Blood of Legends ((Kiandra&Mephilis))

"My kits will be adorable Manus..." Cylesta said as she watched him open the portal. He stepped through, and she did as well, following after him, and nodding toward Theron respectfully. He nodded back to her, then motioned her to stand behind them, which was her favorite spot. She watched Manus go to sit with his brother, and realized that Thyverian hadn't arrived yet. He should have just waited with them. He would have gotten a first class ticket in with the portal. She shook her head, and slowly made her way over to her usual spot, behind Theron, leaning against the wall, although, as she passed by Manus Sr, she smiled at him, the crinkle at the side of her eye giving it away. As she eased into the shadows, she relaxed, and small swirls of shadows expanded out from her spot behind the commanders.

When Thyverian came in, Cylesta smiled. As Manus Sr spoke, her ears went back, and she almost spoke up, but bit her lip at the last second, although, the shadows seemed to reach farther under the commanders than before swirling intangibly around them all before she brought them back towards her. She relaxed again as Thyverian said he had gotten lost, and smirked. Lost in her pussy...
"I suggest you learn the layout son." Theron said, finally speaking up from his long pause. Thyverian decided to sit by Manus, who glanced over at him. He smelled... clean, good he took his advice. As everyone got settled, Theron would lift a set of papers from the table infront of him. Tapping them against the sturdy wood to get everyone's attention. "So, I have read Melorn's rather detailed report." He said, throwing the old Cheetan a glance, sapphire eye locking with amber orbs for a moment. Doubtless he aired his grievances with the choice to keep the true objective secret in this report. Turning his gaze back over to the younger males, "He seems to think you boys have alot of potential, and after discussing with my associates here." He says, setting the papers down and gesturing to the men flanking him. "I am inclined to agree, but I have some questions." With that, he leaned forward, eyes locking onto Thyverian. "You are the one that released the Carnice captives, correct?" The look on Thyverian's face said it all, he felt like he was making the worst possible impression. "Y-yes sir. They said they needed to get in contact with our leaders." He said, trying to match the older male's laser sharp stare.
"Indeed, is that why you set them free, despite having orders to kill everyone in that base?" Thyverian seemed to get more and more flustered as he was scrutinized. Looking up at Cylesta for a second before back at the Lord Commander. "It seemed like the right thing to do..." He said with a voice full of uncertainty. Leaning back, Therion would cross his arms over his chest. "I hope for your sake, that it was. I have sent a message about this to the council, and the King will soon know that some stray foxes are running around our territory because of you. So you had best pray you made the right choice, any damage they cause will fall on your head." He said, letting his words resonate with the younger male. The silence would linger for several moment before he took in a deep breath. "But that remains to be seen. Now, unto your performance in the rest of the mission. Melorn gave you all high marks, but I would also hear what our other guests thought. I shall start with Cylesta, how would you rate their performance? Any specific areas worthy of notice, realms of improvement?"
Cylesta approached the table, now looking more and more like the killer she had been trained to be. Her voice was emotionless, something she had been taught by Manus Sr, as she spoke, "Each of the three rookies that Melorn chose are good potential. Thyverian has unprecedented skill with his sword, even though it was an inferior weapon. He works well with a team, and although he did allow to Carnice females to go free, he isn't all to be blamed. I, as a higher authority, stood by him and allowed it to happen. So it is also on my head."
She took a breath, and continued, "Thyverian sometimes thinks with his heart instead of his brain, which for some is considered a weakness. Seylian is also skilled with a blade, and respects his commander and teammates. Even though I am a female, he didn't look down on me. However, he is a little overconfident in his abilities, which he needs to work on. Menis has a skill with the bow that few have, but he is very unsure of himself. He also needs to work on hand to hand combat. All in all, I believe this team passed the test. They've proven themselves worthy. Melorn chose well."

Cylesta stepped back, refusing to look at the three males she had just spoken about, keeping her eye trained on her high commander. The shadows crept around her, until she looked as if she was melting into them.
Thyverian seemed a bit conflicted as he watched the emotionless version of Cylesta speak about him... without even looking at him... and in that tone. Theron watched Cylesta as she spoke, giving her his full undivided attention. Whereas Manus Sr. set his ruby eyes on each male as she spoke about them. Kariun's sapphire eyes drifted between her and the males she spoke about. There was silence as she walked back to her spot, and Theron's eye moved between each rookie. "Understood, Manus?" He asked, glancing over at the black armored male. Manus Jr. stood up deliberately, a hint of regret in his movements as he took a breath. "I would for the most part mirror Cylesta's observations, but I have a few points to add." he said stepping to the center of the table, looking down at the three rookies who watched him expectantly.
"Of the three, I think the one that stood out the most from what I observed, was... Seylian." As he spoke, Menis seemed to deflate a bit... as he knew his brother was going to tell the tale... in detail. "All three did well, but there were moments in the fighting where both Thyverian, and Menis hesitated... Seylian had no such difficulties and preformed well from start to finish." One might expect Seylian to beem with pride having his praises sung, but he seemed... almost sad. Manus Sr.'s eyes fixed on his younger son as the elder gestured to him. "Menis... had something of a... an episode after he took his first life... I think it was too much for him at first. However he did gather himself and showed himself capable as the night went on..." Manus said, his voice almsot cracking as it was clearly painful for him to speak ill of his brother... especially with their father in the room. His hand then motioned to Thyverian. "Thyveian, much liek Cylesta said thinks with his heart, and a female advisory nearly pulled him into a grave by his heartstrings. I stepped in and saved him, and I hope he does not make the mistake of taking pity on seemingly weakened foes in the future as there will not always be someone to save him from himself. Also he might be a little too brave for his own good, he rushed into the base alone... hence how he even found the captives... He needs to remember barring specific circumstances, he needs to stay with his unit. Its not all bad for him though, I am surprised Cylesta left out the part where they managed to kill a young dragon together." He then looked down at the grey feline, "Aside from his knowledge of how skilled he is, there is not too much to critique Seylian on. He fought well, defeating larger and more skilled opponents on his own, and even saved the lives of several allies at different times during the night. He could use a little humble pie, but I think he will make a good leader someday."

And with that, Manus Jr. would return to his seat. "Very good." Theron replied as he looked over the rookies again. "Due to how lopsided the mission went, and your success despite the military's failure to provide proper aid... You will each be issued a fifty percent bonus on your pay. You will be shipping out on your next mission in four days, so get rested and be ready. You are all dismissed, except you Melorn." Theron said, looking back over at the cheetan. "You will be briefed on the details of your next mission. So that you can prepare accordingly." He said before waving a hand for the others to leave. With that, the rookies all stood up, along with Manus Jr. Menis looked up at his older brother, and the two shared a silent glance before the younger boy left the room with his friends. Manus then looked over and made eye contact with his father who gave him a nod which he reluctantly returned before heading for the door himself.
Cylesta listened to Manus Jr, and nodded as he spoke of the dragon they had taken out at the beginning of their mission. To be honest, so much had happened that she had forgotten about it. She heard about the pay increase, and nodded to herself, before hearing that they would be shipped out in four days. She had at least a week, so she was thankful for that.

As they were dismissed, she tilted her head, and with an almost imperceptible nod to her uncle shifted through the shadows and out of the room. She appeared in her house again, and took a deep breath. She let it out slowly, and her shoulders relaxed. She hated talking about them like that, but her job had been to watch over them. She would have discredited them had she gone easy on them. Although, she didn't agree with Manus Jr, that Seylian only needed a slice of Humble pie. His overconfidence could get him or his team killed.

Either way, she took a deep breath, and headed to her den down stairs, the small gym she had waiting for her, as she wrapped her fists, and went to town on the large hanging sandbag.
"Well that was fun." Seylian said finally as they got out of the headquarters, turning to look over at his friends. He could see that they were both kinda down about the debriefing. "Now that we've been paid, you guys wanna go browse for new gear?" He asked, hoping to try to take their minds off of the whole thing for now. Menis would fidget a bit, looking up at the grey feline. "Yeah... that sounds like a good idea." He said, smiling a little bit. Thyverian gave Seylian a look of suspicion, tilting his head. "Your not gonna brag about getting the best review from Manus?" The grey male paused at that, making eye contact with his redheaded friend before grinning. "Not yet, I gotta get your spirits back up, its no fun kicking you when your down." He said teasingly, tapping Thyverian on the shoulder, though that did little to improve his mood.
"Look man, I don't doubt that you made the right call with the fox women. It'll be fine, and even if it isnt, then we will just have to kick the king's ass, and all his soldiers, no problem." Thyverian just looked up at Seylian with a 'you're a fucking idiot' look complimented with an almost smile. "You really are arrogant, aren't you?"
"Says the genius that ran INTO a fully populated enemy base!" Seylian shot back, finally getting a laugh out of Thyverian, as well as Menis. "Come on you two, lets go get some shinier gear." Seylian said, getting in between the two and putting his arms around their necks as he lead them to the marketplace.

Manus watched this exchange from the doorway of the base, a smile forming on his face. Yeah, they were going to be alright, he thought before slipping into the shadowrealm to brood and try to improve his own mood.
Cylesta lasted on the sandbag for about three hours before she had relaxed enough to even think about eating dinner. Her wrist pad interrupted her, as Tamir had sent a message letting her know she would be gone for 3 days, and she sighed. She hadn't gotten girl talk with her friend.
Oh well.
As the days drug on, each of the boys spent their time in different ways. While they all trained up for the coming mission, Thyverian notable spent the least amount of time doing so. Opting to divide his time between prepping for the mission, and visiting a certain white lioness. Menis, determined to make his father and brother proud spent most of his free time training with his bow and newly acquired sword. Getting tips from anyone who would give him the time of day as he desperately sought to improve. Seylian spent his time either reading about strategy, working out, or challenging Manus, and the Demon to sparring matches. He figured the best way to improve would be to fight those better than himself... and work to surpass them... though he did not win a single match, he did learn alot from the veterans. Their free time consisted of the time of day that Melorn was not running them through drills, or making them run war games with other squads.

Finally, the day came all three males had been assembled at the base, waiting to meet the team they were going to be working with. Each of them looked a bit less rag-tagy, Thyverian sported better and shiny armor with more coverage than before. Menis had on a black and green brigandine over some soft padded armor. He still had the same bow, but also sported a new arming sword on his right hip, as well as a steel helmet to protect his head. Seylian wore a gambeson under a suit a mail with steel plates covering his shoulders, torso and other vital areas. He also had a couple trick weapons installed into his modified gauntlets. All of them wore medium length black capes sporting the blood hawk insignia, much more offical looking now.

Melorn walked infront of his boys, not sporting any new gear, but having the same cape on his back. "Alright, the military is a bit occupied with some Rastrox counter offensives on the west to give us any real backup this time. They have dispatched a frigate, which will serve as a transport, and a way for us to communicate with home. We do not know what we will find when we touchdown as the Rastrox have been very erratic since Lenarin was killed, but we do know that this is one of their major staging points. If we can knock this fortress out, we can severly cripple their ability to move troops through this region. We will be working with the Thunder corps. They will be arriving shortly on the frigate, however there are serveral other teams striking in different parts of the region to pull as much attention away from the fortress for us, get in, kill whoever in charge and raze the place to the ground."

The cheetan's speech was cut off once the sound of an airship overtook their senses. Looking up, they would see the frigate touching down not far from them. Onboard the ship, looking down on his allies from the bow was the even younger iteration of Theron, Thomas Saldarene. A ginger tabby that resembled a mixture of the patterns worn by his father and grandfather. Dressed in a silver and blue brigandine with several different types of firearms of various sizes decorating his armor, along with a single dagger attached to the left of his chest, for quick access. He also had arming swords with strangely modified crossguards on both his his hips. Arms crossed over his chest as his sapphire eyes tried to get a good look on those waiting for them on the ground. Also on the deck, but closer to the middle of the ship, was the squad's leader Waldier, a robust leonkin decked out in heavy plate armor, a large kite shield and a big ol mace. He was sat down, eyes closed in deep thought as he waited for the ship to land.
Cylesta enjoyed her time off, training, and enjoying time with Thyverian. He came over enough, that she had added his palm to her door screener, so that she wouldn't have to come and open the door constantly. She also helped Menis a bit, training in hand to hand. He wasn't the best, but he could now hold his own for a couple minutes, and that would give him enough time to either get away or for someone to come help. She had watched Seylian as he worked with Manus and Demon, and could see that he was taking his training seriously as well.
All in all, she was proud of them.

The only problem she had, was she hadn't spoken to her uncle about what had happened on the warship when they were heading home. She had a nagging feeling, as she realized they were heading out to storm one of the fortresses, and prayed to the gods that the mission would go down successfully. She knew they were going with other, so there was strength in numbers.

Three days after they shipped out, Tamir showed back up. The two females had a sleepover, and were curled up on the large couch in the den talking. Tamir had brought over a bottle of whiskey, that both of them liked, as her mission was a great success. It was about three quarters gone.
"So, Thyverian has been sexing you up?"
"Yup. We are having fun. You know how it is in the ranks."
"Yeah, I also know the only other regular sex partner you have is Manus. Is he jealous?"
"Doesn't seem to be. He caught us in bed the day we left your house."
"Nice. And he didn't join you two?"
"We were all summoned to a meeting with Theron. No time to join..."
"Yeah. Speaking of..." Cylesta's wrist pad pinged, a new message from Theron, "And I have to go and do my duty... behave yourself Tamir."
"You know it. Plus, Thyverian's cute teammates aren't around. I'm betting if you get Menis in bed, he'd surprise you."
"Go for it. I would eat him alive."
"Hah! True. All right, get to it."

Cylesta walked to her bedroom, and changed quickly, before grabbing her to go bag. As she walked back up the steps, she heard the smaller chopped over her house, and stepped out into the backyard, where a slightly swaying ladder sat in front of her. Shouldering her pack, she climbed up, and nodded to the pilot as she got into the chopper.
"Head out." She said once she was fully buckled in. The pilot grinned, and the chopper moved away quickly, before he motioned her with a palm screen. She took it from him, and quickly read the details of her mark. Easy pickings.
It was a long, quiet trip into the mountains, aside from introductions between team members there was little else said. The seriousness of their situation was felt and known by all it would seem. Once the frigate had gotten as close as it safely could without triggering suspicion, the two teams were dropped off in the wilderness. After that was a very long, but mostly eventless trek toward the fortress. From time to time, the sounds of battle could be heard on the horizon, the other teams were making their probing attacks, trying to draw as much attention as possible.

After nearly three days journey, the fortress was in sight. Waldier and Melorn ordered the teams to set up camp. The two sub commanders, Thomas and Seylian were to delegate tasks to get a camp set up. "Alright, so how do you want to split this up?" Seylian asked the ginger tabby male, who stroked his chin looking over their respective teams. "I think we should split the tasts up, assigning a member each. That way everyone can get used to working together." He said before pointing toward the leopardkin in his team. "Rune, I want you to do a little hunting, and recon." Tom said before shifting his hand toward her half sister. "Kiara, I want you to gather wood for a fire." Then turning his sapphire eyes toward the team's mage, a male xeytrez with silver fur and black spots. "Devaln, I want you to unpack the tents and set up the camp." He said, eyes shifting back to Seylian, who was quick to start speaking. "Menis, I want you to recon with Rune, Thyverian you get to gather wood." he said decisively, turning his eyes back to Thomas. "That leaves us, I figure we should help set up camp." He said to his fellow sub commander, who gave him a curt nod. "Agreed."

Once everything was decided, Menis would step toward the leopard female, "Guess I'll follow your lead.." he said cautiously, suspecting she was more experienced then he was. The black feline was fighting off his nerves, trying to be all serious and professional... Though this was a very thin façade he was trying to maintain. Thyverian moved closer to Kiara, looking around at all the trees. "So, you wanna work together, or split up?" He asked, celeste eyes moving toward the female, as he awaited her response. The other three got to setting up the tent as the two commanders watched on, seemingly pleased with things so far.
Rune would smile sweetly at Menis, and tilted her head as she motioned him to follow her out. Waving to her sister, she led the way out to a rocky outcropping some ways away from camp. She kept low to the ground, eyes ahead, but occasionally she would check on Menis. Her eyes scanned the crags, searching for the horned rams that liked to keep to the cliffs.
"See anything?" Her voice, which they hadn't heard before would surprise Menis. Soft and smoky, with a musical lilt to it, she turned to look at him out of the corner of her slanted eyes.

Kiara grinned at Thyverian, reminding him of Tamir, bubbly and adorable. She was tiny, and she said, "Nope, let's stick together. I hate being out there by myself!" She walked with him out of camp, and then began examining the ground for sticks that would do well for firewood. She was also a little talker, but she kept her mouth shut outside of camp.

Cylesta yawned as she got picked up by the chopper to head home. The scumbag she had ... destroyed... had been selling young females into sexual slavery. Thankfully the follow up team had rescued them, and they had the records from the last two years, to keep them busy. When she had realized who she was going after, she had gone slightly off script, and the bloody gory mess left behind had caused more than one to gag and vomit. She had no qualms about it, but she was tired, and absolutely filthy, and now, all she wanted was to go home, and sleep, preferably cuddled up to Thyverian.
That thought made her pause, and she shook her head ruefully, realizing that she was actually having feelings for him.
Menis tried not to get too distracted by her voice, it was the pleasant sound even hushed. He kept his emerald eyes squinted as surveyed the area before them. "No I-" He started to shake his head before stopping abruptly. Narrowing his eyes as he spotted some moving brush at their ten o'clock. Pointing in that direction before he began whispering something to himself. Something of a gentle chant before he tapped the side of his helm. Suddenly his eyes shifted into a solid white color. "I see... three people. None of our people should be out this far right?" He whispered, knowing that they had people in the area, but they were the only ones that were supposed to be this close to the fortress. It was likely some Separatist scouts.

Thyverian smiled at her answer, and energy. "I was hoping you would say that." He said as he went with her on their journey. He would pick up any good sticks they happened to find. He tried to keep himself focused on the mission, but found the female too cute to not glance at from time to time. As they moved through the woods, he would suddenly stop, reaching a hand out to hopefully block her advance incase she had not noticed what he had. It was a rather sizable bear trap, hidden under some foliage. Luckily the wind had revealed some of its sharp teeth. "Don't suppose you know how to disarm these?" He whispered, glancing over at her as he motioned to the trap.
"As long as they don't get too close, we shouldn't reveal our position. Hopefully they keep going." She said quietly, as they crouched there, watching the three. Her own eyes caught a small flicker of movement, a large ram coming up over the side of the rock. She narrowed her eyes, "Can you shoot it? I don't have my silencer on me, left it in my pack."

Kiara smirked, and said, "Easy enough to disarm." She crouched, and felt around the trap, blowing the leaves off of it as she went. Feeling the metal, she unsheathed a large machete, and slowly slid it under the trap, and pressed down on the middle of the trap, causing it to spring shut. She stood, the chain of the trap in her hand as she followed it to where it was secure. "Who would have a trap way out here...?" She asked Thyverian, looking back at him, a questioning look on her face.

Cylesta relaxed in a hot shower, after being dropped off. She was exhausted, but at least she was now clean. As she finished her shower, she stretched warm muscles and groaned at the pain in her side. So he had actually gotten aa cheap shot in, she just hadn't noticed with the adrenaline in her. She sighed at the wound, and washed the dry blood off, causing it to start bleeding sluggishly again. She should have agreed to be sewed up, as she hated doing it to herself. She sat down on the edge of the tub, and closed her eye, scrubbing her face with her hand. If she didn't stitch it up now, she would bleed all over her bed, but she was tired, and her hand was trembling. Only one thing to do...
"Manus... I need your sewing expertise?" She spoke into the shadows, knowing it would reach his ears.
Menis slowly settled behind a tree, hoping to obfuscate himself as much as possible. His ears twitched when she asked if he could shoot something, and he looked over at her. Unsure what what she was referring to, he followed her gaze and spotted the ram coming over into view. "Yeah." He whispered as he readied his bow, taking a deep breath. No pressure Menis, just nail the shot without alerting the enemies. Also, do not make a fool of yourself infront of the pretty lady. Shaking his head, he drew two arrows from his quiver, better safe than sorry he thought. Settling into a shooting position, he nocked both arrows and began waiting for the right moment to fire. Just as it got clear of a naggling tree, he drew both arrows back in unision. Loosing them both as he exhaled. The arrows sailed through the air, nailing the ram in the chest and throat. It tried to make a run for it but fell within several seconds, unable to make too much noise with an arrow in its throat. Things seemed to quiet down shortly after, it did not seem that the scouts took notice.

"Probably the Rastrox, might be worried that we would make a move on the fortress with all the skirmishes going on around it." Thyverian whispered, crouching down by the female. He took a moment to listen to the surroundings, did not sound like anyone was coming... so they were likely in the clear. "We should probably head back, don't wanna risk missing a trap in the dark." He said, glancing over at Kiara, making sure she agreed before he just left.

"Sewing?" A voice called back from the shadows behind her. Shortly afterward he would step out from the darkness infront of her. "Who told you I could sew?" He asked, ruby eyes watching her suspiciously before he noticed her wound. "Got tagged huh? Refused first-aid on sight again? I swear your life goal most be to die from some random infection." Manus spoke, removing his helm. His mass of crimson hair would fall out from underneath before he began removing his weaponized gauntlets. "I can try to patch you up, but you know I am no medic."
Rune smiled as he shot the ram perfectly, "Good shot." She motioned him to stay where he was, so he could keep a watch on the scouts until they disappeared. She made her way down to where the ram lay, her movements slow and steady to not draw the eye. She easily butchered the animal, cleaning it out, and burying the entrails. She looked over the liver and heart, and grinned, healthy young ram. It would feed them all very well. She grabbed it, and shouldered the ram, in such a way that the blood would drain down her back, over her raincoat. She made her way slowly back to Menis. "Ready to head back?"

Kiara nodded and then stood and followed Thyverian back to camp. Both carried large piles of wood, so they should be stocked for the night.

Cylesta grinned at Manus, "Was not my fault, I was a little distracted. I just need a steady hand, or a quick fuck here. I don't want to get blood on my bed." She turned tired eyes towards him, even her mechanical eye was a bit dim, and he could feel the tiredness weighing her down. She watched him remove his helm, and smiled at him. She didn't have anything to take off, as she was naked from her shower.
Menis kept watch as she worked, luckily no funny business occurred and it seemed the scouts did finally get out of his enhanced eyesight. He seemed a bit confused that she just let the thing bleed all over her coat, but said nothing. "Y-yeah." He whispered, stowing his weapon as they headed back.

The two groups got back at roughly the same time, just as the other three finished setting up their camp. Melorn could not help but smile at their efficiency. Thyverian got to readying a fire as Menis went over to Seylian and Thomas. "We spotted some scouts, a bit east of us." He said to the two sub commanders. "How far?" Tom asked quickly as his eyes settled on the black feline. Menis had to give it some thought as he was not completely sure. "Half a mile at the most."
"So about halfway between us and the fortress, should not be a problem." Seylian said, watching Thyverian work on starting the fire, he was not having the best luck. "Shouldn't be, but that won't stop it from becoming one." Waldier said as he headed toward Rune to help her with the ram. "Not much we can do about it either way. Seylian, I want a watch rotation ready before we eat." Melorn said, as he moved to sit by Thyverian, watching as he failed to start a fire. "You're not too good at this, son." He said finally, getting an irritated sigh from the younger male. "Was starting to think the same thing.." He muttered.

"Normally I would give you the fuck, but you look far too tired for that." Manus said, looking for a first aid-kit that she had laying around. Finding one and moving to take a seat beside her. Just as it seemed he would fall to hit the ground like a dumbass, the shadows accommodated him by taking the shape of a chair. "Alright, don't squirm too much." He commanded as he got to work cleaning her would, before stitching it up. Despite his claims of not being a medic, he seemed to be experienced at this. Once it was done, the black feline leaned back in his chair and looked up at the female. "Want some company tonight, or you just wanna sleep?" He asked.
Rune easily passed the ram to Waldier, thanking him in her low voice. She looked over as Menis spoke to Thomas and Seylian, and at Thomas look up at her, for confirmation, she nodded. She walked over to Thyverian and Melorn, and passed him a small lighter, sitting down near them. She passed her hand over her throat, massaging the skin there as Kiara put her bundle of sticks down and looked over at her sister. The two females spoke quietly to each other.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, throat is just hurting. Seems like the weather is changing. You know how my vocal cords get..."

Cylesta winced as he patched her up, but didn't squirm like she wanted to. She sighed as he finally finished stitching her side, and then lifted her arms to him to be picked up, "Company please. This mission sucked... and how I had to end him sucked even more."
Thyverian sheepishly took the lighter from her, admitting defeat as he lit the fire up the easy way. "They are also setting traps it looks like." He said as the fire began to burn infront of him. "Understandable." Melorn said as he glanced over at the girls, not sure what the weather could have to do with someone's vocals, but deciding not to pry. Thyverian and melorn began working together to create a wooden split to hold the ram for cooking.

"Setting watch will be kinda akward with the number difference." Seylian said to Tom, as the two looked over their respective squads. Giving his own chin a quick scritch, the ginger tabby spoke. "don't worry about Devaln, he needs his rest... magic can be finicky like that. We can just mix the groups and have them argue about who goes first, and we go last." Tom said simply, looking over at the grey feline who nodded. "Sounds good." The two of them then moved over to join the group, followed by Menis, who noticed Rune nursing her neck and looked on with concern. "Alright, Menis and Kiara will be one watch group, and Thyverian and Rune will be the other." Seylian started as he sat down by Melorn. "You can argue about who gets first watch." Tom said before taking a seat by the girls. "Devaln, just make sure your magic is ready tomorrow." The aformentioned feline would take his spot on the opposite side of the girls. "Yes sir..." He said as he watched Waldier set the ram up for cooking.

"Alright, lets find somewhere a bit more comfortable first, so you can sit, or lay down." Manus said as he stood up, the shadow chair vanishing as he did. He then lead her back to her kitchen and sat her down on one of her chairs. "So, tell me about this mission..." He said, as he created a small portal that he reached into. Pulling out a bottle of massage oil, which he proceeded to lubricate his hands quite thoroughly before dripping some on her bare shoulders. He then began to massage her tense muscles as he listened to her talk about this mission of hers.
Kiara looked up at their names, and then nodded with her sister. They both relaxed, and looked over at their counterparts
"I'm okay with first watch, if that's agreeable to you Thyverian?" Rune asked as Kiara walked over to the side, and started looking at the different plants. When she found what she wanted, she started digging, and pulled up a couple large tubers, which could be cooked with the meat. She cleaned them pretty quick, and then brought them over. "Can you roast these with the meat? They pop open when they are done, and are a good source of carbs."

Cylesta sighed under his hands, and rolled her head forward.
"He was a predator. And not in the good sense. He's been kidnapping young females and selling them to the highest bidder. He's been doing it for years. I went a little... mad..." He would know what she meant by that, he had seen that side of her a couple times before.
"I left a huge mess behind. But I was able to get the info to the other team, and they were able to rescue his latest shipment." She shivered under his massage, and groaned as he pressed a sore spot.
"I prefer it honestly, get to sleep uninterrupted." Thyverian said, offering the leopardess a smile, before his eyes drifted off to follow the other female. Tilting his head as she dug up the tubers. giving a 'to each their own' shrug as he just laid down on his back, looking up at the stars. Waldier raised an eyebow at the plants before taking them from her. "Ofcourse." he said before finding a way to situate them on the spit. Seylian scooted back from the fire a bit, pulling out a rough map of the area. He spent the cooking time pouring over this map, trying to memorize the lay the of the land... thinking out possible tactics. Melorn would spend the time checking his weapons, making sure all of his guns were loaded and ready to go. Thomas would do much the same, checking over the armory he carried around with himself.

"Were it that the Separatists were the only problem we had to contend with." Manus said, a hand moving down her back, caressing her muscles and loosening them up. "What was wrong with the way you had to end him? Clearly you edited the script anyway, I doubt repainting his house was the original plan." Manus said as he worked his hands down her sides, then back up.
Rune smiled and then relaxed against the rock she was sitting by. Kiara relaxed next to her, and the two watched the fire. Rune reached over, into her pack, and grabbed a salve, which she started massaging into her throat. As she did so, if any of the others were to look over, they would see the jagged edges of knife scars that spanned her throat.

Cylesta shrugged under his hands before saying, "I didn't just kill the guy. I massacred him. You know how much I hate that side of me... it just, ugh... I saw one of the young females, she couldn't have been older than 7 summers... and he had her in his room... he... " She shuddered again, as she remembered that poor little female in that room. She closed her eye, and sighed. Another shiver hit her and she yawned.
As the smell of cooked flesh began to fill the air, Menis would look up at the fire. Emerald eyes drifting to the other members of their little band. Going from Thyverian, all the way over to Seylian. Then finally moving over to the females, seeing Rune messaging her neck again would get his attention. Eyes widening a bit as he saw her scars, he quickly pulled his eyes away back to the fire. He fidgets a bit a she fights the urge to look over at her, losing the struggle several times as he glances at her neck several times.

Manus began to run his massaging hands down her arms, rubbing down the limbs that only hours ago mercilessly butchered a monster. "Yeah, sounds like he deserved it atleast..." He said as he began to retrace his steps across her back and up to her shoulders. "The must infuriating part is, he is not the only one. Plenty more monsters disguised as our peers lurking out there... But atleast you got one, and saved some lives." He said softly as his hands moves around her neck, massaging her tense muscles and her throat in tandem. "Hopefully we can break the backs of the Separatists soon so we can focus on things like this... before they spin out of control."
Kiara and Rune spoke softly to each other as the meat cooked. When it was time, they took their portion, along with the tubers and ate. Once both had filled their stomachs, Kiara stretched out on her bedroll, yawning as she looked up at the darkening sky. Rune shifted next to her, sighing as she looked over at the fire.

Cylesta nodded, but by now, exhaustion had hit her. As he relaxed her tense muscles, she slowly hunched over, and fell asleep at the table, head resting on the flat surface.
Not long after the meal, most everyone had retired to their tents. That is except Thyverian and Rune, who were tasked with keeping watch for the first third of the night. Thyverian had taken a set of binoculars from Melorn before he returned to sleep, heading toward the leopardess. "I guess we can either patrol around, or... find a strong vantage point. Personally, I am for the latter." He said offering her a smile as he waited for her input.

Once the lioness faded out, Manus would smile down at her for a moment. He would then scoop an arm under her legs and another behind her back. Lifting her out of the chair easily before heading down the stairs. Heading toward her nest and setting her down gently. Pulling some sheets over her nude body before pausing to look at her serene sleeping face. "Good night." He whispered softly before kissing her cheek, he would then leave her in peace, returning to the darkness.
Rune watched as her sister fell asleep, then got up as Thyverian approached. She nodded, "Me too. Although if I get tired, you'll see me moving around."
The two settled into their spots, and Rune watched the land around them on one side.
Thankfully their watch was uneventful.
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