Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

Jake thanked her for the bars and looked at the souvenirs. He was rather quiet though when she showed him everything. Her choice of attire was good for him. He liked it and it would be comfortable like she planned.

He apologized when she moved off of him. "I wouldn't get sick on you Adge..." He said quietly but still went into the bathroom and shut the door. He splashed water on his face and went back out to sit. His routine continued for a few more hours. Watching tape, listening to music, snacking a bit.

An hour before they had to leave he got up and grabbed the clothes he would wear to the arena to get dressed. He threw the jeans and shit on and then checked his back to make sure he had everything he needed. He packed the Pedialyte, protein bars he had left, nuts, and more water. He had been taking in as much water as he could throughout the day. After going through everything three times he made sure he had everything he needed. The nerves started to go away and he was starting to get more pumped up.

He waited for Adri to get ready before calling her mom.
She started to get ready about an hour before he started to pack. She had to do her make up and decide what to do with her hair. She also needed to shower and shave her legs so they were free some any stubble. Her make up was pretty simple with a smokey eye and bright red lips. She left her hair down so she could play with it when she got nervous. Her outfit was cute and perfect for the fight and the after party. It was a designer black blazer with a white t shirt and black leather short shorts. To match Jake she paired the outfit with a red clutch and red pumps.

She picked up her phone and called her mother with Jake. "Hi mom!" Adri smiled and hoped Owen was sleeping.

Maria put her fingers to her lips and walked them into the living room where Richard was snoring with Owen curled up on his chest. Adri smiled and waited for her mom to leave the room. "That is adorable. How is he doing?" She asked and once she answered about Owen Adri wanted to know about her boy, Max.
Jake's eyes looked Adri over. "Hot damn..." He shook his head a bit. "Wow. You are very beautiful." He kissed her cheek.

He smiled when he saw Owen fast asleep on his grandpa. He was glad to know he was doing well, both Owen and Max. Jake thanked them both for helping out so much. It really helped him focus on the fight and know that his boy was in good hands. If her parents weren't so helpful he didn't know what he'd do. Once they hung he looked at Adri. "We're getting them a trip here..." He wanted to repay them for helping out. "My dad and sister got come and see the fight and site see. They get Owen. Not a bad trade...but I want them to be able to come and enjoy themselves too. So we are getting them a trip to London."

He put on his shoes and got up grabbing his bag. His phone started lighting up that everyone was in the lobby ready to go. He did another last check around the room to make sure he had everything before heading down to the lobby with Adri. The nerves started to come back the minute he got to the lobby. Rich and Luke both had bags of the warm up equipment and other things they needed. Jake greeted everyone with a hug and he told his dad and Amy they looked nice. Both dressed up a bit for the fight which Jake thought was cool.

The bus ride to the Area was quiet for Jake and his leg jackhammered the entire drive.
Adri smiled, "I try." She said simply.

Adri was glad Owen was resting when Jake saw him. She hoped that meant he was doing better. She wouldn't be able to talk to her mother until tomorrow to see how he was really doing since texting cost a fortune from this distance. She smiled at Jake's idea, "I think they would love that. They would probably say it's too much though so we would have to buy the tickets, tell them to pack and send them off. I think that's a great idea though." She rubbed his back and checked her teeth to make sure she didn't have any lipstick on them.

When he as ready they were out the door and headed downstairs. Everybody hugged each other hello and then they got on the bus. Adri sat next to Jake with her hand on his knee but she was in the group conversation. When they got to the area Jake, Rich and Luke went one way and Adri, Amy and John went another. They would have to wait a little while for the main fight to begin until then there were smaller fights going on.

A camera came over and filmed Adri, Amy and John most likely for pay per view purposes and they could sell the clip to different networks so they could use it to critique the families outfits.
Jake went back to the locker room with the guys after checking in. He got changed into his shorts and walkout gear. Luke taped up his hands and had them checked for regulation. The whole time he had his headphones on.

The warmed him up a bit and he stretched. They worked on combos and Luke told him the game plan and he was focused and totally in the zone. He sat there getting himself angry and pumped up. He was a man of few words at that time. There were cameras to capture some of the moments for the pay per view.

A few fights before the main fight Luke texted Adri that she could come back if she wanted to. John enjoyed the oher fights and Amy was just a bit nervous for him.
Adri told John and Amy that she was going back and Amy wanted to go but Adri convinced her that it wouldn't be much fun and that she could distract Jake from his mind frame.

She went to the back and said hello to Rich and Luke. Since this fight was a tougher fight she waved at Jake but let him stay in his zone.

She pulled Luke to the side. "Amy says hi." She said rolling her eyes. "How is he doing?" She asked Luke and looked at Jake. She wanted him to be perfect so he won the fight or at least emerged not badly hurt.
John didn't push to go back, letting Jake do his thing. He understood. He was fine with watching the other fights.

Jake saw Adri and waved back. The other guys were getting his gloves on and taped up.

Luke smiled, "Tell her hi..." He looked at Jake. "He's good Adri. He's ready. There's nothing more you could have done or do to prepare for this fight. He just has to get in there and do it." He looked back at her. "Go ahead and go talk to him. I'll kick the boys out."

He walked in, "Come on guys let's give them a minute." Jake hit fists with the rest of the corner crew before they walked out. His eyes went to Adri.
Adri walked over to Jake and sat next to him. "You're going to do great." She said softly and kissed his temple. "No matter what we are proud of you and we love you." She added and stroke his hair. The next time she was able to get this close to him the fight would be over and he could be seriously injured.

She kissed his shoulder and closed her. This was the hardest. He was about to walk out into uncertainty and if he won this fight the next opponent would be even harder. They would keep getting harder until he finally fought and became champion. At least at that point there would be less fights.

What more could she tell him other than she loved him? She sat with him for a bit until Luke came in and told them it was time. At that point she kissed Jake on the lips and told him good luck before going back out to her seat. She said a prayer at her seat and waited for music to start that signaled Jake's entry.
Jake moved his head towards her but just looked down. Her words meant more than could be shown on his face. "Thanks babe." He said at a whisper. It meant everything that they were proud of him. He just hoped that he won to make them that much prouder.

His hands went to her hips when she kissed him to kiss her back. When she wished him luck he gave her a nod in return. Luke started to get into his face and started yelling at him to get him pumped and angry. He stood up and got ready to head out for his fight as he started to bounce around to get loose.

Since he was the challenger he would be announced first. Amy and John started to get nervous when Adri came back out. The announcer announced the main event fight. Jake's song started to play and he waited until Eminem started singing before he emerged from backstage. His hands extended to high five his fans as he made his way to the cage. Amy cheered and John clapped his hands. He stopped at the cage door and took off his shirt, shoes, and pants. He got checked again before Luke put on the Vaseline. He gave the guys hugs before going in the cage and pacing and bouncing around to stay loose and wait for Belfort. His eyes shot over to everyone in the stands.

Belfort's music played and he came out and Luke just tried to distract Jake with orders for the fight. Once both fighters were in the cage they were announced and when they announce Jake he just jumped up to loosen up and put his fist in the air.

The two fighters went to the middle cage to get the rules from the ref. They touched gloves. And then receded to their corners till the bell rang. Jake moved to the middle with his hand raised to touch gloves out of respect to Belfort who returned it. The fight was now on.

Jake kept his distance and moved around. He let Belfort take the first move with a few punches Jake blocked. Then when he returned with punches of his own he got hit a few times. Luke yelled at him, "It's not a boxing match Jake take him down!" Just then Jake tried to shoot on him and it was defended off. Jake kept patient and tried again after a few more punches exchanged by both. He got Belfort against the fence but he was defending him. Jake landed a few punches until Belfort got him with an elbow in the temple instantly cutting him open with blood pouring out. It got bad where Jake couldn't see from the blood in his eye.

Amy winced at the elbow, "Oh gross...look at him bleeding." Kohn's jaw flexed like Jake's did at times, "He could get tired easier losing all that blood. Plus he can't see."
Adri was hoping for a quick fight. They would be in for a minute for and then Jake knocked Belfort out and that was end of the fight. It didn't work out that way. After a minute they were on the fence and Jake had blood gushing out what looked like a small cut on his eyebrow. It was probably really deep which was cause for all of the blood. It made her stomach turn but she couldn't look away. She never could in situations like these.

She was starting to see why Jake thought letting Amy and John into the back before the fight wasn't a good idea. Where Jake liked to be alone before a fight. Adri liked to be alone during the fight. She didn't want anything to take her concentration off of what was happening. She didn't want to miss out on something because she was responding to someone.

"Come on, Jake." She said softly. "Get him on the mat." She said to herself.
Jake kept working to get Belfort down but not being able to see much out of his left eye didn't help anything. Finally he pulled him away from the fence good enough and got him on the mat. The crowd cheered. Luke went a little crazy with excitement, "Good job Jake. Good job. Keep going. Get a patient...tire him out." Jake tried concentrate on what Luke was saying and what was going on. He used his body weight to tire Belfort out and tried to either get a few punches and elbows in or try to get a hold. Belfort was defending the hold pretty well so he got a few good hits on him. The rest of the round went with Belfort on his back defending Jake.

When the bell rang Jake sighed and got up and moved to his corner. Luke jumped up and went into the cage. Jake got some water as Rich worked on his cut. He had blood all over his left size of his face and they cleaned up what they could. "You are doing good man. You just got to be careful when you shoot on him. He could get you again when another elbow or a fist. Keep your head blocked. You have this round...Keep it up..." Jake nodded at Luke. Rich mentioned the Belfort was tired so keep him working, Jake has better cardio.

Then on to round two. Luke looked over at Adri when he made his way back over to his corner. Once the bell rang Jake stayed back again to see if Belfort would move first. He didn't want to rush anything and get clocked. The blood kept rolling down into his eye. Rogan voiced how nasty it looked and that it wasn't a good sign for Jake. Jake ended up getting hit with a few punches. He backed up and wiped his face from the blood. Belfort shot on him but Jake defended it off. Then Jake shot on him and Belfort defended. Jake got a few good punches in then Belfort would. It went back and forth the entire round with not a lot of action from either fighter. It would have been a big toss up on who had the round with points.
She knew it would be a long fight and when the bell rang for the second round, she hoped it would be over fast but no. They seemed to go the entire time taking turns hitting and defending. The bell rang and they had a minute break before the last round. It had never been this close before. She always knew whether he would win or lose within the first ound. At this point it was still up in the air and she didn't get how points worked so she really didn't know who was winning.

While she waited for the next match to start she sat down and put her head in her hands. She rubbed her lips together and really started to pray that he won. He wasn't too injured and she hoped that stayed the same no matter what the outcome was. If he did lose it would be hard to get him out of his own head but with the help of his family she could hopefully pull him out of whatever funk he was in easier.

The announcer struck the bell and Adri stood up and took a deep breath. This was it, this could determine if he won or lose. Her hand was shaking with nerves as she watched the fight begin.
The third round Jake knew he had to step it up or he could easily loose. If he got greedy, he could also loose. Patience. He had to stay patient. He kept moving but hit a few good times. One rocked him pretty good but he kept his distance and then defended what followed. He was smart to get space between them and keep his hands up. Belfort got a few body shots in too. Luke yelled at him to keep his distance. He attempt a few punches that were blocked then shot on Belfort and got him quickly on the mat.

Jake tried to get control or get a few punches in. Belfort did good defending at first, but Jake again used his weight to his advantage. "Jake get control." He heard Rich from the corner and his head kept losing blood all over the mat. Finally Jake got control after hitting Belfort with a couple punches then an elbow. He sat up a bit and started punching a few more times, then another elbow that connected. Luke started yelling, "He's rocked...Keep punching him! Keep punching!" Jake started punching harder and sat up straight and just started connecting every punch he made, before long Belfort stopped defending and was knocked out. The ref called the fight and pushed Jake off of him. Luke got excited as did Rich. Jake stood up cheered a bit making a fist from the adrenaline pumping and actually beating Belfort by knocking him out like he kept saying he'd do to Jake.

Jake didn't get too cocky but it was clear he was happy and excited. The guys came in the cage as the medics checked on Belfort and helped him up after he came back to. Another medic looked at Jake's eye, it would need stitched up. Amy and John clapped for Jake. Jake put on his shirt and waited for the announcer. "Ladies and Gentlemen...Referee Herb Dean put an end to this fight after 3 minutes and 14 seconds into the third round declared the winner by TKO Jake 'The Drifter' Daniels." Herb Dean held Jake's hand up as the crowd cheered, he looked over at Adri and his family.

Jake went over and gave Belfort a hug and told him he had a good fight before going over to Rogan for his interview.
He did it! Adri let out a sigh of relief. Belfort was on the mat being tended too and Jake was okay. He was bouncing in his spot with nothing more than a cut on his eyebrow. She smiled and then laughed a little bit. He did it. She watched him do his interview and before he walked out of the ring, she took John and Amy to the back to wait for Jake.

Unlike previous fights, no one was handing her endorsement paperwork. It was pretty relaxed except for the staff running around to make sure the show ran smoothly. Also unlike previous fights Jake had a couple meet and greets with a couple VIP's. They paid thousands for their VIP packages and had a fifty fifty chance of meeting the person they wanted. It was quite the risk but most of the VIP's were gamblers.

Amy looked around the room excitedly. "It's nicer than I thought it would be." She told Adri and took a seat in the corner chair.

Adri shrugged her shoulder, "He's come up from the gross locker rooms. He hasn't been in one since I've been with him."
Rogan asked him how he felt about the fight and he commented on how good of a fighter Belfort was and that he just had to be patient and apply his training. And he did and it payed off. Jake wasn't cocky or rude. Belfort was a good fighter and a good guy so he didn't see a reason to be an ass. Plus he wanted to keep it classy with his family there.

He got to the back and the medic attended to his eye so he didn't keep bleeding out. They told him that the guaze would take care of it for now but he needed it stitched and the medic there could easily do it for him when he was ready. Jake had no problem seeing the VIP fans but he wanted to see his family first to at least say hi.

He downed some water and used a towel to clean as much blood off as he could without jumping in the shower. It wasn't something he figured his sister or Adri would really want to hug him with a lot of blood. Jake walked in to get his gloves off and tape cut off. He saw everyone. "Hey guys." His dad gave him the rock and he would have hugged the girls but didn't want to with the sweat and blood. Jake smiled at Adri and kissed her. "Did I make you nervous?" He whispered to her before giving her another kiss.

The VIPs came in and Jake talked to them, asking how they liked the fight and got some pictures with them.
Adri smiled when Jake came back. She would have given him a hug but he was dirty and she was in a white shirt. She gave him a kiss on the lips and congratulated him on his victory. She was sure he just bumped up a position on the ranking chart so this win was major in getting him the championship.

"Yes you made me nervous. I feel like I'm still shaking." She said softly.

Amy and Luke spoke to each other in the corner of the room. She congratulated him on helping Jake win the fight and what not. John and Rich talked about he fight and John was able to picked Rich's brain about what could possibly happen next. Adri would give Jake the night to have his moment and celebrate his win and then tomorrow when they called to check on Owen they would see if they needed to come home early or not.

When the VIP's left it was just family until the medic came and stitched up his eyebrow. In ten days he could get the stitches removed or remove them himself.

"The highlight reel for that fight is going to be amazing. You both had really strong points but in the end I think that take down surprised him. You did a really good job Jake. I'm proud of you." She blew him a kiss from her seat and smiled at him.
Jake felt bad that Adri was shaking. His eyes looked down to her hands he grabbed them and pressed his lips to them letting them linger a moment.

He smiled and listened to Adri. "Thanks baby. I can't wait to see it. I got nervous myself. I was afraid Herb was going to call it because of my cut." His head would be hurting the following day if not in a few hours. It was a good thing that his face and body took most of the hits. He'd be sore for a few days but nothing he hadn't dealt with before.

Jake asked one of the arena staff take a picture of everyone. Jake got by his dad and Adri for the photo. In the picture it was evident that John was beaming with pride.

He got in and took a quick shower to wash all the blood off. Jake was starving as he got back in his clothes he arrived in. He walked back out to where everyone was and pulled Ardi to him as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her deeply. "I'm sorry I made you so nervous. You up for partying?"
Adri smiled and nodded her head, "Let's go celebrate your big win." She hugged him and kissed him again.

She went to the mirror and pulled out her brush to fix her hair before they left. She did a little touch up on the make up. She walked over to Jake's bag and unzipped one of the smaller pockets that he didn't use and pulled out a shirt. She went to the bathroom and changed really quick and then went back into the mirror. This shirt had a deep v cut in the front so it was a bit sexier than her other shirt. This shirt was more for clubbing than the one she wore to the fight. She stuffed her old shirt into the small pocket and she was ready to go.

"Ready." She smiled at the group and rubbed her lips together. She laced her fingers with Jake's and smiled at him. "Do you remember the plan?" She asked him and squeezed his hand.
He talked to his family while Adri got ready. He looked her over. "You are so sexy." He kissed her head. He grabbed her hand and headed out with her. The press was worse now after the fight especially with his win. Some fans waited for the fighters.

"Oh baby I know the plan." He kissed her cheek. "Just give me a signal of when..."

Jake stopped and signed a few autographs and took some pictures with others. He didn't want to make his family wait too long but didn't want to snub his fans either.

Then then loaded into the bus and went to the club for the after party. Jake told his dad the driver can take him back if he wanted him to at anytime but was welcome to stay out with them.
Adri understood that Jake had fans that needed to be appeased so when they got outside she walked John and Amy into the bus and they waited for him to join in there.

When he finally arrived the driver took them to the club. As much as John would have loved to party with young folk, he decided to head back to the hotel to get some rest with the promise of celebrating with Jake the next day. The driver would be waiting outside when they were were ready to go.

Adri gave John a hug and kiss goodnight and walked to the front of the bus. She waited for Jake and they walked out together. There was even more press snapping pictures and calling their names. The only way to get away from it was to enter the club. She gave Jake's hand a squeeze and they were lead to a private booth. They were handed menus for drinks and some finger foods and then they were left alone until they were ready to order.

"This place is nice." Adri said and looked over the drink menu. She couldn't really drink anything because she hadn't eaten today so she would probably cap it off at one drink and enjoy the night. "Do you want a pain pill?" She asked over the music.
Jake sat with Adri and put his hand on her leg and looked over the menu. When she asked about the pain meds he debated. "I'll wait. I want to drink a bit so probably should wait." He gave her a kiss.

When the waitress came back she congratulated Jake on his win and she had a thick British accent. "Oh thank you. Can I have a Jack n Coke and just leave the tab open for the whole table." Amy ordered a fruity drink and the boys ordered beer on draft.

Jake also ordered some food cause he was starving. Honestly he wanted a big juicy burger but the food there would be good enough. The waitress kept smiling and almost tried to flirt with Jake.

A few othet fighters came up to their table while they waited for their drinks. They talked about the fight.
"I'll just have the french fries. Or some...uh...chips, sorry." Adri laughed and ordered. "And I will have what Amy is having to drink." She handed her menu back.

When the guys came over to chat, Adri half heartedly listened until one of the fighters actually spoke to her. He had a really thick accent and she had to focus on what he was trying to tell her to understand him. She could listen to him talk forever.

He was charmingly funny and he was kind of cute. It was in the plan to make Jake upset so they could have their alone time.She just figured out how to do it. She was hungry though so she would eat first and let him eat and then she would put her plan into action.
Jake ended up ordering a sandwich and chips. The waitress put the order in. She was quick with the drinks. She also kept Jake's glass full with a drink while he visited with everyone. As soon as one was empty he had a full one on the table without him having to ask for one.

His eyes kept an eye on Adri. He was watching her practically swoon over the fighter with the accent. He shook his head a little bit getting a little annoyed. He let it go though.

It didn't take long for the waitress to bring out their food. She set it down and asked if they needed anything. Jake said he was good and thanked her. She smiled and gave him a wink. He ate as he talked to everyone, he didn't want to be rude but he was hungry. They would understand.
Adri chatted away with Oliver. When her food came she offered some to him and he taught her the proper way to eat chips. He told her not to order ketchup but eat it with vinegar instead which was an interesting difference that Adri did not like. She ended up ordering ketchup and showed him the American way to eat french fries. Even though the ketchup didn't taste the same as it did in America.

It didn't take long for her french fries to be gone with two people eating them. She sipped on her drink and enjoyed time with her boo and some new friends.

"You wanna dance?" Alex asked her and put his hand out to hers.

Jake was still eating and talking. She didn't think it was that big of a deal. "I'm going to go dance, Boo. I'll be back in a dance or two." She told Jake and kissed his cheek. She took the chance to whisper in his ear, "Come get me after a song." She whispered in his ear and kissed his cheek again. She took Alex's hand for the help out of the booth and let it go to walk to the dance floor.
Jake watched them as he ate despite talking to the guys. He let out a sigh a few times. Really right in front of him? Jake was legit getting angry that these guys were practically hitting on his fiance right in front of him.

He gave her a displeased look when she told him she was going to go dance. He didn't say a word just watch them go. After taking a drink he let out a sigh and put his drink down kind of hard and watched them. "Really she's dancing with this dude right in front of me? What the hell does she do when she's in LA or New York." He shook his head.

Alex went out and started dancing pretty close to her. His hand on her hip. It took everything it had in Jake to let her have her dance. After the song he got up. "I can't sit and watch this..." Luke tried to stop him and he put his hand up. Jake walked out to the dance floor. "Mind if I cut in with MY fiance?" He said with attitude almost getting in Alex's face.
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