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Hoard of the Dragon Queen IC

"Guys we need to move!" Belle says grabbing the surrendering guy's weapon as she walks forward.
"Huh?" Bran inquired, flicking the blood off his sword and sheathing it. "Why the big rush all of a sudden?"
"There were some kobolds I think. Saying they needed to run and meet up with others." Belle replied.
"Agreed," Bran nodded. As he turned to keep going, he remembered the human who had surrendered. "Count yourself blessed," Bran growled over his shoulder, "and take this chance to start being a better man." With that, he set off in the direction Belle pointed.
Everyone, make a constitution check to run and catch the kobolds. Gain advantage because you have a faster base movement speed.
Belle noticeably not fatigued from her running, calls out to the kobolds a few feet away.

"Stop!" She orders. "We just want to talk!"
The kobolds stop after a few more steps, weapons in hand, but held low. "What do you want?" one spits out.
"Well, for a start," Bran spoke up, trying to sound friendly despite the tension, "we were wondering where you're going." He hopes the question sounds innocent enough not to arouse suspicion.
"This could have been avoided!" She shouts out, as fire bursts forth from her hands.

[Dex save 13. Or eat 2 damage!]
Heaving a regretful sigh, Bran hefted his sword and swiped down at the charging kobold, silently lamenting the quickness of sentient beings to leap to violence.

(23 attack, 11 damage.)
The second kobold drops to the ground. The remaining kobold looks around, nervously, but from behind Belle, the "surrendered" cultist form before lays in with a blade.

Belle, take 4 damage.
Belle yelps in pain and shock as she is back-stabbed.

Turning to face her attacker. She attempts to plant her rapier into his ribs.

[With disadvantage. 8 to hit, 7 damage]
The traitorous cultist's attack caught Bran by as much surprise as Belle, but he quickly decided it was the greater threat. Gritting his teeth against anger at the man's lies, he spun around and brought his blade down in a vicious overhead chop.

(Great Weapon Master for -5 attack and +10 damage. Critical hit for 35 damage.)
Belle's blow misses, her eyes blinded by the sunlight. Bran's blow, however, cleaves the man entirely in two, a look of shock on his face as he dies.

The kobold throws its weapon down, screaming "Mercy! Mercy!"
"Why should we trust you? Your last ally just backstabbed us!" Belle questioned menacingly.
"If you want us to spare you," Bran threatened, leveling his blade at the kobold's throat, "you can earn it. Show us where the rest of the cult is camped, and we'll let you go."

(Intimidate check 23.)
"Yes, yes, of course! There's an ambush rear-guard set up ahead-we'll have to go around that, or you'll have to pretend to be part of the cult!" he says, eager to help and even more eager to avoid dying.
Bran thought over the kobold's suggestion, brow furrowed. The others might be able to sneak past sentries, but with the noise from his armor, he'd be likely to give them away. Still, though, it seemed a better idea than disguising themselves, which he couldn't really see working.

He lowered his sword, but stepped up into the kobold's personal space and did his best to loom over him. "If you try and give us away," he said in his most threatening voice, "you'll be the first one I run through. Understand?"

(Intimidate 20.)
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