Blood of Legends ((Kiandra&Mephilis))

"Oh, huh sounds pretty interesting, maybe you could show me sometime." Seylian said as he began to pet and scratch the wyvern's head. He then looked over the female as she gave menis the run down on what do up close. Menis nodded when she asked if he was an archer, looking between her and the dishes she was handing him as she spoke. When she asked him about other weapons he seemed to deflate a little bit, his ears drooping defeatedly. "... No..." He said softly, he was never very good with much of anything outside of the bow. "I never really learned to use anything else..."

Cylesta surprised the redhead with her steal lip assault. He leaned into her kiss, and was on the verge of losing himself. As she pulled back, she narrowly avoided the hand that was moving up to pull her at her chest plate to free her breasts. He was panting, desire replacing the blood in his veins. In fact, he was only moments away from blitzing the female when Buko came back out. "I'm fine... Just thinking about things I gotta do when I get home." He said as he recompiled his brain, looking over at the larger male. Then his eyes wonders over to the sword in his hands, "That one looks nice."
Tamir looked over her shoulder at Seylian and grinned, nodding, "Yeah. We can all go out and have some fun. How much time before your next mission do you guys have? Cylesta has the next week off..."
She turned back and nudged Menis, "Just because you aren't good with a weapon now, doesn't mean you can't get better with it. Some things come naturally, and some things you need to work at. I'm shit with a bow, but put a gun in my hand and bam!" She splashed him with water, getting Menis wet, as she stared at him. She tried not to laugh, and then started laughing, as she couldn't keep it in. "Sorry..."

Cylesta grinned at Thyverian. Her eye promised him so much more. The two could have been having fun in her bedroom, but he wanted to come and get a sword. So here they were. Didn't mean she wasn't going to tease him... she might even be able to get him to chase her down... she tilted her head back as she thought about it.
Buko nodded, and passed him the sword, telling him, "Lift it, and tell me what you think."
Thyverian would find the sword light his hands, but would be heavy enough that he could use it as a heavy weapon.
"Not sure, Menis?" Seylian asked, looking over to the black feline who was drying off a plate with his towel. "They did not say, but I... doubt we will be going back out anytime too soon." He said softly before Tamir started giving him the pep talk. His ears slowly started rising back up, as he looked over at the female. He opened his mouth to speak.. and then BAM, Menis recoiled as he is hit directly in the face with water. Emerald eyes staring at her in shock as she stared back... when she started laughing, he could not help but laugh too. He would however, exact revenge by dropping the damp towel on her head, and continuing to laugh. "Good to know we are all adults here." Seylian said as he began to laugh with Menis.

Thyverian would take the weapon from Buko, getting a feel for its weight as he stepped back to create some distance. Giving the sword a quick flourish before taking it in both hands. Giving it a few simple swings, and taking up a few different stances. "Feels good, I like it." He said before handing the weapon back to Buko, "Can you hold on to it for me? I have not been paid just yet, but when I do get my money I'll be right over." He said, trying to keep his eyes off of Cylesta, it was all he could do to stay focused in the moment.
Tamir smirked at Menis, and winked at him, before turning towards Seylian. What he didn't notice, is that she had grabbed the hose with the sprayer that was connected to the faucet, and sprayed Seylian right in the face with a quick burst of water.
"Of course we are all adults here Seylian..." Tamir said, giving him a sweet innocent look, eyes wide and angelic, a slight smile on her lips.

Flix saw the water, and hid under the table, before popping his head up and looking at the three felines.

Cylesta moved up to Thyverian, and looked over the sword.
"Do you have a sheath to go with it? He needs a good sheath to put his sword in..." The last part of that sentence was just quiet enough that only Thyverian could hear it.
Buko answered the question, "Yeah. Give me a sec. I've got a matching sheath. Marlia made it." He stepped away, to look for the sheath, and Cylesta took a moment to grab Thyverian by the neck and haul him down to her to whisper in his ear, "I want your cock inside this wet pussy..."

She licked the shell of his ear, and then slid away. She left a wisp of her scent around him, and if he used his nose he would realize that she had dipped her own fingers into her pussy and left the juice on his neck, making it impossible to get rid of the scent.
At that moment Buko appeared again. He took the sword from Thyverian, and sheathed it, showing off the work of art that was the sheath, "It will be sharpened and imbued with some spells, and awaiting pickup."
"No need Buko. Put it on my tab. A gift for finishing your first mission."
"Sounds good Cylesta." Buko handed it back over and Cylesta caught Thyverian's eye, "I've got a couple more things to get. Want to join me?"
"Ack! Hey!" Seylian shouted as he was assailed by the water gun, putting his hands up to try and protect himself. Though it was much to late to stop from getting hit in the face. His eyes watching her her intently as a grin appeared on his face. Slowly standing up from his seat, "Well, if you want to get me wet... I guess its only fair..." He starts before starting to close the distance. "That I get you wet too." He said, a hint of suggestion in his voice as he used his hands to protect himself from any water blast blasts she might try shooting at him.

"That makes two of us." Thyverian whispered back before she shivered from her lick. He could not help but smile when he realized what she planted on him. He had no desire to get rid of her scent anyway. It was more like a badge of honor to him than anything he should be concerned about. His eyebrow would raise as Cylesta decided to buy his sword for him. "Thank you sir." He said, taking the weapon and admiring it before looking over at her. "Yeah sure." He said as he followed her, after a bit he would grin. "Looks like I got myself a sugar mama."
Tamir grinned at the two males, her smile a little feral, before she again lifted the sprayer, as she got into position. She watched Seylian primarily, but she kept Menis in her peripheral view as well. As Seylian stalked closer, she whistled. Flix jumped into action, barreling towards her, and slamming his body into the back of Seylian's knees causing him to tumble backwards. She took that moment to spray him again, nailing him in the face again as Flix jumped up on Menis and started locking him happily.

Cylesta grinned back at Thyverian and said, "Don't get used to it."
She led the way to a small stall, that had food, grabbed a couple things to make for dinner later that day, then headed over to another small stall, this one with smaller bottles. She handed money over, got a purple hued bottle in return, and turned back to Thyverian as she slipped it into the wicker basket she had gotten with the food.

With that, she smirked at Thyverian, and said, "Well I'll be heading home..."
A moment later, the breeze would hit her just right, and carry the scent of her straight to him, filling his senses with her, as her tail twitched against his thigh, tapping lightly.
"Care to join me?"
Luckily for Seylian, he was no fool, tightening his stance when she whistled. There was only one reason why she did that in his mind, and the sound of pattering feet confirmed his suspicion. He could not do alot about Flix, as it would leave him very open, so he braced himself for impact. His knees still buckled, and she got her opening to spray him. However, he was able to recover quickly and lunge at her through the spray of water. He would grab onto the sprayer, using his superior strength to turn it on her. First forcing it to spray at the floor before pulling it up into her. Unintentionally getting her in the crotch before carrying it up her belly, over her breasts and into her face. Laughing all the while, "Got you wet!" He exclaimed as the back spray was getting him just as wet and even splashing Menis and Alix.
When the wyvern leapt at him, Menis instinctively caught him and held him up, laughing as he was licked and rained on. "We really are adults!" He shouted between bouts of laughter.

"Don't worry. I'll work for it." He purred before nudging her in a rather sensual way. Playing with the strap on his new weapon, getting it situated on his waist. He just kinda followed along like the stereotypical boyfriend being dragged around as the woman shopped. That thought did leave him with a question, one he might need to ask... though he was not sure if he should now and risk ruining the mood. As she stuffed some strange purple thingimajig in her basket while looking at him, he would raise an eyebrow. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath when he felt her scent wafting toward him. The sent put his blood to boil, and he was reflexively twitching his arms toward her, like he was fighting with his own instincts...
"You would have to kill me to keep me away." He purred as his celeste eyes opened to look down at her, hunger shimmering in his irises.
Tamir giggled as he soaked her through with the sprayer, and reached over to turn the water off at the source. "Totally adults here!" The three were pretty much left gasping for air as they laughed, now all three soaked through their fur.
Flix, who loved playing with water, began jumping and licking each one, his long tail acting like a whip as he wagged it from side to side. "Ouch! Flix, control your tail bud." Flix wriggled down, and grabbed his tail with his front claws, looking up at the three as Tamir finally straightened and grinned, "Here, let me go get towels for all of us." She looked down at herself, her white tank was plastered to her chest, and she wasn't weaing a bra, her nipples on full display. She really didn't care, and stretched her arms up as she walked out, pulling the tank off, and ervealing her bare back to the two males.

She came back in, carrying two towels, passing one to each, Seylian and Menis, and a smaller one wrapped around her, covering from the top of her breasts, to the tops of her thighs. They would realize she was completely naked under it.

Cylesta smirked up at him, her own icy blue eye matching his with lust. She led the way to a cottage, nea the outskirts of the city, and opened the door for him. As the door closed behind him, she slowly walked into the kitchen, revealing a large open floor plan, a kitchen to the left with a large island in the middle. The living room was across from the dining room, and stairs led down into a basment. She set the basket down on the table, slow and steady, and it almost felt like they were holding their breaths, waiting for something to break.
Flix's tail got Menis' ankle good before she stopped him. His leg buckled a bit, causing him to fall into the female. He did catch himself on her her counter with one hand. The other instinctively gabbed her thigh as his face was buried into her back. He did finally recover and stagger off of her, letting her leg go. "S-sorry!" He shouted as jumped back from her, face burning with embarrassment and a hint of arousal. As she turned to walk out off the room, he saw her breasts through the wet shit and his knees gave out on him. He only just managed to avoid falling on the floor. As she removed her shirt, she would hear an audible moan from the black feline.
"You look like you are about to explode Menis." Seylian joked as the younger male moved toward the table and used it for support. "I f-feel like it..." He stammered as he tried to catch his breath. "If I didn't know any better I would think you were a virgin." The grey male chuckled, turning into a full blown laugh when he received a glare that all but confirmed his statement.
When she returned, Menis took the towel when offered, and began draying himself down. Seylian did much the same, "So is this how you greet all new people? Or are we special?"

And something did break, not longer after she set her basket down he rushed at her. Pulling her into a deep, hungry kiss, and his hands began desperately exploring her body. Lifting her up easily, he rested her legs around his waist as he carried her around the table. Once he moved away from her basket's location, he almost dropped her on the table as he deepened the kiss. His hands moved down to unbuckle his belt, he was far too turned on right now to do foreplay. He wanted, no he needed to fuck her. His body burned and begged for her warmth, and he would have it. He was not even bothering with her clothing since he suspected she did not bother wearing anything under it. Something about leaving it on made this feel even hotter. Once he finally got his pants off, he aligned his cock with her burning pussy. Gripping her skirt, Thyverian jerked the white lioness onto his shaft. A loud moan of pleasure sounded from the male as he finally felt the heat he desperately need. "Fuck!" He shouted before he he started hammering her vigorously on her table.
Tamir smirked at Seylian, "Cylesta vouched for you. So that makes you guys special." She turned over to Menis, and her eyes narrowed as she looked at him, then smirked again. Flix headed back to his bed, curling up on it and licking himself clean of the water. At least he wasn't going to leave a mess, unlike the kitchen, which Tamir took a moment to look at before bursting into laughter.
"Dang it... Now I have to clean my floors!" She shook her head and moved over to the pantry, her back to both males as she reached up and behind the door for the mop to clean the floors. She felt the cool breeze hit her ass and pussy, and knew that the towel she was wearing her ridden up and shown the bottom of her ass cheeks to the two males behind her. She shook her head, and turned back around with the mop in hand. "Are you guys going to help clean this up too? Or do you two have something else to do?" She wasn't planning on actually having sex with them... just yet. She didn't give it up on the first meeting, but maybe once they got to know each other a bit better, she would enjoy teasing and taunting either of the two males.

Cylesta turned as he rushed her and met him with a ferocity of her own lust. She kissed him back, her own claws digging into his back just under his shoulder blades. As he picked her up, she wrapped her powerful thighs around his waist. He carried her around the table, then placed her ass on her table and she sent a prayer up to the gods that she had chosen a sturdy table over the delicate monstrosity the salesperson had tried to get her to buy. That table wouldn't have lasted under the onslaught of the two felines that were wrapped around each other. She felt him begin to unbuckle his belt and bit his lower lip as a low purr began rumbling in her chest. Her pussy clenched around air, dripping onto the table below her, forming a puddle of fluid. As he jerked her onto his shaft, she groaned his name, eye flying open and her head fell back, exposing the long expanse of her throat to him.
Each thrust into her caused her breasts to jerk within the confines of her corset, and she gasped his name as she got closer to orgasm, her pussy clenching around his shaft as it tried to keep him inside. Tightening around him, she massaged his shaft with her inner muscles, and felt the rippling of her orgasm begin to travel down her spine. Her tail wrapped around his, entwining around his, keeping the blades pointed outwards.
Menis, feeling extremely embarrassed, would not be able to hold her gaze as her eyes narrowed. He would look away as he tried to dry himself off. Part of him wanted to just dart out of her house, but the kitchen was a bit of a mess. While he technically had nothing to do with the mess, he would feel bad if he did not help clean up... He just had to avoid looking at her. Seylian had no problem checking her out as she showed herself off to them, Menis did not even notice as he was watching the wall opposite of her. When she asked if they had anything else to do, Seylian smirked at her. "I can think of alot of things I would rather do than clean, but I should stay and help." He said, accepting responsibility for his part in this mess... even though she totally started it. "I-I can help I..." Menis started, before trailing off and mumbling incoherently, he was flustered, very flustered. Both males would move to help her clean, though Menis notably avoided eye contact whenever possible.

"Gods, I've never been this-" Thyverian started, before lunging down and biting into her neck. One hand staying on her skirt, as he other hand moved to grab onto her shoulder. He really hoped he did not break her table, but he could not stop thrusting into her even if he wanted to. Jerking her back and forth with both hands, his body moved faster and faster. His body was still sore from the battle, and the tumble last night, but his feral adrenaline was letting him push past his bodily limits. Purring and growling in unison as he felt her body teasing out another large orgasm from his body. His testicles slamming into her entrance with each thrust, tightening as he is about to explode into her.
Tamir cleaned with their help, and kept stealing glances at Menis. She walked up to him, and lifted his gaze to hers, "Hey, you have nothing to be embarrassed about Menis."
She spoke quietly enough that only he could hear her. She winked at him, kissed his cheek, and then said, "I like it when you've got your eyes on me."
With that said, Tamir grabbed the mop and finished the floor. She wrung out the mop in the bucket, and then hung the mop up to dry.
"Thank you for helping me clean." Tamir smiled at them both and then her wrist pad beeped. She looked down, and opened the message, reading it quickly.
"Well crap. I hate to cut this short, but I've just been called in for an extraction." From fun loving to serious, as if she had hit a switch, Tamir changed. Now, in front of them was the military trained Tamir. She smiled ruefully at the two males.

Cylesta groaned again, and felt her orgasm rush over her, coursing through her veins as she felt her ears ring from the sensation of coming so hard. Her whole body tightened, causing his shaft to almost be popped out as her pussy clenched down hard around him. His thrust would have to fight her tightness to let him cum, almost causing him to stop cumming.
"Thy.... thyverian... oh Gods...." She screamed his name as another orgasm toppled over her, on the heels of her first.
Menis opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off when she kissed him. He shivered from the sensation her lips gave him, and did his best to nod because he could not open his mouth without moaning. After she finished with the mop, Menis quickly took the bucket outside to dump the water on the ground, before rinsing it out. He came back in shortly before she got the message about her orders. Seeing her serious demeaner come out, Menis quickly put the bucket back where it belong. "Well that sucks, but it was nice to meet you. I guess we should be going, not gonna get paid if we never report in. " Seylian says as he offers her a smile, "Hopefully I'll get to see you again... and ... do the bowel thing." He said, before heading out of her house. Menis followed behind, looking as if he was too flustered from the kiss still to speak. As he got to the door he stopped, looking back at her with a sheepish smile. "Good luck.. and.. please be careful.. Miss Tamir." He said in a slightly shaky voice before he headed out after Seylian.

Thyverian growled loudly as he felt her walls squeeze him so hard he almost popped out of her. His barbs seemed to be getting all of her walls now, scratching her walls due to the extreme tightness. "Fuck... Cl.. FUCK!" He shouted as he exploded inside her, his hot seed shooting through her tunnel, and being sucked directly into her womb. The bit eon her neck tightened, drawing blood as her flesh entered a cycle of being healed by the stimulated and repunctured by his teeth over and over. He purred her name as he seemed to just keep ejaculating until it began to spurt out onto the table. Finally after an eternity of ecstasy that she had given him from all the teasing up until this short, but extremely intense fuck he finally fell limp on her. "Fuck... that was... the biggest... ooff..." He groaned as he stood up, pulling out of her. Doing so while he was still fully hard would cause his barbs to pop against the lips of her vagina. Not something males tended to do cause it kickstarted female ovulation, but since she was on contraceptives he figured there was no hard in it... especially since it also gave the female an intense rush of pleasure.
Tamir nodded to both males, and then waved as they walked out. She grabbed her bag, which was always ready to go, unlocked Flix's side door into the large backyard, and sent a quick message to her neighbor, who would feed Flix while she was gone.
A kiss to Flix's head, and Tamir headed up to get dressed before heading out.

Cylesta felt his teeth within her throat, and gasped at the sensation of the never ending loop. She felt him explode within her, and panted his name, as he fell limp against her. She hugged him close to her body for a moment, but when he pulled out, she screamed at the orgasm that slammed through her, causing her pussy to pulse, as she squirted out all over the table.
"Shit, Thyverian..." She gasped for air, as she fell back, laying sprawled out on her table.
Thyverian would pant a bit, looking down at her, placing a hand on her right shin. Glancing over at her basket, it was still there somehow he would smile at its resilience. He would take a moment to look around, not seeing a bed but noticing the stairs. Then he looked back down at her, he really wanted to cuddle with her, but not so much on the table... surely she had a bed downstairs. Scooping his arms under her legs and back, he strained a bit to lift her with his tired he was... but he persevered. Carrying her down the stairs in hopes of finding a bed. If he was wrong, he would just find the softest looking surface her could and set her down. Laying down next to her, cuddling her close. "Damn... I think I could get addicted to your body if the sex just keeps getting better each time.." he purrs, kissing her cheek.
Cylesta looked back up at him from her spot on the table but had absolutely no intentions of moving. So it was nice to suddenly feel his arms around her tired body, lifting her up and carrying her out of her kitchen. He headed down her stairs, which opened up into a large den and five doors that were closed. She snuggled into him, and pointed with a hand behind her to the farthest door, which, when opened would reveal a large bedroom.

A large nest, big enough for four felines, was in the middle of the room, a dresser to one side for her clothes. She sighed as he placed her down into the bed, and purred as he snuggled into her.
"If the sex keeps getting better, I'll mate you..." She said sleepily, before smiling at his kiss. She pulled him closer to her, and yawned, before pressing her own kiss on his cheek.
"The basket make it okay? I didn't notice..."
Thyverian began purring with her, grinning at the idea of her mating him. "Mate me huh? Have a bunch of Thylestas running around?" He chucked as he rested his head on hers, and wrapping his arms around her. When she asked about the basket, he smiled and started stroking her back through her corset. "Despite out best efforts, the basket is fine." He whispered before kissing her forehead. "So have I earned some more sugar... mama?" He asked teasingly.
He seemed to lose track of time while he was with her. A little more than an hour into their cuddling, footsteps could be heard inside her room. "Well well, this makes my job easier atleast." A familiar voice spoke, gaining Thyverian's attention. Looking over, he saw the figure of Manus. "Oh, hello." He said casually, not caring enough to cover his naked lower body. "Melorn wanted me to find you Thyverian, I came here hoping to find where you were last seen. My intuition pays off even better than I hoped."
"Cute adorable Thylestas... haha" Cylesta chuckled at that as she yawned, and snuggled into the warmth he was emitting. As he played his hand against her back, she remembered she still had her corset and armored skirt. She sat up and enticed him to untie her, and slid the corset up and off her, taking a deep breath as her breasts were released from their confines. "OH that feels good. Hmm I don't know if you've earned more ... sugar..." She said as she laid back down against him. She shimmied out of her skirt, and placed it where she had placed her corset, before stretching out next to Thyverian.

She coasted between sleep and being awake, nuzzling Thyverian as she enjoyed the quiet peace around them.
Of course good things must come to an end, and her ear flicked towards the sound of someone approaching. She wasn't too worried, only a couple felines could actually enter her home, and of those, she didn't care if they saw her wrapped around Thyverian.

"Hey Manus... come to join the party?" Cylesta said, a wry grin on her lips as she looked up at the male. As Manus mentions her uncle, she groans and hides her face into the blankets, "Can't this wait? You're taking away my cuddle buddy..." Her naked back is on full display, but she doesn't care, it's just Manus, and he has seen her at her worst and at her best.
"Looks like I missed the party... this time." Manus said as he kept his eyes on Cylesta. Thyverian would stroke her back as he looked over at Manus. "Yeah, do I really have to go right now?" The shadowy armored feline would sigh, shaking his head. "You know the rules Cylesta, the squad has to be debriefed and more importantly, paid. Besides, big boss man Theron is interested in meeting these rookies that managed to fell Lenarin Terafax. I don't think he would take kindly to being made to wait longer so you two can snuggle." Manus said, crossing his arms as Thyverian's eyes widened a little bit. "Shit, guess I should go." Thyverian said reluctantly as he offered Cylesta a final kiss before standing up.
"Yeah, you might also want your pants, he does not swing that way, and hes mated." Manus said in a very matter of fact tone as Thyverian tiredly rushed upstairs to find his pants. "A bath wouldn't hurt, Melorn doe snot need to smell his niece all over you."

Once Thyverian was out of sight, Manus turned his gaze back to Cylesta. "You didn't waste anytime trying the new snacks I see." He said, grinning at her through his facemask.
Cylesta sighed and nodded, offering her face up to Thyverian to get a kiss in and then watched his ass as he headed up the steps. She turned back to Manus and grinned, "Just one snack, and he was well worth it. What, you jealous you couldn't join us for some fun?"
She got up as she heard Thyverian upstairs, and then grabbed a long tunic to wear around the house. It hit her at midnight, and then walked over to Manus.
"Theron wants to meet them? Do you think that's a good thing or a bad thing?" She asked as she led the way out of her bedroom and up the stairs. She grabbed the basket, and started unpacking the food, placing the food in the fridge and then grabbing the small purple vial and placing it on the counter. Manus would recognize it instantly, as the tonic she took if she went into heat on a mission. It would block her heat from rushing her, at least for a couple hours, but when her heat did finally hit, it hit her like a train. He had had to watch as it had hit her once she had gotten home, and then bore the brunt of her passionate attack.
She looked up at Manus, "Hate it, but just in case. It's supposed to hit in about three weeks."
"Maybe, is he the only one you intend to try?" He asked teasingly as she rose up and got her tunic. His ruby eyes catching hers as she spoke of Theron. "I am not sure. I hear tale he is looking for a dependable team to aid the golden boy on his team's next op. A great opportunity, but at even greater risk." Cylesta would know that the 'golden boy' was Theron's grandson Thomas, who was blessed and cursed by his family being in the top echelons of the Ro'Khah in equal measure. He was put on the fast track to being in one of the more elite teams, but is expected to deliver nothing less than perfection.
"That is, IF that is the reason he wants to see them, taking down a Terafax is quite the notch on their belt." Manus said as he followed her up. Ofcourse the boys did have alot of help, but also showed alot of potential. "We have not been summoned, but I suspect Theron will want a detailed account on their performance from us if that is his reason." He said as they entered her kitchen. Looking around, he saw that Thyverian was long gone. "I really hope he remembers to shower, all that potential will be wasted if Melorn blows him away." He mused before noticing her bottle, a knowing sigh came from him as he shook his head. "That time again, already? Sure one bottle will do it? Remember last time, your heat hit right at the start of a long infiltration mission. You ran out midway through, and we have to keep your heat in check the old fashioned way." There was alot of sex to be had during that mission, including right before they killed their major target. Fucking on the floor, desperately trying to keep quiet as they were only yards away from their target with an anti magic field keeping them from being able to enter the shadow realm. Other than that, he was all for her using that potion, she had a a strong heat, and this only multiplied it... which made the sex amazing.
"So, what your saying is I need to visit more frequently starting in three weeks time?"
Cylesta grinned and nodded in answer to his question. "Seylian is too arrogant, and Menis is too sweet. I'd feel like a freaking corrupter with him..."

Cylesta just shook her head. Poor Thomas. Her training had been brutal in the Ro'Khah. And she wasn't even family, even though Manus and his father had taken her in. She knew how bad it was when your family was deep within the Ro'Khah, and she was glad she had never experienced it. Melorn had wanted to keep her from it, but she had been confident in her abilities, and was now a very respected member.
"I guess we should head in too huh?" She stretched her arms up, and then realized his next words.
"Oh I really hope that he remembers to shower... we cuddled closely for over an hour, plus ... what we did beforehand..."
She looked over at the vial and then nodded to Manus, "Yup. If it isn't enough, then I'll just have to hold it down. So yes, you can definitely come and help in about three weeks. Hopefully I don't need it, and can pass it naturally."
"Seylian is an... interesting one." Manus says, his voice suggesting he has more to say on that manner but has decided to keep it to himself. "Menis will be sad to hear that, he has a big crush on you..." Manus laughed as he spoke of his brother, they had words before Menis joined them at Tamir's place. It was not hard for the older brother to pick up on the younger's feelings for the female. "Though, maybe it is for the best, you would likely break his heart."

"We can if you want, dad will be there, Kariun too. Would save us the trouble of being summoned later I guess." Manus replied, Kariun being Tom's father, and Theron's son-in law. He took a moment to smell the air around the room, and took notice of their bodily fluids on the table. "Indeed, the scent is palpable in the room, can only imagine what he smells like." He tilted his head at her words, "You know, you could try that magical procedure that is supposed to permanently suppress heat cycles. Unless ofcourse, you actually enjoy it as much as I do."
"Let me get a quick shower, and some appropriate clothes on..." Cylesta said, rolling her eyes.
"I would probably eat Menis alive... he's adorable, although Tamir can take him in..." She smirked as she headed back down, Manus following her. She had remembered to grab the vial and slipped it in her to-go bag. She grabbed her assassin's gear, which consisted of black leather leggings and a black scarf that came down from her neck, over her large breasts, came together into an x form underneath, and tied at the small of her back. She slipped off the tunic, and into the shower, washing quickly.

"That procedure has had multiple failures, and some of the females who have had it have been rendered infertile. No way am I going to give up my chance at having kits!" She said as she popped out, dried off and got dressed quickly, grabbing her black and purple face mask that covered her lower face.
"Let's go!"
"Tamir? Is that better or worse than you liking him?" Manus asked, a hint of concern in his voice as he watched her head for the steps. He is not sure how he feels about her friend with whom she has a habit of arguing over which one is more wild maybe taking an interest in his brother. He was tempted to try and join her in the shower, but... that would defeat the purpose of getting ready to meet the boss. "Good call, only thing worse than Thyverian smelling like you, is you smelling like him."
His ruby eyes would watch her suspiciously as she spoke of the procedure. "I shudder to think what kind of kittens you would produce." He said as she got her assassin gear on. "Indeed." He said before snapping his finger and forming a portal from the shadows in the room around them. He would walk through this portal, leaving it open for her to follow if she wished. The portal was a fast track from their spot to the meeting room in the Ro'khah headquarters.

As Manus stepped into the room, everyone within would look in his direction instinctively. Melorn was there, along with Seylian and Menis sitting on one side of a large conference table. On the other side were a pair of ginger tabby feline males, one much more advanced in age than the other. The elder tabby was Theron the Lord Commander, an old war cat back from the original war of separation when Rastrox and Xeytrez fought side and side before the would be King Terafax reignited the old grudges between the larger and smaller catfolk. He also fought in the civil war, and served as a mentor for the hero 'He who Dares' that was crucial to the Xeytrez's eventual victory leading to the loose rejoining of the catfolk... aside from the Rastrox separatists that follow in their fallen king's footsteps. A good bit of his orange fur was starting to fade into white. Once sapphire eye remained slotted into his head on the right side as much of the left side of his face was mechanical now. He wore a black, tight fitting Brigandine over a set of mail. A singe rifle and longsword slotted onto his back in an 'X' formation with matching pistols on his hips. Originally just a longswordsman, but as his body weakened with age he adopted gunpowder weaponry to compensate.

On his right flank was the younger orange tabby Kariun, his son in-law and a High Commander. Too young for the war of separation, but he did serve in the civil war. He wore a full set of armor, plate armor over mail over padded armor. A large warsword on his back with a single pistol on his hip. He looked enough like Theron that many would take him for a direct son, the only real difference between the two was that Kariun's stripes where thinner and more jagged whereas Theron's were curvier and swirled in certain areas. On the right flank of the Lord Commander was a second High Commander, and a mirror image of Manus, only larger and more aged. Infact, his name was also Manus, Manus Senior to be exact. He wore silver plate armor and carried a large Lucerne hammer.

"I see you decided to join us, said Theron as the shifter made his way across the room to sit by his brother. "Yes sir." Manus said simply as he matched the older feline's gaze. "I figured you would come for my report at some point, might as well save us some time." This provoked a nod from the older feline.

It would be about twenty minuets before Thyverian finally made his way into the room. Theron looked up at the boy and seemed to pause as he watched him enter the room. Manus Sr. would glance over at their leader, before looking at Thyverian. "How thoughtful of you, to grace us with your presence at last." This caused the white feline to flinch before rushing to the nearest chair. "Sorry, I... got lost.." he said unconvincingly, provoking a facepalm from both Seylian and Melorn.
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