Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

"Okay, correction. Asthmatic kid." Jake smiled at her and kissed her cheek.

She brought up a good point about his shirt irritating it. "I'm just afraid of coming off by itself. But you may be right about it being irritated." Once the got to the Indian place he pulled his shirt on and went in with her getting a table. He sat across from her and looked at the menu. He wasn't sure what he wanted, he too was starving and everything looked good.

"I can't decide babe, everything looks good. I should have asked the guy what he recommended." Jake did order an alcoholic beverage, he could have one now he wasn't training but he didn't want to have too much because he still wanted to be the best.
"It'll be fine as long as you don't move too much." She told him and shrugged her shoulder. If it continued to bother him they could take their food back to the hotel and he could walk around with out a shirt. "We are going to have to wrap it up before bed though. I don't want you sticking to the sheets."

She looked over the menu and tried to decide what he wanted. "I might go with the Amritsari Chicken Tikka. I hope it's spicy. I'm in the mood for hot." She smiled at Jake and looked at the beverages. Adri stuck to water with dinner.

A waitress came over and set their drinks on the table. She placed a basket on naan down as well and if they were ready took their orders.
"Do we have something to wrap it with? Do you travel with Saran wrap?" He gave her a weird look.

Jake thought Adri's dish did look delicious but he decided on the Biryani and Samosas. "I'm sure we can ask for hot." When the waitress came back he let Adri order first then he ordered for himself. He did ask for his Biryani to be spicy, extra spicy. Jake liked hot stuff.

He pulled at the Naan and ate a bit. "This is really good." He took a few more bites. and looked at the tattoo on his finger. "Does your hurt?" Jake loved his tattoos and he hoped Adri liked hers and his as well. "So...I have a question for you." He looked down not sure how he should ask, or what her reaction would be. "Will it bother you if I don't wear my wedding ring all the time? With training and fights...I can't sometimes. Are you okay with that?" He thought a moment. "Or I've seen they make silicone rings, maybe I can get a real nice one to where normally but then while I train and stuff I can wear the silicone one. Just a thought."
"I can go get Saran Wrap, Jake." She laughed a little bit and shook her head.

Adri asked for her spicy as well and smiled at the waitress as she walked away. She picked at the naan but she wanted to eat it with her dish. "Oh goodness." She said softly when he looked down. "You already proposed. What else could you possibly ask me?"

She relaxed when it was only about the ring. "You can't wear it all of the time but I would like it if you wore it when you weren't training. We can do a silicon ring if you want." She agreed. "During fights I can put it on a chain around my neck or something. As long as there isn't some sinister meaning behind not wearing it, I don't mind." She looked at him and laughed. "Why are you so stressed about that?" She asked and took a sip of her water.
He laughed a bit. "True you probably could. Let's just not use tin foil, it may get a bit loud in bed." Jake laughed again.

After taking a drink he gave a shrug. "I'd like both. A nice one and a silicone one. The silicone ones can't be too expensive." He gave her another shrug. "It's just. I knew you didn't want to take your ring off. Before everyone knew...I just know what it means to you and what it means to me but I also don't want to break a finger cause it gets caught on something while I am training. It means something to me too." He spoke kind of quiet before taking another drink and eating more naan.

"What did you think I was going to ask you? You thought it was something way serious." He chuckled a bit. "I mean we are engaged. Have a house, dog and baby. What else is there?" He laughs and before long the waitress brings the food and Jake digs in, being a bit hungry. Adri's phone went off and it was a picture of Amy and Luke cheek to cheek, with a caption saying, 'Officially dating.' Then tells her not to tell Jake yet.
"I can't be mad at you for taking yours off when I have to take mine off to sometimes. We have the tattoos. So when we aren't wearing our rings we have something that symbolizes our commitment and love for each other." She shrugged her shoulder. "I would love for us to wear them all the time but with our careers it's not possible so I will take what I can get." She reached out and rubbed the back of his hand.

She shrugged her shoulder, "I don't know. The last serious conversation we had was about moving to LA. A car wouldn't be that big of a deal. A boat maybe. That would need a serious conversation before we got one." She laughed. "I'm just glad it was't too bad."

She picked up her phone and smiled at the picture. She rolled her eyes and put it back in her purse. "Would you want a big wedding or a small wedding?" She asked curiously.
He caressed her finger with his thumb before starting to eat. "I know but not everyone can see it. But most people if they know who I am, will know I'm married." His eyes looked over her food. "Want to try mine? I'll try yours?"

"I actually do kind of want to get a Harley..." He gave a shrug. "Eventually. But that was before Owen, and I can't exactly put a carseat on it." He chuckled a bit. "I also figured you'd be against it."

Jake really thought over the question she was asking. He wasn't sure what he wanted. "Baby I think a wedding at a castle is kind of a big wedding." He laughed a it. "Baby I don't care how big it is. I just want to marry you. You'll be the only person I worry about that night anyway. I just want to marry you and dance with you all night. What do you want?" All of the food was amazing, their tattoo artist had a good suggestion. Jake could just keep eating, but knew he shouldn't. "What colors are you thinking?"
She agreed to tasting each other's food and his was a bold in your face spine while hers was a mild tingle on your tongue spice. They were both delicious though.

"We are going to have to talk about a Harley." She was fine with him wanting a sports car but a motorcycle was something totally different. Other people didn't know how to drive with motorcycles sharing the road. The thought of him being in an accident scared her. "I'm not against it. I just need to think about it. Do you even know how to ride?" She asked. If he had experience, she would be more comfortable with the iea but if he had to learn she would be a little more freaked out.

"A wedding at a castle." She said softly. That was about all she knew she wanted. She shrugged her shoulders to what colors she wanted. She had no idea. That was why she intended on hiring a planner. She just had to pick what they put time and effort into creating for her. She hoped it was that easy, at least. "We have time." She told him procrastinating on even thinking about it right now.
Jake liked her food but felt his was just a little bit better.

"I'm totally open to talking. You know Pop has a Harley." He threw that out there, it could be a thing he did with his dad, take their bikes out and go on small short trips. "I do know how to ride. I'd have to get my license in Vegas though. I could get one where you can sit on the back. I could take you rides on it too..." He wanted her to knew that too. It could be something they can do together.

"What's your favorite color?" He didn't mind he let a wedding planner plan the wedding but he wanted them to have a say and assist in the planning. After all it is their wedding. "I want to pick the colors that fit us...Like I like red and black..." Maybe they could use red with whatever color she liked. Black probably wasn't the best for a wedding. He really hope she didn't just keep pushing off making decisions on the wedding. He could marry her on the spot.

"We will have to find a place for desert. I want something sweet."
"Is your dad going to move to Vegas? Has he talked about it?" She asked. She would love for all of Owen's grandparents to be around and be involved in his life for more than a phone call or summer trip. "What am I am going to do with you? You're turning into my tattoo covered, motorcycle riding bad boy. You're what wet dreams are made of." She teased and blew him a kiss. "I would be interested in the occasional ride, I guess."

She leaned in and smiled, "I heard the vibrations of a motorcycle are better than the vibrations of a certain toy I have at home." She whispered because they were in a family friendly environment. "It was on Dumb Ways to Die though, so probably not something I would want to try out." She laughed.

"Green." she said and shook her head. "We are not doing our favorite colors. Red and green will forever be Christmas colors." She smiled at him, "Thank you for trying though. I'll figure it all out Boo. We only just got engaged. No need to stress over it right now."

She nodded her head to dessert. "That sounds amazing. Especially after spicy food. We will find something when we walk around. I am sure of it."
Jake nodded, "He has. He is looking for a place. He wants something small. It doesn't have to be big. But he wants to be near us and Owen." He looked down and debated sharing more. "Pop feels like he's missed enough. He doesn't want to miss more. He wants Owen to know his grandpa. But he doesn't want to intrude or step over your parents either. He's being very considerate." Jake took a drink. "I want him around. I love having him around." He missed out on a lot with his father. "I'd be up for an occasional ride as well." He made it sound like a sexual reference but was joking.

"Woah hold have toys at home?" He smiled at her. "That just turned weird..." He was referring to the ways to die and he laughed. "Let's not try that exactly then huh?"

"What about green and a grey?" He knew they had time to decide but he had an idea. Why not go with it.

"Ice cream or something sounds good..." He knew they could find something that or he'd keep walking until he did. They would be on a mission. "No settling for room service desert either."
"Well I am happy that he is sticking around." She smiled at Jake. Now all they had to do was convince his mother to move down here but that would be the hardest task to overcome. She really was happy that his father was sticking around. Now they could have that relationship, she could tell Jake craved rowing up. "Don't tell my mother I said this but I am sure my dad would love to join you and your on bike trips. He used to ride dirt bikes, all of my brothers did, actually. He got into a really bad accident one time though and broke his collar bone, a couple ribs, his pinky toe and his wrist and mom made told him he was too old and had too many kids to be doing stupid things like riding a dirt bike. To appease her he sold his dirt bike but he kept his motorcycle in a storage unit. She wa spissed whens he found out he still had it but now it just sits in the garage collecting dust. He wants to take it to Sturgis or whatever once time before he sells it. You guys could make it a guy trip. Take Luke with you and Amy and I will have a girl's weekend at the house." She smiled at Jake.

She nodded her head, not very convincingly though. "We could do green and grey." She thought about it and pursed her lips. How would their bridesmaids and his groomsmen look in green and grey? There was too much to think about with the wedding. "I will buy a magazine and we can look through it together to see what we like...when we get home. Okay? I don't want to commit to anything right now. I want to show off my pretty ring and tell everyone the good news."

She nodded her head to ice cream. "But those chocolate covered strawberries tasted so good Boo." She teased, "We will get dessert from out here. Don't worry." She laughed. "We just have to find something."
Jake enjoyed listening to the story about Adri's parents and her father having a bike. "Oh man...your mom probably flipped when he got hurt. Thad had to have been a pretty bad wreck." He could see Adri getting mad if that happened to Jake. "So...beautiful...does that mean that I can get one?" He turned his head to the side but kept his eyes on her with a goofy smile. "Does any of your brothers have motorcycles? We all could go. That could be freaking awesome. Sturgis is epic. I'd have to a wicked awesome bike to take it to Sturgis. Would you watch O?" A trip to Sturgis with the boys would be a good time. "Would you get leather pants to wear on the bike?" He could picture how sexy she'd look in leather pants on the back of his bike.

"You are right. We have time. I'm just happy and excited babe." He smiled at her and held her hand letting his fingers play with hers a moment. "You like it huh? Your ring? If not I can totally take it back..." Jake teased her.

"We can get those too...and have fun like we did with them. But I also want something else." Jake paid for their meals and hot up with her to head out shopping. He put his arm around her shoulders as they started walking. It was his arm opposite his tattoo side. They walked to a few stores and shops to find something for Owen and Max. "Maybe we can find them both a blanket. They both can lay on it."
Adri rolled her eyes and sighed, "I suppose. As long as you always wear a helmet and you are safe. I think my oldest brother does. But he wouldn't be able to go with you guys, unless you had a second bike for him to ride." She smiled, all of the boys together on a trip. What could possibly go wrong? "No you'd have to take him with you. It's a boys trip." She teased. "Of course I'd watch him. He can wear an avacado mask with Amy and I." She smiled at Jake and shrugged her shoulder. What else would Owen do with the ladies?

"Yeah right, you're never getting this bad boy back. It was made just for me." She wiggled her fingers so it sparkled.

She nodded her head to a blanket, "Max would probably need his own blanket. He'd get it smelly and he's not very good at sharing." She said softly. She found a cardboard cut out of Prince Harry. "Maybe we can get that." She pointed to it and walked over. "I can put it in my office. I think he'd make a fine addition to the decor."
"I can get a cool looking helmet. Like a skull one or one that makes me look like Iron Man." Jake's face lit up. "Fine I'll get him a side car to ride in. He'd be the coolest baby at Sturgis. But if all the guys have to go, I'm taking Max." He smiled and kissed Adri's temple. "No. My son is not wearing an avocado mask. But I'm sure he would love to drink some milk while watching a chick flick."

Jake kissed her head. "Damn right it was made just for you." There was no one else he even would have thought about having something made for. If it wasn't Adriana, it wouldn't be anyone. The more he thought about that, the more he kind of wanted to rush through shopping to get her back to the hotel. But he promised her shopping so he had to deliver.

"That's kinda what I meant. We get two blankets because they both could lay on it. We could lay them both on their own blankets on the floor. That way neither can get mad the other is on their blanket." Jake saw the cut out. "We can't bring it home. Airport security won't allow it." He shook his head. "No." He shook his head again. "Unless I get one of Kate Middleton. Then...maybe." He gave her a little pat on the behind as he walked by her as he looked at blankets for the boys.
Adri pouted and shrugged her shoulder, "If you must." She smiled. "I would have the entire house to myself. You know, it's not that bad of a bargain." She laughed and nodded her head, "He will embrace his feminine side and his masculine side."

She looked at the Prince harry cut out and sighed. "Fine." She grumbled and tried not to smile when he patted her butt. She found two blankets with the London sky line on them but she thought about and put on back. She grabbed another with all of the tourist destinations on it and they had their two blankets. "This way the baby doesn't get wrapped up in the dog's blanket." She saw a third blanket with London written all over in different fonts and grabbed it, "And one for us. Or me to curl up in, when you steal the all of the covers." She smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

"Are you sure we can't take Prince Harry home?" She asked and put her hand on Jake's thigh. "I could leave him in the LA apartment so you wouldn't have to be jealous. He's just a prince, Boo, you will always be my king." She said sweetly.
Jake rested his chin on her shoulder and looked at the blankets. "Good thinking getting them different ones. You're so smart. I knew I kept you around for a reason." He teased and kissed her cheek. "Baby I do NOT steal the covers. You do that. I get too hot half the time anyway."

He looked at some other touristy stuff. "You know when we go visit my mother...we never brought Pop. Don't even think about bringing it up. I don't care she wouldn't have come but if she finds out I brought him she will..." He shook his head. "Just don't." He grabbed a collector's London spoon for his mom. He didn't know if she would even like it, but she did collect them, but it was his mother after all. He found a black polo shirt with London written in red on it. It was prefect as it was his two favorite colors.

Adri was super adorable. But he couldn't help but think she just was being cute to get her cut out. "First of all...I'm not jealous of a cardboard cut out. Second of all...when I have these..." He flexed his bicep. "I have nothing to be jealous about with him..." Jake grinned at Adri. " can get it. Hell I'll even buy it for you. BUT...but my love, you have to carry him all the way back to the hotel. No getting a taxi." He grinned and kissed her cheek before he took their things to the front of the store to pay.
"Yeah, you're hot because you have all of the covers." She teased and smiled.

She smiled again when he pick up a souvenir spoon. It obviously wasn't for him and he was talking about his mother. He may not like her right now but she was happy that he was open to accepting her into his life again. "You had every right to bring him. You ask her to come to fights all the time and she says no. You asked him and he said yes. You have nothing to feel bad about. If she gets jealous or upset, she needs to realize that you have tried to open that door and she won't step in." Adri shrugged her shoulder and smiled at Jake. "I'm glad you brought your dad." She said honestly. He needed his dad more than he needed his mother.

She thought about his proposal and rubbed her lips together. Was it worth it? She watched him walk up front and looked at the cut out. "You wanna go with me?" She asked the cut out and then picked it up and took it up front. "And one Prince Harry to go." She smiled at Jake and kissed his cheek. "You know this might be really nice to have. if someone ever broke into the LA apartment while I was gone and the robber saw this in the dark, they would freak out and run away. So he's not just a pretty face. he's a protector too."
Jake rolled his eyes and let out a sigh. "No..."

"I know that but she won't see it that way. She will see it as I picked him over her. Or I'm wiling to treat him to a vacation and not her. know how she is. That or she will give him a hard time for supporting my career. It just a mess waiting to happen." He hated he had to watch what he said and did around his mother. The more he thought about what she did to he and Amy the angrier he got and the more he was okay with not letting her back in. He was still really angry about all of it. "I've had the damn door open Adge and she slams it in my face but takes the time to yell at me first and put me down."

Jake busted up laughing when she set the cut out at the front desk. "Adriana! Seriously? How are we getting him home? You buying him a plane ticket?" He rolled his eyes and shook his head to him being a protector too. "Put him back..." He gave her a stern look. "You are lucky I love you...they a shipping one to LA. I'm not trying to fly with that thing." He waited for the lady to ring everything up and he handed his card to her. While he waited for her to give it back after running it he looked Adri over. "I'm a little disappointed, you didn't even comment on my muscles. Maybe I need to let myself go and look dorky like Prince Harry." She gave him all their items in a bag. "Thank you." He walked out with Adri.
"Well you know it's not the truth and that's all you can do." She shrugged her shoulder because she didn't know what else she could tell him.

She nodded her head, "If I have too." She smiled and poked his hip. She laughed when he told her they were shipping one home. She put the cut out back and kissed Jake's cheek. "I love you too."

"Noo. Don't yourself go." She stepped closer to him and kissed him softly, "I love all of your muscles. And you better be careful how you talk about the royals. The brits don't play when it comes to their royal family." She whispered. She took his free hand and walked with him. "Now the search for some dessert." She declared and pointed which direction they should try.

"How is your tattoo? I can feel my heart beat in my finger. Feels weird."
Jake shrugged about being careful after kissing Adri back. "I could take just about anyone. I'm fine." He smiled, "But I'll keep it in mind to be more respectful. Sorry to put down your boyfriend."

His fingers laced with hers as they walked into the direction she pointed in. "What sounds good baby? I was thinking ice cream but I could totally do some sort of pie or something. I guess I will know when I find it. "

"My finger is fine. I can kinda feel the pulse too. But my ribs are a bit sore. Not gonna lie. Will you put lotion on it when we get back to the hotel?" He stopped walking a moment. "We will have to find non-fragrance lotion or do you think your aloe stuff would work?" The thought of it burning just made him cringe. He had a nice size to cover.

Jake was enjoying having free time with Adri and just being able to spend some time alone together. They hadn't had any time alone since before Owen was born. "Babe? I was thinking maybe a date night every week, just you and I would nice. Even if it's just going out to dinner it would be nice. We could even let your mom and dad watch Owen so they get their time together with him."
"I could go for some ice cream." She agreed and kept her eye for an ice cream shop.

"We can go back to the shop and buy the tattoo lotion. I didn't think of it before but that might be the best stuff for something that big. I'd hate to use the wrong stuff and screw the artistry of it."

She nodded her head to a date night. "We can do that, sure. I'm sure your dad would love to watch him too. And Luke, even though he is scared to hold him. It's hard to figure out who is the baby between those two. Him or Owen." She smiled at Jake and pointed a a cte little shop. "They might have some ice cream."
Jake thought about a bit. "Yeah it probably would be easiest. We could just use regular lotion but I'm not sure where to find that here. We can use it on yours too. Let's do that after our ice cream. Then we can head back if you want." He kissed her temple.

"I kinda forgot about dad. I guess I didn't know if he would want to watch him by himself." He laughed a little at her comment about Luke. "Well, maybe sometimes he'd want to watch him, I have a feeling the two will be buddies once he gets old enough to start running around and he knows he won't break him." Jake missed his little guy. A lot. "I also thought that maybe Luke and Amy may want to double date every once in a while. Not all the time. I like my alone time with you but it could be fun to go out together and hang out. Like you said it could be cool." He was trying to be open to Luke and Amy.

"Okay babe." He walked with her to the shop and they in fact did have ice cream and other chocolates and candies. "Uh oh. Lots of choices here." They also have chocolate covered strawberries and chocolate turtles. He started at looking those over then looked at the flavors of ice cream. "What flavor looks babe? What's your favorite?"
"That sounds good to me. Hopefully it speeds up the healing time too. I can't wait to see what it really looks like when it healed."

She laughed, "I mean he has only been in your life for a week or so. Forgetting about him is kind of easy, I guess." She nodded her head, "Yeah I can see Owen and Uncle Luke having a grand old time together." She smiled at the double date idea, "That sounds really fun. We could go to a nice dinner or we could take them mini golfing and beat their asses at some tag team mini golf."

Her sweet tooth started to ache when they walked into the sweets shop. They had wall lined with candy so you could create your own bag. They also had cheap little souvenirs and novelty items. "Are you kidding? I want it all." She told him and looked at the ice cream choices. "I will take a scoop of cookies and cream and chocochip cookie dough and brownie batter in a waffle cone...dipped...with sprinkles." She smiled at the girl taking her order and then smiled at Jake. "What it's cheat day." She looked past him at all of the candy and rubbed her lips together.
"You just want to drool over it." He teased. It was still pretty sore and he was honestly ready to get his shirt off.

"It's not that I forget him babe. I just didn't think he'd want to watch the little guy by himself. It's not like he really got to have practice with us. Well I guess he did me more than Aim." Jake smiled at Adri when she was coming up with double date ideas. "Damn I love you. Kicking their asses at anything sounds fun to me. I'm in."

Jake just looked at her when she kept going on with the different ice cream flavors and sprinkles. "You just confirmed one of the many reasons I have to marry you." He looked at the choices and was struggling with narrowing it down. "I'll take cookies and cream, cake batter, chocolate peanut butter and cappuccino. Also waffle cone, dipped and sprinkles. That's why I love it's a cheat day apparently." Jake pointed to Adri. He looked at her. "We getting a goodie bag and maybe one for your parents?" He looked over the chocolates. "I don't like coconut..." Jake had the girl grab a few cashew turtles and chocolate covered strawberries for their own bag as well as some truffles and peanut butter cups. As the girl made their bags another one handed their ice cream to them.
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