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The Therapist [Ladydark/SWN1994]

Nathan smiled as his head was kissed, feeling more than happy before he felt the hand on his back and being drawn closer. Blushing he smiled slightly and pressed against his lover. Tony felt wonderful and for a moment he thought he would melt in the others arms. Suddenly they stopped and Tony was smiling as he pulled away. Biting his lip he shook his head "No, it wasn't that hard. " Nathan smiled warmly as he offered a kiss back.

Being lead away the young man looked over the food items before pointing to a bacon hotdog and a chocolate shake. "Those please,"

"She's darling! Is this your daughter? " the woman asked as she noticed the two. Nathan clamped his mouth shut, too scared to confirm anything. "Uh... Tony?" Nathan asked shyly."

The old dog huffed before licking the the man's face again and then went to Nat to do the same. Standing up he laughed softly before being pulled into a kiss. Smiling he kissed back. When Tony made his last comment the boy perked a brow, confused before it dawn on him and caused his face to turn a bright red. With a shy smile he nod and held the man's hand. "I'd like that."
Tony was in the middle of buying their food when he heard the woman's voice, he smiles and stands from bending over. As much as he'd love to call "her" his date, he still looked too young, he smiles "No... She's my niece, Natalie... She's a bit shy... Say hello sweetheart..." He rubs his back softly before paying for their orders "I grew up around here and was showing her around... Wanted to see where I grew up..."

"Good... Now let's get home... I was promised some fun..." He smirks and chuckles before leaching the dogs again and heading out of the park.
Nathan stiffened up but relax slightly as he felt his lover rub his back. Brushing his hair to the side the boy nod "H-hello." he whispered, his voice soft. The woman cooed over him and smiled brightly "You did? Wow! How do you like it so far? I think we've changed a bit since you've last been here." she smiled. Nathan looked over to Tony and offered to take some of their food before the woman began to speak again. She said they were going to have a party again tommrow and if they were staying they should come by.

". . .and with how pretty your niece is, she could even be in the show we throw. I'm sure she'd win."

"S-show? Uh. . . I don't think we'd have enough time, right uncle Tony?" Nathan asked softly. Stepping closer to his lover he smiled a bit, happy to know that he was pulling it off. Brushing his hair back the boy looked up to Tony "Its fine if e do, I just didn't make that much is all. So I might have to borrow some of your clothes." he giggled. The woman spoke with them for a few more minutes before walking off. Nathan took a seat on the bench and patted beside him.

The music started up again and as Nathan stood up to throw away his trash another young man approached him. They were about the same age and the other clearly part of the football time as he had a very well build. "Hello. May I ask for a dance?"

"Um. . ." Nathan turned bright red, looking away shyly before turning to Tony again. He didn't want to dance, but at the same time he wasn't sure if it would look weird for a 'girl' not want to dance with a pretty cute guy. "I don't know. . .Um, uncle Tony? What time did we have to be back at the motel?"

The walk home was fun and a few times Nathan was rushed forward by Onyx who began to become playful. Boo followed in suit and the boy simply grinned as he teased the man a bit with how he ran. Once home the boy let the dogs go off in the house, the two of them going up to Nathan's old bedroom as the boy wiped his forehead "Haha, that was fun." he smiled turning to Tony. Walking over he grinned slightly as he held the man close "So, had fun today?"
Tony smiles again "It has changed quite a bit... But it has been many years..." He chuckles and talks with the lady, soon handing Nat his own food as they were about to eat. He looks at the woman again "A show? What kind of show?" He glances at Nat again and softly rubs his back again to help him relax, he gets the info and they go to eat. Once they were finally eating, Tony was about to lean closer when a voice interrupted them again, he looks up to see the jock. He then looks to Nat and sees how nervous he was, he smiles softly and steps up. "I'm sorry... But we have to get going actually... As soon as we're done eating, we have another place to get to before they close... Thank you for the offer, my niece can be rather shy..."

Tony smiles as they walk home, watching him, he couldn't wait until they were together forever and he could give his love everything he ever wanted. Once home he lets Nat hold him close and lightly holds his hips back, smiling at him. "Of course I did... But now I'd like a different kind of fun..." He leans down and kisses him softly, but slowly deepens it until their tongues are twisting together with a hunger. He pulls back from the kiss, panting softly, he cups one cheek as his other moves to tease him through his jeans. "Tell me to touch you..." His other hand moves to working his own shirt open.
The jock looked a bit hurt but agreed and left the two. Taking in a deep breath the young blonde thanked Tony before throwing away his trash and taking the man's hand. After they were done in the small town and back in their motel room of the night, Nathan stripped off his outfit before slipping into one of Tony's shirts, which he had long ago now claimed as his own, and pulled on some shorts before climbing onto one of the two beds. They had to get the room with two beds, or else it may seemed a bit too strange for a uncle and a kid to be sharing a bed together.

It was around midnight when Nathan woke up. He was cuddled into Tony's chest, the A/C on full blast and making the room cold. Shivering he shook his head before slipping out of his lover's arms and grabbed the blanket from the next bed and putting it on their bed. Slipping back in he looked up to Tony, his hand moving up slowly and brushing against the man's cheek. Sighing softly he closed his eyes, falling back to sleep as they were warmed back up.

That morning Nathan dressed in his regular clothes, although to the town folk it might just look like the girl was dressing in boy clothes. "We get to see your old house today, right?"

Moaning softly the young man blushed brightly and nod "P-please touch me Tony. . . I want you to make me feel good." he whispered softly as he leaned up and kissed back, his mouth widening a bit as he slipped his tongue into the man's mouth. Moaning he pulled them to the couch.
Once back at the hotel, Tony watches as the boy strips and slips into one of his old shirts. He soon removes his own clothes to his boxers and crawls in with him, he pulls him as close as the boy will allow and smiles. "Night love... Sleep well..." He holds him gently and kisses his cheek softly before relaxing and holding him close. He didn't mind the colder air so he was still asleep when Nat woke up to warm up. He shifted closer when he returned and wrapped an arm around him before relaxing him again.

Tony woke the next morning in time to watch Nathan change, he smiles at him softly and stands to get his own clothes. "Yes baby... We get to see my childhood home... If it's still there..." He pulls him close gently and tips his chin up, he leans down and kisses him softly and deeply. "Mmm... I wanted to do that yesterday... But I couldn't... So you'll get them early ok...

Tony moans softly into their kiss and follows Nat to the couch, he gently pushes the young man down onto it. "As you wish... Love..." He finishes working his own shirt off and tosses it aside, not caring where it landed. He then crouches down and starts to work on removing Nat's clothes, lightly pushing his hands away if he tried to help. "Just relax lover..." He softly kisses every bit of skin he uncovers, then teases his nipples with his tongue until he can feel him twitch through his jeans. "So egar... Shall I touch here next baby..." He looks at him and teases his finger over him, not moving to touch the zipper, and keeping his hands at bay. "You're shivering..." He grins "I bet you'd like my soft tongue to warm you up..." He starts to slowly pull the fly down, a few teeth at a time.
Being suddenly kissed the boy moaned softly as he grabbed onto the man, yearning for more before he pulled away to stare up at his lover. Blushing the boy simply nod before kissing the man deeply, his body pressed up against the other's body as he stared up at the man "We should check out after we come back." he said softly. Once everything was packed and they were ready the boy left to the car and was more than excited to see where the house would be.

"Tony, maybe when we return home, we could. . erm . . do stuff. . . heh." the boy twilled his thumbs as he looked over to the older man, his face a bright cherry red as he tried make this as not awkward as possible. "I-I promise I'm not doing it just to make you happy. . . I . . . I just. . . mnnmnn . . ."

Biting his lip the young man looked over the man's body, his eyes soaking up the sight before he shivered from his clothes being lifted away slowly or how he wasn't allowed to help to take off his own clothes. "Nnn, meany." he pouted playfully. Moaning and groaning the man tilted his head back, his fingers digging into the cushions and legs becoming wobbly.

"P-please T-t-Tony!" he whimpered out quickly. With a quivering breath he nod as he hunched over slightly "Please. . ." he whimpered out again. Watching as Tony began to pull down his zipper, slowly and cruelly, the young man panted softly as his legs spread. Closing his eyes the boy controlled himself, knowing Tony enjoyed this very much. "W-when can I touch you?"
Tony moans softly into the kiss and holds him gently, he looks at him after "We can check out now... Just keep our stuff in the car..." He cups his cheek and had been slightly surprised at the second kiss. He listens to his request before they leave and smiles, he leans down to kiss him softly, working his tongue to slowly play with his. He rests against his forehead, panting softly. "Can you truly wait that long... Or do I need to help you a little now..." He could feel in the way the boy clung to him and through his kiss, that he was quite worked up. He tips his chin up to look at him and smiles "Then we can go to my old home..." He trails his hand down to his crotch.

Tony grins and continues to pulls the zipper down, then starts to pull his pants off, again slowly. "Mmm... Soon my love... Just relax..." He grins and looks at the tent in his boxers once his pants are off, he reaches out and grips him through the fabric, stroking slightly. "Do you want to cum baby... Do you want me to make you pop..." He teases his head and leans down to gently nip him through the fabric.
"Um, okay. Good think we didn't pack too much." Nathan commented. Nathan was surprised when he felt the tongue slipping it's way into his mouth, moaning softly he arched his back, shaking slightly as he pulled the man closer. Panting as well he closed his eyes and shivered, the taste still rich in his mouth "Huh?" The boy was startled by the question, his wide eyes looking up to the man as he leaned back slightly. "I-I'll be fine for now. I rather wait till we get home is all," he whispered softly, grabbing into the man's shirt as he felt the hand now only inches away from his crotch. "Mmm. . . I-I can wait. . . I promise I can." he whispered, speaking more to himself as his hips began to slightly move up. Trying to make Tony touch him more.

The boy packed the bag into the car and got in, legs cross as he tried to control him. Looking over to the man he blushed slightly "How far is your old house?"

"H-how can I relax when you tease me like this? Fuck." Nathan tilted his head back. With a full hard on the young man couldn't help but gasp as he felt the cool air now tease him as well. Panting he feel his eyes rolling back slightly "Y-yes. . . please hun. Please." he beg softly. Closing his eyes the young man gripped harder onto the cushion. Moaning he slowly reached up and gently caressed the man's cheek.
Tony stops and pulls his hand away slowly, obeying his voice, even though he knew his body wanted more. "Alright love... At home..." He kisses him softly once more and let's him go to pack the car, he calls to the front to check them out. Tony gets in the car a few minutes later, having paid and thanked the hotel, he looks to Nat, he was clearly still excited. "It's not far... Maybe half an hour...." He starts the car up and reaches over to take his hand, rubbing it softly, trying to help him relax.

A little while later, Tony stops the car near a small cottage house that had seen better days. "Wow... I don't remember it being that small..." He gets out slowly and walks up to the little fence, the gate laying on the ground a few feet away. "I guess no one lives here anymore..." He turns back to the car "Come on... I'm not sure we should go in... But we can look around..."

Tony smirks and continues to stroke him that way, but pulls back to look at him again, leaning into his hand. "You're so beautiful love..." He slips his head free, continuing to stroke him with his boxers, he leans closer again. "No holding back now... Give me your all..." He slowly takes his head into his mouth, flicking, twisting and licking it quickly with his tongue. His hand continues to stroke, keeping it slow while his tongue speeds up, his other arm was gently holding his hips down.
The young man held to Tony's hand most of the ride to the house. He was excited and once they made it there the boy stood in the car but got out once he was told it was okay. Running over he nod as he took the man's hand "Okay, hmm. . . maybe you could tell me some stories about it. It looks really nice, I use to want to live in a place like this when I was younger."

One way another Nathan ended getting into the house without having to break anything or damage the old home. He opened the back door for Tony before looking around "Its so small in here. How long did you live here for?"

Moaning as he felt the head slip into his lover's mouth the boy shook with pleasure before he looked down at the man "M-more please," he whispered shyly. The man was doing all he could to drive Nathan crazy. Closing his eyes he spread his legs wider as he began to reach down to try to finger himself.
He sighs and shakes his head as Nat works his way inside the house, then follows him in. He was lost in memories long forgotten, he smiles "Until I was 18... Mom and dad were a bit older when they had me... So we didn't do as much 'family outings' as others did..." He made his way to the back of the house and into the larger of the two small rooms, it was empty like the rest of the house, but he saw how it once was. "We had a lot of breakfasts in this room... Me and dad making for mom... I used to be afraid of thunder... And I'd be in here for every storm..." He walks over to the closet and opens the door, he takes a breath "Wow... I still smell her perfume... They must have left the house after..." He looks down and picks up a small silk scarf, running it through his fingers. "I must have missed this... I wondered where it went..." He turns to Nat "It was her favourite... I thought I lost it in the clean out..." He walks to him and kisses him softly, cupping his cheek "Thank you... I never would have found it... If you hadn't asked to come here..."

Tony held back his smirk as Nat's little plea, he didn't change what he was doing to his cock, but he did push his hand away. He then looks at Nat, not stopping, he lifts his hand to Nat's mouth, then having him lick and suck a few fingers. After a few minutes of that, he moves his boxers aside and starts to work his fingers in slowly. He works them at a steady rhythm, not matching his other hand and his mouth, he watches him. He then twists his hand and easily finds his weak spot, he thrusts his fingers over it quickly, still stroking and sucking softly.
Nathan smiled seeing how Tony seemed to be a bit happy to return to his childhood home. Walking around he noticed how the yellows had began to peel back the wallpapers, or how he noticed the windows began to crack. There was some signs of other coming in due to the beer cans in the corner of the room or the graffiti that had been in sprayed a room back. Rubbing his neck he found a clean part of the wall as he leaned against it before he noticed the man picking up something. Walking over slowly he paused when he began to speak. Smiling warmly he nod "I'm glad you found something. " he said softly as he reached up and hugged the man firmly.

The boy did explore the house a bit more and didn't find anything himself. It was nice to know where his lover came from and he was glad he did ask to come here.

Once back on the road and returning home the boy helped unpack their stuff before going off to the bathroom to change. Taking in a deep breath he could feel his body shake both from excitement and nervousness before he came out in the lingerie that had driven Tony a few days ago before they went out on their small trip.

"H-hun." he called out shyly, sitting on the bed.

Moaning loudly the boy shook before he opened his mouth to take the fingers. Sucking tenderly his tongue did most of the work and twisted around the fingers. When they drew back the young man pouted, but began to pant as he felt those fingers enter him. Whimpering he arched his back, his hips being held down from jerking up as he felt his sweet spot being repeatedly hit. Grabbing his own hair the boy panted heavily, moaning and feeling as though he would go insane any moment.
Tony smiles and returns the hug, then continues to explore around the house, telling him a few more small stories. He didn't find anything else, but held his mothers scarf close, glad to have a piece of her back.

Tony had mostly forgot that Nat wanted to have some fun together by the time they got home. He went about unpacking his clothes and was in the bathroom getting ready for bed when Nat called him. "Just a minute..." He finished with his teeth and stepped into the bedroom "You cal..." He blinks and stares at him, then swallows hard, Nat was on the bed, dressed in the outfit that drive him wild before. "So you really meant it..." He said softly, he smiles and moves closer, looking him over slowly "You look... Nnn..." He was already getting hard, he makes it to the bed and starts to slowly crawl to him. He starts at his feet and starts to kiss up his leg, he kisses his hip and to his belly, nipping slightly. He makes it to his nipples and licks them through the fabric, gently pinching the other. "Tell me what you what you want love... How you want it..." He kissed him softly, then moves to licking at his neck as he lightly lays over him, as hand slowly rubbing over his cock.

Tony didn't let up, he keep the same pace, waiting for him to pop. He started to move his tongue along his slit slowly, circling his tip as he continued to suck gently. His other hand was slowly speeding up again, thrusting a bit harder into him and starting to twist slightly, still teasing his sweet spot.
Nodding the boy blushed brightly "O-of course. I wasn't joking." he replied softly. Stretching his legs out and leaning on his arms a bit the young man smiled sweetly "I'll take that as I look good." he chuckled softly. As the man crawled over him the boy laid back slowly, gasping softly as he felt the kisses raise from his foot up to his hips and belly. Moaning he tilted his head back and smiled warmly. Gasping the young man opened his eyes as he looked up to find Tony above him now. Kissing back he laid back before he felt the soft hand against his cock "Nnn. . . I want you. . . I want you in anyway. Just, make me cum. Please." he whispered softly as he reached over and pulled the man closer "I love you Tony. . . I love you so much." he whispered softly as he captured the man's lips in his own.

"N-no Tony!"Nathan whimpered as he felt the tongue slip against his slit and just as Tony wanted, the young man popped. Shuttering the young man whimpered with pleasure as he laid back ". . . Ah . . . ah. . ." he begun to breath softly as he felt himself growing weak "Mmm. . . why do you like doing that?"
"Nnn..." He kisses back and nips his lip softly as he pulls back "Mmm... You look amazing... But you knew that..." He rubs his cock slowly through the cloth "And I will make you cum baby boy... And not just once..." He looks down to see him getting hard and peaking through his panties, he smirks. "And I love you too Nat... You mean everything to me..." He leans down and kisses his tip, licking a few times before going back to rubbing. "I plan on taking my time love... Making sure you're more than satisfied..." He lays next to him and continues to tease him through his panties, rubbing his thumb over his exposed tip slowly. "Now just look at me baby..." He keeps it up and watches him, slowly speeding up, he smiles.

Tony stills and swallows quickly, then slowly cleans him off and pulls back, gently removing his fingers. "Mmm..." He relaxes and looks at him, he moves closer to kiss him softly. "Why do I like doing what... Pleasuring my love... Watching him loose himself to the feelings I've giving him... Hearing his cry as he finishes, letting me know I did a good job..." He kisses along his jaw softly and smirks "Now... Why would I love doing that..." He grins and pulls him closer, cupping his cheek, then kisses him softly and slowly.
Swallowing hard the boy could feel his cock slipping from the panties as Tony toyed with him. As Tony disclosed his plan the boy felt some regret for two reasons: 1) Tony would probably be late for work, and 2) Nathan most likely wouldn't be getting out of bed the next day as well; however, since it had been sometime since he was able to get some tension out he was somewhat glad for this as well. Whimpering the boy covered his face, feeling very shy again as if this was their time again. Oh, how much more innocent he had been then. Well, at least then he hadn't been cross dressing.

Nathan did as he was told like a good boy. Moaning softly he bit his bottom lip as he stared up at Tony "T-tony," he moaned out his lover's name "C-can I touch you?"

"Heh, I knew that part hun," Nathan said tiredly as he closed his eyes. Feeling the kisses along his jaw the boy gasped softly when he was pulled close. "Haha. . . I'm sure you do. I mean, you always have loved doing that, from our very first time." he said softly. Kissing back the boy pulled Tony close to him, groaning slightly as he caressed the man's cheek. Nathan could hear his phone, but it sounded like it was in the distances, far off as so it wouldn't stop their fun. But it was just in the pile of clothes on the floor. Giggling the boy broke the kiss "I should award you for your hard work. . . what would you like love?"
Tony smiles at him as he continues, he then leans closer to kiss him softly, pulling back to watch him again. "Of course you can..." He whispers softly, his thumb now rubbing along his slit slowly as he starts to drip "Feel good baby?" He wanted to tease him and have him cum at least twice before he's finally take him, he was so act right now. "I love this on you... It shows just how sexy you are..."

Tony smiles and kisses him back, slowly running his hands over his body, he kisses once more. "Mmm... I enjoyed seeing you happy... Excited... It made me excited..." He kisses him a bit roughly and grins "Why don't you show me what that tongue can do..." He smirks and moves to get comfortable.
Kissing back the boy closed his eyes and began to inch his way down, his hand pausing when he was told it was okay and thus slowly his palm tenderly pressed against the large member. Biting his bottom lip the boy blushed a deep red as he felt his leg twitch. Moaning he tilted his head back, pulling his hand back away for a moment before reaching down and unzipping the man's pants. Slowly he sat back up, reaching up and kissing the man's neck as his hand gently stroked the man's cock. "Ah...I-I'll wear it whenever you want... nnn... Oh no," he whimpered out his legs wobbling slightly and making him sit back down. It had been awhile since he last felt the man touch him so it wasn't shocking when he first came. Covering his mouth he frowned "I-I'm sorry. I didn't want to cum without you yet. . . ah. . ." he shuttered, his member still hard.

"My tongue," he smiled before slipping down between his lover's legs "Heh, I bet you are." he smirked a bit before rubbing his crotch. Blushing he licked his lips and waited a moment before slipping the cock out. Unlike his lover, Nathan did not like to play around very much. Slowly he reached over and began to lick the head, his tongue soft as he lapped the tip. Slowly he took the man into his mouth.

Looking up to his lover he smiled as he slowly pushed the cock further into his mouth. His tongue wrapping around the shaft as he slowly bobbed his head up and down.
Tony smiles and leans close, he kisses him softly "Don't worry about it love..." He moans softly and looks down, the boy was still hard, he smiles and squeezes him a bit harder, stroking slowly. "We have plenty of time... Together this time..." He starts to match pace with Nat's hand, leaning in to kiss him again, licking his lips softly.

"Nnn... Perfect..." He moans softly and looks down at him until he stated to bob, then his tilts his head back and moans softly, his hands fisting the couch. "Mmm... K-Keep it slow baby... Nnn... I-I want it to last..." He manages to lift one hand and slowly runs it through his hair, not guiding him at all.
Grunting as his cock was squeezed a bit, the boy blushed brightly as he covered his mouth again. Panting softly he nod as he reached up again and kissed the man's cheek before moving a bit closer. Kissing the older man would gasp now and again, his legs becoming wobbly but forcing himself to stay on his knees as to be on the same level as his lover. Panting heavily the boy closed his eyes as he speed up "T-tony, I won't last too long now." he whimpered out.

Looking up the man he nod slightly before slowing down, his mouth tight around the head and slowly taking the other's cock into his throat before pulling away and repeating it. His saliva making the member slick and easy to make it move in and out without problem.
Each little gasp and moan that left his lips only helped to push Tony closer, he looks at him at his statement. "Mmm... Me to baby boy... Nn..." He moans softly and starts to rub his thumb over his head, he was close himself and was going to make them cum together. "T-That's it baby... C-Cum with me... Nnn!" He rests against his forehead then kisses him deeply as he cums, slipping his free arm around his waist to help him stay up. He holds him and continues to kiss him as the boy starts to shake, his didn't stop his hand until he was going soft. Panting softly, he pulls back to look at him, he smiles "How was that..." He sits back and pulls Nat close, slowly running his hand over his back.

Tony groans and bucks his hips slightly now and then, out of his control, he looks down after a few minutes, panting. "Nnn... Y-You are... Amazing..." He runs his fingers through his hair again, then runs his hands down his back, scratching softly. "Nnn..." He moans louder and gasps softly, feeling himself growing closer already, he holds back.
Crying out the boy shuttered as he pressed against his lover, shaking in his lover's arms as he kissed back. His tongue fighting with Tony's as it wormed it's way into the other's mouth. Breaking the kiss the boy jerked a few times before he was finished off. Smiling shyly he looked up to the man, nodding he wrapped his arms around the other's neck. Closing his eyes he nuzzled against his lover "I loved it . . . mmm, I've missed you so much." he whispered softly. Pulling Tony down the boy looked at himself, his cheeks turning bright red, he was still in his outfit. "I should get this off. Do you wanna help me?"

The boy sucked happily, gagging slightly when the man gagged, but he didn't mind. Pulling back he licked his lips before licking up the shaft. Going back down the young man closed his eyes, shuttering when he felt the soft scratches. Sucking the head only, the boy looked up to his lover, his tongue pressing against the slit.
Still panting softly, Tony tips his chin up again and kisses him once more "Mmm... I've missed you too my love..." Tony looks him over as well and smirks "Only if you promise to wear it again..." He trails his fingers over the outfit and stops at the quick release ties, he slowly pulls them, leaning down to lick and kiss at his uncovered chest. He helps him lay back and slowly slips his outfit off, then moves down to slowly lick him clean, watching him.

Tony bites his lip and groans, his young lover knowing just what he liked, his back arches slightly and he looks down. "Nnn... F-Fuck... I'm close baby... Fa-Faster... Please..." He moans and holds his hips still, he watches as Nat starts to speed up and just lets go, his body tensing up, then going limp as he finishes. He lays back against the couch and pants, eyes closed and arms at his sides, his love was amazing.
Blushing he nod slightly as he moaned softly "Of course. I'll wear it whenever you like." he said softly, sitting up slightly as he watched his lover. closing his eyes he smiled slightly, his hips moving a bit slightly well the man cleaned him up. Opening his eyes he smiled sweetly and pulled the man up "Just, kiss me for awhile. Please?" he asked softly, brushing their lips against one another but never stopping for a kiss.

Nathan smiled a bit and did as he was told. His head bobbing faster until he could taste the salty cream fill his mouth. Pulling back he blushed slightly before wiping his lips clean. Chuckling softly he laid Tony back on the couch and reached down. Caressing his face he smiled warmly "All better?"
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