Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

His eyes widened, "You don't have to tell me you are expensive. I know. I've went shopping with you remember?" He teased back. "It just means when I get home I get more massages." She worked a spot by his rib on his side and made a face like it was a tender spot.

He kissed her back and watched her closely a moment, his eyes squinting. Why was she talking like this and all of a sudden worried about it? Or if it wasn't a sudden worry, why was she bringing it up now. "Adge?" He sat up a bit on his elbows. "Where is all this coming from?" His hand reached up and caressed her cheek. She needed to know he'd walk out of the ring...what was she talking about? Why wouldn't he walk out?

Jake smiled when she kissed his cheek then mentioned calling Owen. "Yes please. Let's check on our baby boys." He was excited to tell her parents he won too.
"Does it matter?" She asked softly. "You are important to me. Your health is important to me. This fight could have been so much worst. Any of them. I want to do this with after every fight. I want to see you become champion but I want you to be by my side more." She told him and took a deep breath. His job wasn't easy and she wasn't going to ask him to give it.

She was glad for the diversion in Owen. She tucked the sheet around her to cover herself up and she grabbed her phone. She face timed her mother and they waited for her to pick up.

"Hi you two." Her voice rang out before her picture popped onto the screen. "Someone just ate and got his diaper changed so perfect timing." She flipped the camera around so they could see Owen bouncing away in his rocker and sucking his pacifier like a madman.

Adri smiled, "How is he doing mom?" She asked and curled up next to Jake.

"He's much better now. The medicine is working and so is that air purifier. Nothing but the best for me grandson." She draped a blanket over his legs and tucked him into it.

"He had a little cough and mom took him to his doctor. I didn't want to worry you and if it was worst I would have told you straight away. It looks like he is fine now. I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I needed you to keep your head in the game." Adri explained.
No it didn't matter, he was just curious. But it made him that more curious that she didn't want to tell him.

Jake snuggled close to Adri so they both could see. A huge smile formed on his face when he saw Owen. "Hey big guy." Jake wrapped his arm around her as she asked her question. Then he heard her mom talk about medicine and his eyebrows burrowed and he looked at Adri. He listened to her explain what had been going on. He understood why she did it but was still a bit upset about her keeping it from him.

He turned back to her mom. "Well thank you for looking after him. Sorry for the trouble to have to take him to the doctor and give him medicine and stuff. What did they say was wrong with him? How has he been otherwise? Eating okay? Sticking to his scheduling pretty well?"

After he got the scoop on what was going on with his son he decided to tell them he won. "Well I won my fight. I got a nasty cut on my head." He turned to show her mom, "So you may not want to watch the fight unless you want to see me bleed all over the cage." He smiled a bit, "I think I made someone pretty nervous and worried." He looked at Adri with a smile before kissing her cheek.
"He might be allergic to dust or it could be the pollen. You have to take him to get an allergen test to find out completely but his asthma was acting up and now he needs a little medicine in the morning with feeding time. Then he is settled for the day and he gets it again at night. It's really easy...when he cooperates. Other than that he has been perfect. He eats like a starved man and yes, I have kept him to his schedule." She told Jake and rubbed Owen's tiny hand.

"How was your fight?" Upon hearing that he won she was very happy for him. She wasn't going to watch it but she was happy that he won. "She knew what she was getting into when she started working for you. I'm sure she can take whatever you have to throw at her." Adri smiled and kissed Jake. "You guys get some sleep and enjoy the rest of your trip. We love you. Congratulations on winning Jacob." In the back they could hear her father say the same thing.

"Have a good day mom and dad. Love you." Adri said and suppressed a yawn. When Jake said his goodbye she hung up and relaxed in bed. "I love you Jake." She told him and kissed his cheek. She turned off the light and tried to get some sleep.
Jake listened carefully to what is going on with his little buddy. "Thank you. I'll get him tested as soon as I get back." His poor little guy. He knew he hated that stupid mask thing in the hospital so that probably was what she meant about him cooperating.

He gave Adri a kiss back. Her mother was right, she knew what she was getting into from the beginning. He wouldn't use that line though and make her want to leave. "I'm sure she can handle anything. She had good parents to raise her to." And Jake meant every word of that. He said his good byes to her parents and to Owen and thanked them again for taking good care of Owen.

Jake looked at her. "I love you too." He shook his head. "No no. no going to bed so quick...can we talk about you keeping him being sick from me? I understand why you did it. I do...but it still bothers me a bit babe."
She kept the light off but she didn't go to sleep. "What was I supposed to do Jake? Tell you and let your mind wander while you were in the ring? When I found out you were already nervous enough. I wasn't going to add another thing to the plate to make even more nervous. Mom kept me updated and if it had gotten worst, if he was admitted to the hospital I would have told you in a heartbeat. Mom had that handled. There was no need to worry you." She said softly and sighed.

She yawned and rubbed her lips together. "Next time I will tell you okay? I'm tired Jake. I want to go to sleep." She turned on her side facing away from him and closed her eyes. She was sleepy but all she could hear was Bisping threatening Jake. She supposed she should tell him or maybe tell Dana but it was her word against his. Or how they would see, it was a nervous fiancé's word against her future husband's future opponent.

She should probably talk to Luke. He would tell her what to do and help her out.
He let out a sigh and looked at her in the dark. "Like I said I understand why you kept it from me. I do. But I had to voice that it bothers me a bit too. I'm just explaining how I feel about it. So I don't keep it to myself and blow up later." It was something he promised her he would do. He would try to talk his feelings out with her.

Jake shook his head a bit. "Alright...." He didn't say anything else about it but rolled over to get some sleep himself. He had no idea the things going through her head or what she was so worried about it. If he knew he could try to explain things and make her feel better. He pulled the covers up a bit and got comfortable before starting to fall asleep.

He slept pretty good but woke up early in the morning hurting a bit and trying to go back to sleep.
"Then I will tell you next time." She snapped lightly and pulled the blanket over her shoulder. She took a deep breath and sighed. She closed her eyes and tried to get some sleep. She slept for about an hour before a nightmare woke her up. She stared at the ceiling for a little bit and tried to quiet her mind so she could go back to sleep but it was no use. She was still battling the time change. She would be awake at this time normally and her brain was awake.

She slipped out of the bed and slipped on some pajamas. She put on her robe and walked out to the balcony. She looked out at the city and watched people walk around. Were they going to work or were they staggering home after a night of drinking, she wondered. She looked up at the sky and watched the moon for a little bit.

She decided to go for a workout to tire out her body. When she came back, Jake was still sleeping. She took a shower and got back in bed. She was able to get a little more sleep in but it felt more like a nap than anything. This time she didn't try to fight it. She went to the living room and watched some early morning news and talk shows. She sent Luke a text asking if they could meet up to talk about a few things. She wasn't expecting a reply this early in the morning so she watched the shows until she did get a reply. They were all boring enough to lull her back to sleep on the couch.
"Not what saying either..." He sighed.

Jake slept through it all but early in the morning when he woke up and moved to wrap his arm around her, he instead found an empty cold bed. Jake hated empty cold beds. With her traveling so much he had to sleep alone a lot and he hated it. It just never felt right without Adri next to him. They had shared a bed together for most of their relationship.

He pulled the covers off him and placed his feet on the ground. He wincef from some of the pain in his ribs. After using the restroom he saw Adri on couch with the tv on. He hoped she wasn't still upset about the Owen ordeal.

Jake crawled on Adri and laid his head on her chest, his back against the back of the couch wincing the whole time. He pulled a blanket over both of them and closed his eyes.
Adri jumped when Jake crawled over her. She sleepy moved around and he laid on top of her. She rubbed his back and stared at the pattern on the ceiling. It was looking like today was a four hour of sleep sort of day. She would be fueled by coffee and tea.

Her phone buzzed underneath her and she had to wiggle and twist her arm under her to get it. She was happy to see a text from Luke telling her they could meet right now if she wanted too.

"Jake, I need you to get up and get back in bed." She said softly. "I'm going to go to the gym with Luke before everyone gets up."
Jake looked at Adri. "Why are you working out with Luke?" She was acting weird but was kind of annoyed about the situation so he just got up and winced in pain a bit. "Sorry for wanting to lay with my girlfriend. Won't happen again."

He went back to the bedroom and got in pulling the blankets over him. He was in a lot of pain. Like he just got hit by a truck. He did Belfort. He tried to get back to sleep.

Luke assumed it actually was about Amy and himself. "Do I need to be worried?" Luke texted back.
"Because I haven't worked out in a while and he is the closest thing I have to a trainer." She rolled her eyes at his attitude and got off of the couch. She changed into a pair of yoga pants and a tank top. She grabbed a bottle of water and kissed Jake's forehead before leaving.

She replied to Luke's text telling him to meet her at the gym. She worked out earlier but there was nothing wrong with working out twice in a day.

"Do you remember when Bisping came over to the table last night? I said he congratulated me on the engagement and he did but he said something else and normally I would be able to shake it off but I can't this time." She said softly.

"I need to know Jake won't die when he is in there. I don't want a fight to turn from him fighting to fight to fighting for his life. Is it possible for another fighter to take it too far and kill his opponent? Are there ways to stop that from happening if it starts?"
Luke was in the gym and gave her a hello nod when she walked over. He started working out and listened as Adri began to explain Bisping coming over to the table. Whatever he said he really had Adri shook up and Luke could see that.

He stopped working out and let out a sigh. "Adri..." He let out another sigh. How did he explain this to her where it could ease her mind but also be truthful. "Do I have to answer this?" He asked quietly but he knew he had to. "Look Adri...Jake and I both have been doing this a long time. The UFC has been around for a long time. MMA has been around even longer. They have trained medics and refs to not let a fight get out of hand. That's why they call fights when the fighters aren't defending themselves that's why they are starting to require more testing before fights." He looked down and sighed. "But they are fighting. In a rare...very rare circumstance, yes something could happen. But there is a higher chance it won't. I can't promise that he doesn't have some underlining issue and then he gets in the cage and something happens. No one can. But that could happen in the cage or out on some situations. But the fighter...also needs to know when to tape out." The last sentence was spoken quietly.

Luke looked her over. "What did he say to you that has you this shook up Adri? You know he was probably just drunk and running his mouth. Why are you more worried of him dying then being seriously hurt? What's going on?"
The didn't make her feel very good. She knew he would always be in a position where something could go really wrong but with the threat fresh in her mind she wanted to know he would be safe. "He said he would tap if he ever met his limit. He just can't say that out loud because then everyone would know he would tap." She shook her head and shrugged her shoulder.

"I hope he was just drunk and running his mouth. I don't trust him though." She rubbed her lips together and sighed, "He said he wouldn't have a hard time snapping Jake's elbow, which I imagine is career ending. And he added, or his neck and that is life ending. And when I talked to Jake he said Bisping could be his next fight in order to truly claim the third position and I don't know if I want him in the ring with Bisping. I don't know if I can watch that fight." She shook her head and wiped the corner of her eyes.

"I've never felt this way about his job before. And I try to be supportive but I have to watch him get beat up. I have to get him ice packs after a fight and nurse him back to health just to get beat up again. And i know anything could happen and he could die in the ring but to be told that some guy who has never met him could easily snap his neck is the worst feeling in the world. I don't want to worry about him dying."
Luke listened to Adri then when he saw her wipe her eyes he wrapped his arms around her into a hug. He had no idea what to say to her to make her feel better. It was a think he wasn't sure if could make her feel better or if it was something only Jake could do. Part of him thought, she knew what she was getting into before they started dating but it wasn't entirely his place to say something.

"Adri I think he was just running his mouth. Dana wouldn't let something like that just happen. I can't say he's not going to try to seriously hurt Jake, but knowing what he said I can train Jake to not get in a submission and if he does to tap so he doesn't break his elbow. He just brought up his elbow cause that's what got hurt last fight. He's trying to get in your head to get in his head. Think about it. What is Jake's biggest weakness? You. And Owen. If anyone looks at either of you the wrong way it sets him off. You two are his life. So of course he's going to get in your head. To make you get on Jake to either not fight or fight safe." He moved and sat down on a bench.

"I'm going to be real with you. Because I feel it's the only way to be." He looked down a moment thinking of the words that would come next. "Jake is an amazing fighter." He looked up at her. "He has the skill and determination to go far. But he is human and eventually he is going to lose. I hope it's not horrible. But it's going to happen. Every great fighter loses from time to time. But he wants to be champion and honestly Bisping is an asshole. He's getting in your head to cause problems so if they do fight he stands a chance. It's all about get in your opponents head. Bisping is probably not his worst opponent. Weidman and Rockhold are fucking beasts. They are guys who have finished other fighters that less than five people have finished. Honestly he should be worrying about them and not Bisping. But if he has to beat him to get there you know he will take that fight on. But he has to be there mentally. Bisping knows that. He probably knows if he gets into your head to second guess and worry about him you are going to put a bug in Jake's ear. Who knows maybe it will even start a fight between you two." He let out a sigh. "I've been around when you two fight. Hell I've been around when you're working. He's different. Bisping is probably banking on that. Winning in MMA is mental, skill, and technique. I can only train him so much. The rest is on him." His hand ran through his hair. "My best advice on how you can help him, is back him up. What you did for this fight...was perfect. Back him up. Let him know he can win and will win but if for some odd chance he doesn't you're going to be right here. You knew his job was dangerous when you started dating him...not that my opinion matters, but you can't ask him to change that now. But with that ring on your finger you probably should decide if you could deal with whatever happens. Whatever it could be." He hoped that didn't upset her but he was being honest and just how he saw it from the outside. "The thing about it is...deep down I think if you asked him to walk away from it...he would." He spoke quietly.
He was basically telling her to suck it up because that's what she signed on for when she agreed to marry Jake. People we're going to get into her head to get into his head and she had to ignore it all. It wasn't what she wanted to hear but she knew it was true. "So it's a good thing I didn't tell Jake what he said?" She asked. Was she supposed to keep all of this bottled up so that Jake could keep a clear head when he went into a fight? It didn't seem fair.

"You've been around him when I'm working? Its like I can't leave to do something that makes me happy because he gets upset. Everything I do has to please Jake. I quit but I'm still working for him. I spend so much time keeping him happy that when I leave its like he can't function on his own." She played with her hair and rubbed her forehead. She took a deep breath and thought it over. "I'm a bad girlfriend." They were supposed to lift each other up and all she could focus on was getting away for a couple days. She wanted to be there for Jake but she couldn't be there as much as he wanted her to be there.

She thought talking would make her feel better but she felt like crap. "I've gotta go." She said softly and left the gym area. She wanted to crawl in bed next to Jake but she wanted to get some fresh air. She didn't know if she was blown things out of porportion or if she didn't think about enough in the past. She looked at the elevator and then she looked at the door that lead to the city. She went to the door and walked out to the street. It was still early enough to go for a run with out having to dodge people. She put her headphones in and and let her feet take control.

She was gone for a long time but when she got back to the hotel she felt somewhat better. She went up to the room and went straight for a shower since she sweated out the shirt she was wearing.
Luke shook his head. "I'm not saying not to tell him. I'm trying to tell you not to worry so much about him. I know it's hard but you can't let it get to you. Like Jake isn't supposed to let comments get to him. You ignore it. You have faith in him and his we won't let him get seriously hurt. He pays me to train him to win, not get his ass kicked."

"Adri that's not what I mean. I think you think he can't function without you. He can. He's done it. I don't think you understand what I mean about how he is when you're gone. He misses you. The guy doesn't want you around because he can't function without you he wants you around because he loves you. He can handle his schedule and Owen just fine. You did a damn good job at being his assistant, that's why he wanted you around for that aspect. But now he just wants his girlfriend to share this experience with him. Because you make him feel like a better person when you are around." He shook his head. "The only thing I don't if he could have handled without you is Owen being sick when he was born. What I meant about how he is when you are working, he gets glimpses of his old self in there. You calm him down. You level him out. And he stays that way when you are around because he legit tries to be better for you. The girls before you he could care less. They were just fuck buddies basically." Yeah Jake was going to kill him. "You are different. You've been different since you walked into my gym."

"He loves that you are happy with your career. He would never hold you back." Jake would kill him if he knew that he was telling her this, "The guy wants nothing more than for you to be happy. Hell he thought about walking away from you when he found out about Owen, not because he didn't love you but because he loved you that much he didn't want to hold you back from your dreams and your career. The reason he didn't is because he loves you and it's you wants standing next to him. He wants to do this with you. All of it. Raise Owen, become champion." He let out a sigh. "You are NOT a bad girlfriend. Hell from the outside you're an awesome girlfriend." He smiled a little.

"You said everything you do has to please Jake. Why? Why do you think that? Adri...all the guy wants is you. And for you to be happy. He wants that more than any stupid championship. You walk on water to him. You already please him and don't even realize it." He stood there not really wanting her to go but to maybe talk it out with him so she did feel better. He also didn't want to overwhelm her.

He shot her a text that they could talk more if she needed and just let it go at that.

Jake heard the shower and turned a bit. He probably should get up but the bed had swallowed him and he was more than comfortable.
Adri had a lot to think about during her run. It was easy to ignore people talking when they were talking about her. It wasn't as easy when they were threatening Jake, especially when she knew that the threat could very much be real. At the same time she had to listen to Luke. She had to trust that he was training Jake to protect himself to the best of his ability. She had to believe that Jake was 100% ready for each and every fight that he entered. He may not win them all but he would try hardest. When it came to other fighters talking about Jake, she had to work on ignoring them and not letting them get into her head.

After her shower, she put on her robe and walked into the bedroom. She curled up next to Jake and wrapped her arm around him. "I'm sorry." She said softly. She was on edge and snappy and he didn't deserve it.

"I let someone get into my head and I shouldn't have. I have to trust in you and Luke." She stroked his side gently because she remembered he was starting to get a bruise there last night. "We are supposed to celebrate your win. Not fight about what comes next. I love you Jake." She said softly and kissed his cheek.

"Have you spoke to your father? What time are you guys leaving?"
Jake watched her and as she talked he slowly was putting together what had happened the night before. "I'm sorry too. Bisping?" His hand moved some of her hair out of her face before caressing her cheek. "What did he say to you Adge?" He spoke softly and kissed her head. Her hand felt nice against his rib. "I thought nothing that anyone said ever got to you. That's my job of the relationship." He teased and pulled her closer to him.

"I love you too Adriana. How do you want to celebrate the win?" He grinned at her. "Maybe after eating with dad we can do something just us?"

"He just texted me. We are leaving in an hour and a half. Why?" His fingers ran over her cheek.
She nodded her to his guess. "He said he wouldn't have a problem snapping your elbow or your neck. I think you can see why it got to me." She shrugged her shoulder, "He sounded so serious when he said it. He caught me off guard. He got me worried about you and your healthy. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to explode at the club and I thought I could handle it but the more I thought about it the more I got worried about you."

She looked up at him and kissed him on the lips. "I'll figure something out. While you two are gone. I have a date with Amy in a few anyways." She got out of the bed and pulled a dress out from the closet. She set it on the bed and went back to find the accessories for tea time.

"Have you taken a pain pill?" She asked and went into the bathroom and started to do her make up. "If you haven't I put some on your night stand and a bottle of water. Take two before you go eat and you'll feel better."
Jake understood why she would worry. And he understood why she didn't say anything because he probably would have blew a gasket. He didn't say anything but kissed her back. His eyes watched her get out of bed.

He rolled over and took the pain pills and took a few drinks of water. He got up and walked into the bathroom. His shoulder leaned against the door frame as he watched Adri apply her make up. A smile formed. "You are beautiful."

After moving over to her, he turned her around to look at him. "Adriana, I love you. I understand why you kept Owen being sick from me and also Bisping being an asshat." His arms wrapped around her as he looked in her eyes. "Yes I have a dangerous job, but a fight doesn't happened that I don't think about you and think about what could happen if I got seriously hurt. I don't want to put you through that, so I'm careful. Luke does a good job training me. Baby you are stuck with me okay?" He was thankful his mother wasn't there to add more voices in Adri's head.

He kissed her softly and rested his head against hers. "Let's get our tattoos tonight."
Adri turned with out much resistance and looked into his eyes. "It's nice to hear that." She told him and rubbed his cheek. She nodded her head to being stuck with him. "Okay." She kissed him back and turned her head so his forehead was pressed again her hair and not her face. She smiled and nodded her head, "Okay. Find a place and we can go get tattoos. What else are you getting done?"

While he spoke, she continued to put on her face. She went for a simple and classic look, a cat eye with a bold red lip. When she was finished with make up, she ran a flat iron through her hair to tame any fly aways and then she pinned it up to get a French bun. She was going for a Breakfast at Tiffany's look but if it was set in present day.

She walked into the bedroom and put on some underwear before putting on the dress and shoes. She put on a simple pearl necklace and diamond stud earrings, they were both fake but they didn't look fake. She slid her hands into some white wrist length gloves and smiled at Jake. "Do I look ready for tea?" She kissed his forehead and put on a big black hat to finish the outfit and she was ready to go.
Jake went to pick out something to wear to lunch with his dad. "I want to get my saying you like so much on my ribs." He chose a pair of jeans and a plaid shirt over a plain black shirt. He got dressed. "I may need your help picking out the font I want it in though. I'll have to get it on my ribs that don't hurt too."

He looked her over. "You look amazing baby. Very beautiful." He kissed her cheek. "Have baby. Text me when you ladies are done?" Amy was waiting in the lobby for her and Jake pulled out his computer to look at what people were saying about the fight. He had some time to kill before meeting John. There wasn't much negativity about the fight which he liked.

When it was time he met his dad in the lobby and went out to a nice pub for dinner. It was nice to get out with just him and talk about the fight and other things going on. They enjoyed food and a couple drinks. He told him what Bisping told Adri and that she was worried about things. Jake mentioned how he was glad his mom wasn't there cause she would give Adri more to worry about. She was always talking about him being punch drunk and didn't want to deal with that right now on top of everything else.

After lunch the two walked around the city and asked a few people where they recommend to get a good tattoo. Jake wanted the best place in London.
Amy and Adri went to a total tourist trap for tea time. There wasn't the everyday person there but they had their fun. The had little sandwiches and cakes and British tea. It was a fun adult tea party. They even got ettiquite lessons from someone skilled in old world ettitique. When they were finished with tea, they ditched the hats and gloves and walked around to get some shopping done.

They got back to the hotel before Jake and his father. She sent Jake a text letting him know she was home and then went upstairs to change. She put on some jeans and a tshirt which was much more comfortable for getting a tattoo. She called the front desk and booked them a couples massage for the next morning. She knew Jake would enjoy a feminine touch and she definitely enjoyed a more masculine touch when it came to massages.

She did some research on tattoo parlors in London and found a couple places that were good in both script and quality. From the pictures they looked pretty amazing so she felt like that was the best place for them to get there tattoos. She wrote down the address and checked her bank statement to make sure she had money in her account.

She charged her phone up and used her laptop to look for fonts for Jake's tattoo.
Jake got back to the hotel and went up to their room. He saw her and smiled. "Hey baby. How was tea? Run into the queen?" He walked over and kissed her softly. "What you doing?" He sat down next to her rubbing her leg. "I read up about the fights. Everyone said it was a good fight. I'm getting to be a crowd favorite." Jake smiled proudly.

"You didn't want to wear your dress out for our tatts? You nervous at all? You sure you want to do this?" He kissed her cheek.

"Pop says hi by the way. He thinks we need to go see my mother..." He let his tongue run over his teeth before making a face. Jake had no desire in seeing her. He was still pissed and upset about how she kept his father from him and also the way she is always on him about fighting. It wasn't something he thought would be great now with Adri but he did have to tell her that he was getting married.
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