The Demon Lord Rises (Broomhandle and Princess)

He wasn't denying it, but she had a feeling that he hadn't, honestly. "Nothing is wrong with her, she's a good girl." Medusa responded with a shrug. "She follows orders and likes to please me. What I want to know is what she does for you."
"Never thought about it," Pit said easily. "I like her company, she's...different." he said after a moment of thought. "Different than what I usually deal with, I like her that way."
"You're a strange boy." Medusa responded passively. That would be a problem. Not her problem, but a problem nonetheless. Chi's personality would change, undoubtedly, the more underhanded tasks she would be given. If not on her own, than by Medusa's influence, mentally and physically. "She will change. The more time she spends in the real world, the more she will understand how things work. She will become the same as everyone else."
"So why are you trying to fight change, then?" Pit remarked dryly. "You're the one already bitter about everything, for once things are going your way, and you're just sitting here complaining about how you have to do it with other people, who cares how it's done as long as it's done? You're the strange one, not me. You made me this way," he smirked. "So you must be as odd as me."
Medusa reached out and shoved her hand against his lips. It wasn't really a strike, but there was no gentleness to her touch. She narrowed her eyes at him, and despite the venom behind her icy gaze, there was something all around alluring about her expression. Fine, if he was just going to deflect the conversation back to her problems, they didn't have to talk. However, she was getting tired of people treating her the way they wanted. It was her turn to do what she wanted.

"If I purposely made you like me, you wouldn't annoy me so much. You don't know when to quit while you're ahead." She mumbled as she started to press him down on his back, sliding on top of him in a single fluid movement. "If you think you can get away with talking to me any old way, you're wrong." She grinned, her hand moving away from his lips only to caress his cheek. What would he have to say now?
Pit blinked faintly at that in surprise, but nonetheless found himself on his back with a goddess on his lap. The pressure was probably intentional, and it made his body react with a stubborn erection that made him grunt.

"...If you made me like you, you wouldn't like me as much either," he mumbled defensively, glancing up at her face. "Because I know you, and I'd be boring if I was some kind of lapdog."
"Oh really?" Medusa purred, shifting herself in his lap so that her lower lips pressed right against his erection. The only thing between them was the thin fabric of his shorts. "So you actually think I prefer you to be an insolent child over an obedient lapdog that knows his place?" Her hand moved underneath his chin, and her fingers wrapped around his face. She made sure her claws dug into his skin enough to be uncomfortable, but not to draw blood. "That's cute."
"Cute or not," Pit grunted, teeth gritted as he stared at her defiantly, even if the thin fabric of his shorts made it extremely difficult to look defiant. "I think you like trouble, more than you want to admit." Or, she liked him more than she wanted to admit, but he was sticking to his opinion regardless.
"More of a reason to punish you," She began idly as she squeezed his cheeks between her fingers. "Funner to dominate you, too. I couldn't do either if you were being a good boy all the time." She would humor him, if only just to mess with him. It would certainly take her mind off other things.
"Dominate me?" Pit grunted, glaring at her. "For what? What do I get out of it?" he said, his breathing was beginning to dull the edge of his voice. Her pussy, so good against his erection, and he was doing everything in his power not to buck his hips upward.
She laughed a bit at his question, but decided to answer nonetheless. "Nothing." Medusa told him as she began to rock her hips back and forth, feeling his hard cock twitching in reaction. She then lowered herself over him, so that he could feel her cold breath kiss against his ear. "That's the point of dominating you," She whispered seductively. "I don't care if you get something out of it. What matters is that I get what I want..."
Pit shivered faintly, letting out a soft breath as his cock pulsated against his shorts. He could feel it, he could feel the warm stain that her hips made with her seductive voice as he let out a very un-rebellious whimper from his sudden orgasm, shuddering in surprise as his eyes fluttered. He...was more okay with the idea than he originally thought...
"Aww," Medusa mocked as she moved her hand down between her legs, squeezing his sensitive shaft as he came. She let upper body press against his chest as she looked up at him, her grin growing even wider than before. "You already made a mess and I did absolutely nothing to you. That wasn't very fun..." Despite how sensitive he may have been, she still decided to rub him through his now soaked shorts anyway. "If you're that sensitive, I suppose you aren't fucking Chi yet."
"Shut up," Pit huffed, his cock throbbing against her hand. It didn't soften, it twitched eagerly for more of her attention as he exhaled heavily, eyes closing. It felt good, why the hell was she teasing him for? What did he do?
"You get so touchy whenever I bring her up." Medusa continued, her hand eventually sliding upwards and finding its way into his shorts. She ignored the wet mess inside and began teasing just the tips of his erection, sliding her fingers against the most sensitive part of the head. "I suppose that in itself answers how you feel about her. Or maybe you're just wondering how she feels if you ever stuck this thing inside her..."
Pit sucked in a hungry breath, back arching with a faint groan. "W...what's it matter to you?" he muttered definitely, wings spread out and fluffed in irritation as his hips worked with her erection with a whimper of pleasure.
Medusa smirked at his response. His words didn't mean a thing when she could feel the way his body reacted. "It doesn't matter to me, so long as I always come first...and I will." She said simply as she lowered herself down in between his legs. While one hand kept teasing him, the other yanked down his shorts so he was now fully exposed. She used what was left of his cum to make her hand glide over his shaft, using enough pressure to make him feel good but not enough to make him cum immediately. "I'm sure if you just told her that you wanted her, she'd gladly spread her legs for you."
Pit shuddered heavily, hips arching with a faint whimper of arousal as his cock throbbed for more. Ugh, she was being such a bitch right now, she must have been in a terrible mood. "Why, do you want me to?" he grumbled in irritation. "Is that what you want?"
"I don't care, really." She answered, resting her free hand against his muscular thigh as she continued to lazily play with his erection with the other. Slowly, painfully, until it couldn't get any harder than it already was. "She just seems like the type that's eager to please, that's all. But she won't want to do anything with such a messy boy. I suppose I can help you fix that." Medusa smirked before lowering her head. She then dragged her tongue all the way from his balls to the very tip of his cock. He didn't taste too bad, actually....
He wasn't expecting that, and that was made very clear by the sharp intake of breath as his head tilted back with a heavy pant, his wings fluttering desperately. "Nnh..." Pit whined hungrily, his cock twitching desperately for more attention. What the hell had gotten into her?
Medusa chuckled at his response before slowly rising up. "I suppose I could, but I won't...because you were being so mean to me earlier." He was plenty flustered, and worked up enough. That was all she wanted, and truth be told she hadn't planned on giving him the first orgasm in the first place, but it worked out. It made her feel better that all she had to do was play with him a little to get him to bend to her will. Even if he still wanted to talk back to her, his body language just told her the truth.
Pit panted heavily at that, glaring up at her as he glanced away in annoyance. "I'm not surprised," Pit muttered. "Just another thing for you to play with, is that it?" All that crap about meaning something, he should have known. She just wanted to use him, and he wanted to be used. But that didn't stop him from being disgusted when she acted like this.
"Don't be so offended, I told you that you can't just talk to me the way you want and get away with it." Medusa said with a lazy grin. "Besides, it's not like you didn't enjoy what I did give you."
"Whatever," Pit muttered, his abused cock still erect and glistening with her spit as he looked her over. "Are you done, then?" Stubborn old bitch, did she really think he'd be okay with this?
Medusa snickered softly before moving back up so that she was hovering on just above him. "You're not even going to try to say sorry, are you? Fine, I suppose I'm done." She ran her fingers through his hair teasingly before getting up from his nest of pillows and walking towards the window again. She felt less frustrated, finally...but she wasn't about to return to Ganondorf yet. Staying here seemed counterproductive, however. Now that she had regained her composure, she could start working on the next phase of her plans. Her followers were starting to gain faith in her, each time she showed herself in their dreams.

"You know...while you were terrible company, I do appreciate you making me feel better." Medusa said simply without looking back at him. With that, she simply disappeared from the spot she stood in. She didn't need to stick around for any more smart remarks, and she didn't care if he appreciated her thanks or not.

She didn't have time to mope around. Pit was right, this was the only way she'd ever defeat Palutena and she needed to work harder to obtain more followers and allies.
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