Pit grumbled in irritation, curling up to sleep. Women, unbelievable.
Contrary to the belief of Medusa, who no doubt had a very strong and vocal opinion about what Ganondorf did all day, he was still King of the Gerudo, and as such, that did mean he had matters to attend to. Once the initial rush of loyalty and devotion came flowing into the many women of the Gerudo, they slowly returned to their usual selves, more content, more happy. Just...pregnant, it was his task, after all to ensure his people were surviving.
As much as he knew Medusa was being sour about the treaty they established, the promised influx of supplies would be a large help to maintaining numbers, and happy people were faithful people. Already, many had started worshiping Medusa, if only because her arrival brought Ganondorf back to them. Kali was proving to be a talented administrator, and Sybil seemed content to silently glare at Ganondorfs back all day long. So very protective, wasn't she?
Fun and games were all well and fun, but there was still an army to create, he knew how to do that, but he would need some more help. That is why he was eagerly awaiting to see if Medusa could hold her end of the deal and offer up information to old...sword, of sorts. They would need more help, he could not raise his hand, but neither could Link. He settled his hand on Sybil's shoulder, grinning from ear to ear.
"Ah, today is a great day, isn't it?" he laughed. They had fought, won, and lost so many times, the faces barely changed. But this time? This time it would be different, the fight wouldn't be up to them, it would be up to others, and that kind of challenge was very exciting for someone like Ganondorf.