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The Demon Lord Rises (Broomhandle and Princess)

She couldn't tell which of them came first, just that somewhere in their passionate love making she had grabbed both his wrists and squeezed them for dear life as she finally hit her climax. It was nothing like when she masturbated. A single cry escaped her lips, her wings tensing and drawing closer to her body as she felt his orgasm flood her throbbing, twitching cunt. She felt a little light headed after that, but eventually her grip loosened on his wrist and she opened her eyes to look into his again. "That felt...amazing." She mumbled softly before closing them again and taking a deep breath. She didn't know why, but she really liked the way his cum felt inside of her. Warm, was oozing out too. It made her shiver with pleasure.
"...Yeah," Pit grunted heavily, letting out a long breath as he slowly shifted out of her, his seed lazily spilling out as he promptly landed next to her with a heavy grunt. "It was." Well, that...that happened. And it was a really good thing as far as he could tell. Everything ached, his body and something in his chest felt really weird...he felt it with Medusa too. It was a good feeling, but he wasn't expecting it.
Chi was quiet for a moment while she came down from the excitement. Mostly because...well all the things she should have thought about before taking her clothes off started coming to mind. Why did he do that? Was he just horny? Did this actually even mean anything to him, or did he just have sex with her because he felt like it? Now that he wasn't on top of her, she could smell something else. Medusa's scent, it was very similar to Pit's so she didn't notice at first, but now she did. It was fresh, she had just been here.

She didn't know why, but she felt sort of agitated.

"So...why did you do that?" She asked casually, turning towards him. She needed to know...what she was to him. That way she didn't get her hopes up, or let herself fall too hard for him.
"Because I wanted to," Pit said faintly. "...You make me comfortable," he admitted with a faint shrug as he stared up at the ceiling. "You're really weird, and really annoying...but I like having you around," he mumbled. "Something about you, I really like."
"Oh," Chi felt her cheeks burn at his words, even if they weren't particularly romantic, but that was just how Pit was. "Well, you're rude, and anti social, but I suppose I could stay around." She rolled onto her side to look at him. "There's something about you that I like too. Maybe eventually I'll figure out what that is." She said with a grin.
"Oh yeah?" Pit remarked faintly, turning to face her in turn. "Well, in the meantime...I wouldn't be against doing this more," he said passively, his eyes roaming elsewhere. " want to, I mean?"
"Hmm.." Chi's eyes did their own roaming before she slid her finger over his semi erect cock. "I'll think about it." She teased as her finger glided over their combined mess. After she collected a good amount, she popped that same finger in her mouth to taste. It actually wasn't bad at all!
Pit grunted faintly, his cock twitching to full arousal at the sight. "...Good to know," he muttered dryly. "Where were you, anyway, Chi?"
Chi's demeanor suddenly changed as soon as she remembered what she was doing before she had came here. She actually hadn't thought about it since having that last talk with Lady Medusa, she was just wandering around in a daze trying to find away to get rid of her sexual frustration. Now that she had, it was all coming back to her now. The worst part was, she didn't even really feel bad about it, when so many wonderful things happened to her afterwards. "..Doing an errand for Medusa. Why?"
"For Medusa? What errand?" he said curiously, brow furrowed. What was with her all of a sudden? Why was she acting like that?
"She needed a body," Chi said plainly as she laid back onto the pillows. She just had to remember Medusa's words, and she would be fine. That Hylian was nothing but fertilizer in the grand scheme of things, and she was better than him. He deserved to die for Medusa's plans. "And I went to go get her one."
"...A body?" Pit frowned. "Wait, hold on a second, Chi...what do you mean?" He had a really bad feeling in his gut...why would Medusa ask Chi to do that?
"Exactly what I said." Chi answered flatly. She didn't do anything wrong, she did exactly what she was told. "I killed some nobody and brought his body to Medusa. She gave me a really cool bow to do it."
"...Why did she have you do it and not me?" Pit said curiously, brow furrowed in thought. That was something that was kind of nagging at him, it was hardly jealousy...he just had a feeling that something weird was going on. Chi had never shown any inclination to doing anything like that, and now Medusa was relying on her for that?
"Maybe she didn't want to bother you with something stupid." Chi shrugged. Why was he thinking so hard about this? It's not like she minded doing...stuff like that. It was just her first time and she had to get used to it. "Why? Is it bothering you that she's leaving you alone?"
"No," Pit sighed in exasperation. "I'm wondering why she'd let you do it, and why not just ask me?" Something felt weird about that, and he didn't know the reason, but he knew Medusa. There was an angle that she was pulling from, but what angle would that even be? It's not like Chi was disloyal, so why did it bug him in the first place? Gut feeling, maybe. He tended to trust his gut.
He seemed like he was thinking out loud more than he was asking her why. Chi just shrugged and decided to curl up next to him. She was feeling grossly affectionate for whatever reason. "Don't worry about it, who cares? Medusa does what she wants to do." She said with a yawn. She was more tired than she realized, and being against him like this made her and comfortable. She was probably wrong for letting herself feel this way, but she would think about it in the morning. Right now all she wanted to do was sleep.


Medusa could have stayed angry for days if Ganondorf let her, but he didn't. Instead, he decided to let Ghirahim play with their enemies, and for him to do it so soon, she was positively elated. Link was still away at Lake Hylia, doing his best to be the hero he couldn't be. Eventually he would realize that there was nothing he could do for the Zoran's that had become corrupted, and he'd eventually go back to Hyrule. That day, however, was not today. While Zelda may have been expecting him, instead she would receive an upwards of five hundred monsters on her doorstep with Ghirahim at the helm.

The army of demons marched out of the dessert in a strangely uniform like fashion with their clubs, daggers, and spears. The creatures did not seem intelligent at all, however they were obedient to Ghirahim as if they were following Ganondorf himself. They recognized his power, and they were subservient.

Ganondorf remained behind, after all he had a treaty to respect. While Medusa was bound by that same treaty, she decided to follow anyway. After all, she had her own followers to protect and keep from harm. If she stepped in to "save" them again, they would devote their lives to her and spread her faith more. The resentment towards Zelda would grow and fester in her own kingdom, especially after she showed her already devoted followers visions of her giving her body to Ganondorf like a bitch in heat. They knew the truth.

This time, she left Pit behind, but she had Chi come along if only to annoy him. Chi was also not bound to the treaty like she was, and she would be helpful in other ways.

She stayed as far away from Ghirahim as possible. She didn't want to deal with his insolent mouth, and she had told Ganondorf she would try to remain as civil as possible with him. That meant she just had to ignore him. It wasn't hard when her and Chi were already a few miles ahead despite leaving at the same time. They did not have an army to slow them down.

It took them a half day to arrive at Hyrule, plenty of time before Ghirahim arrived. They slipped through the shadows, avoiding any detection from the guards. Medusa whispered warnings to each and every person she had previously turned to stone, telling them to gather at the old church by the cemetery before the sunset so she could protect them from harm. Some were still terrified of her, but the others simply dropped to their hands and knees and thanked her for the warning before she disappeared.

"That should do it," Medusa purred to Chi after she had visited the last Hylian who she had sunk her fingers into. "Except for one more. I cannot show my face to her yet, Chi. Will you go find her for me?" Medusa asked casually as they appeared in the deserted cemetery. Soon, Ghirahim would arrive.

"Right away, my Lady." Chi agreed. She already knew who Medusa was talking about, because Medusa somehow gave her a vision of the woman. She was a soldier that belonged to Zelda's army, and she was strangely resistant to all her influences thus far. "Shall I tell her to come here?"

"Yes," Medusa said with a grin. "And hurry. They are almost here..."
It was of course, inevitable. Zelda, no matter what the conflicting feelings and everything in-between that Ganondorf had caused her still understood what the result could potentially be, even if it wasn't the case, Impa had plans under plans and over plans. It was her duty to prepare for every single contingency, plan for the worst and hope for the best. Five hundred Moblins was no small danger, and even as Impa bounded across the walls of Castle Town, she couldn't hide the grimace.

They would muster a defense as best they could, but until they could do that, it was up to Impa and her Shekiah to keep them off guard. The person leading them, however...was a new opponent that she hadn't seen before. He was the palest Hylian she had ever seen, but on a second thought, he was hardly Hylian, the aura he gave off was far different.

"Deal with the Moblin," she ordered firmly, red eyes narrowed as she bounded across the battlement and leapt outside the gates. She drew her massive blade in one smooth motion as she came down, Ghirahim looked up almost casually and rose his arm up, a sword appeared in a burst of dark flame and connected solidly with Impa's sword. Her eyes widened in surprise as the demonic warsteed he was riding simply vanished in a puff of vapor.

"My my," Ghirahim purred, tongue slipping along his lips. "That's a very impressive sword you have there, suits someone of your talents," he said, pushing Impa away as she gracefully landed on her heels with a frown. "And here I was thinking I would have nothing to do but cull the cattle, it seems there is someone worth my time in this dingy kingdom."

"Hmph," Impa muttered, blade held in front of her. No, something was definitely off about this one, his movements were smooth and graceful and-

Quick. Very quick. She felt her right ear burn and her arms shifted, the massive blade moved with her as it unleashed a horrifying shriek of sparks and dark magic. The grin that Ghirahim had was absolutely sadistic as Impa parried him away with the massive blade and he was already on her again with a pivot, his technique was absolutely flawless. She barely managed to duck underneath his swing before she jerked forward, the pommel of her blade slamming into his gut with a focused surge of energy.

He stepped back, but not very far as he dramatically rubbed his stomach.

She had never seen anyone move that well with a blade in their hand since Link.

"Ouch," he sighed faintly. "That was quite painful, actually."

"My apologies," Impa said flatly, stabbing her massive blade into the ground as she clasped her hands together and spread them apart, Ghirahim arched his brow curiously as water seemingly appeared from nowhere and solidified into a pair of curved daggers. Hm, she was smart too, that was somewhat irritating. How was he supposed to make his grand entrance if such a nuisance was causing such problems.

"My my," he said, fingers absently trailing along his blade as his long tongue followed behind it with a wicked smirk. "I suppose I better try now, shouldn't I?" he said, surging forward as Impa tightened her stance and felt the impact of his sword before she truly saw it, her reflexes had saved her as she dug her heels in and they slammed into the gates of Castle Town, Impa grit her teeth in frustration.

"This game has been fun, but I think it's time I break you," Girahim smirked wickedly.
It hadn't even been a month yet, and they were already being attacked. Zelda didn't have time to beat herself up about this, not when she was hurriedly making preparations for battle. Impa was already on the front lines, and they needed to help her. She needed to make sure that there were no casualties this time, they needed to keep the moblins from infiltrating their walls. While the Sheikah were powerful, they would not be able to hold them back for long.

"Hurry, get to the battlements! Load up the catapults! We must prevent the enemy from getting to our citizens at all costs!" Zelda ordered to her scurrying soldiers before meeting up with her cavalry. They were already mounted on horseback, ready to be led. Link was not here, but she was. She would lead them into battle, it would do well for there morale.

"Queen Zelda," A soft voice called out to her as she hoisted herself up onto her impressive, white steed. "We are ready to ride and fight alongside you. We will protect you and our kingdom with our lives." Zelda glanced over to the woman, who was the captain of this particular battalion and a longtime friend. Ernya was her name, and Zelda was always proud to fight alongside her.

"I couldn't ask for a braver force to accompany me," Zelda said with a kind smile, her eyes glancing over each and every one of her soldiers. They would be severely outnumbered, but their skill would prevail. "We will take down as many moblins as possible while our infantry defends our walls. We have the advantage, we are faster and have more reach. They will have to fight to get through us! We will show the enemy that they have severely underestimated the might of Hyrule!" Zelda shouted as she raised her sword up.

Her words inspired her men, and they cried out in agreement before Zelda took the reigns of her horse and quickly snapped them, making him take off first. The others followed soon afterwards, and they stormed out of the gates and rode in formation to meet up with the Sheikah tribe to help defend their lines. Zelda's sword was drawn, and she could vaguely see Impa fighting with a man who she did not recognize. Who was that? Was he one of Ganondorf's allies?!
Impa could not believe the speed of the...creature in front of her, he almost seemed amused. She could barely keep up, the change in weapons helped her only to maintain a stable defense...but that was it.

"My my," Ghirahim hummed in amusement, his body a blur of dark energy that seemed to slice against Impa's defense, bit by bit. He had all the time in the world, even if the defense would buy Hyrule time, it wouldn't give them enough to matter. He was content in playing with this stupid bitch who thought she was even on the same level as him, he was a blade as old as time. A blade that could cut gods, there was nothing on this foolish planet that could ever compete with him except for that insufferable hero of time...but much like time, his would come eventually.

Impa grit her teeth, shifting her arm to block a swing that had him locked in position, grinning wildly.

"This is really quite fun," Ghirahim said, his expression mirthful. "But I'm afraid it's time for you to die," in an instant, that expression changed. Impa didn't know what to expect, but that seemed to double in the split second as Impa felt a faint shadow and immediately jerked away. Ghirahim didn't notice until he glanced up, and saw a spinning blur of gold and blue. He jerked back as the figure landed in a thunderous roar of the earth buckling underneath his feet, his cape billowing in the wind as he turned to face the odd creature.

Ghirahim arched a brow at the new man, his hair was as blue as his armor, the massive blade in his hand slowly resting against his shoulder. It burned his eyes to look at it, but no matter. His ears weren't pointed...a human?

"Begone, demon," The man murmured, shifting his stance. "You don't belong here."

"Another fool," Ghirahim hissed, glancing to the side as he saw a small cadre of humans flanking the Moblin's right side. Tch, great...he had to make this quick.

Impa blinked in surprise, lowering her weapons as they faded away like watery mist. She wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth, however...and she moved to grab her massive blade from the ground and rushed forward to assist Zelda. Whoever that stranger was, he was buying time.

"No matter," Ghirahim muttered, summoning his thin blade again. "If you wish to die, be my guest!" he screeched, rushing forward as the man parried the slash effortlessly. Ghirahim's eyes widened as Ike's grip on the massive blade changed, and he swung diagonally with one hand. Ghirahim barely made it out, but enough that the tip of the blade skirted along his chest and sizzled in pain. His pupils dilated with fury, clutching his chest. hurt! It actually hurt! The pain was horrifying, it was almost choking!

How!? How did he move that sword so fast!? No human could keep up with him!
Zelda had only taken her eyes off Impa for a moment when she mowed through a wall a moblins blocking her path to her. She had feared she wouldn't be able to aid her in time, but...someone else had gotten to her first. Who in the world was that? He didn't look like he was Hylian, and that blade was far too extravagant looking for him to be some common man. Had the Goddess sent them aid in their darkest hour when their hero of time was absent?

"My Queen, there are skirmishers to the west who are fighting with the moblins." Ernya's voice interrupted her thoughts, and Zelda had to pull her eyes away from the stranger. More people? The first thing she saw was magic, a flash of wind cutting through the moblins like paper. The caster of such magic was dressed in white robes, and had long black hair. He also did not look Hylian.

Then the flash of a large axe pulled her attention to an armored female with bright red hair. She had never seen a woman swing an axe so elegantly, and one blow was enough to make several heads roll and turn into nothingness. There were more, but it was a small group, all of them look foreign. What were they doing here?

"Help our new allies. I don't know what they're doing here, but I won't turn down their generosity." Zelda told Ernya before Impa joined her side again. "Impa, what in the world is going on? Do you know them?"
"No," Impa murmured. "But frankly, we don't have much room to complain about free help," she admitted. Whoever that man was...that was exceptionally impressive, so was...what she assumed to be his companions. The Moblins didn't have the courage to deal with the new warriors that barreled into their flank, and Ghirahim was far too furious to control this fight how he wanted. How irritating, who were these new fools? They were not Hylian, their arms and armor spoke of that much! Combined with the support of the Hylian defenses, they were crumpling like paper.

Ghirahim darted away from the blue haired warrior and summoned his demonic steed. They were so close to breaking through, but he ordered the retreat with an irritated snarl at everyone. The Moblins weren't sure if it was quicker to die at the hands of the new warriors, as opposed Master Ghirahim's anger, but eventually, they started to run after him with fearful yelps. Ike shouldered his blade with a faint frown, glancing to the line of defenders.

Traveling had been the right choice, it seemed...he supposed war was everywhere. Nevertheless, he made his way back to his mercenary force so they could meet the defenders properly. What a strange place they had found themselves in...
Zelda watched as the mysterious, she knew who he was and where he came from. Ganondorf was responsible, he was responsible for this. That was a thought for another time. She didn't hesitate to dismount from her horse and walk over to the stranger that had come to her aid. She was sure that Ernya and Impa would follow cautiously, so she wasn't worried, really. "Thank you," She called out to him as she approached. "I don't know where you and your friends came from, but you came just in time to aid us. Are you travelers?" Really well trained ones travelers. They were quite skilled and organized, like they had been fighting together for years.
"Of a sort," Ike murmured. "We're mercenaries, by trade...we travel the land to find employment, but I sensed something...different here," he admitted with a faint grimace. "You were fighting a demon, and monsters...we chose to intervene."
Perhaps the Goddess did send them, if they came just on a whim. "Mercenaries, you say?" Zelda asked as she her eyes glanced over each of them. A very capable looking group, and she couldn't be too sure when Link would come back. "Well, I am Zelda, Queen of Hyrule. I would like to extend my thanks to you and your friends, and invite you into our kingdom. You will be fed, and we have rooms for you to stay in for the evening. It's the least I can do to show my thanks-."

Zelda was interrupted when a signal flare from inside the castle walls caught her eyes. Her face immediately went pale, she knew what that meant. Even after they retreated...there were still some moblins that managed to infiltrate Castle Town?! "It seems that the battle is not yet won. Damn that Ganondorf, he promised innocent blood would not be shed again!" Zelda growled in a frustrated manner before hurrying back to her horse. The pleasantries had to wait, she needed to get back to her town to make sure those cursed creatures were cleansed out of her kingdom.
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