The Demon Lord Rises (Broomhandle and Princess)

"No," Zelda's voice cracked when she answered him, feeling her cheeks warm up as the memories rushed back to her. He didn't force her to do anything, she just did it for him...because of how much she liked it. Just remembering the sensations that she felt that night sent pleasurable chills through her entire body. She was becoming aroused, even after the fact, while she stood with the man she loved. "That's the problem, Link. He didn't force me into anything, I willing went along with all of it. It felt...nice. Sex feels very nice, and I'm ashamed of that. I shouldn't have liked it, not when it wasn't with you." She confessed to him as she felt tears stinging at her eyes once more.
"Well, you can sit here and feel sorry about it, can be glad that for whatever reason, you enjoyed it," Link sighed. "...Trust me, if I had the choice, I would have preferred something different," he mumbled, shoulders sinking a little. "But as long as you're okay, then I'll be okay too, Zelda. That's all that matters to me." As much as he wanted to be angry, he understood, as much as he wanted to blame her, he couldn't.

What was he supposed to say about it, anyway?
Zelda turned to face him again when she heard those words. She heard the pain in his voice, but she knew he wasn't lying. She placed her hand on his cheek to caress it, and then suddenly pressed her lips against his. She didn't know why, but she felt like she had to. Even if she thought that she wasn't worthy of him anymore, and that he'd be better off with someone else now that she was carrying another mans child. Still, she could not control the love she felt for him at that moment.
Link blinked a little in surprise, pausing a moment before he returned the kiss with far more hunger, however short it was as he exhaled, slightly. "Zelda," he murmured, hands on hers. "I understand," he mumbled. "I do, so...don't worry, okay? I'm here for you."

And he would not give Ganondorf the pleasure of seeing him suffer over this, not in a million years.
"Do you?" Zelda asked softly as she looked into his eyes. "Are you truly not upset with me for this? I don't...understand." She couldn't say she would have been so understanding if their roles were reversed.
"I'm not happy," he admitted with a faint grumble. "But, I know you didn't do it to hurt me, I didn't think you did it for any other reason than for Hyrule," he murmured. "'s fine, what else am I supposed to think?"
"But you're not mad," Zelda repeated before sighing a bit. It wasn't a very satisfying answer, and she wasn't sure if he still wanted with her like that. So she felt like she should take another approach to get the answer she was looking for. "So...then after I have this child, you'll give me one?" She asked him reluctantly. She wasn't sure...about how he actually felt. He was accepting things, but she wasn't sure if he was processing them completely or if he just wanted to pretend like everything was okay. Wasn't he mad? If not at her, then surely at Ganondorf...not that he could do anything.
" want one?" Link said curiously, brow raised. "I'd be happy to give you one," he said easily, smiling. "Is...that what you're worried about?" he mumbled. "Us?"
"Yes," Zelda admitted with a frown. "I don't want Ganondorf to ruin what we had, I feel like he did this as a way to separate us. I don't want to give him the pleasure, and I don't think I'll ever love anyone like I love you, so.." She sighed and then shook her head. "Do you still...want to be with me? I'm not...tainted am I?"
"Zelda," Link sighed, cupping her face a moment...before giving it a faint shake. "Stop being so melodramatic, okay? No, I don't like it, but I don't blame you for doing what you did. It doesn't change anything about you."
She paused for a moment and placed her hand on his before pulling it away gently. "You're right, I suppose I should have just kept my concerns to myself." She muttered before stepping back from him. She didn't really know what to think, was she being over dramatic this entire time? The shame she felt was simply all in her head? "I just came to apologize to you but now I'm just getting on your nerves with my over sentimentality. I'm sorry."
Link sighed faintly, hands on hers, insistent and firm. Maybe he was being too harsh, but this felt almost insulting. "Zelda," he repeated firmly. "After everything we've been through together, after...after all we learned together, do you really think something like this would push me away? Without trying to understand?"
"Maybe not, but...I'm confused, Link. I never thought I would have done this, but here I am. I just feel like I've done something..very unfamiliar. Something I've never done before. It's daunting...and quite frankly I don't know if I made the right choice." She admitted as she looked down at his hands. "I may have saved us a few years of war, but it won't stop, Link. I know it won't. Yet, I did it anyway."
"Zelda, listen to me," Link murmured faintly. "Whatever you choose, I trust you. I know you don't always have a say in what happens, because the people are always first. I didn't...I mean, we didn't start this thinking it'd be easy, or that we'd get our way," he said. "As long as I can still see you, and you can be happy, that's going to be enough for me." It'd have to be, because there was no other alternative. It disgusted him to think Ganondorf had done this, but...what would have hurt more? Knowing that Zelda enjoyed it, or knowing that Ganondorf didn't care if she did?

It was a complicated question he didn't feel the need to answer right now. He knew Zelda only had the best intentions in mind, that's why she did it.
"I'll be happy as long as I have you on my side, Link. I know what the consequences were when I chose to do what I did. I'm sure word will get out...that's why that woman is here. No doubt she is attempting to start the rumors already, and I will admit to what I have done before the rumors can get out of control. There will be many people who will whisper nasty things about me, but...I won't care. I know I did the right thing, I just prayed to the Goddess that I wouldn't lose you." She smiled at him before taking a deep breath. "I won't let this bother me anymore. I won't be ashamed of my actions. My sacrifice. It will only make Ganondorf happier."
"You did the right thing," Link confirmed. "And sometimes, the right thing requires sacrifices, but this is a good one," Link promised, squeezing her hands. "I couldn't hate you for being the Queen everyone respects, Zelda. I knew that when we...well, started."
"Started? You make it sound so dirty..." Zelda said with a light chuckle. "This will all be worth it to keep the kingdom safe from this timeless war, at least for now. I'm glad we're on the same page, Link. I should go and start making preparations for a meeting with the court. I must tell the people before they find the twisted truth from someone else." She sighed as she pulled her hands away. She didn't want to, but she knew that keeping secrets would only make things worse.
"Sure," Link said, shifting forward to kiss her cheek. "I'll be there, Zelda, and so will everyone else, They'll understand," He knew they would, Zelda had never steered them wrong so far, and why would this be any different?
She was a bit disappointed with only a kiss on the cheek, but she didn't want to push anything onto him. Not when she knew that he was probably having mixed feelings about the entire thing, but he really did care for her. "I will have faith in my court." Zelda told him, nodding her head in agreement. Maybe...she'd feel less guilty after she confessed. Hopefully.

She left Link to go back to his training, while she thought of her speech. Though as she walked away, she felt a cold chill run down her spine. She had a bad feeling, but perhaps she was just nervous? Why did she feel as though she was being watched?
So, this was Medusa's grand plan? Really? Pit didn't get it, at all. But he followed her along, hands behind his head in mild boredom. Some people looked terrified, others seemed oddly grateful, there was even one who practically hugged her. In the midst of the scariest thing she had ever seen, she proclaimed, she was there. Saving her life, and she had no idea how to repay it. It was the most disgusting, pitiful display he had ever seen, but it seemed to brighten Medusa's mood considerably.

"...Remind me what we're doing here again?" Pit mumbled faintly, eyes closing. "If you wanted people kissing your feet, you could get that back in the desert, you know."
Medusa chuckled faintly at his word, ignoring the cowardly Hylians who did not recognize her beauty when they saw it. Soon enough, they would appreciate her when their miserable Queen failed to protect them. "Increasing the faith of potential followers will only make me stronger, dear. This wretched curse prevents me from tapping into my full potential, but there is another way to gain my strength back. That is through the mortals. They are not totally useless creatures, after all..." She purred. She would never understand how it worked, but it did, and that was all that mattered. She would never be as powerful as she once was until the curse was lifted, but she would be powerful enough.

"Besides, I can feel a presence here. A strange one, that lingers close to the castle. I'm certain it's not Palutena, it feels much more ominous, and it's focused on something that isn't me." Medusa couldn't place the feeling she had, as the presence was not aggressive, but it was not friendly either. She could only describe it as some mix between annoyance and grief. It was hard to say, but she had finished making her rounds to her first generation of followers, and Chi had still not found the information she was looking for about Ghirahim's resting place.
"What do you mean?" Pit said, glancing up at her, brows furrowed. He tried to focus, he couldn't really sense anything...Medusa had such a presence around him that he had a hard time singling out something particular. "I find it hard to believe that the kingdom of the Friendship and Teamwork Army would have anything like that hanging around." Frankly, he could barely tell that they were being followed in the first place. Those stupid Shiekah were a real pain.

...He hoped Chi was okay.
"That's what makes it interesting." Medusa thoughtfully responded as she made a beeline for the path that led to the castle. "What is something like that doing around here, and more importantly, how can I manipulate it to my advantage? You can find allies anywhere if you look hard enough, Pit." She was aware of the Shiekah following them, and quite frankly she didn't care. To them, she was merely visiting strangers, strangers who were grateful to her for some odd reason. Fanatics in the making, really. She would give them visions in the night, visions and glimpses that she had taken from Chi's memories. There was no need for whispers when she could simply show them their whore queen, let them hear her moans of pleasure.
"...I guess that's true," Pit frowned faintly, facing the path forward. "I suppose I could look around, see if I can find...whatever it is your feeling, all I sense is you," he shrugged. "Maybe I can find Chi." He was a little concerned, actually. He knew that Chi could handle herself, but these shadows made him nervous. He didn't know how good she was at hiding against people who actually were trained to hide.
"Chi? You're worried for her?" Medusa found that somewhat disgusting, but she figured that all that goodness the original Pit had would still somehow taint her Pit. It was a shame, really, but there was nothing to be done. "Fine, if you'd like to check on her, she's sneaking around the royal library. Trying to find the information I requested." If the little girl got herself caught, she wasn't a very useful spy. Medusa had no qualms about leaving her behind, and if it came down to it, she could destroy her memories now that they were mentally connected. It was a win win for her. Spies were easy to find, Chi was just the quickest of the bunch.
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