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The Therapist [Ladydark/SWN1994]

"Well I wanted to try more of it, if thats okay. Drake suggested it and when I did a taste test it was really good."

Nathan smiled brightly when Tony agreed to letting him out and as he moved closer the boy froze for a moment. They were so close now. With a tight throat and burning face he stared up at Tony before he was kissed on his forehead. Looking away shyly he rubbed his neck "N-night Tony." he replied softly as he moved up and kissed the man on the cheek before he headed off to the bathroom. Watching as Tony stripped and went to the bathroom the boy stood in the room. Biting his lip he sits on the edge of the bed and tries to keep his composer. It was hard not kissing Tony or just slipping into the bed and wait for the older man.

After a few minutes the boy left to his own room and kept the door wide open. He didn't have a view into Tony's room, but with the door open he felt like he was safe as at anytime he or Tony could come comfort the other.

The first night sleeping without Tony was odd. He was able to sleep, but Nathan felt odd waking up in a empty bed and a still dark room as there was still no windows. Slowly he got ready for the day and went down stairs. He went simply with the breakfast with some toast, eggs, and bacon. He did make lunch, but unsure of the man would want it or not it made it so either he could eat it if Tony said he wanted to get his own lunch that day. He went up to wake up Tony and it was the hardest thing to do. He couldn't kiss him like usual and as he stroked his cheek he felt his heart sink. A year with Tony. Could he really do it? He stared down at his lover before standing up slowly and shaking his gently "Tony, you gotta wake up for work."

The hug was sudden and Nathan was confused about it before hugging back. Seeing Tony wipe his eyes Nathan smiled slightly and rubbed his cheek "Anything is fine by me. Since we're close to Central park lets go through there and see where we're lead. Hows that sound?"
Tony took a bit of a longer shower then normal, not truly looking forward to sleeping alone. He dries off and pulls on a clean pair of boxers, before laying down though, he goes to check on Nat. He stands in the doorway a few moments to watch him sleep, it didn't feel right with him in that bed again. He sighs softly and returns to his room, laying down and soon falling asleep.

The nex he knew was Nat gently shaking him awake the next morning, that was strange as well, so used to a soft kiss. He yawns and sits up to stretch slowly, still in only his boxers "Mmm... Morning Nathan... Did you sleep well..." He was stretching again, working out a spot in his back before looking at him.

Tony smiles and kisses him softly again, holding him close and calming down "That sounds wonderful... We'll start there... I hear the flower gardens are lovely..." He relaxes more and pulls the sheet up "Goodnight love..."
Nathan could feel himself becoming shy around Tony now, maybe it was because he knew had to act as though he wasn't attracted to Tony or because of the wet dream he had last night, either way though he now could feel his cheeks lighting up. The young man smiled softly he reached down and brushed the man's hair back "I made us a simple breakfast and lunch. So, uh, I'll leave you alone to get ready." the boy awkwardly moved back, rubbing his arm as he felt as though he was being weird for wanting to see his lover nude. Clearing his throat he excused himself and quickly ran off.

The young man brushed his hair back and laid down on the couch as he thought about his lover again. Biting his lip he clutched to the couch and calmed himself before going to the table and waiting for Tony, smiling when he was joined and began to eat. He said how he planned to go to the mall with Derek.

The next morning Nathan got dress and woke up his lover, helping him dress before suggesting they go out for breakfast and how Jared and his friend were going out to some place to eat as well. The young man smiled as he brought his lover to the front of the hotel, grinning a bit as he looked up to Tony and nuzzled against him.
Tony smiles at him and just watches him trying to hide his feelings, he bit his cheek to keep from grinning when he started to blush. "Sounds good... I'll be down shortly..." He chuckles softly to himself at his awkward exit, he was already having a hard time leaving him alone. He stood up to go and get his clothes, then heads into the bathroom to get ready.

It wasn't long before he was downstairs with Nathan and they were eating, he looks to him as he was told of his plans for the day. He nods and even smiles softly "Sounds like a busy day... How long will you be at the mall?" He hadn't told Nat that he got a text from work, his last appointment for the day had to cancel, he'd be home early. Once breakfast was done he was out the door, giving Nat a hug and a kiss on the top of his head.

Later that day while Nat was still out, Tony got home early, he changed out of his clothes into his cut off track shorts. He went down the hall from his room to his weight room, time to work up a good sweat. When he heard the door opening, he set the weights back down gently and grabbed a towel, tossing it around his neck, then heading to the stairs. "Hey kiddo... Got off work early... How was the mall..." He casually walks into the kitchen, no shirt and panting slightly from working out, he grabs a water from the fridge.

Tony woke to the soft kiss of his love and returned it gently "Morning..." He then gets up to ready for their day, with Nat's help. "Breakfast out with you sounds wonderful... Any place you'd like to try..." He holds his hand as they enter the lobby, giving it a squeeze when he shifts closer, then leaning down to kiss him softly. "You're quite happy today... I like it..."
"Ah, well I'm not sure. I think maybe for two hours or so. But it really depends on what we find." he smiled. As they parted ways for the day he smiled and kissed Tony's cheek, chuckling softly "Have a good Tony! I'll see you later, okay?" he smiled warmly.

Nathan returned from the mall about a hour and half after Tony came home and with two bags he smiled looking up, pausing as he saw the sweaty man. The blond felt his eyes quickly dart to the side, rubbing his neck and biting his lip. "T-the mall was good. I got a few things. Um, thats good you got off early. L-let me just put my things away and I'll start dinner for us." he stuttered, looking up to the older man and biting his lip again. Tony was a handsome man, and with him sweating and panting only brought him ideas of what else he could do to make Tony sweaty and panting. Shaking it off he rushed up to his room, sitting on his bed and talking to himself. Telling himself to breath and relax, that he couldn't think like that right now.

After relaxing himself he sighed and to the ground floor, smiling softly as he looked over to Tony "So,you got a good work out in?" he asked as he tried not to stare.

Well dinner was cooking in the oven the young man went to his room, having to have space between him and Tony as not to get aroused.
Laying on his bed he groaned into his pillow, feeling as though he was going crazy. Was Tony doing that on purpose? He didn't work out often and when he did he normally wore a t-shirt and those shorts. Crossing his legs he groaned again into his pillow, muttering about how cruel this was.

"How about the small cafe down the way?" he suggested. Chuckling as he squeezed the younger male smirked and stuck his tongue out playfully "I'm glad you like it. I want to make sure you're happy." he whispered as he kissed the man tenderly before pulling away and grabbing the man's hand to have him follow to the doors of the lobby "Maybe we could do something later, maybe involve Jared too." he cooed.
Tony drinks his water and grins behind the bottle, it was working, his little lover was so easy to turn on. "No problem..." He said as the boy ran upstairs, he wondered when he'd find the other part in his 'attack'. He moves to sit at the table to wait for him, the fact that he was calmer when he came down mean he hadn't found it. He smiles at him and has another drink "Yeah... I'd been putting it off for a while, I had time so I thought what the hell..." He stands to get another bottle, then turns back "Oh... I did some laundry and pulled some of your things from the closet... I left the basket in your room..." He grabs another bottle and makes for the stairs again "I'm gonna grab a shower... Call me for dinner?" He left his towel on the table and headed upstairs, the shower starting shortly after.

If Nat was to put his clothes away, he would happen to find the copy of his favourite naughty movie amongst the clothes. It was somewhat wrapped in his school boy shirt, Tony must not have noticed.

Tony watches him and tries to catch him to kiss him proberly, then grins at his suggestion. He smirks and quickly pulls him closer, turning him so they were chest to chest. "Oh... And what did you have in mind that you'd invite the good officer..." He leans closer and whispers "Should he bring his cuffs..." He then kisses him softly, showing everyone just how much he loves him.
"Ah, I see. Well then, I'm glad you had time to work out." he smiled warmly. Though as the man said he was going to go off to shower the young man blinked for a moment before nodding, forgetting about the basket he saw in his room. Once Tony left to his shower the younger male went back up stairs and to his basket. Sighing he looked at the time and nodded to himself before going back downstairs to make them food. Just some chicken and vegetables slowly cooking in the oven and would be ready in two hours. The young man returned to his room and began putting clothes away.

"ouch!" Nathan jumped back and looked down seeing what had hit his toe. Reaching down he grabbed the dvd case and turn red as he saw it was his favorite flick. Sitting down he stared at it, suddenly looking back to the shirt to see it was the one he began to wear whenever he tried to get Tony to "teach" him something. Biting his lip he laid down and stared at his dvd case. This was the one when the teacher would sneak into his student's room and punish him for staying up pass his bed time.

Sitting up he slipped the dvd under his pillow and grunted as he felt his body tightening up before going to Tony's room. Looking around he made sure to be careful as he went to their toy chest and grabbed a dildo. Blushing brightly he took the toy and slipped the box back under the bed before going to his room and closing the door slightly. He still had time, right? Slipping the dvd into his play station and starting up the dvd to watch, the blond licked his lips and sat on the edge of his bed, the toy between his hands as he began to jerk it slowly, picturing Tony was beside.

Chuckling he looked up to the man "Mmm, maybe. Though I do have a plan this time, sir." he grinned as he kissed back. Chuckling he leaned back slightly and smiled "Heh, come on, we can play later."
Tony exits the shower and grabs his towel, quickly drying himself before wrapping it around his waist. Grabbing another towel he starts on his hair, then rests it over his shoulders as he walks into the bedroom. He takes a deep breath, the smell of dinner was starting to drift upstairs, it smelt wonderful. He drops his towel and enters the closet, pulling on a pair of boxers and getting his light bath robe. Slipping it on he heads to his door, Nathan should be calling for him soon. When he steps out into the hall he could hear it, the DVD he'd left for him, playing low in his room and as he moved closer, soft moans. He doesn't get too close, not wanting to tip Nat off that he knew, he smirks slightly. After listening to him moan softly for a few minutes, Tony silently heads downstairs, he'd check on dinner and say he thought he'd been napping.

Tony smiles into the kiss and takes his hand again, allowing him to lead them outside, he glances around the street. "Should we hale a cab or walk... I'm fine with either..." He looks up to judge the cloud cover and smiles at not seeing any "It looks to be a beautiful day..."
Nathan finished himself off, shivering and bright red as he hurried to clean up his mess and to hide the dvd. Putting his clothes away quickly and slipping into new pants he hurried downstairs, worried he had burn dinner when he noticed it was already out and set up. Rubbing his neck he looked down to his feet "Thanks Tony, I guess I forgot about it." he said softly. Taking a seat on the chair he smiled sweetly "Come and join me, its time to eat right?"

After dinner and cleaning up the young man took Tony's hand smiled warmly "Hows about we go out for a walk tonight? It would be nice." he said softly as he just wanted to go out and do something, to get his head cleared and to just be with his Tony.

It was the second night that Nathan went to bed without Tony, the young man frowning as he laid on his bed and stared up at the ceiling before slipping from his bed and began to the older man's room. He paused in the door way, peeking in as he felt himself so weak-willed that he wanted to just go in and sleep with his lover. ". . . Ton. . " trailing off he looked away. You have to be strong. . . just for a year. . .this will make things better, wouldn't it? he thought to himself before taking a step back, pausing as he thought about just laying down with the older man for a moment. But that wouldn't be good, would it?

"Lets walk!" the boy said happily as he took the man's hand and lead him though the people, they got a few looks and Nathan was none-the-wiser to it, somewhat still a child in the since of innocence of stares and whispers. Nathan brushed his hair back and as they paused at the stoplight the younger male leaned up and kissed Tony's cheek, whispering something into his ear when he heard their names. Drake, now fully grown and towering a bit over the pair. "Holy shit, it really is you Nat..."
Tony looked up from the paper he was reading on the couch when he heard Nat come down, he smiles. "It's alright, I just thought you were taking a small nap, your door was closed..." He got up and joined him for dinner, telling him it came out fine.

After dinner Nat asked to go for a walk, he could t refuse him after her smiles the way he did and took his hand. It had only bin a short while but he already missed his young lover. But he knew it wouldn't be long, not after what seeing a simple DVD did to him earlier. They did go for a walk, not stopping him if he tried to hold his hand or lean on him, it was all part of getting his love back.

They went to bed shortly after getting back from their walk, it was a warm night so he opened the window in his room. After an hour or so he kicked off his boxers and slept commando. Tony wasn't a light sleeper, that's why Nat or an alarm clock had to wake him each day. So after finally falling asleep he was dead to the world, the sheet was covering him when Nat first looked in. But after the soft call of his name, he rolls over on his back and groans in his sleep, the sheet falling off him.

Tony held his hand and smiles softly at his excitement, he simply loved when Nathan was this care free and happy. He wasn't ignorant to the stares and soft comments now and then, but he simply ignored them, they were happy. He was about to turn and kiss him properly at the stoplight when he started to say something, but he didn't catch it because he heard a familiar and unwanted voice. Tony turns to look up at Drake and holds Nat's hand a bit tighter.
Nathan swallowed hard as he walked over slowly, noticing his lover was nude tonight. Slipping into the bed he laid beside his lover, taking his hand and closing his eyes as he pressed against his lover, just happy to be beside his lover. "Shh, sleep babe." he whispered softly as he took his lover's hand and pulled the sheets so he was being covered but not Tony.

That morning the boy slept in, his face nuzzled into the man's chest and arm wrapped around him. Even a night away from his lover made things so hard to complete. Maybe he could just sleep with Tony until it was time for him to return to his parents. Just so he could feel a bit more comfortable. Waking up slowly the young man purred softly feeling the warm sunlight on his cheek. Sitting up the boy rubbed his eyes.

"Drake. . ."

"Wow, it really is you. . . its been so long and I see you're still with. . him." Drake cleared his throat as he looked to Tony and simply nod to him as a hello before turning back to Nathan. "How are you?"

"Good, Tony and I are getting married." Nathan said softly, holding to his lover a bit tighter than usual. Though unknown to Tony, Drake had actually found out about them and being the sane boy that he is, he was going to tell until Nathan threaten to kill himself if it was ever reveled of who he was. After the "accident" Drake knew not to try anything and slowly he lost contact with Nathan when he actively stopped talking to the other. Drake had feared the worst.

Drake forced a smile before nodding "Congrats. Glad to see you two made it those far." Drake spoke softly before turning his attention to Tony "How have you been Tony? Its been a long time since we've seen each other. You're looking good."
Tony hadn't set his alarm the night before, knowing he didn't have to get up today, not early anyway. So I was a bit of a surprise when he did start to wake up early, but not as big a surprise as finding Nathan in his bed, holding him. He holds still and trys not to move, wanting his love to wake on his own. He smiles softly as Nat slowly wakes up, not moving as he pulls way to rub at his eyes.

"Well... Did you have a good sleep... Little Nephew..." He couldn't resist saying it, him rubbing his eyes reminded him of a time when they played uncle/nephew, when he played innocent. He smirks and waits for Nat to look his way.

Tony held Nathan back, not completely understanding him getting nervous, but more then happy enough to holding him closer. He moves one hand up to gently rub his shoulder and neck, trying to help him calm down. He nods back to Drake and continues to watch the two, but smiles brightly when Nat informs him of their soon marriage. "I'm doing just fine... Nust brought Nat here to see our new place... Well be moving in once everything is said and done with the wedding..." He leans down and gives Nat a nice slow kiss, pulling back and wrapping his arms around him from behind.
Sleeping that night felt so wonderful, the young man slept longer than normal and being nuzzled against his lover made him feel so much better during the night. It would be worrisome when Nathan went back to his parents, but for now he could enjoy it right?

Looking down at Tony with wide eyes the young man rubbed his neck and shyly looked away "Uh. . . uh. . ." Nat swallowed hard before nodding and "I did. . uncle Tony." he couldn't help but play along. Even just a day or two without Tony or his touch made the boy weaker than normal. Moving closer he took Tony's hand "I'm sorry I slept in bed with you. . . I got scared last night." he spoke softly as he took the man's hand and kissed his knuckles.

Having Tony relax him helped out and as he felt his back being rubbed and neck the young man laid his head on his lover's shoulder. Drake looked at the two, for a moment they were seventeen again and they were in Nat's living room when Drake found out about Jason's real name and who Tony really was. Nathan had used the same lie with Jared, but it didn't fool Drake. Drake couldn't believe a cute, young man like Nathan would have willing went to live and be with a old man like Tony. Not to mention how controlling he thought Tony was even before he found out about them.

Giggling as he was kissed Nathan kissed back, body pressed up against Tony's and as he pulled back he couldn't help but smile. "Heh." Nathan took his lover's hand "I can't wait to get settled in."

". . I'm glad to see you're happy, J." Drake smiled softly, reaching over and ruffling the boy's hair. Drake had began, back then, to call "Jason" "J" when they were getting closer. Drake viewed Nathan as his baby brother, even now he couldn't help but see the young man as his baby brother. They were like brothers or awhile with how close they were and how they always hung out no matter what.
Tony watches him, he was being quite shy, almost as if they were doing one of their roleplays again. Tony was still naked and his morning friend was standing higher the more Nat did. After he kissed his hand, he turns his hand and cups his cheek, rubbing softly, once he saw Nat relaxing more he whispers. "Scared of what baby boy..." He knew Nat was on the fence by this point about him going home, Tony just wanted him to fall on the right side. "Maybe I can help..." He says softly and rubs his cheek again.

Tony was still holding Nat from behind, he smiles slightly "I do my best to keep him quite happy... Even when he says I do too much for him..." He glances at his watch "We have to get going soon... Maybe you can catch up later..." He smiles and stands straight again, waiting to see what would happen.
Having his cheek cupped and rubbed the young man smiled softly and pressed against the other's palm. Tony could always calm Nathan down with the most simple of hands. "I don't know . . . I just woke up and wanted to be with you." he whispered back. Nathan looked down. Maybe he shouldn't go back to his parents? But then how would they know he was safe and he was happy and. . . looking back up as Tony spoke the boy smiled and moved closer. Leaning over he kissed Tony's forehead and blushed "How can you help? I mean, I'm not even sure of what I'm scared."

I'm scared of leaving you. . .that you might find someone else he thought to himself as he slowly felt the ping in his stomach again and suddenly figuring something out for himself.

"Maybe we can. If you're around you could always come to my restaurant, its a small one just a block away from here: Rose-Mary if you're interested. Dinner will be on me."
Tony smiles and rubs his cheek again, then leans closer and kisses his cheek softly. "So... You woke up scared... And alone... And wanted me..." Be pulls the sheet over him and pulls Nat closer, he smiles softly. "I think I know what's wrong..." He wraps an arm around him and leans closer, his hand rubbing his arm slowly. "You're afraid of leaving... Of being alone..." He tips his chin up to look at him "Maybe afraid of losing me..." He pulls him to rest in his lap, twining their hands and looking at him. "That's one fear you don't have to carry... Not for a long while yet..." He looks down a moment, Nat was sitting on him, then back up at him "You don't have to do this... You don't have to leave... I promise you... You will see your parents again... You can stay here..." He smiles and squeezes his hand lightly "But if you still want to... It's ok..." He said more then he meant to but he wanted Nat to know he could end this anytime and tony would gladly take him.

Tony looks down to Nat and blinks "Where was it you wanted to eat again?" He looks to Drake and tilts his head "So... You work there or its your shop?" He was wondering what the boy had been upsto since he and Nat lost touch.
Nodding the boy frowned before he was pulled closer and he looked up to his lover. Looking back down the boy frowned as he felt himself become weaker when he was this close to Tony. Being made to look up to Tony had the boy's heart doing flips, amazed by how well Tony knew about him. As their hands were interlocked together the young man. Everything Tony was saying was so attractive and made the boy feel better. Maybe he could go to them later, maybe all he needed to do was relax and think things through. "I want to stay. . . I want to stay so badly. . .I just . . . I don't know anymore." he whispered softly as he leaned down and pressed his head against the man's chest. All he knew at that moment was he wanted Tony to hold him and protect him like he normally did. "Tony" he whispered his lover's name as he hugged the man "I don't know what I want anymore."

"Uh, anywhere or the small cafe we pass last night." Nathan replied. Drake smiled and relaxed a bit, simply seeing Nathan was still like that he couldn't help but want to keep a cool head "Its mine. I moved up here a few years ago and bought the space, named it after my grandmother--you remember her, right J?"

"Oh yeah! Heh, I remember her. She was a sweet heart." he smiled softly. Drake looked back to Tony and offered a smile, to say it was friendly or something else was hard to say, "If you like we could go now. I'm taking the day off but it's always fun to see how the place does without me for one whole day."
As Nathan fell into him, his arms went around him, pulling him close and rubbing his back. "It's ok love... I understand... But you'll see them again... Don't go now... Please, this is hurting you too much..." He pulls him back gently after a few minutes and cups his cheeks with both hands, wiping away any sign of tears. "I know it's only been two days... But seeing you like this... I can't help it..." He leans closer and kisses him softly, lightly licking his lips to see if he'd take the bate. His arms were loosely around him, letting him know he could pull away if he truely wanted to.

Tony smiles at his young love and kisses his cheek, then looks to Drake, "Impressive... Well Nat... What will it be? We go now and we can still catch up with the others later..." He didn't know if Drake knew about Jared and he wasn't about to tell him who all they were with. He was still wondering what his little lover had planned for them later, he steps beside him and takes his hand lightly. "If it's a yes... Then lead the way..." He put his arm out for Drake to pass them.
Being kissed made Nathan freeze for a moment before he slowly melted in the man's arms. Kissing back he wrapped his arms around Tony's neck. Leaning back he slowly traced his hand up into Tony's hair, his fingers raking through the man's hair as he laid back. Drawing back from the kiss the young man blushed "I don't want to leave you Tony." he said as he reached down to cup the man's cheek. Wetting his lips he reached up and kissed the man tenderly. He just wanted to feel loved again, more than just the love he got well Drake was around. He wanted that special love, bond they had developed together. "I want to stay with you, Tony."

"Um, sure! That would be nice." he smiled warmly as he took the man's hand and began to follow Tony as Drake lead them around. Once they made it to the restaurant Drake got them a table and a bottle of wine "Would you guys care for a glass?"
Tony slowly lays them back onto the bed, returning his kisses just as softly, he smiles at him. "I love you Nathan... And I've missed you..." He smiles slightly and kisses him again, he allows himself to blush slightly and licks his lips. "I have a small confession... Why I finished up dinner last night..." He moves to start licking at his neck softly, nipping gently. "I heard you... In your room..." He nips his ear then pulls up to look at him, smirking lightly "Tell me... What were you imagining..." He slips his hand under his top and watches him, softly brushing his thumb over his already hard nipple.

Tony followed after Drake and Nat, he looks around as they get there and nods, it was a nice little place. He looks to the bottle and smiles "I'll have some, I'm not sure about the light weight here..." He reaches over and lightly tickles his side before chuckling himself as he watches him giggle. It amazed him how he could go from innocent to naughty with only a simply touch.
"You have a confession?" he asked softly as he looked up to his lover. Moaning softly as he felt his neck being licked and nipped at the boy felt his legs spread slowly, allowing Tony to move in closer. Nathan's eyes snapped open and he looked up with wide eyes. Was he being that loud? Grunting as he felt his ear nipped the boy bit his lip before looking away "I. . . there was a dvd in my basket case and I . . . you were disciplining me . . .for failing physical education." he whispered. Arching his back he moaned softly "Nnn, Tony." he moaned out, his body crumbling from being touched again. "L-Like that. . ."

"Hey! I'm not that much of a light weight anymore!"

"I love you J, but I gotta call bullshit and agree with Tony." Drake smirked as he began to pour them glasses, making sure to leave it light for Nathan. Taking a seat the young man smiled and greeted his staff before introducing the pair as his old friends. Looking back he smiled "Everything here is fresh! So please pick anything you like and we'll ensure you get it."
"Really now..." He kisses him quickly but only for a moment "Then I guess I'll have to give you..." He shifts them and pulls his night shirt up, but bunches his hands up in it, mock tying them. "An extra special workout..." He continues to rub his nipples slowly, only pinching them lightly. "Was I your Coach... Or Teacher..." As he waited for his answer he leans down and starts to kiss over his chest, but avoiding his nipples, he blows air over them lightly. "I'll work your little body into a frenzy..." He now kisses back up to his neck, he suckles lightly at his pulse to help turn his higher thinking off. He could already tell this was going to a good time, Nat was oversensitive from his desire.

Tony smirks and leans closer to Nat and kisses his cheek "You do get the cutest blush though..." He sits back up and takes his glass, nodding to Derek before taking a sip. "Mmm, it's good..." He smiles and picks up the menu "Hmm... Since it's almost lunch... I think I'll have the spinach and feta pasta with some garlic bread..." He sets his menu down and looks to Nat "What looks good to you love..." He has another sip of wine, relaxing a bit as Derek talks to his people and staff.
"Uh. . . yeah. . ." the young man replied, trying to kiss back until the man stopped and began to slip off his shirt. With his hands tied up, or at least he thought they were supposed to be tied up, Nathan looked back to the man and bit his lip as he spoke about a "special" workout. The young man bit his lip as he looked away and let the man take over. Moaning softly the boy squirmed under the older man "T-teacher." he answered. His chest began to move with labored breaths as it was kissed, a shiver running through his bones whenever the man blew on his nipple. Whimpering the boy tilted his head back to let the man have better access to his skin. The boy groaned again when he heard the man's comment. "Nnn, P-please don't be too hard on me."

"No I do not!" he protested before taking his glass and tasting it, his nose crumbling up again like it alwys did whenever he took a first taste from his drinks. After a few more sips he smiled "Mmm, it really is good." he said softly. Looking over the menu he pointed out to a dish and smiled "Hey, I taught you how to make this,"

"Ha, you did. I wanted to add it because of you. Wanna try my version?"

"Sure! That sounds great." he smiled as Drake ordered lemon chicken with roasted tomatoes. It wasn't a hard dish but still, it was nice. Drake smiled as he looked back to Nathan and smirked "Maybe it'll even e better than yours."

"Haha! You wish." Nathan grinned. The two men talked for awhile before Nathan excused himself for the restroom. So far he seemed okay. Drake leaned back in his chair and looked to Tony. "So, how old are you now, Tony?"
Tony grins and pulls back slightly, now tracing his fingers along the sides of his erection through the material of his boxers. "Where's the lesson in that... My young student..." He lightly teases the head before pulling his hand away and returning to his chest, placing open mouth kisses all over. When he comes to his nipples he smirks and circles them with his tongue, then suckles it roughly, nipping lightly at them. He kisses lower slowly after a few minutes and dips his tongue into his navel, his fingers once again teasing his cock. He pulls away again and looks at him "I'm going to teach you thoroughly little student..." With that he slowly pulls his boxers off.

Tony smiles and enjoys listening to the two talking, it was nice to hear Nathan laughing and carrying on. He smiles to him and watches as he heads to the restroom. He was reaching for his glass when Derek looks at him and asks his question. He slowly looks at him and takes a sip of his wine, then sets it down. "I assiume you're really asking about our age difference... I'm well aware of it..." He takes another bite of his food and looks away.
"Uh. . . i-in kindness?" he replied back weakly. Gasping as he felt the head teased the young man moaned softly, his body loving ever moment. Nathan moaned loudly as he was toyed with by his lover. Moaning and groaning the boy tried to stay still as he could as the man cruelly sucked and nipped out his sensitive skin. Biting his lip Nathan looked down to see Tony slowly pulling off his boxers. With a red face the boy looked away shyly as his member jumped up. "Nnn. . . T-Tony. . ." he whispered softly as he spread his legs for the man

Derek glared before speaking up "Thats what he use to say too," Derek took his glass and sipped from it "I won't say anything, for Nathan's sake. He never really told me how you 'convinced' him to leave with you, but if you make him happy," Drake paused as he watched the boy starting back to them with a smile "I won't stop it. Just, keep him happy."

"Come here you!" Drake grinned as he stood up and playfully grabbed the boy like a big brother would grab the baby brother. Smirking he kissed Nathan's forehead and smiled brightly "So how long are you going to be in New York?"

"Haha! Heh, I think for a day or more." he smiled warmly as he kissed Drake's cheek. Drake smiled and ruffled his hair before taking a seat and letting Nathan return to his seat "Why do you ask?"

"Ah, maybe we could hang out for a hour or two, ya know, like old times. I'd love you show you around if you guys are moving here soon. Show you the best spots to buy things from and where to stay away from." Drake said, acting as if nothing had happened with Tony. Nathan was clueless to all of it, and maybe he should remain as so. Nathan's smile was wider than normal and with how he acted with Drake made him feel good. He had missed his "big brother".
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