The Demon Lord Rises (Broomhandle and Princess)

"Mnn..yes..!" She agreed breathlessly as her lips wrapped around the flesh of his neck and began suckling. She wouldn't bite him, but she would mark him. He was hers, he belonged to her, even if he didn't always listen. It wasn't hard to tell that he was loving every single moment of this, and it was making her far more aroused than she initially had ever hoped to be. What was going on with her? Before it was never so enjoyable, but now the feeling of a hard, throbbing dick that was all for her just made her want to cum at the very thought. More than that though..she missed being in control. It was euphoric and it made her eyes roll to the back of her head the more she paid attention to the subtle cues his body was giving her. "Just like that, Pit...don't stop..!" She ordered as she continued bouncing on his dick, adding a little more weight to her descent just to match the roughness of his thrusts.
His hands slid down her back, gripping her ass hungrily as he went harder underneath her, his feet propping him up as he bucked into her with a hungry pant. Deceptive for his size, he was able to lift up, ever so slightly as she sucked on his neck with a heavy shudder. They never stopped moving, he didn't want to stop moving, all he wanted to feel was her slick folds surrounding his greedy dick in hunger. He couldn't help the cries of pleasure starting to come out as his dick drove home to the hilt every single time.
Her cries grew louder in unison with his, they were both getting close but she wanted to feel one last thing. She pulled her lips away from his neck, her love bite clearly displayed on his skin. Then she straightened herself up and shoved his face into one of her breasts. "Suck on them...I want to feel your lips while I cum, Pit!" She gasped as she felt the weakness creep up her legs. She could have stopped moving if she wanted, he would gladly pick up her slack. But she didn't want to, not yet. Not until she had her orgasm!
Pit didn't hesitate to wrap his mouth around one of the dark nipples, suckling hungrily on it as his hips rolled eagerly for her release, his hips started to quiver, and all he wanted to do whatever it was he needed to make her feel good. His tongue roamed happily over her nipple, teeth brushing over the nub as he sucked as hard as he could, eyes closing. He could feel it coming so close, and all he could do was pick up his pace.
His lips felt so good, his tongue felt even better. She wanted to keep going but she was already cumming. Her fingers tightened around the locks of his hair before her back arched and she let out a loud wail. Her sweet smelling juices spilled out of her, getting all of them as he continued to thrust into her. "Cum, I want you to cum!" She ordered while still in the middle of her orgasm. She wanted to feel it, she wanted to feel his hot seed releasing from his body. She wanted him to cum because he couldn't resist her!
He didn't really need a whole lot of urging when she was riding him like that, he hissed in pleasure, his hips lifting up with a long, drawn out groan as he came inside her, almost on cue, his hips stayed frozen in mid air as his cock twitched hungrily, flooding her eager pussy with his release before his ass finally slammed back onto the pillows with a heavy wheeze, head and body limp. That was...that was beyond good.

No wonder Palutena had Pit as a little suck-up.
Medusa closed her eyes and savored the feeling of his hungry seed filling her up. She felt..better. Not just physically, but mentally. Perhaps what really got under her skin was that Ganondorf had multiple partners to sleep with when she didn't. Not that she wanted to share her body with just Pit would do, and there was mutual interest there anyway. She didn't mind rewarding his loyalty with sexual favors. "You did well for your first time, boy." She cooed as she raised her lips slowly, allowing him to slip out of her before she lowered herself back into his lap, letting his cock nuzzle against her slippery folds. "I hope you enjoyed that."
"...I did," Pit grunted, more than that...he enjoyed, in some disgusting way, feeling his seed lazily drip onto his shaft as he nuzzled against her breasts, eyes closing. "...But...why?" he asked curiously, glancing up at her. "I don't understand, Medusa."
"To make you feel better. To give you something to look forward to when you're a good boy for me." Medusa purred as she idly stroked the back of his head. "..I would be lying if I said it wasn't for me, too. Being selfless has never been a priority of mine. I'm sure that will make more sense to you."
"...Oh," Pit murmured, nuzzled contently against her breasts a moment in thought. "...Hey, Medusa?" he said after a moment of thought, glancing up at her again. "...Is...this something that you gave me, or is this something that Pit had?"

It was kind of a stupid question in the midst of this, but now it was kind of bugging him. Was...this something special that they had, that not even Pit had with Palutena? Did he get this from somewhere? Did he actually have something that the stupid good-guy didn't have?
"I doubt that insufferable woman ever had sex with her brat, if that's what you're asking." Medusa answered with a roll of her eyes. No, she had too much of a conscious to corrupt her little dog that way. Besides, she doubted that Palutena would even have interest in such a thing when she spent all her time making potions and reading books. Not that she had ever thought about her sex life until now. Someone as righteous as her would probably think she was too good for such earthly pleasures, even if it was an excellent tool to manipulate men.

Now that she was thinking about her again, she was beginning to grow paranoid. It was then she heard something, the slightest noise that wasn't the sound of the winds shifting sand. That alone was enough to make her rise up and clothe herself in a hiss of black magic. She turned toward the general direction of where she heard the foreign sound. It was downwind of the both of them so she could not smell them, and there were plenty of rocks and hills of sand where a spy could hide.

"Get dressed, Pit." She said stiffly as her staff appeared in her hand. "I don't believe we're alone." She could feel the presence, just barely, now that she was aware.
Pit frowned faintly, glancing over to where she was looking a moment before rising up, faintly aware of his nudity as his wings spread out a moment before frowning deeper. Oh, he knew...not sure how he knew, but he put a comforting hand against Medusa's, his cock still faintly glistening between his legs...and half erect. "It's okay," he assured after a moment. "Chi, there's no point in hiding," he said dryly.

He should have known when he got that weird feeling as he left the castle.
"Chi?" Medusa repeated, the irritation apparent in her tone. No wonder she hadn't noticed, the girl barely had a presence at all. It took a few moments, but she finally came out from her hiding spot and begrudgingly made her way over to them. There was a guilty look on her blushing face, or perhaps she couldn't look at Pit while he was naked. Either way, Medusa knew that she had been sneaking around. "What is the meaning of this?"

Chi cleared her throat softly and did her best to look Medusa in he eyes, but it was...hard. Seeing her ride Pit was one of the hottest things she had ever witnessed, she liked it even more than watching Ganondorf on top of the queen. She was still so damn flustered from it, and Pit had the nerve to call her out without even putting his clothes back on! "Forgive me, Lady Medusa. Pit told me you two were leaving, and I was meant to see you tomorrow, so I..."

"You followed us in secret like a little snake. I admire that trait about you, Chi. When you use it against me though, then it becomes a problem." Medusa told her bitterly.
Pit looked at her curiously, his cock twitching in reaction as he glanced at Medusa. "It's not a bad thing, right?" he murmured. "If we can't sense her, it's not like anyone else could. Besides, wouldn't that be a good thing to have in Hyrule?" he offered. Chi had never done anything wrong, really...she was just a nosy little brat. And...given his newfound...knowledge, he supposed he didn't mind her watching.

He wasn't quite sure why, though.
Medusa glanced at Pit and then she turned her gaze back at Chi, who was squirming because of God knows what. Judging by her scent, she was probably enjoying what she saw. She was more upset that she wasn't aware of her presence the she was about her actually watching. "It's not a bad thing, but it's not necessarily a good thing either. Not until she officially pledges her allegiance to me, and her life."

"I do!" Chi said quickly. "I really didn't mean to spy, I just figured you didn't want to see me until tomorrow. Without trailing you, I wouldn't have figured out where you went."

"I'm not dumb, girl. You would have figured it out." She placed her hand on her head abruptly, causing Chi to squeak in surprise. Purple magic rippled out from underneath her palm and began to sink into the top of her skull. It wasn't a very pleasant sensation to Chi, and she shut her eyes tightly to bare through intense pressure that was beginning to cloud her mind. Medusa saw it...everything she had seen over the course of the night. Though she sensed no lies in her story, it was interesting to see that her focus seemed to be on her and not only Pit, not that she didn't look at him for a good while either. After a few moments, she removed her hand and Chi opened her eyes halfway.

"That..hurt." She commented as she placed her hand on her forehead. "It still hurts, actually."

"Scout ahead, Chi. We'll be behind you." Medusa ordered, ignoring her complaints. There was a bit of hesitation, like she wanted to ask a question. However, she did as she was told. She was slower than usual when she took flight.
"...What did you do?" Pit asked, already getting dressed to glance at her curiously. "...You didn't hurt her, did you?" Why did she even do that anyway? She said she was loyal, what more did she need?
She could have told him exactly what she did, but the truth was a disturbing one about the spell she had casted on Chi. She would be able to see everything that girl could, all at a simple thought. It would be so convenient to her in he future. "I just made it so she wouldn't be able to hide herself from me again." Medusa said with a smirk before glancing down at him. "You might want to keep yourself clothed around that one. She seems more than interested in you."
"You don't need to tell me that," Pit muttered irritably, cheeks slightly pink. "We had somewhere to be, didn't we? So let's get going." Sooner they got away from that conversation, the happier he'd be. Chi was...interested in him like that, really? It wasn't...a bad thought, but then again, it was hard not to think about sex at the current moment, he had a buzz in his brain over everything that happened.
He was so predictably adorable, she knew that he'd quickly change the subject after that comment. "Very well." Medusa said as she snapped her fingers, the pillows dissipating into nothingness. The sky began to clear up as they resumed their long trek to Hyrule. She did not expect her night to go this way, but bonding with Pit seemed to be effective enough for him to stop walking around her with so much attitude. Opening his mind up to earthly pleasures would result in softening him up enough to see that there was more to his existence than being a substitute for the real thing.

"You know, I didn't make you to be as good as Pit. I made you to be better than him." Medusa told him after a while. "If you're worried about being the same thing, you're not. You're better."
"...I am?" Pit murmured faintly in surprise, glancing at her. Not that...he didn't know that already or anything. But it was nice to hear, really nice, actually. He wasn't just a...replacement? Hearing her say that was the strangest feeling for him. A pleasant sensation started at his spine and trailed up, his wings fluffed faintly. He was better than him? She thought so? Even after all the trouble he caused her?
"Of course, why else do you think you can fly without me sending you somewhere? The real one can't do that." Medusa said proudly. "When the time comes, you'll defeat him. I'm sure of it."
He didn't know what to say, but his face was suddenly clear with determination. "Yes...I will," he murmured. "Because I'm better than he is." He could fly more than he could? He had more freedom? He couldn't hardly believe it...but, why would she lie after all this?
"Indeed you are, dear." She agreed, finding his enthusiasm quite refreshing from his normal attitude. Medusa had wished she would have had this conversation with him beforehand. If all he needed was to know that he was better than the real thing, she would have told him long ago. She liked that fire in his eyes, she almost wished Pit would come flying right through the skies to stop her again. Now she had constant protection from him, she didn't have to keep herself close to Ganondorf at all times. It was good for her ego.


As expected, they arrived at Hyrule by sunrise. Their defenses seemed to have improved since the last time she had come, but she didn't plan to breach their walls with her magic again. She was just going to walk right through the gates. She wanted the Queen to know she was here. It would be so nice to think about her squirming while the enemy was inside her walls.
It was perhaps the more painful revelation of the treaty, really. There was nothing stopping them from coming and going as they pleased. Impa knew what they were doing: Posturing about it, maybe Medusa had some actual curiosity to the city, but she was skeptical that it was simply that. She didn't like it, and she knew her opinion on the matter was irrelevant, it wasn't her place regardless. She overlooked their arrival from the castle walls, her sharp red eyes scanning the sky.

...There was a crafty little bird in the air, somewhere.

"Inform her Majesty," Impa murmured to a nearby guard. Zelda would know what to do, how to handle it...even in her current state. "And tell Link to join her."

Perhaps some forced socialization would get her out of her mood.
It was honestly the last thing she wanted to deal with right now, but she knew avoiding it was not a choice. She couldn't imagine what that sorceress would possibly get from being inside her city, but she knew it was nothing good. She couldn't just automatically deny her entry, it wasn't against the rules for her to be in Hyrule per say, just that she could not be aggressive in any way.

She wasn't expecting Link to join her when she came out of her room though, and she could barely look him in the eyes. So she didn't, she simply walked passed him and made her way to the gates to greet their new guest, who was surprisingly waiting patiently outside the gates.

"My, the Queen comes to meet me herself. What an honor." Medusa didn't even bother to hide her sarcasm, not when the Queen looked so miserable. Was her presence so upsetting to her?

"What business do you have here, Lady Medusa?" Zelda asked, her eyes shifting towards the black winged angel that stood beside her. He was also involved in the attack, thus he was forbidden to commit violence as well. The question was, would they both actually respect the treaty? She didn't know, and Ganondorf wasn't here to honor his word.

"Me? I'm just here to spread some good faith. Since we are no longer at war with each other due to the lovely miracle that brewing inside of you, I could think of nothing better to do with my time." Medusa explained to her, that smile of hers never leaving her face. Oh yes, she planned to spread the word to all her faithful subjects. What their precious queen had to do to buy them peace for the time being.
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