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The Therapist [Ladydark/SWN1994]

Nathan smiled and took his lover's hand as he followed his lover back into their new home "I love! I mean, its not as roomy like our other home, but I love it. As long as I'm with you though, I'll be happy." he said happily. Amy and Jared were in the living room and smiled "It looks great, and right next to the park means Nat gets to walk the dogs more, right?"

"Its so cool! Nat I love your new house!" Amy smiled as she walked over and hugged her friend. Jared chuckled and looked to Tony "Hows about you give me a tour?"

"I do?" he asked as he set the plates. Being pulled close the boy chuckled and kissed back before his love asked about wine. Nodding he took a seat and looked up to Tony "I met a guy my own age, hes really nice," Nathan said happily, to him he was just talking about meeting a new friend and wouldn't think that Tony would see it any different "Hes name is Drake and hes goes to the high school that is twenty minutes away." he said as he stood up and grabbed some napkins. Placing it down he looked over to Tony "I've finally made a friend, its really nice to know I won't just seem him once a year or something like that." Nathan looked like he was over the moon. Just so happy now.
Tony smiles and lets Nathan and Amy talk, he looks to Jared and nods "Sure..." He heads towards the kitchen "They sent me pictures... But the place is larger then I thought it was... And look at this... Nat can't wait to start cooking in it..." He stands in the kitchen and looks around.

Tony was lifting a bottle when Nat told him the 'good' news, he almost dropped the bottle, he set it on the counter and blinked a few times. He managed to stay calm and not show how shocked it was. "A new friend? High school, how old is he?" He gets down two glasses and fills them, then takes them to the table with him. "You know we have to be careful... I think I'd like to meet him..." He takes a seat and picks up his glass, having a sip, he didn't want Nat to see his frown.
Jared chuckled and walked over, pulling Tony into a hug and kissing his neck before grinning "Perhaps if I help you two move in we could celebrate this new home." he grinned playfully. the kitchen was blocked out so neither Nat or Amy could see them.

"You wanna meet Drake? Sure! We're meeting up tommrow to play in the park, maybe afterwards I could bring him over for dinner? Or lunch if you have a short day." Nathan said happily as he walked over and kissed Tony's forehead. "Heh, I can't wait for you to meet him, Tony."

That night in bed Nathan had called Drake and asked him if he wanted to come hang out after the game at his home. Drake agreed and seemed pretty excited himself.

The next day Nathan went and played some football with Drake and a few of his friends, after that and having some snacks with them they all parted ways and Nathan invited Drake to his place. The older male agreed and after a short walk from the park to Nat's home, they made it inside. The boy was a bit roughed up, but over all he was as happy as he use to be before Tony took him.

Nathan came into the kitchen with Amy and by this time Jared had moved away from his lover and was talking with the other two. Nathan smiled brightly and looked around before returning to Tony and kissing him firmly before pulling back slowly "Heh, hows about tonight we explore the city? I'd love to try exploring before we move. Maybe, find a nice spot for us to meet up for dinners on speical days after work?"
Tony was expecting Jared to move closer at some point, he sighs softly at the kiss and smirks slightly. "Naughty..." He turns enough to kiss him softly on the cheek "Sounds like a plan... You know Nat won't turn you away..."

Tony had played it nice through dinner and made small talk, trying to avoid talking about drake as much as he could. Tony was in brushing his teeth while Nathan was on the phone, he gripped his brush tighter and glared at the mirror slightly. He bet he didn't know it, but Nathan was flerting with this boy, and it was making Tony see geeen.

Tony was working on finishing up dinner when the boys came through the door, he set the spoon down and went to have a look at this 'wonder boy'. He steps out into the hall and stills a moment and blinks, Nathan never mentioned he was a jock, he looked to Nathan as they talked. Nat hasn't even noticed he had entered the hall, he glares slightly before the two notice him. He put on a large smile on his face and moved closer, holding out his hand. "So this is the boy my little nephew has been talking about... Hello, I'm Nathan's Uncle Tony..." He firmly shook his hand, then looked to Nathan and looked him over "Bin playing a bit rough... Go get cleaned up... The first aid is in the bathroom... I'm just finishing up dinner..." He smiles and turns to head back to the kitchen.
It was just so nice to talk to someone so close to his age and then to talk about normal stuff with. Drake was his something "normal" in this crazy new lifestyle. They were talking about history funny enough and Nathan was explaining that he understood quite a bit and would be more than happy to help out his new friend with his homework if he needed the help. Turning to see Tony, Nathan smiled warmly and waved to his uncle for Drake smiled back and reached out to shake the older man's hand. The younger man had a much stronger grip and it was clear he often worked out for his sports team.


"Ah, its my middle name. My Uncle Tony likes to call me that instead of Jason, yeah know, no one likes to be reminded of a deadbeat brother-in-law." Nathan quickly covered for Tony, the boy knew the risk of being found out so he was use to calling himself Jason by this point. Nodding the young man smiles and thanks his uncle before the two go up stairs to get the first aid kit. After getting himself cleaned up and patched up with just only a few needed bandages, the two returned down stairs to join Tony for dinner.

Dinner was nice and for Nathan he enjoyed talking to Drake more. It wasn't because he didn't love Tony, but with the age gap and then different tastes in everything it was nice to talk to someone who was similar to him in more ways. Drake was charming, nice, and did speak to Tony as well. The jock clearly wasn't trying to steal Nathan away from the older man and for Nathan he wasn't flirting, he was just being friendly. However, seeing green could change a lot of innocent movements and innocent anything into one of flirting. Drake and Nathan shared a lot of jokes, and the boy's attention was for once not solely on Tony. Tony wasn't the center of attention for Nathan, and Nathan felt as through he was a normal kid again. It felt good.

It was after dinner when Drake and Nathan began to wash the dishes and joke around like friends. Nathan had a great time and thought everything went well. Drake left a hour or two after dinner and said he enjoyed meeting Tony and would see Nat tommrow after school. Nathan couldn't wait for that.

Grinning the man looked to Tony and pulled his closer well Amy and Nat simply laughed before saying they were going to explore the apartment more. Jared smirked and nibbled on the man's neck "Might just come and take him for awhile, send you pictures well that happens."
Tony had so preoccupied with worrying about this new boy in Nat's life that he didn't even notic his slip up until he turned away. He was lucky Nat covered for him, he sighs once alone again and tries to relax, it couldn't be as bad as he was thinking. He finished up dinner and set the table while the boys were cleaning up, was he having Drake help him? He looked up as they returned and thought they were standing a bit too close for a moment. He smiles and takes his normal seat "Dinners ready... Please enjoy..." He gets his own food and then sits back to eat and watch the boys, he answered when spoken to but kept pretty much to himself as they ate.

Tony had moved to the living room after dinner, letting Nat do the dishes, as was normal after he cooked, he was listening to them. He had the tv down low and could hear them joking around and making plans for tomorrow, he made a slight fist. He looks back when he hears them moving to the door, Nat saying his goodbyes, he smiles and waves his own goodbye, then looks back to the tv. He waits for Nat to join him on the couch and slowly pulls him onto his lap, hugging him. "He seems nice..." He starts to slowly kiss and lick along the back of his neck, hands softly rubbing his sides. "Will you be seeing him again?" He moves to his ear and nibbles it softly, he was in need of a reward after all, covering his slip up.

He moans softly and turns to fully face him, reaching up to cup his cheek, smirking "Are you telling me... Officer... That you'd kidnap my husband... And send me naughty pictures..." He whispered softly, then kissed him quickly "Just be sure to include rope and a blindfold... And mums the word..." He watches him a moment before kissing him again, pulling again slowly and smiling. He only steps back as he thought her heard the kids coming back.
After Drake left and they made plans to meet up to have lunch after Drake's classes were done, the younger male returned to his lover and sat beside him, a bright smile still on his lips as he watched the man before he was pulled onto his lap slowly. Looking up to him the young man chuckled softly before a soft moan escaped his throat. "Hes very nice. . .I'm glad you like him." he whispered. Breathing softly the boy leaned back against his lover and spread his legs a bit for his lover "Yes. . . we're hanging out tomorrow, I'm going to bring lunch for us and we're probably going to play in the park for awhile afterwards. . ." he answered truthfully.

Reaching back he began to rub his lover's jaw as he felt his body getting hot again. They hadn't really done anything since the punishment, the most naughty thing they've done since then was a long kiss.

"Yes sir. I'd do all that, and probably add some more fun." he grinned. Kissing back he pulled Tony close and deepen the kiss before pulling back as well and smiling as the two returned. Amy was gushing over the whole place and Nathan smiled as he walked over and kissed both men on the cheek. Jared smiled as he offered his hand to the two and lead them to the guest bedroom, Amy following as she didn't want to be left behind.

"Oh wow, I haven't been in here yet."

"I thought so. This is really nice, and look, a balcony too." Jared said. The guest room was slightly hidden but not very much. Nathan walked around and awed at how nice everything was. Jared chuckled and joked around that Nathan's and Tony's kids would be very lucky to have this as a bedroom. Nathan became quite or a moment, clearly it affected him before he quickly joked around too, neither Jared and Amy caught that slightly moment of horror on the younger male's face when kids were mentioned.
Tony nips at his neck a bit, then moves one hand to start teasing him lightly through his pants. He licks the shell of his ear before being told their plans, he turns his head and kisses him deeply, twisting their tongues slowly a few moments. "I don't know love..." He was slowly opening his pants "Being out too much isn't good..." He was teasing him through his boxers now, rubbing his tip slowly "I can't trust him with you yet..." He nibbles at his ear again before sucking his neck lightly.

Tony pulled him close after the kiss and smiles at him "Maybe Amy would like to help you decorate it..." The small group continues on to the second bedroom and Tony was walking to the balcony when Jared brought up children, he stopped and stiffened slightly. He frowns slightly and looks back to them, about to say something before Nathan spoke up again. He looks to Nat and saw the hurt he was trying to hide, when the other two left the room, Tony gently holds him back and pulls him into a hug. "I'm sorry baby... I never though they'd bring something like that up..." He kisses him softly and cups his cheek, "Are you ok?.."
Moaning softly the young man gripped onto the couch before he felt Tony now running his fingers over his pants. Tilting his head back Nathan smiled weakly until Tony stole a deep, passionate kiss. His tongue wrestled with the other's tongue until Tony broke the kiss. Although the boy became a bit alert when Tony spoke and it only got stranger as the man kept talking. Panting softly the blond shook slightly and looked down at the hand, his cock now hard and pressed against his boxers. Frowning slightly the teen looked back to Tony "But. . wouldn't i-it be good? The neighbors won't think its s-s-strange for me to stay in all day. . . f-fuck." he moaned loudly as felt a bit drip out.

The boy slipped out of his jeans and one way or another he ended up facing his lover as he straddled the other's lap. "Please Tony? I promise I'll be careful. . . I promise." he whispered softly as he leaned close and kissed Tony tenderly. Wanting to share a more tender moment.

"Heh, that would be a lot of fun!" He said happily. It was no secret the boy often felt lonely without his Tony beside him or anyone with him, before the incident Nathan would mostly stay at home all day as he waited for Tony. There were no more kids to babysit, his talks with neighbors were short, and the girl down at the sex shop had long ago left to do something else and was replaced with a quite guy. And then Drake. . .

As the others began out of the door Nathan began following before he was pulled back. Looking up to his lover as he was hugged the young man shook his head "I won't lie to you, I'm not. Its just scary to think about having a child and. . . it hurts. I've always wanted to a child." he simply said before pulling back slowly "I'll calm down in a bit, don't worry babe. Come on, lets get going. Maybe we could head out to eat or something? That would be nice."
Tony loosened his hold just enough to allow Nathan to turn around, their short time apart had made him more willing. The boy didn't normally swear either, he was quite excited and eager to continue, he holds his hip gently with one hand. "And what if you hanging out... With a young boy... And making him lunch..." He softly grinds the boy against him, starting a rhythm he knew the boy couldn't deny. "You can see him... Here... Understand..." He continues and slips a hand up under his shirt, pinching and pulling his nipple gently, hoping to distract him with all his favourites.

He kisses him back, slowly twisting their tongues together again, he kept his touches light and their movements steady. He wanted Nathan worked up, focused on him alone, unlike he had bin tonight. He knew his love's body and was good at keeping him on edge. But this wasn't like before, this wasn't another punishment, he wanted his boys attention and he knew just how to get it.

Tony closes his eyes at his words and nods, he knew, this was one thing he feared he'd never be able to get forgiveness. "I understand love... I'm sorry... And I wish I could give you what you wanted..." He gently kisses his forehead and steps back, knowing he'd want some space for now. He smiles again and nods "Sure... Sounds good..." He moves to follow him out the door and smiles softly "Why don't you and Amy pick the place..."
Nathan groaned as he felt the man began to softly grind into him. His cheeks a bright red as he felt a familiar rhythm that normally made him feel like he was on fire. "Ah. . . he. . . he shared his lun--" Nathan groaned. The boy couldn't reply anymore and he stared down at Tony as the man began to toy with his body. Kissing Tony firmly the boy shivered with his lover's touch.

Tony's wish came true as the boy was just a mess in the man's lap and he could only moan and groan in as any reply to any questions. Nathan leaned down and kissed the man's neck, nibbling and biting it softly as he felt his body beg for his lover.

"Alright." Nathan spoke softly as they left from the bedroom and he joined Amy to go talk about where they should go out to eat. Jared chuckled and looked over to Tony before walking over and wrapping his arm around the man's shoulder.
Tony was panting and groaning softly between kisses and their actions, he frees himself from his pants, Nathan too. He gently but firmly grips the two of them and starts to stroke as he finally allows Nat to rock his hips faster. "Nnn..." He tips his head up and kisses him roughly again, he could feel Nat shaking, he swallowed his moans as their tongues fought. He knew he was about to pop so he moved to nipping at his neck, wanting to hear his cries as he pushed him over the edge, Tony wouldn't be far behind him.

Tony followed him out and watched as he walked away to speak with Amy, he was smiling softly, but it didn't reach his eyes. He looks to Jared as he puts his arm around him and smiles a bit more, he lightly leans into his hold, trying to push his hurt away before it became too much. He would have loved to have had a child with Nat, but he understood his reasons, and they were all his own fault. He looks back to the younger pair and smiles "So... Where will we be dining tonight...?"
Nathan smiled weakly as he felt himself being played with now and he swore he felt as through that any second he'd pop from how much the man had toyed with him and with how little "activity" they had been in since that night. Nathan was a shaking mess as his hips pumped into his lover's hand and against the larger member. The rough kiss was enough to make the boy leak and for him to cry out into his lover's mouth. As his neck was nipped he groaned softly as he gripped onto his lover and with a loud moan came. He crumbled into his lover's arms and muttered repeatedly how much he love his Tony.

Getting into bed after cleaning himself up Nathan yawned as he laid on his side to face Tony. The slight memory of Tony saying something about wanting Nathan to only see Drake at their home returned to him. Moving closer to his lover once he joined Nathan frowned a bit. He didn't want to ruin a perfect night with questions, not like last time. Questions on made Tony mad.

Tony was terrible when he was mad.

"Ah, I know this cool place that is only half a hour away where we could eat and have a show!" Amy said happily. Nathan was different, not as peppy as Amy but Amy had yet to notice. Jared took notice of this and looked down to Tony who was different as well. What had happened?

Nodding Jared smirked "Alright, hows about you two lead and we'll follow?" he asked happily. Once the two were far enough ahead where they could still see them but not be heard, Jared looked back to Tony "Whats wrong? Why do you two seem drain so suddenly? Nat looked like he could do anything and all of a sudden he's acting so. . . well I guess the word is calm but. . . it feels wrong. What happened?"

That morning Nathan made breakfast and joined his lover in bed for the first time in awhile. Perhaps it was from last night from being able to reconnect in body again. Nathan remained in his pj pants and his shirt, although his heart was neatly groomed and he looked refresh.

"I hope you enjoy it." he smiled warmly as he cut into the waffles and began to feed his lover. He was scared of asking about the request last night, the one about Drake.
The closer Nathan got, the more he lost it, he held him loosely around the waist as he worked them both, Nat nearly humping his hand. He could feel him nearing his peak as he began on his neck, he held him closer and bucked into his own hand as Nathan's cries pushed him over the edge. He held him and kissed along his neck, rubbing his back slowly as they panted and calmed down. "I love... You too... Baby boy..." He helps him lean back and gives him a warm and loving kiss, he then pulls his shirt off to lightly clean them up.

"Good night my love..." He kisses him again and gently pulls him closer, allowing him to sleep in his arms again if he wanted.

Tony looks to Amy and smiles again "You know a place? How often are you in New York?" He moves to follow them out but slows as Jared gently holds him back, putting a distance between the groups. "What..." He looks to Jared at his questions, then glances at Nat again, he sighs softly and looks to the side. "It's nothing... Nat doesn't like to talk about it..." He tries to smile and brush it off, looking at him, he looks around them. "So what do you think of our new home..."

Tony smiles at the scent of breakfast as Nat enters the room with a tray and is soon sitting with him. "Morning baby..." He smiles brightly and takes the offers bite, his smile widens "I love it as much as I loved last night..." He leans closer and kisses him gently, enjoying the taste of him and just as a hint of syrup from the waffles.
"I come every year to visit my grandmother. I'll probably surprise her after dinner." she smiled warmly. The two smiled and joked around a bit more, Amy saying that when the pair came to the cabin that they needed to take cheesy wedding photos. Jared frown as he heard the man speak about it and he shook his head as he took Tony's hand "And you? You know you need to talk about it Tony. . . at least to feel a bit better." Jared said softly. Nodding he smiled slightly "Its great. I swear you need to give me a copy of the keys." he grinned playfully.

Nathan had began to eat as well and it seemed like he wasn't just going to feed Tony until the man made him eat. Nathan was actually feeding himself without being told for once. Being kissed the boy blushed brightly but enjoyed it. Drawing back he licked his lips clean of some syrup. Smiling he moved close and gave the man a peck on the lips before going back to feed Tony. "Mmm, so what are you going to do today? Are you still going to see Stacy?" Nathan asked as he refereed to one of Tony's patients.
Tony looks back to Jared slowly and smiles slightly "You're a good friend... And I should talk about it... But it's personal... I will say that... Nat doesn't want to have kids..." He looks away "With me..." He shrugs and squeezes his hand slightly "Nat's reasons are his own... And we have had our own talk..." He looks back to Jared and smiles a bit more "Just you two bringing it up... Opened old wounds..." He pulls him slightly to get them moving "We'll be fine... I promise..."

Tony was enjoying his breakfast, and that Nathan was eating on his own without being asked. He picks up his drink and takes a sip, then smiles a bit "Yes as a matter of fact... I will be seeing her today... You know I finally go her to pet a dog our last visit... One of our tharapy dogs came in the room and sat on the couch... It took almost the whole session, but she finally pet him..." He has another drink, "It took us months to get her comfortable enough to have him in the room at first... But she's doing a lot better..." He looks to him "What are your plans for today..." He wanted to see if he'd still ask to go see Drake, out side the house.
"What?" Jared sounded shocked and he looked up to the two who were in their own world and wasn't paying attention to them. "Nathan? I mean. . . I'm just surprised. He's like the babysitter at the parties and good with kids. Why wouldn't he want a kid with you? I mean. . . " Jared stayed quite and squeezed back as he nod "I'm here for you, okay?" he said softly as he didn't know how else to comfort his best friend.

As the arrived to the restaurant Amy excused herself for the restroom and left the trio alone. "Hows about I treat us to some wine? For the two of you." Jared smiled as he looked at the couple. He was more interested in what was happening now.

Nathan listened carefully and remained silent before the subject changed to him. Swallowing hard he leaned over and took his lover's hand as he felt his heart racing from a bit of a fear "Um, I'm going to see Drake. . .today. . . at the park for awhile. . ." he said softly. He remembered what the man said last night, but with all that was happening Nathan wasn't sure if he heard the man correctly. "Its only for awhile, he has practice later . . . so, is there any special request for dinner tonight? I could make whatever you like."
Tony smiles "He has his reasons... I accept them..." He shakes his hand slightly "Thank you... I know you're there for me and Nathan... And it means a lot..." They catch up to the others and make their way to the restaurant and to their seats. He looks to Jared and smiles, then looks to Nathan "What do you say... Bit of a celebration..." He reaches over to take his hand "One more day... And everyone will know how much I love you..."

Tony slowed and finished his bite, then sat up straight, he lightly crosses his arms and sighs. "I thought I told you no... It's too risky... I don't trust this boy yet..." He reaches over and takes another bite of food, then looks at him again. "I was thinking something with salmon tonight..."
". . ." Nathan looked away, a bit uncomfortable now as Tony stated that he had indeed not agree to let Nathan see Drake "Okay. . . I'll get started on that later on then." he spoke softly as he brushed his hair back and looked back up to Tony "I'll get your clothes ironed and ready." Nathan said softly as he reached back to the plate and ate one of the eggs. Licking his lips clean the boy began to work on Tony's clothes, picking out something nice. Getting the ironing board he set it up before walking over and sitting back down on the bed.

Taking one of the muffins he began to chow down on it before speaking up "Could he come to the house then? Just for awhile, I promise we'll stay downstairs."

After getting Tony's suit ready and cleaning up the bed well tony went to take his shower, the young man changed into pair of black jeans and a hoodie. Nathan made a simple lunch, just some rice, freshly cooked meat, and some fruit cut up nicely. Walking over to stairs and looking up he asked Tony if he was ready yet.

"Tony," Nathan said as he offered the man's lunch "Would it be okay if I rode with you this morning? I need to go a bit farther for your dinner and I wanna get their early to get the best choices."

Nathan smiled softly and looked up to the man, holding his hand as he nod and leaned over to kiss Tony happily. "Heh, I think its a great idea. Thank you Jared."

"Of course. . . lets get the best wine for us tonight!" Jared smiled brightly as he looked to the pair and grinned as he pulled out his cell phone "Hows about we take a photo of a great moment? Hm?"

Jared snapped a few pictures of the couple before the waitress came by and took their orders. Dinner was nice and for the most part there wasn't anything upsetting or made Nathan question his relationship to Tony. Not even Jared who would now and again hold tony's hand a bit tighter before letting go.

"Here, for the couple of the night," Jared smiled as he offered the half filled bottle to Tony and Nathan "You two should keep it."

"Hey, hows about we save it till our honey moon?" Nathan asked Tony as he looked over the bottle and smiled.
Tony watched him as he let the words sink in, his happy mood going dull, he glares slightly when Nat's not looking. He wasn't mad at Nat persay, more so disappointed that this Dylan boy was getting between them. He smiles softly when her looks at him "I said he could stay come to the house... I just don't trust him yet... And our lives are complicated..."

He stands up to head for the shower, "I said he could come over... I just don't want the two of you in the park..." He looks at him again before entering the bathroom, then hops in for a quick shower. When done he towels off and goes to dress, walking to the closet while Nat was downstairs. He opens his safe and turns on the surveillance cameras for downstairs, he didn't trust Dylan.

He heads down after dressing, having heard Nat's call, he smiles at him as he hands him his lunch. "Sure, where do you need to be... Are you planning on going to the farmers market across town? Will you get more of those pastries you got last time..." He sets his lunch down and gently pulls him closer "You know I love you right... And that I'm just looking out for you with this boy..." He leans down and kisses him softly, slowly and rubs his cheek.

Tony posed for several pictures with Nat, he even managed to get the boy to blush once or twice. When the wine came, they each had a glass, he leaned over to give his love another kiss. "That... Sounds perfect, Thank you Jared..." He takes the bottle and asked the waiter to have it recorked, then they enjoyed their dessert. "So, is it back to our rooms? I think someone is ready for bed..." They hadn't had much, just the one glass, but it was a higher proof then Nat was used to, he had a soft blush from it. Tony had moved his chair closer to allow Nat to lean on him.
Nathan fixed his jacket and looking up he offered a smile when Tony asked him what his plan was, truthfully he was pretty piss at Tony and even though he wouldn't say anything or allow that to show he still followed out the set path and told his lover his plans. He couldn't go against any of his wishes "Yeah, the farmers market should have fresh supplies. . . and maybe. I'm not sure yet." he spoke softly. Being pulled closer the young man looked up to Tony and let the man kiss him. Leaning into the touch he closed his eyes for a moment, his hand covering the other's hand as he secretly tried to reconnect to his lover.

Why was he feeling as though this was unfair? Tony only did what was best for the both of them. So why did it feel as though Tony was taking away his freedom again? Opening his eyes he stared at the man's chest before he hugged him, guilt overcoming him as he felt guilty still for feeling upset towards his Tony. After collecting his backpack and counting his money for the market, Nathan followed Tony to the car and got in. He stared out the window again, thinking about other things before he looked back to Tony and smiled warmly. Leaning over he kissed the man's cheek and telling him to have a nice day once he was allowed outside of the car. Pausing he looked back to Tony as if he was about to say something until he simply smiled and waved off his lover before he went into the small group of people and began to shop for their dinner for tonight.

As promised Nathan collected what he needed, returned home, and called Drake to leave a voice message to tell him that they would need to hang out at his house if he still wanted to hang out, something about not being allowed outside of the house today.

Dinner began to be cooked around 1 pm and when Drake came over the boy was more than happy to hang out with his friends. The two began play around, mostly just a game of checkers and watching some tv. "So, why won't your uncle let you go to the park?"

"Uh. . we got news my dad is going to be around and my uncle is afraid that he might try something. . . thats all."

The pictures came out great and Nathan was more than happy to see their new pictures. After a while the wine was proved to be too much for the young man and when he looked up to Tony he smiled warmly and nod "Bed sounds good." he whispered softly as he reached over and took the man's hand. "Mmm. . .Tony. . ." he closed his eyes and smiled happily.

Once they got back to the room the young man stripped down to his underwear and went to bed. with a soft blush on his cheeks and the door close the young man smiled and reached out to his lover "Tony~" he sung out his lover's name "Come here."
After their kiss ended, tony hugs Nat back until they pulled apart to head for the car, soon on the road to the market. He glances at him from time to time, trying to get a read on his state of mind, see if he could tell how he was feeling. All too soon they were at his stop, he smiles at him after the kiss an waves back. "Bye sweety... Be careful..." He watches him disappear into the sea of people before slowly pulling away and driving back toward his work.

Tony got home a bit later then normal, he had stopped at the liquor store to pick himself up some Sake. "Jason... I'm home..." He steps into the living room where he hears voices coming from, he stops a few feet from the couch. "How long on dinner? Do I have time to shower? Oh, will your friend be joining us again?" He smiles slightly and looks the two over a bit, everything looked ok.

Once they got back Tony let Nat go to get ready for bed, he was in the bathroom when he heard Nathan call for him. Already in his pj pants, he steps back out into the bedroom, he sees his face and smiles. "Coming love..." He flips the light out and makes his way to the bed, he gets under the covers and turns to him, intent on giving him a soft kiss.
It was pretty nice to have Drake with him and to feel as though for a few hours a day he could reclaim that old life he had left behind. That old life that had been stolen from him. To say he enjoyed Drake's company would be understated and he had begun to think more about leaving, maybe trying to convince Tony to let him return home and for that year he could be back with his parents and once he turned 18 they could be together again. Though, Nathan didn't want to be punished again.

Hearing the door open the young man looked back, Drake still focused on his next move with the checkers game. "Hey uncle Tony," he spoke up as he smiled to his lover "Uh, you have enough time to shower. Just waiting for the rice to finish cooking. It shouldn't be more than a few minutes. The fish is all set though." he said. Drake picked up his head and smiled waving to Tony before telling Nathan it was his turn. Nodding he smiled brightly "Ah okay. Oh, and no. You said you had to go home soon, right?"

"Yeah, I gotta help my mom with some boxes for her business so I can't stay like last time." Drake smiled warmly. The two finished up their game and Nathan walked the man off to the door, giving him a hug and telling him he'd see him soon.

Brushing his hair back the boy went to the kitchen and set up their plates. Salmon with butter rice and a side of carrots and celery. Pouring a glass of wine for his lover he set it up and made it look as nice as he could before waiting for Tony. I should ask later. . . not right now. . . he might get mad again Nathan thought to himself as he waited at the table.

Nathan giggled as he felt his lover get into bed with him, and moved closer to him. Kissing Tony's cheek he smiled warmly and nuzzled into him. "Tony," he whispered softly "This is right, right? For us to get married. . . we're going to be okay? No one is going to try to stop it right?"
Tony nods again "Alright... I'll be back down soon..." He heads upstairs and into his room, closing the door as he gets undressed, he moves to the closet. "Lets see..." He opens the monitor and quickly glances through the days recording, he sighs when he sees nothing happened. "Good..." He closes it up again before heading to the shower, turning the hot water on and stepping in.

About 15 minutes later Tony walks down the stairs and into the dining room, he decided to only wear his pj pants. "Smells wonderful love... So, how was your day?" He starts to eat and picks up his wine, having a sip, he smiles, it went with the food nicely.

Tony rolls more to face him fully and cups his cheek, rubbing it softly "Of course this is right... I love you, you love me..." He kisses him softly, slowly licking his lips "If your parents love you like I know they do... Nothing should get in our way..." He pulls him closer and runs his fingers through his hair, "Tell me you love me..." He smiles softly at him and when he does as asked, he kisses him again, softly and deeply.
Nathan smiled when he heard his lover, and thought maybe just talking about it later. Things were going well and he didn't want to ruin that tonight. He seemed to be ruining a lot of things lately and mentally that was doing something to Nathan at the moment. "My day was good. . . ah, just cooking and hanging out with Drake. . . erm, what about yours?" Nathan asked as he began to dig into his own meal. Do it later, or else he'll get upset now and cooking all this today will go to waste. . . he thought to himself, suddenly in deep thought. Snapping out of it he smiled again.

He seemed to zone out much more lately for one reason or another. "Hows it taste Tony?"

"I guess. . but what if they love me too much?" he asked softly. Purring as he felt the fingers run through his hair he nod and spoke softly "I love you." he happily said, leaning forward for the soft yet deep kiss. His heart skipped a beat and as he moved closer he wrapped his arms around his lover's neck. Just so happy to be with him without a worry.

A few days had passed and since then Nathan had began to get himself ready to ask the big question, which came when they had just gotten take out for dinner. Just a casual night. He was nervous, how couldn't he be with the memory of what happened last time still in his mind. Though once he saw his lover he smiled warmly "Tony," he sung out his lover's name "Could I ask you something? Please promise you won't get mad or anything. . okay?"

"Erm. . . I-I know you might not like it, but. . . could I return to my parents for a year? I-I'm seventeen now, and I'll be eighteen soon enough. Once I'm eighteen I could return to you, no questions or anything. Um. . . I just. . . I miss them, and seeing Drake with his family and friends just. . . makes me think more about my parents and friends. I promise I won't tell them about. . . what happened. I just. . . please don't be mad." Nathan looked up to Tony, his eyes wide and pleading to his lover to just think about it.
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