Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"Of course you do." She laughed and nodded her head to being at the party. She'd make an appearance at the party. It would be more fun with Jake there with her though. "No..this isn't..I mean I would force him to come to a Betsey show." She watched him walked to the other side of the stage and she sent a text to Jake with the address of the after party. She asked him to come and if he didn't then she would just go home early.

Adri enjoyed the show and the lady she gave the ticket too was ecstatic to be there. She took a couple pictures with the woman and after the show they said their goodbyes. Adri walked to the back where the after party was being held. She told the bouncers that Jake might be on his way and hoped they would let him in when and if he got there.

She grabbed a drink and sipped on it and looked at the various outfits on display. She did like a couple of the new bags she had coming out. She saw Andre and waved at him. "Did you enjoy the show?" She asked him. "See anything you like?" She teased and pointed at the bag she was looking at. "Very cute." She said about a bag shaped like a Polaroid camera.
Jake didn't text back and kind of debated even going to the party but he figured he should go especially with how things were left and she actually invited him. She was trying to be nice. He got up and changed into black pants and a white button up shirt. He left the top few buttons undone and put his shoes on.

Andre grabbed a drink and smiled when he saw Adri. "I saw plenty that would look great on you." He smiled. "You should definitely get the bag." He took a sip of his drink. "I take it you're super stressed about the show? Don't sweat it. You will do great." He offered a smile before touching her arm and leaned closer to talk with volume being loud in the party.

Jake called the driver and went to the party. He had missed her then them fighting didn't help. But once he arrived the bouncer refused to let him in.
Adri looked at the bag and shrugged her shoulder, "Maybe I will." First Fashion Week show. It would be nice to have something to remember it by. "I think stressed is an understatement." She told him and shrugged her shoulder. "I'm sure it will be fine. I just need to get out of my head."

She looked at Andre, "We need to talk about what happened today. Jake doesn't get upset for no reason. I don't know what happened today and at this point I don't care. I just need to make sure you and Jake can get along for the show. It's one night and the. You two never have to be in the same room again. Okay?"

She looked him in the eyes and sighed, "Please? I want this to be a peaceful night."
Jake tried calling Adri a few times then texted her tha he was outside and the bouncer wouldn't let him in. He waited for a reply back on what to do.

Andre nodded at her talking about his day with Jake. "We don't know each other all that well. Maybe we didnt know how to take each other. Misunderstanding. No hard feelings here." He smiled at her and touched her arm again. "I'll be on my best behavior."

"I don't like it's so loud and hard to talk to a pretty girl like you." He grinned. "Want to move the one of the private tables so we can talk?"
It felt nice that he was actually owning up to the bad day. They both had a part to play in it and he sort of apologized. That all she wanted. If Jake just said, 'yes we had a bad day but we just need to get to know each other.' then things wouldn't have blown up as bad as they did.

She smiled back at him, happy to move on from the experience. She felt her phone going off and she dug through her bag until he found it. She missed the call and a few others. She didn't get the best reception under the tent. She walked with Andre' to the table and finally got the text that Jake was outside.

She tried sending a text letting him know she was coming but she wasn't sure if the message went through or not. "Jake is outside. I'm going to get him. Okay? I'll be right back."
Jake actually wasn't the one to even say they had a bad day, Andre did. He said it had went fine. It wasn't until she got on him about it then he even said anything.

He waited towards the back of the line and kept checking his phone to see if Adri said anything back but never got her text. He debated staying or going.

Andre looked at her. "Hey I'll go get him. And apologize for today." He gave her a small pat on the arm before heading to the opening to check on Jake. Jake found a bench and sat down and waited. Andre walked up to the bouncer and talked to him a second then just turned back inside.

"Adri he must have left. I didn't see him anywhere out there. I'm sorry. I told the bouncer to let him in if he comes back." He sat back down and sat rather close to her. He ordered another drink for both of them.
"That's a great idea." She said happily and let him go get Jake. She took her seat and sent Jake another text letting him know Andre was coming out to get him and to meet him by the bouncer. The sooner everything was squashed between them the better.

She frowned a little bit at learning that Jake had left. She checked her phone but didn't have any texts from him. She put her phone away and took the drink from Andre', "Well thank you for trying, I guess." She sighed and bit her bottom lip. She would leave early, if he didn't come back around.

"Are you going to any other shows while you are out here? Besides the Mui Mui show?"
Andre shrugged to him going after Jake and he already krft. He talked to her about the shows he was going to see and invited her to a few that she also wanted to go to. He kept the drinks coming for both of them. He also pointed out some big fashioj designers at the party.

An hour passed and Jake hadn't received anything from Adri. If it was his phone or hers no one would ever know. He took a picture of himself and posted it on instagram. "Been waiting almost two hours to get into a party to see my fiance. Guess I'm not on the list so I'll wait. All night if I have to."

Andre smiled at Adri. "I think it's awesome you made fashion week already. You are very beautiful and very talented. A lot of the other girls can be very rude and self centered that's not you at all." He scooted closer and moved a hair from her face. "You're different Adriana." His eyes were locked on hers as he moved in closer and kissed her softly.
Social media picked up on Jake's picture and immediately everyone was trying to piece together a story. TMZ was first saying Jake and Adri got in a big fight. Adri went to the Betsey Johnson show and is apparently still there. They said that their sources said, Adri blocked him from getting in and that she didn't want to see him at all. And that there was obvious trouble in paradise for the lovebirds.

Adri remained oblivious to what was going on outside of the tent. Andre kept giving her drinks and she kept drinking to keep up with him. It wasn't a good idea since she hadn't eaten anything and all of the alcohol was go into her head. It didn't help that she was already considered a light weight when it came to alcohol as well. After her third drink she stopped drinking and asked for water instead.

"I'm glad you think that." She smiled at Andre and felt him move closer. She looked at him and saw him moving closer but she couldn't say stop fast enough. Before she knew it, his mouth was on hers and they were kissing. She backed away but not before a couple of people got discreet pictures of the kiss to sell to a tabloid site.

"I need to go." She said softly and she grabbed her purse and slipped out of the booth. She was engaged. She had a future with the man she loved. She wasn't going to let him ruin that for her. The fresh air helped a little but she was freezing with no jacket and nothing but a thin skirt and tank top on. She walked down the street to catch a cab. All of the ones passing her were full or off duty.
Jake saw some things on instagram and realized how bad of an idea it was. He was trying to say he would wait for her no matter what. He replied that she went to the show and since he couldn't make it, he wasn't on the list to get in. And he would wait until he could.

Andre sighed when Adri got up and walked out. His first thought was she didn't have enough to drink.

Jake saw the back of Adri as she walked down the side walk. He jumped up and ran after her. "Adge...Adri." He caught up to her. "Babe I'm sorry. I was trying to get in. Since I didn't make the show they wouldn't let me in. I tried calling and texting you. I'm sorry." He felt horrible and like he let her down in a way.
Adri looked at Jake drunk and slightly confused. She didn't really understand why he was apoloizing for not going to the party. As far as she knew he tried and couldn't and left after a while. She probably would have done the same thing.

She shook her head, "It's fine. It's whatever." She shrugged her shoulder and started walking again to keep warm. She figured he would follow her to a cab. "I need to get back to the room." She felt so out of control when she drunk. She hated feeling like that and she was ready to lay down and get some sleep.

"I tried texting you but the tent screwed with my reception." She told him with a slight slur to he voice.
He could tell after just a minute she was drunk. It wasn't easy to tell if she was still mad or not. His arm wrapped around hers to keep her warm. "Okay. I will call the driver. He's close." He called him and told him to come get them as soon as possible and to turn the heat on for Adri.

"It's okay. I just figured I'd run into you at some point so I waited. Right on that bench over there." Jake pointed to his seat for the night. "Seems like you had a good time." He smiled a bit and wrapped his arms around her to keep her warm and rubbed her back and arms as they waited for the car. A few people snapped pictures and Jake just didn't care. They would always have people trying to get a story about them.

The driver only took a couple minutes to get there. Jake opened the door for Adri and got in with her. "You okay baby? I can have him stop somewhere so we can get you water." He looked at her. Jake wanted to apologize for earlier too but didn't know if bringing it back up was the best idea.
"Why didn't you go back to the hotel? It's freezing out here." She rubbed her arms and moved closer to Jake because he was warm. He answered her question and she nodded her head. "You could have been waiting for a long time."

She was happy to see the car pull up and she got in as fast as she could. She warmed up pretty quickly and buckled into her seat. "I'm not okay. I want to go back to the hotel." She said softly, she didn't want to talk about it in front of the driver. She wanted to keep their personal lives private. She figured he did too because he was reluctant to show Owen's face and what not.

When the hot to the hotel, paparazzi was waiting for them. They snapped their pictures and she blocked her face to keep the flashes out of her eyes. They were all talking over each other so she couldn't really pinpoint what they were asking her, not that she was in a good position to be answering questions anyways.

She hiccuped when they got to the elevator and it was a very quiet ride up to their floor. When the hot to their room she kicked her shoes off and laid on the couch. She hiccuped again, "I'm starving." She exclaimed. "I could eat a horse but you should see how skinny the other girls are. I look like a cow compared to them." She turned on her side and held her hands out for Jake. "Come, come."

She sighed and looked into his eyes, "He kissed me and I don't think I kissed him back." She looked confused for a second and shrugged her shoulder. "I don't remember. I don't think I did though. I walked away from him when it was over. It was kind of gross. His lips were cold and wet. Like a..a vampire."
Jake wanted to press what was wrong but he could tell she didn't want to talk about it so he let it go. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her head. It was something that was he could understand with their popularity.

His arm went up to lead their way into the hotel. He was in protective mode with all the paparazzi. This was exactly why he wanted to keep Owen's face out of the media as long as possible. It would be hard to get anywhere with them on their family like vultures. He went into their room once they got up to their floor and started to get undressed for bed. "Babe eat if you are hungry. The other girls are probably too skinny. You look healthy." Then she asked him to come over to her.

He walked over to her and sat on the coffee table facing her. Then he said something that was hard to explain how it made him feel. His heart sank but then he was also angry. It was clear he took advantage of her with her being drunk. Jake had no idea what to say. "I'm sorry that he took advantage of you and the situation with you drinking." He shook his head. "I knew he had a hidden agenda with the crap he pulled today. I'm sorry. You don't need this right now."
She shook her head, "I can't. I can't put on weight. I can't get bloated. That jacket fit perfectly the other day and today a button popped off of it. I have two more days and then I can eat whatever I want." She rubbed her lips together and turned on her side to face him.

"What if he comes to the show? I can't kick him out. I don't know if I want him there. I don't want mom to meet him. I can't stop him from going and if I say anything he has the potential to ruin my career. What do I do?" She asked and looked up at Jake.

She heard her phone going off and she sat up. She pushed herself off of the couch and when she saw it wasn't Andre, it was her agent and she picked up the phone and tried to act normal.

"Hello?" She asked but it came out like she trying to hard to be normal.
"What the fuck are you do out there?" He yelled at her and she frowned.
"What are you talking about?" She asked him and he sighed.
"I send you out there to walk in Fadhion Week and not only do you break up your engagement, you get caught kissing another guy the same night. This is why you don't get tattoo Adriana. No image is a good image. I don't know how to fix this."
Adri shook her head, "What are you talking about? I am engaged. Jake knows the kiss was a mistake and Andre kissed me. Nothing happened between Jake and I. I don't know what you're talking about."
Her agent sighed and she could hear a beep, "I'm going to go back to dispelling any rumors. I need you to stay out of the limelight until the show. Okay? Just do that for me."

"Okay." She said softly and put her phone down. She frowned and looked at Jake. "Do you know why my agent is calling me saying that we broke up?" She asked and went back to the couch to slump down. "He's really upset."
" was a button. It could have not been sewed on properly. Or another reason could have caused it to pop off. You also have to remember if you do gain weight you have a fighter as a fiance who is a king at getting weight of and quickly. Eat babe." Jake squeezed her hand.

He was about to climb on the couch with her and tell it would all be okay and what his suggestion was for the show but then her phone rang and she got up to answer it. Jake got up to finish changing. He put on a pair of shorts and sat on the couch. Then Adri came back and he wrapped his arm around her. "Well..." He pulled his phone out and showed her his instagram. "I didn't really think before I posted it and how could come across. I just thought maybe if you saw that you'd know I was outside and was waiting...and would continue to wait. All night if I had to. Some people took it differently." He spoke quietly and sighed. "I'm sorry."

Jake couldn't help but feel like he just was making everything worse by being there. All he wanted to do was support his fiance on her first Fashion Week. He did want to talk about how she believed Andre and not him when Jake was the one who was being nice and honest the entire time but he wasn't going to do it now and it may even be something he doesn't bring up until she gets home.

"We can do damage control babe. If we're seen together and you wearing your ring they will know we are together. We can post something online too if you want." He kissed her shoulder.
"Jake." She groaned and looked at the picture. "Everyone took it differently." She took his phone and typed in TMZ to find their Instagram page. There were three pictures, one of Jake sitting outside, one of Andre and Adri inside post kiss and one of the two of the pictures cropped together. She was screwed. She looked like a whore. They were painting her to be one. She was caught kissing another guy.

"Damage control isn't going to be that easy. I was told to stay out of the limelight." She sighed and bit her lip. "He's working on damage control. I don't know how he's going to fix it but he will. Don't do anything else. Actually tell your agent to call mine so they can fix this together."

A part of her wondered if he did it on purpose. She didn't listen to him when. She got back. She got mad at him and he was made at her. Maybe he wanted to get back. She wanted to believe that he wouldn't do this to get back at her. "Don't post anything else, okay?"
Jake sighed and texted his agent. "I didn't think about it...I'm sorry. I honestly was trying to be cute...guess I failed at that. I'll just delete my whole freaking instagram." Once he was done texting his agent he tossed his phone on the table. He felt like all he was doing was screwing shit up for her and giving her more reasons for her to be pissed off at him all he was trying to do was help and be there for her.

"I need something." He said softly. Jake stood up and pulled a shirt and his shoes on. "I'll be back in a bit. Love you."

He left his phone on the coffee table as he got up. His agent was already on damage control as well. Jake headed for the door and was already wondering if he should just go back to Vegas. "You probably wish I just came out with your mom..." He said quietly before grabbing his room key.
"Don't delete anything. That just makes it worst. We wait until they figure out what we can do." She turned to face him, "Just stay off of it for a little while. Okay?" She wasn't upset at him. She was upset at the situation. She hated that it blew up this way. She didn't want to have to deal with it but that was why she had an agent, so he could deal with the BS and take care of damage control.

She let him go but she wanted to know what the something was he was doing. She looked down when he said his last statement. It would have been easier and less stressful if he did come with her mom. She thought that before all of this blew up in their faces. She took a shower and changed into a big tshirt and a pair of panties.

The shower helped to clear her head but a full night's rest would really help to sober her up. She was glad he wasn't in the tent because if Andre' did something and Jake saw, Andre's face wouldn't be as pretty as it was. She wished she never left for the fashion show. She got in bed and put her head against the pillow. She wasn't going to try to wait for Jake because she didn't know what he was going to go do or how long it would take.

She sighed and stared at the ceiling until she crashed and got some sleep.
When he saw Adri look down he didn't know what part of the whole thing hurt him worse. But she couldn't see that he was hurting at all. He turned and walked out.

Jake just needed to get some sort of exercise before he flipped out. He was started to really have trouble keeping his anger in check when he felt like she was blaming him for everything. She couldn't see that Andre was trying to get them to fight and cause tension to weasel his way between them and looked at how well it worked. He called it the day Andre showed up. If Andre never showed up they wouldn't have fought about anything and the trip would be going smoothly but some how this was all on Jake. But the more he thought about it, the more he started to not care. Everyone seems to think he's this big asshole so why not live up to that expectation.

He figured leaving wasn't the best choice to add to the paparazzi's suspicions so he just walked up and down the stairs of the hotel. He went up to the top floor, then all the way to ground level and back. He didn't want to really work out for a third time that day but needed to clear his head before he snapped and made things even worse. After a few laps of the stairs he made his way back to their room.

Once he got back and could tell Adri was asleep he just found a blanket and parked himself on the couch. He turned a movie on so he didn't chance seeing anything about Adri and Andre on the news but then he had to look it up. He saw the pictures of them together and it made him sick. He tossed his phone back on the table and tried to sleep but couldn't.
Adri woke up a couple times throughout the night. Each time she noted that Jake wasn't in bed but she was still trying to recover from the drinks and she figured he would come to bed when he was ready. She woke up again around six and he still wasn't in bed. She had to pee really bad so she used the bathroom and then went to find him. She saw him on the couch wrapped up in a blanket and she went back into the room. She didn't kick him out of the bed but if he wanted to sleep out there, she wasn't going to stop him.

She finally got a chance to sleep in so she took it. Her mother would be getting in around 2 so she had to be up and ready by then but she slept off her hangover so she would be refreshed by the time her mom got here.

She felt dizzy when she woke up and got up for real. She wanted to get a workout in but she had no energy to do it. It was getting harder to hold out on eating. Her body was screaming for food. She walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge. She pulled out the grapes and strawberries and ate a few of those to keep her body working. Jake looked like he was still sleeping so after she ate she went back into the room and checked her email to see if her agent had any damage control ideas.

His brilliant idea was to get them her on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon tonight. That cut into time with her mother but it wasn't something she could really argue. She needed to save face and dispel all of these rumors.
Jake finally fell asleep at some point in the early morning hours. Since it took him awhile to fall asleep he slept in a bit. He turned onto his side at some point and was in a bit of pain from the couch not exactly being the most comfortable. He knew she didn't kick him out, honestly he didn't do anything wrong to be kicked out but he was a bit upset and hurt himself and by the time he was ready to sleep he didn't want to wake her up.

He sat up and ran his fingers through his hair before heading to the bathroom to pee. A work out seemed like a good idea before showering and going to get her mother at the airport. He was ready to get home and get back to what was his normal life. When he sat on the couch to get his shoes and socks on he started to wonder if the two of them were really right for each other or if he was just hopeful because of how he felt for Adri.

Jake got up and walked to the room Adri was in. He set two Tylenol down on the stand by her. "I'm going down to the gym." He said quietly. "Need anything?" It was clear he wasn't himself.
"Thank you." She said to the Tylenol and took them with some strawberry. "No, I'm good. I am doing the Tonight Show tonight. The taping starts at five and mom gets here at two. So once we get her I have about an hour and half, to do my hair and make up, before I have to be at the studio." She let him know. "You guys can sit in the green room and watch the show from there if you want. Or I'm sure strings can be pulled and you can get tickets to see the show. It's up to you."

It was clear he had a rough night on the couch but he was the one that subjected himself to that punishment. She felt bad for him but it was something he did to himself. She couldn't fix that. He should have just slept with her in the bed. "I have to check but I might go find something to wear while you are gone."

She got off of the bed and looked in the closet for the things she hung up. She had a nice dress that she could wear but she didn't want to wear it. She put on some jeans and a t shirt. She slicked her hair up in a high ponytail and put on some big sunglasses. She took her ID and her debit card and she left the hotel room. She used a side door to leave the building. She hailed a cab and had them take her to a Madison Ave so she could get a dress from her favorite place in the world.
Jake nodded to her information. "Okay. That's awesome. The Tonight Show." He gave her a small smile. Jake himself hadn't even been on the Tonight Show so that was cool she got to do it. He didn't really care where he watched it and he wouldn't suggest anything either way. It was something her mother could decide and he'd go along with it. He was done voicing his opinion or thoughts on anything. He was sure if he suggested one idea over the other something would happen and it'd be the wrong one.

He wasn't not himself because of the couch but the trip to New York. He went from being on top of the world to wondering if he knew anything about their relationship or if it was just a dream of what he hoped for. Jake went down to the gym and got in a hard work out in. He pushed himself a bit harder than he probably should have without Luke but he needed to do something to get his feelings out and in a healthy way.

Once he was done he went back up to the room to shower. Once he got undressed he saw the tattoo on his ribs in the mirror and he let out a sigh before he climbed in the shower. The feel of the water spraying over him felt pretty nice. He just stood there a few minutes like that. After his shower he got dressed jeans and a plaid button up shirt and went out for Starbucks. It may not be the best decision but he honestly didn't care, people drank coffee. While he was out he grabbed a coffee for himself and Adri as well as some pastries before heading back.

He left his phone on the table when he left and when he got back there were texts from Amy and Luke and instead of texting he just called and told them it was a misunderstanding and left it that. Seeing Owen made him feel a bit better but made it even harder for him to not want to get home as soon as he could.
She made it to the Herve Leger store without getting caught by paparazzi. She looked around and picked out a few dresses to choose from. She tried them on and from there decided which one she wanted to get. They all fit like a glove. She knew that they fit perfectly, which was shy she wanted to come here. She picked out a white dress because she knew she had the accessories to match it.

She bought the dress and went back to the hotel. When she arrived, she called out for Jake but didn't get a reply. She hung her dress up and looked through her jewelry. She couldn't wear a necklace with the dress so that wasn't needed. She didn't want to do a bracelet so she would only wear the engagement ring. That was easy enough. She looked at the shoes she packed and decided to go with her nude louboutins.

She could go easy on the make up and keep her hair up in a high ponytail. That way she could focus on the makeup when it was time to get ready. That was done so she was happy. She put her shoes by the door and put her jewelry away. She checked the time to make sure she wasn't late to go pick up her mother. She put on something more fashionable. She put on some super light coverage makeup and a red lip tint to give some color to her face.
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