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Blood of Legends ((Kiandra&Mephilis))

He looked at her kinda suspiciously before messing with the door to figure out how to open it... till he realized it was rather simple. He pulled out his gear, and was amazed to see it rather.. immaculate. "What? How? Does this mean I can just yell at my clothes to clean them?" He asked before he started putting his stuff back on. Not even thinking about it, he just kinda dropped his towel, revealing his muscular form in its entirety. If she looked, she would see that she was not the only one that came armed with a cannon, as he was rather gifted for a Xeytrez.

Once his gear was finally on, he took a long stretch and yawned. "Whew, feels good to be clean again!" His eyes drifted over to her as he smiled. "Ready to go?"
Tamir walked out of the closet just in time to see him drop his towel. She tilted her head to look at him, and had to bite her lower lip as she realized just how... gifted... he was. As such, when he turned around, dressed, she was still staring at his hips, biting her lower lips as she thought to herself just how good That would feel deep inside her.

Finally she realized that he had stopped talking, and was just looking at her.
"Huh? What did you ask?" Tamir said, blushing bright red, even though he could hardly see it, eyes wide as she looked up at his face again.
"Tamir?" He asked... tilting his head, starting to worry that maybe she had gotten a brain injury. "Hey, you ok?" He asked, walking a bit closer to her and trying to catch her gaze. He would just stare awkwardly into her eyes until she started speaking. "I.. asked if you were ready to go... but now I'm worried you mights hurt your head..." He asked, walking a bit closer so he could reach out and touch her shoulder. "Are you ok?"
"I'm fine." She spoke quickly, her voice a little higher than normal, and now that he was closer, she would be able to smell his fresh clean scent. It caused a rush of arousal to hit her, and she clenched her thighs together.
"Sorry. Yeah. Let's go..." She trailed off, as she turned away from him, and stepped towards the door. The last thing she needed was to jump him, here in her bedroom while their friends struggled in the hospital. She walked out of her bedroom, her scent teasing him as she moved quickly down the steps. Flix followed them.
"Are you sure? You sound off." He asked as he followed her, his face twisted in further confusion at her scent. He would look back at Flix and shrug, "What do you think, is she ok?" He asked, turning to catch up to her. Falling in right beside her, "So, were do you want to go?" He asked, moving to open the door that lead outside for her. "Lady's prerogative, I owe you for helping save us." He said, giving her a sincere smile.
The two headed down the front steps and Tamir led to a little tavern down the way. It was one of her favorite spots, the food was delicious, and the area was cozy. The barmaid led them to a small table in the back, and they sat, Tamir asking for the special which was the leg of beef, with mashed tubers. The barmaid turned to Seylian, and after he told her what he wanted, she headed back to the kitchen.

Their food came out quickly, and the barmaid brought two large glasses of ale along with the food.
Seylian ordered a medium cooked steak, as they were waiting for the food to arrive Seylian would grin at a realization. "You know, so far both times I've gone to your house, we have both gotten wet." He said with a chuckle, leaning back in his chair as they waited. "Might as well be a tradition." He said, leaning forward and placing his head in his hand, just watching her as they waited.

When the food arrived, he began eating and drinking rather quickly... He was quite the hungry boy indeed.
Tamir smirked at him as he began to eat. She ate as well, devouring the food that had been placed in front of her. As always, the food was delicious, and she didn't sit back until she had finished every little bite on her plate.
She looked at Seylian, and said, "If only you knew just how wet you got me today."
She felt a bit more like herself as she teased him now.
He raised an eyebrow when she spoke, "eeehhh?" he questioned, not entirely sure what he did that could get her wet. Backtracking from their day so far, but he got nothing. Taking a big drink from his ale, he just shrugs. "Yep, dunno, I have not even tried turning on the charm today." He said with a shrug, he was more focused on trying to lift her spirits, that he did not even realize he had started her engine. "Wanna give me a hint?"
Tamir chuckled, and then said, "You dropped your towel to put your armor. Gave me quite a show. Almost didn't make it out the door. I didn't know you were packing a weapon that big." Her voice had softened into a seductive purr as she spoke to him quietly. The barmaid, came up, interrupting them, and bringing fresh pints of ale for them, clearing their dirty plates.
As she walked away, Tamir watched her walk, then turned her elegant eyes back towards Seylian.
"You could have had me laid out like a feast on the bed... instead we're here..." She finished with a sigh.
"Ah, you little peeker." He said teasingly as he shook his head at her. He would chuckle a bit as she mentioned his weapon. "What can I say, I like big weapons. If it dosnt need atleast two hands, I don't need it!" He said jokingly as he took another drink, his eyes locking onto hers. A sly grin coming over his lips as she seem to lament how things have proceeded. "If it makes you feel better, I would not have taken you either way... Wouldn't make make alot of sense to start our date with sex now would it? I find its always better with a bit of build up, the anticipation." He leaned forward, reaching out to take her hand. "But rest assured, so long as your willing... it will happen... just think about what you saw... and what its going to do to you when the time comes.."
Tamir grinned back at him as he spoke. Her eyes lit up with anticipation, and she smirked, the tip of her tongue at the edge of her mouth.
"Oh, I can already imagine what will happen..." She smirked, and then tilted her head as she then asked, "So would this be considered a date then? Because you never asked me..."
Her teasing lilt in her voice as she spoke wove around him as she leaned her chin into her hand, elbow on the table.
"Well, I did ask you out to eat with me, sounds like a date to me." He said softly, running his fingers over her hand, as if he were tracing imaginary markings. "And you were so excited by my preposition that you took me home at the start of the date." He said teasingly as he moved a bit closer, their faces a little less than a foot apart. "Seems to me like you agreed to go out on a date with me, or do you see it differently?" He asked, tilting his head in the opposite direction of hers.
A quirk of her lips as she raised one eyebrow up.
"Seems you are correct. And look how easy it was. I got you to my place, naked and soaked..." She grinned enjoying the little quips between them.
"So how exactly is this date going to end then? With a kiss after you've walked me home?"
Her imagination could just about picture his kiss, and she smirked, her ears flicking forward.
"Really easy, I'll happily follow you to your place for a good wet soaking anytime."
He purred as he drew a bit closer at her next words. "You better believe I'm going to walk you home, your damn right I'm gonna kiss you..."
He said, getting his lips only inches from hers, "But I have no plans for that to be 'the end' of anything. I fully intend for a second round of us getting drenched together."
Tamir smirked, and then stood up, using the gentle sway of her hips to draw his eye to her curvy ass.
"Then you better hurry up..." She slowly made her way towards the door, the seductive way she was moving drawing other males' eyes to her form.
At the door, she looked over her shoulder to see where Seylian was, to see if he had followed her or not.
She did not need to sway her hips to draw his eye, but he wasn't about to complain. She would certainly see that grey feline behind her. Offering her a smile as he moved by her, opening the door for her to exit. "After you, my lady." He said with a polite bow, and a sly grin. He would walk beside her back to her house, reaching to take her hand in his. She would notice his anticipation in his walk. It was rather uncomfortable for him to get an erection in his armor. Once they got to her door, he gave her arm a slight pull, turning her to face him as he placed a hand on her hip. Pulling close, he stared down into her beautiful amber eyes. He held this stare for quite awhile, before he moved in and pressed his lips tenderly against hers.
Tamir laughed as he took her hand in his, and the two made the walk back home quicker than they would think. At her door, he turned her towards him, she looked up at him for awhile, and then she tilted her head up to meet his lips. The two kissed, quietly, tenderly, something she wasn't expecting from him.
The tenderness caused her arousal to slide down her spine, a slow heat that caused her to moan into his mouth. She pulled away, panting a bit, and turned to open the door, stepping in and then looking over her shoulder at him, "Are you going to join me?" Her voice was soft, and her eyes were slanted exotically, waiting for him as she extended a hand to him to take.
He smiled at her as she extended a hand to her, "I think you know the answer." He said softly, reaching out to take her hand, pulling himself closer to her. Kissing the back of her hand as he advanced on her. His free hand moving under her bicep as he kissed the spot opposite of her elbow. Moving closer, he placed a kiss on her shoulder. His arm moving from her bicep to wrap around her body before he kissed her lips again. Moving behind her and holding her close as he moved a hand to close her door behind them. Smirking when he noticed a male onlooking watching them with perhaps a hint of jealousy as the door closed. "Shall we, retire to your bedroom?" He asked softly, he body moving to sweep her off her feet, holding her up easily.
Every kiss closer, caused her arousal to build within her, teasing him with the scent. As he pulled her into his arms Tamir gasped softly, not noticing the onlooker as he closed the door. Within the safety and privacy of her home, he picked her up, holding her body easily, and she smirked, answering him quietly, "I think that would be for the best." She didn't point him in the direction, simply leaned up and placed soft kisses up his neck and to his mouth as she reached up with both hands to tilt his head towards her, so she could kiss his lips.
Seylian does a pretty good job navigating her house with his head turned toward her. Only bumping his thigh into her table once as he moved through the kitchen. Finally once they got to her bedroom, he gently place her down on the sheets. Removing his armor quickly, until he was just in his padded under armor. He moved to over her as he continued to remove his gear, starting with the torso armor. As he revealed his muscular chest complete with a batch of white fur that went around his pecks and trailed down his abdomen as it narrowed to a fine point at his waist. Leaning down, he began to kiss her, starting off gentle and tender, but slowly deepening it a she drip fed passion into the kiss. His hands scaling her mixture of athleticism and curviness that she called a body. Slowly, he began to peel her clothing off, revealing more and more of her beautiful tawny body as they kissed.
Tamir relaxed into her bed as he placed her there, and she lounged back, before watching as he stripped his armor off. She beckoned him with a hand, and as he covered her and began to kiss her, she moaned quietly, her body arching up to press against his for but a moment. As he began to pull her clothing off, she helped where she could lifting her hips up as he pulled her skirt down, soon enough leaving her completely bare, her chest and stomach a lighter color than the rest of her body. She sighed his name, as she played her fingers through the white at his chest, slowly moving down his body to his waist. This slow and steady tempo was so different from him, and she was absolutely loving it.
"You are so beautiful." He whispered as he hands began to trace over the lighter fur on her chest. Moving his face down, the male began to kiss over and across her neck and throat. His hands transitioning from tracing her fur to massaging her breasts. He began to trail kisses downward, closing in on her sizable breasts. As his kisses neared, his hands began traveling down her body, massaging her form. As his face reached her chest, he placed his head between the two mounds, kissing both before turning his eyes to meet hers. "Guess now would be a good time to ask... Do I have to worry about... fertilizing you? Also... how do you feel about... anal?" He asked, his voice intermixing with a purr as his hands reached her waist.
Tamir sighed at his words, and then grinned beautifully up at him. Her own hands were now playing with his shoulders, lightly trailing her fingers against his fur instead of with it. As he kissed her breasts, she arched up against him. At his question, she looked down at him and smirked.
"No worries. I'm not near my heat cycle, and I'm protected. And I love anal, with enough prep." Her own voice was a soft purr, matching his as the purr vibrated from her chest under him.
"Good." He purred before he began kissing up her left breasts, licking her nipple once he reached it. His hands began to move along her thighs, stroking across and against her fur. Licking around, and kissing across her breasts as hands massaged her thighs. He could feel his blood running hot in his veins, it took all the self control he could musters to continue his deliberate, sensual assault on her senses. HIs breathing became heavy as he started trailing his kisses down, over her toned abdomen. Finally, one his his hands would travel up her thigh, fingers starting to tease her pussy. Suggesting he would penetrate her several times, but not going through with it.
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