Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

" weren't supposed to pay for all of that. I said wallet and belt. The other I can get." He sighed. This wasn't just a cheap meal this was expensive things and he had no problem paying for his portion. "I didn't really mean for you to be my sugar mama Adge." She was right though about them being two monsters who look good together. "That is true. We will be classy monsters." He watched her sign the receipt and couldn't help but smile. In that moment he had a weird thought, he liked her handwriting. He wanted to leave her little notes and attempt to be romantic.

Jake acted offended. "You want to what? A whole day just of the girls? Why don't I get to go to the spa?" He scoffed playfully and moved his head with playful attitude. "I see how I rate. You girls have your fun. I'll go home and invite your dad and Luke over and the boys will get pizza and drink beer and watch the fight." He gave her a 'so there' look. "Baby I actually think you have really good ideas." His head nodded and kissed her cheek. "Your mom will love it. My only request is you let me pitch in a bit for her helping with Owen so much."

They went into the tourist shop and looked around. The worker froze, "You're Jake Daniels!" Jake shook his head, "Nah. I just look like him." The worker shook his head, "No man you are him. I HAVE to get a picture and autograph. And your wife is freaking hot. I need a picture with you too. My girlfriend is going to flip out." Jake laughed but posed for a picture. "You get a discount on anything in the store." Jake thanked him and chuckled a bit as he looked around. "Adge when did we get married?" He asked softly with a smile. They had the onsie Jake wanted for Owen and they also had a toy for Max.
"Well that's too bad. I'm your sugar mama today." She smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

She rolled her eyes at his fake attitude and smiled at him. "I mean I know how fragile your masculinity is..." She teased. She laughed about him and the boys getting pizza and watching a fight. "Save a piece of pizza for me." She nodded her head, agreeing to let him pitch in. "Just don't tell her. I want it to be a surprise."

Adri tried not to laugh at the worker and Jake but a small giggled broke out. She looked around and found the toy, while Jake found the onesie. She found a shirt for her dad too but she figured when mom came down they could do the souvenir shopping for everyone. She frowned and shrugged her shoulder, "I don't know but I like the sound of being called your hot wife." She smiled and kissed him happily. She handed him the toy and while he was busy, she reached into the candy bag and pulled out a few gummy bears to snack on.
Jake smiled a bit at her wanting to be his sugar mama for the day. He could probably let her do that for one day.

His jaw dropped when she made fun of his masculinity. "Don't even... you know I could take you. Just wait till we get to the hotel. I will put you in your place. And no. No pizza for you. You and your mom will be in the city eat a gyro." Jake gave her nod of understanding about it being a surprise for her mother.

"Well soon enough you will be my hot wife. Until then you will be my hot fiance'. My very hot fiance'." He kissed her back with a big smile. Honestly, he couldn't wait to marry her but he knew she needed to focus on her career right now, but he was committed to her and her to him, and that was what mattered. Jake paid for their items and just put them in one of the bags they already had.

"Where now my love?" He saw the gummy bears. "Keep that up and you won't want to eat dinner." Jake honestly was enjoying just walking around and shopping with Adri. He could see them doing this quite often. "I did text Amy to call when Owen was up. I know you were sad you didn't get a chance to talk to him."
"Oh bring it on old man." She teased further. "Save me a piece of pizza or else..." She threatened. "And remember happy wife, happy life. And I may not be your wife yet but you better keep me happy."

She nodded her head, "We could always elope somewhere." She said softly. If her parents ever found out though, they would be personally hurt and they would probably kill them both.

"I don't know Boo. Let's walk around and enjoy the city." She put a clear gummy bear by his lips if he wanted it and held his arm as they walked onto the street. Their little walk didn't last long though. They walked by Cartier and she stopped. "Your watch, Boo." She was going to open the door but a big security guard in a suit opened it for her. She walked in with a happy smile even though they were in for Jake and not for all of the pretty jewelry.

She tried to stay by his side but with so many pretty things around it was hard. She meant to go look at the wedding bands to get an idea for what she wanted theirs to look like then she was swept away by the necklaces. She found a really pretty collar style necklace but it was behind lock glass behind the counter so she couldn't really see it. She asked to see it up close and the clerk went to grab the key. Upon coming all of the doors were closed and locked and more security seemingly came out of no where to keep an eye on the necklace and make sure no funny business happened while it was out of it's case.

Adri thought it was normal practice and didn't think much of it. The clerk offered to let her try it on and of course she wasn't going to decline that offer. He unhooked it and had Adri turn around and put it around her neck. She turned to see herself in the mirror and smile, "That's gorgeous." She rubbed her neck and asked about it. The clerk told her it was the Maillon Panthère necklace, 18K white gold, set with 1396 brilliant-cut diamonds totaling 10.72 carats. She was surprised by how many tiny diamonds were on the thing.

"Jake." She called out and gestured him over. "Look at how pretty. And watch." She turned her neck and it sparkled even more in the light. "Almost eleven carats." She told him, "How much is it again?" She asked casually.

"That one is..." The clerk turned to check the price, "$140,000."

Adri gawked and looked at Jake, "Holy shit." She touched her neck and really felt the weight of the necklace on her shoulders and suddenly understood why they shut the place down.
Jake rolled his eyes at Adri's threats. "I'm not scared. You are marrying a UFC should be scared." He ate the gummy bear and nipped at her finger playfully.

He let out a little sigh. "Babe...I should probably shop for this on my own." He knew Adri would want the most expensive thing in the store. He started looking at watches and then he understood why Adri liked jewelry. He liked the watches. Then she yelled for him. Jake took a few steps closer to her. " I love you very very much. But no." Then he heard the price. "Put it back. That's worth more than some people's houses love. No..." Jake let her have her time with it though. She'd be talking about it now for weeks.

Jake loved watches. The fancier the face the more he liked it. He wasn't huge into the gold inlays of them but the different features, like the calendar or days of the week. He even found the one for when he became champion. He also loved the most expensive one there too but he knew that was too outrages to even think of owning. "Adge...I found it... I found my watch." If he wanted to spend more he could easily get a more expensive one but maybe the more wins he gets the more expensive he goes for the watch. "What do you think babe?"
It was easily the prettiest thing she had ever had the pleasure of putting on. She let the clerk take it off and she said goodbye to the pretty necklace. She knew who she had to work for in the future. She walked back to the watches with Jake and noticed that doors unlocked and the extra security went away the second the necklace was back in it's case.

She watched him look at watches and then she decided to go and look at the wedding bands. She thought he would like something classic, like a thick silver band. Her ring was unique though. She wouldn't be able to pick a wedding band from the store. She needed a unique band to match the ring. She walked back over to Jake just in time for him to pick out his watch.

"I like it. Simply but elegant. That's something you can wear everyday." She nodded her head and rubbed his lower back. "Very pretty." She looked at the other watches but didn't feel the same connection to any of them that Jake felt. She didn't wear a watch, that was what he phone was for. She kept her wrists free for jewelry.
Jake was glad that Adri liked the watched he had picked. He knew it was a weird liking, but it was something he had found neat and interesting since he was in high school. He had no idea his father actually collected pocket watches. Jake saw his watch was like his jewelry. He told the gentleman that he would take the one he picked. He did look at the wedding bands. Nothing really jumped out at him. Jake did like more than just the simple bands but nothing too flashy either. He wasn't a fan of the diamonds in the band but maybe the cords or a symbol.

As Jake paid for his watch, Adri got a text from Andre'. "Hope you enjoyed lunch. Had a great time. Hope to see you soon." Jake put the watch on after everything was set on it. He put the box and bag in his bigger back.

"Which way now love?" Jake loved his watched and kept checking the time on it. His watch was something he could wear every day or just out on special occasions or when they'd go out.
Adri pulled out her phone when she felt it buzz and looked at the text. She replied, I had a great time. I managed to get you a ticket next to my mom and Jake for the show if you want to sit next to them. Front row seats.

When Jake was ready to go she made sure she had her bags and walked with him to the street. She was getting hungry but was enjoying her time with Jake and she could wait to eat at the hotel. She started walking the same direction they walked before they went into Cartier.

She was happy to walk with him down the street until the paparazzi came and swarmed around them. At first there was one, taking pictures and asking what they got. Then another came and started speaking over the first guy. Then it was getting hard to walk on the already crowded street. This was why she enjoyed LA a little more the New York. At least the streets weren't crowded in LA and there was always an easy getaway. It was harder to getaway here. She kept her lips sealed and pulled her sunglasses out to block the flashes. She handed Jake his sunglasses and rubbed her lips together.

"I'm ready to go back to the hotel." She told Jake. "Will you call the car?" She asked and moved towards the wall of a building. She was getting annoyed with the photographers because they were slowing her down and yelling at them. She was ready to go now. Their quiet evening was over.
Andre replied back that he'd love to sit in the front row. A better view of her. He was totally flirting with her. He asked what she was up to at that moment.

Once outside and the paparazzi was in there faces he Hake started to get annoyed. Once Adri handed his sunglasses to him he put them on and grabbed her hand with his free hand. He was glad in Vegas they really only had had fans bothering them. Jake leaned into her ear. "Go in that shop. I'll call." Jake got his phone out and called the driver as they dipped into a shop.

Jake told the driver where they were to pick them up. "He's on his way. You okay?"
She wasn't able to reply right away since she was a little busy trying to get away from paparazzi. She walked into the shop and pretended to look around while Jake called for the car. She pulled out her phone and saw the text. She smiled I was shopping with Jake until we were hounded by paparazzi. Now we are heading back to the hotel. I'm surprised you're not out enjoying the nightlife.

She looke dup when Jake came to her and nodded her head. "I'm fine. I'm just not used to that. I hope it's because you are here. I don't want that to happen with mom around." If it did, she could always get a wig to hide who she really was but that was a last resort sort of thing.

"Are you okay?" She asked and put her hand on his hip. "Are you calm is a better question." He was a little hot headed and she didn't want him to explode on the paparazzi guys. That had a bad press day written all over it.
Andre' smiled when he got the text from Adri. "Need a strong bodyguard? Nah just relaxing tonight." Truth was he was out but didn't want her knowing that.

Jake understood Adri's concern with when she goes out with her mom. "I hope so too. But then again you have gotten pretty popular." He smiled and gave her a small wink.

Jake sighed a bit. "I'm calm. My girl is okay so I'm calm." Once the driver arrived he walked out with Adri and kept his arm up to protect them a bit. Jake wasn't used to that either.

Once he was seated in the car with Adri he told the driver yo head back to the hotel. "Baby you remember our first date and our run in with the cameras?" He smiled a bit and kissed her shoulder. Jake was ready to head back and relax a bit.
I have a strong Bodyguard/boyfriend combo.

She couldn't deny that but after Jake's big win, she hoped all of this attention was for him. She rubbed his cheek and gave him a soft kiss, "Good. Stay calm." She said softly. In all honesty, she was quite frazzled by all of the attention. She was okay with one or two cameras as long as she was able to breathe freely and get where she wanted to go. Here it was crazy everyone was in her face. It felt claustrophobic.

She was happy to get to the car and be on the way back to the hotel. She smiled and nodded, "I tried to hide my face but you told me not too. Then TMZ said I was sleeping with you for a raise. It was a great first date." She teased and kissed his cheek. "It was nice. We didn't get to finish watching the water show though." She sighed. "We have to taken when he is old enough to be fascinated by it. That will be cute."
Andre' didn't reply to her mentioning Jake in a round about way.

If there were more cameras and Adri got more frazzled, then the protective version of him would have come out and that could in fact been bad. He didn't want anything bad to happen so it was probably a good idea he got the car and found the shop for them.

Jake wrapped his arm around Adri in the car. "You didn't sleep with me but I do believe you got a bit of a raise." Jake teased. "I was disappointed about the fountain. It's a cool show and a bit romantic. It was a good first date though. I enjoyed it." He couldn't help but smile when Adri brought up taking Owen. "There is so many places I want to take him to when he's old enough. It's kind of bad because I want to take him to all those cool things but I want my little guy to stay little too." Jake kissed her temple.

Once they arrived at the hotel he got out and grabbed their bags. "Did we buy out the entire city? I think we did." He smiled but carried them in and went to the elevator to go up to their room. "Are we just getting room service?" Jake was starting to get hungry again and could totally eat again. Once they got to their room he put the bags down and crashed on the couch just Amy called. "'s Aim. Want to see O?"
She wasn't sure if she was happy about getting a raise after going on a date with him. Of course it was nice but it was kind of awkward as well. "I don't want him to say a baby for ever. I would like to get a full night's rest in my house. But he is a very cute little baby. Maybe he will look more like you when we get home." She teased. That baby looked just like Layla but he had his father's eyes. So far that was about it.

When they got to the hotel, she happily sleeped out of the car and into the hotel. They lost the photographers, at least the bulk of them so she was happy. "Ummm.." She was hungry but she didn't want to eat too much right. She was glad Amy called before she had to make her choice.

She sat on the couch next to Jake and smiled at Amy. "Hi Amy." She said happily. "Sorry I delayed our coming home but I appreciate you being there for us." Amy asked about New York and what it was like and how much fun they were having after answering all of her questions, she showed them Owen who was happily cooing away and trying to grab at the dangling animals on his rocker.
"His hair is lightening up. So he may. He will have my masculine features." Jake smiled a bit. "Your mom said he's been sleeping better."

Jake could eat just about anytime. He just was better at watching what he ate and how often. After fights he treated himself. "I miss Chipotle..." That was one of his favorite after a fight meals.

Jake smiled at Owen. "Hey big boy. Daddy misses you." Jake kept talking to him and Owen smiled a few times. "I love that smile."

"Jake he cried when we got off the phone. I think he was looking around for you." Jake felt bad he made him cry. "Daddy will be home in a few days. Then mommy will be home the day after that. We will have a boys day with the grandpas and Uncle Luke." Amy rolled her eyes. He was getting bigger day by day it seemed. "How's his asthma?" Amy said he's been doing well. It seemed the humidifier had been helping.
Adri smiled at Owen's big toothless smile. "He has dimples." She wished she could pinch those cute chubby cheeks. She missed the little guy. He was so cute.

"We will be home soon. And I'm sorry you're going to be the only girl at guy's night. How about Jake sends you to the spa for the night? You deserve it for taking Owen for a longer amount of time. This craziness shouldn't happen again. I can't promise anything but it really shouldn't happen again." She smiled at Owen again and put her head on Jake's shoulder.

She was glad his asthma wasn't acting up. They would probably have to figure something out with house so they wouldn't have to take it to every room. Adri yawned and stretched her legs. She checked the time and groaned. Her body was still trying to figure out time changes so this whole trip felt weird. It didn't help that she had to get up super early and she would be moving around all day. "I might have to postpone bath time." She said softly.
Jake loved his smile and just wanted to make him happy all day everyday. "Yeah he does."

"Yeah go to the spa. You don't want to hang out during guys night." Amy really didn't mind. She liked pizza and would watch the fights as she was becoming a fan with Luke and Jake both involved. "Thanks for helping out so much Aim. We owe you big time." Amy told them it wasn't a big deal and to just enjoy their trip. Jake said bye to Owen, making him smile again.

Jake kissed Adri's head after they hung up. "I can't wait to hear what his laugh will sound like." He chuckled a bit. "You getting too tired for a bath babe?" His hand rubbed her leg. "I'm hungry. I need to eat. You hungry?"
"I bet it is going to be as cute as him." She patted Jake's leg and kissed his jaw.

She nodded her head, "I just want to slip into bed and get some rest. I have an early day tomorrow. I need to be on my A game. Plus it's the first time I will be walking in a big show. I need to pay attention to the directions I am given, I have to practice my walk. I have a lot of things that need to be done in order to prepare myself and this is just the rehearsal."

She nodded her head to being hungry. "I can't eat a big meal though. I know there is a Chipotle nearby. You can call GrubHub and have it delivered or you can order room service. I think I am going to snack on the fruit in the fridge."
"It has to be. He's a pretty cute kid. I did pretty good." He smiled a bit proudly. "The three of us may need to cuddle when we are all home."

Jake looked at Adri and his eyes studied hers a moment. His forehead wrinkling slightly. He grabbed her cheeks. "Adge. You will be perfect. Don't worry so much. I know you will do great. They know you will do great. That's why the picked you. They could have picked anyone but they picked you." His lips pressed against her forehead. "I have no doubt you will be amazing. And you can come back and practice your walk on me. And I'll check out your sexy ass as you do." He chuckled a bit before kissing her passionately.

"Alright babe. Maybe I'll walk to the Chipotle. Want me to get you a salad? You can just eat what you want and put the rest in the fridge for later if you'd like." His fingers ran up and down her leg.
She smiled, "I was thinking the exact same thing." She smiled at Jake. She kissed him back and shook her head. "That didn't make me feel better. You're going to tell me I look good no matter what."

She shrugged her shoulder and slowly nodded her head, "Yeah sure. Get me a salad and throw it in the fridge. I'll eat it for lunch tomorrow or something." She said softly. She kissed his forehead and picked up their many bags. "We might need to get a cheap suitcase to put all of our stuff in. Or maybe I can get mom to bring one. That might be better."

She put her hands on his hips and kissed him again, "I'll be in bed when you get back but I will wait to fall asleep until I know you are here. Okay? I love you Boo."
Jake let out a sigh. Well he tried to make her feel better. "Well I guess you are right but I do know you will look good. Because what I said is true babe. It's not just me that believes you. They wouldn't have picked you if they didn't think you could do it." He knew he was right about that. Dana White wouldn't pick him for fights if he thought he'd just get his ass kicked every time.

" should tonight." Jake wasn't sure how big of a lunch she had. "It will help with your energy for tomorrow babe." He gave her a nod about her mother bringing a suitcase.

"You sure you want to stay up? If you are tired go for it babe. If I get lose I'll just have the driver come." He kissed her softly and deeply. "I love you too baby." Jake got up and made sure he had a key to their room and his money. He switched out and used his new wallet before leaving. He pulled Chipotle up on his phone and headed off towards the restaurant.

After he was gone a few minutes it was like Andre' knew he left, and texted Adri, Your night get any better beautiful?
"I'm not that hungry. I'll snack on something in the fridge after I get my pajamas on. Okay?" She smiled at him and kissed him and slightly pushed him towards the door. "I'll get my energy in sleep and coffee." She joked.

She shrugged her shoulder, "If I fall a sleep I fall asleep but I'll try to stay awake for you. If you need me call. Be safe." She watched him leave the room and she opened the fridge door. She pulled out a strawberry and a couple grapes and walked into their room.

She took her pants off and went to grab her phone, thinking it was Jake texting her. She smiled at Andre's text. We came home and Jake just left to get some dinner.
Jake looked around as the city was starting to light up as it started to get dark outside. It was definitely a beautiful city. He had a bit of a line as he waited to order their food. The minute he walked in his mouth was practically drooling.

Andre' sat at a bar and smiled as he read her text. He knew he probably wouldn't get her to come out so he didn't approach that topic. He replied, Nice. Speaking of dinner, how about I take you out tomorrow? There was a girl he was flirting with but if he could have Adri, he'd blow off the girl he was talking to. He had just been talking to her while he was at the bar. Andre' was a player but not everyone knew that. He used his looks and profession to his advantage.

Jake ordered their food and then started back with it.
Jake looked around as the city was starting to light up as it started to get dark outside. It was definitely a beautiful city. He had a bit of a line as he waited to order their food. The minute he walked in his mouth was practically drooling.

Andre' sat at a bar and smiled as he read her text. He knew he probably wouldn't get her to come out so he didn't approach that topic. He replied, Nice. Speaking of dinner, how about I take you out tomorrow? There was a girl he was flirting with but if he could have Adri, he'd blow off the girl he was talking to. He had just been talking to her while he was at the bar. Andre' was a player but not everyone knew that. He used his looks and profession to his advantage.

Jake ordered their food and then started back with it.
While she waited for Jake to come back, Adri took off her shirt and went to the bathroom and washed her face. She tied her hair up and slid into the bed. She took a shower when she returned from the fitting so she was clean and felt comfortable getting into bed.

She pulled the comforter over her legs and looked at her phone. She bit into the juicy strawberry and started to reply. That depends...can Jake join us? If she was on her own, she would have said but with Jake here she couldn't leave him to go to dinner with Andre. She wanted to spend as much time with Jake as she could and show him around. They still had some places that he wanted to visit.

Speaking of him, he would like to hang out with you tomorrow. I have to work from 8-2, so you guys have the entire morning to do whatever. She hoped Andre was still cool with that. He was the ticket to keeping her tomorrow worry free. She didn't want to worry about Jake at the walk through.
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