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Hoard of the Dragon Queen IC

"Hmm..." Bran frowned in thought. "Didn't Fickle say the cult was meeting up to the north of here after the attack? They might have taken him there. Worth a shot, right?" He turned back to the man. "You have my help too, anyway. What's your name, again, though? I didn't catch it." He was pretty sure it hadn't been given, but saw no need to be rude.
"Don't worry about it," Bran reassured, clapping Waldara on the shoulder. "So," he turned to the others, "what do you think? Breakfast and then head north?" He hardly thought of resting after yesterday--he'd found the cult's trail, and now it was almost a struggle not to just rush off after them right this second.
"Agreed. The sooner the better," Jasmine replied, although her mind was filled with thoughts of vengeance against the brute who'd nearly killed Bran.
You all gather your supplies and head off for the north. After about an hour of traveling, you hear loud conversation from somewhere up ahead, as well as seeing a wispy trail of campfire smoke.

"Did you see the look on her face?" one voice says.

"Yeah-thought you were gonna rip her guts out!" a second said.

"Nah," the first continues. "Too pretty for that. Man, how she cried..."
Belle glares in their general direction, and then looks to her comrades to see if they shared her rage.
Bran returned Belle's look with hard eyes, already loosening his sword in its sheath. Knowing it was pointless to try to be quiet in his armor, he wasted no time continuing on at his full pace, waiting for his first sight of the enemy.
"Hey-you here that?" the first voice says.

"Yeah-MAN IN ARMOR! Take him down!" the second says.

Roll initiative.
Gathering her mystic energy, Jasmine held her blast until she saw the enemy approach...then she'd hit 'em between the eyes!

Readying an action to cast Eldritch Blast when I see an enemy.
Bran whipped out his sword as fast as he could when he heard the voice. Following Jasmine's example, he braced for an attack and held his position, waiting for his first sight of a target.

(Readying an action to attack the first enemy who comes near.)
Belle did the same as her compatriots, readying her mystic fire to strike the first rapist she saw.

(Casting Sacred fire on the first enemy I see.)
The first man goes down, a bolt between the eyes and holy flame scouring his flesh. The other two hesitate, seeing their companion's grisly fate.
Bran wasted no time exploiting his opponents' hesitation. "Drop your weapons and get on your knees," he called out, the elf's smoking corpse serving as his silent 'or else'.

(Intimidate check, got a 9. However, I'm guessing I have Advantage right now; if so, 18.)
"Alright! Alright..." the human says, dropping his weapon.

"Coward!" the orc says, charging forward and swinging his scimitar.

Bran, take 2 damage.
Once more, Jasmine gathered her energy and shot it at it towards their foes...this time, aiming for the orc that was attacking Bran. A hit!

Eldritch Blast: hit a 19, dealt 6 damage.
Belle casts again, striking the rapist with the holy fire he so richly deserved.

[Dex DC 13, or take 1 damage. ]
Belle casts her spell as he reels back, the fire passing through the space formerly occupied by the orc.
Spotting the opportunity and taking it, Bran advances on the orc and lashes out with his blade, going for his opponent's neck.

(Using Heavy Weapon Master for -5 attack and +10 damage. 16 to hit, 22 damage.)
The orc's head flies cleanly from his shoulders. The other man stays still, hands in the air, weapon on the ground.

Everyone, make another perception check.
In the distance, you hear...

"What was that-Oh shit!" a hissing voice goes out. "Kerfik's head! Run-RUN! We need to catch up to the others!
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