The Therapist [Ladydark/SWN1994]

Nathan became flushed as Tony spoke. Oh, how his sweet Tony was understanding and more than caring about his own well being. The thin teen looked up to his lover as he asked about what they should do for their first weekend on good terms. Or at least without so much drama. Shrugging slightly he laid his head down and thought for a moment ". . . maybe we can have dinner out? We haven't done gone out for dinner before." he said. "Maybe later we could get out of bed and go for a walk or something? Or could we just watch a movie. . . something funny or scary. I don't care which it is." he suggested. Leaning up he kissed the man's cheek and smiled "Thank you for understanding."

Groaning softly the young man tilt his head back, his body began to rock back and forth, panting softly as his lover played with his nipples. Looking down Nathan turned bright red "L-like this then. . . oh. . . I don't want to face away from you." he whispered as he took the man's cheeks and made him look up "Slow. . . I want this to last for awhile."
Tony looks down at him and smiles "Dinner out sounds good... I know a nice place..." He smiles again and relaxes back into the bed "So which is it... Movie or a walk... I don't mind either..." He was enjoying holding him close, only opening his eyes at the soft kiss, he looks at him again. "Of course... You have every right to be mad... And you can take all the time you need to relax again..." He reaches up and cups his cheek lightly "I love you... And if this is what it takes to keep you... So be it..." He wanted more then anything to kiss him, but he didn't want to scare him off any more.

Tony smiles and nods "Sounds perfect..." He runs his hands down to his hips and helps him move back slightly, he then opens the tube and starts to get them both ready. "Look at me baby..." He smiles at him as she gently works a few lubed fingers into him, getting him ready, but careful to avoid his sweet spot. This was going to be slow and steady, them loving each other, together in their own bed again. Once ready, he helps Nathan move over him and get in place, then starts to slowly work into him until he sighs, entering him fully once again. "Nnn... God you feel good love..." He doesn't move, safe for pulling him closer for a nice long kiss, his hands running over his sides and back softly.
"Really? I'd love to go out! IT would be like a date for us. Heh, our first date right?" he asked, trying to think about it. Had they ever had an actual "date"?This kinda just happened. "I say a walk. Would be nice to be out for awhile." he whispered. Nathan fidgeted under the blankets, trying to think about anything before his cheeks were held. Calming down before sitting up, his eyes soft as kissed the man's forehead.

Yawning he rubbed his eyes and began to slip out from the bed, the teddy more-less transparent through from the morning light shining through the window. Brushing his hair back the boy excused himself as he left to get dress. All of his clothes had been moved into his old bedroom.

Returning moments later in black jeans, a graphic tee, and his shoes slipped on. Looking to his lover he smiled softly "I'll make us breakfast soon. . . um. . . do you need want anything specific?"

Nathan moved back, careful as not to fall back. His attention returned to the man the young man smiled back, yelping softly as he felt lubed fingers push into him. Moaning he couldn't help but move his hips as the fingers moved into him. Being moved close the boy looked down, moaning as he felt the member slip into him. Panting softly wrapped his arms around the man's neck, his eyes locking on his lover's eyes as he began to slowly move close to kiss his lover back. Closing his eyes he took his time kissing his lover tenderly as his fingers ran through the man's hair.
Tony smiles and relaxes again, it was slow, but Nathan was coming back to him, he hoped they didn't have more trouble. He looks over as he gets up and smirks slightly at the view he was granted, his boy was quite sexy and he wasn't even trying. He sits up and stretches as Nat goes to get dressed, he was about to get out of bed when he returned. "That was quick... Umm... No, nothing specific... Whatever you make will be fine... But get a our water bottles ready... Can't go on a walk without them... I'll be down shortly..." So as not to embarrass him, Tony waited for him to leave before getting out of bed to dress. He heads into the bathroom to get himself cleaned up.

Once cleaned and dressed, he went downstairs and headed to the kitchen, he stood in the doorway for a time. He watched him as he worked, not making himself known yet, he was humming something and almost dancing around the kitchen.

Tony pulls back from their kiss slowly, panting lightly "Nnn... You're so warm... So soft..." He nuzzles into his neck and chest as he starts to roll his hips, slowly, he too wanted this to last for a while. He simply wanted to feel and enjoy his younger lover to the fullest, let them ride out their passions slowly and take their time. "Say you love me... I want to hear it again baby..." He pulls him closer gently, causing his cock to start rubbing against his stomach as they moved.
Nat agreed and left to downstairs. Getting the kitchen ready the young man began to work on their breakfast. Their water bottles were in the fridge, cooling, and the boy busy humming to himself as he cooked. He seemed to be done and when he turned to set the table he paused for a moment. How long had Tony been standing there? Blushing brightly the young man greeted his lover as he set up the table.

Once breakfast was finished the boy cleaned up and was more than happy to get to their walk. Nathan followed Tony, this time. Ot holding his hand or sticking too close, he didn't want them to seem weird. Looking over to Tony the boy offered a sweet smile. A few of their neighbors greeted them well others.

Ending up in their small downtown market place, the boy looked around before finding the shop he had been buying his new under clothes from. He went in without a problem and looked around, the young woman greeting them. She was nice enough to allow the boy in there even through he was a bit young.

Moaning softly the young lover moved with Tony, his fingers running through the man's hair as he rode him. Being pulled close the boy gasped before kissing his lover, Blushing slightly before cupping the man's cheek "I love you Tony. I love you so much." He whispered, peppering the man's face with kisses. "Nnn. . . You feel so good in me."
Tony smiles at him "Do you do that every morning... While I'm getting ready..." He walks closer and kisses his cheek softly before sitting down to eat, he smiles again. "So, where should we go walking..."

As they walked, they made small talk, he slowed so Nat was walking beside him instead of behind. When they reached the market, Tony was looking around when Nat headed into the shop, he turned to see him heading inside. He glanced at the store front and smirks before heading inside as well, he glances around. He then walks up behind Nat and discreetly runs his fingers up his arm. "So... This is where you've been getting your little... Outfits..." He whispers softly.

"Mmm... I love you too baby..." He moans softly and lightly bites at his shoulder, then licks the spot and kisses along his neck. He kept things slow, no matter how much he wanted to speed up, he was going to take his time. He pulls back from his neck and cups his face again, kissing him deeply again.
With a bright red face the boy looked away, his face hot as he felt the cool lips of his lover on his cheek. "Uh. . . yeah." he muttered softly. Walking over he took a seat and looked over to the man "Huh? Oh. . . hows about we go downtown? Its always nice in the morning and that way we could look around for a restaurant in case the one you want to go to is filled up."

The teen had stopped in front of a some clothes that came in. They were cute and clearly he was checking a few of them out. Gasping softly as he felt the soft touch the boy turned and faced Tony. Nodding he rubbed his arm "Y-yeah. . ." he whispered back. Looking over his shoulder he bit his bottom, his hands holding onto a nice, pale green, silk teddy. Looking back to Tony he bit his bottom lip nervously "I . . . do you wanna see me model this one?" he asked softly.

Grabbing the teddy he went to the changing room before coming out, biting his knuckle the boy looked down shyly "S-so? Hows it look? Is. . . is there anything else you wanna see me in?

Panting softly the young man gasped feeling the soft bit and lick. "Oh Tony. . ." he moaned softly. Leaning back as Tony did, the young man smiled softly before leaning close and kissing his lover back. The passion grew between them and Nathan was the one who began to speed them up slightly.
Tony looks at him, at the garment in his hand and smiles softly, but before he could give an answer, he was already heading to the changing room. He follows and waits for him to come out, then he has to bite his own lip as he steps out. "Nnn... You look amazing Nat..." He said softly, seeing as they were alone, he looks him over and almost missed his question, then looks up. "Other then nothing..." He smiles as his blush and steps back "Let me have a look... I'll be right back..."

Back in the main room, he starts to look around when a display catches his eye, he walks over and picks up two pieces. He then heads back to the dressing room and hands over the first then the second. "Here... Slip those on for me..."

Tony gasps slightly as Nat speeds up and moans into their kiss, one hand slips to his hip to help guide him. "Nnn... So good baby..." He places open mouth kisses along his jaw, then licks and nips along his neck, his hips bucking up slightly harder. "Mmm... I know you want slow baby..." He starts to kiss over his chest, nipping his nipple "Mmm... But don't hold back if you want more..." He'd continue with slow and steady if that's what Nat wanted, he was letting him run the show this time and if he wanted slow, that's what he'd get.
Smiling shyly the boy nod "Yeah. I kinda need something to model you know." he smiled. Nathan watched as Tony went off to grab a few things. Brushing his hair back he leaned back against the post of the dressing room, perking up when he saw Tony. Smiling he took the two pieces and left to change into them. Coming out in the first choice, the outfit contrasting nicely with his pale skin. Rubbing his neck the boy took a step closer to his lover, reaching out and pulling the man's hands out to hold his hips. "Hows it look on me? Too short?"

Blushing as he was kissed the young man steadied himself as felt his lover buck into him. With a soft moan as his nipples were toyed with, the young man looked down at Tony. Reaching up he cupped the man's cheek, drawing him into another long and deep kiss as he made them pause for a moment. "I really do love you." he whispered. He began to speed up slowly, his cock rubbing up against Tony's stomach "Nnn. . ."
Tony had stepped back to wait for Nat to change, he had been about to sit down when the boy came out. He couldn't help but stare, he was beautiful, the light blue played nice with his skin. He didn't even notice him move closer until his hand were placed on his hips, and he shook slightly, he looks at him slowly. "You look..." He licks his suddenly dry lips and slowly runs his hands up to the edge of top, he takes a deep breath. "Let's just say... I never want to see you out of it..." He lightly runs his fingers over his sides, wanting to hear him giggle, then he gently tips his chin up. "Please... Let me kiss you..." If it weren't for the fact they were in a shop, and Nathan was still upset with him, Tony would have taken him right there. They were still in the dressing area, which meant no cameras and they'd hear the saleswoman coming.

Tony smiles and gladly returns the kiss, running his hands up his back slowly as they still a moment. He then closes his eyes and moans as Nat starts up again, going a bit faster this time. He holds him as he move, following his pace and kissing over his shoulder slowly, not wanting to pull apart, he could feel the mans cock rubbing against his stomach.
Brushing his hair back the young man smiled slightly as Tony seemed to be lost for words. Gasping softly as he felt the warm finger tips against his chest, the boy blushed brightly, rubbing his neck as his lover suddenly tickled him. With a soft giggle the teen twisted slightly, pausing when his chin was tipped up. His eyes went wide for a second, it had been such a long time since Tony had to ask for permission, "Uh Y-yes. . . you can kiss me Tony." he said softly. Leaning up he kissed Tony tenderly, his body pressing against Tony's. The fabric felt nice against his body, the young man moaning softly.

Drawing away the boy swallowed hard "Was that okay? Heh. . . Uh, should I try the other one on or do you want me to be in this one for a little longer?"

Moaning loudly the young man tilted his head back, his insides tightening around the cock as he speed up. It felt wonderful to be back in their bed. In their home. "Nnn. . . T-tony!"
Tony smiles and kisses him back, licking his lip slightly before he pulled away, he ran his fingers over it slowly. "Mmm... You can try it on... But you'll definitely be getting this one at least..." He steps back again and looks him over "But save it... You wear this when you're ready for me again... And only when you're ready..." He cups his cheek and leans down to kiss his other softly "I love you..." He pulls back and moves to take his seat "Is it just that one? Or did you get some more?" He smiles softly.

Tony hold him close and moans, "Nnn... I know baby..." He could feel him moving faster, tightening on him as he drew closer. "T-Together..." He snakes one hand around his back and the other up into his hair, he matched his pace and groans.
With a soft moan escaping his lips as Tony pulled back, the boy blushing slightly as he looked down at himself. He thought it looked nice, it was comfortable and clearly Tony loved it. Smiling he nod, returning to himself for a moment before he looked back to the other outfit. Kissing Tony's cheek he nod, "I love you too. . . I have the purple to try on." he said softly. Without thinking he began to strip in front of the man. It wasn't to seduce him nor tease/torture him. Nathan had began to undress in front of Tony without it leading to anything. Nathan slipped on the next outfit, checking it out on the mirror before turning to his lover.

"Heh, I like this one." he smiled turning to Tony, now on his tippy toes, standing in a ballerina toes. "Its not too dark for me, is it?"

Panting the man looked down to Tony, smiling as the man began to match his speed Nathan kissed his lover tenderly before deepening it into a passionate kiss. It didn't take long for the young man to come. His body melting in his lover's arms.
Tony smiles at him "Alright... Let's see it..." He was expecting him to return behind the curtain and change, but was pleasantly surprised when he changed before him. He stays quiet and watches until he turns to him, he looks the outfit over and smirks, shaking his head. "It's not too dark love... It looks good on you... We're there any more you wished to try on?" His young love was such a beautiful boy, watching him was making him feel so much better, he couldn't wait to hold him again, prove his love again.

Tony soon shudders, feeling Nat's release coat his stomach and the man slowly turns to mush in his arms. "Nnn..." He thrusts a few more times before emptying into him as well, then just holding him as they both pant and calm down, slowly rubbing his back and kissing his shoulder.
Smiling softly the boy brushed his hair back before he took the man's hand and pulled him a bit closer, kissing him softly on the cheek before pulling away. "No, I think I'm ready to check out." he said softly. Going behind the curtain he changed out of his outfit and back into his regular clothing. Returning he had two outfits: the one Tony seemed to just love, and the green silk teddy.

The woman changed them and put the things into a black bag. Once all was done she wished them a good day and Nathan lead them out the door. It wasn't long until he ended up buying a few things they needed. Once everything was done and their bottle were empty, noted the time and suggested they returned home. He wanted to spend awhile just being alone with his lover before they went out to dinner.

"Tony," he began as he returned from upstairs "Should I stay dress like this or get dressed up?"

Smiling softly the young man pulled the covers over them as he peppered the man's neck and kisses.

"We should take the dogs for a walk later. . . maybe stop at the cafe for lunch. How does that sound?"
He smiles softly as Nat pulls him closer and kisses his cheek, very glad that he was feeling comfortable again. "Then let's head out..." He waits for him to change, then follows him to the cash, he waits by the entrance for him. They then walk around the market for a bit, buying a few more items before heading home.

He looks up from his tea as Nat enters the room, having heard him coming down the stairs. "Hmm... That should be fine... It's no place super fancy... Would you like a cup? We still have a bit before we have to leave..." He smiles and moves to stand and make him one.

Tony relaxes but doesn't let Nat move very far from his arms, barely allowing him to cover them up. "Mmm... Sounds wonderful... But right now I just want you close..." He cups his cheek again and leans in for another kiss.
"Ah, thats good to hear." he smiled warmly before walking over and nodding "Sure, that sounds wonderful." he replied. Taking the cup once it was ready, Nathan drank it up and could only smile warmly as he sat on the counter. Looking back to the man the teen smiled shyly "This tastes really good." he said softly.

Once it was time to go the teen got ready and held his lover's hand when they got out. Pausing he turned to his lover "Are we going to walk or take your car?"

Laughing softly the young man grinned, leaning down as he pressed his forehead against Tony's "You just want me close?" he questioned softly before nuzzling close to his lover. Kissing Tony softly the young man closed his eyes, sighing happily as he rested on the man's chest. "Nnn. . . you're so warm."
Tony hands him his cup and smiles, sitting to take finish his own "Thank you... Tea always helps me calm down..." He takes his time and finished shortly before they had to leave, setting his cup in the sink to wash later. He takes his hand and smiles at him, giving it a light squeeze before leading his to his car. "The car... It's a fair walk away... Best to drive..." He smiles and let's him go to get in.

He smiles and runs his fingers over his back "Mmm... And you're so sweet..." He leans down and kisses his forehead "I just missed this... And I want to enjoy it before it has to end again..." He tips his chin up "But not for a long break again... I don't want to lose you again..." He kisses him softly before he can respond.
Nodding the boy got into the car and laid back as his lover drove them down to the restaurant. Once there the two were lead near the back of the restaurant, being seated in a booth. Nathan sat a bit away from Tony as he looked over the menu. Once their orders were in, Nathan looked over to Tony, swallowing hard before he spoke up softly "I don't know much about you. . . where did you live before? Have you always been in this city? When is your birthday?"

Dinner went well and Nathan wasn't as nervous as he thought he would have been. This was their first "official" date. "Mmm, this is great. Hey, do you think we'd be able to come back sometime? Its kinda nice to go out."

Frowning a little the young man laid his head down and held to his lover. "I'm sorry we have to hide this. . . babe. . . I want to tell them . . . as soon as possible." he said softly. When the man tipped his chin back up the boy was about to speak when he was kissed. Closing his eyes the man kissed back.

Smiling the dirty blond kissed Tony's nose playfully.

Rubbing his fingers against the man's forearm, Nathan closed his eyes as he listened to his lover's heart. "Tony, I want to celebrate my birthday this year. . . actually celebrate it. No trying to skip it this year." he said softly, looking up to the man as he reached up and held his lover's cheek "Would that be okay this year?"
Tony was taking a drink when Nat spoke, he looks at him and smiles softly "I guess I have been a little lax on my details... I'm sorry... Hmm.." He thought a moment "Well... The answer is no... I haven't always been here... I used to live in a small tow a few hours from here... I came to the city for school, then stayed to find work... My parents were around until I finished school... Before dad passed, then mom followed him shortly after... So I found a home here... My Birthday... Is August 18th..." He takes another drink and relaxes "Ask me anything... If I believe I can answer... I will..." He paused as their food arrived, he thanks the waiter and smiles at Nathan as he's eating "Told you you'd like it... And sure... I don't see why we can't do this again..." He starts to eat his own food.

He slowly broke their kiss and rubs his cheek softly "Shh... Relax love... It will come out soon... And we'll always be together..." He kisses him softly again before his nose was kissed, he chuckles softly, then looks at him, surprised. "Of course we can celebrate your birthday... The only reason I stopped trying... Was because I didn't want to hurt you..." He pulls him closer and kisses his neck "We'll have a big party... Really celebrate..." He smiles and kisses him again, quite happy.
Nathan listened closely, wanting to know more about his lover and his past. "Anything? Okay. . . could we visit your old home? And do you remember the first person you kissed?" he asked casually. Smiling brightly the young man was happy to know that they would be doing more couple type of things other than staying home all the time. Under the table he reached over and held the man's hand if it was there. He brushed his hair back and focused on his meal.

Swallowing hard he looked shyly to his lover, happy to see him so happy about doing something they had never done. Laughing softly as his neck was kissed the young man smiled and kisses back, wrapping his arms around the man's neck as he pulled their bodies close. "I'm glad. . . mmm. . ." he nuzzled his lover's neck. No more having to become sad around his birthday or making Tony tone down the celebrations. Even limiting what they could do on his birthday as in cakes or presents. Normally Nathan just allowed a cupcake. But, maybe this year they could have a birthday cake and actually feel happy on that day.

After awhile the young man slipped from his lovers grip and got a hot shower ready for them. Once done with that Nathan got dressed in some clothes and waited for Tony downstairs.
Tony was eating again when he felt Nat try and slip his hands into his, he smiles and gently squeezes back. He held his hand as long as Nat allowed, softly rubbing the back of his hand with his thumb. He glances at him "If it's still there... It has been several years... But I don't see why we can't go look..." Then his face went a little red and he looked down to his food again, he chuckles softly "My first kiss... Well... That was rather awkward..." He looks at him, smiling a bit "I was 15... Not sure who I really was yet... But there was this girl I thought I liked... So we were alone one day after school, clean up duty... Now she was very much a Tom-boy... Thinking on it after I guess that was why I liked her..." He smirks slightly at Nathan. "We were cleaning and didn't notice how close we were... She tripped and took me with her to the floor... Me on my back and her in top... I took my chance and kissed her..." He looks back to his food "She kissed me back after a moment, then we both just stopped and looked at each other... And we both said it felt wrong..." He takes another sip of wine "Turns out we were both trying to be 'normal' with each other... We were both kissing the wrong sex..." He smiles at him.

Tony watches him until he slips from the bed to start their shower, he soon follows and slips in behind him. "Mmm... The courts should be finished before your birthday... Shall we tell them before or after that..." He takes the soap and cloth from him and starts to wash him off, knowing he wouldn't be in too long. He helps him rinse and pulls him close again for another kiss "I'll do anything I have to... To keep you happy my love... To keep you safe..." He smiles "You are the most important part of my life..."
It was nice to hold his hand again, and Nathan couldn't help but smile to himself as he thought about them together again. "With a girl? Wow, I didn't even have mine until our camping trip." he muttered softly. Blushing slightly the boy looked up to Tony. Normal. There was that word again and one that Nathan truthfully wished he could be again. But as he looked around around to make sure no one was watching the boy leaned over and kissed the man's cheek. "I'm glad you kissed her then, you might have tried to stay normal if it wasn't here."

After dinner they returned home. The boy went to his room and changed before going into their bedroom. "Hun," Nathan called out softly as he went under the bed sheets. Once Tony was in bed the boy hugged the man and laid his head on Tony's chest.

"Mmm. Night."

During the night the boy had an "accident", the first one in many months since they began this relationship. "Ah. . . m-more please." Nathan moaned in his sleep, pawing at himself.

"Lets tell them before. I don't think I'd want to wait any longer." he smiled. Kissing back the boy closed his eyes for a moment, happy to be in his lover's arms. "And you're the most important part of my life. . ."

Dressed and dried the boy got the dogs ready and waited for Tony in the bedroom before helping him dress and began their walk. Walking around Nathan stopped at Amy's old house. No one had moved in and thus it was still for sale. It had been little over than a few years since she was sent to prison for what she did to a few boys on the block, including Nat.

"Hey, how are the others doing? The last time I saw them was last year I think." Nathan asked as he refereed to the other boys. Coming up onto the shop he smiled warmly "How about lunch? my treat."
Tony smiles slightly "Being 'Normal' is just a label that society thought up... I was trying to be their normal... Not my own..." He smiles again "My parents supported me... And that was a lot to ask back than... But I'm glad I kissed her too... It helped me finally be me..." He squeezes his hand lightly after his kiss and starts to finish eating. They made more small talk and had a few more questions before they headed out and towards home.

Tony heads to their room and heads to the bathroom to brush his teeth and change, getting into bed in his boxers. He gently pulls the boy closer and relaxes as he starts to fall asleep too. "Night love..."

Some time later Tony was woken from his sleep, Nat was moaning softly and mumbling something. He slowly opens his eyes and looks down beside him, and he was soon wide awake, watching him. "Nat? Baby are you ok..." He shifts slightly, trying not to jar him, then pulls the covers back.

As they walk the dogs, they come upon Amy's old house, he intended to pass it by like always, but stopped when Nat did. He hated that woman, not only had she taken those boys, but almost cost him Nathan. He looks at him and pulls him a bit closer, he kisses his cheek "I assume they are well... I haven't heard from them since last you met with them... I've been a bit busy with another patient... Remember..." He smirks slightly and nibbles his neck slightly before stepping back.
"Mmm. . . ah. . ." Nathan moaned softly, his head above his head and moaning softly. His shorts had begun to be wiggled off, exposing his hips bones and the bulge fighting his underwear. "T-tony. . . Tony . . ." he muttered under his breath, his hands now moving down and pawing at the shirt. He was breathing heavily and his legs kicking slightly as he struggled to get out of his shorts well in his dreaming state. "H-harder. . ."

Chuckling the boy brushed his lover away and smiled softly "Heh. . . I forget." he smiled. Looking back to the house he shivered before grabbing the man's hand and leading them away from the hell hole. Nathan could still remember how groggy he felt as he walked down those steep steps and how it felt like years well he walked back to his house. If it wasn't for Tony coming out, Nathan might have been somewhere else by now. Maybe even dead.

Reaching the shops the young man sighed happily. He had missed this place. "Hey Tony, we'll get to stay until Sunday, maybe? I kinda just want to be here for awhile. I miss being home with you."
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