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Blood of Legends ((Kiandra&Mephilis))

"Right behind you!" She said, jumping up from the bed before he started smelling her fresh arousal. Hopefully it would dissipate in the hallway. She bounced on her toes, energized and happy as she stepped out into the large hallway. She took a step back, into Thyverian who was stepping out of the room, as three soldiers walked by, leering at her as she raised an eyebrow at the three males.
"Paint a picture, it'll last longer..." Her voice was dry and sardonic as the three soldiers turned away quickly and hurried down the hall.
"Imbeciles..." She said under her breath, before turning towards the cafeteria, looking back at Thyverian so that the two could head down there.

Cylesta led the way down to the cafeteria, nodding respectfully to those who acknowledged her but did not stop to talk to anyone. The two entered the large mess hall, and she looked around, then stood on her tippy toes, trying to see if anyone she knew was there.
"See anybody?" She asked Thyverian.
"Looks like your inf-" The male started before she suddenly collided with him. His arms instantly moved around her, catching her as if she were falling for whatever reason. He loosened his grip on her when he noticed she only stepped back into him to avoid some unfamiliar faces. She would certainly feel his fresh new erection pressing against her as she spoke to the others. THyverian only offered them a 'what are you waiting for' shrug as he waited for them to move along.

"Its like they've never seen people walk out of a room before." He said sarcastically to her comment regarding their intelligence. Noone really nodded to Thyverian, or hardly acknowledged his existence, not surprising given his lack of importance and notoriety. As the aroma of food invaded his nostrils, Thyverian's stomach began complaining about its own emptiness. Looking around, he did spot Melorn. yhe old Cheetan was sitting at a fancier table than most in the room, likely the officer's table. He also noticed the demon, and Tigra were sitting with him. The three were conversing, and whether it was the topic of discussion, or what happened earlier, Melorn seemed rather annoyed.
"Yeah, I see-" He was cut off by a sudden 'SMACK' sound that echoed from his back. Thyverian cried out in shock, and paid as he turned to see a familiar grey feline, who instantly busted out laughing at the white cat's reaction. Behind him was the shorter black feline who could not help by snicker. "Son of a bitch." Thyverian growled as Seylain's laugh slowly died down. "I see you survived afterall. Where have you been hiding?" There was a slight twitch in Thyverian's eye at the implication that he was hiding from anything. A grin coming over his face as he offered his friend a quick punch on the shoulder. "I was just resting, believe it or not having your chest cut open takes alot out of you."
I'm glad your doing better Thy, and you too miss Cylesta!" Piped up Menis, noticing she had all her fur again.
Cylesta turned as he began speaking, only to be cut off by a loud yelp. She couldn't help but laugh as Seylian and Menis approached them, the former having elicited the loud yelp that came from Thyverian's mouth.

"I see you survived after all. Where have you been hiding?"

Cylesta grinned savagely at Seylian's words, but let Thyverian answer. Plus it would look suspicious, if she answered for him.

At Menis' words, Cylesta smiled at him, tilting her head to the side cutesy. "Thanks Menis. I feel much better too. Have you guys grabbed food yet? I'm starving. Being healed always makes me hungry."
She refused to look Thyverian's way when she said that, instead opting to head towards the line for the food, which was set up buffet style.
"Was there ever any doubt I would be fine?" Thyverian asked, feigning insult before Seylian placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a bit of a shake. "Yeah, when you were laying facedown in a pool of blood cause you can't dodge for shit." This caused the while feline to scoff, nudging his friend back, "Oh please, not everyone can be a professional bitch like you Seylian!" The grey feline rolled his eyes at this as the two shared a laugh.
"We have, but if you want company, I wouldn't mind sitting with you." Menis said, his black fur doing wonders to hide the blush coming over his face as he spoke. He jumped a bit when he felt a hand come on his shoulder. Glancing over, he saw Thyverian offering him a smile as he moved by him to follow Cylesta. Menis was quick to follow his friend, leaving Seylian all by his lonesome.
"I guess I should come along too, can't chance Thyverian getting knocked out by a stray spoon." Seylian said as he followed after Menis.
Cylesta grinned and kept walking. She picked out two raw steaks, some mashed tubers with butter, and a sautéed veggie, before looking around to find a spot for the four of them. Thankfully there was a small table near the corner that was unoccupied, and she waited a moment for the three males and then pointed in the direction of the table, "Does that look like a good spot? I can't see any others..." She trailed off, as she finally noticed her uncle with Tigra and the demon. She quickly blushed, knowing that if he were to look at her he would know what she was doing, as she was back to perfect condition, white fur thick and luxurious. She shook her head to rid herself of those thoughts and looked back at the boys.

She sat in the table they chose, and began to eat tail twitching happily. The food was thankfully delicious and not bland like she had had before. "So how do you guys feel not that you have your first official mission as a team under your belt?"
Thyverian also grabbed a couple steaks, but his were cooked medium rare. He followed it up with a splatter of mashed potatoes topped with some good ol brown gravy. Once he was done loading his plate, the males moved to join Cylesta. Thyverian would be the only one that new why she seemed so distracted by seeing Melorn, as the others were not in the room when he lost his mind. "Yeah, that spot looks perfect, lets go." He said, hoping to snap her out of her distraction.

Thyverian would sit across from Cylesta, Seylian would sit by Thyverian, and Menis would sit by the female. When she posed her question, each male took a moment to contemplate her words. Till Thyverian finally spoke up, "I feel like we better get a big payday for that." As he began to cut into his first steak, Menis piped up. "I feel like... maybe I wasn't ready for real combat yet..." His emerald eyes would droop as he thought about his little breakdown near the beginning of the fight. Seylian looked like he wanted to speak, but at the same time seeing Menis so down seemed to make him think twice about answering.
Cylesta looked over at Menis and pushed her shoulder into him in a comforting gesture.
"So... did Manus ever tell you about the horrible failure my first assassination was?"

At their shakes of their heads, Cylesta grinned wryly, and took another couple bites, teasing them a bit with anticipation before finally shaking the hair out of her face and sitting back.

"I was sent to kill a dignitary. This dignitary had a thing for pretty little females, which as you can see, I fit that description perfectly..." She preened a little as they laughed, before continuing. "Manus was overseeing me. He had been helping me train in the shadow realm, and thought I was ready. So did I for that matter. Anyways, the location was a large ball to honor one of the daughters, and while I had caught his eye, he was more interested in harassing another female. I had to abandon my first approach of getting him alone, to hoping he would go for a threesome. While he was all for it, she was not."
She paused for a moment, to take a bite of food, chewing slowly.

"So when she walked away, he was a bit angry. Told me off for suggesting something so crude, and caused a bit of a ruckus. I was escorted away from him by some guards and in all the commotion I lost him. I had to find him in his rooms later that night, and when I was poised to kill him... I couldn't." She stopped again, and sighed, before saying, "It's easy to say, yes I can kill, and another thing entirely to have someone's life in your hands."

She shrugged at the memory, and said, "While I was frozen over him, dagger in hand, he woke up. Before he could scream though, Manus had sifted into the room behind me and killed him, and I... well I completely lost it. His blood had coated my face and body, and I screamed. Manus had to grab me and sift us both out as I was panicking about all the blood on me..."

She stopped again, almost blushing in shame, "It was a while before I could trust myself to get out and do another mission. Your brother helped alot, and you've not only got his support, but my uncle's, your friends, and mine. So cheer up Menis. You did much better than me!"
Menis would visibly perk up after she nudged him, looking over at her as she spoke. Her question caused Seylian to tilt his head, eyeing her suspiciously. "Wait, you can fail?" He asks jokingly as he and the others waited for her to explain. Once it began to look like she was not going to share, Thyverian spoke up. "Feel free to elaborate." He said before he started cutting into a steak again. Once she mentioned fitting the dignitary's tastes, Seylian smirked, "She said with the utmost humility." He said as the other chuckled.

They quieted down, listening to the rest of her story intently. She would be able to tell that none of them found it easy to believe she had trouble taking a life. "Manus seems pretty keen on coming in to save people from fuck ups." Seylian said, his eyes moving over to Menis as Cylesta spoke to him directly. "Yeah, plus you are his brother, so you certainly have the potential to be as good him if you work at it." He said adding to Cylesta's take. Menis could not help but smile, nodding sheepishly. "Thanks..."

Cylesta finished her meal and then stretched her arms up, a smirk on her lips as she got up. "With that said, I bid the three of you adieu for now. Got to get my report in before this ship lands. I'll see you all later." She finished that last sentence with a bit of an exaggeration, making sure Thyverian knew it was just for him, before simply slipping down into a shadow at the table.

She headed up to where she could feel Manus, a spring to her step, and then bypassed him entirely when she felt her commander close by. Of course it helped that her commander had pretty much set up a beacon for her to follow, and she knew her report was due. She slid into the room quietly, standing at attention and giving him a respectful nod.
"Seeya around." Seylian said before the female vanished into the shadows. The three sat around for a bit after she left, while Thyverian finished his food. Pushing his plate back once he was done, the white feline leaned back with a loud sigh. "So, what do you guys wanna do while we wait?" He asked, looking from Seylian to Menis, "I think I need to sleep after all that..." Seylian says before standing up, "Yeah, me too." Menis states as he too stands up and stretches. "Well, I guess I might as well go lay down too, no point in just being all by my lonesome up here." Thyverian says before starting to stand up. "Wait, what? Haven't you already been resting?" Seylian blurted out as his friend stood up. The red headed feline had a moment of shock, but quickly recovered. "Well I mean, you can never be tooo rested right?" He asked with a totally not guilty shrug. "I dunno Thy, I think being too rested is being dead." The three would share a bit of a laugh before heading off to find a room to rest in.

As Cylesta passed by Manus, she would be able to feel the tension radiating from him. He was likely still talking to Skythrix about how the battle went.
Cylesta stood at attention until her commander spoke. He could afford time, and was a fair and just commander. He spoke brusquely, "At ease Cylesta. Mission accomplished?"
"Yes sir. Target has been eliminated, along with quite a few of his compatriots."
"Good. Any setbacks?"
"None... at least on our end."
"What do you mean?"
"It was a hard fight sir. I wonder if we really should have kept it from Melorn as instructed."
"I can understand you feelings on this matter, but rest assured, I made the right decision."

Cylesta took a deep breath, before nodding at her commander and saying quietly, "Agree to disagree on that point sir."
"Very well. I concede to that."
Cylesta nodded, then waited for him as he paused studying her.
"What is your opinion on the three rookies Melorn chose for his squad?"
"Although they have much to learn and experience, I believe they are very good. Melorn chose well, and they fought long and hard against stronger and more experienced forces."
"Good." He paused again, and looked her over before nodding once and stating, "And you are in good health already? I had a report saying you came in like the half dead."

Cylesta smirked and nodded at her commander, not giving him any of the details, but the old feline knew how she healed, as it was in her file. He had always respected her, both as a warrior and as a woman, and had never tried anything with her. She appreciated that greatly, and as he nodded back to her, said, "Will that be all sir?"
"Yes. That will be all. You have a week of recovery ahead of you. Enjoy it. Your next mission will be delivered to you next week."
"Thank you sir."

The old feline smiled at her as she disappeared from view and went back to his own files.

Cylesta reappeared near Manus, very nearly getting blasted by a very annoyed Skythrix, who thankfully changed her direction and huffed. "I'm sorry Skythrix. Hey Manus, how's it going?"
"Could be better." Manus started before the shadow dragon flashed him a look with her violet eyes. "Yes it could be better if someone could make real progress in perfecting his summoning." That elicited a frustrated groan from Manus as he looked over at Cylesta. She would be aware that his goal was to perfect the ability to summon and shape the shadows. Primarily for the purpose of pulling Skythrix into the material plane with a more permanent corporeal form. The fact that she dissipated after several attacks from Lenarin is proof that he has a long way to go for their shared dream. "I'm trying, but there are absolutely no records on anyone attempting a perfect summoning, let alone achieving it."

"Not in your little order, no. I keep telling you to seek out Nalmorion." That elicits an exasperating shrug from the feline male. "Yeah, I'll get right on hunting down some millennia old self proclaimed 'shadow king' just as soon as you tell me where to look!" Manus shouts in frustration, and with a hint of jealousy in his voice. The dragon rolled her eyes with a groan before uttering. "I don't know where he is now, some damnable 'hero of legend' sealed him away somewhere. I lost contact with him after he was defeated... I know he is out there somewhere, but I cannot sense where." Manus' jealousy only gotten stronger as she spoke, becoming evident on his face as he looked over at Cylesta again. "That show its going, shes mad cause I cannot hold her form together under great stress."

"You also cannot shape me into a more desirable form." The dragon hissed as the two made eye contact for a moment. "One thing at a time Skythrix, I think I should work on holding your together, before I start sculpting new forms for you."
"Okay. Lets take a step back. Skythrix, you can't eat Manus." Cylesta said as she walked closer to the large dragon. "I know it's frustrating for you, but Manus is trying, and that's says that he cares enough to work his butt off to get you to this point. Please have patience." She pleaded with the large dragon who huffed at her threateningly. Cylesta stood her ground, not giving an inch, before turning around to look at Manus, "And you, obviously need a study buddy for this guy. So I will get on that, and ask around. Who knows, maybe the info shows up in unlikeliest of areas. Either way, Manus, I just gave my report, and I'm off for the next week. If you need me, I'll be at home." She winked at the two, scratched Skythrix's nose and then disappeared into the shadows again.

This time Cylesta appeared in the cafeteria of the large ship, and quickly slipped out the doors, full of antsy energy. She would go find Thyverian, but she was sure he was with the other two males, and so instead, she found her way into the large training room and gym they had on the ship.

She settled into the movements that would stretch her body, and exercised until she felt the ship dock.
Thyverian was pretty tired from all the fighting... and fucking. He was on a bottom bunk under Menis, Seylian also occupied a top bunk somewhere. All three where fast asleep despite the loud machinery of the ship.

Cylesta could tell Manus appreciated her offer to help, though the look on his face when she mentioned 'asking around' suggested he had a pretty sarcastic remark that he chose not the share. "I might need you sooner rather than later." He said with a Farwell salute, before he and Skythrix continued their discussion.

The large training center had more than a few soldiers preforming various forms of exorcises, she would see many faces coming and going throughout the trip. Eventually, a familiar set of armor would walk into the center. This paricular set of armor she would have seen in the previous battle worn by the wind demon. It would seem he brought a spare set, unless he could repair destroyed armor in record time. The demon would make his way over to the weighted weapons grasping onto the heavy greatsword. With a bit of a grunt, he pulled the large slab of metal from its position. Moving into an open area, before he started going through practiced motions. Cylesta would know that these weighted weapons were generally 10-20 times heavier than battlefield weapons.
Cylesta was in the middle of an upside down split, when she noticed Manus' companion, the demon walk in. She tilted her head in acknowledgement, and continued through to her next form, a tucked roll that put her up on to her toes quickly. The shapely female had gotten a couple stares, but ignored them as she headed to the climbing wall, stretching her arms up over her head and then grabbing some chalk to rub her hands in it. Looking up at the wall, she studied the different paths she could take and once she had chosen her set path, approached the wall, and started up it, no ropes or climbing equipment. She had to stretch her body to make it up the steep direction she had chosen. Her movements against the wall, and her tail twitching caused more males to stop and stare.

She reached the top, then looked back at the ground, calculating the distance she had traveled and then the distance from the top of the wall to the ropes that hung nearby. A couple males that were near the wind demon noticed her calculating stare and started talking about her within his earshot, "Hell, you think she'll make that jump?"
"No way! It's way too far. She isn't going to make it. But we can definitely catch her when she does."
"Maybe she'll thank us for saving her..." The two males started smirking and chuckling as they settled to watch her.

Cylesta, oblivious to her audience, wriggled her hips, as she closed her eye and opened it again, before taking a deep breath and hugging the wall closer before actually bounding away from the wall, twisting her body backwards as she got enough power from her legs to bridge the gap easily. She caught the rop with her hands, and wrapped the rope around on of her powerful legs, and hung there as the rope jerked from her sudden stop.
The demon would glance over as he heard voices piping up near him. Seeing the two soldiers just gawking at a woman as she was training provoked a sigh from the masked male. Settling his weapon on the floor near him, he turned to the others. As he began to speak, Cylesta made her gravity defying jump. Looking up to watch her as she was a bit closer to them now, the demon felt like he had seen this woman before... but could not place where. The body shape was similar, but he had never seen Cylesta with her body fully intact before so he did not know right off that it was her... he also barely knew her to begin with.
"There, she succeeded the jump. This is a training complex, if you want to stare at women, atleast have the decency to be a wallflower and not take up space in the middle of the room." Suitably chastised, the males went on with their training... a little further away from the demon than before. The mystery man then resumed his practice swings. While his armor and body suit obfuscated the finer details of his appearance, they left little else to the imagination. He was a tall, muscular male and given his close association to Manus, it was safe to say he was also in his prime.
As Cylesta was closer to then, she heard everything that the demon said to the two males and smirked as she rolled her eye. She loosened her grip on the rope, and slowly slid down it, headfirst. Thankfully her fur was slick enough that she only got the very barest of skin burn. She reached the bottom, and unwrapped the rope, standing on one leg while she did so. She turned to look at the demon and then walked over, "Seems like you are no worse for wear after that. Healed quicker than Manus that's for sure." Her voice would be super familiar, as she stood in all her glory for him to see what she actually looked like when she wasn't eaten away.
If he noticed her sliding down toward him, he did not show it a she continued his swings. Once her voice invaded his hidden ears, the demon was in the midst of a swing. Using the momentum of the swing, he turned it into a slow flourish before settling his weapon. Turning to face her, the armored feline took a moment to appreciate her form. Though, he would not gawk at her, the fact that he stopped his training to look her over is high praise coming from this male... though she may not know it. Her voice was familiar, much more so than her body, last he saw her she was barely covered in broken flesh. "I also did not fall from several hundred feet in the air." He said deflecting her praise somewhat, whether it was out of humility or defense for his friend remained to be seen.

"I see you have healed much more quickly than most would, you left the infirmary before you were fully healed... yet you seem to be in top form... curious." It would appear that he had not heard the truth behind her healing... or if he had he was feigning ignorance. Due to his face save his eyes being hidden, it was quite hard to get a read on his intention. "Cylesta, was it?" He asks, before starting to resume his practice swings. "Do you intentionally melt yourself, or did the mission go that poorly?"
Cylesta watched as he turned towards her, her eye reading his body as she nodded in agreement on Manus' predicament. She grinned as he spoke of her healing ability, "Yes, a small healing quirk I have. Although to be honest, I had a bit of help in that regard." She tilted her head and then looked down at herself at his question.
"It's on purpose. Part of it is that I know I can heal it, so it isn't too bad. The sting of it is pretty common nowadays, so the pain doesn't faze me anymore. It's a pretty nifty defense mechanism, and the reactions from the enemy make it even better." She answered as she lifted her hand and caused the poisonous mist to bubble around her fingers, before sinking back into her body, the skin on her hand hissing as it was eaten away, but not as bad as he had first seen her skeletal form.
"It'll heal quickly, either on its own or with some assistance." She said before nodding over at him, and forming a large obsidian sword, "Would you want a spar partner?"
Once her skin began hissing, the demon looked back at her and watched her dissolve, He would set his weapon down on the floor at his side. "An interesting tactic." He said as his eyes found hers, namely the mechanical one. "Yes, I recall you mentioned getting 'what you need' before we went into the ship." He said before glancing over at her organic one, she was likely quite used to people wondering why she had that mechanical eye given how she can seemingly regenerate her body.

"I believe I would." He said before hefting the weighted greatsword up onto his shoulder. "Can you cast the stun barrier or do you need me to?" The stun barrier, typically a spell used for sparring. Nullifying the lethality of weapons, instead afflicting victims with sharp pains when struck, after three strikes the target is stunned for several seconds. Pulling his weapon from hi shoulder and holding it out, the demon ran his left hand across the blunted blade, infusing it with a yellow glow.
"I can do it." Cylesta answered as she grasped her sword with her skeletal hand. She easily did the spell on the sword and then twirled away, to get a little room between them before she faced him, her mechanical eye studying him closely. She lifted her eyebrow at him and a small smile crossed her lips before she pounced. She attacked him directly, her sword coming down from over her head and when he blocked such an easy move, she twisted over him and side swiped him from the back, twisting towards him as she added speed and power to her move. Her sword almost grazed his side, moving so quickly, before he was able to stop her. His muscular form was stronger than hers, but she was much quicker.
The demon watched her intently, studying her right back. Her muscles betrayed her intent, and he raised his guard as she began her pounce. The first attack was very telegraphed, had she not been an associate of Manus, the demon would have taken her for an amature. Blocking her first attack was a simple matter, but it was her next move that he needed to worry about. Tilting his weapon leftward before their blades clashed. Then she moved, a bit faster than he might have expected getting around behind him. With one motion, he turned his high guard to a back guard just in time to deflect her attack.

This time, he would not just defend, with a quick spin, he tried to throw her off balance with his parry. Sending a quick slash at her mid section. He was not expecting to hit her, his weighted sword was much to slow to hit her unless he could divide her attention, or fluster her. As he swung at her, he hopped back to maintain some distance, finishing his attack by resetting his guard stance. He held the same stance he had when the fight started, but this time if she tried another frontal attack he would thrust his weapon at her.
Cylesta moved back, away from his thrust towards her midsection and grinned. She watched as he hopped back, and twisted on her toes, as she pounced again, coming from the front. As he trusted her sword towards her, she relaxed her muscles, slipping easily between his legs, and using her sword hand, punched him twice in the thigh muscle, hard. She came up behind him again, and twisted with her sword against his shoulder, trying to get a hit in with her sword before he was able to block her.
Luckily for the Demon, his thrust was a rather conservative one, so he was able to react to her attack quick quickly. Her punches would hit his leg armor, maybe she liked pain a little too much? As she slid under him, he stepped forward before spinning around to strike at her. She would have to decide, would she trade hits with him, which technically gave them both a hit, but she would also be taking the heavy impact from his much larger weapon and would come out worse for wear than he would. Regardless of her choice, his follow-up was the same. Whether it was an easy transition, or tanking the sting of the stun barrier he would ready another attack. This time however, he would delay it, a nice little feint to confuse her muscle memory. After a short delay, he would swing at her, aiming for her midsection again. If she managed to avoid getting locked up and dodged it, he would ready a nice, quick sholder block to deter any counter attacks. Readying a reverse swing in the same fashion as the last, this time he would hold his attack for a shorter time before attacking. His weapon was working agaisnt him in two ways, first the added weight slowed his attacks, second each swing drained him much more than normal. He knew if he tried to get her with quick attacks, it would fail, so he had to try getting inside her head, and forcing her to trade blows with him.

Ofcourse, he could just drop this weapon and summon his normal sword... but wheres the fun in that?
Cylesta grinned as she took the hit, bracing her muscles for impact and the slight sting from the spell. Her own hit jarred him as she twisted away from his midsection slice, and then went after him, only to be shoulder blocked by him. A feral laugh came from her, she was having fun. This was almost as good as sparring with Manus, except usually there sparring ended up either in bedroom or the shadow realm, the two of them wrapped around one another.

Either way, she waited until he attacked again and slid her body around his arm, twisting around the blow and then elbowing him under his armpit, evading his large sword easily before dancing away from him on her nimble tip toes. She tensed her muscles, readying another attack on him, and pounced, attacking him again, except she feinted in the opposite direction, and he was unprepared for that. She slid down his arm and brought her sword up to the side of his neck, lightly pushing it against him so he could feel the spells shock, but not hard enough to actually slam into him.
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