Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Andre let out a little sigh. He really didn't want to hang out with Jake all day then spend dinner with him. Of course he can come too. Andre kind of hoped that Jake didn't want anything to do with him. He almost called Jake a 'meat head' in the text. He wanted to hang out or feels obligated to? Either way I would love to hang out. Meet him at 9?

Jake could have kept busy on his own. He did fine that day while she was busy. If anything he could stay in the hotel and talk Amy and Owen if he had to. But it would be nice for him to see the city. Where should I take him?

Jake arrived back, but came into their room quietly incase Adri was in fact sleeping he didn't want to wake her up. He put her salad in the fridge and then went to the couch and sat his burrito down on the coffee table before peaking in at Adri in the bedroom. He noticed she was still awake so he walked in and gave her another kiss. "You salad is in the fridge. Your man is back safe. You can sleep now." Jake smiled at her. "Love you beautiful."
Perfect. Thank you Andre. Bring gym clothes and plenty of water. Take him anywhere. Get him some new clothes or something. You have a nice style.

She put her phone on do not disturb mode and plugged it in to sank down lower into the bed and looked over her emails on her iPad until Jake got back. "Thank you. Love you too. Andre said he will meet you here at 9. I'll leave his number so you can text him." She rubbed his cheek and bit her bottom lip.

"Can I have a bite of your burrito? Just a small one." She asked and gave his hand a squeeze.
Sounds good. Hopefully he can keep up with me.

"9. Okay. We can work out first then go site seeing or whatever he wants to do." He gave her a small smile. Jake wasn't thrilled about hanging out with Andre. He honestly had nothing in common with the guy but it was something she wanted him to do and it meant a lot to her so he would. He would make sure he gave Andre a work out that would leave him hurting for a few days. The thought just made him smile.

Jake chuckled a bit at her question. "You know I love you when I'm willing to let you have a bite of my burrito." He kissed her head and squeezed her hand back. "I have to go grab it. But babe, not sure how you can have a small bite of their burritos." He laughed a bit and went to get it and brought it back to her. "Just don't get it all over the bed. I've been craving this since my fight. It's great to be back in America. You should do a commercial for Chipotle so we get free food." Jake laughed. "I'll give you a list of all the places you should work for so we get discounts or free stuff."
"I'm sure you are both going to love it." She smiled when he went to go get a his burrito. She frowned at him as she took a bite. "Or you could work for Chipotle. Go there after enough fights and I'm sure they will call for a commercial. Especially will of this bad press they are getting for getting people sick." She chewed what was in her mouth and swallowed.

"High fashion, Boo, I want high fashion campaigns. You work out far more and a lot harder than I do so you can do the fast food campaigns." She smiled at him and rubbed her lips together.

"Maybe I will eat dinner with you and then I'll get some sleep." She got out of the bed and walked over to the fridge. "Chipotle tastes better when it's fresh anyways." She shrugged her shoulder and opened the container.
"I could endorse Chipotle. I'm not working for as a cook. I honestly may send them an email about it. I've never gotten sick. I support them using local farms. I think they are great." He gave a shrug. After his win anything is possible.

"You do look pretty good in your campaigns now." He was definitely a proud fiancé.

Jake sat on the couch with Adri to eat. It was nice she changed her mind. "I couldn't wait to eat this. It is better the first day. Hell...I've never had left overs to know." He chuckled a bit. "I don't know about going to bed after. I always feel so bloated."

"Do you think Andre will be able to handle a hard work out? I want to go pretty hard. I haven't really had a good work out in since before the fight." He ate his burrito. "Don't be stressed about tomorrow. Or too stressed. You were born for this Adge. This is your dream. Try to enjoy it." He rubbed her leg a bit and kissed her cheek.
Adri smiled happily, "Well, i try." She shrugged her shoulder and started to eat.

She looked at her salad when he mentioned being bloated. She sighed but kept eating. She already started and if it looked like she put on weight then she would figure out a way to take it off before the show. "Well I have to get some sleep before six. I don't want to be up all night again."

She smiled and nodded her head again, "I say the same thing to you before your fights and it never works." She teased. "I'll try to be calm but I won't be until after the show. What if I trip or something? I just want everything to be fine." She finished half of her salad and put the rest in the fridge.

"I'm sure Andre will be able to stand up to whatever you have to throw at him but be nice Boo. He's not a fighter. He's not up to your standard." She kissed his forehead. "Please be nice." She said softly and kissed his forehead again.
He couldn't imagine that she would gain too much weight just from the salad she was eating. But if she needed help losing some pounds, he was her man to do it. He knew all too well about how to make weight and lose it if needed.

She made a valid point about her telling him the same thing. "You right. It doesn't work. I still stress out but at the same time, it does feel nice hearing it. It really did help with the last fight knowing that you would still love me and be proud of me even if I lost." Jake meant that too. He may not of showed it with her nerves but it did feel really nice to hear it. "I know you also worried about how well I'd do with having Owen, so it was nice to show that I can be a fighter and a father." He kissed her shoulder a kiss. "I know you will stress out but I'm sure you will be just fine. I'm sure you won't trip. But if you do I will still love you. And I'll tell you it will all work out as much as you need me to." He gave her a small smile.

Jake felt good that she gave him a bit of a compliment about Andre not being up to his standard but he could tell this meant a lot to her so he would be nice. "I will. I'll be nice." Jake didn't want her having to worry how they were getting along. He would give him a good work out, not too hard but hard enough, then let him take him shopping. "You didn't check out my clothes I'll have to do that soon. Go get some sleep love. I'll be in to lay down after bit." He gave her a smile.
He was right. it was nice hearing that he had confidence that she would do well. And that in the event of her embarrassing herself he would still love her. She may never want to leave the house again but he would still love her. "Thanks Boo." She said softly and walked into the bedroom..

From the bedroom she walked into the bathroom and looked at her stomach. It as probably ridiculous to think about her getting bloated and gaining weight. She was wearing a trenchcoat, even if she did no one would see it. But the people dressing her would talk. They would tell everyone how she was skinny one minute and then blew up like a balloon the next. This was fashion week. She couldn't gain weight. If anything, she needed to lose weight. She poked her stomach and sighed. She was going to fast until after the show. She could survive on water.

She climbed into bed and pulled the covers over her shoulder. She settled into the mattress and fell asleep. Her phone vibrated her alarm at 5:50am and she hit snooze and it went off again at 6am. Then she slipped out of the bed, being very careful not to wake up Jake. She closed the door to the bathroom and started to get ready. She brushed her teeth, put on a light face of make up. She brushed her hair up into a high bun. She looked through all of the things she packed and decided to wear a denim button up shirt and black pencil skirt. For shoes she packed a pair of flats and a pair of pumps. That way she could change shoes depending on what the other models were wearing for shoes.

She switched wallets so she was carrying the new one and then she switched purses for the other cute smaller new one. She grabbed her phone and slid it into her purse. She kissed Jake's forehead very gently and walked out of the bedroom. She did eat a strawberry and she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. She double checked to make sur eshe had the room key and she was ready to go. A taxi took her to tent where the Mui Mui show was going to be and then she was directed through the tent to where all of the models were lining up. She was a little early but she would rather be early than late.

Looking around, at how thin the other girls were, it was apparent that she really shouldn't have eaten fast food last night and that strawberry this morning probably had more calories than these girls ate in a week.If she didn't feel the pressure of being skinny before, she was feeling it now.
Jake stayed up and watched a movie on tv before getting up and heading to bed. He washed up before climbing into bed with Adri. His arm wrapped around Adri and he kissed her shoulder but made sure not to wake her as he knew she had to be up early and he didn't want to be the reason she didn't get sleep. It didn't take long for himself to fall asleep.

He had no idea she got out of bed or even left. His alarm went off at 8:30. He would get up and get ready for his workout with Andre. He texted him to let him that was the first thing on their agenda. Jake also shot Adri a text that he loved her and he knew she'd do great. He ate a few pieces of fruit after he got dressed in shorts and a Underarmour shirt. As he waited for Andre he sent a few emails about possible endorsers. It kind of made things harder for fighters to get endorsers as they couldn't wear their logos in the cage. But Jake could promote them on social media and other means. He hoped to get a few grabs of some brands he really did use and enjoyed.

Once Andre got there he greeted him politely and then took him down to the hotel gym. He went through a normal workout for him and showed him what he did. The entire time Andre down played it like it was no big deal. The man even made comments along the lines of a big fighter having a pretty whimpy work out but claimed he was just joking. It was like he was trying to provoke him to hit Andre. Jake tried really hard to keep his cool. Adriana needed him to not flip out on this guy and get along with her new friend.

After the work out Jake took him back up to the room. "You can shower first. I'm going to call and check in on my son."

"Ah yes...your son. You know you are really holding Adriana back with your kid. It makes her traveling harder. She even mentioned something yesterday about it. She feels guilty being away. You shouldn't make her feel that way."

Jake just looked at him a moment. "Maybe you should mind your business with certain things...Andre." Andre shrugged and took his bag and went into the bathroom to shower.

Jake called Amy and vented a bit about Andre then talked to Owen. Once they hung up Amy sent pics to both Jake and Adri. After Andre was done in the shower Jake got in and put on jeans, a shirt and his new shoes. Once he got out of the bathroom Andre looked at him, "No wonder Adri wants you to help with your fashion. Your girlfriend is in fashion for her profession. You need to look good, and you are struggling."

Jake let out a sigh, "Fiance..." Andre just shrugged, to him it didn't matter. He left with him and as they walked out he texted Amy that he was ready to kill Andre.
At the walkthrough, Adri learned what number she was for the walk and they had to walk through the entire show a couple times. The first few times, they just walked and the show designers decided if it was good enough and gave critiques or changed the order. Then the lights and music came on and they did a full rehearsal with all of the models.

When that was over, all of the models got one on one consultations with a make up artists and hair stylist to make sure that the idea the designers wanted for the models actually worked for the model's face and body. Even though they were walking hangers for the clothes, they still needed to look good.

When that was over, they put all of the models in their outfits and fixed anything that needed to be fixed. Since Adri's outfit was a trenchcoat,there wasn't much they had to do in the way of fixing anything. She still needed to get her nude underwear but everything else was good to go. It made her feel good knowing that her outfit was ready and she wasn't getting cut because she didn't fit into the show.

To make some time for alterations, the models were let go to have a lunch break but they had to be back within forty minutes, so they had to stay close.

She noticed there were already cliques since most of the girls were New York models. As she walked by, she heard a small group of girls say that she was only there because of Jake and she didn't belong in Fashion Week. Everyone was doubting her ability and it didn't feel good but she kept her head up and walked outside. She was dying for a coffee but she couldn't risk it so she sipped on her water and every time she got hungry, she took another sip.

She pulled her phone out of her bag and saw the pictures from Amy. She smiled and told Amy to give him a kiss for her. She sent a group text to Andre' and Jake playfully asking they were being nice to each other. She still had a couple more hours at the walkthrough, since they were trying to do a full dress rehearsal before letting all of the models leave.
When Jake got her text about them getting along he just replied that things were fine and for her not to worry. Andre on the other hand texted back that Jake was being difficult but only sent it to Adri. The guy was trying everything in his power to cause issues between the two.

The two spent the next few hours shopping. Jake didn't decide on a lot because it was like Andre purposely picked things that was definitely not Jake's style just to be an ass. So he looked at thing that he wanted to and got a few things. A few things that were in fact pretty fashionable. The more the day went on the more Jake just wanted to punch him. He kept his cool though and was even going out of his way to be nice to him despite him not deserving it. Whenever he got annoyed he'd shoot Amy a text to keep his cool.

They made their way back to the hotel. Andre left assuming they'd meet up for dinner later that evening, but had to send Adri a text as he got in a cab to go to his hotel about how Jake hated all of his suggestions and he doubted he'd be interested in going out to dinner. Jake rested as he waited for Adri to get back, completely oblivious to the lies Andre was feeding to his fiance.
Hearing two completely different things made Adri worry about what she set up with the two of them. She knew Jake could be hot headed and Andre was more relaxed and cool. Maybe they were just two personalities that didn't match. She put her phone back in her purse and went to the corner store to get a new bottle of water. She went back to the tent and waited until she was needed.

Things were going fine until one of the buttons on the coat fell off. In reality, the button wasn't sewn on very well and the belt kept moving the button around making it looser. In her head, it was her fault and maybe she was putting on water weight. They were quick to sew the button back on the coat and get her in line before the rehearsal started. One of the models snickered behind her but she couldn't hear what she said.

When the rehearsal was over, all of the models were free to go and Adri was ready to get back to the hotel. She pulled her phone out to let Jake know and she saw the text from Andre'. It really wasn't what she needed to hear right now. She was hungry, her nerves were shot, she was still trying to fix her jetlag. She was irritable and she would combust very soon. She sent Andre' a text apologizing for Jake's behavior and looked out the window as the driver took her back to the hotel.

She got in the elevator and fished out her key and without thinking she zapped it with her phone and it was fried. She stopped the elevator on the closest floor and got out, only to get on one going down. She could go back to the room and knock but she did need her own key to the room. The lady at the front desk fixed it for her and she was back on her way up. The weird metal of the elevator made her hips look huge and she felt even more self conscious than before. She was happy to get out and get to her room door. She took a deep breath and keyed in. She set her bag down and kicked off her heels. She couldn't stay by the kitchen or all she would think about was the half eaten salad in the fridge and she didn't need that right now she walked into the bedroom and laid across the bed.
Andre told her not to worry about it that he kind of expected it but wondered if she just wanted to get dinner with him without Jake.

Jake heard her come in and got up and went to find her. He found her on the bed and knew she must have had a day like his. He crawled onto the bed with her and wrapped his arms around her. "Hey beautiful. I missed you today." He said softly and laid with her a moment.

"Want to talk about it? Can I get anything or do anything?" He just wanted to help. And talking about Andre wouldn't help. She didn't need that stress.
She didn't push his arms off when he got on bed with her but she wasn't in a cuddling mood. She knew things wouldn't go smoothly with her first fashion show but she didn't think things would be this stressful. The one thing she hopes she could rely on was Jake and Andre being civil but even that gave her a headache just thinking about it.

"I told you what I needed and you didn't do it, Jake. I don't want to talk. I want to be alone for a little bit." She said softly. She pulled a pillow under head and closed her eyes. she rubbed her lips together and sighed.

She almost wanted to ask what else would go wrong but that was a curse in the making.
He looked at her confused. He didn't understand what he didn't do. It was clear she was upset with him but he didn't know why. "I'm really confused. I don't understand what I didn't do." He spoke quiet and calm. He had no idea she was referring to Andre. If anything he went out of his way to try to be nice to him for her.

Jake didn't want to push it and respect that she wanted to be left alone. He got up. All he wanted to do was to help. When he had a fight coming up he knew how he was so he was trying to be as supportive as she had been when he had his fights. "If you want to talk or need anything I'll be out on the couch. I'm sorry you had a rough day. I want to do anything I can to make it better." His tone the entire time was quiet and calm.

He started out for the living area, he figured he'd just find another movie to watch.
"Close the door behind you, if you can manage that." She snapped and pulled the covers around her body. Maybe she would feel better after a nap. When she woke up she felt her phone going off with a phone call. When she saw her mother's picture she answered and talked to her mom for a little bit.

She told her about the stress she was feeli but she didn't tell her about her new dieting habit. She told her about Jake snubbing all of Andre's ideas for clothes and his attitude towards him. She didn't know if Jake could hear her through the wall and she didn't care. She needed to vent and her mom was the first person she spoke too. She felt better after talking to her mother. She got off of the bed and went to the bathroom.

She debated about going to dinner with Andre. She could but she really didn't want to eat. And she had tickets to the Betsey Johnson show and she wanted to go to that. She sent Andre a text, I'm going to have to cancel dinner tonight. I'm not feeling it. I'm sorry Andre. She pulled out her outfit that she was going to wear to the show and set it on the bed.

She walked out to the main room and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. She glanced at her salad but closed the door and sipped on her water.
Jake could hear her talk to her mother he debated telling her the truth or letting it go. She was already under a lot of stress so he kept going back and forth on it. He was a bit hurt and upset she would just believe whatever Andre said and not really ask him his side of things. After all he was her fiance not Andre and she really didn't know Andre that long or really that well. Despite being hurt he just let it go at first.

Andre was bummed to see she canceled, I understand. You take care of you. Anything I can do to help, let me know.

When Adri walked out and didn't even acknowledge him. "I'm sorry you had a bad day." His day wasn't the best either but he wasn't get into that. "But maybe you didn't get the full story of what happened today." He still spoke soft and calm. But he was starting to see what Andre was doing. He wanted Adri and was trying to turn her against Jake. Jake didn't know if she had only found one ticket to the show or if he was supposed to go with her. She hadn't really talked to him much but he knew she was stressed so he let it. As hard as it was he let it all go.
She sucked in a deep breath and released it slowly. She looked up at Jake and shrugged her shoulder. "I kind of expected it to happen. I didn't wake up with the best feeling in my stomach." She told him and set her bottle down.

She rolled her eyes when he talked about the full story. She could imagine what the full story was. She knew Jake and she knew Andre. She thought they would at least be cordial to one another and support her through the show but she obviously wasn't getting that.

"You don't have to like the guy Jake. I wasn't asking you to hold his hand and walk around the city like lovebirds. He's the first guy in this business that I have worked with. He has worked for countless designers all over this city. All he has to say is, "She's great but her boyfriend is crazy jealous and makes it difficult to work with her." I'm not saying he will but he could. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

She shook her head, "I just didn't want you to be alone in the city while I was working. I was trying to be nice and get you out of the apartment with some good company. Next time you can just do whatever I don't care."
Jake thought he was doing exactly what she expected of him. He was afraid if he told his side of the story it still wouldn't matter but he wasn't going to let this guy just continue to bash him all day then hear from Adri too. "I understand completely what you are saying. That's why I agreed to meet with him today. I don't know what he told you but I'm sure it's not entirely what happened. I'm sure he left certain things out." He let out a sigh. "I may have a reputation and I'm sure that's where he's feeding off a lot of what he is probably telling you but I wouldn't do something to screw this up for you. I'd be on my best behavior for you. Honestly I don't think you have the slightest idea of what I had to swallow and not say today."

He just looked at her as she continued to get angry at him and still not ask him about his day. "It hurts a little bit that you just assume everything he tells you is right because this guy has doing amazing work for all these fashion designers all over the city." He shook his head. "I said everything was fine because I didn't want you to worry about it because I put on a smile and did what you asked of me. If you don't believe me check my phone or call my sister. It'd give you quit the play by play of today's events."

He got up and grabbed something to drink. "But still. I don't want to fight about it or you to stress about it because you have more important things to worry about. That's why I've tried my hardest to not say anything but there is so much I can take of him bashing me all day then my fiance totally siding with him. He's into Adri and doing whatever he can to win you over. Making me look bad in particular." He made sure to keep his tone from getting too upset. He wasn't being a jealous fiance. He even left out the part of him bashing Owen and saying she even said he held her back. Now he wondered how true it was.
He was adding to the irritation that she felt before. She took a deep breath and bit her bottom lip to keep from exploding. She was starting to understand Jake's short fuse before fights. When she was under this much stress, stress that she wasn't used too, she didn't want to hear anything but what she wanted to hear.

"Are you seriously telling me that you're the victim in this situation? Is that the card that you want to play right now?" She didn't mean to raise her voice. She didn't want to fight with him but it felt like a fight would help get some of the stress out of her body. "I'm not siding with anyone. When I see Andre I'll talk to him about it. Right now I'm talking to you and I'm trying to get you to understand what I'm saying."

She shook her head, "Whatever. At this point I'm already stressed, what's more stress going to do? Is there anything else that we need to talk about that will add stress to the situation? Just let it on me now." She grabbed her water bottle and started her walk into the bedroom to get ready for the show.
Jake just looked away extremely hurt that she still wasn't listening to him and was siding with Andre. She said she wasn't but she was. He wasn't playing any card, he was just trying to explain a little bit of what happened. He had other things to say about her asking Andre, but instead of voicing his opinion he just kept his mouth shut.

His head rested on the back of the couch and still had no idea if he was supposed to go with her or not to him. He didn't know what they'd do if it would have been like this all the time.

Jake knew he could get jealous and have a temper, he had reputation before Adri started working for him, but he was trying to be better. Especially now with Owen and things he was trying. It wasn't always a success but he was making a decent effort. It hurt that she couldn't see he was at least trying. Instead she believed someone who was practically a stranger instead of the man she planned on marrying. They were fighting and it was exactly what Andre wanted.

Andre shot her another text, Are you hitting any shows tonight?
She heard her phone go off as she was applying her make up. She figured it was Amy, texting to bitch at her for yelling at Jake. She didn't want to hear it so she left it alone in the bedroom and continued putting on her face.

This trip would have been a lot easier if she didn't have to worry about Jake. He should have gone home to Owen, so she could focus on the show, and then he could have come on Wednesday with her mother and things would have worked out so much easier. She fixed her hair and slid it back into the bun. She walked into the bedroom and put on her outfit.

She picked up her phone and saw the text from Andre. She felt kind of bad that she said no to dinner and replaced it with the show. He should understand though. Yeah. I'm getting ready for the Betsey Johnson show tonight. I'm about to walk out of the door. She picked up her purse and made sure she had her tickets and slid on her shoes.

She was ready to go. She looked at her extra ticket and sighed. If she waited for Jake she would be late. Honestly she just wanted a night to herself in the city. She didn't want to waste the ticket though. She stuffed them both in her purse and walked out to the living room. She looked at Jake and kissed his forehead, "I need a night alone." She said softly and stood up straight. "I'll see you tonight. I love you."

She walked out of the door and to the elevator. When she got out to the venue, she took the extra ticket and gave it to someone their own waiting for the chance to get in. She clearly made the persons night but she didn't have time to talk. She walked the red carpet and took her seat, the person she gave the ticket too couldn't walk the carpet with her but did get to sit next to her in the front row while they watched the show.
Amy didn't know anything of how Adri was acting. He didn't run to her every time they had an issue. He only vented earlier so he did keep his cool for her. Some good that did him.

Andre pulled strings to get to the same show she was going to. He wanted to see her and figured it wasn't exactly Jake's scene.

Jake gave her a nod. "Love you." Was all he said. She needed time away from him, yet spent all day away from him. He seriously flip on Andre. Hell if he did at least she had a valid reason to be angry. He tried to watch a movie but couldn't concentrate so he went to change. It was time to get another work out in. This one would be harder than earlier. Once he was changed he headed down to the gym.

Andre got into the show and saw the open seat next to Adri. He sat down and smiled. "Hey. Excited for the show?" It didn't bother him he stole the person's seat, he jusy was determined to sit next Adri.
Adri scrolled through her Instagram feed while she waited for the show to begin. SnapChat had a page dedicated to the show so she sent a picture in of her wishing Betsey the best of luck. She was surprised to see Andre next to her.

She laughed and nodded her head, "But what are you doing here?" This was Betsey Johnson. This was as girly as fashion shows got. She didn't expect to see Andre right next to her. "I have a guest coming as well. I don't know where she is but someone is sitting here. Are you going to the after party? We can meet up there." She offered.

She put her phone away and frowned, "The show is sold out. How are you here right now?" She asked laughing. "I just didn't expect to see you here."
He laughed a bit. "I have connections." He gave her a wink. Andre was only there for one reason and that reason was Adri. "Yeah I will be at the party...that is if you will."

"Oh is Jake here?" He looked around and lost his smile instantly. "I don't want to start trouble." He got up as the guest arrived and he saw it wasn't Jake which made him happy. "I will see you at the party beautiful." He gave her another wink before finding his own seat.

Jake worked out and then showered. He got dressed and made his way to the front desk and asked where the closest bar to get food was and it also taste good. He followed the directions and headed out for dinner and a drink by himself. He grabbed a nice burger and a few drinks as he watched sports on the tv before walking bacm to the hotel to call it a night. He video chatted with Amy and Owen again before it got too late. Jake just told her that Adri was at a different show. Never letting on about their fight.

After the show Andre went to the after party and looked for Adri.
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