The Demon Lord Rises (Broomhandle and Princess)

Link glanced at Zelda after a moment, but said nothing. She barely looked at him, talked to him...really, she barely did anything if it wasn't Impa, who was curiously absent and Link was wondering why. Was this truly just a diplomatic visit, or was there something more going on? Either way, he supposed it wasn't here to question much...but it did make him curious, especially since the kid he saw before was looking Link over warily, he returned the gesture with less direct hostility, his palm resting easily on the pommel of the Master Sword.

"Enjoy your stay," Link stated simply. Why were they doing this? Acting as if either of them wished to be this civil? Link knew better than anyone that Ganondorf was working at something, even if he did say there was some honesty behind it. Bitterly, he wondered if doing this to Zelda was all he wanted to do in the first place.
"I will. And if you'd like, perhaps I could spread the good faith to you as well, Link. Privately." Medusa purred as she walked passed them both. Zelda didn't stop her, how could she? The best she could do was have her watched, carefully. Her comment to Link burned her, though. Even if she was avoiding him, she still cared for him deeply...
"Your generosity is appreciated," Link said, in a tone that said the exact opposite as he watched her leave. He glanced at Zelda then, face settled in concern. "...Zelda," he mumbled. "Is everything okay?" That was a dumb question, but he wanted to know what was going on. Nobody was telling him anything, he...knew, in some ways. Impa wasn't keeping him entirely in the dark, he understood that politics sometimes meant happiness was not always the first choice.

But why was she acting like this?
Zelda glanced over to him, looking into his eyes for a moment before looking away again. It was no use. After what she had done with Ganondorf..and how much she enjoyed it, he would never want to be with her again. "Everything is fine. They shouldn't be bothering us, but I'll have Impa keep an eye on them anyway." She told him before she turned her back on him. Spreading faith...what did she mean? What Gods or Goddesses could she possibly believe in?
"...If you say so," Link frowned at her retreat. "I suppose I'll be where you need me then, Zelda." What was going on? What did Ganondorf do to her to make her like this?
Zelda waited for a moment, debating on whether or not She should say anything. But what could she possibly say? How could she justify what she had done to him, even if it was for the sake of peace, for her people? It still wasn't fair to him. Once the tears started stinging at her eyes, she had no choice but to leave. She needed to find Impa and give her her orders...
Impa was always where Zelda needed her to be, which was a funny joke to many people, but it was also true. It seemed when Impa was nowhere to be found, she was right where she needed to be, every single time. At this point, it was well and away from the people around them, and Impa was resting behind a pillar within the castle that Zelda walked past.

"...You seem tense," Impa remarked faintly. "I think you're worrying about nothing we can help, Zelda." she advised gently, her red eyes glancing off to the distance. That little bird knew how to fly around, didn't she? She already saw her fellow tribesmen darting across the rooftops as quietly as they could be. Her eyes saw everything.
"It was my fault for not clarifying that they aren't welcome here when I made the treaty." Zelda stated bitterly, as she stopped to face her. Her, she could look her in the eyes. She knew Impa wouldn't judge her, or be angry with her for doing what she thought was best for her people. "Still, while I'm somewhat familiar with Ganondorf, I don't trust those two to be left to their own devices. I would appreciate if you could keep an eye on them. I don't want any innocent people hurt because I was too trusting of enemies I have never known until a few days ago."
She nodded faintly, her expression slightly more sympathetic as she tilted her head. "...You should tell him," she murmured, pushing off the pillar. "It pains him to not know, Zelda. He doesn't have the talent of a monarch when it comes to hiding emotions." Really, in some ways...he was sort of like a puppy around her. Always so open and fresh to her needs and whims, bonded in ways they simply accepted, did not question.

To see her like this caused him no amount of grief.
"Tell him what?" Zelda asked with a grimace. "Tell him that I let that monster impregnate me? Or tell him how I enjoyed it like some whore? I don't know what to say to him, Impa. If there were any other way, I wouldn't have done this to him. How will he ever look at me the same way, knowing I'm willingly carrying the spawn of his greatest enemy?"
"Zelda," Impa murmured, moving closer to clasp her face like a concerned sister. "You know Link," she reminded. "His concern is your well being over his heart, because he knows that your heart never leaves his...but the boy is not a mind reader," she said dryly. "He knows what happened, but I haven't told him everything...he's worried, Zelda. About how you're acting."
"How I'm acting?" Zelda paused in thought. She was..very upset with herself for how she handled the entire thing, but she had no idea how much that would upset others. She then sighed and placed her hand on Impa's before closing her eyes. "Perhaps I have not been fair to him. He has a right to know what happened. It's hard looking into the eyes of the man you love, and telling him something like this. I wanted a child with him, Impa. I never imagined it would be to someone else, let alone our enemy." She confessed as tears rolled down her cheeks. "...But he deserves to know. I will talk to him."
"Zelda," Impa said firmly, but with the gentleness of an older sister as her thumb brushed away stubborn tears. "...Forgive my bluntness, but last I recalled, someone can have more than one child," she reminded gently, butting her head with her own. "It does not ruin anything you have with him if Link doesn't see it any different, remember?"
"...True." Zelda agreed, and even though she knew what type of man Link was, she still found herself afraid. What if he did see her differently? She was no longer pure, she was...well she wasn't who she used to be. "I'll talk to him. You just make sure those two don't cause any trouble, okay?"
"I'm already on it," Impa soothed comfortingly, stroking her hair. "Now go talk to Link, that's an order, as your guardian." she said with a playful smirk. "I can't stand those puppy dog eyes he does at you, Zelda."
Zelda gave her a genuine smile. She could always rely on Impa's advice whenever she couldn't think clearly. She had been there for her since as long as she could remember, and she trusted her implicitly. She hurried off to find Link, hopefully he hadn't gone too far. She didn't know exactly what to say to him, but she knew at the very least, she needed to apologize.
He knew, even if he didn't want to act like it. He knew, really...he wasn't allowed to do anything about any of this as long as Ganondorf didn't, which...was frustrating. But part of the treaty, if Ganondorf didn't step in, he couldn't either. So, he was in a familiar spot for him...the training fields. For someone like Link, it was simply reinforcing skills he had never lost, but improvement could always be done. Even if that improvement was stabbing errant bales of hay with a weapon designed for slaying great evil, it wasn't as if it was the first time he had used the blade to cut unworthy things with.

Like grass.

But there was always a natural fluidity to his movements that few people could ever get close to emulating, Link didn't know where it came from, honestly. Even if he knew the story, it just...came to him, as natural as anything else, put a weapon in his hands, and he'd know it sooner or later. He wished he could say the same thing about people...or Zelda.

...He just needed to cut more hay, that was all.
Zelda somehow knew this was where he'd be, and for a moment she just watched him slice through the bundles of hay. She always enjoyed watching him handle his sword, even if he wasn't fighting. She liked studying how he moved, because she had to admit that he had been the reason why she had decided to learn sword play herself.

She knew, however, that she couldn't stand behind him in silence forever. She needed to apologize to him, and make things as right as they could be for now. "Link." She finally said as she started to walk closer towards him. "Can I talk to you?"
"...Sure," Link said, hesitating a moment before lowering his sword and sheathing it to look at her. For the first time since Ganondorf headed off, she was actually looking at his face. That relaxed him somewhat, all things considered. "What's on your mind, Zelda?" There was plenty on his, but he knew there was more than enough for Zelda to worry about aside from his concerns. For another day, he supposed.
"I'm sorry." Zelda simply said as she forced herself to keep her eyes on his. "I can't apologize enough to you, Link. I'm just so ashamed. What I chose to do to keep Hyrule safe...I am sorry that I didn't take your feelings in consideration. You mean so much to me, but...I did what I felt like I needed to do. I don't blame you if you can no longer see me the way you used to..." She was beating around the bush, but she didn't quite know how to put such vulgar things she had done in words.
Link glanced at her a moment, frowning faintly in thought. "I know you did," Link stated easily. "I'm not upset, Zelda. I'm not happy, but I'm not upset. I know what you did was what you had to why are you so...ashamed?" he asked curiously.
Zelda was afraid he would ask that question, so she took a deep breath and looked away from him. She couldn't look him in the eyes and say these words, she couldn't look anyone in the eye. "I didn't...hate it." She admitted as her skin flushed red. "I wanted to have those feelings with you, not...him."
Link tilted his head a moment, running a hand through his hair with a light sigh. "...I don't know what you want me to say," Link admitted. "Was it...I mean," he said curiously. "...Consensual?"
"Yes, I agreed to conceive his child. So of course I consented to him...being in bed with me." Zelda said in almost a whisper before turning away from him. "Look, I don't want you to say anything, Link. I just wanted to say I was sorry, I shouldn't have avoided you."
"No, Zelda," Link frowned, moving closer to put his hands on his shoulders. "Did...I mean, was he...he didn't force you into anything, did he?" he asked honestly.
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