Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"I am sure Jake would love to hang out with you." She lied and smiled at Andre'. "I don't want him cooped up in the hotel room that's for sure and who knows. MAybe he can take you to the gym and get you a good workout in. You can get him some clothes that aren't Affliction and that I didn't pick out." She laughed.She hugged him back. "I had fun too. I'll text you and let you know what Jake says." She kissed both of his cheeks and slid into her car.

When she got back to the hotel she saw Jake asleep on the bed. She smiled and kissed his forehead very gently. She let him sleep and she went to take a shower and get freshened up. She was excited to see the city with him. She opened the fridge for a water and saw the tray of healthy foods in the fridge. She pulled out a water bottle and took a sip before shaking Jake awake.

"Hey sleep head. How is Owen?" She asked and smiled down at him. "The fitting went great. I have my outfit, hair and makeup. Tomorrow we are doing a walk through and figuring out what position we are in when we walk so I will be gone for most of the morning." She slid onto the couch with him and wrapped her arm around him. "We can go out and explore the city tonight though."
"I would love to get that man better fashion. You can tell when you dress him." Andre' joked as she got in the car.

Jake smiled when he saw Adri and stretched. "Our boy is good. He was all smiles. I had him smiling quite a bit. I swear he has grown. I think he misses us baby." He kissed her cheek and rubbed her back. "Yeah? You have it all picked out? That's awesome baby. I can't wait to see it all. I'm sure you have a good team." He stole her water and took a drink.

"Did you just now get done? Are you hungry? I haven't had anything to eat. You're probably starving. Where do you want to explore?" He kissed her shoulder.
"We will be home soon." She said softly. She was upset she missed the chance to see him but she would be able to hold him again very soon. "I miss him." She whispered and put her head on Jake's chest. "I miss the way he smells. And the way he fits in my arms." She sighed and rubbed Jake's back.

"But yeah. It was all picked out today. It was towards the front of the rack so I think I will be one of the first girls you see." She shrugged her shoulder, "I guess that's a good thing. The big goal is to be the closer. Then you get to walk out with the designer at the end and everyone claps. Not for you, for the designer, but it feels that way, I suppose." She smiled, "One day, I suppose. One day soon."

She looked up into his eyes and kissed him softly. "Uh no. Actually I ran into a friend and I got caught up and we went to lunch. I was starving after the fitting, so I had a quick lunch. So we can explore until we get hungry and then we can eat some...I was going to street food but I can't do that right now." She laughed. "We will find something to eat."
Jake held her close and rubbed her back. He couldn't help but smile a bit. "I know you do. I miss his smell too. And the way he snuggles against us. He's definitely a snug bug." He pressed his lips against her head.

"You'll be the closer soon babe. It's awesome you made Fashion week already. I'm super proud of you. It will be nice for us not have to wait so long to see you. But I understand you want to close."

"Oh...Which friend? I haven't really had any food. So I may grab something small while we are out if you don't mind." He kept rubbing his hand up and down her back. "You should see the clothes I got. I got some jeans and shirts and work out clothes. And a nice red shirt for your walk."
"I knew I wouldn't close this time around. It is my first show but maybe next time." She shrugged her shoulder, probably not next time either but if she got a few more walks under her wing and buddied up with some designers she might be able to get a closing spot by next Fashion Week.

"Boo, you should have eaten with out me. I would have understood. You aren't going to want to eat what I eat for the next couple days. I can't wait to get a gyro though. There is a guy in Times Square and he makes the best, at least to me he does. He was my first meal in NYC." She smiled at kissed his jaw. She sat up and rubbed his hip.

"I can't wait to see what you got." She patted his hip and stood up. "I actually ran into Andre'. He came out to watch the show and give me some support. And he offered to take you out to see the city while I am at work. So maybe you two can get to know each other. You can show him a good work out and he can show you around the city. I think that's a fair trade."
"It will happen soon baby." He smiled at her and rubbed her back.

"I'll just have to find something while we are out for me to have my first meal while we are out." He smiled at her. "What else is good besides gyros? I don't want to eat that while you can't. Ooo is there good philly cheese steak places? That's what I want baby...that's it." He gave her a nod and goofy grin. He was technically not training so he could eat that and just beat himself up later for it.

Jake stood up to show her his clothes. "Andre'? He came all the way to New York? To see you?" He shook his head as his forehead wrinkled as he tried to understand what Andre' was doing. "First of you not find it a tad weird this guy does one job with you and you see him at the party then randomly shows up in New York to see you?" He thought it over a moment. "He's totally into you. And second..what would the two of us have in common to even talk about? Besides the fact he is totally into my fiance'. But sure I'll give him a work out. It would be nice to see the city with someone who knows it." Jake just figured he would give him such a hard work out the guy wouldn't have energy to do anything else.
"I'm sure there is somewhere around here. We will find you a good philly cheese steak." She smiled at him and put her shoes back on. She followed him to look at his clothes and sighed when Jake started to go in on Andre.

"We worked together. We got along. He is here to support me. He doesn't want to go home to Germany yet. How is that a bad thing? He is my friend. It's not like he's some stalker who is trying to kidnap me. He is a friend trying to show support."

She looked down and shrugged her shoulder, "Then don't hang out with him. I was trying to do something nice but if you are just going to tear our friendship apart don't go. Don't talk to him. I'm trying to get you out if this room while I'm at work with a nice person, who knows the city, who you might like hanging out with and you get jealous for no reason. I'm don't talking about it. Are we going or do you want to stay in and watch the city from the window?"
Jake was a bit surprised how how protective of Andre' she was getting. He understood her need and desire to have a friend but something just went off in his brain that something wasn't right. Maybe he was just being a jealous boyfriend or maybe he was on to something. She was almost getting nasty with him and he was just trying to understand.

"Adri you have to understand from my perspective it seems a bit odd. I'm explaining how I see things and how I feel about it. It's not like I'm forbidding you two to hang out. But wouldn't you think it would be weird if I had a fight and Ronda Rousey shows up for support after doing one photo shoot together and says she is just there for support. You wouldn't think that is odd? And ignore the fact it's Ronda and you love her...First chick I thought of to try to compare." He let out a sigh. "I just didn't know you two were that close of friends that he'd fly all the way out here is all."

"I'm not getting jealous Adge. I said I show him a good work out and would be nice to go around the city with someone who is familiar with it." He shook his head and rolled his eyes a bit. "Yeah let's go." He wasn't jealous but a bit annoyed she didn't text him back because she was out to lunch with a guy friend and it made him wonder if she would have told him she had lunch with Andre' or if she would have kept it from him. She was notorious for keeping meals with men from Jake. "Where are we going first?"
"It's Fashion Week. He's a model. He's allowed to go wherever he wants." She rolled her eyes and shrugged her shoulder. She didn't want to talk about Andre. She wanted to walk around the city and shop. He could join her or he could stay. She didn't care either way. She obviously wanted him to join her but at this point she didn't care.

"You can show me what you get later. We are getting you food and then Empire State Building." She picked up her purse and a light jacket and walked out of the room with him. She goggled where to get his sandwich and she walked them in the direction of the place. It was a cute little shop and while he ate, she drank some water and scrolled through her Instagram feed patiently.

"What else do you want to see while we are here? I'm trying to get into the Moschino show tomorrow night but it's hard finding tickets. If I do get a ticket do you want to go or do you want to hang back? I don't want to buy two tickets if you don't want to go. I know it's not your thing."
Jake didn't know what else to say about it so he just let it go. There was no use going on about it cause she didn't see his perspective anyway. She was right though the guy could do what he wanted.

His sandwich was the best philly cheese steak he had ever had. "I want to go for a run in Central Park. I also want to walk by and get a pick of the Friends Apartments. Rockefeller Center and Grand Central Station would be nice." He finished his sandwich. "What else do you recommend babe?"

"I'll go to the show with you. You can share what you know with me. It would be nice." He gave her a small smile. "I'm excited to see the Empire State Building. You've been up it right?" He wiped his face with a napkin and checked himself before getting up throwing away his trash and then grabbing his drink to walk with Adri.
"I think you have everything checked off. Maybe tomorrow afternoon we can go to the 9/11 memorial and museum. You hear the stories straight from survivors and people who have been directly impacted by the attacks." She offered and rubbed her lips together.

She nodded her head to being to the Empire State Building before. "It's nice. The lines are long but we can get VIP access and go straight to the top. We can look around for a bit. You'll see the Statue of Liberty but she'll look tiny. That's only if we get there before the sunsets."

She stood up and walked with him out of the restaurant and to the street. They weren't too far from the state building. They should get there before the sunset so he could Lady Liberty and then they could watch the sunset.
"I do want to go there. That would experience. I think that kind of would be hard though." He gave her shoulder a kiss. The whole situation seemed worse now with Owen. If something would happen now he'd have to make sure Adri and Owen both were safe.

"Awesome. I have a pretty good tour guide. We will have to find some place that I know and can take you and show you around." Jake smiled at her and while they stood in line he wrapped his arms around her. "I'm excited to be here with you. Honestly...I think I'd like it here more than I would LA. I'm used to the warm climate. I grew up with cold so this would be kind of a happy medium." His eyes looked in hers. They were a couple who would just travel for work. He loved their home in Vegas. It was a nice place to raise their family and they had discussed it being the house to do just that.

Once they got to the top Jake pulled his phone out and took a few pictures before taking a picture with Adri. He then took a few goofy pictures before just looking around. "Babe this is awesome. Really awesome."
She nodded her head, "It's going to be hard but it's a part of history we should go and see." She said softly.

"You showed me around your hometown pretty well and your side of Vegas. You've shown me a lot." She wrapped her arm around his waist and smiled at him. "Yeah it's nice here. I wouldn't mind living here or LA really. I like our house though."

When they'll to the top, she took pictures with him and made funny faces when he did. She let him enjoy the top of the world and look around. Everyone looked like little ants from up there. The cars looked like little toy cars they could push with their fingers. She did pull him over to the side with the Statue of Liberty so he could see her before the sun went down.

"You ready for Times Square and a little shopping? We have to hit Dylan's Candy Bar and Louis Vuitton. I have a purse to buy."
Jake smiled when he saw Lady Liberty. The history in that city alone was just amazing. He just took a moment looking around at the view with a smile on his face. "Just a minute babe." He said quietly. They lived such busy lives he was just going to take a minute and enjoy the view and the company of his fiance for a moment.

He held his hand to her. "Alright baby. Let's head to the next spot." He smiled and left the state building with her. As they walked he held her hand. "Why are we going to Dylan's if you have to watch what you eat my love?" He smiled at her.

"I may get a new wallet and belt at Louis'." Jake smiled at her. "I mean I did win my fight...that should result in something right?" Jake was totally using her logic but a wallet or something would be nice. Plus he could use a nice wallet. "I still need to find my cool watch too for the fight. Maybe we should get one here. To represent my win and your first Fashion Week."
Adri smiled and stood next to him to enjoy the view. She put her head on his shoulder and watched the sunset. She took his hand and smiled at his question, "Because it's a candy shop and I'm not passing that up. I can eat the candy later. You might have to take the bag from me though. So I don't eat it all tonight."

She nodded her head to him getting a new wallet, "Sounds like a plan." She shook her head to the watch though. "No you get the watch for you. I'm getting the bag for me. I'm sure there's a Rolex store around here somewhere. If not we just have to go to the jewelry store." She smiled at Jake and kissed his cheek.

They walked to Times Square and she took her pictures with him and of him. "You like the big city?"
"As long as you don't get angry at me for taking it away from you. Except if you try to fight me, I can take you." Jake smiled at Adri and gave her a small wink.

"The watch is for both. I won the London fight and went to NY to see my girl in Fashion Week. It's a good representation of both good things." He kissed her temple. "Oh in a jewelry store. Baby I don't know if we have enough money for Louis and a jewelry store." He teased.

Jake grabbed Adri and kissed her softly and took a selfie of them kissing in Time Square. Once he looked he saw it was a bit close but it was still a good shot. " didn't I planned it in my head. That just means we have to try again." He took another one as he kissed her again. Jake just wanted to kiss her again. "I actually love it babe. I really do." He looked around at the different signs at Time Square. "Baby..." He pulled her close and kissed her head. "I see in our future your sexy picture up here in an ad. Then you will see your fiance' up there getting ready to fight at Madison Square Garden." He smiled proudly, picturing it in his mind. "Mark my words love, it will happen."
"I mean a couple gummy bears won't kill me but I will willingly hand over the candy bag." She smiled at his wink and bumped him with her hip.

She laughed, "Excuse you, I am buying my own bag and wallet. I can be your sugar mama if you want me too though. I'll buy your stuff at Louis and you can focus on getting the perfect watch. Don't worry about it. All of my finances are handles and I opened up another account for our wedding. When the mui mui check comes in I will put a portion of it towards the wedding and I would hope you would do the same. I'll write down the information so you have it."

She smiled at his future plan and nodded her head, "I would love that." She smiled at him and kissed him softly. "When it happens we will have to take a picture in front of the billboards. And maybe Owen will be here to see it."
"Willingly. Right." Candy did sound good. "You had candy in London...too bad O is too little. But then again probably good thing. We don't need sugar rushes. I do kind of want to keep the sugar to a minimum with him. We eat healthy he should too."

"Baby...I'm only teasing you." He kissed her temple. "I'm paying the house off first anything left we can put in our wedding account." That sparked up a good question. "Once married how do you want to handle the finances? Together? Separate?" In his mind it made sense to just be together and if she wanted something or he did once bills were paid go for it. They both made good money. Most of Owen's things should come from his portion of thr money though.

He kissed her back softly. "Of course we will take a picture." He wrapped Adri in his arms and kissed her again. "Your ad may be up here soon babe. Or we could totally be in Vegas on billboards together too." Jake gave her a few more kisses. "Ready to get Dylan's? I kinda want to head back and get in the hot tub with this mighty fine woman."
"Candy should be an occasionally treat not an all the time thing." She could understand that and she already knew Owen was going to be a super active kid.

She smiled and thought about their priories. He was paying off the house and she was putting money away for their wedding. She supposed she should put some of that money into the house or she could take the mui mui funds and put some into the house. "A mix of both. I don't want you to feel like all of your paycheck should be put into a joint account that we share. I don't want to feel that way either. I have four accounts for different things. Shopping and Bill paying money, rainy day funds as in a car breaks down or there's a leak in the house, saving for the wedding and saving for if something huge happens so I don't have to worry about supporting myself or kids or anything." The last account was fairly new after seeing how he handled Owen and child support. She wouldn't have depended on him in the first place but it her realize that she should be prepared.

She smiled and nodded her head, "Hopefully. I should be hanging in the Calvin Klein store until then." She was more than ready for some candy. She pulled out her phone and walked him towards the store. The top half was a cafe but the bottom half was nothing but candy in every form imaginable. She picked up a empty souvenir box and started filing it with candy.
"Are you talking about candy for us or him?" He smiled and gave her a wink.

"Baby we can sit down and figure out a percentage or something that works for both of us. I don't feel like all my money goes to the house. I just want to pay it off that way it frees up more money for other things baby. I think we can figure it out. We have to sit down and do some figuring but we can do it." He kissed her head. "Once the house is paid off I can contribute more to the wedding." The reaction to child support was because of Owen's mother and the fear she was just out for money. He wouldn't react the same to Adri. But if they had a child together he would do what he could to make things work between them.

"We will have to go in Calvin Klein and take pictures." Jake smiled proudly. He was one proud fiancé. Jake was the kid in a candy store. He grabbed a box of his own to fill. "I will need a good work out to work all this off." Once it was full he paid for Adi's and his before heading out. "Did you want hot tub time with your man?"
"Definitely him. i am an adult and I can eat candy for breakfast if I want too." She declared.

There was one thing she felt like they should really talk about before they got married but she didn't know how to bring it up. It felt like it would be the best time at the finance conversation. "I think we should sit down and talk about that, for sure. Create a clear path for the future." She smiled at him, "I doubt it is up yet but we can check one day while we are here if you want. It feels weird going to the store to find my face." She laughed.

She filled up her box and then set it on the counter to pay. Jake took over there and she popped the lid on her box and started to snack on some gummy bears and worms. "I can't do the hot tub Boo. Too many chemicals in the water. It could mess up my skin." She pointed which way she wanted to go and they walked in the direction of the three story Louis Vuitton building. She closed her box and put it back in the bag.

She took a deep breath of the leather smell and smiled at Jake. "My purse is in here somewhere. I can feel it. I am going to go look for it, you go pick out a wallet and a belt." She kissed his cheek and went to an available store clerk.
"We should do that sometime. Candy and ice cream for breakfast. We should do that before he's old enough to know the difference." Jake smiled and smacked her butt playfully.

"We can sit down and do that. I think it's a good idea." He gave her a small wink about her ad being up. "Let's check before we leave the city. We're here. I'll go to the store and find your face. It's a very beautiful face." Jake thought of some goofy things he could totally do with her ad. "I have to have some fun poses with your face." He laughed a bit with an evil smile.

"Okay if no hot about a nice bath. Just you and I?" He stole one of her worms before she closed her box.

Jake laughed at Adri's reaction to Louis Vuitton. "You act like me in a sporting good store." He laughed a bit and gave her butt a pat as she walked away. "Find a nice one babe." He looked around at the guy stuff and found more than he expected. He found a black and red wallet. He also found a pair of sunglasses and shoes.

He found Adri. "You need to get me out of here. Now." He looked at her serious. "I'm finding way too much stuff I like." He smiled at her. "What are you finding beautiful?"
"I'm not sure how I feel about you taking 'funny pictures' with my picture." She said seriously. "What ever these poses are they better not end up on the internet. I do not want a trend to start of people doing funny poses with me. That's not a good reputation to have." She said seriously. He could play all her wanted but she didn't need a trend of people doing things to her photos. She nodded her head to take a bath, "Yeah we can take a bath." She agreed.

While he was away she found the bag that she wanted. Then another was pulled out and then the wallet to match. When Jake came around and set his stuff down she noticed the lack of belt.

"You were supposed to get a belt, Boo." She smiled and kissed his cheek. She opened his shoe box and nodded her head, "Nice. I didn't think of shoes." She said softly. "Any cute heels?" She teased and the lady helped her pulle dout some belts for Jake. She looked them over, "I like the all black." They were going a little crazy in the store but she was glad she could spoil him after his big win.
"They wouldn't be bad ones babe. Just maybe me kissing the ad you's cheek or something like that. I won't post anything without your permission okay?" He smiled at her. Jake could understand her not wanting to start a new trend with her. He was happy she agreed to a bath. It was something he wanted to do to help her relax a bit. She's been on full go since they arrived in LA.

Jake by no means expected Adri to pay for everything he had picked out. "I can't say I checked out the heels love. Doubt they have them in my size." He smiled at her. "I forgot the belt I got side tracked, you've created a monster. I blame you." He looked over the belts. "I like the all black. But do we want the LV buckle or a regular buckle?"

"Adge you just need them to hire you to do an ad for them. You own half the store anyway and then we could get a discount." He teased and kissed her cheek. "We need to buy O something in New York. I think we need to get him an 'I heart NY' onsie." He chuckled a bit.
"The plain buckle. The LV might be a little too flashy. The plain one looks a lot more sophisticated." She smiled at him and added it to their pile. "I have created a monster." She laughed. "At least we will be two monsters who look good together." She bumped his hip with hers and pulled out her black card. "We are done here." She told the clerk and let her ring everything up. She didn't want to look at the price because she knew they were easily going to hit five figures. She handed her card over when the damage was done and signed the receipt.

"I was thinking of spending an extra day out here with mom. With mother's day coming up, she might enjoy a girl's trip. Plus we never get to have girl time. So send you home on Friday and stay with mom until Saturday. I can take her shopping and to the spa and spoil her before she has to go home and go back to taking care of dad. How would you feel about that?" She asked and bit the inside of her cheek. She picked up her purse and took the smaller bag that had the sunglasses, wallets and belt and let Jake carry the big bag.

"I do want to rush home but how often do you get a chance like this? I know she will want to see the city and with how crazy the show is going to be and her getting here Wednesday I won't have time to show her around like I want too. You know?"

She agreed to getting Owen something and pointed a cute little touristy shop nearby so they could go take a look.
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