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The Demon Lord Rises (Broomhandle and Princess)

"I suppose not," Ganondorf grunted, moving closer. "It'll be a good anchor for him to focus on...although, I doubt the vessel is going to be able to contain him." he smirked. "It should, however...provide enough for him to form his own body." This would be very interesting to watch, or very of the two. More than likely, it'd be both. Girahim was always very picky about how he looked, perhaps the years of isolation had calmed him down?
"I wouldn't expect this body to do anything else." Medusa stated with a grin before the chains around the sword began to slowly unanchor themselves from the floor and walls surrounding it. "Mind moving over to the side a little, my love? I need to use you as bait." She said as she pointed directly in front of the corpse. "Stand there and I will take care of the rest. And do hurry, he's getting restless now that I'm freeing him."
"As you wish," Ganondorf chuckled faintly, nonetheless heading to where he was ordered to move in front of the corpse. He could feel it too, the way that the sword was resonating with was growing extremely impatient now that his master was finally here, but he would be no good to anyone being so primal and mindless. He just hoped whatever Medusa had planned would work acceptably.
"Perfect." Medusa said before the chains disappeared completely. It didn't take long for the sword to rise up from the ground with all it's malicious energy surrounding it. And it wasn't hard to predict where it would go. Blade first, it was going blade first towards Ganondorf, which was just lucky on her part. It was the perfect position.

With her magic, she swiftly used her magic to block Ghirahim from Ganondorf with the body. It tried to go right through it, but Medusa had it ensnared with chains once more. The corpse fell to the ground and quickly became lost in the dark cloudy mist that was Medusa's magic and Ghirahim's energy.

"I've trapped his soul, now you must pull the sword out and sever it's connection with him." Medusa said as she focused her powers on keeping Ghirahim where she needed him to be. It was...much more difficult than she thought it would be. He was being was annoying and exhausting, to be perfectly honest.
Medusa had truly thought of everything, hadn't she? He nevertheless felt the horrible wave of desperate energy roaring from the body as he carefully walked around and looked over the twitching, pulsating body with a faint grimace. He gripped the handle of the blade and pulled, what happened next was expected, which was probably why it was a good thing that Ganondorf was directly in front of Medusa.

The energy was evaporated into the body, and it began to twitch convulsively, lines of magic trailing over the body as it gurgled and hissed and groaned. The bones snapping and twisting viciously before it burst in a shower of blood and gore.

...Well, then Ganondorf would take it to believe that Ghirahim didn't approve of the choice that they had made.

"Master," The smooth, silky voice came through the gore as Ghirahim emerged in all of his pale body, fingers running through his hair. He was naked, at present...unsurprisingly. And with the simple-minded status that a sword spirit could offer, he seemed entirely uninterested with the mess he just caused. "Who is this woman who dares touch you so much? She smells foul, and looks even more so."

"...It's nice to see you too, Ghirahim," Ganondorf muttered, wiping his face of blood.
Medusa growled angrily at the bloody display, especially because it had happened in her room. She knew very well that he didn't have to make such a mess of things, but he did anyway just to be a defiant little cretin! And what was more was that he insulted her, the very first words out of his mouth was insulting.

"You ungrateful little..." Medusa grumbled under hear breath before calmed herself down...just step out from behind Ganondorf. Or rather hover, the mess was everywhere and she refused to walk in it. "I am Medusa, the Goddess of Darkness. I am the woman who helped you gained back your consciousness, the very least you could do is not insult me any further than you already have." She glared at him.
"Yes yes, that's very impressive," he sniffed dismissively, brushing his shoulder of some non-existant dirt. "I am the sacred blade to Demise, a being of evil and hatred that makes your darkness look like a shadow in the morning sun, in his hand I have-"

"Ghirahim," Ganondorf grunted, which the spirit immediately perked up.

"Yes, Master?" he said happily. "It's been so long since I saw you! I was so happy when I felt your presence when those Gorons put their disgusting hands on me and-"

"Apologize to Medusa," He stated flatly. "Neither of us would be here now without her," he said, making Ghirahim look him over incredulously before narrowing her eyes at Medusa suspiciously.

"...I apologize," he said, in a way that sounded completely unapologetic.
As fake as his apology was, it didn't stop Medusa from sneering at him. "I accept the apology, you have trapped as a sword in a volcano for ages. You are not to be blamed for your ignorance," Medusa started as she moved behind Ganondorf once more, this time draping her arms around his neck and resting her chin against his shoulder despite the mess. She didn't mind a little blood just to get underneath Ghirahim's skin. "All is forgiven, as I have heard many wonderful things about you from your master."
"I knew I smelled her on you," Ghirahim muttered. "He always had such terrible taste in women, and I smell the stink of that...that hylian bitch too, so then...all of your dreams and desires made real, Lord Ganondorf?"

"Not quite, but close," he purred. "I am in need of your assistance, Ghirahim, in ways that only you can provide."

"I will gladly aid you in whatever you need, Master Ganondorf." he replied loyally. "And we would be much better off it was just us, and not some snake-haired trickster."

"Your opinion is noted," he said flatly. However unrealistic it seemed, but sword spirits wouldn't exactly be swords if they didn't feel loyalty to their longest owners, hm?
She knew she had angered him more, and it was fine with her. Even if he only took orders from Ganondorf, he would further her cause as well. "Perhaps you can order him to clean up the mess he made. It was bad enough that one of my walls is destroyed, now everything I own is painted with blood. Including you." She purred in his ear. Perhaps, that was a bit too much, but she knew that Ghirahim felt possessive of Ganondorf, and she felt the need to compete with that, just to show him what the chain of command was.
"I think it's an improvement," He muttered, bristling at her movement. "This place is so drab and miserable, much like the woman that it houses, don't put your hands on him, you snake-skinned harlot!"

"Both of you," Ganondorf said dryly, plucking Medusa's hands off his body and glancing at Ghirahim in irritation. "enough, we are working together. If either of you can't understand that, then I am clearly dealing with children and not an ancient sword spirit and a goddess of darkness," he muttered. "You will clean up your mess, and you will behave," Ganondorf said to Medusa. "Don't antagonize our help, woman."
Medusa gave Ganondorf a betrayed look, and her pale skin only flushed angrily but she did not say a word. How dare he scold her when she did nothing wrong!It wasn't her fault that his sword had such a dreadful personality. "Hmph, I have better things to do anyway than squabble with your sword. Just see that this place is cleaned up before I get back." She growled before turning her back and leaving. The nerve. She was surrounded by ungrateful curs.
"It will be," he said easily, nudging Ghirahim in irritation with a frown as he finally looked slightly embarrassed.

"I don't know why we need her," he grumbled. "We've always been-"

"You will clean this room up, and we will discuss the matter later," he said faintly. "But she is the reason both of us are here, and you will give her respect for that, at the very least."

"...Yes, Master Ganondorf," he said sourly. "I will do as you say, but I don't have to like hearing her shrill voice."

"I quite like her voice," he smirked as he left. "It's quite seductive, now make sure this place is spotless and properly apologize to her."

How did he become so smitten with some shrill hag? He never had any good taste with his women...he should have known this would have happened.
It wasn't really like she had any other place to go...and honestly she knew she would be annoyed if she had to listen to any of Pit's jibs. But sometimes he was...less than insufferable, so she would take her chances. She just needed to retreat somewhere away from Ganondorf, the nerve of him talking to her like she was some child. She was getting really tired of being treated anything less than a Goddess. She would fix that soon, she would have her respect she so rightfully deserved.

She didn't even bother acknowledging him when she barged in. Surprisingly Chi wasn't around, even though her scent was all over the place. What did that boy even see in her? She didn't want to think about it right now, not when she was so angry. The worst part, nothing she could think of would make her feel better unless she went back to Ghirahim and turned him to stone. But she couldn't, because she needed him. Ugh.

She was so done with needing people.
Pit was probably supposed to be surprised that the sanctity of his personal quarters would be violated by Medusa eventually, he never much considered her a tower sort of person. But he was here all the same, hands behind his back on his massive collection of pillows as he opened one eye to look at her. She looked mad, really mad. Much as her attitude irritated the crap out of him, among other things...he could feel that nagging tug of concern.

"...Why don't you lay down?" he asked faintly. "What happened?"
"Tch..." Medusa didn't answer him immediately, but she did start to pace back and forth in front of him as she debated opening up. Sure, there was something that didn't sit right with her about going to Pit and whining. Maybe it was simply because she was used to having no one to complain to or maybe she felt like she was better than that. Either way, she eventually stopped and breathed. "I am so tired." She said simply as she rubbed her temples. "I want to go back to how things were before. I am tired of being...nice."
Pit's brows arched up into his hairline in surprise as he looked at her. Well, that was not exactly what he thought he'd hear, and there was a myriad of responses that he could have given her. But sometimes, discretion was the better part of valor.

"...So what happened?" he asked curiously. "You finally get sick of that giant mongrel putting his hands on you?"
Medusa shot him a glare before sighing in frustration. She shook her head, whether or not that was the answer to his question was for him to decide. "You wouldn't understand, child. I have lived a long time, but these past few centuries have been a struggle. Between dying twice and being forced to live as a shadow of my former self, it's been a...dismal experience. Now I'm being forced to...tolerate others in order to achieve my goals. I can only hope this will all be worth it. I can only hope this won't end in failure, like so many of my plans have." Most of all, she could only hope she wasn't being used again. The thought of it made her sick.
"Seems pretty clear to me why you're always losing," Pit said flatly. "Like it or not, you're not the big bad threat you used to be, you don't exactly see that dork Pit and his precious goddess not working alone, do you? Power in numbers; seems to make sense to me," he shrugged. "This is working so far because it's just more than you and me, right? You've got help, even if your help is some arrogant monster who thinks he's the land's gift to women and the strongest thing that walks," he muttered. "Point is, he gave you time to become stronger...a lot of these crazy women are starting to worship you."
She was quiet for a moment as she glanced out the window, clearly deep in thought. He wasn't wrong, as annoying as he sounded. "That's the part that frustrates me, is that it's working." She growled softly, her eyes turning towards him. "Casting away my pride as a Goddess, accepting help from others to fix my goal, no matter how they treat me, it's working. So that means I can't stop being nice. I have to keep doing this because it's getting me somewhere, finally. It's so bittersweet." She muttered before looking away once more. She wasn't entirely sure why she was even talking about this, it all sounded so ridiculous when she said it out loud.
"So what?" Pit scoffed. "You're a goddess, right? Don't gods need worshippers to actually do anything? The hell is the point of being a Goddess if you don't want people to do crap for you? Stop being so proud of yourself and be glad you're finally getting somewhere, what's so bad about other people helping you do it? How else are those goody-goody people winning?"
Medusa rolled her eyes and leaned against the wall with an irritable sigh, promptly followed by blowing a strand of hair out of her face. So she was getting lectured by her own child now? This was why she kept to herself. Not that he wasn't absolutely right, but she just wanted to be miserable and angry and she would sulk in silence if he didn't want to leave her alone.

She hated when other people were right.
Pit sighed after a moment, glancing at her. "Come on, if you're going to sulk, at least do it in comfort, sit," he ordered, patting the pillows. "Just stare out at the sky for a while and think...I don't know, how nice it'll be to rule it or something."
Medusa didn't know why, but she eventually gave in and decided to sit next to him. She hugged her knees to her chest and rested her chin between the as her eyes settled on the sky again. She missed being in Skyworld, and it just seemed counterproductive to think about being back there, because she wasn't. Still, imagining her taking her rightful place back as ruler was...nice. She hadn't thought about how she was going to punish Palutena and Pit yet, and truthfully she had been avoiding getting her hopes up all this time. But she could feel her strength coming back, and she knew that with enough time...she would be strong again.

She glanced back over to Pit after a while, narrowing her eyes slightly. "Are you bedding that girl? Why is her scent all over the place in here?"
"Am I what?" Pit sighed. "What's it matter to you what I do with other people, as long as I do what you tell me to?" he muttered. "What's wrong with her, anyway?" Well, she must have been happier if she was starting to criticize his life.
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