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The Demon Lord Rises (Broomhandle and Princess)

"Yes, I am worried for her," Pit replied dryly. "Or are we going to forget what happens when you start casting off the people most useful to you?" Or how it made him feel, for instance? But of course she wouldn't see that, it was all the same to her anyway. He was her little Pit because Palutena had one, he was better because he wouldn't be here if he wasn't. Tch, he should have thought about that before.
"Hush, boy." Medusa snapped, the snakes in her hair stirring with agitation. "I don't need to worry for someone who claims to be the best at what she does. If she thinks she won't get caught, why would I worry for her? If she is caught, she is useless to me. She has to be better than the Queen's lackeys, and if she's not, I will find someone better. That's just how it works."
"Is it?" Pit said flatly. "And what if I got caught, then? Am I suddenly useless too?" He should have known, he really should have. He still didn't matter, she just wanted him to think that he did. It was so easy for her to twist him around, and that irritated him like nothing else. If anything, he'd care about Chi out of spite. Why the hell did he have to feel so loyal to someone who looked at him like a first place copy of someone else?
Medusa glared down at him before rubbing her temples. Honestly, what an oversensitive boy! She couldn't deal with him when he was like this, it was extremely irritating. "You are different than her. She is disposable and you are invaluable. What's the matter boy, you don't have a sense of pride in yourself? Do you really think that girl is the same as you?"
"Whatever," Pit muttered. "Isn't Chi the one who told you about everything in the first place, Medusa? That seems rather 'valuable' to me." She always acted like this, like he was speaking another language, ugh! It was so irritating! He just wanted to stab her, or someone. Or anything, really. He wasn't picky.
"I didn't need her to get here, Pit, she just made it faster. She will be an asset as long as she remains convenient, like she was in the beginning. I have no time to worry over such trivial matters. If you want to go check on her, then do it and stop bothering me about it." Medusa's tone was absolute before she took her eyes off him and continued down the path. Perhaps they needed a break from each other, or perhaps she was better off alone from the start.
Pit growled at her when she passed by, wings ruffled before she shot up into the air. What an irritating woman, why was she so bi-polar?! One moment she was so happy with him, the next he was a pain in her ass! Ugh! Whatever, he'd help with Chi. That seemed like a more productive way to spend time.

In retrospect, he had never really seen the library...but royal was probably the best way to describe it. It was a huge building, separate from the castle, within it's walls. It was a fairly open structure, with plenty of windows and open air. Pit was hardly a master of stealth like Chi, but it was easy enough for him to float near the rooftop window and look down, brows furrowed. He didn't see Chi, but what he did see was that stupid silver haired woman attached to Zelda's hip earlier. Tch, great...what was she doing? From the looks of it? Absolutely nothing, she was standing perfectly still, arms crossed, that massive blade on her back.

He narrowed his eyes faintly at her, seeing her ears twitch subtly. Oh, she wasn't just standing there...she knew Chi was in the library, didn't she? Dammit. That'd make it a lot more complicated. Crap. Shit. Dammit.

This was going to be the dumbest thing he had ever done in his short lifespan. He summoned his bow and let loose an arrow, and he thought he was quick, but Impa's red eyes snapped open and she was gone in a wreath of flames as the glass shattered, and the energy arrow fizzled into the carpet. He lowered his bow in confusion, before the hair on the back of his neck rose and he spun around in an instant. He had never seen a huge sword move so fast, but it slammed solidly into his bow and sent him through the window in a shower of glass, slamming into the ground with a faint groan.

He barely had the time to recognize the pain before he saw Impa descend down, his eyes widened and he rolled out of the way, quickly rising up as Impa sheathed her blade.

"Well well," Impa purred. "Two little mice, looking for cheese...where's your partner, boy?"

"Pit," Pit corrected grumpily. "And if I knew that, I wouldn't be here fighting you, would I, hag?"

Impa smirked at that, flexing her hands faintly before she surged forward. Oh, crap. Pit blocked the first punch, but that knee to the gut slammed solidly into him, making him grunt in pain before she casually stepped past and slammed her elbow into the back of his wings to make him crumple to the ground. Now then..where was the other little mouse?
Chi had been waiting for what seemed like hours, cornered in the library like rat. She had read the book she needed to read, and she knew where Ghirahim was, but as soon as she tried to leave, that scary woman had found her. Medusa must have made her extra cautious, because she hadn't been an obstacle the last time she had been here. It was boring playing this annoying game of hide and go seek, and she had been laying on top of a tall bookcase close to the ceiling the entire time. Great hiding place, but dusty and uncomfortable.

She was expecting to be there for quite a bit longer, but then she heard the slightest noise on the rooftop window that made her scurry into the crevice behind the bookcase she was resting on and slip down to the floor quietly. Damn, were they crafty enough to search high now? She couldn't see anything from where she had chosen to hide, but she heard it, the sound of energy shooting through the glass and striking into the floor. What..? Was someone attacking Impa?

It didn't take long for her to piece it all together, and by the time she did she heard the entire window shatter and a body landing inside. Then she heard Impa speak, and her fear was confirmed when the mystery attacker spoke. Fuck, what was that idiot doing?! And worse, he just admitted to her existence! She wanted to die, how was she supposed to get out of this now if they continued fighting in here?! Then what was worse...what if Pit was actually in danger here? She knew Impa was strong, she was the queen's personal bodyguard. But Pit was strong too, right? Wait, why didn't she hear anymore fighting? Crap.

Ugh, why was she worried about him when she needed to save her own skin? She had no idea what to think, she had no choice but to peek between the books. Seeing Pit on the ground, seemingly passed out made her eyes go wide. Ugh, what should she do? How could she get him out of here?
Impa's eyes turned quickly, hearing the telltale signs of a little mouse. She was off before Pit was even up on his feet and rushing after her, lifting up over the bookshelves to hop after her. Dammit! That hag was fast! Almost hard to follow! He kept leaping across the bookshelves and dove at the last second, his blades summoning in his hands with a pulse of dark magic to swung them both down. The woman shifted, forearms up in a spark of light and dark as his blades connected with her bracers.

"You have dull little fangs, boy," Impa said, shoving his arms up and uttering a word in a language that he had never heard before, whatever it was...the voice carried like thunder and he felt the hard, sudden impact slam into his stomach, his eyes widening. In one moment, she was...she was simply blocking, and now her palm felt so deep into his gut that she may as well have been gripping his spine.

He clutched her arm with a heavy pant, fingers sinking into her arm. She arched a brow curiously, his panting ragged and wings drooped. Dammit, dammit, shit. This was it? This was all he had? All that talk he gave Medusa, all the talk about how was better than Pit, and this was all he could do against this stupid old hag? No. No, that wasn't the feeling of defeat crawling up his spine, it was excitement. He was losing, and not only that, he was losing badly. That's what Pit always did, he knew it, because he could feel that same stubbornness digging into his body and refusing to leave.

"So do you, hag," Pit grinned widely from ear to ear, dark eyes glinting with hunger. He surged forward, his forehead slamming against her nose as she backpedaled in surprise, shaking her head before he was on her like a rabid animal, his blades a flash underneath the sunlight as Impa weaved and blocked, sparks catching with every parry of her bracers. He was getting faster, his strikes were hitting harder. Where was he getting this energy from?
Chi thought she had gotten caught for sure, but to her surprise Pit was still conscious, and he was fighting. She flinched seeing Impa strike him in the stomach, and she thought that would have gotten him for sure. She was close to just revealing herself, maybe attempting to push her away from him, even though she knew that she'd probably be defeated in an instant. She wasn't a fighter, after all, and Pit was a lot stronger than her, so..

She blinked when she heard Pit speak, bringing her back to her current reality. They weren't very far away now that Impa had moved closer to her hiding spot. She could see his grin perfectly, and she tilted her head curiously. Why was he smiling? Why was this so exciting..and kind of arousing seeing him that way?

Why the hell was she still standing here?

The second he headbutted Impa, it was her cue to move. Quickly she flew away from their skirmish, as silently as possible. She needed to take advantage of her distraction to get to safety without revealing herself. If she could get to the closest window, she could leave that way without being seen. Pit seemed...okay for now? She should get Medusa. Medusa would know what to do.
Faster, stronger, faster, stronger, faster, STRONGER! The rush never slowed down, the fire in his arms never stopped burning. His blades were nothing more than trails of dark energy that continued to chip at Impa's defenses. His strikes, while strong and fast...had no tact behind them. Impa could see the way his arms moved, the way his body was positioned. Whoever this boy was, he was strong, but raw, he lacked the focus to truly be a danger. She waited, and watched...before her bracers surged forward, catching his arms in mid swing and battering them away.

It broke his concentration, his eyes widening as the exhaustion set in and Impa grabbed him by the throat, fingers sinking into the skin as he clutched at her arm. Her eyes narrowed.

"The dog leaves his master, biting whoever they please," Impa murmured. "I think it's time you went home, boy."

He hated her, he hated her worse than Medusa. He hated her worse than anyone. No matter what Impa wanted, she knew that she couldn't put an end to it. The treaty was important for a reason. She could handle this on her own, and she fully intended to do so. It was time to bring Medusa's dog back to her feet. He would have preferred dying than being dragged behind Impa like some sack of wheat, but he felt so exhausted. He could barely move.
Shit. Shit. Shit. She had to get help, she had to get Medusa. Chi didn't open the window, she flew through it while Impa had her back turned, and it hurt. Medusa, Medusa, Medusa! Where was she? She could faintly feel her, but where?! She shot up into the clouds, but before she could figure out what direction to fly, she felt her just below.

She came out in a brilliant display of black energy at the entrance of the library, and the clouds beneath her grew thick and gray. Chi couldn't help but sigh in relief, although she was slightly curious as to how she knew to come.

Medusa entered the library with a scowl on her face. He should have just let it be, and he ended up making things worse. Though what was really bothering her was seeing him defeated, and being held by the throat in such a pathetic manner. She was not angry at just him, but the silver haired woman as well. "That's my boy you have by the throat. Kindly release him, or things might get out of hand." She threatened, her eyes burning yellow with barely restrained magic.
"Your boy and your little mouse were caught sneaking around in the library," Impa replied dryly. "In fact, your boy decided to attack me, unprovoked. You do recall the terms of our treaty, Medusa? Are you trying to start war?" It was an impressive display, to say the least. To think that the little winged rat meant so much to Medusa was something else, but as it stood...there was little that she could do to Impa without causing severe issues. "I suggest you keep your children on a better leash," she remarked, shoving Pit forward.
So, she was aware of Chi, was she? Explained why this fight started in the first place, Pit did this on purpose so Chi could get away. "I have no idea what you're talking about." She said with a shrug before stepping in front of Pit, almost protectively. "I did not order him to attack you, perhaps the boy was shooting at whatever mouse you were speaking of."
"Perhaps," Impa stated, arms crossing. "Then perhaps he needs to learn how to aim better, if you have no business here, Lady Medusa, I would kindly ask you to leave the castle grounds, immediately," she said, her red eyes glancing over to Chi like sharp daggers. She knew that she was in there, but the question was what she was in there for?

"Hmph," Pit huffed, his arms twitching faintly. Man, what a rush...but she was still a stupid hag. She'd get hers eventually, but he did it. He could keep up with her. That was enough.
"Oh, but I do have business here. I feel that there is an intruder here, one that is far less friendly than I." Medusa said with a smirk as the yellow faded from her eyes, and her presence shrunk to practically nothing. "I would like to speak to the Queen, I'm sure she'd be interested in what I have to say." She needed to see if her hunch was the correct one, being even closer to the castle was confirming her suspicions. "Or perhaps the hero, he might work too, if her majesty is too busy with her duties."
Impa regarded her a moment as Pit glanced at her expression. The hag's face was particularly unreadable before her expression softened into political politeness. "And what is the reason that I should tell them you wish an audience, Lady Medusa?" What possible reason did she need to come here in person to see anyone? That was suspicious enough.
"I have a message to give, that is all. Then I will be on my way." Medusa said simply. It was about time, anyway. She had done everything she needed to do, and the boy was getting unruly. As much she wouldn't have minded him getting rid of one of Zelda's allies, she didn't want to explain to Ganondorf why she had gone behind his back and broken the treaty anyway. She still needed him.
"...Then I will inform Link," Impa said, bowing politely. "Please excuse me, Lady Medusa."

"Hag," Pit muttered derisively as she left, his breath still coming in short wheezes. Dammit, everything hurt...breathing hurt, keeping his eyes open hurt, he couldn't even stand up. He just wanted to lay back and pass out. She hit hard, he had never been hit so hard. Was that the kind of strength people had? He did everything he could and it looked like it barely phased her.
Medusa glared down at Pit when she heard him speak, remembering how angry she had been with him. "What were you thinking?" She hissed at him. "Don't tell me you actually attacked that wretched woman to help Chi? What exactly were you planning to do? Kill her and break the treaty to help your little friend? You better have a good explanation for this."

Impa was gone, but Chi was certain she had seen her. That wasn't good, and now Pit was getting in trouble just because he wanted to help her. She felt horrible, not that she was truly certain why. None of this had been her fault, but Pit was just trying to help. She flew down silently behind them, but she said nothing.
"I was thinking whatever stupid thing you had her look for was worth the risk," Pit muttered. "Because she wasn't going to let her go, Medusa. You're welcome for helping."

Guess he'd just stay quiet and nod his head everytime he wanted something, then? Like a good boy?
"So then it's her fault." Medusa said darkly as she glared at Chi. "For not being able to sneak around correctly enough to be caught. She saw you, girl."

"Yes, it's my fault." Chi admitted with a sigh as she walked over to them. She would take all the blame if she had to, just to make Medusa stop yelling at him. She wasn't important, but Pit was. "But I have the information you wanted. Ghirahim is sealed deep within Death Mountain. The Gorons have him. I'm sorry she noticed me, she didn't last time. Honest."

Medusa was silent for a moment, but it was a long one for Chi. The way she glared down at her made her want to shrink into nothing. "Both of you, go home. When you get there, tell Ganondorf what you just told me, Chi. He's the one who needs the information." She didn't have the time, or quite frankly, the energy to deal with them. Mainly Pit. She would have to lecture Chi later, but not in front of him.
"...Go on ahead," Pit mumbled to Chi. "I'll follow you in a minute, Chi," he said, glancing at Medusa. Ugh, this was how she was going to act? Why did she have to act so stupid? More to the point, it'd take him a moment to stand up, let alone have the energy to fly. He refused, let Chi take the blame for this.
Chi was hesitant to leave without him, but she did. Only because Medusa wanted her out of her sight, and she wouldn't refuse an order. She was quite slow with her exit, however.

"I don't want to hear whatever you have to say. You were lucky I came when I did." Medusa grumbled as she crossed her arms and waited. Stubborn boy, didn't know how to take orders. Always had to have the last word.
He stood up carefully, glancing up at her a moment with a long, heavy sigh before he shifted closer and hugged her. He didn't really know what thought hit him that it was the right thing to do, but something deep in his gut twisted when she was unhappy with him, and all he wanted to do was to show some gratitude. "...You're still being stupid, and stubborn, but thank you," Pit muttered. "This wasn't Chi's fault, this was mine. So whatever you were going to do to her, do to me."
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