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The Demon Lord Rises (Broomhandle and Princess)

Pit didn't have any other feeling but to seethe in irritation, glaring as she left. He couldn't believe her, how the hell did he want to apologize with she acted like that. There wasn't much left for him to do but to curl his fingers around his erection and stroke furiously with a frustrated growl. It was the worst thing he had ever done was to submit to her once, because now she'd have it in her head forever that she could do it whenever she liked.

Now he was irritated.
It wasn't fair.

It wasn't fair. Chi had so much pent up frustration and she couldn't even get off. None of the girls were playing with each other and Ganondorf for once wasn't fucking one of them. Just her luck, when she actually needed to blow off some sexual tension by peeping, she couldn't find anyone to watch.

She had to spend an hour or so flying around until she stopped thinking about it. Medusa touching her breasts. It seemed like such a small gesture, but to Chi it was the first time anyone touched her sexually and every time she thought about it, she just worked herself up again.

Of course when she finally calmed down, she had to walk in on Pit masturbating. She was glad she used the door this time and didn't just fly through the window or something, but fuck. Sneaking was not an option, Pit always knew where she was if she stayed around long enough for some reason. But she couldn't just leave, and now she was horny again. Fuck...she didn't know what to do at all. He'd stop if she just walked in, and she couldn't just not watch him!
He didn't know how, but he knew. Maybe it was just some kind of sixth sense that he had gotten when he was used to Chi being around, but he could feel her being around as his hand stopped with a frustrated pant, glancing toward the door with a grunt.

"Chi," Pit growled faintly. "I know you're there."
Ugh, that was infuriating! She didn't even have time to contemplate leaving...well she did but she wanted to watch a little first before deciding to leave. She took a deep breath and then walked in, deciding not to be ashamed. "Well, I just thought I would give you a little privacy is all before I came to bed. I wasn't watching or anything." She lied, but it was better to lie and not seem embarassed or guilty, than to tell the truth and be caught watching him for a second time.

Now all she just had to do was keep her eyes to herself, but she couldn't help but steel a glance or two as she walked inside the room and turned her back to him, crossing her arms. "Hurry up and finish or whatever, I'm tired."
Pit slid up without hesitation, letting out a heavy pant as he moved forward. All thoughts Medusa had sunk into his mind were clear as day, her eyes had drifted to his cock as he moved and that was all the reason he needed to grip her head with a hungry growl and force her head down to his throbbing erection. He couldn't stand it, he needed something and he needed it right now.
Chi gasped when he yanked her by the hair, and she had a mouth full of words ready to start chucking at him for doing it. But when he twisted her around, he shoved his cock right into her mouth, and she blinked in surprise. Whatever that taste was really good...was that how he tasted? Kind of bitter, but she enjoyed the taste nonetheless. She should have been angry but she just got even more aroused than she had been before she walked through the door. What had gotten into him?!
Pit sucked in a hungry breath, fingers lacing through her hair as he started to roughly buck into her tight mouth. It felt good, it felt amazing. Was Medusa right? Did she really want this as bad as she made it sound?
Chi felt her entire body going hot as his hips started moving, and her tongue started moving all on it's own. She wanted to taste him more, gods he tasted so good. She couldn't help herself, and she didn't care when drool started to drip down her chin when she tried rolling her tongue around his shaft to taste him some more. What were they even doing..? Why did she even care at this point? She was practically dripping at this point. First Medusa and now Pit? Had she died or something and didn't realize it?
"Yes, just like that..." Pit growled hungrily, fingers tight in her hair as he rocked forward, letting his hands trail down her spine. "Get those pants off, Chi, now." It felt good, it felt so good to have his cock in her mouth. He wanted more, he wanted to see if what Medusa said was true.
Chi's wings twitched in reaction to his hand trailing along her back, and no matter how she wanted to protest, she couldn't stop herself from stripping off her bottoms while he continued to use her mouth. Were they..actually going to do it? She didn't know how, but she thought he did...he had done it with Medusa so he knew what he was doing, right?

She was embarrassed about how wet she had gotten, although some of the wetness came from when she was flustered before. All she knew what that he would immediately be able to tell how horny she was after she peeled the tight fabric off her body. It was a strong smell...would he even like it?
Pit pulled his cock out of her mouth with a light groan, wings fluttering as he shoved her toward the pillows. "Everything off," he growled, already shedding his robes. Stupid Medusa, doing this stupid crap to him, not that she cared. That much was made abundantly clear, the only thing on his mind currently was that intoxicating body. Had he always liked it? It was hard to tell, but he wanted it now.
Chi hit the pillows harder than she should have, but she didn't say anything. It was probably the first time she was speechless, to be honest. She was too scared to say something, too scared to ruin whatever moment they were having now, for absolutely no reason at all. She hesitantly undid her own garments while watching him undress. She really liked the way he looked when he was naked...
Pit slid closer with a primal growl, hands slipping along her hips to tug her closer as he slid on top of her without hesitation, capturing her lips into his with a hungry kiss. Maybe it was supposed to keep that burning, rapid passion going...but it almost made him stop as he finally felt the way her lips were against his, and he liked it. A lot, enough that his tongue slid across her bottom lip to get more of that flavor.

She tasted better than Medusa.
"Mnn..." Chi moaned against his lips, feeling her heart racing twice as fast as she experienced her first, real kiss. Her arms wrapped around his neck to pull him closer as her tongue slid against his, leading it back into her mouth. She didn't know if she was doing it right, but she didn't care. Not when he was being like this towards her.

His hot dick was pressing against her thigh, and all she wanted to do was gobble it back down again...but this position meant he wanted to fuck her pussy, didn't it? She didn't know how that would feel, but from what she had seen, it was supposed to feel really, really good. As if she could feel better than this...
Pit's hips moved before he really knew what was going on as his fat tip pressed against her swollen pussy lips while their tongues danced, he didn't even think about it. He just moved his hips down with a heavy growl against her, and the pressure was incredible. The way her tight pussy practically fit around his cock like a glove was enough to make him shiver, his breath catching in their mouth. It felt much, much better than he thought it would.
Chi squeezed her eyes shut tightly when she felt him sinking into her. It was painful, it felt so strange, and she honestly felt a little confused. Then she remembered watching Zelda do it for the first time with Ganondorf. It was supposed to hurt at first, but it would get better. She would get used to him...but that didn't stop her from breaking the kiss to hiss in pain when he was finally buried at the hit. " big..!" She gasped.
Pit grunted faintly, feeling his face heat up as he carefully adjusted himself to shift back. "Sorry," he breathed. Maybe he got a little too excited, but he didn't want it to hurt that much. He carefully leaned back and slowly moved back in with a faint hiss of satisfaction. Nice and slow, for the moment.
Chi relaxed a little after she heard him apologize. It felt a little better, even when he started pulling back. She opened her eyes again, just so she could look into his eyes when he started moving back into her again. "'s okay." She said softly with a strained smirk. "Just have to get used to your dick splitting me in half."
"Shut up," Pit grumbled in irritation, hand roughly squeezing one of her breasts as he glanced away from her a fraction. He wasn't that big, but she wasn't that big either. Whatever it was, it felt good...and it was easy to forget his snarky comeback when the resistance went a little and he could begin to move back into her with a breathless pant. felt really good, better than good. It was extremely hard to keep his pace going like this when all he wanted to do was move until he was sore.
"You shut up!" Chi whined, squirming under his touch. She didn't realize how sensitive her breasts were until then, and she didn't really expect him to touch them when there wasn't much there. Still, she couldn't say much more else now that he was starting to settle into a slow, steady rhythm. It was starting to feel better than it hurt, and she couldn't help but grasp at the pillows underneath her as she started panting with excitement. This was much better now...
"Make me," Pit purred hungrily, thumb flicking over the nipple of her breast as he shifted closer with an eager growl, the light smack of his hips against hers making him hitch his breath in pleasure. Whatever Medusa thought seemed to be true, but in this case...he didn't really care.
Chi's eyes rolled back in response to his thumb, but she wasn't about to let him win. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned up to kiss him with fever. Now that it didn't hurt as much, she could taste his sweet lips again while he fucked her. How naughty, he just took her virginity without even asking her and she didn't care! Maybe because she liked him, or maybe she had always secretly wanted her first time to be like this. She wasn't sure at this point.
Pit grunted faintly in surprise, eyes fluttering with his wings as he returned the kiss eagerly to rock into her slower. What had gotten into her all of a sudden, anyway? Was she just...excited about this? Now she felt completely different, the way her lips felt...the way her body moved, everything was different and all it did was make him buck into her harder.
He was still going slow, but he was going harder, and she was starting to feel like she was close to cumming. It wouldn't be her first orgasm, but it would definitely be the first time anyone had given her one rather than her giving it to herself. It already felt different, the pressure was much more intense, and every thrust brought her closer. She couldn't help but moan into the kiss, but her lips continued to dance with his until her pussy started tightening around him and she had to break away just so she could continuing panting and moaning louder. She was so close!
Pit nuzzled into her neck with a heavy pant, his wings spreading wide as he picked up his pace for only a few short moments. He couldn't last past that, even if he wanted to. He let out a long groan of pleasure as he finally stopped moving, his fingers gripping the pillows as he let out a heavy groan, his entire body shuddering when his release hit him and filled her eager pussy with his seed as he rolled his hips, sucking in air through his teeth.

That...felt better than he thought it would, it was like every inch of him had been drained.
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