Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"Of course you have one in mind you've been looking at. You just got picked for Fashion Week. Go buy it. Why you telling me?" He teased and laughed a bit.

Jake didn't know if he should be annoyed she was waking him up or happy with how she was waking him out. The happy part won out easily. He let out a groan of frustration and pleasure. "Oh I need to get a private jet huh...maybe once I'm champion but I'm still paying for a million dollar house. And your Louis Vuitton." His eyes opened at her and he leaned over and kissed her.

"Really? That would be a nice club for O." He smiled. "Oh I want to join a different club." He looked around. "And since you put the idea in my head...We are joining." He leaned over and kissed her again softly. "Want to join too? They will let you in but you can only join with me." He grinned and nipped her lip. She was amazing and he loved how playful she could get.
"I could. I should. You're right. We are going to the LV store when I get the chance. Mama needs a new purse. And maybe a wallet. Maybe an entire shopping spree. I packed light, I need clothes for the new season. You're right, Boo. We need to go shopping." If she didn't have time she would make time. Plus she really wanted to see the city with Jake and her mom, if it was possible. Maybe Jake could go home Thursday and she stayed with her mom for a girls trip until Friday. Her mom could use the time off and she wanted girl time with mommy. It would be nice.

She smiled and nodded her head, "We are paying off the house." She tapped his nose and kissed him back. She bit his bottom lip gently and smiled at him when she let it go.

She nodded her head to Owen liking the club but she had more selfish reasons in mind. She loved California Adventure Park. When Owen was old enough they would go as a family. It would be a nice thing to do after one of Jake's fights. "It's a really long waiting list to get in though. We can try, we probably have to donate to the park to get our names higher on the list but I'd love to be a member."

She raised en eyebrow and nodded her head, "And what club is this a marriage club?" She asked and wiggled her fingers. She couldn't see her ring right now but she knew it was reflecting millions of colors. "I'm already joining one of those." She giggled and kissed his neck.
Jake sighed. Why did he mention her shopping. They would need to sell the house to cover her shopping spree. He'd gladly go home a day early to let her have a day with her mom. Both girls deserved that. It was the least he could do for her mom for all she did for Owen. All she had to do was bring it up and it would be done.

"We are paying off the house. Once I get paid for the fight we will." Jake would love to take Owen to Disney. He would wait until he was old enough to enjoy it though. "We would have to donate yeah. Maybe once I'm champion I can afford to donate to Disney so you can be a member love."

"No no. Not a marriage club. You don't have to be married. But it's better to be at least in love. So we have that part covered." He smiled and it made him feel good she loved her ring so much. That was what he was hoping for. "You are joining a marriage club. But this one is kind a fun club too." He looked around. "We can't join right here though..." Her bottom lip got nipped and sucked on softly by Jake before he started to get up. "I'm going to need some help in the bathroom." He said quietly as he kissed and nipped her neck before moving to her earlobe. "You started this..." Jake then headed to the bathroom.
She smiled when he got up and walked to the bathroom. She gave him a minute and grabbed a few tissues. She got up and walked to the bathroom. A flight attendant told her she couldn't go in but Adri told her that Jake got really bad nose bleeds and since she had the tissues in her hand, she was allowed in without further complaint.

Adri closed and locked the door behind her and smiled at Jake, "Are we really doing this?" She asked and gave him a soft kiss on the lips. "You're going to have to stick a tissue in your nose when we leave. We are in here because you have a nose bleed."

The bathroom as bigger than the typical airplane bathroom but only slightly. It was probably as cramped as a typical bathroom with the two of them sharing the space. She had nervous tingles at the base of her spine. First at the club and now in an airplane. Where would they do it next? She giggled and wrapped her arms around him.

"Let's join the mile high club." She whispered against his lips and started to undo his belt and pants.
Jake gave Adri a weird look. The things that she came up with. But she was creative and she was able to make her way into the bathroom with him. "I can handle a tissue up my nose."

He enjoyed the fact that she was willing to do it different places. It kept things fun and exciting for them. Jake would never turn her down when she wanted to have sex. Would never happen. He would continue to find fun places to do it. Hell they could have a list. "Babe...we should make a list of places...a bucket list." He grinned and kissed her softly before moving to give her neck attention.

"Sounds like a good idea. I'm willing to pay my attendance fee." He undid her pants and pulled them and her panties down. His arms wrapped around her and lifted her up onto the sink. He kissed and nipped her neck before sucking on it. It would be a thing he'd rather her be naked but considering their space and time limit he just wanted her.
His pants fell and she pushed his boxers down. She giggled a little when he lifted her on the sink and she kissed him to keep from making too much noise. As much as she enjoyed chest to chest sex, her pants were making it hard for him to get close enough to her.

"You want a sex bucket it list?" She asked and got off of the sink. She turned around and looked over her shoulder and bent at the hip. She moved her hair to one side and looked at their reflection. "That could be fun." She unzipped her jacket and lifted her shirt and bra. It was the best she could in the situation.

"The locker room after a fight. After you get cleaned up..." She moaned when he entered her and bit her bottom lip. "No while you're dirty." She smiled and looked into his eyes throw the reflection of the mirror. "Or both."
He gave her a nod in the mirror to her question about the list. "It could be fun. It could be fun making it then checking it off." He grinned and kissed her neck.

All of Adri's suggests were hot. He could go for any or all of them. His hands went to her hips to steady her as he thrusted into her. His right hand then moved to the front of her and he grabbed her chest. "We will have to find fun places in New York babe. Maybe after you walk..." He wiggled his eyes at her in the mirror as he trusted a bit deeper into her.

His eyes stayed on hers as he worked back and forth into her. He bit her neck and shoulder to try to stay quiet. That was the bad part of public sex, trying to stay quiet. It was exciting and fun. It all was a thrill to him and he hoped she enjoyed it just as much as he did. He moaned into her ear, "You feel so good Adge."
She closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of having him inside it. The anticipation of getting caught heightening the experience. she opened her eyes to look at him and smiled happily.

"You're insane if you think we will find any place to do this at Fashion Week." She laughed and bit her lips together to keep from making too much noise again.

Her eyebrows furrowed together when he bit her neck. Her inner walls gripped him a bit tighter. "You're so bad." She whispered and looked over her shoulder. She kissed his lips gently and felt her orgasm building.
He grinned at her. "Try me. I will find a place..." Jake moved a bit faster into her as he noticed how much she was enjoying it.

"What did I do?" He looked in her eyes and kissed her back. He kept working deep into her. The more he kept moving into her the closer he got to his orgasm. Once he was ready, he moaned into her mouth as they kissed. He came deep into her as he continued to kiss her softly. "I love you." He whispered against her lips.

Once they both were finished he slid out of her and pulled his boxer briefs and pants back up and fastened them. "Thanks for joining the club with me. I wouldn't want to join it with anyone else baby." He smiled at her and kissed her softly.
Adri pushed back with her hips and hoped that no one would catch on with what they were doing. She felt him start to cum and she came soon after. "I love you too Boo." She said back and tried to catch her breath. She had him pull out slowly so a mess didn't follow him out. She did a quick clean up and pulled her pants up.

She smiled and kissed him back. "Thank you for inducting me." She giggled and rubbed his cheek. She rolled up a piece of tissue and handed it to him. She winked at him and turned to fix her hair.

When he left she locked the door behind him and stayed in the bathroom for a bit longer to fix herself a little bit more then she came out and took her seat next to him. The pilot let the passengers know they would be landing soon and she pulled the cover to the window open and looked out to see the city. She pointed for Jake to look out and watch the city that never slept with her.
Jake put the tissue in his nose just to humor her after giving her a kiss to head back out to his seat. He sat back down and looked a magazine as he waited for Adri to sit back down. Once she pointed out the window he leaned close to her and pressed his cheek to hers. "I've always wanted to visit New York. I'm kinda excited. I want some more sleep though before I venture out... Unless we both want to nap later if you get time?"

"I also want to Skype with Aim. I miss our boy." He let out a sigh and rubbed Adri's leg. "You probably don't have a lot of time to show me around." He pouted a bit but could totally site see on his own. He wanted to see the Statue of Liberty and Ground Zero for sure. He looked at her and saw the smile on her face and he just smiled bigger. It made him happy seeing how happy she was.

"What can I do for you once we get landed? You need food? Coffee? What does my fiance need?" He wanted to do anything he could to make it easier and go smoother for her.
"I don't know if I can plan a nap time right now. But maybe tonight we can do a small walk around the city. At least to Times Square and the Empire State Building. We have to go to the top before we leave." She smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I need coffee and then i need to rush to the building where I have my fitting. We might end up taking the same cab, you drop me off and then head to the hotel and get us checked in. And maybe get a fruit and cheese platter for when I get to the hotel." She smiled at him, "I kind of like having an assistant."

When the plane landed, it felt like it was taking forever for them to open the door and let them out. All of their things were carry on so it was easy, get off the plane and go. The airport had a Starbucks and she was able to order a coffee and then head out to grab a cab. She checked her phone for the address and gave it to the driver.

"I'm keeping my purse but I need you to take my carry on to the hotel." She told Jake. Her leg was bouncing with nerves. She could be sent home f the alterations were too much for the time they had to fix it. She hoped everything went alll rigth today. When the cab stopped, she gave Jake a kiss on the lips, "Keep your fingers crossed." She made sure she had her phone and purse and walked to the building.
"I have a driver for when you are done...shoot me the address and I'll make sure they are there to pick you up. I'll take care of your bags. If you need anything text me babe." Once they got to the place he kissed her and grabbed her hand before letting her leave. "It will work out. We are here for you to do Fashion Week. You will walk for it. And make your man and family more proud than we already are. I love you." He gave her another quick kiss before smacking her butt as she got out of the cab. Jake gave the driver the hotel they were staying at.

Once they arrived he got out and got checked in. He went up to the room and got settled. He left Adri's clothes in her bag he didn't want to put it somewhere she couldn't find. He skyped Amy and Owen. Jake was able to get a few smiles out of Owen. Damn he loved that kid and really missed him. He then crashed for a nap. He was exhausted. Technically he should work out but a nap made more sense.

Once he got up he showered and went out exploring. And shopping for a few things for his stay in NY. He needed jeans and a few shirts and a dress shirt for the show. He also grabbed some clothes to work out in.

While Adri was getting measured, Andre showed up looking for her.
Adri smiled at Jake, "Thanks Boo. I love you too." She shook her head when she felt he slap on her butt and closed the door behind her. She walked into the building and was told which floor she needed to go to. She didn't have to wait long to be called back.

They had a rack of outfits that she needed to try on so they could figure out which one she would wear in the show. With each outfit, they pulled her hair back and talked about what makeup would look good on her skin tone, with the outfit and still match everyone else.

They decided on a navy blue trench coat because it fit her perfectly and needed the least amount of alterations. She would be carrying a black bag along with it. She wouldn't be opening the trench coat in any way so she would be wearing nude underwear underneath, which she needed to go and get herself, and black stockings, which were provided so all the models had the same stockings. Her hair would be slicked back and braided, they would go super light on the make up so it didn't distract from the outfit.

They were almost done with her when she looked up and saw Andre' enter the room. She smiled at him, a little surprised to see him, "What are you doing here? I thought you were going back to Germany."
Andre' smiled at her. "Well I had some time before I had to get back so I figured I'd come to New York and check out Fashion Week. Plus I know this really beautiful woman that get's to walk for it. I had to come and support her. It's pretty exciting." He chuckled a bit. "Did you figure out what you are wearing? Giving any hints or do I have to wait to see it?"

He looked her over. "If you are done soon I was going to head out to grab something to eat. I'd love it if you'd join me." He grinned at her and turned up the charm.

Jake had finished up his shopping then headed back to the hotel to drop off the bags then went out walking around.
"We just figured out what I am wearing but you can't see it yet. It's super top secret. I'm not allowed to talk about it." She teased and pulled her jacket on. She slipped her shoes on and used the table for balance.

"I actually told Jake I would rush back to the hotel. It's his first time in the city, you know?" She looked at his cute smile and those deep dimples. She shook her head, "Why don't you join us? We can get late lunch and head to the Empire State Building." She ran her tongue over her teeth, "I won't have a lot of free time this week so it would be nice to have someone to show Jake around while I work."

She picked up her purse and walked to the elevator with him. "He should have a car coming to pick me up. You can hop in with me to go get him and we have an adventure."
Andre' chuckled a bit at her teasing him. "I'm sure whatever they picked out for you, you will make look pretty awesome." He smiled at her and glanced in her eyes before checking her over again.

"I don't want to intrude if you two already have plans. I didn't know that Jake was actually coming with you. I figured he'd head back to Vegas. Doesn't he have his son to take care of? He has a lot to juggle that's good he makes time for you and your dreams. Seems like he's been kind of all about him lately." He offered her a small smile. "Oh you want me to show Jake around the city?" Andre' had no desire to show her boyfriend around the city. He honestly hoped her boyfriend would leave so he could have time to hang out with Adriana by himself. "I could but would feel a little weird since I just met him last night. I'm sure he wouldn't be too fond of the idea. He seems the jealous type. I saw how he acted in London." He shook his head. "Is he always so angry like that? Quick to jump and let things get to him?"

Jake got back to the hotel and had food with him that would be easy for Adri to grab and go if she needed to. Food like fruit, veggies, yogurt, nuts, meat, cheese, and crackers and premade salads as he knew she liked salads. He hung out in their room as he waited to see how soon she would be done.

Andre' looked at her, "So what do you say to me taking you out to a quick late lunch then you can have the entire evening just you and Jake?" He smiled at her and gave her a look that most girls couldn't say no to.
"Yes. He...we have a son. He did have a fight Andre'." She shrugged her shoulder. She laughed and nodded her head, "I supposed it would be a little awkward for you. I shouldn't have asked." She rubbed her lips together and shrugged her shoulder, "He's a really nice guy Andre'. The London thing was a misunderstanding between him and I. That's all." She didn't realize how much that would paint him in a bad light. She hoped Andre' was the only one to think of Jake that way but she was sure he wasn't.

She was going to say no and get home to Jake but that look with the puppy dog eyes made it damn near impossible. "Fine, fine. A quick lunch and then I have to go. Okay?" The doors opened and they walked out. She looked for the driver and pointed at the black car that was waiting for her.

"To the hotel?" The driver asked.

Adri shook her head, "Will you take us to Just Salad?" She asked and the driver started to pull off. "I hope you don't mind. You know how it is though. I can't go to heavy on the food."
"No. I don't mind. Actually if he is cool with it. I'd love to. I would love to do that for you. I just figured he wouldn't be too receptive of it." He gave her a small shrug.

He noted a few things she pointed out to him. She corrected him on him mentioning Jake's son as well as London just being a misunderstanding. "Right I'm sorry. I'm sure he is a nice guy. He would have to be to win your heart over." He smiled at her.

Once she gave into him he grinned with success. "Quick lunch." He opened her doors for her and went down to the car with her. "Don't mind at all. I'm actually a vegetarian." He smiled at her. Not a lot of people knew that but he was. "It helps keep me slimmed down. I can't be in the gym working out all the time like some people." He chuckled a bit. He was purposely trying to give Jake little jabs. "What do you recommend there?" He sat close to her in the car, his eyes locked on her and intently listening to every word she said.
"I have thought about going vegetarian but I love bacon too much. I don't think I would be able to give up meat all together." She smiled at him, "You are a very brave soul for being able to do that." She teased.

"It's a salad bar so you build your own salad. I might go for extra protein but you can get whatever you want. Actually I might go for a fruit salad." She shrugged her shoulder. "I'm sure you'll find something you like."

She noticed how close he was and just figured it some German custom or some thing. In no time they were at the salad bar and they got out of the car. They ordered at the counter and then they were given plates so they could go and make their salads.
Andre' laughed a bit at her not being able to give up bacon. He figured if they spent enough time together he could convince her to give up meat all together. "It's not as hard as people make it out to be. You just have to be very disciplined."

Once they got there he got out with her and started making his salad once they were given their plates. He sat down and started talking to her about fashion and business. Things Jake showed very little interest in but it was mostly because he didn't know much about. Andre' did find it nice that he had someone else in the business to talk and discuss the in and outs of it. He asked about what she had planned for after Fashion week as well as what her dream booking would be. He wanted to know her more.

Jake texted Adri to see how things were going. He wasn't rushing or anything just curious if things were going well, "Hey babe, just checking in. How are things going? Well I hope." He found a movie to watch to pass time and was looking forward to hanging out with her a little when she was done.
"That's the problem. I'm not very disciplined." She laughed.

"Oh god...dream booking? Vogue of course. I want the cover of Vogue. I want to walk multiple shows in a Fashion Week. And maybe Cover Girl too but I don't want to be limited to Cover Girl make up so maybe Sephora or Mac. It's too much to think of!" She laughed. She wanted everything but those are what she wanted most.

She didn't feel her phone go off so she didn't reply to Jake. She found it refreshing to openly speak about fashion and her goals with out thinking about having to scale it down and remember that she had a son that needed to be taken care of.

"You know I'm really happy you're here. And that we got Calvin Klein together. You are so nice and cool. I can see this being a nice long friendship."
Andre' liked her dreams. "Those are some pretty awesome dreams to go after. I'm sure most of those will come true." He smiled at her as he ate and they talked a bit. "Do you see that happening with Jake's son? I'm sure it's easy now cause he's still little but once he gets older wouldn't it be harder?" It was his goal to get her to rethink her relationship and future with Jake. She had some big dreams to go after and Jake would never hold her back from any of them but Andre' didn't know that and he would use Jake and Owen to his advantage if it meant getting closer to Adri.

"I'm glad I'm here too. Calvin Klein was really fun to do with you and the party last night was a blast. I just wish we had more time to hang out but I know with all of Jake's stuff going on it made time limited and you were probably exhausted. It kind of stinks something so amazing for you had to get cut kind of short cause of him. I'm sure you are used to it though." He smiled a little. "I think you a pretty awesome yourself and I hope this is a nice long friendship."

Jake checked his phone after awhile and just figured she was too busy to text back. He didn't know if he should eat or wait. He waited a bit longer to see if she at least texted back. He shot her another after awhile. "Should I wait for food babe?"
"It feels harder now. He doesn't know why we are gone so long. And I know he won't remember these times but I don't want to be at a job with Jake and have to watch Owen take his first steps or say his first words over a camera. Like I don't want that. At least when he's older he will be able to travel with us." She shrugged her shoulder. "We don't really talk about it and I don't like to think about it honestly." She sighed. She thought she was talking to a friend and someone she could trust so she was letting lose in a way.

She tilted her head, "No we left early because I had to come here for this. We wouldn't have been in LA if it weren't for the launch party. If anything, I'm taking him away from getting back on his schedule. It's complicated when we travel. It's hard to explain."

She still didn't text back because she couldn't feel her phone go off in her purse which was on the chair next to her. She enjoyed her fruit salad and talking to Andre but before she knew it an hour had passed and it was really time to go.

"I should get to the hotel. I will talk to you soon. Okay?" She wanted to take a nap before heading out on the town with Jake but it was looking like she wasn't going to get that.
Andre' listened to her and couldn't help but look into her eyes. "I can understand what you are saying. I just hope you get to do everything you want to. It seems hard when you have a family. I think it would be easier for me to find someone to date that is also in the business."

"Oh I see. Jake just seemed annoyed most of the night." Andre' decided to feed off of Jake being off his schedule. "But I tried not to pay too much into it, as I was enjoying hanging out with you." He smiled at her.

His plan of kind of bashing Jake wasn't entirely working. She seemed to love him so he may have to step up his game just a bit. "Oh you have to go?" He seemed bummed. "Let me walk you out to the car. I'll grab a cab." She was escorted out, "Why don't you bring it over Jake about me showing him around. I honestly would love to do that if he's up for it. I kind of don't see him liking that idea though. He seemed not too fond of me at the party." He gave her a hug. "I had a good time grabbing lunch with you. I'll see you around this week I'm sure."

Jake ended up falling asleep on the sofa while he waited for Adri.
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