The Therapist [Ladydark/SWN1994]

Tony glares at her, then notices the wet grass "So... Up to your lame tricks on a new target... Did you forget I know who you are... What you are..." He steps closer and gets in her face "Did you forget what I can have done to you... I'll have you sent back to jail so fast... You'll get whiplash... And not in solitary this time... No... General population... And if just may slip to the inmates what it is you're in for..." He steps back "Come near my boy again... I dare you..." He turns and stomps away, he wanted to check on Nathan as soon as he could.

Tony smiles at him and cups his cheek softly "We can have it where ever you want love... All I care about is having you there... And we'll find something to put you in..." He steps back "So... As for telling them about us... Should we say if anything happened between us... Or no..."
Amy froze when Tony came so close, her eyes growing wide as he threaten her. Stumbling back she glared back before Tony said something which caught her attention. "My boy" for some reason it seemed as though it meant something else. She watched Tony walk off before following after, going through the gate and going with the man she came to the party with, no one noticing them.

Upon seeing Tony, the boy walked over quickly and hugged him without a thought. The fireworks began to go off, the boy's attention turning to the sky as he felt firmly to the man before his grip began to loosen up. As they began to explode in the dark, night sky air, the boy remained silent, for a moment forgetting about what had happened in the backyard. That fear and terror melting away as he was entranced by the show.

Blushing the boy bit his knuckle before shrugging "Well . . . maybe a kiss or something. . . just so they don't get freaked out." he said softly. Leaning up he kissed the man's cheek and smiled sweetly "Hey, let me get dress and go join Jared? I'll be done soon." he suggested. He was still a bit sore from last night and didn't want to do anything yet.
Tony reached around him and hugged him back, holding him close until the fireworks started again. He found them a place to sit on the grass and let's him lean against him as they watch, taking a blanket from one of the mothers when it starts to get cold. He rubs his back softly after a while "She won't bother you again... If she knows what's good for her... You tell me the moment she's near you..." He sighs "I should get you a cell..."

Tony gives him another soft kiss "Alright... Would you like anything to drink tonight?" He moves to the door and stops to get his answer.
Nathan felt comforted by Tony's touch, closing his eyes before the show began. Looking u to the sky the boy smiled softly before he felt the man take him to the grass. Tony felt so warm, the blanket wrapped tightly around them. His attention turned to Tony and he perked a brow "A cell phone?" he asked. He remembered the cell phone he had, it must have been with his backpack or maybe Tony had thrown it away. Frowning he leaned against the man ". . .I. . . no. I'll just call you when I get home or when I'm by a pay phone." he whispered.

"Surprise me." Nathan smiled before slipping into his jeans and t-shirt. He followed Tony into the backyard with only a ten minute gap from when the man left the bedroom. Running out to his husband-to-be he jumped onto his back the boy kissed Tony's cheek. "Heh, so how'd he look Tony? Good or bad?"
Tony glances down at him and hugs him a bit closer a moment "Alright... If that's what you want... Just be careful..." He leans down and kisses the top of his head, careful of the people around them. He continues to rub his back as they watch the fireworks, Nathan really did love them. He would take a glance around the group now and then to see if he could spot Amy and her guest.

"Ok... Just remember you said that..." He chuckles and heads down, going into the backyard again. "Ooff... Hey..." He smiles and reaches back to hold his legs up, he smirks at Jared. "He looked fine... But a suit really doesn't fit him... He looked sharp... But not... Himself..." He turns his head back and kisses him softly "No matter the clothing... I still love you..."
"I promise. . ." he smiled sweetly before nuzzling into Tony's arms. The kiss soothed Nathan further, his eyes full of wonder. On the other side of park stood Amy, her male company holding her and seeming as through he was on top of the world. Amy not really paying attention as she simply stared back at Tony before taking her guest and leaving.

It was one in the morning when the fireworks stopped. Nathan yawning softly as he looked up to Tony and nod as a sign that they should go. The mothers carefully held their children and returned home. People cleaning up the street and a few still popping small fireworks. Going into the house the boy yawned softly, going up the stairs and to their bedroom as he laid back. Falling asleep under the cooling sheets.

He smirked as he wrapped his legs around the man. Jared chuckled softly before putting the meats into the tray and turned off the grill. Walking over he poked Nathan's nose before perking a brow "Awe, I thought he looked quite handsome, even thought about buying him a tailored suit." he said.

Once off the man's back, Nathan sat down on the lush grass, Jared leaning back as he began to talk to them about a few things. Just small talk before his cell phone went off. Picking it up he paused for a moment before giving a short reply. "Well, they caught her." he simple said.

A few days passed and Nathan remained in their house. Mostly reading or drawing. He had quite his job as his employer was pressuring him into becoming legal to work for him, the boy too scared to tell Tony as he thought his lover might not allow him to leave the house again. Then again, he already was doing that on his own.
They watched the fireworks until the end, then the two went home, Tony forgetting about Amy for now. He helped Nathan home, then they went to bed, Nat out before Tony even lay down.

Tony smiles and kisses Nat's cheek again "He did look handsome... Just not what I pictured..." He soon moved to sit with Nathan and the three of them talked, he was feeding Nathan when Jared got his call. He looks to Jared a moment "Caught who... Wait... That psycho... Really?" He smiles and pulls Nathan closer.

Tony comes home to find Nathan not doing much, he had noticed that the boy didn't leave in the morning anymore, he'd even stayed back to watch if he did. He moves behind him and hugs him gently, just holding him. "Alright... Out with it... You're not going to work... You've been down... Talk with me..." He lets him go to turn him around, and looks at him. "What's wrong..."
Jared nod as he bit into his hot dog, chuckling softly when he watched Tony hug the boy. Brushing his hair back he leaned back "It seemed like she was trying to get into your place again. Something about closets? I have no idea. Either way they caught her and taking her into custody. They'll probably want you Nathan. You need to if they call."

Nathan hugged his knees, closing his eyes as thought about what he could do today. Truthfully he just wanted to return to bed and sleep. He had been wanting to sleep more lately. Too scared to go out, yet feeling as through he was trapped again. Yelping the boy looked back to Tony, sighing softly as he turned and hugged the man.

"I had to quit. . . they wanted more information like a social and my school . . . I don't have any of that anymore. . . and. . . and I'm scared to go out alone. I'm scared she might try to come near me again. Like on the fourth. . ." he whispered hanging onto the man tightly. Pulling himself close the man he stared out the window, swallowing hard. "I don't want to be pulled into a car again Tony. . . I don't wanna wake up scared." he whispered

Pulling away he frowned ". . . am lonely. . . with you at work and all this happening. . . I guess I just feel sad." he twirled his thumbs, avoiding any eye contact.

The police did call and Nathan's appearance was requested down at the station. On the way there the boy was nervous, almost in a panic every moment they came closer to the station. Nathan was on the edge of having a panic attack when a officer came out to get him. They did the line up and he picked her out, the woman still saying something about the closet. The new detective explained that she had seen the closet where Tony had his camera system and that she was just losing it. Happily she hadn't found the other room or closet.

Once he was out of the station and they charged the woman, Nathan got into the car and stared down. Their secret was safe.
Tony hugs him again and rubs his back "I'm so sorry love... Why didn't you tell me..." He pulls back and looks at him "I would never let her take you..." He rubs his cheek "And I'm sorry I ever scared you... Hurt you..." He looks down a moment, thinking, he then sits and pulls him gently into his lap. "I'll find something for you to do..." He stares at him "Tell me what you want to do..." He'd even give him up if it would make him happy, it was times like this that his resolve to keep him was tested.

Tony looked at Jared a moment, then hugs him tighter before his phone starts to ring, the police calling. He helps Nathan to the station and waits for him outside, knowing he was safe and needed to do this. He hadn't told Nathan yet that he had cleaned out and changed the closet he had kept him in, even covering over his artwork in the bedroom. He could unvail the art again but the closet would not be changed back.
Frowning the boy felt ashamed for being so childish. He was going to be seventeen soon, he shouldn't have been acting like this. Looking up the boy shrugged a little, trying to forget about that day. Shuttering he gasped softly being pulled. Sitting on his lap the boy nuzzled against his lover and shrugged. What could he do? He wanted to go back to school but couldn't. Most jobs would ask for some kind of proof of his birth name and with Amy out there it was too scary to simply go out without worrying about the something would happen. "I don't know. . . I just don't want to be lonely anymore. You're at work, as you should be, and I can't really hang out with anyone. . . I mean. . . what can I do?" he asked, his voice with a tone of giving up.

"What time is it? I thought you'd be at work by now."

Once out the boy rushed to the car and slipped inside, swallowing hard before he looked to Tony and waved to him to come in.

The drive back home was quite, Jared was following them. The boy sighed softly when they got to Jared's place, the older man offering him his bed well they relaxed in the back. Nathan shook his head and went to the back with the dogs, looking back to the men and smiling.

"So, did he say anything on the drive back? He seemed pretty shaken up."
Tony sighs and hugs him gently "I don't know love... But we'll think of something... Maybe you could do some work at my office..." He looks down at him "I took off early... I knew something was bothering you... I wanted to check on you..."

Once home, Tony watched him head into the back with the dogs and sighs, moving to sit down, he looks to Jared. "No... He was real quiet... I tried a few times... But he just sat there..." He looks out back "I'm not sure what to say..."
"Hows about you two go back home? I mean his real home. . . maybe being there for awhile will help him shake it off. Being away from here might help as well." he said softly. The boy did look like he needed somewhere that he was familiar with, somewhere that he'd be comfortable being in. And with his stalker now behind bars, they could go back to their home for awhile until his parents wanted to see him.

Looking over to the man he smiled "Could even throw a little welcome home party. Or ya know, a three way. Whichever works for you."

Frowning the boy shook his head, his brows furrowing "I hate this! I can't do anything right!. . . first my job now I'm just freaking out for no reason!. . . why. . . why is this. . ." the boy huffed, ending himself before he said anything else. Pressing his forehead against Tony's chest the boy took in a deep breath. "I'm sorry I'm being so emotional. . . I should be better than this. . . I'm growing up and I can't act like this forever, right?" pushing himself back the boy leaned up and kissed Tony's cheek "I'll start making us dinner."

The next few days weren't exciting and for the most part Nathan did go with Tony to work, he was actually able to do a pretty good job and even brought some baked goods for Tony's clients. He did seem a bit better. Talked more, didn't seem so scared or shakey. And when he was alone with Tony he did seem to be more affection like he had been in the beginning of their relationship.
Tony looked over to Nathan as Jared suggested going home, he smiles a bit and nods, it would be nice to be in their own home. He then looks back to him at his last suggestion, he chuckles "Hmm... As much as we enjoyed that... I think we need a little us time... But it's nice to know the offer still stands..." He steps closer and kisses his cheek softly "Thank you... I'm gonna go tell him..."

He steps away from Jared and heads out to the back to sit with Nathan, picking Boo up as he jumps at his leg. "Hey pup... You trying to cheer him up too..." He scratches his head before looking to Nathan with a soft smile. "How would you like to go home... Our home... For a bit of a break... Just us..." He watches him and smiles softly "Well figure out how to tell your parents... What do you say?"

Tony held him softly and just let him vent, but held a bit tighter when he tried to leave to start dinner. "Hold on... Now relax... Everyone grows up differently... Acts differently... What would the world be like if everyone was the same... And your growing up is a bit different then most..." He cups his cheek the way he likes to help him relax "I'd like you to talk with me more... We can set aside some time each day to talk..." He smiles "And I want you to be honest... Even if that means telling me you want to go home... Telling me you hate me... Just yelling..." He pulls him into a gentle hug "I love you... So very much... So if I really had to... I'd let you go... To make you happy..." He knew that Nat had every opportunity to leave, but didn't... But he's send him home if he had to. Wondering, not for the first time, if he took him too soon, he held him until he felt him pull back.

It had been a few days since their talk and 'Jason' started to come to work with him, things were going well again. It has been a long day at the office and they were coming home late, Nat had moved to go cook, but Tony pulled him back. "Mmm... Can dinner wait? ... I'd like something a bit sweeter..." He smiles and leans down to lick his neck lightly.
The kiss was bittersweet for Jared, he could only smile and nod as he let Tony walk away to his one true love.

"I'm okay. . ." Nathan muttered after Tony's comment. His head jerked up and for a moment the boy thought Tony was talking about his parents home before it sunk in. "O-of course! Of course I want to go back home. Might even help a little. . ." he said softly. Standing up he took the man's hand and smiled brightly "Can we go now? Please?"

"Yeah but. . . I can't even. . ." trailing off the boy looked down. Even having that gentle touch wasn't enough to make the boy relax. He was still tense when he spoke again "You're right. . . but even then, I'm too different. Use to be able to walk around feeling like everything was fine and didn't worry. . . but now I can't even feel safe walking to the mini market unless I see a few people outside their houses. . ." he muttered softly. Gripping to the man he whimpered softly "But I'm happy with you! I don't want to be sent home!" he cried out. Nathan remained in Tony's rm, too scared to actually let go, that if he did he'd be sent back to his parents. "I'll be good. . . please Tony. . ."

The boy stretched out his arms and legs as he came into the house, still getting use to being still for a long time. Kate had recently began to teach the boy how to do her job, just in case she had a accident or couldn't make it to work. Yelping as he pulled over the boy smirked before looking up to his lover. "Okay, but then you have to make dinner." he chuckled. Moaning softly as he felt the lick the boy shivered in his arms and nuzzled his neck "Mmm. . ."
Tony smiles and laughs slightly at his reaction "Of course we can... Just get your stuff together..." He leans closer and kisses him softly, glad to see him so happy, he holds him in place a moment. "Be sure to thank Jared... It was his idea... And... I think we should have nights with him now and then... It was fun..." He rubs his cheek and smirks "He wanted to throw a 'welcome home party' with a threeway..." He chuckles and smiles at his blush.

"Hey... Relax... It was only an option... I wanted to let you know..." He holds him back and rubs his back, trying to get him to calm down "I'm happy with you too... I don't want you to leave either..."

"Deal..." He mumbles, then continues to lick and nip at his neck, he soon turns him around and kisses him lightly, but with a hunger. He then lifts the boy and sits him on the table, he looks at him, then starts to open his shirt, then is soon kissing over his chest.
The boy seemed excited and when Tony kissed him the boy perked up "Jared? Mmm. . . okay. I want to make sure both of you are happy." he chuckled softly. Sitting up he hugged Tony before slipping away and running over to Jared, jumping onto the man and causing them to fall back onto the ground laughing. The dogs barking but never moving from their comfortable spot.

Taking control of his breathing the boy looked up to Tony and whimpered softly but hugging him firmly. Closing his eyes he began to relax, his shaking stopping slowly as he felt himself going limp in the man's arms. "Please. . . please I'll be good. . ." he whispered, closing his eyes.

Gasping softly the teen bit his bottom lip before he felt himself taken to the table. Moaning he tilted his head back. With a open shirt and spread legs, the boy blushed brightly looking up to the man. "Tony," he whispered as he began to unzip his pants, his voice filled with lust and wanting.
Tony smiles, then laughs at the two as they fall to the floor, reaching over to pet the dogs as they bark. He smiles again, hoping they could be like this always, Nathan looked so happy at the moment. He watched them until Nathan heads into the house to get his things, he smiles at Jared. "I can't thank you enough... And I owe you so much..." He moves to help him up "I hope I'm able to repay you some day..."

Tony smirks at him "Here... Or the bedroom..." He moves one hand to the teens pants, opening them and slipping his hand inside, he teases lightly. "Pick one baby boy..." He goes back to kissing and licking at his neck, the hand in his pants, lightly griping him through his boxers. He nips his neck slightly each time he tried to answer, he just loved to get him this flustered and it had been too long. "What was that... I didn't catch it..." He moves down to lick at his nipples next, his hand now stroking him very slowly.
Jared laughed and kissed Nathan, the two sharing the kiss for a good minute before the boy ran off to grab his things. His love for Nathan was different, something serious but not as serious as what he felt for Tony. Speaking of the devil, the man smiled taking the hand and stood up "Thanks. And maybe there is. . . I'm trying to adopt again. Since I'm officially retired and can actually look after a child as single parent. . . you think you might be able be our therapist. I know Nat said something about you guys moving so if you can't, I understand." he smiled softly.

Every time he tried to speak the boy could only moan, groan, or yelp from being snipped at. Becoming flustered the boy pouted, looking down to his lover as he opened his mouth to say something when the man nipped at his neck. Shaking he leaned further back on the table, his face a bright red as his legs shook. Tony was like a puppet master, he could pull any string and make the boy do what he wanted. "We sh-aaaa. . ." he moaned again. Falling back onto the table to the boy twisted and turned, biting down on his lip and gripping the edge of the table. He knew how much Tony enjoyed watching his body, and thus he had began to stop covering himself up when he could.

"Be---ee. . . eee. . . aa. . ." he weakly whimpered. Now only clothed in his dress shirt and a sock, the boy tilted his head back "C-curtains. . ." he muttered out. The curtains were slightly opened to the kitchen, but no one could look in unless they stood on the trashcan outside. Truthfully, he was just trying to caught his breath and the curtains were the perfect excuse.

The ride home for Nathan was both exciting and terrifying. Would someone see them? Would someone put this whole puzzle together and he'd be taken away? Could they return to their old life with some added happiness of a extended family?

Once back at Tony's place, the boy brought his pets in, taking a deep breath before turning to Tony and offering a bright smile. There were no words needed, he was happy to be home.

The pictures of them were missing, as to be expected, and it was true that many of his paintings where down. The dogs took their spot by the fireplace and Nathan began to walk around. Trying to get his bearings after being away for months.

Going up stairs he paused for a moment before turning to the opposite of their bedroom. Instead he headed to the bedroom which still had a lock on the outside. He stepped in for a moment and paused. It had changed. His old drawings where covered up, not to mention the bed he had been chained to in the early days had been replaced. He took a slow stroll around the bedroom. His old station was there, and he noticed a few scratches he had made at those nights when he would try to tear up the floor board.

Nathan could remember the last Christmas he was in here, mostly in the day as to keep Tony at bay of his problem. He then turned his attention to the hall closet. Walking over he opened it quickly and for a reason, unknown to Nathan himself, his heart drop. All that evidence, all those memories were eased. It looked like it had always been a closet. No scratches on the wall, the door looked brand new, and there was even a light now. Why did this upset Nathan.

". . ." the boy looked to their bedroom and walked over. Laying on the bed he sighed softly and held to his pillow. He began to relax, hugging the pillow tightly as he was happy to see at least their bedroom hadn't changed much.
Tony smiles at him and pulls him closer for another hug "Of course I'll help you... You'll be a wonderful father..." He looks at him "Yes we will be moving... But if I can't get to you... There is always skype... Nothing says I have to be in the room... And we'll just be a short flight away..."

Tony grins against his skin and nips his nipple gently, he glances up at him, he was starting to let go. "Stop thinking..." He smirks and starts to kiss down, soon stopping at his navel, he glances up at him. "This should help..." He starts to slowly lick his cock, teasing the tip with his tongue a moment, then taking him in to bob slowly, suckling gently.

Tony moves to set his things down as Nathan goes to look around, it had been too long since he was home. He soon heard him moving around upstairs and bit his lip, he'd forgotten to tell him about his old room, that he could uncover everything again. He goes and makes them each a light drink, then heads upstairs, he stops in the doorway and smiles at him. "It's so good to see you on that bed again..." He walks in and sits on the bedside, holding the drink out to him. "I'm sorry about your room... But I didn't remove anything... It's just covered and I can easily uncover it..."
Smiling the man nod as he looked over to the empty bedroom which he was planning on filling up soon. "Thanks. Heh. . . I'm kinda nervous. I mean I've helped raised my niece but. . .geez I'm nervous. This will actually be my kid. . ." he said softly. Nodding he smiled and hugged the man "Thanks again. . . you two need to be there when I bring him or her home."

"B-but. . " he moaned loudly, his body shaking as Tony began to move further down. Falling back onto the table he covered his mouth, muffling his moans as he began to lose it. His eyes began to blur everything before him. "T-Tony. . . Tony. . ." he groaned. HE wanted to tell Tony to stop, that he wanted them in the bedroom; however, he didn't want to upset Tony by telling him to stop and thus he allowed it to go on. As it went further he began to get into it, losing it slowly. Crying out the boy arched his back "Nnn!"

Hearing Tony coming in, the boy sat up and smiled taking his drink. Shaking his head the young man shrugged slightly "I'm fine with the old room like that. Its not a huge deal. . . I wasn't in there that long," he said softly as he took a sip of his drink. Looking down he frowned ". . .Tony. . . the closet. . . when did you . . . when did you change it? I know its been at least three years since I was put in there but. . ." he trailed off thinking about it. Gripping the sheets he swallowed hard before speaking softly ". . . theres no way to revert it back to it's old state. . . is there?"
Tony hugs him back and nods "We'll be there... And don't worry... You'll be an awesome father..."

Tony could tell when Nathan started to give in more, his body becoming less stiff and he started to move with him. The big give away was his louder moans and soft whines, asking for more without really asking. He glances up at him and smirks against him, he starts to circle his tongue around his cock as he bobs. When he was getting close, Tony would slow to bring him down, but keep him on that high. He loved it when he would lose himself to his pleasure, the faces and sounds he made, they more then filed his raging hard on. After several minutes of this, he finally gave him a break and started to speed up and deep him, then swallows lightly to massage him.

Tony sets his drink down and looks at him "There might be... But why... I never should have kept you in there..." He tips his chin up and looks at him "Talk with me... Please..." He finally had him home, he didn't want him upset.
His body began to go with the flow, mind going to a blur as he felt pure pleasure taking its place of thought. His eyes began to glaze over as he allowed the drug he called Tony to ruin his train of thought. His begs were silent, but we'll heard; and like a spoiled child he wanted more. Spreading his legs as a sign of being ready, the young man tilted his head back, still weakly muffins his moans and crying out with pleasure and desire. Suddenly he felt that massage, his moan low as precum slipped down the man's throat. His balls began to tighten up and hips tried hard not to jerk into the man's mouth. He was so close.

Frowning Nathan set his drink aside and looked into Tony's eyes. ". . . I don't want that part of me to die in that closet... Tony I was in there for almost year. . . I know it doesn't make sense but. . . All those craving I did. . . Markings. . . I don't want that too just dissappear. " Nathan began. Looking down with shame he frowned ". . . It's like tying to cover up something. . . I don't want it to just fade away even if it's just a closet. . ." He whispered. Perhaps it was just the fact t h at for Nathan it was a reminder of how ho he had been, and who he wished he could go back to being one day. Or mentally he was afraid of erasing himself. True, Nathan didn't spend every single day in there: he coukd remember that at least twice a week he was taken out to go take a shower, twice a day for bathroom breaks, and once a week to just walk around the bathroom to get some exercise; but it was still a big part of his lif and he didn't want to o just brush it aside like it was nothing. Like he was nothing.

". . ." Reaching uo the kissed Tony deeply, pulling him down onto the bed as to calm the moment. ". . . I love you."
Tony groans against him at the taste, his young love was so sweet, he felt his legs spread more and knew what to do. He keeps his pace and wets his fingers, then starts to slowly push them into him, he was so worked up, he was quite lose. He moans against him softly, then starts to pump his fingers and bob faster, he knew he was close.

Tony kisses him back and lays with him, leaning over him mostly, he smiles "I love you too... And if it means that much... I'll change it all back..." He smirks "Now... We are finally home... Together... Alone..." He kisses him softly "What shall we do... And it doesn't have to be each other..." He chuckles softly, he'd more then love to enjoy his man, but he wanted Nathan to have his say.
Groaning the boy began to buck his hips lightly, ready to used at any moment. Gripping the table the boy shook his head, ready to explode at anything moment. "I-I'm going to cum! Tony!" he cried out. It wasn't long after when he came into his lover's mouth, shuttering from the orgasm. Laying limp on the table the boy whined softly, his body always so sensitive after he came. "Mmm. . . Tony, are you hard?"

". . . are you sure?. . . I mean. . .I know it means a lot to mean to me, but what about you? You need to think of yourself now and again. Don't you?" he asked. With a soft laugh the youth reached up and stroked Tony's cheek "How about a movie?. . . maybe the Titanic?" he suggested. Sitting up he held to his lover ". . .Tony. . ."
Tony kept up his actions until the boy came, then stills and swallows as he slowly pulls off him. He licks him clean before looking up to him at his question "With the way you were acting... How could I not be..." He looks him over, he was still shivering slightly from his orgasm, he runs his fingers over his thighs a moment just to watch it.

Tony smiles softly "I'm fine either way love... My happiness is you happy..." He leans into his hand and watches him. "Titanic... Haven't watched that in a while..." He was a bit startled when he sat up and hugged him, but quickly returned it, kissing his cheek. "Nathan..."
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