing else other than playing around or goofing off. They suggested going to the lake but someone mentioned a movie marathon. Nathan ended up back in the bedroom with Rosy again, the two going at it well another girl would get ready to text them in case the guys came back early.
Tony chuckles and follows him into the house, then kisses him back, he looks at him. "I guess that depends... On the punishment... And reward..." He removes his own top and holds him close, then locks and nips at his neck gently.

Tony groans softly and continues to thrust into him, holding his hips and watching him. "Mmm... You're still so Tight... Fuck... Nnn" They had been going at it for a while, the lake water splashing up around them and his legs getting tired. "Nnn here goes... Nnn!.." He thrusts deep and cums, reaching around to quickly rub the man off, feeling his twitch in his hand.
"Nnn. . . hows about the living room? We might be seen but I'm sure we'll be safe." he said softly. Moaning the man tilted his head back, his body tightening up as he got excited. Smirking he grabbed the man's hand and pulled him to the couch, laughing softly he smiled tenderly as he pushed the man onto the couch and climbed onto his lap.

Jared groaned, gripping to the grass as he was fucked from behind. Breathing heavily he smiled softly, looking back as he tighten around the man still "Heh. . . thats good to hear. . ." he chuckled softly, gasping softly as he reach around and began to be jerked off, the man moaned again, shaking as he felt Tony dump his load into him. It wasn't long afterwards when Jared came, the water cleaning up for them as he pulled away from Tony and kissed him. Sitting on the edge he smiled.

"Wow, been a long time since I haven't let someone do that to me without rubber." he commented as he leaned down "I'm still tight, huh?"
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