The Demon Lord Rises (Broomhandle and Princess)

"You promised me a child, yes," Ganondorf smirked, hands slipping along her shoulders to pick up her slowing pace. "But..." he purred, leaning down to growl in her ear. "I'm going to make you happy you said yes..." he rumbled. letting his hands trail down her arms. "And you're going to want it again, and again..."
Zelda couldn't help but flinch when she felt his hands on her shoulders, but she didn't pull away. Her ear twitched faintly when he leaned down to whisper more revolting thoughts to her, and all she could do was keep walking until she finally reached her door. She was no longer in the mood to argue with him anymore. She knew that she wouldn't like it, not with him.

..But what if she did like it? The doubts started creeping up into the back of her mind as she opened the door, revealing a large and luxurious bedroom that was indeed fit for a Queen. Her bed was large enough to fit at least five people comfortably, so his size was of no issue. However, Zelda had always imagined losing her virginity in that bed with Link...everything seemed wrong. Maybe she was better off picking another place to do this in...
"Hm, a fine bed," Ganondorf purred, glancing around. "I must admit, I was expecting a lot more pink," Not that there wasn't a...decent amount of it, mind you. Still, she was being so frigid, come was only through the graces of their special bond that he would do everything to make this special, in many ways. And yet...on the other hand...he felt he'd have to do very little to really make it work.

Even so, he let his hands roam down her arms, and settle on her stomach to lazily trail up. "Now then," Ganondorf purred. "I would like it if you stopped acting like I'm going to ravish you like some uneducated brute, your majesty. Why don't you take a breath and relax, mm?"
Zelda took a deep breath, not to please him but because she needed to keep her composure now that he was touching her so intimately. She reached up to begin undoing her corset, although she couldn't stop the shaking in her hands. No matter how much he would ask her to calm down, she couldn't even do it if she wanted to. She didn't know what sex would feel like, she didn't know if she'd like it, and worst of all she was doing it with him. If she was with Link, he would be able to keep her calm, to make her feel safe...
Ganondorf slid his hands into hers, stopping her shaking fingers with an easy smirk as he turned her around. Fine, if she was going to be so difficult, he'd simply show her instead. He was much taller than she was, both in width and height...and so, it was so very easy to scoop her up and kiss her hungrily, his hands slipping down her back with a pleased growl. Mm, her lips felt so much better than he could even dream...
Zelda wasn't expecting him to actually kiss her, especially so passionately. She was familiar with this, at least. Her and Link often kissed when they were alone, so she knew how to deal with this, even if she may not have wanted to. Her soft, full lips curled against his, and for some reason she felt the urge to go even further than that, allowing her lips to part so that his tongue could enter her mouth. This...wasn't so bad, but she knew it would have to go further than this eventually.
He slid his hands along her corset in the back, his fingers gently plucking at the strings as he leaned her down on the bed with a hungry growl, his dark magic starting to slowly burn away at his clothes as his fat tongue sunk into her mouth. Well well, seemed the Queen knew a thing or two, didn't she?
Zelda couldn't understand if she was enjoying this or not, and it scared her. The way he tasted to her was different than Link, and she wanted to hate it...but she didn't. She might have hated him, but her body didn't seem to, and that scared her. With his clothes gone, all that was separating her skin from his were her clothes...and he was working to remove them already. She didn't even realize that she was going through the motions of the kiss, sliding her tongue along his which felt huge in comparison to hers. She pulled back suddenly, only because she couldn't quite comprehend what was happening. Why was she not feeling absolute disgust for him when she knew what he was?
The corset gave way, and his mouth shifted to attack her neck with a hungry growl of pleasure. So many layers...why did a woman insist on wearing so much? It baffled the mind, he let his hands roam upward, his palms mashing against her breasts with a faint smirk. Well, this was certainly a different side of her now, what had changed, he wondered? Was his guess true?
The flesh on her neck grew just as red as her cheeks when she felt his thick lips against her, and she tried to pull away. She didn't want this to be intimate, but of course he wanted it to be. He should have hated her as much as she hated him, if not more. After all, he remembered being defeated every time, he remember being sealed away time after time. She didn't remember much, if anything. Looking at his face brought back her hatred, but not her memories really. Why was he playing with her like this?

His hands on her breasts, it should have felt bad...but she couldn't ignore the tingling in her hardening nipples. She couldn't ignore the sneaking arousal that her body felt so many times when she kissed Link and denied herself the pleasure of making love to him. This...this wasn't fair.
He slid back just a little, a smirk easy on his face. "I could take this dress off faster," he purred hungrily, hands roaming up and down her chest. "And then I could see all of you, your majesty...would you like me too?" The scent was intoxicating, like nothing he ever imagined. His cock was already begging to bury itself into her graceful little pussy, to fill it with his fertile seed, make her stomach swell with his child.

But in due must not rush these things, mm?
Her eyes reluctantly turned towards him, and she saw what seemed like an endless amount of muscle pressed tightly against his dark flesh. Nothing like Link, or any Hylian man. Seeing him naked was intimidating, and her eyes stopped just at his chiseled abdomen where she quickly looked back towards his face. "Do whatever you want, Ganondorf." She begrudgingly answered before looking away. She wouldn't be fun for him. She wouldn't satiate his sick fantasies more than she had to.
"That's not something you want to tell me, your majesty," Ganondorf purred. "But as you wish..." he said, his fingers glimmering with dark magic as her clothing started to hiss away, exposing more and more of her naked skin, her perky breasts, her toned stomach...he sunk down hungrily, letting his tongue brush across her toned navel before he trailed lower, his powerful arms curling around her increasingly naked legs.

Mm...her scent was like nothing he could even comprehend, she could act however she wanted, by the time he was done, she would crave it, need it, even.
Zelda wasn't sure what she was expecting, but to be suddenly naked in front of him startled her and she tried to cover herself. Not because she was ashamed of her body, but she had never been naked in front of a man before and it was a little overwhelming. Before she could do anything to hide her virgin pussy, he was already between her legs. She knew what he meant to do, as he had already tasted the flesh of her lower abdomen, but she still raised her head to stare down at him anyway. This wasn't how you made a child...he really did mean to make her suffer through pleasure. He would prolong this as long as he could, she knew that. Yet she glared down at him with sickening anxiousness despite that fact.

She probably shouldn't have told him to do what he wanted. Now he was hovering just above her glistening, untouched flower.
"Would you prefer I shove it in and be done?" Ganondorf purred, his fat tongue roaming over her perfectly pink pussy. Mm, no such luck for her, no...she would want it, she would enjoy it. What fun was there if he simply slipped it in and be over?
Before Zelda could answer him, she felt his tongue drag along her folds. She hissed in surprised, gritting her teeth to prevent herself from making any other sound. It felt strange, but unfortunately it felt good too. She didn't know how to respond to that, so she just rested her head back down on the bed and tried her best to ignore the pleasurable sensations. She could try, but her body would react regardless. Her clitoris was now poking from the hood, swelling from the sudden attention. She couldn't tell if she was getting wetter, or if that was simply because he was licking her.
Ganondorf smirked at that, letting his hands trail up to squeeze her breasts as his large tongue moved up to the swollen clit to kiss it. "Mmn...I see you do like it..." he purred, pinching the nipples between his hands. "You should stop being such a liar, your highness..." How adorable, she was trying to fight what she knew she craved.
Zelda whimpered when she felt him pinch her nipples with the tips of his fingers. They were already erect but the throbbing only got worse at the attention. She could barely control herself when she felt his tongue, but now that he was playing with her nipples too? She couldn't stop her hips from squirming, her legs from twitching. There was no denying that this felt good, but she didn't want it to. "W-why don't you just....get it over with?!" She gasped as her back began to arch, her beautiful pussy pressing even harder against his mouth. She didn't mean to do that, but she couldn't help it!
"Mm, because I want you to enjoy it..." he growled against her wet pussy, his wide tongue trailing over it like a greedy animal, his cock twitching desperately. He wanted to bury it in her...but not before she wanted it herself. Not before she was a panting, flushed mess of need.
"I don't want to!" Zelda cried out as her hips continued to squirm. Every stroke of his tongue brought on a more intense sensation. She wouldn't be able to stop herself from making noise for long. There was a pressure that was building inside of her, one that she couldn't ignore for much longer. How could this feel so good?! This was dirty...what kind of woman was she?!
"Mm, why?" Ganondorf smirked, tongue flicking over the engorged clit. "Do you think me some savage beast to violate women? Or would you prefer I did just that, Zelda? Is that what you picture me as? Some ruthless animal taking what he wants?" he said, palming her breasts eagerly.
She didn't immediately answer, not when he was pawing at her breasts in such a lewd way. Her nipples throbbed almost painfully alongside her clitoris. However, she forced herself to answer, if only to resist his touch a little longer. "The stories say you are a monster...a ruthless beast who takes what he wants. Of course that's how I view you, and no matter what you do I will never think otherwise!"
"Oh?" Ganondorf smirked, letting his tongue trail along her inner thigh. "And what do you think, your majesty?" he purred. "Am I acting like a craven beast, or a gentle lover, mm?" he smirked, flicking her erect nipples. It was so cute to see her squirm against her own desire, he could do this all day.
"We are not lovers!" Zelda cried out angrily. This was humiliating...she didn't want this! Yet it continued on and on, and her body continued to flush with pleasure. "I will not give in to your mind games, Ganondorf...not now, not ever! No matter what disgusting things you do to my body..."
"Disgusting?" he laughed faintly, shifting up as his hands trailed up and down her body, his cock throbbing and hungry. "You poor you think anything I've done isn't something that your precious hero wouldn't do? I have barely touched on what can be done in the bedroom," he purred. "You will enjoy this, I promise you."
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