Blood of Legends ((Kiandra&Mephilis))

Tamir rushed in with Cylesta, who was now out cold, bleeding all over. Her body was trying to heal the damage, but the energy blade used her fried her skin pretty badly. As Manus came rushing over, Tamir looked up at him, worry in her eyes, "I've never seen her this bad. It's like her body is trying to heal, but it can't work up the energy."

They got Cylesta into a room, and then were ushered out. Tamir slunk down against a wall, her friend's blood cooling on her fur, and then pulled her legs up to rest her head on her knees. Her tail curled around her body tightly, and she could feel tears on her cheeks, which she ignored.

Rune and Kiara were put into the same room, and Rune looked over at her sister, checking over her motionless form. The medics bustled around her, and started to pull out a syringe to inject her with pain meds, but Rune stopped them.
"It doesn't work... I'm allergic to most pain meds."
"Then this is going to hurt."
"I know." Rune held eye contact with one of the medics as another readied themselves to pull the knife out of her side. Still, a horrifying scream would come from her, as her own knife was pulled from her flesh, and her eyes rolled back into her head as she collapsed. Blood gushed from the wound, and the medics fought back, using magic to seal off the wound.
Kiara was burnt badly, but thankfully most of it was surface burns, which the medics were quick to start healing. She cringed away from them, as they applied salve to the heavier burns, and then, checking her chart, injected her with a heavy pain med to help her sleep.
Manus hissed when he saw and heard about Cylesta's condition. "and healing magic does not work on her..." He said to himself as they got her into a room. It took a bit more insisting, but Manus did eventually leave and return to the waiting room. He was pacing around the waiting room like a caged tiger, his tail flailing from one side to another. He was muttering to himself about what he was going to do to the people that hurt his family, his friend. His blood was boiling the more he thought about Manus and Cylesta's condition.

Seylian eventually came into the room, angrily going toward a chair and dropping down on it. He was seething with anger, most of it pointed at himself. He felt responsible for the safety of his friends, and now they were laying motionless in hospital beds and he couldn't do a damn thing about it. He was supposed to be the leader, but all he felt like right now was a failure. Tears of frustration began steaking down his face as his hands began to shake.

Melorn came by the room, but he did not so much as look at anyone in the waiting room. He just walked out of the hospital, heading back to his house. Anyone who looked over at his would see a rather defeated, and frustrated look on his face.

Tom was sitting on one side of the room, slumped forward with his hands clenched around one another. His long orange hair covering his face a she sat there... silently.
"Seylian... she grabbed this for you..." Tamir said quietly, as she pulled the sword Cylesta had been clutching before she had gone down at the portal into his view. Her tail tapped anxiously at her feet, and she looked up at him, tears in her eyes. Her usual bubbly self was diminished right now, tucked away in light of this tragedy.

Rune came back to consciousness with a gasping growl. She looked up at the light above her, and hissed at the pain at her side and the lingering affects of her clones dying. She closed her eyes for a moment, then opened them to look over at her sister.
"Is she okay?"
"Yeah. She will be fine. Her burns aren't as bad as we would have thought, her armor protected her chest. Her arms did take the brunt, it seems as if she crossed them in front of her face for defense. We gave her some meds to sleep."
"Good. Is there any word on my other friends?"
"Not right now, but I can go and check for you."
"Yes please..." She felt herself slipping away, but saw the medic smile slightly at her and nod.

Cylesta was being stitched up, but they couldn't stop the bleeding. She had internal bleeding from the energy blade, and they were trying to get it to stop. Finally the medics put her in a frozen stasis spell, and walked out to the waiting room, "Manus... we can't get the bleeding to stop for Cylesta. She's under a stasis spell, but we can't keep her there forever. We need her to wake up..."
Tamir shot up from her spot, and very nearly collapsed again as she thought of her friend's condition.
"Hm?" The grey male asked, glancing over at her as she revealed his greatsword. A half smile coming over his lips as he moved closer to Tamir, taking his weapon from her gently. "And here I thought she hated me." He said as he looked down at her, seeing the pain in her eyes, which only made him more angry at the people that hurt his friends. It was not long after that that the medic came to speak to Manus about Cylesta. Seylian would look over, confused. "Can't you just heal her?" He asked like it was so obvious, then he glanced over at Tamir. Rushing to catch her as she looked like she would collapse. "Careful.." He whispered.

Manus tilted his head at the medic's words. "Are you sure you need her to wake up? As I recall she regenerates faster while she is asleep..." he said, opting not to answer Seylian, as it wa snot his place to tell him how Cylesta healed... Unless he absolutely had to, which he did not feel as he did.
Tamir curled into Seylian, closing her eyes as she shook her head at his question. She didn't speak though, turning to look at Manus as he spoke to the medic.

"She does, usually, but the energy blade used sucked out most of her own energy. If we can get that spark lit, she can work with that." The medic answered, looking up at Manus as she spoke, not revealing any prudent information.
"There is one complication. If you do get the spark going, and she wakes up, she can either go into a coma for the rest of it, or she'll need the extra boost." She added, letting him know Cylesta might wake up and take what she needed without thinking about it.
Manus would look over at Seylian, he might need some help but... he looked a bit busy... That and Cylesta had some kinda grudge against him and would likely complain if he helped heal her. Glancing over at the other side of the room, he saw Thomas. Simular problem, she did not know this guy and would likely whine about it later... Sometimes he thinks she would rather die. Thyverian is down for the count, Menis too... but she dosnt particularly care for him either even if he was not. The demon was lurking around here somewhere... but... again she barely knew him as well. Even if she would be down, he likely would not be. He would, if there was noone else... but since there is another option, it would take too long to try and convince him.

No good options here, and in all honestly Manus was not super up for it with Menis being in critical condition. But he wa snot going to leave Cylesta to suffer. "I'll handle it." He said, moving past the medic and toward her room. Walking toward the white lioness, he would place a hand over her cheek. "Alright... lets do this..."
The medic watched him walk away, then closed the door to Cylesta's room to give them privacy. Cylesta lay utterly still on the bed, still in stasis. Manus would be able to see just how horrible the gash was, from just below her left breast, diagonally down towards her right hip. It would scar, but then again she liked her scars. It was sewn up, but Manus could see where blood had seeped out, before she had been put into a stasis. Her hand was also burnt, from her poisonous acidic gas, and he could tell that even in rest, it wasn't getting better.
Taking in a deep breath, Manus leaned down. Pressing his lips onto her forehead. His hand moving down slowly across her body. Tracing over her belly delicately before sliding under her pants. "You can be so high maintenance sometimes... your lucky I l... like you so much." He purred gently, his fingers starting to play with her unconscious womanhood. It felt really awkward, oh the things you do the for people you love. Ring and pointer fingers expertly circling her vaginal lips, his middle finger stroking her clit as he waited for a reaction.
Her body responded, even in unconsciousness, as if she knew he was there. Her hips moved up against his hand, a soft meal escaping from her lips, and he saw her chest raise in a deep breath. She shuddered, and finally he saw the hint of movement at her eyes, almost as if she was struggling to wake up, to fight, against the tide of pain that threatened to pull her under.
"Wake up for me Cylesta." He whispered, moving his face down hers, offering her a gentle kiss on the lips. His middle finger started teasing entry into her body. Once her eyes flickered open, he would offer her a smile. "There you are, get some rest." He whispered to her, before giving her a tender kiss on the cheek. "Sleep tight, beautiful." Once she started to drift off into her healing coma, Manus would return to the others. Eyes shifting over to Tamir, "She will be fine." He said before resuming his angry pacing.
She gasped his name, and then smiled as he kissed her on the lips. She nodded gently before doing as he told her, and falling into her healing coma easily, her body resting peacefully for once. He would be able to tell it worked, as the blood that had seeped out would stop.

Tamir looked up at Manus, and nodded, before slumping in relief against Seylian who was still holding her. The four stayed, remaining in the waiting room to hear back on Rune, Kiara, Thyverian and Menis' conditions. Hopefully they were on the mend here too.
A medic dropped by, a little after, "Rune and Kiara are finally resting comfortably. We will keep them overnight, and then they should be good to be released, although they shouldn't be alone the first couple days."
Tamir looked up and smirked, "Should have known the other shooter was Rune, they can stay with me... if Thomas doesn't object?" She looked over at him.
Seylian would rub Tamir's back as she slumped into him. He did not have much to say, he did not really know Rune or Kiara but was glad they were ok. They seemed nice enough, and he wished no ill will upon them. He was still worried about his friends, there had been no word on either one. He could feel his heart cracking in his chest, but he was more concerned with comforting Tamir... and it helped him as well.

When Tamir asked Tom about whether or not he objected on his teammates could stay with Tamir. He lifted his sapphire eyes into view for the first time since he sat down. "I appreciate the sentiment, but its not like I can deny you. As long as they are willing, I see no issue with it." He said with a sigh, he was glad those two were ok. They had not heard about Waldier yet... but he did not have alot of hope. He saw his body, the damage... it did not look good. It was not long before another medic came in and revealed what Tom had feared. Waldier had died from that terrible explosion... instantly atleast... he did not have to suffer nearly having his armor welded into his flesh by the heat. Taking a deep breath, the ginger tabby would lower his head. "Can I... see Rune and Kiara?" They were all he had left when it came to their team... and they needed to know... and he felt he needed to be the one to tell them.
Tamir nodded, then leaned against Seylian to wait.

As the medic came in, with bad news, the mood in the room shifted. More despondent within.
The medic looked at Thomas as he asked about seeing Rune and Kiara and nodded, motioning him to follow them down the hall. They opened the door to let him in, and then closed it behind him to give them privacy.

Rune was awake, the pain keeping her from sleeping deeply. She looked up tiredly at Thomas and knew he came bearing bad news.
"He's gone, isn't he?" She asked, her voice even more gruff than usual, the thought that Waldier didn't make it because he was protecting her causing her heart to tear itself within her.
At Thomas' response, she gasped for air, as tears began to drip down her cheeks, and she covered her face in her hands.
Kiara was still out, due to the pain meds.
It was written all over Tom's face, when she asked he just nodded. Walking toward her as she began crying. Placing a hand on her shoulder, and giving her a gentle squeeze. "I'm sorry..." He said finally, his voice breaking a bit. "I couldn't... stop them..." He said as tears began streaking down his face. It would not be surprising to her that he would blame himself. Anytime something went wrong, he always took the blame. Because the way he was raised and trained, he had the mindset that he had to be able to account for everything.. he had to deliver perfection or he was a failure.

And tonight was his greatest failure.
Rune tried to sit up, groaning at the pain in her stomach muscles before she looked at Thomas, "It is Not your fault Thomas. It is nobody's fault at all, except for our enemies." She gasped at the pain, and then slowly lowered herself, trying to relax her stomach. She offered her hand to Thomas as the two sat in misery.

Tamir would feel her anxiety start to go up the longer they waited. She got up, and headed out the door, not caring that she had blood covering her front. The small Cafe that sat in the corner on the bottom floor was her destination. She headed there, and got some soothing tea, and then brought up a carafe of coffee and one of tea for the rest of them, grabbing cups for it as well. She walked back into the waiting room, but she could feel her energy waning. She set everything down at the small side table, then sat down next to Seylian. She looked over at him like she wanted to snuggle closer, but wasn't sure if she could.
Thomas would rest his hand on hers, looking over at Kiara and then back to Rune. "Some tawny looking lady wants you two to stay with her after you are released from here. The doctors don't think you should be alone for awhile after you leave... just in case." He said, stroking her hand softly. It was hard to think of things to say... it was just the three of them now... He could not help but wonder what lay in store for them now..

Confused, Seylian returned to one of the benches after Tamir left. When she came back, he he looked over at her and smiled when she sat down by him. It took him a second to notice the look in her eyes and what it meant, but it did not take him long to open up an arm, inviting her to snuggle with him. If she came in for snuggles, he would wrap that arm around her body, placing his head on hers.

It would be a few minuets more before a doctor came back into the room. "Menis was rendered comatose by the blast that hit him, luckily with a bit of magical prodding, we were able to pull him out... He is reasonably responsive, but he will need to stay in our care for a few days as his mind and body recover. He is in no shape for visitors right now, we hope he will be more lucid by tomorrow... Thyverian's case is both less, and more tricky. He has regained consciousness, but his innards were heavily damaged. We will need to rebuild his insides before he can leave, but for now he is stable, but bed ridden."

Tamir would hear a rather large sigh of relief come from Seylian at this news.
Rune nodded, before saying, "That would be Tamir. She was providing cover for us when Manus appeared to rescue us."
She sighed, and tilted her head, "We've become good friends." She knew he was worried, and she wanted to give him some comfort, but didn't know what to do.

Tamir smiled softly, and snuggled under his arm. She easily relaxed against him, but then sat up as the medic came in to tell them about Menis and Thyverian. She sighed in relief, and brought a hand up to wipe away a tear as she relaxed again. She felt and heard Seylian sigh as well, then looked up at Manus to gage his reaction.
Tom nodded as she spoke, telling him who Tamir was, "Well you have a place to go... when you get out of here." He said, offering her a smile. "Want me to go so you can rest?" He asked, knowing she had been through alot, and could use some sleep.

Manus did not show alot of response, arms crossed over his chest as he watched the doctor leave. Still staring at that spot, even as he left. He would move for quite some time, when he finally uncrossed his arms and sighed. "Guess I should go report this.." He said with a voice loaded with anger and anguish. Talking was the last thing he wanted to do right now... he wanted to butcher some Separatists. With a loud growl, he would leave the hospital and headed toward the headquaters.
"No..." Rune said, tightening her hand around his and shaking her head to him. "Stay... please."

Tamir looked over at Manus and worried about him, but didn't move from her spot. She knew he was the only one who could report right now, him and Melorn, who had disappeared from the waiting room earlier.
"Seylian, do you know where Melorn went?"
"Alright." Thomas said softly, pulling a chair up to her bed and sitting down. "I'll stay as long as you want.." He said softly, stroking her hand and part of her arm gently. "Not going anywhere..."
Seylian just shook his head, "Didn't say a word to me..." He said, squeezing her softly. "You wanna go... get something to eat? Dunno about you but I am starving." He said, trying to take their minds off of their friends being hospitalized.... and he really was hungry!
Rune nodded, and felt sleep tugging at her again, "Thank... you..."
She slowly fell back asleep, refusing to let go of his hand as she fell back into a healing sleep.

Tamir looked up at Seylian and nodded, getting up with him and following him out the door. They stopped at the front desk, to let them know they were going to grab food, and then headed out.
A few minutes later, as they were walking through the streets, Tamir realized they were both covered in blood.
"We can stop by my place and clean our selves. Most places won't let us in looking like this..."
Tom would remain at her bedside, eventually laying his head on her hand as he fell asleep.

Seylian would keep his arm around her, if she let him as they moved through the streets. "Hm, you have a point." He said, looking down at all the blood on his armor. Once they got to her place, he would pull off all of his blood soaked armor, placing it... wherever it looked that would be the least problematic. He would wait for her to wash up first, ever the gentleman.
Tamir smiled, and staying under his arm, led him back to her home, where Flix would greet them happily. She led the way to her room, and stripped her clothes into tub, where they would soak as she took a quick shower. She stepped out with a towel wrapped around her, and motioned Seylian to get in. "There's a towel here for you."
She grabbed his armor, and slipped it into the hypersonic cleaner so that it would be clean for Seylian when he was done.
Flix lay at the end of her bed, and she bent down to place a kiss on his forehead as Seylian came out. Her short towel rode up, and showed off her curves to him.
Seylian would take a quick shower, giving himself a nice, long scrub down. Upon stepping out he would dry himself off with a towel before wrapping his lower half down. "Mmm that feels good." He purred softly as he tilted his head at his armor being in a... box? "What are you doing to my armor?" He asked as he steped up to the hypersonic cleaner, watching it curiously like the uneducated doof that he is.
Tamir stood up straight, and grinned.
"That's a hypersonic cleaner. It vibrates the metal clean. Give it about five minutes, and you'll have clean armor and clothes to wear."
She walked over to her closet, and dropped her towel outside, as she stepped in, out of his eye sight. She quickly changed, into her normal clothes, a skirt around her hips, and a harem top that crisscrossed under her breasts.
"Should be done by now." She said as the cleaner dinged.
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