The Therapist [Ladydark/SWN1994]

Shivering from the light touch, Nathan blushed as his eyes adverted the man's gaze. "Do. . . do you like it when I act like that?" he asked shyly, slowly his hands moving down the man's chest "When I start acting like that. . .?" he asked softly. Leaning up he kissed Tony tenderly, slow and gentle like a doe as he couldn't move so quickly. "What do you want to do to me?"

Frowning the boy nod before smiling softly. "We haven't. Last time we did is when I broke my arm. . . remember?" he chuckled softly. Holding to his lover the boy closed his eyes "Mmm. . ." he pulled the man down and held the older man firmly. Just laying there with his lover as he took a moment to settle back in their bed. Kissing the man's check he smiled sweetly before slipping from the bed "I'm going to get ready for bed, or do you feel like going nude tonight?"
He shivers at the light touch also, then reaches out to cup his cheek softly as he kissed him. He smiles and nuzzles him softly "You're asking if I like how you act... If I like watching you lose yourself to the pleasure I'm giving you... If I enjoy making you cum..." He tips his chin up and kisses him just as softly "The answer is yes... I love every second of it..." He gently takes one of his hands and leads it to his pants "Just your hands for now..." He helps him open his pants and let's them fall, along with his boxers, then moans softly and kisses him tenderly as he starts.

Tony smirks "I do... I also remember the first time we watched it together..." He holds him close and rubs his back as he starts to settle down, he kisses his head and sighs, enjoying the moment. He looks at him as he pulls away and grins "Nude sounds good... If love to hold you close and feel you next to me... In our bed again..." He sits up to start undressing, then gets up to set up the movie.
With a soft smile the young man blushed lightly, nodding as he kissed back. "Every second." he whispered before he felt his hand being moved down. Slowly he began to stroke the cock, his head tilting to the side before he he paused to watch his lover. Kissing back he moaned softly. Kissing the man's neck he began to nibble the man's neck, his slender wrapping around the thick staff, the youth pulled him closer.

"Heh. . . I do to. . . it was terrifying." he replied softly. Nodding he stripped down to nothing, his slender body slipping into bed and welcoming his lover beside him. Taking a deep breath he laid his head on the man's chest, watching the screen for a second before reaching around until he found the other's hand. "Do you still find it cute when I try to hold your hand?"
His eyes fall closed as Nathan works him slowly, then moans softly again as he breaks the kiss to attack his neck. "Mmm... Just like t-that... Nnn..." He moans a bit louder as he stepped closer, causing his fingers to brush over his head. He shudders slightly and holds the table to keep standing. He slowly slits his eyes open to look at him, then glances down to watch his hand, he groans. He looks back at him and can't help the soft thrusts his hips start making, he seeks out his lips again and kisses him hard. He pulls back a moment to lock eyes "I'm close baby... S-So close... C-Choose now... Hand or m-mouth..." He groans again, he was holding back as best he could, his young lover slowly pushing him closer with his light touch.

"Terrifying..." He looks to him and asks softly, then lays with him to watch, he smiles and laces their fingers as he takes his hand. He lifts their joined hands and kisses them, squeezing softly. "Everything you do to show your love is cute... And I love it... Love you..." He leans over and kisses him softly.
Blushing the boy stumbled back onto the table, blushing slightly as he listened to his lover moan. Hearing the older man moan was a turn on for the boy and he wanted to hear more of those noises. It was throbbing in his hand again, his eyes closed as he felt those soft thrusts, moaning himself before he was taken. Kissing back the boy opened his eyes, in a daze before realizing what Tony was telling him ". .. my hand. I want it in my hand." he whispered. Leaning up he kissed the man's cheek tenderly, "Please cum in my hand." he whispered softly into his lover's ear.

Nodding he closed his eyes "I was scared the first time we laid down with each other . . . when you helped me for the first time. . .I was really scared. At that point I was still ready to leave. . . but I couldn't." he whispered softly. Smiling softly the boy giggled softly when he was kissed, kissing back before pulling the blankets tightly around them.
Tony was beyond close, he was holding back by a thread, a thread that snapped at Nathan's command. "A-Ahh..." He lost it and bucked his hips into his hand quickly, his hands holding the table as his legs got weak. He groans and leans his head on Nathan's shoulder as he came a little more with each buck of his hips. Twitching and almost whining as Nat's fingers feather over his head lightly, he took a deep breath and was panting when he finished.

Tony smiles slightly and looks to him "You didn't seem scared... And you always had to power to stop me..." He holds him close and kisses him softly "But that's in the past... I want to focus on our future..." He squeezes his hand again as they watch the movie, rubbing it softly with his thumb. "I want to tell your parents..." He says softly, not looking at him just yet.
He could feel the hot seed on his bare legs, the boy blushing brightly as he lightly touched the slit. Leaning back as the man leaned against him, the young man smiled softly as he reached over and kissed his lover's neck again. Smiling he began to rub the head, kissing the man's forehead before pepper him with kisses on his neck.

The weeks pass and soon the dreaded date came. The boy acted normal as usual the night before. No excitement for the coming day nor even asking to do anything special. At most he extra food, but as he explained it as he just wanted to try out some new dishes. Nathan wasn't planning on anything, and from what he saw he thought he might be able to sneak pass this day without getting too chocked up.

"I was a kid then, of course I trusted you but it was still kinda nerve wreaking to have my first sexual partner be the. . . you." he said softly. Nodding he smiled leaning up and kissed the man's cheek. ". . . you do?. . . well we came here to talk about it, right? How we would do it?"
Tony moans a bit louder as Nathan continues to touch and tease him, his hips bucking slightly into his hand. "Nnn... A-Any more... And I'll collapse..." He whispers, not sure if he wanted him to really stop or not, Nathan was really enjoying himself. The rest of the night would be interesting.

Tony checked his calendar for the third time today, it was his loves birthday, but he hadn't made any mention of it. He was cooking a lot, which he knew was his vice when upset, which was why he hadn't given him his gift yet. Just after lunch was finished, he joined him in the kitchen, he hugs him from behind gently and sighs softly. He knew Nathan well enough that he'd talk to him if he gave him time, so he held him and waited

Tony smiles and kisses him gently, then cups his cheek and nods "Yes... I'm tired of hiding my love for you... I want to see you wearing my ring... I want to hold you every night like this..." He smiles again and kisses him once more, then relaxes slowly. "Mmm... I think I'll say it happened a few weeks in... Once you came out to me..." He thinks a moment "But that I didn't touch you until your case was over... And then it was only light stuff to start... Hugs, kisses... Innocent stuff..."
Smirking the boy licked his lips before moving down further, making sure the man was still holding onto the table as he kissed down his lover's body. Reaching down to the cock the young man looked for a moment before opening his mouth and taking the head in. He sucked softly, closing his eyes as he began to move the cock further into his mouth. His tongue lapping at the salty skin before pulling away "Heh, all clean." he said softly. Moving up he kissed the man against, pulling him close. "You okay?"

Nathan was just finishing up his fourth dish of the day, something his mother often made him. Sighing softly he began to wash his hands when he was hugged. Looking over his shoulder he offered a confused smile, perking his brow "Um. . . hey you." he said, clearly confused to why he was being held.

Biting his lip the boy nod as he hugged his lover, closing his eyes as he held on tightly. "Okay. . . are you sure they won't freak out?" he asked, worried about the outcome of what would happen. Brushing Tony's hair back he smiled "Heh, I guess it isn't a lie. We did kiss a few times before he went to the more naughty things, right?"
"Nnn... You're killing me..." He he grips the table tighter and braces his legs best he can, then moans again as Nathan cleans him up. He managed to hold himself up, then clung to him and kisses him back deeply, tasting himself on his lips, he smirks at him. "Ok... I'm more then ok..." He kisses him again "Mmm... I like this fire you have right now... And I'm sorry..." Once his legs worked again, he steps closer "But dinner's gonna be late..." He scoots him back on the table and lifts a leg, he reaches down to tease him gently before starting to enter him. It was gonna be a long fun filled night.

Tony smiles slightly and kisses his cheek "I know what today is... I know you're trying to hide it with your cooking..." He rubs his side "I'm hear to talk... Or listen... Just tell me what you want...".

He holds him close "I can't say for certain they won't... But I don't believe they will... Once they see how happy you are... How happy I can make you..." He smiles and relaxes with him, nodding slowly "We just can't say anything happened before the case was closed... Or all my work with you will be tossed..." He nuzzles his neck, then kisses it gently, just enjoying him.
Blushing the boy moaned as he was kissed, leaning back as the man moved close. Blinking the boy took a moment before it clicked. With a small giggle the young man spread his legs, licking his lips before moving up and kissing the man again, nodding as he helped Tony in "Ah. . . thats fine." he whispered. Laying back on the table he smiled, spreading his legs further "Hard, please."

". . .I don't want to talk about it. . .I just don't want to have to celebrate this day. . .can we just forget about it? I don't. . . this is a stupid day." he said quickly becoming flustered. Jerking away he began to clean up "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. We need to go grab your clothes from the dry cleaner." he said, changing the subject quickly.

Chuckling the boy nod before kissing the man's forehead "Alright. They said my case should be closed soon. . . they say that they think it was Jane who did it. . . I'm not sure if it would hold up or not through."
Tony looks down at him and smirks "Hard huh... You wanna be fucked my love..." He hooks a hand under his hips to lift him slightly and grins, looking down at him before he starts to thrust harder, but keeps his pace slow. "That what you want baby..." He gently pushes his hand away if he tried to touch himself, this would be Tony pleasing him. "Hands above your head..." Grinning again he waits, then rewards him after doing as asked by kissing him roughly.

Tony sighs softly and turns him to face him, he cups his cheek and leans closer, kissing him gently. "We don't have to celebrate it or even talk about it... But don't say it's stupid..." He rests against his forehead "Without today... I wouldn't have you..." He kisses to his neck and licks softly. "And without you... I have nothing..." He hugs him closer.

Tony smiles "Hmm... There is no evidence saying she did it... Or that she didn't..." He runs his fingers over his back softly "They might just chalk it up to 'Your captor grew tired of you...' He looks at him and smiles "Like that would ever be true..." He kisses down his chest and circles a tongue over his nipple, wanting to feel him shiver.
Nodding the boy muffled a soft yelp, looking up to his lover as the man thrusts hard into him. "Yes. . yes please." he moaned out. Nathan tried to touch himself but he wasn't allowed, like a sad puppy he nod and did as he was told. Kissing back the boy moaned into his mouth, wiggling under his lover as he was fucked.

Frowning the boy looked away, his eyes avoiding the other's eyes ". . .fine. . ." he whispered as he allowed himself to be hugged. Pulling away slowly he sighed softly "Anyway, we should start collecting your clothes from the cleaner and pick up some more groceries. I used a lot today." he said, wiping his neck. He wasn't being cold, yet clearly today he wasn't going to play into the man's desires. He had a far off look in his eyes, something similar in the early days of his captive life.

Nathan laughed softly, smiling from the man's rebuttal of his earlier comment. "Come now, there must have been times you were tried of how I acted." the boy chuckled. Moaning he shivered slightly, tilting his head back as he gripped to the man "Nnn."
Tony groans and pulls up again, looking down on him, he smirks "Tell me you wanna cum love..." He runs his fingers over his chest light and pinches a taught nipple, pulling it gently. He moves his hands to his hips and starts to speed up, he could feel him getting close. When Nathan does as asked, Tony starts to slowly circle a finger over his cock head.

Tony lets him go and nods slowly, he knew today was going to be hard for him, he doesn't comment as he wipes hi neck. "Yeah... That sounds good... You make a list and I'll get my stuff..." He turns and heads from the room and up the stairs.

Tony glances up at him "Mmm... A few times... Maybe..." He leans down to lick them again and runs his teeth over then slowly, nipping. "Mmm... Then you'd do something and I'd forget..." He pulls him closer and tangles their legs together, shifting so they run against each other. "Mmm... But that's the past... Mmm I wanna... Focus on the now..." He slowly rocks then together, moaning softly.
It didn't take long for the man to make the boy beg for him to cum, the young man blushing brightly "I wanna cum . . . please Tony." he moaned out. Gripping the table he arched his back and wrapped his legs around the older man's hips. "Please fuck me hard. . ." he whispered softly. His cock twitching when he felt the fingers on the head of his cock.

Nodding the boy began a list, pausing for a moment before he looked back to the now empty kitchen. Sighing he began up the stairs to their bedroom, swallowing hard before coming in " . . . its okay if we don't talk about it, right? I don't want to step over my bounds." he said softly. Walking over he hugged the man from behind "Hows about we do what you want to do today? We always do what I want." he offered, trying to lighten his old mood.

Turning red the young man bit his knuckle "Nnn. . " he watched his lover began to rub their cocks together. Taking a sharp breath Nathan tilted his head back "F-fuck. . ." he whimpered out, getting hard. "What are you planning this time?"
Tony shivers and moans as his words, he looks down at him "As you wish..." He starts to thrust harder, pushing him into the table more as he does so, knowing he only had to say stop. He groans and bites his lip, it wasn't often Nat would be this turned on, and mostly on his own. "Nnn... You're so hot..." He lightly grips his cock, he doesn't stroke him, just circles the head with his finger, teasing as he thrusts harder into him. "Nnn... Let go baby... Don't hold back..." He could feel him twitching around him and his cock throbbing in his hand.

Tony was looking through a drawer when Nat hugged him, he sighs softly and hugs his arms back. "Baby... How ever you want to deal with today... Is just fine by me..." He turns to face him and cups his cheek, rubbing gently. "What I want to do today... Is make you smile... Can you tell me how I'll do that?"

He smirks and continues "I have my sexy lover back in our own bed... In our home..." He moans softly and kisses him "I want to make him cum at least once..." He leans down to lick at his nipples again, listening to him moan and feeling him shift, their hard cocks slowly rubbing together.
Moaning out loud the young man arched his back, his cock throbbing in the other's hand as Tony rammed into him. Blushing he did let himself go, moaning louder and louder with every thrust. Crying out the boy pushed himself up and kissed Tony passionately, making the man go deeper within his body and causing the boy to whimper with pleasure.

With a soft smile the young man brushed his hair back. "Can we just act like its any other day? No presents, no cake, no anything like that okay? Lets just. . . lets just spend the day together. Outside of the house." he said softly. Taking his hand he smiled "Hows about we go for a picnic after we're done with our tasks? We have more than enough food for a picnic."

Panting the boy bit his lip, looking back to his lover before cupping his cheeks "Then make me cum. You already know how to make me crumble under your touch."
Tony groans into the kiss as he's forced deeper into Nathan, his arms move to hold him as he pushes faster. "Nnn..." He twists their tongues as he pushes them ever closer, he can feel Nat's cock rubbing against his stomach with each thrust. He holds him tighter with one arm, the other moving to support him on the table as he speeds up for the last few thrusts, soon breaking the kiss to cry out. "Ahh..." He thrusts deep and fills him, holding him close as he shudders from the first of his release.

Tony smiles and holds his hands, "I wasn't aware there was anything special going on today... But a picnic does sound lovely..." If this was how he wanted it, he'd save his gift for another day and abide by his wish. "How long should it take to get ready? And where to..."

Tony grins slightly and smiles "This is true... But I guess it would depend... On if my love wants it fast... Or drawn out..." He licks at his nipple, then nips it gently "Because if I build you up... You can crumble all the more..." He starts to lightly tease his nipples, kissing over his chest as he still rocks them together.
With a loud moan the young man crumbled in his lover's arms, his tongue wrestling with the older's man as he felt the cock now thrusting harder into his body. Crying out along with his lover the boy cam, his seed covering both their stomachs as he could feel his body filled with the hot substance. Holding onto the man the boy closed his eyes, nuzzling his neck as he took in a deep breath before nipping his ear "You okay?"

Chuckling the boy nod, whispering a soft "thank you" before he looked back to the man "No more than five minutes. We have more than enough food for today and the basket is actually still set up from the last time we were suppose to go so all I need to do is pack up the food and we can go off!" Nathan said, seeming to warm back up again.

The walk was nice, Nathan saying he would do everything else tomorrow since he would be staying home than going to the office. Nathan was more than happy when they got to the park and found a nice tree to set up under. Nathan sat there, watching out over the park and smiling softly, pausing when he saw a birthday party but brushed it aside. ". . . I'm sorry I snapped earlier. . . hey, hows about I make your favorite dessert tonight?"

Whimpering the boy pushed himself up and grabbed the man's chin, kissing the man feverishly before drawing back "C-crumble."he moaned out, falling back as his body began to twitch.
Tony moans softly and kisses at his neck, he rubs his back and nods "Mmm... I'm fine... We just haven't been that... Intense... In a while..." He pulls back slightly to look at him "Are you ok... I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did..." He rubs the backs of his fingers over his cheek, enjoying his flushed look.

Tony smiles "Alright... Just let me change... Call up when you're ready..." He kisses him quickly on the cheek and moves to find more casual clothes. He dressed quickly and put the bag with his gift away, he'd give it to him later, he heads down at Nat's call. "So... Where to..." He nods "The park should be lovely today... Here, hand me that..." He takes the basket and heads to the door.

Once at their location, Tony looks at him "Really love... It's ok... And I completely understand..." He held his hand a moment and smiles "That sounds wonderful... If it's what you want to do... Go right ahead..."

Tony grins and kisses him back, he moans softly as Nathan lays back "As you wish..." He leans down and goes back to licking and nipping at his chest, he'd build him up quickly and let him crumble slowly as he rocks them together slowly.
They hadn't been that intense for sometime, although it was nice to feel that. Leaning against his lover he smiled softly "I'm okay. I might have a limp but I'll be fine." he whispered. Kissing Tony's cheek the boy leaned back slightly "Hows about we just order out? We never really do that."

Nathan looked back to Tony "Are you sure? I mean. . . you probably had something planned and I just . . . I just made you stop." he muttered. Nodding the boy leaned back as he stared out again. The picnic went well, Nathan was cheering up and after their day out Nathan had them stop by the super market as they needed certain things for the dessert. There were a few t.vs in front of the store and that made the boy pause as he noticed his face. A bit plumper, his hair brighter, and a smile to match. Nathan stared on, his mother and father coming on screen.

He broke down. People stared but like humans, they just walked on. This wasn't their business.

Moaning loudly the young man tilted his head back, his fingers gripping to the older man's hair as his hips began to buck. His legs began to shake and without a moment's notice his hand was down between them, rubbing the man's chest.
Tony chuckles a bit and rubs his cheek "No we don't... Take out sounds just fine..." He leans down and kisses him gently "Mmm... I love you..." He slowly pulls from him after a few moments and moves to sit on a chair, soon pulling him off the table and into his lap. "I'll order some pizzas in a few minutes... One I can stand again..." He blushes softly, but smiles.

The topic of his birthday was dropped while they had their picnic, Nathan was even enjoying himself and relaxing. After they packed up, they headed to the store to grab some needed ingredients for his dessert. Tony had walked in before him, missing the news on the tvs out front, it wasn't until he turned to ask him a question, that he found him gone. "Jason...?" He looks around a moment, thinking he went to grab a cart, then he heard it as another person walked in, Nathan was crying. He quickly turns and heads out, going to him "Jason... Jason what's..." He sees the news report and hears his parents wishing him a happy birthday and praying he'd come home. "Oh... Na... Jason..." He gently pulls the boy close, holding him tightly, but ready to let him go quickly if he didn't want to be held. "Baby I'm sorry... So sorry..." He whispers, ignoring those who pass them by "Maybe we should just go..." He says softly.

"Mmm... That's it baby..." He suckles his nipples a bit harder and runs a hand down his back to his ass, rubbing softly. "Do you like that... My little husband to be..." He kisses up to his neck and licks it before nipping lightly.
Seeing that blush made Nathan smile to himself, more than happy to see the man blushing. Nodding he laid his head on the man's chest, giggling softly as he held the man's hand "Mmm. . ."

"Happy Birthday Baby. . . we miss you, we haven't stopped looking for you. We'll never stop looking for you, stay strong. We love you so, so very much." His mother said through tears. Nathan cried harder as he was hugged, holding onto the man until they began to walk home. The suddenly became quite, unresponsive. Once they were in their home the boy went up stairs, back to the bedroom which was still his. Laying on the bed collecting dust he began to cry again, muffling his sobs with the pillow. If Tony did try to comfort the boy, his lover would become somewhat violet. Jerking his leg as if he was trying to kick Tony away.

"Y-yes. . . oh god yes! F-fuck. . . faster please. Neh." he bit his knuckle, his firm ass pressing against the man's hands. "H-harder. Please."
Tony got him home and just watched as he went to his room, he put everything away before going up to see him. He stood in the doorway and watched him cry, it was killing him to see him this upset, he walks closer. "Nat... Baby please calm down..." He tries to rub his back and comfort him in some way, but each time he tried, Nathan would jerk away or try and kick him. He stopped after he managed to kick him in the side "Nn..." He blinks and stands up, one hand holding his side "Alright... I'll let you be..." He turns and leaves the room, pulling the door mostly closed, but he'd never close it on him again. He heads back down stairs to get some ice and sighs "Nnn... He's got quite a kick..." He takes his ice pack back up so he can go lay down.

Tony chuckles against his skin softly "Mmm... You know I won't speed up love... Slow and steady..." He gives his ass a firm squeeze, then a light smack, then rubs softly. He continues to rock them together, he can feel how hard Nat is, and wetness coming from him. "Look at me my love... Tell me you're ready... That you want to crumble..." He watches him and holds his hips, as he looks at him, he speeds up and holds his gaze, waiting.
"Go away!" Nathan cried out into his pillow, still crying hard when Tony tried to come closer. The boy kept his head buried into his pillow,hugging it tightly before he heard the man walk out. That night he ended up sleeping in his old bedroom. It was odd not to cuddle with Tony, or grab onto him just to play around. What was most alien like to the teen was the bed itself. It still felt new, not like the bed they shared. That was already fitted for the both of them, they would sink into it to that comfortable point and if he turned the bed followed suit. This bed just held oddly.

That morning Nathan dragged himself downstairs, his eyes still puffy but he went to work on breakfast and Tony's lunch. He set everything up and went to the man's bedroom. Nathan stood beside the bed, thinking about slapping Tony before he leaned down and kissed him tenderly on the cheek. He left before Tony could wake up or react. Going to his room the boy went under the covers, simply staring at the wall as he couldn't get the image of how poor mother's tired eyes or how his father's eyes darted back and forth, as if expecting to see his child at any moment.

Breathing hard the young man nod as he tried to push himself up, whimpering softly as he crumbled onto the bed, his body twitching and head tilting back "I-I'm ready! please. . . Tony please no more! I want to crumble! Please Tony!" he begged out loud.
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