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Blood of Legends ((Kiandra&Mephilis))

Cylesta just smirked at Thyverian, eye smoldering with heat as she simply shook her head. Tamir watched their interaction, and then grinned, practically feeling the arousal from her friend, and then waved goodbye at the two males who headed out towards Manus. She waved out to group, Uncle Melorn knew her very well, as Cylesta and her had been friends for forever.

"OK, I'll have Cylesta send you my address!" Tamir yelled after Menis. He was adorable. She turned towards the two who had remained.
"So, follow us?" Tamir said as she winked at them and then the two females headed off, talking to each other quickly.

At her townhouse, Tamir used the handscanner next to the door to open it, and held the door open for everyone. Cylesta walked in, only to hear a thrill and opened her arms with a smile as a large flying creature landed in them. "Hello Flix." The lizard with wings thrilled at her again, and nuzzle her cheek and throat, before his head snapped back and hissed at her before fixing his black eyes on Thyverian. He jumped from her onto Thyverian and began sticking his nose into improper spots, sniffing him out, before thrilling again. Cylesta grinned and quietly said to him, "Should have seen how he reacted the first time he smelled a male on me that he knew."
Tamir watched the two and then smirked, knowing exactly what Flix's display meant. She would get all the details later though.
"Lead the way." Seylian said finally as Thyverian and Cylesta were busy making 'fuck' eyes at eachother. Once the ladies took off, the males followed, at first trying to make sense of their female language before giving up. After several moments of silence, Seylian glanced over at his friend. "Lost your sword already?" He asked, provoking a sigh from the white male. "Yeah, looks like it got left behind." Nodding at that, Seylian would look ahead at the girls. "Probably for the best." Thyverian would glance over at the grey male, narrowing his eyes. "Hows that?" Seylian would look back, with a smirk of slight condescension. "That thing was made of cheap metal, you couldnt even afford a steel weapon." This would provoke a groan from Thyverian as he threw his head back. "How the hell did you even afford that fancy ass sword? We both came from the same damn orphanage?" Seylian's look transformed to one of 'seriously?' as he spoke. "Well we both started working at the same restaurant to save money for gear... One of us saved all of his money for the best weapon he could buy... the other wasted all his money chasing waitresses and bought the sample model. I wonder who was who?" Thyverian made some noises that suggested he did not like what he heard but had no reply.

"Fancy." Seylian and Thyverian said in unison at her handscanner. Walking inside, they both glanced around curiously. Jumping in shock at the sudden noise. "What the hell?" They both asked as the large lizard landed by them. When the creature looked at him, "Ehhh?" Thyverian seemed a bit cautious when it began sniffing him out. Hands instinctively moving to protect the only sword he has left incase it decided to take a bite. Seylian started chuckling, "Actually blocking access? Thats new." Thyverian shot his friend a look, telling him to shut up with his eyes before looking over at Cylesta. "Do I even want to know?"
"Probably not..." Cylesta replied before they watched Flix turn his attention on Seylian, bestowing on him the same treatment. Finally Flix huffed and sneezed, before going back to Cylesta and nuzzling her again before heading towards his comfy bed in the living room.
"He's mostly harmless... has a toxic bite though. Great defense for little old me. And he's super protective." Tamir explained as she led the way into the kitchen. There was a large four person table to the side, and the kitchen looked into the living room, with a big cut out over the sink. There was a wall of windows, and in front of those windows were chains that held pots, full of plants, their vines and green leaves growing up ward. All in all it was cozy, and the smell from the food cooking made it even cozier. She had steak bites, eggs, bacon, and pancakes all cooked and kept warm. "Plates are in the cupboard up to the right of the stove. Make yourselves at home. There's fresh coffee..."
Cylesta looked up from her cup of coffee that was already poured into a large mug and smiled sheepishly.
Tamir shook her head at her friend and continued, "and juice in the fridge."

Cylesta sat back with her coffee, and let Thyverian and Seylian fix up their plates first, and then stood and grabbed her food, ending up with a pancake, egg and steak bites, opting out of the bacon for today. She sat down, her tail twitching in happiness as Tamir joined them and the four ate, talking about nothing and everything.
"Cylesta got into so much trouble when she was younger, I had to get her out of it all the time."
"Really Tamir? Because I seem to remember that time you convinced me to sneak out only to get our hides tanned by first my uncle and then your mom!"
"Hush, they don't need to know that story!"
"Hey!" Seylian exclaimed as he was subjected to the same examination. "She hasn't even gotten close to that!" He says as he tries to protect his crotch from Flix. "You sure about that? She is a shadow assassin after all, coulda got what she wanted while you were asleep." Thyverian teased, as Seylian gave him a look. "What, thats no fun.." His eyes then shifted over at Clyesta suspiciously. "Or fair." Ofcourse he didn't believe it for a second, he wasn't that heavy of a sleeper, and theres no way she was that good. Both males cringed when she mentioned he had a poisonous bite. "Ugh..." They both groaned in phantom pain before following them into the kitchen.

The males wasted no time in fixing their plates and taking their spots at the table. A grin coming over the grey male's face at Clyesta's words. "I disagree, I feel like we need to know that story." Thyverian would be looking for sugar to use on his coffee, without looking like hes looking... or trying to atleast. "Yeah, what where you sneaking out for?"
Cylesta grinned at Tamir, and nudged the sugar cubes towards Thyverian, before saying, "Tamir wanted to go star watching. In the woods outside of town. Where the upper school kids were having a party..."
Tamir groaned, "We were only about.... what twelve?"
"Eleven. I didn't know about the party, but I got a clue when she told me to dress cute."
"You didn't even dress cute.... sweatpants and a large sweater over it."
"I didn't want to freeze while looking up at the stars!"
"Yeah yeah. Anyways, I get her out of her room, and we are inching off the roof, and when we landed, her uncle was already there, clearing his throat. Scariest noise ever... honestly"
Tamir and Cylesta shuddered at that, and then Cylesta said, "I still have nightmare about that noise."
"Anyways, we twisted around and her uncle asks us where we were going. Cylesta said we were going star watching, and he looked at me... and I broke..."
"To be fair, she was only eleven. Uncle Melorn has his disapproving stare down pat..."
"Yeah, I told him we were going to a party. He grabbed both of our ears and dragged us through the neighborhood to my house, growling at us both. Woke my mom up... ugh"
"We couldn't sit right for about a week..." Cylesta finished, her ears laying flat on her head, then elbowed Tamir, "So as I was saying, who was getting the other into trouble?"
Tamir grinned and shrugged her shoulders, "Not a clue boo." The two females chuckled at that.
Thyverian took some cubes, pretending that he knew where they were all along. "Sneaking out at eleven? You were never a good girl where you?" He asked, grinning at Cylesta as he mixed sugary goodness into his coffee. Seylian gave Cylesta a puzzling look when he heard about her 'cute' outfit. The two males remained quiet, eating and drinking as the story was told. When it was over, Seylian would halfheartedly point at Cylesta as he swallowed a bite. "So... what your saying is you were a conniving liar even at eleven years old?" He asked, gesturing to Tamir, "And you are the honest one?" He asked with a grin. "Wow you and Cylesta are alot alike if thats the case." Thyverian popped up with a chuckle as he nudged Seylian, "Remember when you lied your way out of trouble and left me to be punished when we almost burned down the orphanage?" That provoked a loud laugh from Seylian, who leaned back at Thyverian, glaring at his friend. "I'm sorry, what? There was no 'we' that was all your stupid idea. Thats why I am the leader and you are my sidekick, cause you are dumb." Thyverian started laughing at that, giving up on taking the bite of food he ha don his fork. "Oh? And what does that make Menis?"
"Our adorable mascot, obviously." Seylian replied matter of factly.
"Cylesta is definitely the troublemaker. Only problem is, she can get away with it. How her uncle didn't catch you lying when you finally discovered boys, is a mystery to me."
"Tamir, you were the one who introduced me to boys, so that's all your fault not mine!" The two females chuckled again, and Cylesta took a big bite, almost spitting it out when they said they had almost burned down the orphanage. She swallowed and Tamir said what she was thinking, "If it was his idea, then wouldn't that make him the leader and you the trusty sidekick?"
Cylesta couldn't help it, she laughed as they described Menis pretty much as the adorable mascot, and she couldn't deny that.
"Hey all three of you have a lot of growing to do. Menis did very well, to be relegated as a mascot isn't fair to him." She said through chuckles. She picked up her coffee, and took brought it to her nose to take a really deep breath of it before grinning like the cat that caught the canary, and taking a sip. She moaned, and Tamir looked over at her, "One of these days, coffee is going to break your heart."
"Shush. My first love is talking to me."
Thyverian looked at Cylesta rather suspiciously, she told him about her first kiss, but it did not seem to have alot to do with her friend here. Before he could speak, Seylian jabbed him in the shoulder before speaking. "He WAS the leader, but he blew it and I took over. Things have been going great since then, not one nearly burnt down orphanage." Thyverian rolled his eyes at Seylian who laughed at Cylesta's words about Menis. "Come on now, there is no shame in being a mascot, its an important job and hes damn good at it!"

When the white female moaned simply from drinking coffee, Thyverian wondered if she could just heal from a cup. Instead of drinking healing potions, she could just take shots of coffee, this thought caused him to bust out laughing. The grey male looked over at his friend with a hint of concern before shrugging. "You will have to excuse Thyverian, hes a little slow, one time it took him a whole day to get a joke and he just exploded with laughter at the worst time."

About that time, there was a very faint knock on the door, with a rather nervous Menis on the other side of the entrance.
Cylesta rolled her eyes at Seylian's words, but chuckled and Tamir grinned.
While she was drinking her coffee, she had looked at Thyverian, a questioning look in her eye, as he burst out laughing. Tamir just shook her head, and then heard the knock at the door.
"Hey Menis, come right on in!" Tamir said as she opened the door for him. Flix immediately came bounding over, sniffing the male but then retreating to his bed after deeming Menis safe. He had sniffed Manus and had put the two males together, knowing they were family.

"Hey Menis, come eat." Cylesta said as she reached into the pantry and pulled out a folding chair, which she set up between Seylian and Tamir's seats. She sat back down and stretched her legs up, accidentally grazing Thyverian's leg with her foot.
A small shock traveled through the both of them and she jerked her leg back, looking at him with wide eye. Thankfully, no one had noticed, as the other three were busy talking
"Than-" The black cat said before Flix assailed him. He was confused at first, but reached out to try and pet the lizard. He did seem slightly disheartened as it turned to leave just before he reached out. He kinda timidly walked into the kitchen, looking around the room curiously. Moving over toward the chair Cylesta set up for him, before realizing he should probably fix his food first. "Oh hey Menis, how do you feel about being the team mascot?" This caused the black feline to pause for a moment, emerald eyes drifting over to his grey friend. "Mascot? Do I have to wear a costume?"

About that time, Thyverian felt a jolt from a sudden touch on his leg. He glanced over at Seylian since this is the kind of shit he would pull, but he was not paying attention. Second pick was Cylesta, seeing the look in her eye he realized he found the culprit. She would soon feel a leg brushing against hers from him, a grin on his face as it was anything but accidental.

"No man, you just gotta raise moral with your good looks and sheer presence." Seylian exclaimed, and Menis just kinda stared at him, unsure if he was being serious. "What have you been feeding him?" The green haired feline finally asked.
Cylesta looked over at Thyverian at the very deliberate touch and smirked back at him. As the other three talked about mascots, and what Seylian was on, she shifted in her seat, and brushed her leg up his, slow and sensual, all the way up. She went back to her coffee, a look of daring on her face as she raised an eyebrow at him, wondering what he would do next.

Tamir grinned at Menis and said, "Don't look at us, Seylian is like that on his own. Sorry about Flix, he'll probably sneak in under the table in a few minutes to be fed leftovers."
She sat down and pointed to the stove for him to serve himself, as there was still plenty of food left.
Cylesta's leg would end up intercepted by one of Thyverian's hands. He begins stroking her calf as his legs traced up her inner thigh. His foot pushes under her armored skirt, starting to tease her tunnel of love. "What did you drink, Seylian? The juice? I would not put it past Cylesta to spike it." The red haired feline said as his eyes looked over at his friend. This would provoke Seylian to inspect his juice and Menis to pick up the coffee before sitting down. "O-oh, dad said since the mission flipped on its head, we will be getting a hazard bonus." Seylian would slowly look over at Menis, "Your dad? Is there anyone in your family who doesn't work for the Ro'Kha?" Menis would just offer him a shrug, "My grandparents?"

"So much much extra pay do we get?" Thyverian asked as he amped up his teasing efforts on the female. "I don't know, he has yet to decide how much, he only just not learned how bad things went from Manus." Menis said as he began eating, after a few bits he would turn his attention to the lady of the house. "This is really good, thank you!"
Cylesta smirked at Thyverian, spreading her legs a bit for him, before growling mockingly at the red-head, "If I was going to mess with Seylian, it wouldn't be so pedestrian as poison in his juice... You should know me better by now!"
Tamir giggled, and nodded, before saying, "Plus, she would have had to move quick to poison you..."
Cylesta looked over at Menis, and grinned, "Woohoo. That's good. More money in our pockets."

As Thyverian started teasing her more, she looked over at him, eye half-lidded as her mouth twitched up in a smirk. She would pull her leg from his grasp, and stand, pulling herself away from him as she stretched her arms up, "I've got to head out. Tamir, you gonna be okay?"
Tamir's smile turned absolutely predatory as she turned to look at Seylian and Menis.
"I'll be just fine." She answered as Flix came over and sat next to Menis, putting his head in Menis' lap for treats.
Cylesta grinned and winked at Thyverian, before walking out, stopping around the corner, to see if he would join her.
After Cylesta left, Thyverian would remain for a short time, long enough to finish his food and coffee. "Mmm, this was really good Tamir, feel free to invite me over anytime you feel like cooking." He said, giving her a smile as he stood up. Putting all his dishes together and returning them to the sink. "It was really nice meeting you, but I have to go look for a new weapon, maybe some better armor too to buy when I get paid." He said before getting another good look at the woman, he sure would not mind being introduced to more of Cylesta's friends if they were as friendly and good looking as this one! "I'll see you later." He said before heading out the door, looking around to see if he could spot Cylesta.
He wasn't lying... technically, but that was just a tiny reason why he was wanting to leave.

"So, do you also work for the Ro'Kha?" Seylian asked as they were finally alone with Tamir. His eyes moving over to watch the unfamiliar female as she replied. Menis would jump slightly when he felt something in his lap. "Oh, hello." He said before pulling a strip of bacon off of his plate and offering it to the winged lizard. "Are you hungry?" He asked as his free hand moved to pat Flix on the head.
"Sounds good Thyverian... Have fun." Tamir said, the smirk on her face telling him that she knew exactly what he was heading out to do. She watched as he walked out, then turned back to Seylian and Menis.
"Sometimes, but I'm heavy artillery for the military special unit actually. I lay down fire to help get our people out of there. The Ro'Kha sometimes require my help, Cylesta actually helped me get in with them. I've gone on a couple missions with Manus and her." Tamir grinned as she noticed Flix set his head down in Menis' lap, "He likes you." Flix wagged his tail in agreement, and ate the piece of bacon carefully from Menis' hand.

Outside, Cylesta leaned up against the fence around the corner from Tamir's house. She grinned as she heard Thyverian exit, and tilted her head as he came into view.
"Where are you off to Thyverian?"
"Oh, a military woman. Do you get to fire those huge guns on these warships we have?" He asked, sinking down into his chair, he then finishes up his plate and pushes it forward. Leaning back in his chair, he looked over at Menis when Tamir mentioned Flix liked him. "Ofcourse, who doesn't like Menis?" Once the lizard began to react positively to his attention, the black cat would give him more pets. "Whjats his name?" He asks. his emerald eyes looking up at the female.

"Hm? Oh, I was just going to go browse some armor and weapons, you know planning my purchases, and yourself?" He asked, offering her a teasing smile as his celest eyes fell upon the woman. Ofcourse, he was going to do those things, but there is something much more pressing he needs to do. Though, he is fully intent on acting like he was planning to be all tease and no please as he starts heading toward the shopping district.
"Yup. It's such a rush!" Tamir answered as she took a bite. She chewed and swallowed before saying, "His name is Flix. I've had him since he was a hatchling." Tamir grinned as she watched Flix for a moment, then turned back to Seylian, "So how do you two feel having the mission done and over with?"

Cylesta grinned and she stood and followed after him at a slower pace, her eye drifting down to watch his ass for a moment before she said, "That's a great idea. I'll help."
A large smirk rested on her lips when he turned to look at her after she spoke.
"I bet, I heard some of those guns going off in the battle, like thunder." Seylian said as looked over at Flix and Menis. "So, is he like a baby dragon or...?" The grey feline asked before looking back at Tamir. How did he feel? Tired as hell, he wanted to just lay down and bask in his victory. Though, there was certainly something else he would rather do. "I feel pretty damn good honestly, like I was born for this line of work. Hell of alot more exciting than being a waiter, I'll tell you that. Less women, but we will see how the pay is, might end up being worth it."

"I feel like I have a long way to go." Menis said as he gave Flix some scritches under his chin.

"Good I could use some help getting the right sword, and making sure its nice and polished... and getting the right sheath." Thyverian said, his voice drifting into a more seductive tone with each word. HThey eventually came upon the market district, and he headed straight to the smithy sections. Perusing across the different weapons, his eyes seemed to mainly focus on the more medium sized swords, such as longswords and bastard swords. "What do you think? Should I go all in on size and get a longsword, or keep the adaptability of the bastard sword?"
"I didn't get to join you guys this time, but here's to hoping there will be another opportunity!" Tamir said before turning to look at Flix.
"Not a dragon. They are a smaller breed, cousins to dragons. They are super intelligent, and love attention. Flix was the runt of the litter, he's still pretty young, they get about seven to eight feet long." Flix preened at her words, and twisted in circles.

Cylesta followed him to the market, a smirk on her face from his words, "I am quite positive we can find the perfect fit for your sword... whichever one you end up getting of course..."
They walked between the stalls, and Cylesta answered, "Which one are you more comfortable wielding? Do you like using both hands, or do you use just one?" Her voice made it clear she wasn't just talking about swords. She pulled his arm towards a stall, which she knew would have exactly what he was looking for.
"I would have no complaints about getting to see more of you." The grey feline as he took another drink of his maybespikedornot drink. "See how well you handle those big guns." He finished with a suggestive smirk before putting the cup down."So when your not blowing people up, what do you do for fun? You know, now that you don't have to sneak out anymore?" Seylian asked, resting his head in a hand as he watched her.

"So hes a wyvern?" Menis asked as he watched the reptile twist around. He would reach out to pet him some more once he slowy down enough.

"Thats a good question, never though-" Thyverian started before he felt himself being tugged aside. "Eh?" He started, pretending to be taken off balance as he bumped into her. 'Accidently' Getting a hand under her skirt for a brief moment to test just how wet she was. His other hand balancing himself by grabbing the only thing close by, her. By sheer chance, that hand cupped one of her breasts as he caught himself. "Woah, sorry there caught me by surprise." He said as he released her, "Where are you wanting to go? Are their more swords to look at?"
"OH really?" Tamir said, a smirk on her lips as she raised one eyebrow in question over her honey-colored eyes. She turned to Menis, and nodded, "Yup. A Wyvern. Not a lot of people know about wyverns, although being part of Manus' family should have told me there is much more to you than I can see, huh cutie?" She chucked Menis under his chin with her knuckle, and winked at him before she got up to grab the dishes and place them in the sink to start washing them.

Cylesta sighed his name quietly as one of his hands snuck under her armored skirt. He would find her pussy soaked, and she smirked over her shoulder as his other hand landed on her large breast.
"Couldn't help yourself could you? Anyways this stall has some amazing work, and can give you a good price. We will most definitely find a sword... big enough... to suit you. And a Sheath that will fit perfectly tight around it."
She stepped closer to the stall, and a large behemoth of a feline walked over, a grin on his usual scowling face, "Cylesta! Bringing me business?"
"Yes, this is Thyverian. Treat him like you would treat me please. Thyverian, this is Buko. He and his wife work as blacksmiths." She kept his hand firmly esconsed in her pussy for a moment, before pulling away, leaving his fingers soaked in her juices, looking back at him to see how he would react.
Menis' face lit up a but when she chucked him, he certainly responded well to praise, especially from a beautiful woman. The smile on his face seemed to be glued there for sometime as he continued to pet Alix. Seylian would look at her kinda confused when she seemed to dodge a rather benign question. Tilting his head, he watched the golden female as she started to was the dishes. "Is... washing dishes your hobby? I'm not one to judge but... its... definitely a unique one." Not long after she began washing dishes, Menis would head over to the sink. "I could do that for you, you did cook... its the least I can do since I ate.." He said, his voice getting lower and lower as he spoke, likely from nerves.

"What are you talking about? You almost knocked me over I'm just trying to steady myself!" He said, feigning defensivness as he took his hand off her chest, and waited for her to free his own hand. "Look who can't help herself." He whispered, before she finally let him go, his hand soaked in her juices as the large feline appeared. Judging by his size he was probably one of those hybrids between the Leonkin and Tigarian. He did not know the specifics but heard Menis mention that something about their genetics had a chance to create huge catfolk. "Hey there, Buko." He said, carefully, fighting the urge to call him bucko. He then glanced at his hand and shook his head. "Little me, I got some syrup on my hands, I really need to remember pancakes are not finger food." He laughed akwardly as he licked his hand clean, savoring the taste of the female. "Alright, I am looking for something maybe between a longsword and a bastard sword, big, but not so big I cannot use it one handed properly."
Tamir gasped and whirled around, eyes wide as she realized she hadn't answered his question, "I am so sorry! I'm a bit of a ditz sometimes." She giggled, and then said, "Hobby wise, love going bowling, and hiking. Cylesta and I love hiking and rock climbing up Mt Surov. Flix likes it too. He can stretch his wings out there too."
Tamir turned back to the dishes and smiled at Menis over her shoulder, "I don't mind it, but I would love help, if you're offering. I wash, you dry?" She motioned to the large dish towel set to the side.

Cylesta smirked at Thyverian, and bit her bottom lip as he licked her juices clean off his fingers. Her thighs clenched, as she thought about getting his mouth down to lick her pussy clean, and then turned towards Buko, because if she continued staring at Thyverian, she would jump him.

Buko listened to him, then nodded, "Stand up straight, let's see your arms outstretched. I think I've got exactly what you need." As Thyverian did that, Buko paced around him, measuring him with his eyes, before he looked over at his back table. He brought out a sword, then as he was about to pass it to Thyverian, shook his head and started muttering to himself as he looked through the storage in the back.
"Bowling?" Seylian asked, a look of confusion coming over his face. He began trying to figure out what 'bowling' is. He was imaging her and Cylesta rolling around in an oversized bowl. Oddly arousing thought, that was. He then looked over at Alix, "Yeah I can imagine he doesn't get to go out and fly too much around the city." He then offered a hand to the wyvern, to see if he would allow the grey feline to pet him.

"Sure!" Menis exclaimed before moving over to the drying towel, and began to help deal with the dishes. He looked over at her curiously, "So, what if your enemy gets close to you, what do you do?" He asked, it was a problem he faced in the battle, with Lenarin closing in on him and Melorn. Luckily for Menis, he chased the older male, he had no doubt he would have died had the lion chases him. He figured it would not hurt to get input from others to fight at range, while her method of fighting was much further ranged than his... there was always a chance that he had been engaged in melee before.

Thyverian straighten his back and stretched his arms out as far as he could. He his powerful frame was on full display as he stood motionless. Ofcourse, his physic was dwarfed by the larger male, but for his size... he was powerfully built. He slowly lowered his arms as Buko moved back into his stall, glancing over at Cylesta before looking back at the blacksmith.
"Bowling. It's really fun. There's nine stone pillars, arranged in a triangle, and you stand at about twenty paces away with a weighted ball, and roll it towards the pillars. You get points by how many pillars you knock down, and the goal is to get 300 points. Cylesta loves it, but she's really bad at it." Tamir answered. Flix looked at the gray male, then licked his hand and then snuggled his head underneath it, asking for pets. Tamir smiled at his actions then turned to Menis and the dishes.

"So for long distance weapons, being close range could be a death sentence. So, you find a way to use your weapons at close range. You're an archer right?" She asked. Letting him answer, she nodded before saying, "Arrows can be used at close range, and so can your bow. Use what you've got until you can get either far enough away to do what you do best, or to give your team an opening. I like my guns, but I also have an axe in case I get too close." She stopped for a moment, then asked, "Do you have any other weapons you are good at?"

Cylesta stood back, and watched Buko do his magic. She knew he would find the perfect fit for Thyverian and then looked back at him.
Big mistake.
In a moment, she was stepping closer and running her hands down his arms, before stepping up and placing a kiss in his lips, deepening it until all he was aware of was her, before she stepped back and left him gasping, while she looked unphased. Buko stepped back and showed him a sword, with Damascus steel, and then looked up at him, "You okay? Look a bit... distracted?"
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