The Therapist [Ladydark/SWN1994]

Panting softly the young man held Tony's head, his fingers running through his hair before he spoke softly. His heart was racing fast before he felt the man sit up and pull of the flesh light. Blushing the young man looked up to Tony, kissing back. Jared was surprised when he felt the hand on his own, smiling slightly as he pulled Tony down between them as he pulled the covers over them. Nathan rested his head on Tony's chest, his eyes closing as Jared smiled. Reaching over he kissed Nathan tenderly before nuzzling into the man's chest as well. "Anytime."

"Huh? Oh. . . well she's around me height, red hair and brown eyes. She said her name was Amy." Nathan answered. Frowning the boy leaned back in his seat a little, rubbing his arm nervously "What do you mean?" he asked before Tony offers a tried sigh. As Tony began about her the young man simple nod as an answer to Tony before he explained what she was. He froze up, gripping his arm as he figured what she was after. Did he really look that young? What age did she normally go after? "Y-yes sir. . ." he said softly, clearly shaken up before he started to clean the table after their dinner. Frowning he looked over his shoulder and to Tony "Tony. . . how old do I look? I mean. . . I know I have a baby face, but I couldn't look that young. Could I?" Nathan asked. The boy did look younger, but by only a year or so.
Tony smiles and holds the two closer, threading his fingers with Nathan's and turning to kiss him softly. "Night love..." Then gives one to Jared "Night Jared..." He relaxes and closes his eyes, he was still panting slightly, but it slowed and evened out as he fell asleep.

Tony looks at him "I didn't want to scared you Sweety... You just need to be careful... She likes to drug them once she gets them home... Just don't go anywhere with her..." He sighs, he didn't even think about that woman, everyone around here knew about her and what to do. He looks back at him at his question "15... 16... But you do have such a lithe frame..." He smiles "Don't worry love... She won't touch you... If she knows what's good for her..." He'd pay her a visit if he had to, he knew the right people to call to have her relocated, or sent back to prison.
"Good night Tony." both men said at the same time after their kisses. They fall asleep all cozy that night, Jared holding onto Nathan and Tony, Nathan simply curled up as usual, and the dogs taking their spots on the edge of the bed.

That morning Jared was the one who cooked well Nathan set out Tony's clothes. The dogs in the living room now as the sun came out to warm that area up. Nathan woke up Tony, today wearing Jared's big shirt and a pair of powder blue panties. "Morning Tony," he said happily "Jared is finishing up breakfast and your lunch is already."

"Mm, okay." Nathan whispered softly. Looking over to Tony the boy returned to his side and took a seat on the man's lap, nuzzling his neck as he held to Tony "I'm not that little," he pouted. Nodding he closed his eyes and got comfortable with the man. Nathan stood up after a few minutes as he went over to the box and picked up one of the treats. Biting into it he purred softly, smiling cutely before he took another bit. HE had always liked these bake goods, at one point he would only eat this when Tony use to keep him in the closet. If it weren't these sweet treats the boy would have probably been much thinner than he already was.
Tony slowly woke up to Nathan's call and the smell of food cooking, he blinks and looks up at him, he smiles. "Mmm... Morning baby... Nice outfit..." He smirks and opens his arms "Come here love..." He gently pulls him to lay with him, he cups his face and smiles "Last night... God last night was wonderful... You were beautiful..." He watches him a moment, then kisses him softly, deeply and relaxes and smiles again. "Mmm... Just a few more minutes with you..." He takes his hand and twines their fingers "Mmm... I can't wait to put a ring on this finger... And call you mine... For everyone to see..."

Tony smiles and holds him "I know you're not little baby..." He rubs his back softly as he rests, then watches him move across the room, he smiles. "You wanna bring me one of those love..." He picks up his glass and takes a sip.
Smiling the boy crawled onto the bed, going to his lover as he was pulled into a hug. "Hehe, thanks." he muttered softly. His face turned red as he was reminded about last night, his eyes shyly looking away as he fixed his shirt. Smiling he leaned down, kissing Tony tenderly before sitting up straight, allowing the man to look over him. Watching as their fingers laced with one another the blonde smiled softly, nodding in agreement as he pulled Tony's hand up and kissed his knuckles.

"I can't wait either. . . lets do it before Christmas, yeah?" he asked sweetly. As much as their relationship had developed, the boy did always change around Christmas time. He would stay quite, and although he slept with Tony he found himself often sleeping on the couch or in his old room. He wasn't through, just a deep sadness like the first Christmas together. Nathan did all the Christmas things, always smiling and cooking, but with a thousand yard stare and if anything as if he was daydreaming. Maybe it was because of how bad it was that first Christmas, but now whenever November rolled around he would act very different and only returned to normal a week or so after the holiday.

Kissing his forehead the boy hugged Tony firmly ". . .I love you Tony. . . I love you so much."

With his upper lip covered in powder and his cheeks a bit puffed out with the sweet in his cheeks, he looked up and perked a brow "You mean, these aren't all for me?" he asked, sounding a bit disappointed by the fact. Walking over with one in his mouth and one for his lover, the young man returned to the man's lap, holding the pastry up to the man's lips.

Fishing off his treat the boy licked his lips clean "Mmm, maybe after work I could come by the office? Bring something for everyone?"
Tony looks at him and smiles "Whatever you want baby... We can do it once your trial is over if you want..." He sits up and pulls him close, holding him tight "I have so much to make up for... All the hurt I caused you..." He sighs and kisses his head "I know the holidays with me... We hard for you..." He squeezes his hand "I bet you thought I didn't notice... You tried to make everything beautiful and perfect... Even acted the part... But I could see it in your eyes... That spark wasn't there... And I know that was my fault..." He tips his chin up "But I promise you... As long as they are alive... You will not miss another one with your family..." He kisses his cheek "Even if I have to give up that job in New York... You have changed me... So much... I love you too..."

Tony chuckles and smiles "Most of them are... I was hoping for at least one..." He laughs softly as he walks over, he allows Nathan to feed and licks the boys fingers. "Mmm... Almost as sweet as you..." He eats it slowly and looks at him "Mmm... That should be alright... You remember the way?" He holds him in his lap gently.
"That would be perfect! Ah, I can't wait." he said softly, suddenly he was held tightly and Nathan thought he had done something wrong. Then Tony told him. Frowning he went limp a little in the other's arms, his eyes blank as he thought about it. He normally made up excuses not to sleep with Tony. From he wasn't feeling well to that he just fall asleep down stairs. Compared to their second Christmas Nathan had gotten better. He didn't cry so much, or at least in front of Tony like he had their second time around. ". . .No. . . I knew you noticed. . . I noticed. Kinda hard to think someone is okay when he jerk away from their lover's touch, right?" he sighed softly. Looking up as his chin was tilted, he smiled softly, sniffling softly as he hugged the man firmly.

After a moment the boy pulled away, sniffling a little as he wiped his eyes "Come on, you should eat before work honey."

Nodding the boy licked his lips clean before reaching up and licking the corner of the man's mouth "I remember. Oh, should I bring anything special for you? Did you want anything warm or maybe one of the sandwiches?" he asked as he reached over and took the glass, taking a drink before he took the man's hand and began to lick his fingers clean.
Tony hugs him closer and nuzzles his neck, kissing lightly "I'll make things up to you... I promise... Just a little longer..." He smiles, then slowly pulls back a few minutes later "We better get out there for breakfast... It smells good..." He rubs his cheek "Are you hanging out with Jared today? While I'm at work?" He soon got up and starts to put some clothes on, he still had a bit before he had to go in, it was a late start day.

Tony smiles "Just bring whatever you think I'll like..." He watches him take a drink, then start to clean his fingers, he takes his own sip and teases him slightly, twisting a finger around his tongue. "Keep it up... And you'll get another kind of 'dessert'..." He smirks softly and looks at him, having another drink.
Giggling the boy smiled softly, shaking his head as he hugged the man before he pulled away. Nodding he purred softly as his cheek was rubbed, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment. "Mmhm, Jared said he has a surprise for me and the dogs." he replied. Going with Tony to the kitchen he smiled seeing Jared cleaning up, chuckling softly as he skipped over and helped clean up before joining Tony at the table. Taking a seat he seemed sweetly, eating his meal before Jared reached over and stole a kiss from Tony. Nathan chuckled softly before Jared kissed him as well.

After their breakfast the men cleaned up before Nathan went to change, Jared following as the two now got ready for their day. Once they were done they hung out with Tony, opening up the glass doors and letting a pleasant wind come in. Jared pulled Nathan onto his lap and smirked looking over to Tony "Ah, you're going to miss out on today~" he teased.

"Ah, okay." Nathan smiled. Moaning softly as he felt the fingers twist around his tongue, the boy blushed brightly before nodding and nuzzling against Tony's chest "Mmm. .. okay." he whispered. Breathing softly the boy closed his eyes and curled up "I'm sleepy." Nathan whined softly as he hugged Tony. Kissing his cheek he smiled sweetly before rubbing Tony's cheek "Leave the dishes, I'll get them in the morning."
Tony made his way to the table once dressed and started to eat, watching the two now and then. "Breakfast is good..." He kissed them both and smiles, relaxing, this all just felt so normal, comfortable, he takes another bite of food. Then watches them to go and get dressed, he finishes up his food and heads to the living room. Once the two were back, they relaxed and spoke a bit, then Jared pulls Nathan to him. "Oh really... Then I guess you'll have to send me photos of your day..." He reaches over and pets Boo, rubbing the dogs ears "And you make sure he has fun today..." He smirks, then glances at his watch.

He watches him as he starts to relax and holds him closer as he starts to nod off, he finishes his drink. "Alright love... Bed time..." He pushes the chair back and looks down at him, then leans in and kisses him softly but deeply. "Mmm... Can you walk?" His fingers were slowly running over his back and side softly.
Smirking Jared nod as he watched Tony play with the smaller dog. Onyx, the pit bull, relaxed by the man's feet. For a guard dog, he was pretty lazy. Boo barked happily as his ear was rubbed and Onyx snorted as he woke up. Slipping away from Jared the young man smiled and walked over, kissing Tony's forehead before he carried Boo away from the man. "What would you like for dinner tonight? Maybe we could have it at Jared's place."

The kiss made the boy wake up a little. Yawning he nod as he slipped from Tony's lap and began to their bedroom. A perfect ending to the perfect day.

The next morning was same as before, the boy cooking and cleaning up before his lover had a chance to open his eyes. That morning he had been called and told he wouldn't have to come into work today, it seems as through the health inspector was there and they couldn't risk the man finding out about Nathan. So for time being he had a free day.
Tony smiles at the dogs and reaches out to give Onyx a pet and scratch as well "Lazy..." He smirks, then looks to Nat as he takes Boo "Hmm... I'm not picky... What do you want? Jared's... Then how about BBQ? Maybe steak or hamburgers..." He looks to Jared "What would you like?"

Tony woke up and stretched, then headed to take a quick shower before dressing, he heads downstairs. "Mmm... Smells good... Morning love..." He hugs him from behind and kisses at his neck softly before moving to sit down. "You're not dressed to leave yet?"
Jared began to sip on his tea, studying the two for a moment. He swore he had seen Nathan like this with Tony before, during their second camping trip together. When he was asked about the food he shrugged and placed his tea back onto the coffee table "Don't you two worry, I got this okay?" he smirked proudly. Nathan nod and leaned down to kiss Tony's cheek. "Don't worry, just like Jared said."

"Morning," he said putting the plates down. The kitchen was spotless when Tony came in, and the boy was dressed cutely in a pink t-shirt and skinny jeans. "Huh? Oh, not today. A health inspector is coming to the cafe and since I get paid under the table they can't have me there, they might get shut down if anyone finds out." he explained. Sitting down he began to eat before looking back to Tony "Tony, could I ever get a real job? I mean. . . I don't know my social, I don't have any form of identification and . . ." trailing off the boy shook his head before standing up. Walking over he hugged Tony from behind and smiled brightly "Never mind. Forget I ask." he said quickly, trying to brush it off.

Kissing his cheek the teen moved to the window and opened it up to allow the crisp air to come in. "Heh, tonight is really nice."


July 4th

A few months had pass and Nathan had been working less and less, his employer having to keep a eye out for anyone who knew about the boy's under the table job. Today through was his day off, and thus he began to prep for the Fourth of July. He wasn't too happy that day, being away from his parents, but he did cheer up thinking about Tony. Tonight they would pop fireworks and have a BBQ. He wasn't sure if people were coming over or if they were going somewhere, but in all he was excited.

Another event was coming up as well, his seventeenth birthday would come in three weeks. Nathan hoped that Tony didn't know about it, he didn't feel like celebrating his birth nor having to think to much about other matters.
Tony smiles and pulls Nathan closer as he kisses him and holds him in his lap, nuzzling his neck. He looks to Jared "Alright... So... What time should we be there..." He hugs Nathan "Or will you already be there love?" He laughs softly and keeps him in his lap.

The last few months had been quite slow, Tony was working a few longer hours and Nathan was working less. He felt bad that he was home alone so much, so he would call him during the day to talk. He would be going home early today though, it being a holiday and all, he smiles as he thought of another celebration that was coming up. Nathan's birthday was around the corner and he wondered what he wanted to do.

Tony picked up a few more fireworks on his way home, along with the last few items for their dinner. He walks in and heads to the kitchen, setting his items down, then moves to hug Nathan. "Hey baby... Everything else ready?" He noted the plates of food ready for the grill and kissed his cheek.
"Well Nathan will be with me all night so you could just meet us there. Right hun?" Jared asked, Nathan nod and kissed Tony's cheek, agreeing to the plan before nuzzled into the lap. Boo began to bark, nipping at Tony as he was too close to squeezing him.

When it was time for everyone to leave, the men waved Tony off and told him that they'd see him soon. It wasn't long till the two were at Jared's place, the man sneaking in a few pictures of Nathan and sending it to Tony. One of the photos was of the two of them in aprons, Nathan wearing only the apron. They had been betting and Nathan lost of course.

What time are you coming over? I might have another surprise waiting for you.

Once his love was home, the young man smiled brightly as he was hugged, giggling he leaned over and kissed tony back. "Heh, yup! So are we having a party or going somewhere for today?" he asked as he fixed the plates up "I have the grill ready but I could turn it off if we're going to someone's place."

Once it was close to sunset the young man ran out into the backyard, a habit he had from home, as he looked up to the sky. Pausing he didn't see fireworks. Maybe they did it later in the night? Rubbing his arm he blushed slightly. He felt as through he was too childish to have done that. Looking back to the house he returned to the house and looked up to the man "So when do you guys normally do fireworks?" he asked. A faint memory returned to the boy, had been in the closet this time last year, but he remembered faint popping noise. He thought that Tony was shouting someone that night. He could remember feeling scared, holding the door knob tightly that night until the next day came.

". . .Tony, what did you do last year during this day?"
Tony's day was mostly paperwork, going over past sessions and making notes for next time. So when Jared's texts came in, it was a pleasant distraction, he looks over the pics a few times.

Some time after 5... If I get this paper work finished... But if you keep sending those nice photos... I might be longer... ;)

He smiles and kisses him again "No... I was thinking it would be just us tonight... Unless you want to go somewhere..." He reaches over and steels some from on of the salads, popping it in his mouth. "Mmm... Perfect as always..."

Few minutes later, he watches him run out and look up to the sky, he smiles, then watches him return. "They starts around dusk, just as the stars show" He looks at him for his next question. "Last year... I stayed home mostly..." He looks down a bit "I went to the neighbors for a little...' But I was here most of the time..."
Haha, alright alright.

Oh! But one last picture before I leave you alone.
Jared sent the text message which was soon followed by the last picture. This time it was all the dogs, four, piled up on one another. It was just a mass of fluff and cute little faces staring up at the camera.

That day was spent well, Nathan didn't worry about finding her on his door step or near him. With Jared around he felt safe again. The two just hung out at Jared's house, the boy looking over a few things when he came across a missing poster of himself. Jared had heard about Nathan and had been helping out. By the time they met at the camping area all those years ago, Nathan had changed so much that Jared couldn't tell it was him. If one were to compare the missing poster to the earliest photo that he and Tony had began to take, it was no question to why Jared didn't recognize the boy.

"No, I was just curious. I might have made too much food." he pointed out as he looked at the trays of salad, baked chicken, and other meats. He loved being alone with Tony, it meant they could be as open as they wanted to be, but there were times where he felt like he only had Tony. He noticed that since he left the camp grounds that he was alone again. Then with his job not going well it was as if he was being returned to a curse of being by himself well Tony was at work. Laughing softly the boy looked up to Tony and smirked "Hey, don't do that." he joked as he returned around and wiped the man's lips "Are you hungry? I could get you some chicken and salad right now. If you want I could even start making bacon wrapped hot dogs on the grill."

Reaching up the boy held the man's cheeks, leaning up and kissing him tenderly "Mmm, maybe if we get bored here we could go over to one of them. IT would be fun." he said. Taking his hand the boy lead him to the backyard "Lets be outside for awhile."
Tony looks at the picture and smiles That's cute... I'll see you all soon... he closes his phone and gets back to work, he wanted to finish and get home even more now.

It was a few hours later that he reached do another file, only to find his pile gone, he smiles and presses the intercom. "Was that all the cases I had to go through today? Is there anything more?" If that was all, he could get home early and surprise them both.

Tony smiles "I'm not that hungry yet... And I'm sure we could take some next door... They like your cooking..." He smirks and kisses him back before following him outside, he takes the lead and sits them in a chair. "It's about time they... Oh look!" A few houses down had started their display, he smiles and holds Nat close. "We can do ours a bit later... Sound good?"
Good! I also might pop come fireworks. Lots of leftover from a party I had a few weeks ago. he replied back.

"Huh? Oh, well it seems like you're all caught up. Only thing you need to do is call back those who are trying to hire you, but that needs to be done by the end of this month." she replied. Walking over she took the papers and smiled brightly "I'll make sure everything gets sent out and filed sir," she said softly before looking down at a photo of Nathan and Tony "Mmm, you two have a goodnight. I'm sure Jason is dying to see his uncle."

"Next door? Uh. . . yeah, that fine." he whispered shyly. Nathan was a bit shy around the neighbors still, always scared that they had heard him scream or something from before the good times; however, he enjoyed talking to others again. As the fireworks began the boy gasped in amazement, sitting down on the man's lap without a word as he stared at the fire in the sky.

Leaning against the man the boy smiled softly, holding the other's hand as a few more went on. "Yeah. . . sure. That sounds good."

When it was later more fireworks began to go off, their neighbor looking over the fence and asking if they wanted to go over. One joking and asking if Nathan had made anything special for the special day.
Tony smiles at his last text, Nathan would like that, he liked fireworks, he then looks to his secretary. "Right... The New York company..." He sighs a moment "Alright, I'll give them a call... Thank you..." He smiles again "I'm sure he is..." He watches her go, then picks up the phone and dials the number he was given, he waits.

"Yes... Hello, this is Dr. Tony Mathers... I'm calling to confirm your offer... Yes... Yes, I'd be happy to accept your offer.... Yes, but I won't be able to start moving for at least two months... Yes... I have a big case here that is very near close... And some personal things to finish up..."

Tony was happy holding him as he watched the fireworks, he was about to lean up and give him a kiss when their neighbour spoke. He looks over and smiles "Of course he did... Come on over and give us a hand bringing some over... I got extra fireworks too..." He helps Nathan up and gives him a soft kiss once the man had left the fence, he smiles at him. "Just let me know when you've had enough and wanna head home..." He moved to lead the men into the house, each taking a few trays of food, Tony grabbing the fireworks.
"Hello, WKB office how may I help you? Oh hello Dr. Mathers. . . ah perfect. Well start sending you some paperwork. . .and we'll began to set up tours for apartments. . . I see. Well then no rush, but may I ask why? Oh, okay. No problem. Well then I'll began to send you the paper work at your current e-mail address and once you're free we'll set up a flight for you and anyone who is moving with you. And one more thing Dr. Mathers, I remembered you said you specialized with children, correct? Well we need someone during the Christmas holiday to help out with a charity for abused victims and it would mean a lot if you were able to help out. I know its long ways away but we just like to make sure that we can schedule everything out."

Nathan stood up and giggled softly from the soft kiss. Grabbing his hand the boy followed Tony into the house "Okay." he whispered softly and greeted the older man when he welcomed him inside. The two grabbed a few trays and headed over to the next door house.

It was pretty fun there, Nathan sticking close with Tony as there was no one his age around and he felt a bit shy again. He did talk to a few of the adults, some asking about his schooling which he would normally try to brush off. It wasn't until Amy came when the party went a bit silent. She was with another man, through it could be possible he was only a way to make others think she had changed. The kids, including Nathan, were moved further away. It was odd to have a woman protect him again, a few who asked Nathan to simple help them out so he didn't feel so young. No one said anything, out of fear of being accused of being a dick, to Amy and for the most part she stood away from the kids. Nathan did come over a few times, normally to grab some hot dogs and drinks. Amy made no move toward him, even acting as through she had never talked to him. Dusk came and the fireworks began. The kids were moved out to the front where the street was so they could watch the fireworks.

Nathan was left behind as he said he'd clean up quickly. Amy took her chance well everyone was moving to the front to go talk to Nathan. The boy noticing her walking towards him and quickly looking around for Tony.

"Hey, wheres Jason?"

"Oh he said he was going to clean up a bit for us." the women spoke among themselves.

When Tony did arrive to Jared's house, the man was BBQing in the back, calling out to Tony to come to the back as flipped the burgers. Onyx was laying by the kiddy pool well Jared's dogs were playing around in it. Boo barking happily when it saw his owner's lover. "Hey you. The food is almost done. Go up to my room, I bet Nat is waiting for you." he smirked.

Nathan was fixing up the tux that Jared wanted to try on. Standing in front of the full length mirror he looked at himself. His heart racing as he thought about how he would look like this on his own wedding day. HE had a loose suit, not his size but it still looked good, along with a bright white tie.
Tony smiles "I'd love to help... You can sign me up... And I will get back to you as soon as I have things settled... Thank you again... I can't wait to start working with you... Good bye..." He hangs up and takes a breath, that was one load off his shoulders, they were willing to wait. He finishes up a few more things, then heads out, saying good bye as he left for the night.

Once they had moved next door it was fun, Nathan was sticking close as there weren't any kids his age around yet. Once Amy arrived he was a bit more watchful of Nathan and the gathered children, as were the mothers. But at some point, he had walked off with the men, the woman and children sticking together, he thought him safe. It wasn't until they moved to the front yard that he noticed him missing, he went to ask the women. "Have you seen my nephew? Where's Jason?"

As Tony arrived at Jared's, he found him in the back "Waiting for me?" He smiles, then reaches down to pet the dogs "Hey boys..." He looks to Jared before heading inside and upstairs, he follows the soft sounds he hears. He stops in the doorway and watches him silently, he smiles "Hmmm... You know... A suit doesn't suit you my love..." He walks in and moves to stand behind him, then pulls him close gently. "I confirmed my new job today... And they agreed to give me time to finish everything I need to..." He kisses his cheek.
"Perfect, and once you're here I'd love to meet up with you. Maybe throw you a house warming party so you could get to know some people. Anyway we'll work out details later. Have a good night Tony."

"Huh? Hes still in the back, he said he'd clean up." one of the mothers stated. To note: they had moved out of the backyard first along with two of the fathers who were bringing out the fireworks. They didn't know they were leaving Nathan alone.

"Ah, working hard?" Amy asked as she walked over. The boy froze up before he heard her speak. Quickly turning to face her the boy stared at her, a cup in her hand as she smiled sweetly. "Uh. . just a bit of cleaning. I didn't want the moms to have to do everything. . ."

"Awe, you're such a sweet boy. Do you remember me?" she asked softly as she took a seat on the cooler that he was supposed to bring out with him to the front. Nodding the boy took a step back, unsure about the situation. She smiled softly and offered the cup "Here, I thought you might be thirsty," she said softly "a big, strong boy like yourself needs to stay hydrated."

"No thank you." Nathan quickly said as he tried to get around the woman who stood up and took a step closer.

"Oh come on, I'm sure you're thirsty."

"I'm fine. . . really." Amy huffed softly before pouring the drinking out onto the grass. She turned away but paused as she took a moment to look back at him. "Hey, honey, have you thought about my offer? I think you'd look adorable in a few of my clothes."

"Um. . . I need to go." he quickly said, walking pass her before she took his arm "Why are you so shy?

"Hey Tony," the boy smiled sweetly before he was taken in. Blushing he looked back in the mirror and frowned slightly "Do you really think so?" he asked. Smiling slightly he kissed the man's cheek and nuzzled his neck "Thats good to hear. Lets get my case done quickly. . . how was work?"
Tony smiles, that was just like him "Alright... I'll go see if he needs a hand... Feel free to start without us..." He heads back into the house and through the kitchen, but stops as he sees them out the back door. Tony glares and heads for the door, he slides it open quietly, he heard her last question. "He's not shy... He's a smart boy..." He walks up and grabs her arm and glares at her "Let my nephew go... Amy.." He glances at Nathan "Go out front Jason... Amy and I need to talk..." He grips her arm tighter until she lets go.

Tony smiles at him "A suit is too stiff for you... I don't think it suits you..." He laughs softly and kisses him gently "Mmm... Have you talked with your parents yet... We can't do anything until they know that..." He helps set the suit down and hugs Nathan closer, tipping his chin up to kiss him a bit deeper.
The women nod and ushered the children to their seats. All of them getting the fireworks set up and giving kids some sparklers.

Nathan struggled as he tried to pry his arm free, actually feeling his legs shake when he looked up to Amy who simply smiled. His heart raced and for a moment he felt as through he was going to be taken again. He was alone. No one there to hear him, no one to help him. He was going to be taken from his Tony, and being taken further from his parents and this time actually have horrible things done to- then that line of thought stopped when he heard Tony. Amy yelped as her arm was grabbed, struggle against the older man's grip she glared back "Ouch! Let go!" Amy hissed.

With a moment of forgetfulness the boy was able to slap her hand away and stumbled back. His upper arm was slightly brushed and was red. Grabbing the cooler he quickly let, looking back for a moment before hurrying through the gates.

His stomach was in knots, terror causing the boy to become completely silent and simply sit on the porch with one of the mothers as she tried to talk to him.

Pulling away Amy glared "What do you want to talk about? Hm?"

"Well, then what else am I going to wear on our wedding day? I can't just wear jeans and a nice top." he began. Smiling he kissed back, blushing slightly as he nod "I've began to talk to them about me being gay. . . they might ask you some weird questions next time but over all they don't seem upset." he replied. Slipping out of the suit the boy giggled as he pulled close. Kissing back the young man held to his lover before pulling away slowly "Heh. . . I was thinking more about the wedding. Maybe we could have it on the beach? I always pictured my wedding taking place there. . . our wedding."
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