Is He A Lover or A Fighter {guitarfan2810 & WrittenFantasies}

She rolled her eyes, "I will always cheer for you when you are in the ring." She promised and accepted his kiss on the cheek.

"You don't know that. It could be a sore spot on our finger." She said softly. Then again, he got beat up and beat other people up for a living. He could probably take a couple tattoos at a time. "That would be cool. I love her make up line. You get the tattoo from her and then I can ask her about what she has coming out next. That's a good idea Boo." She smiled.

She smiled bigger when he put on his robe. She frowned however. Hers was wide open and his was closed. She walked over to him and used her present. "Let it swing free." She laughed and pushed his dick to the side so it would swing back to its original position. She sat down to eat and crossed her legs.

"Just wait till I book Paris Fashion Week. Or Milan. Or Tokyo. We will have dinner on patios all over the world!" She smiled at him and started to eat her salad.

"I love you too Jake. There is no one else I would want to be here with or be there for." She gave his hand a squeeze.
That meant a lot to him that she'd always be in his corner.

"Like what? A hang nail?" He teased. His eyes rolled when she mentioned talking to Kat about her make up line. "You would do something like that." He shook his head and smiled.

His eyes looked down and watched her push his dick to the side and looked at her like, 'Seriously?' He shook his head with a sigh. "Really? I get a 'Really?' When I just opened yours. You open mine and play with my dick in a not so nice manner...seriously?" He sat down started to eat as he was starving.

"Well if I keep doing well we could be going all over for fights too. But we could just take vacations too. You can start looking into honeymoon hesitations too. I'm thinking something warm and beachy." Jake always liked the idea of going some place that had the little huts ontop of the water or a cruise could be fun but he wanted time alone with Adri for their honeymoon with not a lot of fans able to bother them.

He smiled at her and kissed her hand before getting quiet. His eyes looked out over the city. "We need to go shopping to get some cool stuff for Owen. I haven't gotten him a single thing awful of a father am I?" He smiled a bit. "Do you miss him?" He asked quietly.
"What did I do that wasn't nice? I just wanted to see it swing. How hang times have you grabbed my boob?"

She slowly nodded her head to taking vacations. "But we can take vacations after fashion weeks and fights." They didn't need to work but she liked to work. "I haven't even thought if the honeymoon." She said softly. "I think you should pick the honeymoon since I picked the wedding venue." She offered.

"You're not an awful father baby." She laughed. "You have been busy and stressed and worried about the fight. You have right to have a scatter brain right now. You worry about the fight and then we will go shopping for Owen." She thought about the little guy fighting a cough and nodded her head. She didn't think she would get emotional at the question but she found herself blinking back a few tears.

"Yeah I miss the little guy. More than I thought I would if I'm being completely honest. I can't wait to hold him and smell that baby smell on him." She smiled at Jake. "Do you want to go for a walk after dinner? I'll throw on a tshirt and jeans and we can just walk around the city."
"That is totally different...grabbing and pushing is different."

"I'm not saying we have to on vacations all the time. Just an option we have is all. I know it's not exactly the best time for vacations so it is nice when work becomes a vacation." He smiled at her and thought that was thoughtful of her to let him pick. "We haven't picked a venue yet...we still have to pick THE castle." He winked at his future wife, his own queen.

Jake had been all over the place that trip between the proposal, work, and site seeing he had been pretty busy. "I knew you'd be all for shopping. Especially for O." He laughed a bit.

He smiled when she mentioned how much she in fact was missing Owen. "I love that baby smell. As long as it's not baby burp up smell...but the normal baby smell. Can we like close that smell up and keep it forever? Why don't they keep that smell?" He laughed a little. "A walk? Seriously? You just had me get undressed for dinner to go for a walk?" He looked at Adri like she was crazy. "Maybe another night babe? I kind of just want to stay in...Is that okay? Maybe we can go tomorrow after I wake up and get some breakfast." Jake's plan for the morning was to sleep in. He needed his rest. Then after that eat a good breakfast then just focus for the fight so a walk could fit in.
"You know what I meant baby boo." She laughed. She was glad he was willing to work with her on the castle. She wouldn't have to fight him for something she really wanted. She only hoped she could find a castle that fit what she had in her mind. She wanted it to look old and feel historic but have a nice and modern sort of feel to it. She definitely wanted huge windows with an awesome view, preferably on the water.

"We have to get Max something too maybe a bear. He tore up his New York bear." She pouted a little bit and shrugged her shoulder. "At least Owen can't ruin his yet."

"Because they get teeth. When the teeth come in everything changes." She laughed. She agreed to postponing the walk. "People will be outside tomorrow." She said softly. "We won't be alone. We can go a different night." She smiled at him and continued to eat. When she finished, she waited for him by kicking her feet up on the rail and listening to the city.

"Do you want to take a bubble bath with me?" She asked him as an alternative.
Jake thought it was kind of cool she wanted a castle wedding. It was different and it was for her for and their big day. They only planned on doing this once so he wouldn't fight her on something like that. He just hoped she could find one in the states because he didn't want to have to fly everyone to a destination wedding. Plus his mother would never do it.

"Didn't you buy him a bear knowing he would tear it up? Max I mean not Owen." He laughed a bit feeling the need to clarify. "We can get him a he can wear it. I bet they make dog shirts, like sweaters. Or maybe a bandana or something to attach to his collar."

"Babe? You think it's the teeth? I thought it was because boys like playing in the dirt and then they get older and puberty hits and they hate the water. It's like they turn into the Wicket Witch of the West and if they hit water they melt." He smiled a bit as he finished up his food before finishing his drink. His eyes followed her legs up her body and let out a sigh.

"Honestly love, a bath sounds fantastic. I could go for a bath." He sat there a moment relaxing before getting up to take care of their dishes and then carried them back into the room. He grabbed some of the water before going to get the bath started as he started to drink the water.
"I got him the bear to cuddle. I thought it would be cute if e had a bear to grow up with but no. He tore the damn thing up." She sighed. She nodded her head, "We could but would he wear it. I'm all for buying clothes but he would just try to get out of them and then tear them up. Maybe we can get him a Queen Elizabeth chew toy, if they have those. Or a chew toy of the crown or something."

She groaned. You would think she would remember that phase o a boys life, growing up with four brothers but god she did not want to be around for those years. "Can't we send him to some fancy boarding school during those years?" She asked. "You are going to want to do it too trust me." She said softly and frowned at thought of the sweet little baby turning into a dirty and hairy teenager. "We are having a girl and that's it." She told him half joking.

She dropped a couple bath bombs into the tub while it filled up and she went to get a glass of wine. She put some water into a wine glass for him and came back into the room. She slicked all of her hair up high on the top of her head so it wouldn't get wet. The bubbles grew as the balls dissolved and soon their bubble was ready. She got in first to test the water and then she moved over to let him get in. She put her head back on the cushion on the edge of the bath and smiled at him. "Perfect baby."
Jake laughed at how upset she was that he tore up his bear. "Well we can get a few things and see what he likes. I'm sure they have plenty of dog things to choose from love."

"You want to send our son away when he starts to smell? That's awful." He said it all while laughing. "I keep you and Max and you guys smell sometimes." He teased her before kissing her head. "I will do my best to have a girl, but what happens if we don't? Or when they too smell?"

Jake smiled when she put his water in a glass. "Aw thanks babe..." He hung his robe up and sat down in the tub with her in the back and leaning against Adri. He set the water down and rubbed her legs as he relaxed closing his eyes and laying his head on her shoulder. "This is nice."
Adri nodded her head, "Yes, yes I do. At least when he enters puberty." She pulled a face, "I don't smell and in the off chance that I do I take a shower. I grew up with four boys do know what it's like being in a room with a boy who hasn't taken a shower in weeks? And then girls come after that and that's the second worst because all they can think about is girls. They get a boner if a girl even looks at them. I don't want to believe Owen will turn into that but he will. One day."

She smiled when he joined her in the tub. She rubbed his chest and kissed his temple, "This is very nice." She agreed and closed her eyes. "I can't wait to get home and see our boys again." She said softly. "It looks like I'm going to have a little time at home since no one is picking me out for NY Fashion Week." She shrugged her shoulder.

"You'll have some time off too. Maybe we can take O and Max to Colorado? Tell your mom the good news. If you're ready that is."
Jake just shook his head and laughed. "You do take a shower if you smell. But I feel like if we make bathtime fun for him from the beginning it will help. I'll not him not shower for weeks I will throw his butt in the pool. And let's not talk about Owen and girls right now...he's way too young for all that. I will deal with it when it happens."

He let out a little sigh as he relaxed. "I'm sorry nothing happened with Fashion Week baby. It will happen and whrn it does I'll be right there supporting you. But I'm excited to have you for a bit."

His hands kepts rubbing her legs. "That honestly sounds nice. Taking a trip with the boys. Mom would love to see Owen. I don't feel like hearing any of her garbage though. I'll leave if she starts in and I'm going to tell her that. I'm still really angry about it all Adri." His mood started to change when he thought about how she kept his father from him. "But I'm not going to turn into her and keep Owrn from her. But she needs to be civil and make an effort." His head turned and kissed her neck. "Wanna wait a couple weeks after the launch party then go?"
She laughed when he didn't want to talk about Owen and girls. "I doubt you will be able to deal with it when it happens but okay." She teased and kissed the back of his head.

"It's still early, I guess but I don't think it's going to happen." She shrugged her shoulder. "There is always next year or next fashion week. It's not big deal I guess." She wanted it badly. Her agent said she had the face for high fashion. She would get it eventually. It was disappointing not to get it sooner though. The exposure of walking in a show like that would boost her credibility as a model in amazing ways. She smiled, "Yeah I am sure you are excited to have me all to yourself. You'll probably try to make me your assistant again." She joked and kissed his neck.

"Yeah, we can wait a little bit and then go." That way if someone did want her for FW, she could go and do that and then come back and go to Colorado. "Can we fly though? Driving that far with a newborn and a puppy seems like a pain in the ass."
"I don't think Mama is gonna like it either. Girls all over your boy?" He shook his head. "At least it's not a daughter. I'd be getting a gun and your brothers and Luke would come over..." He smiled a bit at the thought.

Jake turned and looked in her eyes. He knew how disappointed she was and he felt responsible that she has to wait... "I'm sorry...You will get it. I know it. But I love you no matter what. And it means more than any words could explain that you were here for me and Owen. I love you so much for that..." He kissed her slow and passionately. His tongue slid over hers before giving a few pecks.

He turned back around and got comfortable again taking a drink and resting his head back down. "I kinda wanted to drive...I think it would be fun. But babe...Max is NOT a puppy. He's getting big. How do you think he would do flying? He loves car rides. If we leave late at night driving I think both would sleep most of the trip. All three of you could sleep. We can take Aim too..."

His head turned and started kissing her neck softly before nipping at it.
"I'm sure they would all be over in no time as well." When she brought her first boyfriend home her brothers scared him half to death. As they got older they backed off but bringing any boyfriend home to four brothers isn't easy.

"I'm glad I was there for you." She had a feeling if she wasn't there she would not be wearing a ring on her finger right now. She kissed him and put her hands on his cheeks. "I love you too."

She frowned, "He is a puppy. He is only six or seven months old. He s a huge puppy but he is a puppy." Flying wasn't a good option, she supposed but driving would take so long. They would have to take so many trips to let Max pee and run around. She frowned a bit and rolled her eyes, "I guess." She mumbled because she didn't want to admit he was right. The SUV was big enough for all of them. Max would get the back so he could spread out. Owen and Amy in the middle and Adri in the passenger seat and all three of them could trade places as they drove.

"You are much more relaxed. This bath is doing wonders for you, obviously. We should do this before all of the fights."
Jake had the ring by the time everything happened with Owen so he still would have proposed but maybe not when he did but he would have. He couldn't blame her if she chose work. Owen wasn't hers. And her career could have easily cane first and he really couldn't have been upset. Her happiness meant everything to him regardless of his own.

"I know baby. He's your puppy. I know." He smiled when she kind of agreed to driving. "I'll even offer to do most of the driving. I like driving when I'm not injured." He chuckled a bit.

He kept kissing and nipping her neck. "I can totally add this to the routine babe. But it is very relaxing." He sucked on her neck slightly. "You will be mine again before we go home...multiple times. Hope that's clear." He grinned at her and kissed her neck before resting again.

The nerves were starting to kick in, this fight could make him sick. He let out a sigh.
"It's not about him being my baby. Mentally he is a puppy. He has a lot to learn before he is an adult dog." She more interested in him driving most of the way. That would make it somewhat easier but being trapped in a car with a baby and dog still wasn't appealing. She would do it though because she didn't really have a different option.

"Oh I'm sorry did you want me? I didn't notice." She said sarcastically and gave him a loving kiss on the lips. "I want you tomorrow night after your big win when the testosterone is still flooding through your veins." She smiled at him and kissed him again. "And then I want you again, after the after party. And probably when we wake up the next day. I hope that's clear." She said copying his final words.

She rubbed his chest when he settled down again and put her cheek against the top of his head. She sent out a silent prayer to keep Jake protected while he was in the ring and if he didn't win, she hoped the lose wasn't detrimental to his health.
"Baby, I'm only teasing." He kissed her cheek. "I know he is still technically a puppy. But he will also always be your baby." Jake would make sure the trip was tolerable for her. She wouldn't regret it, he could promise her that, well he hoped, he couldn't help Owen possibly crying, but he had been a pretty good baby.

Jake grinned and gave a nod. "I didn't make it obvious? I guess I need to step it up then." He kissed her back softly. "Why do we have to wait so long from after the fight to the party?" He winked at her. "I think we should find a spot during site seeing to have some fun." He grinned and wiggled his eyes brows at her.

He never remembered a fight he was so nervous for. It was awhile that he just sat there quiet relaxing then he looked down and was getting wrinkly and water was getting cool. "I think I'm ready to get out..." His head turned to get a quick kiss before getting up and grabbed a towel to clean the bubbles off, other than that he just air dried. He walked over to the mirror and just looked at himself a moment. He really hoped he didn't get sick, as it would make him weaker, he needed to food right now but his stomach was in knots. He let out a sigh and headed back to the bedroom after grabbing more water. After laying on his back on the bed he closed his eyes and tried to just focus on everything he trained on.
"Are you serious?" She laughed. "Do you have nay idea what kind of shit storm would brew if we got caught? Unless you got really angry and stormed off to a back room or something and then I came back and calmed you down. Then no one could say anything." She smiled and kissed him softly. "How is that for having some fun?"

She got quiet and rubbed his chest while he thought. She was ready to get out of the tub while he was lost in his own mind but he he looked so cute when he was concentrating that she didn't want to disturb him. She drained the tub and stood up. She dried off and stayed naked for bed. She put a scarf on to protect her hair and got in bed next to him.

He wouldn't be her normal Jake tomorrow. He would be distant and quiet and probably irritable. Another reason why she wasn't fond of his job. She sighed and wrapped her arm around him. "Things are going to be fine." She said softly and kissed his cheek. She turned to her other side to turn off the light and pulled the covers over her body so she could get some sleep.
Jake laughed a bit. "I think it would be kinda funny. We're in love. Getting married. Who cares if we get caught." He kissed her back slowly and softly. "That sounds fun to me." He grinned at her.

He climbed under the covers and looked at her when she spoke up. "Thanks baby." He kissed her head and let her shut the light off. It was a bit he laid there awake thinking of the fight and everything before he finally drifted off to sleep. Jake got a good eight hours of sleep which was more than he figured he'd get. In the middle of the night he had rolled over and cuddled up to Adri. When he did wake up he was in no hurry to get out of bed. He just enjoyed laying in bed a bit watching Adri sleep.

After awhile his bladder had different issues and he got up. He then looked over the breakfast menu and tried to figure out what he wanted to eat. He sat in a chair, still with no clothes on, not really caring as he decided on a breakfast sandwich with fruit and yogurt. He wanted a good smoothie too. He would wait to order the food after he found out what Adri wanted and he would call to check on Owen too. It started to get a bit cold so he put underwear on and grabbed his ipod to get in his zone.
"I care. I definitely care." She was happy he liked her idea. That way they could still have their fun in public but in a private area. Tomorrow would be an interesting night. She hoped he did win so they could try it out. He was his sexiest, to her, when he was pumped with testosterone and almost primal. He was like an animal. It was fun to poke the beast sometimes.

Adri slept peacefully through the night and into the morning. She got up a couple hours after Jake did. She found her robe and slid it on leaving it untied and then went to find him. He had his headphones in so she knew he was getting in the mind frame for fighting. She walked up behind him and kissed his neck. "Good morning. How did you sleep?" She asked and ruffled his hair. She opened the curtains to let the light in.

She scratched the top of her head and turned to face Jake. She wasn't very hungry so she would probably skip breakfast for the day. "What color are you wearing in the ring?" She asked curiously. She normally matched what he wore in the ring
Jake was happy when she found him sexy. He didn't know she found him the sexiest though when he was all pumped for his fight though. He was slowly starting the process to get there.

When she kissed him he pulled an earbud out. "Morning love." He gave her a nod. "Pretty well when I finally fell asleep." His stomach was starting to knot up but he needed to try to eat. He needed his energy. "I'm getting hungry do you want anything?" After he got his answer he ordered the food he asked for a few other things to be brought up to snack on if wanted throughout the day.

"Black and red with some white on it. It's black with my name in Red." He shrugged. "Sorry I didn't get to choose the colors." His hand ran through his hair to let it down after she ruffled it. "Are you going to come back before the fight?" He looked at her and his eyes squinted to the light but it was nice. "Baby you don't have to stay in today. If you wanna go out go for it. I'm just gonna stay and get ready." He gave her a small smile.
"Is your name across the butt or down the thigh?" She asked giggling. She went to her closet to find something black or red. She pulled out an outfit and put it on the chair. "You are so lucky I love red shoes or I would have had to go out and shop." She teased. She wanted to be light heart to help with the tension and make him feel good.

"I might come back and give you a kiss before you get in the ring. I was going to come back after the fight but do you want your sister and dad back there?" She asked and took a seat in his lap. She rubbed his cheek and smiled at him. "Whatever happens I am proud of you." She said softly and kissed his forehead.

"I did see a cute little shop across the street. I might check it out for a little bit. See if we can find some british tea. You know what would be really amazing? Going to China and getting real chinese tea and getting an authentic tea set. Then we could have tea parties at home. Well, when we have a daughter, we could have tea parties at home."
"Thigh..." He sighed and rolled his eyes but smiled a bit. "You are awful. Are you going to watch the fight or my ass the whole time?" He laughed a bit. "I'm lucky you decided to be honest and not lie and say you didn't have anything to have to go out to shop. You'd do anything to find an excuse to shop. But I love you anyway." He smiled and looked down.

He gave a nod to her coming back to give him a kiss. He'd like that, a lot. "They can come back after. I'd rather not before. It will just get in my head. After, if I'm not too out of it...yeah they can come back." His arms wrapped around hers as he looked in her eyes. The minute her lips pressed against his head he closed his eyes. She no idea how much he needed that. "Thank you baby." He said softly.

"You should go check it out." He smiled at the comment of having tea parties with their daughter. "I'm going to have to do that...I'd be the sucker sitting there with a hat and sipping 'tea.' Just to see my baby girl happy." His head rested against her. After a bit the food arrived and he patted her leg to let him up, even though he didn't want her to get up. He got it and came back to the table and set it down to start eating. "You can resume your spot on your throne your highness." After a few bites he looked at her. "I was waiting till you were up to call your mom. I figured you'd want to see Owen too since you miss him."
She frowned, "Boo!" She laughed. "Depends on if your back is facing me or not."she winked at him and laughed again. She nodded her head, "I could have but I don't want to leave you alone too long." She agreed to keeping them out of the back until after the fight.

She laughed and nodded her head, "Wearing a hat? Ha! You're going to be in pigtails and you're going to love it." She kissed his cheek and let him up to get food. She went to put on a pair of jeans and a bra and tshirt. She grabbed a jacket and her purse and took it up front. "I will get back on my throne when I get back." She told him and took a strawberry from his fruit salad.

She paused at calling her mom and checked her watch. "They are probably sleeping babe. Last time we called in the morning they were trying to get Owen to bed. I don't want to wake them up if they just got him down or they just went to sleep themselves." She kissed his lips. "We will call before we head out to the fight okay? Do you want anything from the store? I'm going to get your Pedialyte stuff from the front desk as well."

She slipped her feet into a pair of comfortable walking shoes and put on a beanie and big sunglasses. "How do I look? Would you recognize me on the street?" She pulled her glasses down to the tip of her nose and wiggled her eyebrows. "I'm trying to blend in. I think this disguise will work."
Jake shook his head to pigtails. "No way woman. I draw the line there." He laughed a bit. When he saw he get dressed he sighed, he would rather she not have clothes on but if she was going to the store, she kinda needed it.

"Your throne will be here." He kissed her. "Okay we can wait babe. I don't want to bother them but just curious how our boys are doing." He thought it over if he needed anything from the store. "If you come across a fitness place with protein bars grab some but only if you find a place. Don't go off far looking." He ate a few bites. "Thanks baby."

He laughed a bit. "Yeah. I'd recognize you anywhere...but that's just me. I think you'll be fine." Once she left he ate the rest of his breakfast. He watched some fight tape on his tablet and even relaxed on the couch a bit with his headphones back in. The more time that pasted the more pumped up he was getting and the more nervous he was getting. He could beat Belfort, he just had to focus and use what he learned.

As he sat there while Adri was gone, he realized she never said what he should wear to the arena. He'd have to have her do that when she returned. Amy and his dad texted him to see how he was doing and to tell him to relax a bit and that he'd do great. He got up a few times to get sick but nothing happened. This fight was really getting to him.
She was glad he wanted to wait to call. She would have hated to call and have Owen in a coughing fit. It would only stress Jake out even more and that was the last thing he needed right now. She wondered how he would take the news after the fight. She hoped he understood she did it for a good reason. She wasn't keeping it from him just to keep it from him.

"Protein bars and don't go too far to find them. Got it." She walked out of the hotel and across the street to the little store. She did a little walking around since she wasn't able to take a walk with Jake the pervious night. She found him some protein bars and got him a couple of each different flavor. She found a couple cute knick knacks and got some souvenirs for her brothers and parents, even Jake's mom. When she came back into the room she had a couple bags full of stuff. She gave Jake the protein bars and Pedialyte. Then she went through the other bags and showed him the souvenirs she got for their massive family.

She also got some gummy bears and magazines to waste time with today.When Jake reminded her to pick him out an outfit, she dug through his suitcase to find a pair of dark jeans and a dark plain long sleeve shirt. It was Affliction but it wasn't overly obvious unless you saw the tag or the emblem on the edge of the shirt. She wanted him to be comfortable and she knew he liked his affliction shirts so that was a good way to go. She got undressed and put her disguise away. She put her robe on and took her seat on the throne again. She flipped through a magazine while he listened to his music.

Her throne wasn't much fun to sit in though. He kept bouncing his leg and every so often his upper body would heave like he was sick. She wasn't even going to give him the chance to think about throwing up on her so she moved off of his lap and onto the couch.
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