The Therapist [Ladydark/SWN1994]

"Ah okay. Then I'll make sure we get out before then!" she smiled brightly. Blushing, the young woman nod and began to rub her arm "Yeah. . . that last time Jason and I were out together I talked about Robert a bit. . . we're better. Mmm, I do see a lot of you in your nephew, he is always so helpful no matter what, even acted a bit like you well he listened."

You better be off before 1! And no worries, I'll keep a eye out for Nat.

Nathan kissed back as he began to calm down. "Ohh. . ." he turned bright red, letting the dress fall back down onto his lap and pulled up his panties. Smiling he nod as he stood up and let Tony help him fix his dress and underwear. Nathan listened closely, his wide eyes studying the man before they returned to their walk. Sniffing the air he perked a brow and paused before they came to the clearing. "Oh wow!" Nathan slipped away from Tony as he headed to the hot spring. Getting on his knees he slipped his hand into the warm water, shivering from delight before turning to tony.

"Could we go in!?"
Tony smiles and nods "Alright... Let's get too it then..." He looks up at her again "Oh... Well I talk with him a lot... I guess he picks up things... And I'll tell him what you said..." He sits down and gets to work.

Tony smiles and pulls his bag from his back, "What do you think..." He pulls out two towels and smirks "Why else would I bring us here..." He sets his things down and starts to remove his clothes.
Chuckling the boy nod in agreement as he began to strip off his own clothes. Carefully putting his dress in his backpack as well as his panties. Spinning around he smiled brightly before going into the hot spring. With a soft moan he leaned back as he looked over to the man, smiling softly "It feels so good in here." he purred softly. Once Tony was in the boy smiled as he moved over and kissed his cheek "This is perfect. Thank you for taking me here." he said.

Closing his eyes he began to drift up off a bit, the warm waters soothing his body and lulling him into relaxation.

Kate nod and the work day began. After two crying fits, one case that seemed to be almost over, and a girl talking about her fears of just failing her family for every little thing, the new client came in. This was the girl who had been with Kevin when he had first met the man.

"Um. . . hi. . ." she said softly as she took a seat across from the man ". . . so. . . how do we start?"
Tony smiles "You're welcome love..." He slips into the water with him and sighs, leaning back against the rocks to relax. After a bit he notices Nathan starting to fall asleep, he smiles and pulls the boy into his lap. "Relax... Rest a bit and will go back later... We can't stay in too much longer anyway..." He lightly rubs his back and let's him rest against his chest.

After another 20 minutes, Tony helps Nathan from the spring and dries him off, then helps him slip his dress and sweater back on. "Alright baby... Let's get back to camp... And get to bed..." He shoulders his back and picks him up, heading back to camp, letting him sleep some more.

Tony was relaxing at his desk after his busy morning, when there was a knock, his new patient was here. He looks up as she enters and blinks "Hello... Um... Well.." He pulls up his recording program and smiles at her "Alright... Let's start with why you're here... Why don't you tell me your problem..."
Being pulled onto the man's lap the young man looked up to Tony and smiled faintly before nuzzling against his lover. Purring he hugged the man and closed his eyes "Mmm. . .Je t'aime (I love you)." the boy said looking up to his lover. His French wasn't that good, but he did try his best.

It felt like forever before they left the spring The boy in a slight daze from the warm water and thus was sleepish as he was helped into his clothes. Yawning he rubbed his eyes and pouted "I could walk. . ." he muttered softly. Once back in the tent the boy went to sleep in his dress, snoring softly as he fall into his deep sleep.

That morning Nathan was changed into a pair of jeans, a muscle shirt, and his hair smoothed back as he came in with their breakfast as well as with some fresh clothes. "Good morning Love.." he smiled brightly as he sat down beside the man "Wake up time."

"Okay. . . okay. . . my boyfriend has recently began to see a old friend again. A lot. Since he came back from wherever he was. . . I know it stupid, selfish, and just unreasonable but I'm scared that hes going to be stolen by this other guy." she quickly explained, gripping her purse.
Tony had watched Nathan crawl into be, asleep before he hit the pillow, he was glad he had enjoyed himself and relaxed. He changed his own clothes and got in beside him, he kissed his forehead and relaxes, going to sleep himself.

The next morning, Tony woke slowly at Nathan's soft call, he smiles at him "Well... You look much better... Looks like yesterday helped... Mmm..." He sits up and stretches slowly, then looks at him "So... What's up today..." He smiles.

Tony nods "Ok... So why don't you tell me about your boyfriend... Has he ever given you reason to doubt him... And what of this friend... Has he given any reason? Have you met him..." He wanted to be sure who she was talking about, did she remember him at all?
Smiling the boy nod "It did. . . I'm really sorry that I got mad at your the day before. Its was silly." he said softly. Putting his finger to his lip he thought for a moment before turning to the man "Well, hows about we hang out with Jared again? I'm sure hes dying to see you again." he smirked playfully, almost like he was telling the man to go have fun without him. Truthfully it would be nice not to be pawed at all the time and Nathan would like to slow down a bit, sexually of course.

Finishing his breakfast the boy leaned back a bit, yawning softly as he stretched out his legs. Compared to how he looked like yesterday, he seemed as through he was a normal teen. "When we go home, could I get a few books to study? I don't wanna fall behind the others."

"No. No of course not. Kevin has always been so sweet and caring and. . . I'm is all. His friend was the boy in the news, haven't seen each other in so long and I know them wanting to spend time together is normal but. . . I don't know. I don't see just friendship between them, they almost look at one another like lovers and. . . it worries me."
He smiles and then eats his breakfast "And I told you don't worry about it... I should have talked with you at the least... You're my love... Not him..." He leans back and sips his coffee, watching him. "I guess we could... And I'm sure he does... He's a bit flirt... And very kind..." He chuckles at him "If he wants to play... I won't refuse him... But I won't start things... Now what about you... I'm sure those girls are wondering where you are..." He smirks "Should a give you a few condoms..." He smiles at his blush and continues to eat.

A while after they'd eaten, Tony glanced at him for his question, he smiles and nods "Of corse you can... What is it you want to go into?"

"The boy from the... Nathan? So your boyfriend is that Kevin..." He leans back in his chair and smiles softly at her. "I can't tell you about other patients... As Nathan is my patient... But I can tell you there is nothing going on between them... Kevin was Nathan's best friend growing up... Then when he was taken... It hurt Kevin badly... They are simply catching up..." He leans forward slightly. "I suggest you talk with Kevin... Tell him how you feel... He's also had counselling before... He'll understand your fears... And I'm sure he'll talk with you..." He smiles again "So... Is there anything else you'd like to talk about?" He was happy, glad he could help her and Kevin like this.
"Huh? Ah, I'm not worried about it. I promise! And I know you love me. . . I meant that. . . I mean I'm not worried anymore." he said softly. The boy was reaching for his backpack when Tony mentioned the condoms again. Turning a bright red the boy rubbed his neck and shook his head "I . . . er. . . I don't think I'm really ready to do that with a girl. . ." he muttered.

"Oh, well I was hoping to start back on my English and Math. . . maybe a cook book and some sexual education. I'm still kinda in the dark about what works and how. My school wasn't big on the idea of that kind of education." he said. Crawling over he kissed Tony's cheek and smiled "Though, I'm pretty I know enough from you," he teased "Oh! And some art books too!" he grinned. Cleaning up the tent the boy slipped out and turned over to older man as he nuzzled the crook of his neck "I love you Tony, thank you so much for taking care of me."

The woman turned red when she heard about Nathan being Tony's patient. Biting her lip she wiggled in her seat before speaking over "I see. . ." she sighed softly looking away, hugging herself as she thought about it. "Erm, well I also wanted to talk about Kevin for awhile. . . maybe discuss my non-trusting and worrisome nature?"
Tony chuckles "Judging by that blush... They weren't as shy about what they wanted..." He smiles "Just make sure they don't push you into anything..." He then listens to him talking me about different subjects "You take whatever you want to study... I'll get you anything you need for it.." He watches him cleaning up and was about to start getting dressed when Nathan moves over him and nuzzles into him "Aww... Nathan... I love you too baby... You're very welcome..."

Tony keeps it professional and nods slightly "Ok... You're mistrust must have started before this... When did you first have these feelings?" He makes a few more notes and listens to her carefully. "And what about Kevin would you like to talk about... From your side of things..." He smiles at her kindly.
Looking down he nod "They weren't. . .Rose said one of the other girls wanted to do a group thing but. .. " he shook his head and nod as he looked to the man "I promise I won't." he replied softly. Smiling brightly the boy pulled away "I'll start the car and wait for you. Take your time." he said softly before leaving the tent.

Once they were up at the cabin one of the girls grabbed Nathan and dragged him off to the others, the boy waving off to his uncle as Jared chuckled softly seeing it happen. "I doubt we'll see him for awhile. So what are you two doing up here?" he asked, wiping some sweat off his forehead before taking a seat on the porch. "He looks much happier today."

Nodding the woman looked down ". . . Yes, well. . . my family wasn't that . . .supportive when it comes to my experience." she stated softly. She explained her situations and how this was the first time that someone paid so much attention to her. "I don't know if he would. I know about his situation back in jr high. He said that Nathan was one of the people who helped him a lot through it. . . I think he said something about his friend giving the therapist a gift too. I think he just left it on the desk and never saw the man." she said absentmindedly.

Jared began to text Tony pictures, mostly of the two of them and a few pictures with captions of: "Come play with us" and "I need help punishing Nat." of course just teasing the man to make sure he was excited to see them once he was off work.
Once they were at Jared's, Tony watched as Nathan was pulled away, smiling softly, then looks back to Jared. "Why are we here? What do you mean?" He looks back and nods "Yeah... We hung out yesterday... Talked and worked things out... I'm glad we did..."

"Hmm... Ok, go back to your family... What don't they agree with... Let's talk about them for a bit..." He pulls out a note pad and starts to take additional notes, also glancing at his phone now and then. He smiles at some of the texts and sends back short replies like 'I'll be there soon...' And 'Don't start without me...'
"Oh, I thought you and Jason were going to hang out by youselves again, he did seem really excited about it yesterday." he explained. Smiling he nod as stood up and motioned the man to follow "I hope you got him some condoms or something, those girls really do want a piece of him." Jared joked.

"Well, they don't agree on many things. From a young age we always fought over the smallest of things, and. . ." she talked on and on about her family situation. Even reveling that her father had cheated on her mother.

Jared smirked seeing the texts and thought about pushing it a bit. He walked with Nathan into a sex shop, of course under the idea that they would buy something for Tony's bachelor party. He had Nathan dress up in a nurse's outfit, the boy finding it really funny as he came out for Jared, even striking a pose for him when he took a picture, sending it shortly after: What do you think? Should I get it for him?

The woman did take up her whole time, thanking the man and commenting on how she would see him again next week before leaving.

Nathan texted his lover and told him that they would be back at the apartment for him. Jared took that chance to dress the boy up and pose him on the bed. He was tied up, but loosely and still able to move around. Of course that would change once the man was there. He had to keep this a surprise for best friend up until he came through those doors. Nathan arms were above his head and blindfolded as Jared waited at the door "Hey you, how was work?" Jared asked, grinning a bit as he leaned against the door frame of the bedroom, blocking the view inside.
He smiles "Coming back was his idea... He was feeling better... And don't worry... I have talked with him about them... And I did get him some... He'll be fine..." He turns back to him "So... The kids are occupied... What shall we do?" He smiles and moves to get them a beer from the fridge.

He spoke with her little, letting her tell him what he needed to hear to be able to help her. He also gave her a few things to try, first off, talking to Kevin, and a few trust exercises to practice with him.

He smiled at his phone a few times, even blushing lightly at Jared's picture, sending a quick reply of 'yes'. Then answering Nathan with a 'I'll be home soon and, be a good boy..'

Once home, Tony drops his things on the couch and steps towards the bedroom until he sees Jared. "Hey... Work was fine... Where's Nat..." He glances towards the kitchen, then tries to see past Jared "Jared...?"
"Ah I see. Well then you must be happy, he seems happy again." he said softly. Grinning he nod as he walked along with the loving uncle. "Glad to hear so, they might want to try things with him," he joked before sitting on the sink "Well I was going to fix up a few things, but I think we could probably go out to the town. Theres a good bar there."

Jared got the outfit and had the boy pick out a few things before they headed back to the apartment. Nathan dressed up in his new outfit and smiled as he looked at himself in the mirror, enjoying how it showed off his legs.

With a mischievous grin the man stepped to the side "Relax, I made sure that Nat is just not tempted to try anything before you came home." Jared smiled as he allowed Tony to now see the boy laid on the bed. With legs spread, hands above his head, and a few buttons undone the boy's outfit "Hi Tony," Nathan said out loud, Jared laughing softly as he walked over and stroked the boy's inner thigh "So, what do ya say? Little bit of fun?"
He nods "Yeah... I'm sure they have already tried a few things... But he said he's not ready... And I believe him..." Tony smiles "A bar... And then what... You know we'll have to drive back..." He glances at his watch "You said you have some things to fix up? Like what?..."

Tony looked at Jared "What are you tal...." He then froze, staring at the bed, his sexy little lover, dressed up and tied down, he swallows. "H-Hey baby..." He looks to Jared again and blinks "Well... Did you two come up with this..." He watches Jared slowly touch Nathan and bites his lip, watching another man touch him. He could feel himself getting hard and fast, he looks to Nathan again "If you're ok... With this love... The two of us..." He was already moving towards the bed, his eyes going back to where Jared's hand was.
Smirking the man sat on the sink "Well there is a hotel there, or I could ease up on my drinking well we're there and drive back, maybe take a shortcut, relax before we have to come back to the teens, and if not then were are a few motels we could hang out at for the night." he suggested. Perking up he nod and hit his hand "Oh yeah! I need to fix up my shed and the attic. Maybe we could do it later on?"

"Well I came up with the ropes and concept, but Nathan did help me choose the toys and game we'll be playing." he said as his hand went further up, the skirt moving up as well. Leaning down he kissed the boy's neck, Nathan moaning softly as he felt the hand groping him. Jared looked up to Tony, smirking as he took off the blindfold, bright grey eyes string at the man "I-I'm okay with this," Nathan smiled.

Licking his lips Jared kissed up the man's neck and began to tenderly kiss Nathan, his hand now massaging his cock well the other hand before to undo the buttons of the costume. Grinning Jared sat up and held his hand up "Where do you think you're going?" he asked as he pulled down Nathan's panties "Don't you want a little show before you join?" he asked. Nathan whimpering softly as he watched Tony. "Jared," he moaned softly, the other man grinning "He is such a cutie. Look at that face, I could see why you want to keep this sweetie all to yourself." he smirked. Nathan moaned, smiling sweetly before he turned to Jared, the man pulling out a few toys.
Tony smiles "That sounds tempting... But I don't want to leave Jason alone at night so soon after making up... He felt like I was abandoning him before... I don't want that again..." He moves closer and kisses him softly "And I'd love to help... You've done so much for us..." He smiles and takes a drink from his beer.

Tony freezes again and looks at them "S-Show..." He watches them, licking his lips as Jared starts to touch and tease him, he locks eyes with Nathan a moment. "Nat..." He watched as Jared started to work his love, he glances to Jared at his words and smirks. "Yes... He's cute... But you haven't seen his sexy faces yet... Then you'll really see something..."
"What do you mean? Why would Jason feel abandoned?" Jared asked, remembering that they were suppose to have had a fight over Tony putting the boy's dog down. He let it slip by before returning the kiss, smiling before nodding "Sure. We can work on the shed right now and maybe later get those drinks. We don't need to be out there too long." he said softly. Slipping his hands into the back of Tony's pockets, the man smirked "Lets get fixing that shed before I make you shed your clothes."

Smirking Jared grabbed the small bag and pulled out a cock ring. Slipping onto Nathan's cock he laughed softly as he heard Nathan begin to whimper and moan loudly. Hovering above him he smiled, reaching down and pulling the panties down further as he lubed up his fingers and slipped them into the boy.

They began to kiss, the man grinning as fingered the younger male. Nathan feeling as through he was going crazy because of the pressure building up. "Oh baby, you are naughty," he smiled as he leaned back, watching the boy cry out in pleasure "You want Tony? Huh?" he grinned, looking over to Tony, his fingers spreading the hole "Don't worry, he'll join us soon."
Tony didn't comment further on it and just smiles into their kiss "Funny... But what if it's me making you shed..." He tilts his head and licks at his neck, then kisses it gently, slowly pulling away once he makes him shiver. "Alright... Which way..." He smirks at him.

Tony was slowly removing his clothes, stepping closer to the bed, staring at him, he pushes his pants and boxers down. He was rock hard and reaches down to stroke it slowly, he smirks as Nathan noticed, he grins at him. "You want this... Don't you baby..." He moves to sit on the bed side, he reaches out and runs his fingers over his chest lightly, pushing his costume open a bit more. He then circles and pinches his nipples lightly, he then leans down and licks the hard buds. "Tell me where you want it... Tell us... What you want..." He starts to kiss down his chest, looking to Jared.
Grinning the man exposed his neck, moaning softly as he as he watched the man pull away. "You are a very tempting man." he said before slipping off the counter and pointed to the back "Come on, I'll show you to the shed. Not much to do back there. The attic is something thats going to take awhile."

Nathan and the girls were just walking around the woods, talking for a bit before someone mentioned about the drive in. "Yeah! that sounds so much fun!" Rose said, holding Nathan's hand firmly as they began to the men.

"Uncle Jared!Uncle! Could we borrow the car?" Anna asked, the men in the shed with the door shut.

"Uh, why?"

"We wanna go to the drive-in for a movie playing tonight! Please? I promise I'll be careful!"

Nathan moaned wildly as Jared had begun to interest dildo into him. "T-tony. . ." he moaned the man's name and when he opened his eyes found him so close now. Panting softly he nod, struggling against his ropes a bit before Jared spanked him and told the boy not to do that. Sucking in a deep breath the young man tighten up, staring up to his lover as he began to tease his nipples. Moaning loudly the boy tilted his head back, breathing hard as he could now feel Jared licking the head of his cock. "I-I don't care where. .. please . .. I-I just need a real cock in me." Nathan whimpered. Pulling away Jared smirked "Hmm. .. what do you say Tony? I think he still needs to be punished a bit more."
Tony looks up at the knock to the door, then looks at Jared "How old is she? Can she drive yet?" He lools at Anna and leans back against the wall, crossing his arms a bit "And what movie..."

Tony looks at Jared, then back to Nathan "Hmm... It's barely been 15 minutes love... I told Jared you could last an hour..." He watches as Jared starts to pump the dildo slowly, he leans down and kisses him softly. "If you want one so badly... Maybe I should have you taste me... Would that do..." He moves to kiss his neck and nibble softly.
"Anna? Shes sixteen but got her license this year. She can drive well and they'll be taking the safer route." he said as he grabbed a few old boxes and took them out. Anna smiled brightly as she looked to Tony "We're not sure yet, we just wanna go to the drive-in and see what movies they're playing. You don't have to worry, we won't be leaving until tonight and I promise to take care of Jason!" Anna said happily as she looked back to Nathan who was quite again. Through he did seem excited about seeing a movie.

Smiling the man rubbed his neck "I might have, sorta, feed Nat something to make him a bit easier to tease." he smirked a little as he laid down beside Nathan and twisted the dildo around "Mmm, I think Nat would like that." he said softly as he bit the boy's neck, Nathan shivering from pleasure. "Say AH for your hubby."

Nathan did as he was told, his mouth opening side and tongue rolling out like a carpet for the man.
Tony picks up a few more boxes and moves to follow Jared "Well... If you promise to be careful... And Jason really wants to go..." He sets his load down and looks to Nathan "Well kiddo... Do you want to go..." He smiles at him, glad he had found some good friends in these girls, despite their other activities.

He looks to Jared "Fed him what..." He looks to Nathan as hard teases him, he was really enjoying himself, then he opens his mouth on request. "If he's enjoying himself..." He steps closer and slowly slips his cock into his mouth, moaning softly, he reaches down to hold his hair softly. "Nnn... Just relax baby..." He held him still and started to pump into his mouth slowly.
"I really do!" Nathan said excitedly, a few girls giggling before Nathan cut back his excitement. Anna smiled as she ran over to the teen boy and grabbed onto him "Yay! Come on, lets stop by your tent and grab your pjs! Ooo yeah, maybe we could leave early and go to the mall." Anna suggested, the young man shrugging a bit before he was pulled off by the girls. Laughing, Jared looked to Tony "You told him where the condoms were, right? I rather be seeing you as a friend and not as a great-uncle." he joked.

The kids did leave early and Anna was given a cell phone as so they could keep in contact with the men. Nathan waved off to tony, smiling brightly as he got into the car and they drove off.

"I'm sure they'll be fine. Oui, you want a beer?"

"Oh relax, I gave him some chocolates with aphrodisiacs, he isn't drugged or anything. I just. . . well. . . helped him become more sensitive and even after he comes he might be able to go another round or two.. . . or three." he replied. Moaning the boy closed his eyes, the Jared smirking as he slipped the dildo out and began to rub his cock between the boy's cheeks. Nathan moaned softly, looking up to the man as he felt himself began to leak.

Reaching over Jared began to jerk off Nathan, smirking a bit when he saw Nathan have to pull away, panting as he stared up to Tony. "Oh, such a naughty boy. . . beg Tony to have me fuck you." he whispered into Nathan's ear, the boy blushing as he swallowed hard "T-tony. . ." he began softly.

Smirking the older man looked to Tony "Or do you want the first round?" Jared asked, slowly kissing the boy's neck and shoulder.
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