The Therapist [Ladydark/SWN1994]

Tony waited up a while, just to see if Nat would join him, he eventually lays down on Nat's side and falls asleep, it was strange to sleep alone. He didn't sleep too well that night, he kept waking up to see if Nat had returned, his normally comfortable bed felt cold. He was awake when he heard Nat get up, but chose to stay in bed, he could feel Nathan watching him and almost 'woke up' when Nat kissed him. It took everything in him to not get up and pull the boy close, hug him and hold him tight, but he didn't want to scare him. When he was sure the young man was gone, he go up and picks up his cell, calling the office. "Hey Becky... Yeah... Something came up and I'm not gonna be in today... Can you reschedule my appointments... Yes... Yes thank you... Bye..."

He gets up and goes to the bathroom, then slowly makes his way down the hall, he enters the room, but doesn't go to him. He glances around the old room, smiling softly at the beautiful drawings he'd done, then looks at Nathan and frowns. He moves to the wall by the door and slowly sat down, he bent his legs and rests his head, watching him.

Tony smirks "That's my boy... As you wish..." He starts to rock them together faster and kiss along his chest again, then as he grew closer, he slipped a few fingers into him and pumps them in time.
Nathan laid there for a few minutes before he heard the door creak open. Looking from his bed the boy frowned seeing Tony, simply looking back to the wall as he spoke softly ". . . you should be getting ready for work. . . breakfast and lunch is downstairs." Nathan said. Pushing himself up the poor boy simply looked broken, his eyes dark and little emotion on his face..

The boy stayed in bed most of the day. He would glare or kick at the man if he came to close, and the times he did come out he made an effort to stay as far as he could from Tony. It wasn't until dusk when he made his way to the backyard, simply watching the flowers swaying in the wind and checking on the roses.

It was like a hot flash, his body unable to hold back at all as he let out a loud moan and came. Shuttering he laid back on the bed, breathing softly as he stared up at his lover, smiling shyly "Do you wanna go in?"
Tony continued to sit in the floor, either watching him or looking at his phone "I took a personal day... Don't worry about me..." He looks up as he gets up for the first time, he moved back from the door when he saw he wanted out. He stood up after he was past the door and tried to touch his shoulder, only to pull it away as he smacked him. "Sorry..." He stepped back and let him go, he gave him his space, going to eat while the boy dressed.

He tried to find something to do, anything to keep him busy so he wouldn't think about Nat. It was when he heard the back door slide open and the wind chimes in the back that he noticed Nathan was out of his room. He sets his things down, he was cleaning his home office, for the third time, and goes to the back door. What he saw, broke his heart, his normally vibrant and happy boy, was more like a gray shell. He steps into the yard and moves to stand a few feet behind him, he takes a deep, slow breath. "You're upset... Pissed even... And I understand... I would be too... I... I took you from everyone you loved..." He looks down "Because I was selfish..." He looks back at him, then kneels "You have a few options... You can stay like this... Until you feel ready to talk..." He looks down again "I could... I could take you back home... Or... You could get your anger out and hit me... Like you've wanted to do for a while now..."

Tony keeps it up a few moments longer, then stiffens and cums himself, he lightly lays over the other and smiles, he kisses him softly. "Mmm... Not unless you want me to... That was wonderful love..." He kisses him again and cups his face "Mmm... I love you..."
The wind was warm, a warm day today. The seventeen-year-old could only feel himself spacing out. His breathing slow and steady, eyes staring at the flowers he had planted himself, and then to the birdhouse with a chirping family inside. When Tony came out the boy huffed softly, moving down a step when the man came out onto the patio. Frowning the boy hugged his knees and closed his eyes ". . . he was looking for me. On the tv, I could see him scanning the group of people," Nathan whispered. Looking away the boy gripped his pants, feeling the hot tears threatening to escape again.

"Stop. . . just stop it. . . First you're so cold to when you took me, you never showed me any compassion like this when I was in the closet. . but now you just let me have whatever I want? Why weren't you like this when I was begging and crying in there? Whats different now? Huh? Or when you moved me into the bedroom. . . why are you so different now? do you know I won't leave? Is that why you give me those options now, because you already know what I'll choose?" Nathan whispered as to make sure only Tony heard. But, it was valid question. Could Tony already figure Nathan out? Was this the reason why he acted like this when Nathan was angry or upset with him?

Panting softly the young man laughed softly and shook his head as he pulled the covers over them. "I love you too. . . heh. .. and so, so wonderful."
Tony looks up at him "I was the way I was because I was scared... I had just taken you... Which would have ruined me... But I didn't care... I loved you... I just didn't know how to... Make you see that..." He looks down and rubs his hands together slowly "And I'm giving you these options now... Because I should have given them to you before... I do love you... And to prove it I'm willing to let you go..." He looks up and him again "I meant what I said... You'd see your family again... It just has to be done carefully..." He sighs and stands again, looking at him "I was awake when you stood over me this morning... I know you didn't want to kiss me like you did..." He moves to reach for him, but stops halfway, letting his hand fall. "You bottle everything up... Tell me what you really think of me... Do what you really want to do... I won't stop you..." He knew he kept things locked up, always putting on a happy face, it wasn't good for him. Nathan was changing him, slowly, when he first took him, true, he wanted him as just a lover, but he was so much more. He make have conditioned him a bit, but Nathan's love was true, he could feel it with every kiss they shared or times they touched. He closed his eyes softly, waiting, he tried to relax, but his heart was racing, would he lose him.

Tony smiles and holds him close, kissing him softly "I never want to be without you again... It hurt too much... It was like your 17th birthday again..." He nuzzles into his neck and kisses it softly. "You... Are my world..." He held him a bit tighter, he had done nothing to warrant Nathan's love, but he had it none the less. Now that he finally had him back, at home and in his arms, it hit him that he could have lost him, he shook slightly and a few tears fell.
Nathan avoided any eye contact, even avoiding to look at the man. Hugging his knees he frowned ". . . I think I'm going to stay home for awhile. . . I should also stay in my bedroom for awhile. I don't think it would be smart to try to push this down this time." he whispered. The boy stood and went further into the yard, taking a seat under the tree as he faced away from the house.

The teen didn't speak much to Tony. He'd do what he would normally in the day: cook, clean, make Tony's meals, lay out the man's work clothes and wish him a good day at work; however, there were no long kisses, maybe a light hug but nothing as to what they were use too, when he spoke to Tony it was often short and clearly uncomfortable for him, stayed in his bedroom and had yet to actually stay in their bedroom no longer than it took to wake up Tony. Nathan was cold, but he showed no signs of forgiving his lover.

They were entering their second week into this, it was Monday afternoon when Nathan made it back to the house he began to cook when he paused. He needed to talk about this, so that night he welcomed Tony home and set out their plates before sitting across from Tony. ". . . Tony," he began softly "Is there anyone I could be able to talk to?"

Nathan smiled softly and was about to say something when Tony brought up that birthday. Holding the man he shook his head and kissed Tony tenderly, closing his eyes as he took a deep breath "I love you. . . I'd never leave you again. I don't want any chance of losing you."
Tony looked at him and nods "Alright... If that's what you want..." He watched him get up and move away, it hurt to see him like this, cold and distant, sad, but it was his own doing. He sighs softly and turns to go after a few minutes of watching him, he walks inside and closes the screen,eating him have his time. He went upstairs and looked over Nathan's room, this wouldn't do for him at all, not even for a few days. He thought he'd help out by cleaning his room, he stripped the bed and even pulled down the drapes. He takes them all to the laundry room and tosses them in to wash, then heads back and pulls out new sheets and pillow cases, making the bed.

The next week was hard, his room felt cold and lonely, Nathan barely talked to him, hardly even touched him. He had begun staying a bit longer at work again, he could t handle the cold shoulder he was getting, even if he deserved it. He came home on time tonight, having been told Nat was making dinner, he sits down to eat, not expecting Nat to converse. He looks up at his question "Talk... Um... You could talk with me... Until I can find someone..."

Tony holds him close and smiles softly "I love you... So much... And I can't wait to marry you..." He cups his cheek and kisses him again, slowly and deeply, just enjoying his love.
Looking away the boy frowned, ". . .that isn't a good idea Tony. . . I. . . I don't want to be mad at you or blow up again. It isn't right to do that to you." Nathan said as he looked back to Tony. Closing his eyes the teen took in a deep breath before standing up and walking towards the man. Pausing he reached out, looking as if he wasn't to hug the man but did. "I'm sorry I've been so cold. . .I don't want to be like this anymore." he whispered. Pulling away slowly he took in a deep breath, his body clearly shaking.

"I'm sorry. . . I'm sorry. . ." he whispered to himself.

Talking to Tony was less than productive. He couldn't really say a lot other than how he just wanted them to return to how they were before his birthday and actually wished they could celebrate things like that without becoming so emotional. But anything else he refused to talk about with Tony. How could one tell his lover that he hated him?

Smiling the young man kissed back, nuzzling his lover and cuddling as he began to fall asleep. Yawning softly he curled up around his lover,holding on tight like so many nights now. This was perfect. He couldn't for this to be out in the open.
Tony looks at him, watching, "Talking with me will help... And if you feel you need to yell... Then do so... I've told many of my patients that... It's ok..." He looks at him as he stands and moves closer, he looks at him, seeing the hurt in his eyes. When he does hug him, he holds just a bit tighter, he rubs his back slightly. "Shh... You have nothing to be sorry for... Everyone gets upset from time to time... And you have very valid reasons... I should be the one saying sorry..." He gently pulls the boy close again and cups his cheek, he noticed the dark under his eyes. "You haven't been sleeping well... Have you" The bags a clear sign of that, he sighs "Sleep in our room again Nathan... I won't touch you... I promise... But you need a good nights sleep..." He holds the shaking boy softly and rubs his back, trying to comfort him.

Tony spoke with him, he tried to give him, them, ideas to work trough things, but he knew Nathan was telling him everything. On their third talk, Tony sat his papers down and looked at him as he sat down. "Alright... We are going in circles... You need to stop holding back... I'm pretty sure I know what you want to say... And I'm... Ok with it... It's normal for our... Situation..." He looks at him again "So let me hear it... What have you been too afraid to say..."

Tony turns everything off and pulls the covers up again, he smiles at Nat "One day we'll have to watch that movie completely..." He pulls him close and settles down for the night, breathing deeply of his scent.
"If its just for awhile. . . until we can find someone right?" he asked innocently. The boy thought about pulling away but hugged back, just wanting to feel loved again. Frowning when Tony noticed the dark circles the boy nod, not saying a word as Tony took charge. Closing his eyes the boy nuzzled into the man's chest, his shaking slowly stopping as he stood with his lover. That night he returned to their bedroom, through sleep seemed not to come easy to the boy was he would stand up several times in the night, normally ending up in the living room like the past nights.

Nathan sat down and paused for a moment before looking up to the man, gripping his knee as he stared down at the floor "I don't. . . I don't want to hurt you Tony. . . I don't want to do this anymore. Its not helping at all.

Laughing softly the young man nod as he began to drift off to sleep.

That morning Nathan brought breakfast to bed, the dogs following and staying beside the bed as they bathed in the sun coming in. Kissing his lover's neck he smiled "Time to wake up love! I made your favorite."
Tony looks at him and smiles sadly "You won't hurt me... You need to get it out... It's a fact I accepted a while ago... Please... You're only hurting us more the longer you keep it in..." He couldn't hearing it wouldn't hurt, it would, but watching it slowly fester inside Nathan hurt worse. He shifts closer and reaches out, he rests his hand on top of his, lending his support, he knew this wasn't easy for him. "Just say it Nat... I'm not going anywhere..."

Tony hadn't slept the well in months, he was slowly woken from his sleep by a light kiss, the scent of food and his loves voice. "Mmm... You put yourself on my plate..." Knowing the food wasn't on the bed yet, he quickly rolls over and pins Nathan under him. "Mmm... Morning my love..." He leans down and kisses him softly, licking his lips before pulling away to smile at him.
Nathan's eyes widen, his heart quicker , and his palms began to become sweaty. With a tight throat the teen couldn't help but think might happen. Would Tony still love him? Would Tony out him back in the closet? Would he be returned to his parents or worst yet, would he be forced to watch his lover find someone else better suited? Nathan took in shakey breaths before his head snapped up. With a pale expression he closed his eyes before he spoke ". . .i. . . I still hate you. . . Not all the time but. . . " trailing off the boy tried to control his breathing.

Nat did began to talk more. How he was still mad about the closet, or how their first Christmas felt as through he was in pure hell. Always trying to counter it by saying what he loved about Tony. He really didn't want to hurt the man.

". . . Tony? I. . .uh..." without another word he hugged the man, leaning against him with a stiff posture. What would happen next?

Laughing as he was pulled onto the bed the young man smiled and kissed back. Grinning he shook his head. Of course Tony would do this, he always did. With his green apron on the youth smiled " heh, good morning Tony. Slept well?"
Tony watches him and listens, he couldn't help the small flinch at actually hearing him say it, but he managed. He then listens quietly as he goes on, letting out his feelings, but always quick to defend himself, he tried not to sigh. 'At least he's letting it out...' He thought quietly as he continued, then to his surprise Nathan stood and came closer, then hugged him. Tony gasps softly, then quickly hugs him back, nuzzling into his neck. "I'm so glad you told me... And don't worry... I'm not going anywhere... And neither are you... I love you..." He rubs his back softly, he had missed holding him so much.

Tony smirks and kisses him again, a bit longer, then relaxes "Mmm... Wonderfully... And you? You look so happy to be home..." He rolls them to the side and smiles "Breakfast smells delicious by the way... What are we having?"
His skin crawled when Tony nuzzled into his neck. Sparks and shivers mixed and for a moment the teen felt like pushing Tony away until he spoke. Softening, he held to the man with no words. Simply closing his eyes and holding the other man as he felt a soft warmth slowly begin to overtake him. Oh, how he had missed this. The boy took in a deep breath, the window which was open letting in a nice breeze as brought Tony down onto the couch. He stayed in that position for the longest time. Just in Tony's arms, silent as he could remember the first time Tony had put that needle into him. That was the first time, as he could recall, that he appreciated Tony touching him.

That night Nathan was very clingy, much as through Tony had left for the whole day and was just coming back to feed him or those days the man would come and leave the plate without a word. Nathan refused to let Tony go for much of the time. He had been oddly quite though, it changed if Tony spoke to him but he didn't seem to start the conversion. There was a lot of his mind and he simply couldn't be bothered to say anything.

When it was bedtime the boy came in with his nighty on, the light powder blue with lace details. Sitting on the bed he swallowed hard, was he ready to do this again? It had been sometime since he and Tony did it. HE didn't want to make tony feel as though he didn't want him. Even if that was the case. Nathan just wanted everything to be okay.

Giggling the young man nod as he hugged Tony "So, so happy. . . I'm just happy things are going back like they use to be. . . but now we can add my parents to the mix now and again."

"Eh, I made waffles with powder sugar and chocolate, bacon, toast, ham, and eggs. I also brewed you some coffee just the way you like it." Nathan said as he uncovered the food. Leaning over he kissed Tony tenderly and smiled "Eat up."
Tony held him gently but firmly, rubbing his back softly now and then and kissing his neck and shoulder slightly. "I missed this... Missed you..." He relaxes and let's Nathan lay against him, it seemed he had missed him too. He stayed pretty close to Nathan for the rest of the day, the boy was quite clingy, it was like when he had been left alone before. They would talk about things during the day, but he'd always have to start the conversations. They even made dinner together, then sat down to enjoy it before going to clean up and ready for bed.

When Tony came out of the bathroom after his shower, he was towelling his hair off, he was dressed in his boxers and pj pants. He tosses the towel in the hamper and looks to the bed, Nathan looked nervous. He moves to the bed and sits on his side, he looks at him "Hey... You ok?"

Tony smiles and kisses him back "You spoil me..." He takes his plate and starts to eat, smiling and moaning at the taste, this boy could cook. "Mmm... You know... It's a wonder I'm not fat from your cooking... Everything is always so good..." He looks at him "Did you eat?"
". . ." silent the boy allowed his actions to speak for him. The day went by at a snail speed, as through this was their first time together again. Dinner was nice, the boy making small talk about his walks through to the market or how he had began to redraw a few things from his old bedroom wall. He left out the part about sitting in the closet (door open of course) and he would just allow that feeling of terror to return to him for a moment.

Being pulled over the young man looked up and offered a shy smile, nodding. "I am. . I just. . . this if my first time seeing my teddy in this kind of lighting. . . I've only worn it at the shop and. . . kinda odd to see it in better lighting." he replied softly. Grabbing his hand the boy blushed brightly "How do you think I look? I. . . I'm wearing the matching panties under. . ." he mentioned, lifting the new teddy to show off the light blue panties.

"Haha. . . well I do make sure you burn off those calories~" he sung softly. Looking over to the man he smiled "Mmm, not yet. But I'm not that hungry right now, I'll probably eat later on."
Tony smiles softly at him and looks him over as he moved back to show off, he was quite sexy in the outfit. "You look incredible..." He cups his cheek "But you look nervous..." He leans down and kisses his forehead softly "This is essentially our first night back together... And as much as I have missed you... We won't be doing anything tonight..." He trails his fingers down his arm, to rest on his hand. He leans down again and kisses his cheek softly. "I don't what this to happen out of a 'sense of responsibility'... I want it to happen because you love me and want to show it..." He refused to push Nathan into anything else he didn't want to do, he had done enough already.

Tony looks up from taking another bite and frowns slightly "We almost never eat together anymore... And when we finally have time to... You're not hungry..." He smiles at him "Open up..." He holds out a forkful.
Was this a 'sense of responsibility' that Nathan felt? Was it this that made his stomach turn in knots when he thought about his lover touch hinges him. His attention returned to Tony when he felt their hands connect. Rubbing his arm the teen moved over and kissed his lover back. Looking up he nod "Okay... as long as you're okay with it. I kinda dont... wanna. ..right now. " Nathan stumbled over his words. Leaning against his lover the teen closed his eyes. "Will this return to normal soon?"

That morning Nathan woke up back in his lover's arms. Taking a deep breath he smiled softly. Felt like old times now.

Blinking the young man stared at the he fork before opening up his mouth. Purring he ate some of the waffle before opening his mouth again, smiling as he stole the next bit. Taking the fork he began to feed Tony "Heh, hows it taste?"
Tony smiles softly at him and nods "I'm perfectly fine with it..." He helps them lay down and gently pulls the boy closer, letting them relax together. He looks down at him "Yes... But it will take time... And I'm more then willing to wait..." He kisses his cheek "I'd wait forever for you love..." He held him tighter a moment before relaxing again, his hold was light enough that Nathan could pull away at any time. "Sleep baby... You need some good nights rest... We can talk more tomorrow..." He lets him go only a moment to turn out the lights, then holds him gently again and softly runs his fingers over his back and arm, helping him fall asleep.

Tony slept soundly and deeply with Nathan so close again, the next morning he was still in a deep sleep as Nathan woke. The most he did was shift slightly closer to him, causing his morning erection to brush against him through his pjs.

They fed each other slowly, Tony smiles "It tastes wonderful..." After he gives Nat another bite, he leans in and kisses him, slowly working their tongues together, tasting the syrup on his lips. "Mmm... The only thing that will ever taste better... Is you love..." He smirks "And I'm hopelessly addicted..." He chuckles softly at his song reference, then sets his now empty plate down. He lays them back down again and just looks at him, cupping his cheek "I missed you... So much..."
The young man nod as he allowed himself to be held and slowly began to fall asleep. He held to the man's arm, and his eyes began to flutter close. Having his back rubbed was helpful and he fall asleep within half-a-hour.

Nathan snuggled with his lover, pausing when he felt the morning wood against his thigh. Blushing he looked to Tony, wondering if he was awake or not. His hand snaked down and rubbed against the bulge, his palm rubbing against it before he slithered down. True, he didn't feel like doing this nor in much of a mood, but as a way to apologize he wanted Tony to feel good. Even if he was just asleep. Helping Tony onto his back the boy began to slip off the man's pants, and once Tony's member sprang out the boy took in a deep breath before his mouth wrapped around the member's head.

He moved his head up and down, pausing to pull the covers back to Tony's chest before he went back to work.

Swallowing his food the boy opened his mouth again, through this time he was handed tongue rather than bacon or waffles. Moaning the boy froze up as he didn't want to trip the tray over. Chuckling the young man leaned over his lover. Kissing the man's palm he climbed onto his lover's lap, running his fingers through the man's hair.

"I've missed you too. . . mmm. . . I've missed you so much too. I'm sorry I got us into this mess. I really am."
Tony was so relaxed from sleeping with Nathan again, that he only shifted slightly as Nat moved him around. He sighed softly as his pants were removed and shivered slightly at the cool air. He then starts to moan ever so softly and twitch lightly, as he covers him back over and starts to work him in his mouth, he moans a bit louder. As Nathan starts to take him in more, Tony starts to wake up, his moaning becoming more pronounced and his body starting to arch. "Nnn... Wh..." He slowly blinks open his eyes and looks around slowly "Nat... Wh... Nnn..." He was panting lightly as he shakily pulled the covers back, the site making him moan again and bite his lip. "N-Nat? What are.... Nnn... What are you doing..." He moans again and lays back, unable to watch him anymore, he was getting close. He closed his eyes, he wasn't expecting this at all, he didn't think Nathan was ready to touch him again, he hoped this was something the boy wanted.

Tony looks up at him and slowly sits up, keeping him in his lap "It was difficult... But it all worked out... Don't be sorry for loving your family baby..." He cups his cheek and stares into his eyes, he smiles "As long as I get to be with you... Nothing else matters..." He runs his hands into his hair and gently pulls him closer to kiss him, tilting his head, he slowly deepens the kiss.
Nathan kept at it, his mouth tight around the member as he kept moving his head back and forth. Nathan wasn't really thinking about what he wanted, he was simply thinking about what he needed to do for Tony. How to make tony want to stay and keep him. Nathan could care less about how he felt about his own needs and wants. He had been so cruel to Tony that, in his own mind, he needed to make up in anyway. Even this way.

He was able to fit it into his throat again, gagging slightly as he quickly jerked away and held his throat before going back down, waiting for the elixir to explode into his mouth.

After their morning, Nathan was still clingy, only letting go when he needed to make breakfast or do other things. Nathan did speak a little more, simply trying to start to talk again rather than leaving everything up to Tony to do. "So. . . how'd you sleep?"

"I. . . I know. But, if I were just. . . never mind. Theres no point in trying to say sorry all the time." he said sofltly. Smiling back his gray eyes soften before he was pulled into a kiss. Moaning softly he kissed back, leaning into it as he wrapped his arms around Tony.
"Nnn... Nat.. Nat I'm gonna... A-Ahh..." His body arched up slightly and he froze as his orgasm washed over him, he felt himself fill the boys throat and fell back himself. "W-What... Was that..." He panted out softly, trying to catch his breath, he did not think Nathan was ready at all to touch him. After a few minutes of panting, Tony was now slowly sitting up, he reaches out and cups his cheek. "I thought... You weren't ready..." He looks at him, at his eyes and "Are you ready... And don't say you are to make me happy..."

Tony let Nat stay close to him again that day, they would sit often and he'd just hold him, rubbing his back. "I slept fine love..." He looks down and tips his chin up slightly, looking at him, he rubs his cheek and sighs. "What's going through your head baby... You're distant, but clingy at the same time..." He runs his fingers through his hair "How can I prove to you that I'm not about to leave you... Or push you away..."

Tony runs his hands up his sides and over his back, then slowly breaks the kiss, panting softly. He looks at him and smiles "I want you right now... I want to feel you around me..." He kisses him again "Please..." He whispers against his lips then kisses along his jaw.
Nathan kept bobbing his head, his throat tightening up and body stiffening up when Tony blew his load. Pulling away he coughed a little, blushing, covering his mouth before laying down beside his lover. Having his cheek held the boy looked down shyly ". . . I . . . I can touch you just. . . I don't think I'm ready for you to touch me yet. . ." he said softly, unable to really understand himself. Hugging his lover the boy closed his eyes tight and thought about something else for a few minutes, unsure of what to do.

His face turned bright red, the young man looking down for a moment before he leaned against his lover's body "I. . .I don't know. I know you won't. . . but, I just can't hhelp it. No matter what I think, it just gets twisted up and I can't think right." he stated. Sniffling the young man rubbed his neck "I'm sorry. . . I didn't . . . I don't know why I'm like this. . ."

Nathan bit his lip, his body rocking slightly before he looked down as he felt something now pressing against his ass. Laughing softly he nod, moaning softly when he felt the man's kiss along his jaw. "Nnn, where do you want me?"
Tony sighs softly and smiles at him, then holds him close for a few moments, rubbing his back and arm slowly. "It's alright... And I can't say I didn't enjoy your little wake up call... But... If you're not ready for me to touch you... You don't have to touch me... I don't want to enjoy a pleasure I can't return..." He kisses his head "Haveing you next to me as we sleep, holding you like this... Working around the house... That's enough for me... I love you... And I'm willing to wait..." He pulls him closer slightly, then pulls the covers up, kicking the pants off his feet and to the floor. "Now... We have all weekend... What shall we do... You name it..." He rubs his cheek again.

Tony moans softly and sucks at his neck a moment before answering, "Mmm... That depends... On how you want to be taken... I want you to choose..." He reaches under his pillow and pulls out the tube of lube, now nice and warm from their body heat. "So tell me my love... How shall I please you this morning..." He slowly places open mouthed kisses over his chest, looking up at him as his tongue teases a nipple.
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