Blood of Legends ((Kiandra&Mephilis))

Luckily, the night went by without much excitement. By the next morning, the two teams were on the move. On the move, armed with the knowledge of traps the teams moved slowly and disarmed any traps in their way. Once they finally got within sight range of the fortress walls. It was quiet, aside from the traps, they encountered little else on the way. The teams were spread out over a twenty yard line, with Rune and Menis acting as spotters on the left and right wings respectively. Using the trees for cover, Menis checked the watch towers, but he did not notice anyone. Giving shaking his head toward Seylian who was nearest to him. Tom shuffled over to Devaln, placing a hand on his shoulder and nodding to him, indicating it was time. The silver feline would focus for several moments before everyone could hear his voice in their minds. 'Hello?' He asked, startling the Blood Hawks, but not phasing his own team as they were used to his telepathic link magic. 'I have linked our minds, any thoughts you wish to transmit, just focus on them.' He said as some mass of jumbled thoughts would come from Thyverian, Menis and Seylian as they tried to get the hang of talking with their brains. 'Maybe we should have practiced this last night...' Tom thought through the mental white noise, after several moments of almsot incoherent chatter, they would start to get the hang of it.
"Oh Hey!"
"Alright kids, quiet down, try not to speak too much unless you have something important to say." Melorn though, rolling his amber eyes at his idiot warriors.
"O-oh, sorry.." Menis stated, sounding as soft spoken and shaky in his head as he is vocally. "I don't see any guards... I don't understand. " He finished, looking over at the others, unsure if this was good or bad. "Could be a trap." Thyverian thought to the others as he too had trouble seeing much of anything on the wall. "Yeah, I doubt we are lucky enough to emerge on the unguarded wall." Tom thought. "Yes, but we cannot sit here forever, we need to get in there and work, if it is a trap we either need to find another way, or just spring the trap." Waldier thought.
Rune and Kiara had remained quiet in the chatter, but moved with practiced ease towards the wall.
"We could send in a decoy?" Kiara asked, looking over in the direction of Rune who nodded and looked back over at Waldier.
"Say the word boss." Her voice was as soft and smoky in their minds as it was in their ears. She motioned with her hand, and suddenly there were two Runes standing at the end of the line.
It would not take Waldier long to speak, "Hold, Rune. Kiara, do you think you can topple this wall? About how long would it take?" He asked, waiting for her response before giving out more orders. "Alright, Kiara, I want you to get ready to blow the wall. Rune, I want you to get up on the wall with your illusions, find out where the enemy are, then lure as many as you can to this section of the wall. Devaln, once the wall comes down, I want you to be ready to blast any survivors."
"Menis, I want you to join Devaln in blasting the opening. Thyverian, Seylian, I want you two to blitz the opening once the volley ends. Clear a path for the rest of us. We're going to blow through their defenses, set fire to their base and destroy their anti air guns so the frigate can support us with gliders."
As Melorn went through their mission plan, Thyverian and Seylian formed up behind where ever Kiara was setting her explosives, phycing themselves up for their Calvary charge cosplay. Not long after Waldier would join then, "Hope you don't mind some company." Being the biggest guy here, it would make sense for him to join the charge... but it snot like Melorn could orde rhim to. Menis and Devaln began channeling their magical energies and the others prepared to follow in behind the vanguard.
Kiara looked up at the wall, her eyes taking in the width and berth. "About ten minutes, give or take a few feet of actual width."
As he started tell them what they were going to do, Rune and Kiara both nodded to each other, "See you guys on the other side." Rune replied, before making a couple more of her forms appear, and then all twenty of them disappeared into thin air, only to teleport to the top of the wall and fan out, her dark tail disappearing from view.
Kiara set to work, laying her charges, and grumbling to herself as one of the charges didn't want to stick.
"Stick you fucking piece of shit."
Her words would shock Melorn's team, as they had never heard her curse before, but her team would just chuckle. Finally, about 7 minutes had passed, and she stepped back, a sadistic grin on her face.
"Ready to blow." She stepped back, and a small energy ball appeared in her hand, ready to light the fuses. She stood, checked on everyone's position, and once Waldier nodded to her, tossed the energy ball towards the wall. There was a moment of silence, before the charges blew, and the wall crumpled, rolling in on itself, and falling back away from them. A large smoke plume of dust and smaller rocks rose in the air, and she lifted a bandana around her nose to be able to breath.
Voices of shock could be heard once the explosions shook the earth. The wall tumbled over, crushing a large portion of people lured their by Rune. Even before the rubble finished falling, a group of warriors came rushing through the breach, like ants swarming once their hill was attacked. Devaln took the energy he could conjure, channeling it into his hands as he reached out toward the charging enemies. Menis drew back a pair of arrows that he had infused with his magical energy. The silver feline shouted out a warcry before firing out a sphere of energy out at them. A light blue ball of arcane light crashed in the middle of the soldiers, exploding in a brilliant light. Vaporizing those in the center and launching the others away from the blast.. Right after that, Menis loosed his two arcane arrows, causing more explosions and prompting the vanguard to begin their charge.

Thyverian and Seylian would attempt to roar as they rushed toward the breach. Their attempts were quickly drowned out by Waldier's actual roar. As they reached the opening in the wall, they spotted several rallying Rastrox trying to fill the gap. Raising his shield, Waldier barreled past the first group with ease. Seylian and Thyverian followed behind, killing the fallen Rastrox as Waldier knocked them over. As they moved past the wall, several Rastrox started rallying behind them to try and surround the invaders. The sounds of gunfire erupted from behind them as Thomas and Melorn gunned them down on their way through the wall. Menis and Devaln followed behind, killing stragglers with arrows and magic missiles.
Rune's clones rushed through, taking down as many as she could, and luring those who chased her back to the wall. Her roar was a creepy almost hyena laugh, her smirk on her lips.
Kiara followed after Waldier, a feral savage grin on her face, as she pulled out her large knives. She enjoyed close combat, the blood spraying from the arteries she sliced open.

Cylesta couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. She got up and headed over to Tamir's to relax with company. The two females curled up on the couch together, with Flix at their feet as they talked and Cylesta tried to shake that horrible feeling.
"Kiara! Devaln! You two go for the guns! Tom-" Waldier started before a panther male sideswiped him with a warhammer. Luckily it only dented his helm and dazed him for a bit. Despite the foggy feeling, Waldier locked his eyes on his attacker and easily deflected his followup attack. Rearing back his mace, the leonkin would give this poor guy a few brutal smacks to the head. Caving in his helm and crushing his skull. "Tom! Clear a path!" Upon hearing that command, Thomas broke from shooting stragglers to rushing to the frontline. Holstering his two pistols before drawing two more guns. These were also handguns, but with four large barrels. Moving toward a horde of soldiers that where between them and the first of the four large anti-air guns. The ginger tabby would raise his guns at them as they got within twenty feet of him. After they closed the distance a bit more, he began firing. Each barrel launched a mass of steel pellets in a thick spread. Once all barrels where emptied, there was a clear path to the gun littered with at least twenty fresh bodies riddled with holes.

"Go go go!" He commands as he holsters those two guns and falls back, drawing the rifle from his back as he does. "Thyverian! Seylian! Escort!" Melorn shouted as he gunned down a hostile leopardkin female. Thyverian and Seylian rushed over toward Kiara, who was closer to the gun. "We got your back!" The grey feline shouted as they moved with her toward the gun, ready to protect her as she set the charges on the gun.
"Devaln! with me! Rune! Cover us!" Waldier shouted as he began advancing on the next gun. Bashing oncoming enemies as he moved forward. Menis was trying to pick off ranged attackers as he stuck by Melorn. Looking over he noticed someone shouting into a magcom. "They are sending an S.O.S.!" he shouted before putting a couple arrows into the enemy. Probably not a good thing.
Kiara followed after Devaln, her knives carving a path through the idiots who came up against them. "Save your magic." Kiara said to him within their mind link. She cleared a path as she slipped past him towards the first gun. She knelt down, and started placing her charges that she had already prepared. She set a small energy ball down next to the fuse, "Move out!" She yelled through the mind link as she sprang up to head to the next large gun.

Rune moved through the forces almost like a phantom. She provided cover for the rest of the team, and growled loudly as she felt one of her clones die. The only drawback to this ability, when each clone died, she felt the pain they had gone through.
As Kiara set her charges, Thyverian and Seylian intercepted a couple of would be attackers. Thyverian contended with a cheetan male with pair of short sword. While Seylian fought a Jaguri who wielded a twinblade. Seylian fought defensively, using his arming sword to parry attacks he could not avoid. He noticed rather quickly he was mostly covered in chainmail armor, his sword was unlikely to get through its links. He did have a plan though, as much as he liked swords he knew he would need to rely on other forms of weaponry. Seeing his chance, Seylian rushed forward after deflecting a strike with his sword. Wrapping his sword arm around the hilt of the twinblade to nullify it. Twisting his free hand gauntlet, prompting a long, thin steel spike to burst out from it. He quickly stabbed the spike between the chain links around his enemy's throat. Following up with a hard punch to knock the dying Rastrox to the ground before ending his life by stabbing hi sword through the opening for his eyes.

Thyverian was backpaddling a bit against the aggressive advance from the cheetan. Keeping his sword in both hands so he could defend more quickly. However, the cheetan was more clever than the redhead thought. A quick feint from his right hand sword drew Thyverian's weapon to his left side and the cheetan rushed in with his left sword. Thyverian just barely caught this attack, but his foe trapped his Damascus blade between his own blade and crossguard. "Shit!" Thyverian cursed as he saw the right hand sword coming for his face. He would throw his head back, simultaneously lifting his left leg for a kick. The sword got into his helm, but he pulled back jsut enough to avoid a deadly strike, only getting a cut under his nose. Throwing his leg out, Thyverian kicked the cheetan back, and broke the grip he had on his weapon. Taking his sword in both hands, Thyverian pressed the attack, but the cheetan easily avoided his attack and moved to respond. Lifting his arm, the white feline deflected the strike with his plate armor before thrusting his own sword. The cheetan quickly dropped his right hand sword and with a quick sidestep both avoided Thyverian's attack and managed to grab his wrist. Growling, Thyverian responded by using his free hand to grab the cheetan's free wrist. The two grappled as Kiara shouted to move out. By that time Seylian had defeated his for and moved to aid Thyverian. Knowing their time was short, he sheathed his sword and grabbed cheetan from under behind and under his arms. Using his superior strength to wrench him off of Thyverian who gave him a swift punch in the face, not wanting to risk hurting Seylian with a weapon strike. The grey feline quickly threy the cheetan toward the bombs before they ran off with Kiara leaving him to be destroyed by the explosion.

Waldier managed to lead Devaln to the second gun. With cover fire from both Rune and Tom, Waldier had little issue protecting Davaln as he overloaded the gun with his magic. It took a little longer than Kiara but the second gun did got up in flames. "Now to the next one!" Waldier thought to the others, as they now needed to get to the opposite side of the fortress. "Everyone, to me!" Devaln thought as he prepared a teleportation spell to get them near the next guns. "Same plan, Kiara you take one gun, Davaln, you get the other!" Waldier shoutered as he waited for those that wanted a quick trip to gather on them. "Seylian, you and Thyverian keep escorting Kiara! Menis, get ready to call in the frigate!" Melorn shouted as the spell went off and those that came were instantly on the other side of the base. "Lady's prerogative!" Seylian shouted as he and Thyverian waited for Kiara to take off. Since Devaln had to recover from casting that spell, she got first pick of either the northeast or southeast gun.
"North!" Kiara said as she moved quickly towards the gun she had chosen. Rune watched her sister like a hawk, one of her clones teleporting to her side to protect her from an attack from a large leonkin male, bringing her gun up and shooting him in the head. Kiara slid on her knees at the last couple feet, and started laying the charge down. She still had a couple left, for just in case, and she lit her charge, before being pounced on by a large Rastrox who had snuck past Rune. Rune rushed to her sister's aid, a growling yell coming from her damaged throat. Her other clones continued laying down cover fire with their guns and knives.
As Kiara rushed toward her target gun, Seylian and Thyverian rushed off with her. They flanked her and body blocked most of her would be attackers. With Menis and Rune finishing those they dropped. Though when a large leonkin instead knocked poor Thyveriran on his ass before trying to kill the small female. Seylian reached his sword over to block the attack but since he was using his arming sword, he could not really block it from the opposite side. Luckily Rune came to save the day, Seylian quickly slit the lion's throat after she blasted his head, can't be too sure. "On your feet, Thy!" Seylian shouted as he turned to escort Kiara to her target. While the Rastrox got by Rune, the grey male was quickly on the scene. Stabbing his sword into the back of the larger feline's knee. A loud scream of pain echoed out before Seylian slashed his sword to the left and ripped open his leg. The large feline turned quickly and smacked Seylian in the face and knocked him down. To make matters worse, he even dropped his sword... so this was... not good. Looking up, he noticed Thyverian rushing toward them, "Up!" He shouted as he forced himself to his feet in a crouched stance, hands open and ready to catch his friend's foot. Thyverian jumped up as he got to Seylian, who launched him above the larger feline. Luckily the Rastrox was a bit distracted by the pain to do a whole lot before Thyverian crashed down onto him, stabbing his sword between his neck and shoulder. Growling, the beast of a car staggered back, but still did not go down. Thyverian quickly used the larger cat's armor to leap off of him as he pulled his sword out of his body. Giving him a swift drop kick to both knock the larger cat back and to launch himself away... Hopefully the bomb would go off before he could recover.

On the other side, thing seemed to go better, with Waldier and Melorn leading the way they made short work of the defenders as Devaln destroyed the other gun. With the four larger guns down, it was safe for the Frigate to approach. "Menis, call in the air support!" Melorn thought out, and Menis followed orders, calling the warship in.
Rune turned towards her sister, and suddenly got a rush of pain which caused her to drop to one of her knees, more than one of her clones had been killed, and she sent out to warning through the mind link as Kiara rushed to get away from the bomb. It went off behind her, and she rolled with the force of it. She sprang up to her feet, and threw one of her knives into the throat of an enemy that was about to cleave her sister in half. Her eyes widened as she saw a large shadow coming towards them. She crouched down in front of her sister, snarling angrily. Rune tried to get back up, but she felt the rest of her clones get destroyed, causing her to groan in pain, panting for air.
As the frigate approached, anyone watching it would seem multiple smaller objects leaving it. The ship itself did not come close enough to use its weapons, as while the larger guns had been dealt with. The ship itself was not armored enough to take much smaller weapons fire. Those smaller objects were the gliders, magically driven personal flying machines that were often used to drop bombs on ground based targets. "Get away from the structures!"" Melorn transmitted as many of the Rastrox disengaged and started rushing to man the smaller anti0air guns along the walls. Others just ran for it, trying to escape the base, while some actually remained to fight the two teams.

Menis saw Rune in a bad predicament, rushing over to her as a chorus of gunfire erupted from the base. Hails of bullets and even arrows surging up at the incoming gliders. "Rune!" The black feline shouted as he neared her. He was not as big and strong as his friends, and likely could not carry her out as easily. He opted to help her to her feet and help her run as a glider crashed down not far from them. "Kiara lets go!: He shouted as he tried to get Rune to relative safety.

When the bombs started falling, explosions began erupting around the fortress. Once everyone got out of the base they started heading for the frigate for evac. "We're gonna make it! We're gonna be ok!" Thyverian shouted hopefully As they got a hundred yards from the base an ominous red light streaked across the sky. Slamming into the side of the Frigate and ripping it in half. "What the!?" Thyverian shouted as they watched the two halves of the ship fall helplessly to the ground. "We're dead, arn't we?" Menis said softly as the reality of having no way out started to settle in on them.

The sound of footsteps somehow pierced through the sounds of destruction behind them. Looking over they saw a feminine figure approaching them. Bright golden armor with scarlet bits of cloth hanging off of her slender form, including a long cape that draped over her arms. "Hello again, I did not get to play with you last time.." She said, her voice begining in an almost flirtatious tone before darkening with each syllable. No verbal response, but Melorn did aim his pistols on her and began firing. With each shot, she seemed to just warp away, getting closer to him with each jump. In reality, she was not warping, she was just that fast. After the fourth shot, she sped into the cheetan, striking him in the chest with enough velocity to launch him back several yards. "You have alot to answer for..." She growled in a low, menacing tone, her eyes were bright red and seem to smolder like flames as she glared at them... especially Seylian.
Rune used Menis' help to get up, still gasping for air, but moving. Slower than usual, but that was to be expected. Kiara rushed back to the team as they made their way out, moving towards the frigate. Kiara looked back to see where Rune was, and as such, missed the destruction of the frigate, only turning back with wide eyes as Menis spoke.
Rune growled at him, "We ain't dead yet, we fight til the end." She pulled her own gun out at the appearance of the other female, and snarled low. Kiara pulled out her knives, as she said through the mind link, "We need another S.O.S. out now."
"I can try but I think we are too far away!" Menis thought back as Thyverian and Seylian rushed the female. She made them look rather foolish with her ridiculous speed. Disarming and knocking Thyverian back before overwhelming Seylian. Just as she was about to snap his neck, she was intercepted by Waldier's mace that rebuffed her attempt to execute the gray male. Menis moved away, behind a tree as he tried to use his magcon. "Can anyone hear me!? Come in! S.O.S.!" The suddenly he got a face full of gold armor, glancing up he saw the burning eyes of their assailant. "No, I don't think so." She said as Manus tried to draw his sword, but she struck him in the gut, knocking the wind out of him. As he gasped desperately, she grabbed him by the throat and lifted him off of his feet.

Looking over, she saw Melorn running to her, abandoning his guns for his swords. "Hmph." The female scoffed before tossing Menis into his commander. As Melorn tried to catch Menis, the woman was behind him and sweeping his legs out from under him. As Melorna nd Menis started to fall, she spun around, kicking them away.
Kiara threw her hunting knife at the other female, trying to find an opening, while keeping Rune behind her. This female was fast, and she knew she couldn't keep up. She pulled out her large shoulder gun, and checked the gage, before easily getting the female in her sights. She breathed quietly, and then pulled the trigger, feeling the backlash of the gun against her body. She growled to herself, as Rune grabbed her own shoulder rail gun, and started laying down cover fire, towards Menis, to give him a chance to call in the cavalry.
Hellcat would not bother evading the knife, instead catching it out of the air. "How quaint." He said with a tone of condescension before the females started firing at her. She did bother evading these shots, zipping around infront of them. After evading about five shots, she would throw the dagger she was holding toward Rune's chest. She then zipped in at Kiara, aiming a kick at her head before rushing off. This time jumping on Thyverian, disarming him again as she forms a blade of energy on her right wrist before trying to stab him. She would be intercepted by Thromas, who slammed his body into her's, tackling her to the ground. Pulling the dagger from his chest sheath and trying to stab her. She caught his hand easily, before trying to stab him with her energy blade. He barely caught her wrist and they grappled for a moment before she exerted a shockwave that threw him back several yards away.

Hellcat stood up, breathing a bit heavier as Seylian rushed her, She mad no issue evading his arming sword. She would quickly knock it out of his hand, forcing him to try to fight her hand-to-hand. Somehow he managed to hold his own as her fatigue started to show. She had played around a little too much, as she started taking a few blows from Seylian. One good shot, and the grey male actually put her on the ground. "Ha, what else you got?" He asked, feeling a bit pleased with himself. Then a loud thump sounded behind him, everyone else would see a large Pathean male land behind Seylian. Before he could turn, a large maul nearly the size of Menis' torso slammed into his side and sent him flying into the tree above. Thyverian tried to rush this large male, but is also greeted by a hard hammer strike and sent flying away.

Way back at the capital, Manus would be sleeping in his room in his family's mansion. This sleep would be interrupted when his com would start beeping. He would stir a bit, groaning about how he didn't want to go to school today. After a bit, the shadows would shake him a bit. "What?" He said finally as he sat up, looking at his com. A message from his father saying that they lost contact with the frigate attached to the mission Menis was sent on several days ago. His ruby eyes would widen as he leapt out of bed and quickly changed out his sleeping clothes and summoned his shadow armor. Quickly slipping through the shadows to enter the Demon's room, who was also asleep. "Get up now! Menis is in trouble!" He shouted, slapping the Demon's leg and causing him to jump out of the bed almsot. "What!?" The demon shouted as he started to throw on his gear, "The ship keeping them in contact with us has gone dark, that is not good. We are getting them out of there." Manus said as he began to focus, searching for the familair presence of Cylesta. Not in her house... he began to seek her elsewhere, finding her at Tamir's place. "Lets go!" He shouted before opening a portal to where Cylesta was.

They might be slightly surprised to see the two males rush through the portal as Manus generally does not rush unless its serious. "Cylesta, get ready we are moving out. Tamir, I would appreciate it if you came too!" He practically shouted as he began to focus... searching for his brother. Given the distance, it would take a little longer to find him. The Demon was still situating his armor as he waited for Manus to open the next portal. "Menis' team may be in danger, HQ lost contact with the ship assigned to their mission. They have no way back, and cannot communicate with us." He said, giving them a bit of information on why manus seemed so... desperate.
Rune dodged left, but the blade still managed to embed itself into her right side, and she yowled in pain as she crouched down behind a large rock. She took a deep breath, and then shouldered her railgun again. She used the rock as a base, and grinned, blood spilling from the side of her mouth as she started taking shots towards the enemy.

Kiara blocked the kick, but only just and was able to add a small explosive to Hellcat's leg as it slammed into her. As Hellcat took off and started slowing down, as Seylian landed on the ground, and then the explosive went off against her leg, causing her to slow down even more.

Cylesta and Tamir would stare at Manus as he came rushing through, and although Tamir took a moment, Cylesta was up and using her own shadows to move back home to grab her go bag, and reappeared next to Manus. Tamir also, moved quick, grabbing her gear and getting changed into her armor. Cylesta looked over at Manus, "Get Tamir to a spot close enough that she can provide us cover." Tamir nodded, as she shouldered the large almost cannon like gun and grinned.
Cylesta pulled on her armor, and nodded to Manus, placing her hand on his arm, and giving him her strength to help him pinpoint Menis' position. Her body vibrated with energy, although her side twinged in pain, and she worried about her uncle, and the team.
As Thyverian flew away from the second strike, Devaln readied a fireball and flung it at the Panthean. Reaching out, the large feline caught the spell before throw it back at Devaln. The mage tried to evade, but got caught by the blast of the spell and was sent flying away. Hellcat cursed as she stood up her breathing quite aggressive. As Rune fried at her, she slapped the shot, redirecting it at Devaln who was standing up from having his own spell thrown at him. The shot nearly blew his left arm off and he screamed in agony . Hellcat then rushed at him and stabbed her hand through his chest, silencing his cries once and for all. Tossing the lifeless mage aside. she aimed her bloody hand at Kiara, firing a scarlet orb at her that would violently explode upon contact with anything.

Thomas would turn his pistols on the large Panthean, but the large feline created a magical barrier to block the incoming shots. Once Tom emptied his guns and started to reload, the panthean would turn the shield into a projectile. The ginger tabby narrowly evaded the blast, but an even bigger problem was coming. THe large black feline came, bringing his large hammer down on him. He jumped back just in time, but the impact shook the ground and knocked him off balance. Before he could move again, the larger feline just drove the hammer into his body from the ground and knocked him back.

Waldier rushed after the large hammer user, and the two larger feline went at it. Heavy impacts from the hammer being deflected by the shield Quick, but heavy hits from the mace sinking into the Panthean but not really slowly him down. Finally a maul strike overwhelmed Waldier's guard and knocked him off balance. The large panther then follows up with a heavy strike, knocking the leonkin down. Menis would give up on trying to call anyone with his com and drew his bow. Lining up behind the Pather and readying his arrows. Infusing them with magic and firing them at the large feline. The two arrows landed in his back and exploded. Blood bursting out of the panther's back as he roared in pain and rage. An aura of flame erupting around him, as if he were on fire. Leaping up into the air, he spun around and slammed the hammer into the ground. As soon as it hit, a bursting line of flame would trace itself toward Menis. The young black feline froze, eyes widening as the attack closed in on him. A large explosion erupted under Menis, rocketing him into the air. His bow would fall to the ground in several pieces before his body crashed beside it, laying there motiionless.

As if things could not get worse, Rastarox soldiers began appearing from the woods around them, coming to join the fray.

Manus took quite awhile to finally lock in on his brother. He lifted his right hand, creating a portal. "Tamir." he stated, this portal would take her a safe distance from where Menis was. He would then raise his left hand, making a second portal before opening his eyes. "Lets go!" he shouted before rushing through the left portal. Once he arrived on the scene, he quickly spotted his brother lying on the ground unmoving. "NO!" He shouted before lifting both of his hands, roaring loudly. Multiple portals opening around him, many shadowy clones of himself would rush out into the fray, intercepting many of the soldiers as he rushed to his bother's side. "Menis!" He shouted, a crack forming in his voice as he landed on his knees by his little brother. "Menis!"
Upon seeing his adopted brother on the ground, the Demon would shout out in anquish. Drawing his greatsword before charging into the fray, engaging the large Pathean. evading the devestating strikes from the maul, while looking for an opening in his defense.
Kiara was distracted by seeing Devaln killed, and screamed. As such she didn't see the orb headed towards her until it was too late, exploding against her chest, and causing her to fly backwards behind Rune, who's eyes widened in shock, before she started shooting the Rastrox who were appearing. She didn't have time to check on Kiara.

Tamir smirked as she found her spot, pressed her back into the cliff and let her first shot fly, and it flew into one of the Rastrox, causing him to explode over his patriots.

Cylesta appeared behind Manus, and looked around for a moment to find her uncle. Her eyes landed on Thyverian and Seylian instead, and then on Hellcat. Her eyes narrowed and she charged into the fray, her twin swords slicing through a Rastrox as she attacked. She moved with the shadows, almost as quick as Hellcat was. She intercepted the female, a growl on her lips as she attacked her. The two females fought, and she sliced up at her, before disappearing behind shadows at Hellcat's attack.
Seylian and Thyverian came running back... albeit a bit slower than normal. Both of them rushed to Cylesta's aid, hopping she was actually here and that they were not hallucinating. While Hellcat was much slower than she was at the start of the fight, she managed to hold her own against the three. Avoiding any serious blows by forgoing attacks of her own. Finally she would deflect one of Thyverian's attacks at Cylesta, before landing several strikes into Seylian before knocking him back. She then attempted to surprise Cylesta with her energy blade. Moving as if she were going to deflect an incoming attack, but then suddenly activating her magic weapon and slashing at her chest. Then as Thyverian attempted to attack her, she caught his sword arm before attempting to slash him with her blade. His eyes would take on that familiar glow that it had every other time his life was in serious peril. Moving with a sudden quickness as if he was not in any pain. He wa snot as fast as her, but he seemed to be able to predict all of her attacks, deflecting them easily while pressuring her with his own flurry of attacks.

"Gettign too old for this.." Melorn groaned as he picked himself up. He had the fortune of hitting his head on his way down and getting a nice daze. Drawing his guns as he watched the mess unfolding before him. Groaning again, he forced himself to his feet.

The demon began to lose ground against the large Panthean, opting to fall back rather than risking serious damage. Blinking back a few yards in a flash of lightning. The large black feline would notice Rune gunning down his warriors. Wreathing his maul in flame, he flung it at the leopardess. As it sped toward her, Waldier leapt infront of her, holding his shield up. When the hammer hit his shield, the flames exploded violently. The blast rocketed the leonkin back with a force that knocked over several trees, he would be left laying on the ground, his armor and body heavily charred from the blast.

"Menis..." Manus whispered as he close dhis eyes, focusing a bit. Reaching out toward the capital city, preparing to open another portal. He had no interest in fighting this out if it meant risking his brother's life. He would jsut open a portal and get everyone out.
Cylesta slid through the shadows as she defected Thyverian's attack easily, and came out in front of Hellcat. She attacked with her swords, and suddenly, she had an energy blade slicing through her midsection, as she twisted away from Hellcat. She refused to stop moving, and growled at her, before slicing up at her, and causing her to jump back.
She slid through the shadows keeping Hellcat busy.

Rune growled as Waldier got caught in the maul that would have hit her, and started shooting straight at the panthean. She heard Cylesta yell out, and created two clones, motioning them to grab Kiara and Waldier, and brought them closer to her, Kiara groaning and trying to sit up as she opened her eyes.
"Stay down Kiara... we are getting out of here." Rune said, as she saw cover fire from a ways away. Tamir was here... she grinned, and then coughed up blood, growling and hitting the trigger.
The fact that Manus did not respond would let her know he was already preparing to open a portal. Longer distances took more time, but since he knew where he wanted to go... it would not take as long as the portals to get here. Waldier did not respond as he was pulled back, given the shape he was in, it looked bleak. Rune's gunfire kept the Panthean from recovering his maul, as he had to put up a barrier to block her bullets. She would know, if she watched his fight with Tom, the second she stopped shooting, he would fire it at her. As her gun stopped firing, Thomas would start firing, giving her time to reload while keeping their enemy from being too aggressive.

As Thyverian and Cylesta struggled with Hellcat, she continued to try to surprise then with sudden energy blade attacks. Thyverian seemed untouchable in his trance state, knowing where to position his body to avoid an attack as she before she even launched it. The two of them would finally get hits in on the speed demon, she managed to avoid taking serious damage but... she did not enjoy getting hit. Suddenly as Thyverian was in the middle of evading an attack, he stopped. A sharp pain rushing through his head as he grabbed his face. Before anyone knew it, Hellcat had attacked the exposed feline. Stabbing her energy blade into his gut, he gasped pathetically as she pulled it out and readied a strike to his head. "Some hero you turned out to be." She growled, but before she could strike, a large sheathesword slammed into back. Biting into her armor and slicing her flesh. A gasp of shock, pain, and rage came from her adrenaline began to flow. Moving at her previous speed, she went from staggering to holding a disarmed Seylian by the throat, letting Thyverian fall helplessly to the ground. Pulling her blade back, she was about to strike him when more gunshots rang out. Melorn was putting lead into Hellcat, the first shot hit her left shoulder. She gasped again, dropping Seylian just in time for the second shot to hit her opposite shoulder and knock her down. As Melorn aligned his guns with her, she hissed and seemed to vanish from sight.

It seemed like they might actually have a chance, with Rune and Tom keeping the Panthean busy and Hellcat out of the picture. Though, that moment passed when the area lit up in a bright scarlet color. Floating above them, was a very... very angry and bloody Hellcat. Channeling a mass of her red energy into her hands as she glared down at her enemies. The Panthean abbandoned his weapon, and just retreated from the area. "Now would be a good time Manus." The Demon uttered as the channeling began to make a very threatening crackling sound. Just as she reared her mass of energy back, preparing to fire it with a vengeful roar, Manus spoke up. "Go go go!" As a shadowy portal opened up before him. Reaching down, he picked up his brother as he ran into it. The Demon ran over, picking up both Rune and her sister easily. Hoisting them over his shoulders as he ran into the portal follow by Melorn who was helping the Rune clone carry Waldier. "Lets go!" Seyian shouted as he picked up Thyverian, who was not moving... or bleeding from his stab wound. He was loathe to leave his sword, but he did not feel he had time to save it.

The portal would take them into the middle of the capitol. Where Manus, Melorn, Seylian and the Demon where quick to rush the wounded they carried to the hospital.
Tamir kept up shooting, and as Hellcat began to float over them all, she aimed and shot towards her, a series of hits, designed to distract her.
It kept Hellcat distracted as Cylesta slid through shadows and grabbed Tamir to get her out. She slid back, and pushed her through the portal, before glaring up at Hellcat.
"Eat this bitch." She said quietly before letting a large energy ball soaked in her poison go, aiming straight for Hellcat, keyed to her body.

Cylesta moved quick, helping Thomas with the body of Devaln, and then grabbed Seylian's sword, and slipped through the portal right behind Thomas. The portal slammed closed behind her and she gasped for air, and pressed her hand to her midsection. She tried to stop the bleeding, but collapsed as Tamir caught her before she fell to the floor. Tamir picked her up and rushed after the others, towards the hospital.
What became of Hellcat, and the base would remain to be seen. That was the furthest thing from Manus' mind as he forced his way into the hospital. Not long after Manus arrived, Seylian, Melorn and the Demon arrived with more wounded. The doctors scrambled to accommodate the influx of patients, asking questions about what happened to each person. Manus had no answers, but luckily the others were there. When Cylesta and Tamir arrived, Manus rushed over to help her into a room as well. "Damnit, are you alright?" He asked in a hushed voice as he helped her along.

Once everyone was settled, Manus, the demon, Melorn and Seylian would be outside in the waiting area... waiting with baited breath.
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